15 resultados para Unfolded protein response

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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FGF-2 has been implicated in the cardiac response to hypertrophic stimuli. Angiotensin II (Ang II) contributes to maintain elevated blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and exerts direct trophic effects on cardiac cells. However, the role of FGF-2 in Ang II-induced cardiac hypertrophy has not been established. Therefore, mice deficient in FGF-2 expression were studied using a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. Echocardiographic measurements show the presence of dilated cardiomyopathy in normotensive mice lacking FGF-2. Moreover, hypertensive mice without FGF-2 developed no compensatory cardiac hypertrophy. In wild-type mice, hypertrophy was associated with a stimulation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, the extracellular signal regulated kinase, and the p38 kinase pathways. In contrast, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation was markedly attenuated in FGF-2-deficient mice. In vitro, FGF-2 of fibroblast origin was demonstrated to be essential in the paracrine stimulation of MAPK activation in cardiomyocytes. Indeed, fibroblasts lacking FGF-2 expression have a defective capacity for releasing growth factors to induce hypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes. Therefore, these results identify the cardiac fibroblast population as a primary integrator of hypertrophic stimuli in the heart, and suggest that FGF-2 is a crucial mediator of cardiac hypertrophy via autocrine/paracrine actions on cardiac cells.


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β-Arrestin2 (ARRB2) is a component of the G-protein-coupled receptor complex and is involved in μ-opioid and dopamine D(2) receptor signaling, two central processes in methadone signal transduction. We analyzed 238 patients in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and identified a haplotype block (rs34230287, rs3786047, rs1045280 and rs2036657) spanning almost the entire ARRB2 locus. Although none of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) leads to a change in amino-acid sequence, we found that for all the SNPs analyzed, with exception of rs34230287, homozygosity for the variant allele confers a nonresponding phenotype (n=73; rs1045280C and rs2036657G: OR=3.1, 95% CI=1.5-6.3, P=0.004; rs3786047A: OR=2.5, 95% CI=1.2-5.1, P=0.02) also illustrated by a 12-fold shorter period of negative urine screening (P=0.01). The ARRB2 genotype may thus contribute to the interindividual variability in the response to MMT and help to predict response to treatment.


