6 resultados para Sòls--Fertilitat
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Shrinking lung syndrome (SLS) is an uncommon feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) characterized by dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, diaphragmatic elevation, restrictive ventilatory defect and reduced respiratory muscle strength as measured by volitional tests. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with overlapping features of SLE and Sjögren syndrome who developed severe SLS while receiving corticosteroids and azathioprine for severe polyarthritis. She was treated with a combination of rituximab and cyclophosphamide, which led to a dramatic improvement in her clinical condition and respiratory function tests. The increase in vital capacity was one of the highest among 35 published cases of SLS. Thus, restoring a near-normal lung function is an achievable goal in SLS, and the use of rituximab, with or without concomitant cyclophosphamide, certainly deserves further study in this setting.
The application of two approaches for high-throughput, high-resolution X-ray phase contrast tomographic imaging being used at the tomographic microscopy and coherent radiology experiments (TOMCAT) beamline of the SLS is discussed and illustrated. Differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging, using a grating interferometer and a phase-stepping technique, is integrated into the beamline environment at TOMCAT in terms of the fast acquisition and reconstruction of data and the availability to scan samples within an aqueous environment. A second phase contrast method is a modified transfer of intensity approach that can yield the 3D distribution of the decrement of the refractive index of a weakly absorbing object from a single tomographic dataset. The two methods are complementary to one another: the DPC method is characterised by a higher sensitivity and by moderate resolution with larger samples; the modified transfer of intensity approach is particularly suited for small specimens when high resolution (around 1 mu m) is required. Both are being applied to investigations in the biological and materials science fields.
BACKGROUND: Hypoglycaemia is a poor prognostic indicator in severe malaria. Intravenous infusions are rarely feasible in rural areas. The efficacy of sublingual sugar (SLS) was assessed in a pilot randomized controlled trial among hypoglycaemic children with severe malaria in Mali. METHODS: Of 151 patients with presumed severe malaria, 23 children with blood glucose concentrations < 60 mg/dl (< 3.3 mmol/l) were assigned randomly to receive either intravenous 10% glucose (IVG; n = 9) or sublingual sugar (SLS; n = 14). In SLS, a teaspoon of sugar, moistened with a few drops of water, was gently placed under the tongue every 20 minutes. The child was put in the recovery position. Blood glucose concentration (BGC) was measured every 5-10 minutes for the first hour. All children were treated for malaria with intramuscular artemether. The primary outcome measure was treatment response, defined as reaching a BGC of >or= 3.3 mmol/l (60 mg/dl) within 40 minutes after admission. Secondary outcome measures were early treatment response at 20 minutes, relapse (early and late), maximal BGC gain (CGmax), and treatment delay. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the groups in the primary outcome measure. Treatment response occurred in 71% and 67% for SLS and IVG, respectively. Among the responders, relapses occurred in 30% on SLS at 40 minutes and in 17% on IVG at 20 minutes. There was one fatality in each group. Treatment failures in the SLS group were related to children with clenched teeth or swallowing the sugar, whereas in the IVG group, they were due to unavoidable delays in beginning an infusion (median time 17.5 min (range 3-40).Among SLS, the BGC increase was rapid among the nine patients who really kept the sugar sublingually. All but one increased their BGC by 10 minutes with a mean gain of 44 mg/dl (95%CI: 20.5-63.4). CONCLUSION: Sublingual sugar appears to be a child-friendly, well-tolerated and effective promising method of raising blood glucose in severely ill children. More frequent repeated doses are needed to prevent relapse. Children should be monitored for early swallowing which leads to delayed absorption, and in this case another dose of sugar should be given. Sublingual sugar could be proposed as an immediate "first aid" measure while awaiting intravenous glucose. In many cases it may avert the need for intravenous glucose.
