263 resultados para abscisic acid (ABA)

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The tips of intact maize (cv. LG 11) roots, maintained vertically, were pretreated with a droplet of buffer solution or a bead of anion exchange resin, both containing [214-C]abscisic acid (ABA). A significant basipetal ABA movement was observed and two metabolites of ABA (possibly phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acid) were found. ABA pretreatment enhanced the gravireaction of 10 mm apical root segments kept both in the dark and in the light. The possibility that ABA could be one of the endogenous growth inhibitors produced or released by the cap cells is discussed.


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The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on the growth of maize roots maintained in the dark is investigated in relation to the root varieties and the root age, the mode of application, the concentration used and the duration of both the treatment and the culture. In all the assays, when ABA produces a significant change in root elongation, it shows an inhibitory effect which is enhanced with increasing ABA concentration. The data strongly support the hypothesis that ABA could be one of the growth inhibitors which are formed in or released from the root cap.


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Natural genetic variation is crucial for adaptability of plants to different environments. Seed dormancy prevents precocious germination in unsuitable conditions and is an adaptation to a major macro-environmental parameter, the seasonal variation in temperature and day length. Here we report the isolation of IBO, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) that governs c. 30% of germination rate variance in an Arabidopsis recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the parental accessions Eilenburg-0 (Eil-0) and Loch Ness-0 (Lc-0). IBO encodes an uncharacterized phosphatase 2C-related protein, but neither the Eil-0 nor the Lc-0 variant, which differ in a single amino acid, have any appreciable phosphatase activity in in vitro assays. However, we found that the amino acid change in the Lc-0 variant of the IBO protein confers reduced germination rate. Moreover, unlike the Eil-0 variant of the protein, the Lc-0 variant can interfere with the activity of the phosphatase 2C ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 1 in vitro. This suggests that the Lc-0 variant possibly interferes with abscisic acid signaling, a notion that is supported by physiological assays. Thus, we isolated an example of a QTL allele with a nonsynonymous amino acid change that might mediate local adaptation of seed germination timing.


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To gain further insight into abscisic acid (ABA) signaling and its role in growth regulation, we have screened for Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants hypersensitive to ABA-mediated root growth inhibition. As a result, we have identified a loss-of-function allele of BREVIS RADIX (BRX) in the Columbia background, named brx-2, which shows enhanced response to ABA-mediated inhibition of root growth. BRX encodes a key regulator of cell proliferation and elongation in the root, which has been implicated in the brassinosteroid (BR) pathway as well as in the regulation of auxin-responsive gene expression. Mutants affected in BR signaling that are not impaired in root growth, such as bes1-D, bzr1-D, and bsu1-D, also showed enhanced sensitivity to ABA-mediated inhibition of root growth. Triple loss-of-function mutants affected in PP2Cs, which act as negative regulators of ABA signaling, showed impaired root growth in the absence of exogenous ABA, indicating that disturbed regulation of ABA sensitivity impairs root growth. In agreement with this result, diminishing ABA sensitivity of brx-2 by crossing it with a 35S:HAB1 ABA-insensitive line allowed significantly higher recovery of root growth after brassinolide treatment. Finally, transcriptomic analysis revealed that ABA treatment negatively affects auxin signaling in wild-type and brx-2 roots and that ABA response is globally altered in brx-2. Taken together, our results reveal an interaction between BRs, auxin, and ABA in the control of root growth and indicate that altered sensitivity to ABA is partly responsible for the brx short-root phenotype.


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Primary roots of intact maize seedlings (cv. LG11) were pretreated when kept vertically (1 or 2 in the dark) with a droplet of buffer solution containing ABA (at different concentrations) applied to the root tip. Then, apical root segments were prepared and placed horizontally in both light and darkness. The downward curvature was measured. In the light, curvature was greater than in darkness and ABA (5×10−5 mol·dm−3) significantly enhanced the curvature in both darkness and light. The amplitude of the increase in the gravireaction was found to be dependent on the ABA concentration and the duration of the pretreatment.


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Quantitative analyses of abscisic acid in the elongating zone of a single maize root (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using negative chemical ion ionization. Data showed that the more abscisic acid, the slower the growth, but a large dispersion of individual values was observed. We assume that abscisic acid is perhaps not correlated only to the growth rate.


