24 resultados para density surface modelling
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
RESUME: Une zone tectonique large et complexe, connue sous le nom de ligne des Centovalli, traverse le secteur des Alpes Centrales compris entre Domodossola et Locarno. Cette région, formée par le Val Vigezzo et la vallée des Centovalli, constitue la terminaison méridionale du dôme Lepontin et représente une portion de la zone des racines des nappes alpines. Elle fait partie dune grande et complexe zone de cisaillement, en partie associée à des phénomènes hydrothermaux dâge alpin (<20 Ma), qui comprend le système tectonique Insubrien et celui du Simplon. Le Val Vigezzo et les Centovalli constituent un vrai carrefour entre les principaux accidents tectoniques des Alpes ainsi qu'une zone de juxtaposition du socle Sudalpin avec la zone des racines de lAustroalpin et du Pennique. Les phases de déformation et les structures géologiques qui peuvent être étudiées s'étalent sur une période comprise entre environ 35 Ma et l'actuel. Létude détaillée de terrain a mis en évidence la présence de nombreuses roches et structures de déformation de type ductile et cassant tels que des mylonites, des cataclasites, des pseudotachylites, des kakirites, des failles minéralisées, des gouges de faille et des plis. Sur le terrain on a pu distinguer au moins quatre générations de plis liés aux différentes phases de déformation. Le nombre et la complexité de ces structures indiquent une histoire très compliquée, selon plusieurs étapes distinctes, parfois liées, voire même superposées. Une partie de ces structures de déformation affectent aussi les dépôts sédimentaires dâge quaternaire, notamment des limons et des sables lacustres. Ces sédiments constituent les restes d'un bassin lacustre attribué à l'époque interglaciaire Riss/Würm (éemien, 67.000-120.000 ans) et ils affleurent dans la partie centrale de la zone étudiée, à l'Est de la plaine de Santa Maria Maggiore. Ces sédiments montrent en leur sein toute une série de structures de déformation tels que des plans de faille inverses, des structures conjuguées de raccourcissement et des véritables plis. Ces failles et ces plis représenteraient les évidences de surface dune déformation probablement active en époque quaternaire. Une autre formation rocheuse a retenu tout notre attention; il s'agit d'un corps de brèches péridotitiques monogéniques qui affleure en discontinuité le long du versant méridional et le long du fond de la vallée Vigezzo sur environ 20 km. Ces brèches se posent indifféremment sur le socle (unités Finero, Orselina) ou sur les sédiments lacustres. Elles sont traversées par des plans de failles qui développent des véritables stries de faille et des gouges de faille; lorientation de ces plans est la même que celle affectant les failles à gouges du socle. La genèse de cette brèche est liée à l'altération et au modelage glacier (rock-glaciers) d'une brèche tectonique originelle qui borde la partie externe du Corps de Finero. Les structures de déformation de cette brèche, pareillement à celles des sédiments lacustres, ont été considérées comme les évidences de surface d'une tectonique quaternaire active dans la région. La dernière phase de déformation cassante qui affecte cette région peut donc être considérée comme active en époque quaternaire. Une vue densemble de la région étudiée nous permet de reconnaître à léchelle régionale une zone de cisaillement complexe orientée E-W, parallèlement à laxe de la vallée Centovalli-Val Vigezzo. Les données de terrain, indiquent que cette zone de cisaillement débute sous conditions ductiles et évolue en plusieurs étapes jusquà des conditions de failles cassantes de surface. La reconstruction de l'évolution géodynamique de la région a permis de définir trois étapes distinctes qui marquent le passage, de ce secteur de socle cristallin, de conditions P-T profondes à des conditions de surface. Dans ce contexte, on a reconnu trois phases principales de déformation à léchelle régionale qui caractérisent ces trois étapes. La phase la plus ancienne est constituée par des mylonites en faciès amphibolite, associées à des mouvements de cisaillement dextre, qui sont ensuite remplacés par des mylonites en faciès schistes verts et des plis rétrovergentes liés au rétrocharriage des nappes alpines. Une deuxième étape est identifiée par le développement dune phase hydrothermale liée à un système de failles extensives et décrochantes dextres à direction principale E-W, NE-SW et NW-SE. Leur caractérisation minéralogique a permis la mise en évidence des phases cristallines de néoformation liées à cet événement constituées par : K-feldspath (microcline), chlorites (Fe+Mg), épidotes, prehnite, zéolites (laumontite), sphène, calcite. Dans ce contexte, pour obtenir une meilleure caractérisation de cet événement hydrothermal on a utilisé des géothermomètres sur chlorites, sensible aussi à la pression et a la a(H2O), qui ont donné des valeurs descendantes comprises entre 450-200°C. Les derniers mouvements