This review paper reports the consensus of a technical workshop hosted by the European network, NanoImpactNet (NIN). The workshop aimed to review the collective experience of working at the bench with manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs), and to recommend modifications to existing experimental methods and OECD protocols. Current procedures for cleaning glassware are appropriate for most MNMs, although interference with electrodes may occur. Maintaining exposure is more difficult with MNMs compared to conventional chemicals. A metal salt control is recommended for experiments with metallic MNMs that may release free metal ions. Dispersing agents should be avoided, but if they must be used, then natural or synthetic dispersing agents are possible, and dispersion controls essential. Time constraints and technology gaps indicate that full characterisation of test media during ecotoxicity tests is currently not practical. Details of electron microscopy, dark-field microscopy, a range of spectroscopic methods (EDX, XRD, XANES, EXAFS), light scattering techniques (DLS, SLS) and chromatography are discussed. The development of user-friendly software to predict particle behaviour in test media according to DLVO theory is in progress, and simple optical methods are available to estimate the settling behaviour of suspensions during experiments. However, for soil matrices such simple approaches may not be applicable. Alternatively, a Critical Body Residue approach may be taken in which body concentrations in organisms are related to effects, and toxicity thresholds derived. For microbial assays, the cell wall is a formidable barrier to MNMs and end points that rely on the test substance penetrating the cell may be insensitive. Instead assays based on the cell envelope should be developed for MNMs. In algal growth tests, the abiotic factors that promote particle aggregation in the media (e.g. ionic strength) are also important in providing nutrients, and manipulation of the media to control the dispersion may also inhibit growth. Controls to quantify shading effects, and precise details of lighting regimes, shaking or mixing should be reported in algal tests. Photosynthesis may be more sensitive than traditional growth end points for algae and plants. Tests with invertebrates should consider non-chemical toxicity from particle adherence to the organisms. The use of semi-static exposure methods with fish can reduce the logistical issues of waste water disposal and facilitate aspects of animal husbandry relevant to MMNs. There are concerns that the existing bioaccumulation tests are conceptually flawed for MNMs and that new test(s) are required. In vitro testing strategies, as exemplified by genotoxicity assays, can be modified for MNMs, but the risk of false negatives in some assays is highlighted. In conclusion, most protocols will require some modifications and recommendations are made to aid the researcher at the bench. [Authors]
The opportunistic ubiquitous pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAOl is a versatile Gram-negative bacterium that has the extraordinary capacity to colonize a wide diversity of ecological niches and to cause severe and persistent infections in humans. To ensure an optimal coordination of the genes involved in nutrient utilization, this bacterium uses the NtrB/C and/or the CbrA/B two-component systems, to sense nutrients availability and to regulate in consequence the expression of genes involved in their uptake and catabolism. NtrB/C is specialized in nitrogen utilization, while the CbrA/B system is involved in both carbon and nitrogen utilization and both systems activate their target genes expression in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Moreover, the NtrB/C and CbrA/B two- component systems regulate the secondary metabolism of the bacterium, such as the production of virulence factors. In addition to the fine-tuning transcriptional regulation, P. aeruginosa can rapidly modulate its metabolism using small non-coding regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), which regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level by diverse and sophisticated mechanisms and contribute to the fast physiological adaptability of this bacterium. In our search for novel RpoN-dependent sRNAs modulating the nutritional adaptation of P. aeruginosa PAOl, we discovered NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), a novel RpoN-dependent sRNA that is induced under nitrogen starvation by the NtrB/C two-component system. NrsZ has a unique architecture, formed of three similar stem-loop structures (SL I, II and II) separated by variant spacer sequences. Moreover, this sRNA is processed in short individual stem-loop molecules, by internal cleavage involving the endoribonuclease RNAse E. Concerning NrsZ functions in P. aeruginosa PAOl, this sRNA was shown to trigger the swarming motility and the rhamnolipid biosurfactants production. This regulation is due to the NrsZ-mediated activation of rhlA expression, a gene encoding for an enzyme essential for swarming motility and rhamnolipids production. Interestingly, the SL I structure of NrsZ ensures its regulatory function on rhlA expression, suggesting that the similar SLs are the functional units of this modular sRNA. However, the regulatory mechanism of action of NrsZ on rhlA expression activation remains unclear and is currently being investigated. Additionally, the NrsZ regulatory network was investigated by a transcriptome analysis, suggesting that numerous genes involved in both primary and secondary metabolism are regulated by this sRNA. To emphasize the importance of NrsZ, we investigated its conservation in other Pseudomonas species and demonstrated that NrsZ is conserved and expressed under nitrogen limitation in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, strains having different ecological features, suggesting an important role of NrsZ in the adaptation of Pseudomonads to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly the architecture of the different NrsZ homologs is similarly composed by SL structures and variant spacer sequences. However, the number of SL repetitions is not