25 resultados para tasapuolinen pääsy

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Objectives and Methods: Self-report studies have shown an association between music performance anxiety (MPA) and hyperventilation complaints. However, hyperventilation was never assessed physiologically in MPA. This study investigated the self-reported affective experience, self-reported physiological symptoms, and cardiorespiratory variables including partial pressure of end-tidal CO(2) (Petco(2)), which is an indicator for hyperventilation, in 67 music students before a private and a public performance. The response coherence between these response domains was also investigated.ResultsFrom the private to the public session, the intensity of all self-report variables increased (all p values < .001). As predicted, the higher the musician's usual MPA level, the larger were these increases (p values < .10). With the exception of Petco(2), the main cardiorespiratory variables also increased from the private to the public session (p values < .05). These increases were not modulated by the usual MPA level (p values > .10). Petco(2) showed a unique response pattern reflected by an MPA-by-session interaction (p < .01): it increased from the private to the public session for musicians with low MPA levels and decreased for musicians with high MPA levels. Self-reported physiological symptoms were related to the self-reported affective experience (p values < .05) rather than to physiological measures (p values > .17).ConclusionsThese findings show for the first time how respiration is stimulated before a public performance in music students with different MPA levels. The hypothesis of a hyperventilation tendency in high-performance-anxious musicians is supported. The response coherence between physiological symptoms and physiological activation is weak.


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En clinique infantile, la singularité des réactions émotionnelles d'un enfant passe parfois inaperçue. Reconnaître le tempérament d'un enfant est pourtant une étape souvent utile à la construction d'une alliance thérapeutique avec la famille. Le modèle en neuf traits de Thomas et Chess et l'épigenèse probabiliste de Gottlieb nous semblent offrir des repères utiles au clinicien. Il est alors possible, dans un second temps, d'aborder les problématiques personnelles des parents qui desservent leur ajustement aux besoins spécifiques de l'enfant.


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La migraine de l'enfant est paradoxale à plus d'un titre : lors des crises, la douleur est sévère, les enfants sont souvent livides, « cadavériques », incapables de bouger, ils sont obligés de s'allonger dans la pénombre, vomissent parfois massivement, voient, sentent, entendent des « choses bizarres » - correspondant aux auras ; mais ils se réveillent en pleine forme après avoir dormi quelques heures... et tous les examens sont normaux. Alors que 5 à 10 % des enfants sont migraineux, le diagnostic n'est posé que pour une petite partie d'entre eux. La migraine est pourtant la première cause de céphalées intenses récurrentes chez l'enfant, la plupart des professionnels cherchant vainement une cause, et évoquant « les yeux, une gastro, les sinus ou bien une origine psy... ». Cet ouvrage a pour double objectif de présenter l'état de la science (épidémiologie, physiopathologie, génétique...) qui s'est largement enrichi ces dix dernières années et d'apporter aux professionnels des outils concrets pour identifier les céphalées et améliorer la prise en charge des enfants et des adolescents migraineux. Les céphalées de tension, les céphalées chroniques, les syndromes épisodiques associés à la migraine sont aussi détaillés. Illustré de nombreuses vignettes cliniques, cet ouvrage précise les critères diagnostiques, les pièges et les idées fausses ; il décrit comment rechercher les facteurs déclenchants et particulièrement ceux d'origine psychosociale, comment utiliser et combiner les traitements médicamenteux et non médicamenteux (notamment les approches psychothérapeutiques et psychocorporelles). Telle est l'ambition de ce livre, destiné à tous les professionnels confrontés à des enfants et des adolescents migraineux, mais également accessible en grande partie aux familles.


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BACKGROUND: While there is interest in measuring the satisfaction of patients discharged from psychiatric hospitals, it might be important to determine whether surveys of psychiatric patients should employ generic or psychiatry-specific instruments. The aim of this study was to compare two psychiatric-specific and one generic questionnaires assessing patients' satisfaction after a hospitalisation in a psychiatric hospital. METHODS: We randomised adult patients discharged from two Swiss psychiatric university hospitals between April and September 2004, to receive one of three instruments: the Saphora-Psy questionnaire, the Perceptions of Care survey questionnaire or the Picker Institute questionnaire for acute care hospitals. In addition to the comparison of response rates, completion time, mean number of missing items and mean ceiling effect, we targeted our comparison on patients and asked them to answer ten evaluation questions about the questionnaire they had just completed. RESULTS: 728 out of 1550 eligible patients (47%) participated in the study. Across questionnaires, response rates were similar (Saphora-Psy: 48.5%, Perceptions of Care: 49.9%, Picker: 43.4%; P = 0.08), average completion time was lowest for the Perceptions of Care questionnaire (minutes: Saphora-Psy: 17.7, Perceptions of Care: 13.7, Picker: 17.5; P = 0.005), the Saphora-Psy questionnaire had the largest mean proportion of missing responses (Saphora-Psy: 7.1%, Perceptions of Care: 2.8%, Picker: 4.0%; P < 0.001) and the Perceptions of Care questionnaire showed the highest ceiling effect (Saphora-Psy: 17.1%, Perceptions of Care: 41.9%, Picker: 36.3%; P < 0.001). There were no differences in the patients' evaluation of the questionnaires. CONCLUSION: Despite differences in the intended target population, content, lay-out and length of questionnaires, none appeared to be obviously better based on our comparison. All three presented advantages and drawbacks and could be used for the satisfaction evaluation of psychiatric inpatients. However, if comparison across medical services or hospitals is desired, using a generic questionnaire might be advantageous.


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BACKGROUND: Depression is highly prevalent in patients with physical illness and is associated with a diminished quality of life and poorer medical outcomes. OBJECTIVE: The authors evaluated whether a multifaceted intervention conducted by a psychiatric consultation-liaison nurse could reduce the incidence of major depression in rheumatology inpatients and diabetes outpatients with a high level of case complexity. METHOD: Of 247 randomized patients, the authors identified 100 patients with a high level of case complexity at baseline and without major depression (65 rheumatology and 35 diabetes patients). Patients were randomized to usual care (N=53) or to a nurse-led intervention (N=47). Main outcomes were the incidence of major depression and severity of depressive symptoms during a 1-year follow-up, based on quarterly assessments with standardized psychiatric interviews. RESULTS: The incidence of major depression was 63% in usual-care patients and 36% in the intervention group. Effects of intervention on depressive symptoms were observed in outpatients with diabetes but not in rheumatology inpatients. CONCLUSION: These preliminary results based on subgroup analysis suggest that a multifaceted nurse-led intervention may prevent the occurrence of major depression in complex medically ill patients and reduce depressive symptoms in diabetes outpatients.


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Ce texte est une prise de position claire face à la pluralité des pratiques psychothérapeutiques : se référant à l'anthropologie clinique, présentée ici selon ses trois visées (pratique, épistémologique et herméneutique), l'auteur rejette les positions extrêmes de l'éclectisme et du dogmatisme liée à la pensée d'école. Chaque thérapeute est invité à se situer dans le champ de la psychothérapie en explicitant sa "philosophie", c'est-à-dire les croyances qui animent ses gestes professionnels.