sont mis en évidence par le développement dune série de plans majeurs de failles à gouge, qui forment une structure en sigmoïdes dépaisseur kilométrique reconnaissable à léchelle de la vallée et caractérisée par des mouvements transpressifs avec une composante décrochante dextre toujours importante. Cette phase de déformation forme un système conjugué de failles avec direction moyenne E-W qui coupent la zone des racines des nappes alpines, la zone du Canavese et le corps ultramafique de Finero. Ce système se déroule de manière subparallèle à l'axe de la vallée le long de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. Une analyse complète et détaillée des gouges de faille par XRD a montré que la fraction argileuse (<2 µm) de ces gouges contient une partie de néoformation très importante constituée par, des illites, des chlorites et des interstratifiés de type illite/smectite ou chlorite/smectite. Des datations avec méthode K-Ar sur ces illites ont donné des valeurs comprises entre 12 et 4 Ma qui représentent l'âge de cette dernière déformation cassante. L'application de la méthode de la cristallinité de l'illite (C.I.) a permis d'évaluer les conditions thermiques qui caractérisent le déroulement de cette dernière phase tectonique qui se produit sous conditions de température caractéristiques de l'anchizone et de la diagenèse. L'ensemble des structures de déformation qu'on vient de décrire s'insère parfaitement dans le contexte de convergence oblique entre la plaque adriatique et celle européenne qui à produit l'orogène alpin. On peut considérer les structures tectoniques du Val Vigezzo-Centovalli comme l'expression d'une zone majeure de cisaillement "Simplo-Insubrienne". L'empilement structural et les structures tectoniques affleurantes dans la région sont le résultat de l'interaction entre un régime tectonique transpressif et un régime transtensif. Ces deux champs de tension sont antagonistes entre eux mais sont reliés, de toute façon, à une seule phase décrochante dextre principale, due à une convergence oblique entre deux plaques. À l'échelle de l'évolution géodynamique on peut distinguer différentes étapes au cours desquelles les structures de ces deux régimes tectoniques interagissent en manière différente. En accord avec les données géophysiques et les reconstructions paléodynamiques prises dans la littérature on considère que la ligne Rhône-Simplon-Centovalli représente l'évidence de surface de la suture majeure profonde entre la plaque Adriatique et celle Européenne. Les vitesses de soulèvement qui ont été calculées dans cette étude pour cette région des Alpes donnent une valeur moyenne de 0.8 mm/a qui est tout à fait comparable avec les données proposées par la littérature sur cette zone. La zone Val Vigezzo-Centovalli peut être donc considérée comme un carrefour géologique où se croisent différentes phases tectoniques qui représentent les évidences de surface d'une suture profonde majeure entre deux plaques dans un contexte de collision continentale. ABSTRACT: A wide and complex tectonic zone known as Centovalli line, crosses the Central Alps sector between Domodossola and Locarno. This area, formed by the Vigezzo Valley and Centovalli valley, constitutes the southernmost termination of the Lepontin dome and represents a portion of the alpine nappes root zone. It belongs to a large and complex shear-zone, partly associated with hydrothermal phenomena of alpine age (<20 My), which includes the Insubric Line and the Simplon fault zone. Vigezzo Valley and Centovalli constitute a real crossroads between the mains alpines tectonics lines as well as a zone of juxtaposition of the Southalpine basement with the Austroalpin and Pennique root zone. The deformation phases and the geological structures that can be studied between approximately 35 My and the present. The detailed field study showed the presence of many brittle and ductile deformation structures and fault rocks such as mylonites, cataclasites, pseudotachylites, kakirites, mineralized faults, fault gouges and folds. In the field we could distinguish at least four folds generations related to the various deformation phases. The number and the complexity of these structures indicate a very complicated history, comprising several different stages, that sometimes are related and even superimposed. Part of these deformation structures affect also the sedimentary deposits of quaternary age, in particular the silts and sands lake deposit. These sediments constitute the remainders of a lake basin ascribed to the interglacial Riss/Würm (Eemien, 67.000-120.000 years) and outcroping in the central part of the studied area, in the Eastern part of Santa Maria Maggiore plain. These sediments show a whole series of deformation structures such as inverse fault planes, combined shortening structures and true folds. These faults and folds would represent the surface evidence of a probably active tectonic deformation in quaternary time. Another rock formation attracted all our attention. It is a body of monogenic