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Abstract : Invariant natural killer T lymphocytes (iNKT) are a unique subpopulation of T lymphocytes recognizing glycolipid antigens in the context of the MHC class I-like molecule CD1d. Upon activation with the high affinity ligand α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), iNKT cells rapidly produce large amounts of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and potently activate cells of the innate and adaptive immune response, such as dendritic cells (DCs), NK and T cells. In this context, iNKT cells have been shown to efficiently mediate antitumor activity, and recent research has focused on the manipulation of these cells for antitumor therapies. However, a major drawback of αGalCer as a free drug is that a single injection of this ligand leads to a short-lived iNKT cell activation followed by a long-term anergy, limiting its therapeutic use. In contrast, we demonstrate here that when αGalCer is loaded on a recombinant soluble CD1d molecule (αGalCer/sCD1d), repeated injections lead to a sustained iNKT and NK cell activation associated with IFN-γ secretion as well as with DC maturation. Most importantly, when the αGalCer/sCD1d is fused to an anti-HER2 scFv antibody fragment, potent inhibition of experimental lung metastasis and established subcutaneous tumors is obtained when systemic treatment is started two to seven days after the injection of HER2-expressing B16 melanoma cells, whereas at this time free αGalCer has no effect. The antitumor activity of the sCD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein is associated with HER2-specific tumor localization and accumulation of iNKT, NK and T cells at the tumor site. Importantly, active T cell immunization combined with the sCD1d-anti-HER2 treatment leads to the accumulation of antigen-specific CD8 T cells exclusively in HER2-expressing tumors, resulting in potent tumor inhibition. In conclusion, sustained activation and tumor targeting of iNKT cells by recombinant αGalCer/sCD1d molecules thus may promote a combined innate and adaptive immune response at the tumor site that may prove to be effective in cancer immunotherapy. RESUME : Les lymphocytes «invariant Natural Killer T » (iNKT) forment une sous-population particulière de lymphocytes T reconnaissant des antigènes glycolipidiques présentés sur la molécule non-polymorphique CD1d, analogue aux protéines du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I. Après activation avec le ligand de haute affinité α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), les cellules iNKT produisent des grandes quantités de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire interferon gamma (IFN-γ) et activent les cellules du système immunitaire inné et acquis, telles que les cellules dendritiques (DC), NK et T. En conséquence, on a montré que les cellules iNKT exercent des activités anti-tumorales et la recherche s'est intéressée à la manipulation de ces cellules pour développer des thérapies anti-tumorales. Néanmoins, le désavantage majeur de l'αGalCer, injecté seul, est qu'une seule dose de ce ligand aboutit à une activation des cellules iNKT de courte durée suivie par un état anergique prolongé, limitant l'utilisation thérapeutique de ce glycolipide. En revanche, l'étude présentée ici démontre que, si l'αGalCer est chargé sur des molécules récombinantes soluble CD1d (αGalCer/sCDld), des injections répétées aboutissent à une activation prolongée des cellules iNKT et NK associée avec la sécrétion d'IFN-γ et la maturation des cellules DC. Plus important, si on fusionne la molécule αGalCer/sCD1d avec un fragment single-chain (scFv) de l'anticorps anti-HER2, on observe une importante inhibition de métastases expérimentales aux poumons et de tumeurs sous-cutanées même lorsque le traitement systémique est commencé 2 à 7 jours après la greffe des cellules de mélanome B16 transfectées avec l'antigène HER2. Dans les mêmes conditions le traitement avec l'αGalCer seul est inefficace. L'activité anti-tumorale de la protéine sCDld-anti-HER2 est associée à son accumulation spécifique dans des tumeurs exprimant le HER2 ainsi qu'avec une accumulation des cellules iNKT, NK et T à la tumeur. De plus, une immunisation active combinée avec le traitement sCD1d-anti-HER2 aboutit à une accumulation des lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques de l'antigène d'immunisation, ceci exclusivement dans des tumeurs qui expriment l'antigène HER2. Cette combinaison résulte dans une activité anti-tumeur accrue. En conclusion, l'activation prolongée des cellules iNKT redirigées à la tumeur par des molécules recombinantes αGalCer/sCDld conduit à l'activation de la réponse innée et adaptative au site tumoral, offrant une nouvelle stratégie prometteuse d'immunothérapie contre le cancer. RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC : Le cancer est une cause majeure de décès dans le monde. Sur un total de 58 millions de décès enregistrés au niveau mondial en 2005, 7,6 millions (soit 13%) étaient dus au cancer. Les principaux