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Expression of AtPHO1;H10, a member of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PHO1 gene family, is strongly induced following numerous abiotic and biotic stresses, including wounding, dehydration, cold, salt, and pathogen attack. AtPHO1;H10 expression by wounding was localized to the cells in the close vicinity of the wound site. AtPHO1;H10 expression was increased by application of the jasmonic acid (JA) precursor 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), but not by JA or coronatine. Surprisingly, induction of AtPHO1;H10 by OPDA was dependent on the presence of CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1). The induction of AtPHO1;H10 expression by wounding and dehydration was dependent on COI1 and was comparable in both the wild type and the OPDA reductase 3-deficient (opr3) mutant. In contrast, induction of AtPHO1;H10 expression by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) was independent of the presence of either OPDA or COI1, but was strongly decreased in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi1-1. The involvement of the ABA pathway in regulating AtPHO1;H10 was distinct between wounding and dehydration, with induction of AtPHO1;H10 by wounding being comparable to wild type in the ABA-deficient mutant aba1-3 and abi1-1, whereas a strong reduction in AtPHO1;H10 expression occurred in aba1-3 and abi1-1 following dehydration. Together, these results reveal that OPDA can modulate gene expression via COI1 in a manner distinct from JA, and independently from ABA. Furthermore, the implication of the ABA pathway in coregulating AtPHO1;H10 expression is dependent on the abiotic stress applied, being weak under wounding but strong upon dehydration


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The PHO1 protein is involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the root xylem. Ten genes homologous to AtPHO1 are present in the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn genome. From this gene family, transcript levels of only AtPHO1, AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 were increased by Pi-deficiency. While the up-regulation of AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 by Pi deficiency followed the same rapid kinetics and was dependent on the PHR1 transcription factor, phosphite only strongly suppressed the expression of AtPHO1;H1 and had a minor effect on AtPHO1;H10. Addition of sucrose was found to increase transcript levels of both AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 in Pi-sufficient or Pi-deficient plants, but to suppress AtPHO1:H10 under the same conditions. Treatments of plants with auxin or cytokinin had contrasting effect depending on the gene and on the Pi status of the plants. Thus, while both hormones down-regulated expression of AtPHO1 independently of the plant Pi status, auxin and cytokinin up-regulated AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 expression in Pi-sufficient plants and down-regulated expression in Pi-deficient plants. Treatments with abscisic acid inhibited AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 expression in both Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient plants, but increased AtPHO1;H10 expression under the same conditions. The inhibition of expression by abscisic acid of AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1, and of the Pi-starvation responsive genes AtPHT1;1 and AtIPS1, was dependant on the ABI1 type 2C protein phosphatase. These results reveal that various levels of cross talk between the signal transduction pathways to Pi, sucrose and phytohormones are involved in the regulation of expression of the three AtPHO1 homologues.