peridotite breccia which outcrops in discontinuity along the southernmost slope and the bottom of the Vigezzo valley on approximately 20 km. This breccia lies indifferently on the basement (Finero and Orselina units) or on the lake sediments. They are crossed by fault planes which developed slikenside and fault gouges whose orientation is the same of the faults gouges in the alpine basement. This breccia results from the weathering and the surface modelling of an original tectonic breccia which borders the external part of Finero peridotite body. This breccia deformation structures, like those of the lake sediments, were regarded as the surface interaction of active quaternary tectonics in the area. So the last brittle deformation phases which affects this area seems to be actives in quaternary time. Theoverall picture of the studied area on a regional scale enables us to point out a complex shear-zone directed E-W, parallel to the axis of the Centovalli and Vigezzo Valley. The field analysis indicates that this shear-zone began under ductile conditions and evolved in several stages to brittle faulting under surface conditions. The analysis of the geodynamic evolution of the area allows to define three different stages which mark the transition of this alpine basement root zone, from deep P-T conditions to P-T surface conditions. In this context on regional scale three principal deformation phases, which characterize these three stages can be distinguished. The oldest phase consisted of the amphibolitie facies mylonites, associated to dextral strikeslip movements. They are then replaced by green-schists facies mylonites and backfolds related to the backthrusting of the alpines nappes. A second episode is caracterized by the development of an hydrothermal phase bound to an extensive fault and dextral strike-slip fault system, with E-W, NW-SE and SE-NW principal directionsThe principal neoformed mineral phases related to this event are: K-feldspar (microcline), chlorites (Fe+Mg), epidotes prehnite, zéolites (laumontite), sphene and calcite. In this context, to obtain a better characterization of this hydrothermal event, we have used an chlorite geothermometer, sensitive also to the pressure and has the a(H2O), which gave downward values ranging between 450-200°C. The last movements are caracterized by the development of important gouge fault plans, which form a sigmoid structure of kilometric thickness which is recognizable at the valley scale, and is characterized by transpressive movements always with a significant dextral strike-slip component. This deformation phase forms a combined faults system with an average E-W direction, which cuts trough the alpine root zone, the Canavese zone and the Finero ultramafic body. This fault system takes place subparallel to the axis of the valley over several tens of kilometers. A complete and detailed XRD analysis of the gouges fault showed that the clay fraction (<2µm) contains a very significant neo-formation of illite, chlorites and mixed layered clays such as illite/smectite or chlorite/smectite. The K-Ar datings of the illite fraction <2µm gave values ranging between 12 and 4 My and the illite fraction <0.2µm gave more recents values until to 2,4-0 My.This values represent the age of this last brittle deformation. The application of the illite crystallinity method (C.I.) allowed evaluating the thermal conditions which characterize this tectonic phase that occured under temperature conditions of the anchizone and diagenesis. The whole set of deformation structures which we just described, perfectly fit the context of oblique convergence between the Adriatic and the European plate that produced the alpine orogen. We can regard the Vigezzo valley and Centovalli tectonic structures as the expression of a major "Simplo-Insubric" shear-zone. Structural stacking and tectonic structures that outcrop in the studied area, are the result of the interaction between a transpressive and a transtensve tectonic phases. These two tension fields are antagonistic but they are also connected, in any event, with only one principal dextral strike-slip movement, caused by an oblique convergence between two plates. On the geodynamic evolution scale we can distinguish various stages during which these two tectonic structures fields interact in various ways. In agreement with the geophysical data and the paleodynamic recostructions taken in the literature we considers that the Rhone-Simplon-Centovalli line are the surface feature of the major collision between the Adriatique and the European plate at depth. The uplift speeds we calculated in this study for this Alpine area give an average value of 0.8 mm/a, which is in good agreement with the data suggested by the literature on this zone. TheVigezzo Valley and Centovalli zone can therefore be regarded as a geological crossroad where various tectonic phases are superimposed. They represent the evidences of a major and deeper suture between two plates in a continental collision context.