traitements de nombreux cancers sont la chirurgie, en association avec la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. Néanmoins, ces traitements nuisent aussi aux cellules normales de notre corps et parfois, ils ne suffisent pas pour éliminer définitivement une tumeur. L'immunothérapie est l'une des nouvelles approches pour la lutte contre le cancer et elle vise à exploiter la spécificité du système immunitaire qui peut distinguer des cellules normales et tumorales. Une cellule exprimant un marqueur tumoral (antigène) peut être reconnue par le système immunitaire humoral (anticorps) et/ou cellulaire, induisant une réponse spécifique contre la tumeur. L'immunothérapie peut s'appuyer alors sur la perfusion d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, par exemple les anticorps dirigés contre les protéines oncogéniques Her-2/neu dans le cancer du sein. Ces anticorps ont le grand avantage de spécifiquement se localiser à la tumeur et d'induire la lyse ou d'inhiber la prolifération des cellules tumorales exprimant l'antigène. Aujourd'hui, six anticorps monoclonaux non-conjugés sont approuvés en clinique. Cependant l'efficacité de ces anticorps contre des tumeurs solides reste limitée et les traitements sont souvent combinés avec de la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie spécifique peut également être cellulaire et exploiter par immunisation active le développement de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques (CTL) capables de détruire spécifiquement les cellules malignes. De telles «vaccinations »sont actuellement testées en clinique, mais jusqu'à présent elles n'ont pas abouti aux résultats satisfaisants. Pour obtenir une réponse lymphocytaire T cytotoxique antitumorale, la cellule T doit reconnaître un antigène associé à la tumeur, présenté sous forme de peptide dans un complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I (CHM I). Cependant les cellules tumorales sont peu efficace dans la présentation d'antigène, car souvent elles se caractérisent par une diminution ou une absence d'expression des molécules d'histocompatibilité de classe I, et expriment peu ou pas de molécules d'adhésion et de cytokines costimulatrices. C'est en partie pourquoi, malgré l'induction de fortes réponses CTL spécifiquement dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, les régressions tumorales obtenus grâce à ces vaccinations sont relativement rares. Les lymphocytes «invariant Natural Killer T » (iNKT) forment une sous-population particulière de lymphocytes T reconnaissant des antigènes glycolipidiques présentés sur la molécule non-polymorphique CD1d, analogue aux protéines CMH I. Après activation avec le ligand de haute affinité α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), les cellules iNKT produisent des grandes quantités de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire interferon gamma (IFN-γ) et activent les cellules du système immunitaire inné et acquis, telles que les cellules dendritiques (DC), NK et T. En conséquence, on a montré que les cellules iNKT exercent des activités anti-tumorales et la recherche s'est intéressée à la manipulation de ces cellules pour développer des thérapies anti-tumorales. Néanmoins, le désavantage majeur de l'αGalCer, injecté seul, est qu'une seule dose de ce ligand aboutit à une activation des cellules iNKT de courte durée suivie par un état anergique prolongé, limitant l'utilisation thérapeutique de ce glycolipide. Notre groupe de recherche a donc eu l'idée de développer une nouvelle approche thérapeutique où la réponse immunitaire des cellules iNKT serait prolongée et redirigée vers la tumeur par des anticorps monoclonaux. Concrètement, nous avons produit des molécules récombinantes soluble CD1d (sCD1d) qui, si elles sont chargés avec l'αGalCer (αGalCer/sCDld), aboutissent à une activation prolongée des cellules iNKT et NK associée avec la sécrétion d'IFN-γ et la maturation des cellules DC. Plus important, si la molécule αGalCer/sCD1d est fusionnée avec un fragment single-chain (scFv) de l'anticorps anti-HER2, la réponse immunitaire est redirigée à la tumeur pour autant que les cellules cancéreuses expriment l'antigène HER2. Les molécules αGalCer/sCDld ainsi présentées activent les lymphocytes iNKT. Avec cette stratégie, on observe une importante inhibition de métastases expérimentales aux poumons et de tumeurs sous-cutanées, même lorsque le traitement systémique est commencé 2 à 7 jours après la greffe des cellules de mélanome B16 transfectées avec l'antigène HER2. Dans les mêmes conditions le traitement avec l'αGalCer seul est inefficace. L'activité anti-tumorale de la protéine sCDld-anti-HER2 est associée à son accumulation spécifique dans des tumeurs exprimant le HER2 ainsi qu'avec une accumulation des cellules iNKT, NK et T à la tumeur. En conclusion, l'activation prolongée des cellules iNKT redirigées à la tumeur par des molécules récombinantes αGalCer/sCD1d conduit à l'activation de la réponse innée et adaptative au site tumoral, offrant une nouvelle stratégie prometteuse d'immunothérapie contre le cancer.