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In plants, stomatal opening and closing are driven by ion fluxes that cause changes in guard cell turgor and volume, a process that is in turn regulated by complex environ¬mental and hormonal signals such as light and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). With this study, we present genetic evidence that stomatal movements in response to ABA are influenced by PHOl expression in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. PHOl is a phosphate exporter involved in phosphate loading into the root xylem ves¬sels and, as a result, the phol mutant is characterized by low shoot phosphate lev¬els. In leaves, PHOl was found expressed at higher level in guard cells, and was quickly up-regulated following treatment with ABA. The phol mutant was unaffected in ROS production following ABA treatment, and in stomatal movements in response to different light cues, high extracellular calcium, auxin, and fusicoccin. However, stomatal movements in response to ABA treatment were severely impaired, both in terms of induction of closure and inhibition of opening. Stomatal movements in re¬sponse to hydrogen peroxide and reduced CO2 was altered as well. Micro-grafting a phol shoot scion onto wild-type root stock resulted in plants with normal shoot growth and Pi content, but failed to restore normal stomatal response to ABA treat-ment, showing that the impairment was not a simple pleiotropic consequence of phos¬phate deficiency. PHOl knockdown using RNAi specifically in guard cells of wild-type plants caused a reduced stomatal response to ABA. In agreement, specific expression of PHOl in guard cells of phol plants complemented the mutant guard cell phenotype and re-established ABA sensitivity, although full functional complementation was co- dependent on shoot Pi sufficiency. Down-regulation of PHOl in guard cells did not alter the expression of ABA marker genes, indicating that PHOl does not affect the ABA signal transduction cascade at the transcriptional level. Together, these data reveal an important role for phosphate and PHOl action in the stomatal response to ABA. Résumé L'ouverture et la fermeture des stomates des plantes sont des mouvements contrôlés par des flux d'ions causant des fluctuations de la turgescence des cellules de garde. Ce procédé est en retour régulé par des signaux environnementaux et hormonaux complexes, comme la lumière et l'hormone végétale acide abscissique (ABA). Nous présentons ici des preuves génétiques montrant que les mouvements stomatiques en réponse à l'ABA sont influencés par l'expression de PHOl dans les cellules de garde d'Arabidopsis thaliana. PHOl est un exporteur de phosphate, impliqué dans l'efflux de phosphate des cellules corticales racinaires vers les vaisseaux de xylème. En con¬séquence, le mutant phol est caractérisé par de faibles niveaux de phosphate dans les parties aériennes. Dans les feuilles, PHOl est exprimé préférentiellement dans les cellules de garde, comparé au mésophylle, et est rapidement induit par le traitement à l'ABA. Le mutant phol n'est pas affecté dans la perception de l'ABA, dans la pro¬duction de ROS en réponse à l'ABA, et dans la réponse des stomates aux traitements de lumière, à l'auxine, à la fusiccocine, et la forte concentration extracellulaire de cal¬cium. En revanche, les mouvements de stomates en réponse aux traitements à l'ABA sont fortement affectés, dans l'induction de la fermeture des stomates comme dans l'inhibition de leur ouverture. De plus, les mouvements de stomates en réponse au péroxyde d'hydrogène et à la diminution du CO2 sont aussi compromis. La création de micro-greffes composées d'une partie aérienne phol greffés sur un système racinaire sauvage génère des plantes avec une croissance et une teneur en phosphate normale, mais ne permet pas de restaurer la réponse des stomates à l'ABA, ce qui démontre que le défaut de réponse à l'ABA n'est pas une simple conséquence pléiotropique de la carence en phosphate. La répression par RNAi de l'expression de PHOl dans les stomates de plantes sauvages provoque une réduction de la réponse des stomates à l'ABA, mais n'affecte pas la réponse de gènes marqueurs à l'ABA, ce qui suggère que PHOl n'agit pas au niveau transcriptionnel. Parallèlement, l'expression de PHOl dans les cellules de gardes de mutants phol complémente le phénotype stomatique mutant et rétablit la réponse à l'ABA, bien que la totale complémentation nécessite l'apport normal de phosphate aux parties aériennes. Ensemble, ces résultats révè¬lent l'influence importante de PHOl et du phosphate dans la réponse des stomates à l'ABA.


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Phytochromes phyB and phyA mediate a remarkable developmental switch whereby, early upon seed imbibition, canopy light prevents phyB-dependent germination, whereas later on, it stimulates phyA-dependent germination. Using a seed coat bedding assay where the growth of dissected embryos is monitored under the influence of dissected endosperm, allowing combinatorial use of mutant embryos and endosperm, we show that canopy light specifically inactivates phyB activity in the endosperm to override phyA-dependent signaling in the embryo. This interference involves abscisic acid (ABA) release from the endosperm and distinct spatial activities of phytochrome signaling components. Under the canopy, endospermic ABA opposes phyA signaling through the transcription factor (TF) ABI5, which shares with the TF PIF1 several target genes that negatively regulate germination in the embryo. ABI5 enhances the expression of phytochrome signaling genes PIF1, SOMNUS, GAI, and RGA, but also of ABA and gibberellic acid (GA) metabolic genes. Over time, weaker ABA-dependent responses eventually enable phyA-dependent germination, a distinct type of germination driven solely by embryonic growth.