Background: Bone health is a concern when treating early stage breast cancer patients with adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. Early detection of patients (pts) at risk of osteoporosis and fractures may be helpful for starting preventive therapies and selecting the most appropriate endocrine therapy schedule. We present statistical models describing the evolution of lumbar and hip bone mineral density (BMD) in pts treated with tamoxifen (T), letrozole (L) and sequences of T and L. Methods: Available dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry exams (DXA) of pts treated in trial BIG 1-98 were retrospectively collected from Swiss centers. Treatment arms: A) T for 5 years, B) L for 5 years, C) 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L and, D) 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T. Pts without DXA were used as a control for detecting selection biases. Patients randomized to arm A were subsequently allowed an unplanned switch from T to L. Allowing for variations between DXA machines and centres, two repeated measures models, using a covariance structure that allow for different times between DXA, were used to estimate changes in hip and lumbar BMD (g/cm2) from trial randomization. Prospectively defined covariates, considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models in an intention to treat analysis, at the time of trial randomization were: age, height, weight, hysterectomy, race, known osteoporosis, tobacco use, prior bone fracture, prior hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bisphosphonate use and previous neo-/adjuvant chemotherapy (ChT). Similarly, the T-scores for lumbar and hip BMD measurements were modeled using a per-protocol approach (allowing for treatment switch in arm A), specifically studying the effect of each therapy upon T-score percentage. Results: A total of 247 out of 546 pts had between 1 and 5 DXA; a total of 576 DXA were collected. Number of DXA measurements per arm were; arm A 133, B 137, C 141 and D 135. The median follow-up time was 5.8 years. Significant factors positively correlated with lumbar and hip BMD in the multivariate analysis were weight, previous HRT use, neo-/adjuvant ChT, hysterectomy and height. Significant negatively correlated factors in the models were osteoporosis, treatment arm (B/C/D vs. A), time since endocrine therapy start, age and smoking (current vs. never).Modeling the T-score percentage, differences from T to L were -4.199% (p = 0.036) and -4.907% (p = 0.025) for the hip and lumbar measurements respectively, before any treatment switch occurred. Conclusions: Our statistical models describe the lumbar and hip BMD evolution for pts treated with L and/or T. The results of both localisations confirm that, contrary to expectation, the sequential schedules do not seem less detrimental for the BMD than L monotherapy. The estimated difference in BMD T-score percent is at least 4% from T to L.
