137 resultados para longitudinal zones
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The main deformation structures due to the Tertiary continental collision in the Western Swiss Alps are ductile shear zones. Four main shear zones can be recognized on the structural map, each characterised by a different shear direction. The first D I shear zone with a X I, SE (transverse) stretching direction has been created during the under-thrusting towards the SE of the European plate under the Adriatic plate. This took place mainly by ductile deformation of the upper part of the European continental basement with the formation of the external massifs basement folds and the Penninic foldnappes. The second D II shear zone (Simplon ductile shear zone) is characterized by a XII stretching, dipping from 0 to 30-degrees to the SW (longitudinal stretching). It is approximately 10 km wide, and crosses the Alpine nappes in an oblique direction. It corresponds to a relative SW transport direction of the upper units together with the Adriatic plate. This dextral transpression zone is also responsible for the stretching parallel to the elongation of the Alpine belt. The third D III shear zone is made of mylonites with a steep stretching direction and corresponds to the hanging wall of the Canavese reverse fault. The D IV shear zones, dextral wrench zones combined with underthrusting movement, are characterised by a W and SW stretching direction. They were formed during and after the S facing backfolding which for instance made the Mischabel fold and the Boggioleto fold. Actually it occupies two narrow areas of more ductile rocks between the Mischabel backfold to the N and the Monte Rosa nappe to the S and allong the Canavese Line. These dextral shear zones represent probably the western continuation of the Tonale Line dextral wrench fault. The D I to IV ductile shear zone were formed under greenschist and amphibolite facies conditions during the Tertiary orogenic metamorphism. Their regional distribution is limited to the metamorphic ductile zone representing the deep part of the Alpine belt, between 10 and 30 km depth. The emplacement and orientation of the shear zones was also directed by the geometry of the boundaries of the European and Adriatic plates. The analysis of the superposed Central Alpine shear zones permits thus to propose a model of the history of the relative convergent and wrench movements which took place between the European and Adriatic plates during the Alpine Tertiary continental collision.
Adiposity, low aerobic fitness and low levels of activity are all associated with clustered cardiovascular disease risk in children and their high prevalence represents a major public health concern. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of objectively measured physical activity (PA) with motor skills (agility and balance), aerobic fitness and %body fat in young children. This study is a cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses using mixed linear models. Longitudinal data were adjusted for baseline outcome parameters. In all, 217 healthy preschool children (age 4-6 years, 48% boys) participated in this study. PA (accelerometers), agility (obstacle course), dynamic balance (balance beam), aerobic fitness (20-m shuttle run) and %body fat (bioelectric impedance) at baseline and 9 months later. PA was positively associated with both motor skills and aerobic fitness at baseline as well as with their longitudinal changes. Specifically, only vigorous, but not total or moderate PA, was related to changes in aerobic fitness. Higher PA was associated with less %body fat at baseline, but not with its change. Conversely, baseline motor skills, aerobic fitness or %body fat were not related to changes in PA. In young children, baseline PA was associated with improvements in motor skills and in aerobic fitness, an important determinant of cardiovascular risk.
A 28-month-old boy was referred for acute onset of abnormal head movements. History revealed an insidious progressive regression in behaviour and communication over several months. Head and shoulder 'spasms' with alteration of consciousness and on one occasion ictal laughter were seen. The electroencephalograph (EEG) showed repeated bursts of brief generalized polyspikes and spike-wave during the 'spasms', followed by flattening, a special pattern which never recurred after treatment. Review of family videos showed a single 'minor' identical seizure 6 months previously. Magnetic resonance imaging was normal. Clonazepam brought immediate cessation of seizures, normalization of the EEG and a parallel spectacular improvement in communication, mood and language. Follow-up over the next 10 months showed a new regression unaccompained by recognized seizures, although numerous seizures were discovered during the videotaped neuropsychological examination, when stereotyped subtle brief paroxysmal changes in posture and behaviour could be studied in slow motion and compared with the 'prototypical' initial ones. The EEG showed predominant rare left-sided fronto-temporal discharges. Clonazepam was changed to carbamazepin with marked improvement in behaviour, language and cognition which has been sustained up to the last control at 51 months. Videotaped home observations allowed the documentation of striking qualitative and quantitative variations in social interaction and play of autistic type in relation to the epileptic activity. We conclude that this child has a special characteristic epileptic syndrome with subtle motor and vegetative symptomatology associated with an insidious catastrophic 'autistic-like' regression which could be overlooked. The methods used to document such fluctuating epileptic behavioural manifestations are discussed.
