10 resultados para agencies des bundes
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Vereinfach dargestellet, ist eine Agency eine öffentliche Einheit, die bei der Ausübung der ihr zugewiesenen Aufgaben über eine gewisse Autonomie verfügt. Die Bildung von Agencies ist bei den Verwaltungen kein neues Phänomen. Solche Einheiten existieren in der Schweiz und in anderen Ländern seit langer Zeit. Deren Anzahl ist in den Ländern der Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) seit den 1980-er Jahren jedoch stark angewachsen, als Folge eines ausgeprägten Trends hin zu einer Auslagerung von öffentlichen Aufgaben ( Pollitt et al. 2011; OCDE 2002; Pollitt und Bouckaert 2004; Verhoest et al. 2011). Die mit dem Begriff Agency bezeichneten öffentlichen Aufgabenträger unterscheiden sich zum Teil jedoch stark - sowohl in Bezug auf ihre Autonomie wie auch in Bezug auf ihre Rechtsform und ihre Aufgaben, was Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung und der Analyse dieser Organisationen der Ausführung von öffentlichen Aufgaben mit sich bringt
Die Bestrebungen für eine Regierungsreform in der Schweiz lassen sich weit zurückverfolgen, sie führten aber zu keinen weitreichenden Ände-rungen betreffend das Regierungsorgan. Hauptsächliche Folgen waren Verwaltungsreformen. Schrittweise oder inkrementalistische Änderungen sind feststellbar. Sie betreffen die sogenannte Organisationsgewalt, die Bundeskanzlei, die Führungsstäbe, vor allem aber die Staatssekretärinnen und Staatssekre-täre. Die Leitplanken und die Zusatzbotschaft aus dem Jahr 2010 des Bun-desrates für eine Regierungsreform richten sich nach den Ergebnissen des Beitrages nach inkrementalistischen Entwicklungen aus. Mit der Verlängerung der Amtsdauer der Bundespräsidentin oder des Bundes-präsidenten könnte zudem ein neuer Entwicklungspfad begründet wer-den. Dem aktuellen Reformanstoss werden auf Grund der verwendeten Erklärungsansätze erhöhte Chancen zugemessen. Les efforts pour une réforme du gouvernement en Suisse remontent loin, mais ils n'ont pas abouti à des modifications de longue portée concernant l'organe gouvernemental. Les résultats principaux étaient des réformes de l'administration. Des modifications graduelles ou incrémentales sont détectables. Elles concernent le pouvoir d'organisation, la Chancellerie fédérale, les états-majors, mais surtout les secrétaires d'État. Les axes principaux et le message additionnel pour une réforme du gouvernement sont orientés vers les développements incrémentales constatés selon les recherches effectuées. L'allongement de la durée de fonction du président de la Confédération pourrait en plus constituer un nouveau chemin du développement. L'impulsion actuelle pour une réforme a des chances élevées d'aboutir selon les essais d'explication.
Dieses hochwertige Praxishandbuch ermöglicht Personen mit Führungs- und Managementfunktionen in den öffentlichen Verwaltungen des Bundes, der Kantone und der Gemeinden einen raschen Zugang zu allen wichtigen Führungsthemen und enthält praktische Anleitungen zur Bewältigung von Managementproblemen. Über 50 ausgewiesene Fachautoren mit professionellem beruflichen Hintergrund haben die vorliegenden Inhalte entsprechend den heutigen Anforderungen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung erstellt
This dissertation focuses on the practice of regulatory governance, throughout the study of the functioning of formally independent regulatory agencies (IRAs), with special attention to their de facto independence. The research goals are grounded on a "neo-positivist" (or "reconstructed positivist") position (Hawkesworth 1992; Radaelli 2000b; Sabatier 2000). This perspective starts from the ontological assumption that even if subjective perceptions are constitutive elements of political phenomena, a real world exists beyond any social construction and can, however imperfectly, become the object of scientific inquiry. Epistemologically, it follows that hypothetical-deductive theories with explanatory aims can be tested by employing a proper methodology and set of analytical techniques. It is thus possible to make scientific inferences and general conclusions to a certain extent, according to a Bayesian conception of knowledge, in order to update the prior scientific beliefs in the truth of the related hypotheses (Howson 1998), while acknowledging the fact that the conditions of truth are at least partially subjective and historically determined (Foucault 1988; Kuhn 1970). At the same time, a sceptical position is adopted towards the supposed disjunction between facts and values and the possibility of discovering abstract universal laws in social science. It has been observed that the current version of capitalism corresponds to the golden age of regulation, and that since the 1980s no government activity in OECD countries has grown faster than regulatory functions (Jacobs 1999). Following an apparent paradox, the ongoing dynamics of liberalisation, privatisation, decartelisation, internationalisation, and regional integration hardly led to the crumbling of the state, but instead promoted a wave of regulatory growth in the face of new risks and new opportunities (Vogel 1996). Accordingly, a new order of regulatory capitalism is rising, implying a new division of labour between state and society and entailing the expansion and intensification of regulation (Levi-Faur 2005). The previous order, relying on public ownership and public intervention and/or on sectoral self-regulation by private actors, is being replaced by a more formalised, expert-based, open, and independently regulated model of governance. Independent regulation agencies (IRAs), that is, formally independent administrative agencies with regulatory powers that benefit from public authority delegated from political decision makers, represent the main institutional feature of regulatory governance (Gilardi 2008). IRAs constitute a relatively new technology of regulation in western Europe, at least for certain domains, but they are increasingly widespread across countries and sectors. For instance, independent regulators have been set up for regulating very diverse issues, such as general competition, banking and finance, telecommunications, civil aviation, railway services, food safety, the pharmaceutical industry, electricity, environmental protection, and personal data privacy. Two attributes of IRAs deserve a special mention. On the one hand, they are formally separated from democratic institutions and elected politicians, thus raising normative and empirical concerns about their accountability and legitimacy. On the other hand, some hard questions about their role as political actors are still unaddressed, though, together with regulatory competencies, IRAs often accumulate executive, (quasi-)legislative, and adjudicatory functions, as well as about their performance.