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Abstract: Plants cannot run away to escape attacking herbivores, but they defend themselves by producing anti-digestive proteins and toxic compounds (for example glucosinolates). The first goal of this thesis was to study changes in gene expression after insect attack using microarrays. The responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to feeding by the specialist Pieris rapae and the generalist Spodoptera liffora is were compared. We found that the transcript profiles after feeding by the two chewing insects were remarkably similar, although the generalist induced a slightly stronger response. The second goal was to evaluate the implication of the four signals jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ET), and abscisic acid (ABA) in the control of insect-regulated gene expression. Using signaling mutants, we observed that JA was the predominant signal and that ABA modulated defense gene expression. In contrast, SA and ET appeared to control slightly gene expression, but only after feeding by S. litforalis. The third goal was to establish whether plant responses are really effective against insects. In accordance with the transcript profile, both insects were affected by the JA-dependent defenses, as they performed better on the JA-insensitive mutant. S. littoralis also performed better on ABA-deficient mutants, providing evidence for the role of ABA in defense against insects. When testing indole or aliphatic glucosinolate deficient mutants, we found that they were also more susceptible to insect feeding, providing some of the first genetic evidence for the defensive role of glucosinolates in planta. Finally, a glutathione-deficient mutant, pad2-1, was also more susceptible to insect feeding and we could attribute this phenotype to a lowered accumulation of the major indole glucosinolate. In this thesis, we provide a comprehensive list of insect-regulated genes, including many transcription factors that constitute interesting candidate genes for the further study of insect-induced expression changes. Understanding how the plant responses to insects are regulated will provide tools for a better management of insect pest in the field. Résumé: Les plantes ne peuvent s'échapper pour fuir les insectes qui les attaquent, mais elles se défendent en produisant des protéines anti-digestives et des composés toxiques (par exemple des glucosinolates). Le premier but de cette thèse était d'étudier les changements de l'expression génétique lors d'attaque par des insectes en utilisant des puces à ADN. Nous avons comparé la réponse d'Arabidopsis thaliana à deux espèces d'insectes avec des habitudes alimentaires différentes : le spécialiste Pieris rapae et le généraliste Spodoptera littoralis. Nous avons trouvé que les profils de transcription après l'attaque par les deux insectes sont remarquablement similaires, bien que le généraliste induise une réponse légèrement plus forte. Le deuxième but était de déterminer l'implication de quatre signaux dans le contrôle de la réponse :l'acide jasmonique (JA), l'acide salicylique (SA), l'éthylène (ET), et l'acide abscissique (ABA). En utilisant de mutants de signalisation, nous avons montré que l'acide jasmonique était le signal prédominant et que l'acide abscissique modulait l'expression génétique. D'autre part, l'acide salicylique et l'éthylène contrôlent à un degré moindre l'expression génétique, mais seulement après l'attaque par S. littoralís. Le troisième but était d'établir si les réponses des plantes sont efficaces contre les insectes. En accord avec le profil de transcription, les deux espèces d'insectes se sont mieux développées sur un mutant insensible au JA, indiquant que les défenses contrôlées par ce signal sont cruciales pour la plante. De plus, les larves de S. littorales se sont mieux développées sur des mutants déficients en ABA, ce qui fournit une preuve du rôle de l'acide abscissique dans la défense contre les insectes. En testant des mutants déficients en glucosinolates de type indole ou aliphatique, nous avons trouvé qu'ils étaient plus sensibles aux insectes, démontrant ainsi le rôle défensif des glucosinolates in planta. Finalement, le mutant déficient en glutathion pad2-1 était aussi plus sensible à l'attaque des insectes, et nous avons pu attribuer ce phénotype à une plus faible augmentation d'un indole glucosinolate dans ce mutant. Dans cette thèse, nous avons mis en évidence un nombre important de gènes contrôlés par les insectes, comprenant de nombreux facteurs de transcription qui constituent des candidats intéressants pour`étudier plus en détail les changements d'expression génétique induits par les insectes. Une meilleure compréhension de la réponse des plantes contre l'attaque des insectes devrait nous permettre de développer de nouvelles stratégies pour mieux gérer les ravageurs des cultures.


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Insect attack triggers changes in transcript level in plants that are mediated predominantly by jasmonic acid (JA). The implication of ethylene (ET), salicylic acid (SA), and other signals in this response is less understood and was monitored with a microarray containing insect- and defense-regulated genes. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants coi1-1, ein2-1, and sid2-1 impaired in JA, ET, and SA signaling pathways were challenged with the specialist small cabbage white (Pieris rapae) and the generalist Egyptian cotton worm (Spodoptera littoralis). JA was shown to be a major signal controlling the upregulation of defense genes in response to either insect but was found to suppress changes in transcript level only in response to P. rapae. Larval growth was affected by the JA-dependent defenses, but S. littoralis gained much more weight on coi1-1 than P. rapae. ET and SA mutants had an altered transcript profile after S. littoralis herbivory but not after P. rapae herbivory. In contrast, both insects yielded similar transcript signatures in the abscisic acid (ABA)-biosynthetic mutants aba2-1 and aba3-1, and ABA controlled transcript levels both negatively and positively in insect-attacked plants. In accordance with the transcript signature, S. littoralis larvae performed better on aba2-1 mutants. This study reveals a new role for ABA in defense against insects in Arabidopsis and identifies some components important for plant resistance to herbivory.