We present the first density model of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) obtained by simultaneously inverting land-based (543) and sea-surface (327) relative gravity data. Modern positioning technology, a 1 x 1 m digital elevation model, and a 15 x 15 m bathymetric model made it possible to obtain a detailed 3-D density model through an iteratively reweighted smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion that explained the land-based gravity data to 0.09 mGal and the sea-surface data to 5 mGal. Our inverse formulation avoids introducing any assumptions about density magnitudes. At 125 m depth from the land surface, the inferred mean density of the island is 2380 kg m(-3), with corresponding 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of 2200 and 2530 kg m-3. This density range covers the rock densities of new and previously published samples of Paleostromboli I, Vancori, Neostromboli and San Bartolo lava flows. High-density anomalies in the central and southern part of the island can be related to two main degassing faults crossing the island (N41 and NM) that are interpreted as preferential regions of dyke intrusions. In addition, two low-density anomalies are found in the northeastern part and in the summit area of the island. These anomalies seem to be geographically related with past paroxysmal explosive phreato-magmatic events that have played important roles in the evolution of Stromboli Island by forming the Scari caldera and the Neostromboli crater, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we present and apply a new three-dimensional model for the prediction of canopy-flow and turbulence dynamics in open-channel flow. The approach uses a dynamic immersed boundary technique that is coupled in a sequentially staggered manner to a large eddy simulation. Two different biomechanical models are developed depending on whether the vegetation is dominated by bending or tensile forces. For bending plants, a model structured on the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation has been developed, whilst for tensile plants, an N-pendula model has been developed. Validation against flume data shows good agreement and demonstrates that for a given stem density, the models are able to simulate the extraction of energy from the mean flow at the stem-scale which leads to the drag discontinuity and associated mixing layer.
Since 1986, several near-vertical seismic reflection profiles have been recorded in Switzerland in order to map the deep geologic structure of the Alps. One objective of this endeavour has been to determine the geometries of the autochthonous basement and of the external crystalline massifs, important elements for understanding the geodynamics of the Alpine orogeny. The PNR-20 seismic line W1, located in the Rawil depression of the western Swiss Alps, provides important information on this subject. It extends northward from the `'Penninic front'' across the Helvetic nappes to the Prealps. The crystalline massifs do not outcrop along this profile. Thus, the interpretation of `'near-basement'' reflections has to be constrained by down-dip projections of surface geology, `'true amplitude'' processing, rock physical property studies and modelling. 3-D seismic modelling has been used to evaluate the seismic response of two alternative down-dip projection models. To constrain the interpretation in the southern part of the profile, `'true amplitude'' processing has provided information on the strength of the reflections. Density and velocity measurements on core samples collected up-dip from the region of the seismic line have been used to evaluate reflection coefficients of typical lithologic boundaries in the region. The cover-basement contact itself is not a source of strong reflections, but strong reflections arise from within the overlaying metasedimentary cover sequence, allowing the geometry of the top of the basement to be determined on the basis of `'near-basement'' reflections. The front of the external crystalline massifs is shown to extend beneath the Prealps, about 6 km north of the expected position. A 2-D model whose seismic response shows reflection patterns very similar to the observed is proposed.
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to fine particles is associated to adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. However, mechanisms by which particles induce health effects remain unclear. According to one of the most investigated hypotheses, particles cause adverse effects through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are very hazardous compounds able to attack directly biological structures, including the DNA strand or the lipid bilayer of the cells. If the defense mechanisms, constituted of antioxidants, are not able to counter ROS, then these compounds will cause in the body a range of oxidation reactions called "oxidative stress". The aim of the present research project was to better understand mechanisms by which exposure to fine particles induces oxidative stress. The first point of this project was to check whether exposure to high levels of fine particles is directly linked to oxidative stress, and whether this oxidative stress is accompanied by the activation of the defense mechanisms (antioxidants). The second point was to study the role played by the particle surface characteristics in the oxidative stress process. For that purpose, a study was conducted in bus depots with the participation of 40 mechanics. First, occupational exposure to particles (PM4) and to other pollutants (NOx, O3) was measured over a two-day period. Then, urine samples of mechanics were collected in order to measure levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) and antioxidants. 8OHdG is a molecule formed by the oxidation of DNA and allowing to assess the oxidative stress status of the mechanics. Finally, particles were collected on filters, and functional groups located on the particle surface were analyzed in the laboratory using a Knudsen flow reactor. This technique allows not only to quantify functional groups on the particle surface, but also to measure the reaction kinetics. Results obtained during the field campaign in bus depots showed that mechanics were exposed to rather low levels of PM4 (20-85 μg/m3) and of pollutants (NOx: 100-1000 ppb; O3: <15 ppb). However, despite this low exposure, urinary levels of the oxidative stress biomarker (8OHdG) increased significantly for non-smoking workers over a two-day period of shift. This oxidative stress was accompanied by an increase of antioxidants, indicating the activation of defense mechanisms. On the other hand, the analysis of functional groups on the particle surface showed important differences, depending on the workplace, the date and the activities of workers. The particle surface contained simultaneously antagonistic functional groups which did not undergo internal reactions (such as acids and bases), and was usually characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions and a low density of acidic sites. Reaction kinetics measured using the Knudsen flow reactor pointed out fast reactions of oxidizable groups and slow reactions of acidic sites. Several exposure parameters were significantly correlated with the increase of the oxidative stress status: the presence of acidic sites, carbonyl functions and oxidizable groups on the particle surface; reaction kinetics of functional groups on the particle surface; particulate iron and copper concentrations; and NOx concentration.