Syrian dry areas have been for several millennia a place of interaction between human populations and the environment. If environmental constraints and heterogeneity condition the human occupation and exploitation of resources, socio-political, economic and historical elements play a fundamental role. Since the late 1980s, Syrian dry areas are viewed as suffering a serious water crisis, due to groundwater overdraft. The Syrian administration and international development agencies believe that groundwater overexploitation is also leading to a decline of agricultural activities and to poverty increase. Action is thus required to address these problems.However, the overexploitation diagnosis needs to be reviewed. The overexploitation discourse appears in the context of Syria's opening to international organizations and to the market economy. It echoes the international discourse of "global water crisis". The diagnosis is based on national indicators recycling old Soviet data that has not been updated. In the post-Soviet era, the Syrian national water policy seems to abandon large surface water irrigation projects in favor of a strategy of water use rationalization and groundwater conservation in crisis regions, especially in the district of Salamieh.This groundwater conservation policy has a number of inconsistencies. It is justified for the administration and also probably for international donors, since it responds to an indisputable environmental emergency. However, efforts to conserve water are anecdotal or even counterproductive. The water conservation policy appears a posteriori as an extension of the national policy of food self-sufficiency. The dominant interpretation of overexploitation, and more generally of the water crisis, prevents any controversary approach of the status of resources and of the agricultural system in general and thus destroys any attempt to discuss alternatives with respect to groundwater management, allocation, and their inclusion in development programs.A revisited diagnosis of the situation needs to take into account spatial and temporal dimensions of the groundwater exploitation and to analyze the co-evolution of hydrogeological and agricultural systems. It should highlight the adjustments adopted to cope with environmental and economic variability, changes of water availability and regulatory measures enforcements. These elements play an important role for water availability and for the spatial, temporal, sectoral allocation of water resource. The groundwater exploitation in the last century has obviously had an impact on the environment, but the changes are not necessarily catastrophic.The current groundwater use in central Syria increases the uncertainty by reducing the ability of aquifers to buffer climatic changes. However, the climatic factor is not the only source of uncertainty. The high volatility of commodity prices, fuel, land and water, depending on the market but also on the will (and capacity) of the Syrian State to preserve social peace is a strong source of uncertainty. The research should consider the whole range of possibilities and propose alternatives that take into consideration the risks they imply for the water users, the political will to support or not the local access to water - thus involving a redefinition of the economic and social objectives - and finally the ability of international organizations to reconsider pre-established diagnoses.
BACKGROUND: In the United States, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed 20 Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) to measure the occurrence of hospital adverse events from medico-administrative data coded according to the ninth revision of the international classification of disease (ICD-9-CM). The adaptation of these PSIs to the WHO version of ICD-10 was carried out by an international consortium. METHODS: Two independent teams transcoded ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes proposed by the AHRQ into ICD-10-WHO. Using a Delphi process, experts from six countries evaluated each code independently, stating whether it was "included", "excluded" or "uncertain". During a two-day meeting, the experts then discussed the codes that had not obtained a consensus, and the additional codes proposed. RESULTS: Fifteen PSIs were adapted. Among the 2569 proposed diagnosis codes, 1775 were unanimously adopted straightaway. The 794 remaining codes and 2541 additional codes were discussed. Three documents were prepared: (1) a list of ICD-10-WHO codes for the 15 adapted PSIs; (2) recommendations to the AHRQ for the improvement of the nosological frame and the coding of PSI with ICD-9-CM; (3) recommendations to the WHO to improve ICD-10. CONCLUSIONS: This work allows international comparisons of PSIs among the countries using ICD-10. Nevertheless, these PSIs must still be evaluated further before being broadly used.
Most Central European Capercaillie populations have been declining during the last century. In the Jura Mountains, at the border between Switzerland and France, remaining Capercaillie populations are now isolated and endangered. In this study, land-use and Capercaillie presence data were used to identify key landscape parameters by logistic regression modelling. We found that Capercaillie prefers areas at the highest altitude in the Jura Mountains that are characterised by continous forests and stands with intermediate canopy cover. At the local scale, winter habitat selection revealed a preference for open forests with a sparse canopy cover dominated by spruce and fir. Capercaillie avoided dense undercanopy and understorey, especially when dominated by beech. Population viability and sensitivity analyses underlined the crucial importance of adult female survival, chick survival and breeding success for populations maintenance. Legal bases, scientific knowledge and technical measures are now available to conserve the flagship species Capercaillie within Jura Mountains. Capercaillie-adapted forestry requires a mosaic distribtution of habitat types, with a matrix of open forests where fir is favoured, and understorey kept sparse. Preliminary essays indicate that grouse-adapted forestry costs are similar or even lower than present costs. To increase survival and breeding sucess, one option is to diminish human distrubance by limiting access to Capercailllie breeding and wintering areas. An action plan for the species should avoid more costly and intensive approaches such as the reintroduction of birds from other populations. Capercaillie conservaiton represents a major challenge rising from various and contradictory leisure, tourist and rural development activities. Collaborations with different stakeholders and state agencies for forestry with an effective protection from human distrubance.