identical, and one to six SLs were predicted on the different NrsZ homologs. Moreover, NrsZ is processed in short molecules in all the strains, similarly to what was previously observed in P. aeruginosa PAOl, and the heterologous expression of the NrsZ homologs restored rhlA expression, swarming motility and rhamnolipids production in the P. aeruginosa NrsZ mutant. In many aspects, NrsZ is an atypical sRNA in the bacterial panorama. To our knowledge, NrsZ is the first described sRNA induced by the NtrB/C. Moreover, its unique modular architecture and its processing in similar short SL molecules suggest that NrsZ belongs to a novel family of bacterial sRNAs. -- L'agent pathogène opportuniste et ubiquitaire Pseudomonas aeruginosa souche PAOl est une bactérie Gram négative versatile ayant l'extraordinaire capacité de coloniser différentes niches écologiques et de causer des infections sévères et persistantes chez l'être humain. Afin d'assurer une coordination optimale des gènes impliqués dans l'utilisation de différents nutriments, cette bactérie se sert de systèmes à deux composants tel que NtrB/C et CbrA/B afin de détecter la disponibilité des ressources nutritives, puis de réguler en conséquence l'expression des gènes impliqués dans leur importation et leur catabolisme. Le système NtrB/C régule l'utilisation des sources d'azote alors que le système CbrA/B est impliqué à la fois dans l'utilisation des sources de carbone et d'azote. Ces deux systèmes activent l'expression de leurs gènes-cibles de concert avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN. En outre, NtrB/C et CbrA/B régulent aussi le métabolisme secondaire, contrôlant notamment la production d'importants facteurs de virulence. En plus de toutes ces régulations génétiques fines ayant lieu au niveau transcriptionnel, P. aeruginosa est aussi capable de moduler son métabolisme en se servant de petits ARNs régulateurs non-codants (ARNncs), qui régulent l'expression génétique à un niveau post- transcriptionnel par divers mécanismes sophistiqués et contribuent à rendre particulièrement rapide l'adaptation physiologique de cette bactérie. Au cours de nos recherches sur de nouveaux ARNncs dépendant du facteur sigma RpoN et impliqués dans l'adaptation nutritionnelle de P. aeruginosa PAOl, nous avons découvert NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), un ARNnc induit par la cascade NtrB/C-RpoN en condition de carence en azote. NrsZ a une architecture unique, composée de trois structures en tige- boucle (TB I, II et III) hautement similaires et séparées par des « espaceurs » ayant des séquences variables. De plus, cet ARNnc est clivé en petits fragments correspondant au trois molécules en tige-boucle, par un processus de clivage interne impliquant l'endoribonucléase RNase E. Concernant les fonctions de NrsZ chez P. aeruginosa PAOl, cet ARNnc est capable d'induire la motilité de type « swarming » et la production de biosurfactants, nommés rhamnolipides. Cette régulation est due à l'activation par NrsZ de l'expression de rhlA, un gène essentiel pour la motilité de type swarming et pour la production de rhamnolipides. Étonnamment, la structure TB I est capable d'assurer à elle seule la fonction régulatrice de NrsZ sur l'expression de rhlA, suggérant que ces molécules TBs sont les unités fonctionnelles de cet ARNnc modulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel NrsZ active l'expression de rhlA demeure à ce jour incertain et est actuellement à l'étude. En plus, le réseau de régulations médiées par NrsZ a été étudié par une analyse de transcriptome qui a indiqué que de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme primaire ou secondaire seraient régulés par NrsZ. Pour accentuer l'importance de NrsZ, nous avons étudié sa conservation dans d'autres espèces de Pseudomonas. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que NrsZ est conservé et exprimé en situation de carence d'azote par les souches Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, quatre espèces ayant des caractéristiques écologiques très différentes, suggérant que NrsZ joue un rôle important dans l'adaptation du genre Pseudomonas envers la carence en azote. Chez toutes les souches étudiées, les différents homologues de NrsZ présentent une architecture similaire faite de TBs conservées et d'espaceurs. Cependant, le nombre de TBs n'est pas identique et peut varier de une à six copies selon la souche. Les différentes versions de NrsZ sont clivées en petites molécules dans ces quatre souches, comme il a été observé chez P. aeruginosa PAOl. De plus, l'expression hétérologue des différentes variantes de NrsZ est capable de restaurer l'expression de rhlA, la motilité swarming et la production de rhamnolipides dans une souche de P. aeruginosa dont nrsZ a été inactivé. Par bien des aspects, NrsZ est un ARNnc atypique dans le monde bactérien. À notre connaissance, NrsZ est le premier ARNnc décrit comme étant régulé par le système NtrB/C. De plus, son unique architecture modulaire et son clivage en petites molécules similaires suggèrent que NrsZ appartient à une nouvelle famille d'ARNncs bactériens.
Strigolactones (SLs) are phytohormones that play a central role in regulating shoot branching. SL perception and signaling involves the F-box protein MAX2 and the hydrolase DWARF14 (D14), proposed to act as an SL receptor. We used strong loss-of-function alleles of the Arabidopsis thaliana D14 gene to characterize D14 function from early axillary bud development through to lateral shoot outgrowth and demonstrated a role of this gene in the control of flowering time. Our data show that D14 distribution in vivo overlaps with that reported for MAX2 at both the tissue and subcellular levels, allowing physical interactions between these proteins. Our grafting studies indicate that neither D14 mRNA nor the protein move over a long range upwards in the plant. Like MAX2, D14 is required locally in the aerial part of the plant to suppress shoot branching. We also identified a mechanism of SL-induced, MAX2-dependent proteasome-mediated degradation of D14. This negative feedback loop would cause a substantial drop in SL perception, which would effectively limit SL signaling duration and intensity.