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In previous work we found that mezerein, a C kinase activator, as well as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) induce demyelination and partial oligodendrocyte dedifferentiation in highly differentiated aggregating brain cell cultures. Here we show that following protein kinase C activator-induced demyelination, effective remyelination occurs. We found that mezerein or FGF-2 caused a transient increase in DNA synthesis following a pronounced decrease of the myelin markers myelin basic protein and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase. Both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes were involved in this mitogenic response. Within 17 days after demyelination, myelin was restored to the level of the untreated controls. Transient mitotic activity was indispensable for remyelination. The present results suggest that myelinating oligodendrocytes retain the capacity to reenter the cell cycle, and that this plasticity is important for the regeneration of the oligodendrocyte lineage and remyelination. Although it cannot be excluded that a quiescent population of oligodendrocyte precursor cells was present in the aggregates and able to proliferate, differentiate and remyelinate, we could not find evidence supporting this view.


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Summary The best described physiological function of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is to transport cholesterol to target tissues. LDL deliver their cholesterol cargo to cells following their interaction with the LDL receptor. LDL, when their vascular concentrations increase, have also been implicated in pathologies such as atherosclerosis. Among the cell types that are found in blood vessels, endothelial and smooth muscle cells have dominated cellular research on atherosclerotic mechanisms and LDL activation of signaling pathways, while very little is known about adventitial fibroblast activation caused by elevated lipoprotein levels. Since fibroblasts participate in wound repair and since it has recently been recognized that fibroblasts may play pivotal roles in vascular remodeling and repair of injury, we assessed whether lipoproteins affect fibroblast function. We have found that LDL specifically mediate the activation of a class of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs): the p38 MAPKs. The activation of this pathway in turn modulates cell shape by promoting lamellipodia formation and extensive cell spreading. This is of particular interest because it provides a mechanism by which LDL can promote wound healing or vessel wall remodeling as observed during the development of atherosclerosis. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms by which LDL induce p38 activation we searched for the component in the LDL particle responsible for the induction of this pathway. We found that cholesterol is the major component of lipoprotein particles that mediates their ability to stimulate the p38 MAPK pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the cellular mechanisms underlying the ability of LDL to induce cell shape changes and whether this could participate in wound repair. Our recent data demonstrates that the capacity of LDL to induce fibroblast spreading relies on their ability to stimulate IL-8 secretion, which in turn leads to accelerated wound healing. LDL-induced IL-8 production and subsequent wound closure are impaired upon inhibition of the p38 MAPK pathway indicating that the LDL-induced spreading and accelerated wound sealing rely on the ability of LDL to stimulate IL-8 secretion in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Therefore, regulation of fibroblast shape and migration by lipoproteins may be relevant to atherosclerosis that is characterized by increased LDL-cholesterol levels, IL-8 production and extensive remodeling of the vessel wall. Résumé: La fonction physiologique des lipoprotéines à faible densité (LDL) la mieux décrite est celle du transport du cholestérol aux tissus cibles. Les LDL livrent leur cargaison de cholestérol aux cellules après leur interaction avec le récepteur au LDL. Une concentration vasculaire des LDL augmenté est également impliquée dans le développement de l'athérosclérose. Parmi les types de cellule présents dans les vaisseaux sanguins, les cellules endothéliales et les cellules du muscle lisse ont dominé la recherche cellulaire sur les mécanismes athérosclérotiques et sur l'activation par les LDL des voies de signalisation intracellulaire. A l'inverse peu de choses sont connues sur l'activation des fibroblastes de l'adventice par les lipoprotéines. Puisqu'il a été récemment reconnu que les fibroblastes peuvent jouer un rôle central dans la remodélisation vasculaire et la réparation tissulaire, nous avons étudié si les lipoprotéines affectent la fonction des fibroblastes. Nous avons constaté que les LDL activent spécifiquement une classe de protéines kinases: les p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases). L'activation de cette voie module à son tour la forme de la cellule en favorisant la formation de lamellipodes et l'agrandissement des cellules. Cela a un intérêt particulier car il fournit un mécanisme par lequel les LDL peuvent promouvoir la cicatrisation ou la remodélisation des parois vasculaires comme observés lors du développement de l'athérosclérose. Pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les LDL provoquent l'activation des p38 MAPK, nous avons cherché à identifier les composants dans la particule de LDL responsables de l'induction de cette voie. Nous avons constaté que le cholestérol est l'élément principal des particules de lipoprotéine qui contrôle leur capacité à stimuler la voie des p38 MAPK. En outre, nous avons examiné les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de la capacité des LDL à induire des changements dans la forme des cellules. Nos données récentes démontrent que la capacité des LDL à induire l'agrandissement des cellules, ainsi que leur aptitude à favoriser la cicatrisation, reposant sur leur capacité à stimuler la sécrétiond'IL-8. La production d'IL-8 induite par les LDL est bloquée par l'inhibition de la voie p38 MAPK, ce qui indique que l'étalement des cellules induit par les LDL ainsi que l'accélération de la cicatrisation sont liés à la capacité des LDL à stimuler la sécrétion d'IL8 via l'activation des p38 MAPK. La régulation de la forme et de la migration des fibroblastes par les lipoprotéines peuvent donc participer au développement de l'athérosclérose qui est caractérisée par l'augmentation des niveaux de production de LDL-cholestérol et d'IL-8 ainsi que par une remodélisation augmentée de la paroi du vaisseau.


