21 resultados para Physical-activity Behavior


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland recently hosted a seminar on physical activity. The seminar presentations were: Ms Teresa Lavin, IPH - Physical activity and the built environment in Ireland Prof James Sallis, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and Director of Active Living Research - Translating evidence from physical activity research into practice.


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This summary report follows on from the publication of the Northern Ireland physical activity strategy in 1996 and the subsequent publication of the strategy action plan in 1998. Within this strategy action plan a recommendation was made for the health sector, that research should be carried out to evaluate and compare the cost of investing in physical activity programmes against the cost of treating preventable illness. To help in the development of this key area, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's Economics Branch agreed to develop a model that would seek to establish the extent of avoidable deaths from physical inactivity and, as a consequence, the avoidable economic and healthcare costs for Northern Ireland.


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A Five Year Physical Activity Strategy and Action Plan


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Link to NISRA website


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The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland Click here to download PDF 3.1mb Consumer Leaflet PDF 932kb Fact Sheet for Adults PDF 667kb Fact Sheet for Parents and Guardians PDF 574kb Foldout Executive Summary PDF 699kb


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This booklet is the second in a series of short guides aimed at promoting health in the workplace. It outlines to employers the benefits of promoting physical activity at work, how workplaces can be active places through simple activities and changes, what information and facilities can benefit employees,


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This poster promotes the message that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day has substantial health benefits, and highlights the fact that you don’t have to do 30 minutes all in one go.


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This briefing paper describes social and economic inequalities associated with two of the key determinants of obesity - diet and physical activity. The paper also explores possible explanations for these inequalities.


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This briefing has been written in conjunction with the Local Government Association (LGA). It is aimed at those who work in or represent local authorities. It addresses the issue of taking action to create environments where people are more likely to walk or cycle for short journeys. It summarises the importance of action on obesity and a specific focus on active travel, and outlines the regulatory and policy approaches that can be taken.


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This Key Finding reports on data from the second wave of interviews with Growing Up in Ireland's Child Cohort. The 8,568 children and their families were first interviewed when the children were 9 years old, and then at age 13 years, when 7,400 were reinterviewed between August 2011 and February 2012.The findings show that boys and young people from more socially advantaged backgrounds were more likely to exercise, and that 13-year-olds who took more exercise (whether hard or light exercise) were less likely to be overweight or obese.While most of the young people in Growing Up in Ireland maintained a healthy weight over time, one in four was either overweight or obese, a finding similar to that at 9 years. Girls were also more likely to be classified as overweight or obese than boys. The majority of 13-year-olds were quite positive about their physical appearance, although a quarter rated themselves as below average in this respect, and girls tended to be less positive about their body image than boys. Dieting behaviours had also become evident at 13.To understand more fully the origins and course of overweight and obesity, the descriptive data in this Key Finding can be used in more complex analyses drawing on the rich data available on the child, family and other important contextual variables.This resource was contributed by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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‘Everybody active, every day’ is a national, evidence-based approach to support all sectors to embed physical activity into the fabric of daily life and make it an easy, cost-effective and ‘normal’ choice in every community in England.PHE has co-produced the framework with over 1,000 national and local leaders in physical activity and is calling for action from providers and commissioners in: health, social care, transportation, planning, education, sport and leisure, culture, the voluntary and community sector, as well as public and private employers.To make active lifestyles a reality for all, the framework’s 4 areas for action will:change the social ‘norm’ to make physical activity the expectationdevelop expertise and leadership within professionals and volunteerscreate environments to support active livesidentify and up-scale successful programmes nationwide‘Everybody active, every day’ is part of the cross-government ‘Moving More, Living More’ campaign for a more active nation as part of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games legacy.


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The goal of this Report is to review all the relevant research in order to generate a comprehensive series of recommendations on food, nutrition, and physical activity, designed to reduce the risk of cancer and suitable for all societies. This process is also the basis for a continuous review of the evidence.


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Physical activity is beneficial for healthy ageing. It may also help maintain good cognitive function in older age. Aerobic activity improves cardiovascular fitness, but it is not known whether this sort of fitness is necessary for improved cognitive function.��Eleven studies of aerobic physical activity programmes for healthy people over the age of 55 years have been included in this review. Eight of these 11 studies reported that aerobic exercise interventions resulted in increased fitness of the trained group and an improvement in at least one aspect of cognitive function. The largest effects were on cognitive speed, auditory and visual attention. However, the cognitive functions which improved were not the same in each study and the majority of comparisons yielded no significant results.��The data are insufficient to show that the improvements in cognitive function which can be attributed to physical exercise are due to improvements in cardiovascular fitness.


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This research brief examines the links between maintaining recommended levels of physical activity and positive effects on mental health and brain functioning as well as the public policy strategies in place to promote physical activity in the older population. It is based on three CARDI-funded projects:- Physical activity and core depressive symptoms in the older Irish adult population, led by Karen Morgan at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.- Using aerobic exercise to promote brain plasticity, conducted by Richard Carson at Queen’s University, Belfast.- Leading dance for older people, led by Sylvia O’Sullivan at the University of Limerick.


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This document sets out the role of physical activity, not just in terms of its known health benefits (prevention of obesity), but also its wider social contribution. Physical activity is a cross cutting agenda and needs to involve a variety of organisations working in partnership with the health sector.