CD4 expression in HIV replication is paradoxical: HIV entry requires high cell-surface CD4 densities, but replication requires CD4 down-modulation. However, is CD4 density in HIV+ patients affected over time? Do changes in CD4 density correlate with disease progression? Here, we examined the role of CD4 density for HIV disease progression by longitudinally quantifying CD4 densities on CD4+ T cells and monocytes of ART-naive HIV+ patients with different disease progression rates. This was a retrospective study. We defined three groups of HIV+ patients by their rate of CD4+ T cell loss, calculated by the time between infection and reaching a CD4 level of 200 cells/microl: fast (<7.5 years), intermediate (7.5-12 years), and slow progressors (>12 years). Mathematical modeling permitted us to determine the maximum CD4+ T cell count after HIV seroconversion (defined as "postseroconversion CD4 count") and longitudinal profiles of CD4 count and density. CD4 densities were quantified on CD4+ T cells and monocytes from these patients and from healthy individuals by flow cytometry. Fast progressors had significantly lower postseroconversion CD4 counts than other progressors. CD4 density on T cells was lower in HIV+ patients than in healthy individuals and decreased more rapidly in fast than in slow progressors. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) did not normalize CD4 density. Thus, postseroconversion CD4 counts define individual HIV disease progression rates that may help to identify patients who might benefit most from early ART. Early discrimination of slow and fast progressors suggests that critical events during primary infection define long-term outcome. A more rapid CD4 density decrease in fast progressors might contribute to progressive functional impairments of the immune response in advanced HIV infection. The lack of an effect of ART on CD4 density implies a persistent dysfunctional immune response by uncontrolled HIV infection.
The infinite slope method is widely used as the geotechnical component of geomorphic and landscape evolution models. Its assumption that shallow landslides are infinitely long (in a downslope direction) is usually considered valid for natural landslides on the basis that they are generally long relative to their depth. However, this is rarely justified, because the critical length/depth (L/H) ratio below which edge effects become important is unknown. We establish this critical L/H ratio by benchmarking infinite slope stability predictions against finite element predictions for a set of synthetic two-dimensional slopes, assuming that the difference between the predictions is due to error in the infinite slope method. We test the infinite slope method for six different L/H ratios to find the critical ratio at which its predictions fall within 5% of those from the finite element method. We repeat these tests for 5000 synthetic slopes with a range of failure plane depths, pore water pressures, friction angles, soil cohesions, soil unit weights and slope angles characteristic of natural slopes. We find that: (1) infinite slope stability predictions are consistently too conservative for small L/H ratios; (2) the predictions always converge to within 5% of the finite element benchmarks by a L/H ratio of 25 (i.e. the infinite slope assumption is reasonable for landslides 25 times longer than they are deep); but (3) they can converge at much lower ratios depending on slope properties, particularly for low cohesion soils. The implication for catchment scale stability models is that the infinite length assumption is reasonable if their grid resolution is coarse (e.g. >25?m). However, it may also be valid even at much finer grid resolutions (e.g. 1?m), because spatial organization in the predicted pore water pressure field reduces the probability of short landslides and minimizes the risk that predicted landslides will have L/H ratios less than 25. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