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum(P. falciparum) merozoite surfaceprotein 2 (MSP-2) is one of bloodstage proteins that are associated withprotection from malaria. MSP-2 consistsof a highly polymorphic centralrepeat region flanked by a dimorphicregion that defines the two allelicfamilies, 3D7 and FC27; N- and Cterminalregions are conserved domains.Long synthetic peptides (LSP)representing the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 and constant regions arerecognized by sera from donors livingin endemic areas; and specific antibodies(Abs) are associated with protectionand active in antibody dependentcellular inhibition (ADCI) in vitro.However, the fine specificity ofAb response to the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 is unknown. Methods: Peptidesrepresenting dimorphic regionof 3D7 and FC27 families and theirC-terminal (common fragment to thetwo families) termed 3D7-D (88 aa),FC27-D (48 aa) and C (40 aa) respectivelywere synthesized. Overlapping20 mer peptides covering dimorphicand constant regions of two familieswere also synthesized for epitopemapping. Human sera were obtainedfrom donors living in malaria endemicareas. SpecificDand CregionsAbs were purified from single or poolhuman sera. Sera from mice were obtainedafter immunization with thetwo families LSP mixture in three differentadjuvants: alhydrogel (Alum),Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant-Stableoil-in-water Emulsion (GLA-SE)and Virosome. For ADCI, P. falciparum(strain 3D7) parasite wasmaintained in culture at 0.5% parasitemiaand 4% hematocrit in air tightbox at love oxygen (2%) and 37 ºC.Results: We identified several epitopesfrom the dimorphic and constantregions of both families of MSP-2, inmice and humans (adults and children).In human, most recognizedepitopes were the same in differentendemic regions for each domain ofthe two families of MSP-2. In mice,the differential recognition of epitopewas depending on the strain of mouseand interestingly on the adjuvantused. GLA-SE and alum as adjuvantswere more often associated with therecognition of multiple epitopes thanvirosomes. Epitope-specific Abs recognizednative merozoites of P.falciparum and were active in ADCIto block development of parasite.Conclusion: The delineation of a limitednumber of epitopes could be exploitedto develop MSP-2 vaccinesactive on both allelic families ofMSP-2.


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Cellular responses to LPS, the major lipid component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, are enhanced markedly by the LPS-binding protein (LBP), a plasma protein that transfers LPS to the cell surface CD14 present on cells of the myeloid lineage. LBP has been shown previously to potentiate the host response to LPS. However, experiments performed in mice with a disruption of the LBP gene have yielded discordant results. Whereas one study showed that LBP knockout mice were resistant to endotoxemia, another study did not confirm an important role for LBP in the response of mice challenged in vivo with low doses of LPS. Consequently, we generated rat mAbs to murine LBP to investigate further the contribution of LBP in experimental endotoxemia. Three classes of mAbs were obtained. Class 1 mAbs blocked the binding of LPS to LBP; class 2 mAbs blocked the binding of LPS/LBP complexes to CD14; class 3 mAbs bound LBP but did not suppress LBP activity. In vivo, class 1 and class 2 mAbs suppressed LPS-induced TNF production and protected mice from lethal endotoxemia. These results show that the neutralization of LBP accomplished by blocking either the binding of LPS to LBP or the binding of LPS/LBP complexes to CD14 protects the host from LPS-induced toxicity, confirming that LBP is a critical component of innate immunity.


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Activation of dendritic cells (DC) by microbial products via Toll-like receptors (TLR) is instrumental in the induction of immunity. In particular, TLR signaling plays a major role in the instruction of Th1 responses. The development of Th2 responses has been proposed to be independent of the adapter molecule myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) involved in signal transduction by TLRs. In this study we show that flagellin, the bacterial stimulus for TLR5, drives MyD88-dependent Th2-type immunity in mice. Flagellin promotes the secretion of IL-4 and IL-13 by Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells as well as IgG1 responses. The Th2-biased responses are associated with the maturation of DCs, which are shown to express TLR5. Flagellin-mediated DC activation requires MyD88 and induces NF-kappaB-dependent transcription and the production of low levels of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, the flagellin-specific response is characterized by the lack of secretion of the Th1-promoting cytokine IL-12 p70. In conclusion, this study suggests that flagellin and, more generally, TLR ligands can control Th2 responses in a MyD88-dependent manner.