Purpose: Organ transplantation is a biological and psychological challenge and graft acceptance is an important achievement for patients. Patients' concerns toward the deceased donor and the organ may contribute to this process. Method: Forty-seven patients involved in heart (N=9), liver (N=8), lung (N=14) and kidney (N=16) transplantation participated in IRB-approved longitudinal semi-structured interviews: (T1) registered on the waiting-list, (T2) six months and (T3) twelve months after transplantation. Qualitative pattern analysis (QUAPA) was carried out on the verbatim transcripts and concerns about the donor and the organ were then analysed. Results: - Donor's representation: At T1, patients were reluctant to talk about the donor: 27% expressed culpability and 19% accepted the clause of anonymity. At T2, intense emotions were associated with the reminiscing about the donor and 45% highlighted the generosity of his/her act. In addition, heart, lung and kidney recipients were concerned about the donor's identity: 42% challenged the clause of anonymity. Liver recipients complained about anonymity, but could nevertheless cope with it. At T3, 47% of heart, lung and kidney recipients thought daily of the donor and 33% were still looking for information about him/her. Liver recipients rarely have thoughts about the donor. - Organ representation: At T1, organ descriptions were biomedical (49% of the interviewees) and more rarely, mainly heart candidates, referred to the symbolic meaning of the organ. After transplantation (T2-T3), function was underlined. Acceptance and organ integration were associated with post-operative outcomes (23%) and psychological well-being (45%). Some patients (32%) inferred the donor's personality from the organ quality and felt privileged having received an organ in such a good state. Conclusion: Donor's representations should be explored during the transplantation process as they play an important role in the psychological acceptance of the graft.
Prior research on school dropout has often focused on stable person- and institution-level variables. In this research, we investigate longitudinally perceived stress and optimism as predictors of dropout intentions over a period of four years, and distinguish between stable and temporary predictors of dropout intentions. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of 16e20 year-olds in Switzerland (N ¼ 4312) show that both average levels of stress and optimism as well as annually varying levels of stress and optimism affect dropout intentions. Additionally, results show that optimism buffers the negative impact of annually varying stress (i.e., years with more stress than usual), but not of stable levels of stress (i.e., stress over four years). The implications of the results are discussed according to a dynamic and preventive approach of school dropout.
In the present study, we analyzed 58 samples of the lesser white-toothed shrew group (Crocidura suaveolens) from eastern Europe and Turkey, where, according to previous publications, three different mitochondrial and nuclear lineages are present. We sequenced 799 bp of the nuclear BRCA1 gene and 400 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to: (1) determine a potential contact zone between the lineages; (2) detect hybridizations and introgressions between them; and (3) comment on the level of reproductive isolation of the different lineages. We revealed two zones of hybridization in Turkey, of which the first occurred west of the Bosphorus Straits (three hybrids) and the second in Anatolia (twelve hybrids). In the latter, the nuclear markers revealed a large zone of hybridization, of approximately 600 km. It also revealed that hybrids of first, second, and later generations are present within the populations, and therefore that the reproductive isolation between the different lineages is weak.