OBJECTIVE: Surface magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for aortic plaque assessment is limited by the trade-off between penetration depth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For imaging the deep seated aorta, a combined surface and transesophageal MRI (TEMRI) technique was developed 1) to determine the individual contribution of TEMRI and surface coils to the combined signal, 2) to measure the signal improvement of a combined surface and TEMRI over surface MRI, and 3) to assess for reproducibility of plaque dimension analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 24 patients six black blood proton-density/T2-weighted fast-spin echo images were obtained using three surface and one TEMRI coil for SNR measurements. Reproducibility of plaque dimensions (combined surface and TEMRI) was measured in 10 patients. TEMRI contributed 68% of the signal in the aortic arch and descending aorta, whereas the overall signal gain using the combined technique was up to 225%. Plaque volume measurements had an intraclass correlation coefficient of as high as 0.97. CONCLUSION: Plaque volume measurements for the quantification of aortic plaque size are highly reproducible for combined surface and TEMRI. The TEMRI coil contributes considerably to the aortic MR signal. The combined surface and TEMRI approach improves aortic signal significantly as compared to surface coils alone. CONDENSED ABSTRACT: Conventional MRI aortic plaque visualization is limited by the penetration depth of MRI surface coils and may lead to suboptimal image quality with insufficient reproducibility. By combining a transesophageal MRI (TEMRI) with surface MRI coils we enhanced local and overall image SNR for improved image quality and reproducibility.
Vertical electric soundings, 2D resistivity imaging and several logging measurements were performed at Kappelen test site to identify the various geolelectric facies that allowed determining the tabular and horizontal structure of the aquifer. The surface-based geoelectric methods allowed for a reliable characterization of the overall structure and the geometry of the aquifer, while geophysical logging methods allowed for inferring detailed hydrogeophysical characteristics, such as the electrical resistivity, total porosity, global and matrix density and hydraulic conductivity. The synoptic interpretation and integration of this broad and diverse database allows for constraining the key hydrological characteristics and hence forms the basis for the detailed hydraulic modelling of flow and transport process.
Background: Complex wounds pose a major challenge in reconstructive and trauma surgery. Several approaches to increase the healing process have been proposed in the last decades. In this study we study the mechanism of action of the Vacuum Assisted Closure device in diabetic wounds. Methods: Full-thickness wounds were excised in diabetic mice and treated with the VAC device or its isolated components: an occlusive dressing (OD) alone, subathmospheric pressure at 125 mm Hg (Suction), and a polyurethane foam without (Foam) and with (Foamc) downward compression of approximately 125 mm Hg. The last goups were treated with either the complete VAC device (VAC) or with a silicne interface that alows fluid removel (Mepithel-VAC). The effects of the treatment modes on the wound surface were quantified by a two-dimensional immunohistochemical staging system based on vasculature, as defined by blood vessel density (CD31) and cell proliferation (defined by ki67 positivity), 7 days post wounding. Finite element modelling was used to predict wound surface deformation under dressing modes and cross sections of in situ fixed tissues were used to measure actual microstrain. Results: The foam-wound interface of the Vacuum Assisted Closure device causes significant wound stains (60%) causing a deformation of the single cell level leading to a profound upregulation of cell proliferation (4-fold) and angiogenisis (2.2-fold) compared to OD treated wounds. Polyurethane foam exposure itself causes a frather unspecific angiogenic response (Foamc, 2 - fold, Foam, 2.2 - fold) without changes of the cell proliferation rate of the wound bed. Suction alone without a specific interface does not have an effect on meassured parameters, showing similar results to untreated wounds. A perforated silicone interface caused a significant lower microdeforamtion of the wound bed correlating to changes of the wound tissues. Conclusion: The Vacuum Assisted Closure device induce significanttissue growth in diabetic wounds. The wound foam interface under suction causes profound macrodeformation that stimulates tissue growth by angiogenesis and cell proliferation. It needs to be taken in consideration that in the clinical setting different wound types may profit from different elements of this suction device.