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Hemorrhage and resuscitation (H/R) leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated stress kinases, an event that is associated with organ damage. Recently, a specific, cell-penetrating, protease-resistant inhibitory peptide of the mitogen-activated protein kinase c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) was developed (D-JNKI-1). Here, using this peptide, we tested if inhibition of JNK protects against organ damage after H/R. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with D-JNKI-1 (11 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle. Thirty minutes later, rats were hemorrhaged for 1 h to a MAP of 30 to 35 mmHg and then resuscitated with 60% of the shed blood and twice the shed blood volume as Ringer lactate. Tissues were harvested 2 h later. ANOVA with Tukey post hoc analysis or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on ranks, P < 0.05, was considered significant. c-JUN N-terminal kinase inhibition decreased serum alanine aminotransferase activity as a marker of liver injury by 70%, serum creatine kinase activity by 67%, and serum lactate dehydrogenase activity by 60% as compared with vehicle treatment. The histological tissue damage observed was blunted after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment both for necrotic and apoptotic cell death. Hepatic leukocyte infiltration and serum IL-6 levels were largely diminished after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment. The extent of oxidative stress as evaluated by immunohistochemical detection of 4-hydroxynonenal was largely abrogated after JNK inhibition. After JNK inhibition, activation of cJUN after H/R was also reduced. Hemorrhage and resuscitation induces a systemic inflammatory response and leads to end-organ damage. These changes are mediated, at least in part, by JNK. Therefore, JNK inhibition deserves further evaluation as a potential treatment option in patients after resuscitated blood loss.


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Phototropism, or plant growth in response to unidirectional light, is an adaptive response of crucial importance. Lateral differences in low fluence rates of blue light are detected by phototropin 1 (phot1) in Arabidopsis. Only NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 (NPH3) and root phototropism 2, both belonging to the same family of proteins, have been previously identified as phototropin-interacting signal transducers involved in phototropism. PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) 1 and PKS2 are two phytochrome signaling components belonging to a small gene family in Arabidopsis (PKS1-PKS4). The strong enhancement of PKS1 expression by blue light and its light induction in the elongation zone of the hypocotyl prompted us to study the function of this gene family during phototropism. Photobiological experiments show that the PKS proteins are critical for hypocotyl phototropism. Furthermore, PKS1 interacts with phot1 and NPH3 in vivo at the plasma membrane and in vitro, indicating that the PKS proteins may function directly with phot1 and NPH3 to mediate phototropism. The phytochromes are known to influence phototropism but the mechanism involved is still unclear. We show that PKS1 induction by a pulse of blue light is phytochrome A-dependent, suggesting that the PKS proteins may provide a molecular link between these two photoreceptor families.


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In response to stress or injury the heart undergoes an adverse remodeling process associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis. Transformation of cardiac fibroblasts to myofibroblasts is a crucial event initiating the fibrotic process. Cardiac myofibroblasts invade the myocardium and secrete excess amounts of extracellular matrix proteins, which cause myocardial stiffening, cardiac dysfunctions and progression to heart failure. While several studies indicate that the small GTPase RhoA can promote profibrotic responses, the exchange factors that modulate its activity in cardiac fibroblasts are yet to be identified. In the present study, we show that AKAP-Lbc, an A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) with an intrinsic Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity, is critical for activating RhoA and transducing profibrotic signals downstream of type I angiotensin II receptors (AT1Rs) in cardiac fibroblasts. In particular, our results indicate that suppression of AKAP-Lbc expression by infecting adult rat ventricular fibroblasts with lentiviruses encoding AKAP-Lbc specific short hairpin (sh) RNAs strongly reduces the ability of angiotensin II to promote RhoA activation, differentiation of cardiac fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, collagen deposition as well as myofibroblast migration. Interestingly, AT1Rs promote AKAP-Lbc activation via a pathway that requires the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G12. These findings identify AKAP-Lbc as a key Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor modulating profibrotic responses in cardiac fibroblasts.