Le tabagisme est responsable de plus de 5 million de décès par an à travers le monde. En Suisse (2010), la prévalence de fumeurs chez les 14-19 ans était de 22% et la prévalence d'ex-fumeurs de 3%, taux qui reste relativement stable au fil des dernières années. La plupart des jeunes fumeurs désirant arrêter de fumer rencontrent des difficultés pour y parvenir. Les revues empiriques ont conclu que les programmes ayant pour but l'arrêt du tabagisme chez les jeunes ont une efficacité limitée. Afin de fournir une base solide de connaissances pour les programmes d'interventions contre le tabagisme, les déterminants de l'auto-cessation ont besoin d'être compris. Nous avons systématiquement recherché dans PUBMED et EMBASE des études longitudinales, basées sur la population, portant sur les déterminants de l'auto-cessation chez des adolescents et des jeunes adultes fumeurs. Nous avons passé en revue 4'502 titres et 871 abstracts, tous examinés indépendamment par deux et trois examinateurs, respectivement. Les critères d'inclusion étant : articles publiés entre janvier 1984 et août 2010, concernant les jeunes entre 10 et 29 ans et avoir une définition de cessation de fumer d'au moins 6 mois. Neuf articles ont été retenus pour une analyse détaillée. Les données suivantes ont été extraites de chaque article : le lieu de l'étude, la période étudiée, la durée du suivi, le nombre de collecte de données, la taille de l'échantillon, l'âge ou l'année scolaire des participants, le nombre de participants qui arrêtent de fumer, le status tabagique lors de la première collecte, la définition de cessation, les co-variantes et la méthode analytique. Le nombre d'études qui montrent une association significativement significative entre un déterminant et l'arrêt du tabagisme a été tabulé à partir de toutes les études qui ont évalués ce déterminant. Trois des neufs articles retenus ont défini l'arrêt du tabagisme comme une abstinence de plus de 6 mois et les six autres comme 12 mois d'abstinence. Malgré l'hétérogénéité des méthodes utilisées, cinq facteurs principaux ressortent comme prédicteur de l'arrêt du tabagisme : 1) ne pas avoir d'amis qui fument, 2) ne pas avoir l'intention de continuer de fumer dans le futur, 3) résister à la pression sociale, 4) être âgé de plus de 18 ans lors de la première cigarette, et 5) avoir un avis négatif au sujet du tabagisme. D'autres facteurs sont significatifs mais ne sont évalués que dans peu d'articles. La littérature au sujet des prédicteurs de cessation chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est peu développée. Cependant, nous remarquons que les facteurs que nous avons mis en évidence ne dépendent pas que de l'individu, mais aussi de l'environnement. La prévention du tabagisme peut se centrer sur les bienfaits de l'arrêt (p.ex., par rapport à l'asthme ou les performances sportives) et ainsi motiver les jeunes gens à songer d'arrêter de fumer. Une taxation plus lourde sur le prix des cigarettes peut être envisagée afin de retarder l'âge de la première cigarette. Les publicités anti-tabagiques (non sponsorisées par les entreprises de tabac) peuvent influencer la perception des jeunes par rapport au tabagisme, renforçant ou créant une attitude anti-tabagique. Les prochaines campagnes anti- tabac devraient donc tenir compte de ces différents aspects.
As the evolutionary significance of hybridization is largely dictated by its extent beyond the first generation, we broadly surveyed patterns of introgression across a sympatric zone of two native poplars (Populus balsamifera, Populus deltoides) in Quebec, Canada within which European exotic Populus nigra and its hybrids have been extensively planted since the 1800s. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that appeared fixed within each species were characterized by DNA-sequencing pools of pure individuals. Thirty-five of these diagnostic SNPs were employed in a high-throughput assay that genotyped 635 trees of different age classes, sampled from 15 sites with various degrees of anthropogenic disturbance. The degree of admixture within sampled trees was then assessed through Bayesian clustering of genotypes. Hybrids were present in seven of the populations, with 2.4% of all sampled trees showing spontaneous admixture. Sites with hybrids were significantly more disturbed than pure stands, while hybrids comprised both immature juveniles and trees of reproductive age. All three possible F1s were detected. Advanced-generation hybrids were consistently biased towards P. balsamifera regardless of whether hybridization had occurred with P. deltoides or P. nigra. Gene exchange between P. deltoides and P. nigra was not detected beyond the F1 generation; however, detection of a trihybrid demonstrates that even this apparent reproductive isolation does not necessarily result in an evolutionary dead end. Collectively, results demonstrate the natural fertility of hybrid poplars and suggest that introduced genes could potentially affect the genetic integrity of native trees, similar to that arising from introgression between natives.
BACKGROUND: The debate about a possible relationship between aerobic fitness and motor skills with cognitive development in children has recently re-emerged, because of the decrease in children's aerobic fitness and the concomitant pressure of schools to enhance cognitive performance. As the literature in young children is scarce, we examined the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship of aerobic fitness and motor skills with spatial working memory and attention in preschool children. METHODS: Data from 245 ethnically diverse preschool children (mean age: 5.2 (0.6) years, girls: 49.4%) analyzed at baseline and 9 months later. Assessments included aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run) and motor skills with agility (obstacle course) and dynamic balance (balance beam). Cognitive parameters included spatial working memory (IDS) and attention (KHV-VK). All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, BMI, migration status, parental education, native language and linguistic region. Longitudinal analyses were additionally adjusted for the respective baseline value. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional analysis, aerobic fitness was associated with better attention (r=0.16, p=0.03). A shorter time in the agility test was independently associated with a better performance both in working memory (r=-0.17, p=0.01) and in attention (r=-0.20, p=0.01). In the longitudinal analyses, baseline aerobic fitness was independently related to improvements in attention (r=0.16, p=0.03), while baseline dynamic balance was associated with improvements in working memory (r=0.15, p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: In young children, higher baseline aerobic fitness and motor skills were related to a better spatial working memory and/or attention at baseline, and to some extent also to their future improvements over the following 9 months. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT00674544.