The research considers the problem of spatial data classification using machine learning algorithms: probabilistic neural networks (PNN) and support vector machines (SVM). As a benchmark model simple k-nearest neighbor algorithm is considered. PNN is a neural network reformulation of well known nonparametric principles of probability density modeling using kernel density estimator and Bayesian optimal or maximum a posteriori decision rules. PNN is well suited to problems where not only predictions but also quantification of accuracy and integration of prior information are necessary. An important property of PNN is that they can be easily used in decision support systems dealing with problems of automatic classification. Support vector machine is an implementation of the principles of statistical learning theory for the classification tasks. Recently they were successfully applied for different environmental topics: classification of soil types and hydro-geological units, optimization of monitoring networks, susceptibility mapping of natural hazards. In the present paper both simulated and real data case studies (low and high dimensional) are considered. The main attention is paid to the detection and learning of spatial patterns by the algorithms applied.
In this paper we propose an innovative methodology for automated profiling of illicit tablets bytheir surface granularity; a feature previously unexamined for this purpose. We make use of the tinyinconsistencies at the tablet surface, referred to as speckles, to generate a quantitative granularity profileof tablets. Euclidian distance is used as a measurement of (dis)similarity between granularity profiles.The frequency of observed distances is then modelled by kernel density estimation in order to generalizethe observations and to calculate likelihood ratios (LRs). The resulting LRs are used to evaluate thepotential of granularity profiles to differentiate between same-batch and different-batches tablets.Furthermore, we use the LRs as a similarity metric to refine database queries. We are able to derivereliable LRs within a scope that represent the true evidential value of the granularity feature. Thesemetrics are used to refine candidate hit-lists form a database containing physical features of illicittablets. We observe improved or identical ranking of candidate tablets in 87.5% of cases when granularityis considered.
Repeated passaging in conventional cell culture reduces pluripotency and proliferation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We introduce an innovative cell culture method whereby the culture surface is dynamically enlarged during cell proliferation. This approach maintains constantly high cell density while preventing contact inhibition of growth. A highly elastic culture surface was enlarged in steps of 5% over the course of a 20-day culture period to 800% of the initial surface area. Nine weeks of dynamic expansion culture produced 10-fold more MSC compared with conventional culture, with one-third the number of trypsin passages. After 9 weeks, MSC continued to proliferate under dynamic expansion but ceased to grow in conventional culture. Dynamic expansion culture fully retained the multipotent character of MSC, which could be induced to differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic lineages. Development of an undesired fibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype was suppressed. Hence, our novel method can rapidly provide the high number of autologous, multipotent, and nonfibrogenic MSC needed for successful regenerative medicine.
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify surface functional groups on aerosols collected in the field. This technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. In the first part of this work, the reactivity of different probe gases on laboratory-generated aerosols (limonene SOA, Pb(NO3)2, Cd(NO3)2) and diesel reference soot (SRM 2975) has been studied. Five probe gases have been selected for the quantitative determination of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 (for the titration of acidic sites), NH2OH (for carbonyl functions), CF3COOH and HCl (for basic sites of different strength), and O3 (for oxidizable groups). The second part describes a field campaign that has been undertaken in several bus depots in Switzerland, where ambient fine and ultrafine particles were collected on suitable filters and quantitatively investigated using the Knudsen flow reactor. Results point to important differences in the surface reactivity of ambient particles, depending on the sampling site and season. The particle surface appears to be multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also indicate that the surface of ambient particles was characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions (reactivity towards NH2OH probe in the range 0.26-6 formal molecular monolayers) and a low density of acidic sites (reactivity towards N(CH3)3 probe in the range 0.01-0.20 formal molecular monolayer). Kinetic parameters point to fast redox reactions (uptake coefficient ?0>10-3 for O3 probe) and slow acid-base reactions (?0<10-4 for N(CH3)3 probe) on the particle surface. [Authors]