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In response to stress or injury the heart undergoes a pathological remodeling process, associated with hypertrophy, cardiomyocyte death and fibrosis, that ultimately causes cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. It has become increasingly clear that signaling events associated with these pathological cardiac remodeling events are regulated by scaffolding and anchoring proteins, which allow coordination of pathological signals in space and time. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) constitute a family of functionally related proteins that organize multiprotein signaling complexes that tether the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) as well as other signaling enzymes to ensure integration and processing of multiple signaling pathways. This review will discuss the role of AKAPs in the cardiac response to stress. Particular emphasis will be given to the adaptative process associated with cardiac hypoxia as well as the remodeling events linked to cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.


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In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the blue light photoreceptor phototropins (phot1 and phot2) fine-tune the photosynthetic status of the plant by controlling several important adaptive processes in response to environmental light variations. These processes include stem and petiole phototropism (leaf positioning), leaf flattening, stomatal opening, and chloroplast movements. The PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) protein family comprises four members in Arabidopsis (PKS1-PKS4). PKS1 is a novel phot1 signaling element during phototropism, as it interacts with phot1 and the important signaling element NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3) and is required for normal phot1-mediated phototropism. In this study, we have analyzed more globally the role of three PKS members (PKS1, PKS2, and PKS4). Systematic analysis of mutants reveals that PKS2 (and to a lesser extent PKS1) act in the same subset of phototropin-controlled responses as NPH3, namely leaf flattening and positioning. PKS1, PKS2, and NPH3 coimmunoprecipitate with both phot1-green fluorescent protein and phot2-green fluorescent protein in leaf extracts. Genetic experiments position PKS2 within phot1 and phot2 pathways controlling leaf positioning and leaf flattening, respectively. NPH3 can act in both phot1 and phot2 pathways, and synergistic interactions observed between pks2 and nph3 mutants suggest complementary roles of PKS2 and NPH3 during phototropin signaling. Finally, several observations further suggest that PKS2 may regulate leaf flattening and positioning by controlling auxin homeostasis. Together with previous findings, our results indicate that the PKS proteins represent an important family of phototropin signaling proteins.


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Proteins can switch between different conformations in response to stimuli, such as pH or temperature variations, or to the binding of ligands. Such plasticity and its kinetics can have a crucial functional role, and their characterization has taken center stage in protein research. As an example, Topoisomerases are particularly interesting enzymes capable of managing tangled and supercoiled double-stranded DNA, thus facilitating many physiological processes. In this work, we describe the use of a cantilever-based nanomotion sensor to characterize the dynamics of human topoisomerase II (Topo II) enzymes and their response to different kinds of ligands, such as ATP, which enhance the conformational dynamics. The sensitivity and time resolution of this sensor allow determining quantitatively the correlation between the ATP concentration and the rate of Topo II conformational changes. Furthermore, we show how to rationalize the experimental results in a comprehensive model that takes into account both the physics of the cantilever and the dynamics of the ATPase cycle of the enzyme, shedding light on the kinetics of the process. Finally, we study the effect of aclarubicin, an anticancer drug, demonstrating that it affects directly the Topo II molecule inhibiting its conformational changes. These results pave the way to a new way of studying the intrinsic dynamics of proteins and of protein complexes allowing new applications ranging from fundamental proteomics to drug discovery and development and possibly to clinical practice.


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The nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) transcription factor is a master regulator of inflammation. Short-term NF-κB activation is generally beneficial. However, sustained NF-κB might be detrimental, directly causing apoptosis of cells or leading to a persistent damaging inflammatory response. NF-κB activity in stressed cells needs therefore to be controlled for homeostasis maintenance. In mildly stressed cells, caspase-3 cleaves p120 RasGAP, also known as RASA1, into an N-terminal fragment, which we call fragment N. We show here that this fragment is a potent NF-κB inhibitor. Fragment N decreases the transcriptional activity of NF-κB by promoting its export from the nucleus. Cells unable to generate fragment N displayed increased NF-κB activation upon stress. Knock-in mice expressing an uncleavable p120 RasGAP mutant showed exaggerated NF-κB activation when their epidermis was treated with anthralin, a drug used for the treatment of psoriasis. Our study provides biochemical and genetic evidence of the importance of the caspase-3-p120-RasGAP stress-sensing module in the control of stress-induced NF-κB activation.