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Treatment of bean cuttings with 4-chlororesorcinol (4-CR), known to increase the number of roots and extend their distribution, prevented the accumulation of free indol-3-yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the hypocotyls within 24 h after cutting preparation. In mung bean there was no change in the distribution (upper half vs. 1 ower half of the hypocotyl) of IAA within the hypocotyl as a result of the treatment. In bean cuttings the treatment with 4-CR prevented the accumulation of IAA in the bottom of the cutting. Oxidation of IAA as a measure of IAA oxidase activity in bean was enhanced appreciably by 4-chlororesorcinol. The level of abscisic acid in mung bean, on the other hand, remained 3-4 fold higher than in the control, yet still about 50% lower than the zero time level. In untreated mung bean cuttings the activity of peroxidase increased after cutting preparation. In contrast, the activity of peroxidase in 4-Cr-treated cuttings was consistently lower. In order to relate to the effect of exogenously applied auxin the level of peroxidase was measured also in indol-3-yl-butyric acid-treated cuttings. The overall peroxidase activity in IBA-treated cuttings was not affected. However, when assaying for the different isozymes the drop in peroxidase activity was most evident in the inducible basic isoperoxidases both in 4-CR and IBA treatments. It appears that the exposure to 4-CR exerts an effect that is similar to that of exogenously applied auxin, affecting the activity of basic peroxidases and enhancing the oxidation of endogenous IAA, thus allowing the organization of the primordia.


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A novel procedure is presented describing the induction of antigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vivo, that uses as immunogen syngeneic Concanavalin A stimulated spleen cells expressing H-2Kd (Kd) molecules photocrosslinked with a photoreactive peptide derivative. The Kd restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 253-260 (YIPSAEKI) was conjugated with photoreactive iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid (IASA) at the NH2-terminus and with 4-azidobenzoic acid (ABA) at the TCR contact residue Lys259 to make IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I. Selective photoactivation of the IASA group allowed specific photoaffinity labeling of cell-associated Kd molecules. Optimal peptide derivative binding to Kd molecules of concanavalin A stimulated spleen cells was obtained upon 4-6 h incubation at 26 degrees C in the presence of human beta 2 microglobulin. Photocrosslinking prevented the rapid dissociation of cell-associated Kd-peptide derivative complexes at 37 degrees C. The photoaffinity labeled cells were injected i.p. into syngeneic recipients. After 10 days, the peritoneal exudate lymphocytes were harvested and in vitro stimulated with peptide derivative pulsed P815 mastocytoma cells. The resulting bulk cultures displayed high cytolytic activity that was specific for IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I and YIPSAEK(ABA)I. In contrast, peritoneal exudate lymphocytes from mice inoculated with concanavalin A blasts that were pulsed, but not photocrosslinked, with IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I expressed only marginal levels of IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I-specific cytolytic activity. This immunization strategy, using neither adjuvants nor potentially hazardous transfected/transformed cells, is safe and should be universally applicable.


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The extraordinary sensitivity of CD8+ T cells to recognize antigen impinges to a large extent on the coreceptor CD8. While several studies have shown that the CD8beta chain endows CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, the molecular basis for this is enigmatic. Here we report that cell-associated CD8alphabeta, but not CD8alphaalpha or soluble CD8alphabeta, substantially increases the avidity of T cell receptor (TCR)-ligand binding. To elucidate how the cytoplasmic and transmembrane portions of CD8beta endow CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, we examined T1.4 T cell hybridomas transfected with various CD8beta constructs. T1.4 hybridomas recognize a photoreactive Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide derivative (PbCS (4-azidobezoic acid [ABA])) in the context of H-2K(d), and permit assessment of TCR-ligand binding by TCR photoaffinity labeling. We find that the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta, mainly due to its palmitoylation, mediates partitioning of CD8 in lipid rafts, where it efficiently associates with p56(lck). In addition, the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta mediates constitutive association of CD8 with TCR/CD3. The resulting TCR-CD8 adducts exhibit high affinity for major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide. Importantly, because CD8alphabeta partitions in rafts, its interaction with TCR/CD3 promotes raft association of TCR/CD3. Engagement of these TCR/CD3-CD8/lck adducts by multimeric MHC-peptide induces activation of p56(lck) in rafts, which in turn phosphorylates CD3 and initiates T cell activation.