BACKGROUND: Classically, clinical trials are based on the placebo-control design. Our aim was to analyze the placebo effect in Huntington's disease. METHODS: Placebo data were obtained from an international, longitudinal, placebo-controlled trial for Huntington's disease (European Huntington's Disease Initiative Study Group). One-hundred and eighty patients were evaluated using the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale over 36 months. A placebo effect was defined as an improvement of at least 50% over baseline scores in the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale, and clinically relevant when at least 10% of the population met it. RESULTS: Only behavior showed a significant placebo effect, and the proportion of the patients with placebo effect ranged from 16% (first visit) to 41% (last visit). Nondepressed patients with better functional status were most likely to be placebo-responders over time. CONCLUSIONS: In Huntington's disease, behavior seems to be more vulnerable to placebo than overall motor function, cognition, and function
Introduction. There is some cross-sectional evidence that theory of mind ability is associated with social functioning in those with psychosis but the direction of this relationship is unknown. This study investigates the longitudinal association between both theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome in first-episode psychosis. Methods. Fifty-four people with first-episode psychosis were followed up at 6 and 12 months. Random effects regression models were used to estimate the stability of theory of mind over time and the association between baseline theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome. Results. Neither baseline theory of mind ability (regression coefficients: Hinting test 1.07 95% CI 0.74, 2.88; Visual Cartoon test 2.91 95% CI 7.32, 1.51) nor baseline symptoms (regression coefficients: positive symptoms 0.04 95% CI 1.24, 1.16; selected negative symptoms 0.15 95% CI 2.63, 2.32) were associated with social functioning outcome. There was evidence that theory of mind ability was stable over time, (regression coefficients: Hinting test 5.92 95% CI 6.66, 8.92; Visual Cartoon test score 0.13 95% CI 0.17, 0.44). Conclusions. Neither baseline theory of mind ability nor psychotic symptoms are associated with social functioning outcome. Further longitudinal work is needed to understand the origin of social functioning deficits in psychosis.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the evolution of delirium of nursing home (NH) residents and their possible predictors. DESIGN: Post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort assessment. SETTING: Ninety NHs in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Included 14,771 NH residents. MEASUREMENTS: The Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set and the Nursing Home Confusion Assessment Method were used to determine follow-up of subsyndromal or full delirium in NH residents using discrete Markov chain modeling to describe long-term trajectories and multiple logistic regression analyses to determine predictors of the trajectories. RESULTS: We identified four major types of delirium time courses in NH. Increasing severity of cognitive impairment and of depressive symptoms at the initial assessment predicted the different delirium time courses. CONCLUSION: More pronounced cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms at the initial assessment are associated with different subsequent evolutions of delirium. The presence and evolution of delirium in the first year after NH admission predicted the subsequent course of delirium until death.
A male presenting with benign partial epilepsy with rolandic spikes from the age of 7 years was evaluated at age 11 years for worsening of his epilepsy associated with a specific regression of graphomotor skills. A longitudinal study over nearly 2 years showed an improvement in handwriting to an almost normal level under modified antiepileptic therapy. A detailed analysis with a computer-monitored graphics table showed at first a rapid improvement of skills followed by protracted slower progress. We argue that the initial rapid recovery of skills was directly linked to the improvement of his epilepsy. The slower late acquisition of motor programmes that had never been fully established was due to long-standing interference by his epilepsy. The specificity of the deficit within the graphomotor system and its possible neurobiological basis are also discussed. The analytical method and approach used in a single patient might provide an example for other patients in whom epilepsy can interfere in the acquisition, progress, and maintenance of new skills and can be responsible for selective deficits.
ABSTRACT Malaria is a major worldwide public health problem, with transmission occurring throughout Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Over two billion people live in malarious areas of the world and it is estimated that 300-500 million cases and 1.5-2.7 million deaths occur annually. The increase in multi-drug resistant parasites and insecticide-resistant vectors has made the development of malaria vaccine a public health priority. The published genome offers tremendous opportunity for the identification of new antigens that can befast-tracked for vaccine development. We identified potential protein antigens present on the surface of asexual malaria blood stages through bioinformatics and published transcriptome and proteorné analysis. Amongst the proteins identified, we selected those that contain predicted a-helical coiled-coil regions, which are generally short and structurally stable as isolated fragments. Peptides were synthesized and used to immunize mice. Most peptides tested were immunogenic as demonstrated in ELISA assays, and induced antibodies of varying titres. In immunofluorescence assays, anti-sera from immunized mice reacted with native proteins expressed at different intraerythrocytic developmental stages of the parasite's cycle. In parallel in vitro ADCI functional studies, human antibodies affinity purified on some of these peptides inhibited parasite growth in association with monocytes in magnitudes similar to that seen in semiimmune African adults. Siudies using human immune sera taken from different malaria endemic regions, demonstrated that majority of peptides were recognized at high prevalence. 73 peptides were next tested in longitudinal studies in two cohorts separated in space and time in coastal Kenya. In these longitudinal analyses, antibody responses to peptides were sequentially examined in two cohorts of children at risk of clinical malaria in order to characterize the level of peptide recognition by age, and the role of anti-peptide antibodies in protection from clinical malaria. Ten peptides were associated ?with a significantly reduced odds ratio for an episode of clinical malaria in the first cohort of children and two of these peptides (LR146 and ÁS202.11) were associated with a significantly reduced odds ratio in both cohorts. This study has identified proteins PFB0145c and MAL6P1.37 among others as likely targets of protective antibodies. Our findings support further studies to systematically assess immunogenicity of peptides of interest in order to establish clear criteria for optimal design of potential vaccine constructs to be tested in clinical trials. RESUME La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. L'augmentation de la résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides fait du développement d'un vaccin une priorité. Le séquençage complet du génome du parasite offre l'opportunité d'identifier de nouveaux antigènes qui peuvent rapidement mener au développement d'un vaccin. Des protéines antigéniques potentielles présentes à la surface des globules rouges infectés ont été identifiées par bioinformatique et par l'analyse du protéome et du transcriptome. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant des motifs dits "a helical coiled-coil" qui sont généralement courts et structurellement stables. Ces régions ont été obtenues par synthèse peptidique et utilisées pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que les sera produits chez la souris reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées aux différents stades de développement du parasite. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent qué des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides associés à des monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite aussi bien que celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes protégées de différents âges vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans une étude longitudinale avec 2 cohortes de la côte du Kenya. Ces 2 groupes viennent de zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans cette étude, la réponse anticorps contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée dans les 2 cohortes d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une réduction significative des risques de développer un épisode de malaria dans la première cohorte alors qu'un seul (LR146 et AS202.11) l'est dans les 2 cohortes. Cette étude a identifié, parmi d'autres, les protéines PFB0145c et MAL6P1.37 comme pouvant être la cible d'anticorps. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides d'intérêt dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin. Résumé pour un large public La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. La résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides augmente de plus en plus d'où la nécessité de développer un vaccin. Le séquençage complet du génome (ensemble des gènes) de P. falciparum a conduit au développement de nouvelles .études à large échelle dans le domaine des protéines du parasite (protéome) ; dans l'utilisation d'algorithmes, de techniques informatiques et statistiques pour l'analyse de données biologiques (bioinformatique) et dans les technologies de transcription et de profiles d'expression (transcriptome). Nous avons identifié, en utilisant les outils ci-dessus, des nouvelles protéines antigéniques qui sont présentes au stade sanguin de la malaria. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant un motif dit "a-helical coiled-coil" qui sont des domaines impliqués dans un large éventail de fonctions biologiques. Des peptides représentant ces régions structurellement stables ont été synthétisés et utilisés pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que plusieurs sera de souris immunisées avec ces peptides reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées à la surface des globules rouges infectés. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent que des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides en présence de monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite de manière similaire à celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes immunes de différents âges (adultes et enfants) vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans des études épidémiologiques dans 2 villages côtiers du Kenya Ces 2 groupes vivent dans des zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans ces études, la réponse anticorps dirigée contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée en utilisant 467 échantillons sanguins d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria cérébrale. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une protection contre un épisode de malaria dans le premier village alors qu'un seul l'est dans les 2 villages. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides intéressants dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin.