63 resultados para Ribotipagem-PCR

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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BACKGROUND: HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause CNS infections of dissimilar clinico-pathological characteristics with prognostic and therapeutic implications. OBJECTIVES: To validate a type-specific real-time PCR that uses MGB/LNA Taqman probes and to review the virologico-clinical data of 25 eligible patients with non-neonatal CNS infections. RESULTS: This real-time PCR was evaluated against conventional PCR (26 CSF and 20 quality controls), and LightCycler assay (51 mucocutaneous, 8 CSF and 32 quality controls) and culture/immunofluorescence (75 mucocutaneous) to assess typing with independent methods. Taqman real-time PCR detected 240 HSV genomes per ml CSF, a level appropriate for the management of patients, and provided unambiguous typing for the 104 positive (62 HSV-1 and 42 HSV-2) out the 160 independent clinical samples tested. HSV type diagnosed by Taqman real-time PCR predicted final diagnosis (meningitis versus encephalitis/meningoencephalitis, p<0.001) in 24/25 patients at time of presentation, in contrast to clinical evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Our real-time PCR, as a sensitive and specific means for type-specific HSV diagnosis, provided rapid prognostic information for patient management.


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Treponema pallidum PCR (Tp-PCR) has been noted as a valid method for diagnosing syphilis. We compared Tp-PCR to a combination of darkfield microscopy (DFM), the reference method, and serologic testing in a cohort of 273 patients from France and Switzerland and found the diagnostic accuracy of Tp-PCR was higher than that for DFM.


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BACKGROUND: Enterovirus (EV) is the most frequent cause of aseptic meningitis (AM). Lack of microbiological documentation results in unnecessary antimicrobial therapy and hospitalization. OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of rapid EV detection in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by a fully-automated PCR (GeneXpert EV assay, GXEA) on the management of AM. STUDY DESIGN: Observational study in adult patients with AM. Three groups were analyzed according to EV documentation in CSF: group A=no PCR or negative PCR (n=17), group B=positive real-time PCR (n=20), and group C=positive GXEA (n=22). Clinical, laboratory and health-care costs data were compared. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics were similar in the 3 groups. Median turn-around time of EV PCR decreased from 60h (IQR (interquartile range) 44-87) in group B to 5h (IQR 4-11) in group C (p<0.0001). Median duration of antibiotics was 1 (IQR 0-6), 1 (0-1.9), and 0.5 days (single dose) in groups A, B, and C, respectively (p<0.001). Median length of hospitalization was 4 days (2.5-7.5), 2 (1-3.7), and 0.5 (0.3-0.7), respectively (p<0.001). Median hospitalization costs were $5458 (2676-6274) in group A, $2796 (2062-5726) in group B, and $921 (765-1230) in group C (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Rapid EV detection in CSF by a fully-automated PCR improves management of AM by significantly reducing antibiotic use, hospitalization length and costs.


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Monitoring of T-cell responses in genital mucosa has remained a major challenge because of the absence of lymphoid aggregates and the low abundance of T cells. Here we have adapted to genital tissue a sensitive real-time reverse transcription-PCR (TaqMan) method to measure induction of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) mRNA transcription after 3 h of antigen-specific activation of CD8 T cells. For this purpose, we vaccinated C57BL/6 mice subcutaneously with human papillomavirus type 16 L1 virus-like particles and monitored the induction of CD8 T cells specific to the L1(165-173) H-2D(b)-restricted epitope. Comparison of the responses induced in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymph nodes (LN) by L1-specific IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assay and TaqMan determination of the relative increase in L1-specific IFN-gamma mRNA induction normalized to the content of CD8b mRNA showed a significant correlation, despite the difference in the readouts. Most of the cervicovaginal tissues could be analyzed by the TaqMan method if normalization to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA was used and a significant L1-specific IFN-gamma induction was found in one-third of the immunized mice. This local response did not correlate with the immune responses measured in the periphery, with the exception of the sacral LN, an LN draining the genital mucosa, where a significant correlation was found. Our data show that the TaqMan method is sensitive enough to detect antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses in the genital mucosa of individual mice, and this may contribute to elaborate effective vaccines against genital pathogens.


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Malaria is generally diagnosed by microscopy and rapid antigen testing. Molecular methods become more widely used. In the present study, the contribution of a quantitative multiplex malaria PCR was investigated. We assessed: (i) the agreement between PCR-based identification and microscopy and (ii) the correlation between the parasite load as determined by quantitative PCR and by microscopy. For 83 patients positive by microscopy for Plasmodium spp., the first EDTA-blood sample was tested by multiplex PCR to confirm smear-based species identification. Parasite load was assessed daily using both microscopy and PCR. Among the 83 patients tested, one was positive by microscopy only and 82 were positive by microscopy and PCR. Agreement between microscopy and PCR for the identification at the species level was 89% (73/82). Six of the nine discordant results corresponded to co-infections by two or three species and were attributed to inaccurate morphological identification of mixed cases. The parasite load generally decreased rapidly after treatment had been started, with similar decay curves being obtained using both microscopy and PCR. Our PCR proved especially useful for identifying mixed infections. The quantification obtained by PCR closely correlated with microscopy-based quantification and could be useful for monitoring treatment efficacy, at least in clinical trials.


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Despite the central role of quantitative PCR (qPCR) in the quantification of mRNA transcripts, most analyses of qPCR data are still delegated to the software that comes with the qPCR apparatus. This is especially true for the handling of the fluorescence baseline. This article shows that baseline estimation errors are directly reflected in the observed PCR efficiency values and are thus propagated exponentially in the estimated starting concentrations as well as 'fold-difference' results. Because of the unknown origin and kinetics of the baseline fluorescence, the fluorescence values monitored in the initial cycles of the PCR reaction cannot be used to estimate a useful baseline value. An algorithm that estimates the baseline by reconstructing the log-linear phase downward from the early plateau phase of the PCR reaction was developed and shown to lead to very reproducible PCR efficiency values. PCR efficiency values were determined per sample by fitting a regression line to a subset of data points in the log-linear phase. The variability, as well as the bias, in qPCR results was significantly reduced when the mean of these PCR efficiencies per amplicon was used in the calculation of an estimate of the starting concentration per sample.


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During a 9-month period, 217 patients were newly diagnosed as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriers by using a commercial rapid PCR-based test (GeneXpert). However, no MRSA was recovered by culturing the second swab in 61 of these patients. Further analyses showed that 28 (12.9%) of the patients harbored S. aureus isolates with a staphylococcal cassette chromosome element lacking the mecA gene and were thus incorrectly determined to be MRSA carriers.


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Background and aim: H epatitis E v irus (HEV) infection has emerged as a c ause o f travel-related a nd autochthonous a cute hepatitis as well as chronic hepatitis in immunosuppressed patients. While t ravel-related cases a re c aused primarily b y infections w ith HEV of g enotype 1 ( HEV-1), autochthonous c ases a nd chronic cases a re d ue t o genotype 3 (HEV-3), which is s hared between humans and diverse animal species. The aim of this study was to establish HEV RNA detection assays f or q uantitative v iral load testing and genotyping. Methods: V iral RNA was p urified from plasma or s erum a nd converted to cDNA prior to (1) multiplex real-time PCR for HEV RNA quantification and (2) multiplex PCR coupled to DNA sequencing for HEV genotype determination. Real-time PCR was d esigned to match a ll known HEV genotypes available i n Genbank while PCR was designed using conserved primers flanking a variable region of the HEV RNA. Results: In a validation panel, the newly developed assays allowed for the reliable detection and genotyping of HEV-1 or HEV-3. Cases of t ravel-related and a utochthonous a cute h epatitis E a s well a s chronic hepatitis E i n immunosuppressed patients have b een identified using t hese a ssays a nd will be p resented in detail. Anti- HEV antibodies were n egative i n three well-characterized patients with chronic hepatitis E after organ transplantation. Conclusions: We developed and validated a quantitative HEV RNA detection assay that c an now be o ffered on a r outine basis (www.chuv.ch/imul/imu-collaborations-viral_hepatitis). Genotyping can also be offered on selected cases. HEV RNA detection is key in diagnosing chronic hepatitis E i n immunosuppressed patients with unexplained transaminase elevations, as serology can be negative in these patients.


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Dermatophytes are the main cause of superficial mycoses. These fungi have the capacity to invade keratinized tissue of humans or animals to produce infections that are generally restricted to the corneocytes of the skin, hair, and nails. Nevertheless, it is common to obtain negative results from fungal cultures of dermatological specimens where direct mycological examination showed fungal elements (30-40%). However, correct identification of the isolated dermatophytes from Tinea is important to choose the appropriate treatment. Therefore, we aim to develop a rapid polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay based on 28S rDNA that is able to identify dermatophytes species in positive dermatological samples. PCR-RFLP identification of dermatophytes in skin or hair allowed validation of the results obtained in culture. It was also possible to identify the infectious dermatophytes when direct hair/ skin mycological examination showed fungal elements, but negative results were obtained from fungal culture. As a conclusion, PCR methods may provide significant benefits in the rapid diagnosis of Tinea. First, there is an increase in sensitivity of dermatophytes identification when enough material is available. Secondly, identification of the infecting agent can be obtained in 24 hours with PCR-RFLP or sequencing, whereas results from fungal cultures can take 2-3 weeks.


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Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a rare cause of central nervous system disease in humans. Screening by real-time RT-PCR assay is of interest in the case of aseptic meningitis of unknown etiology. A specific LCMV real-time RT-PCR assay, based on the detection of genomic sequences of the viral nucleoprotein (NP), was developed to assess the presence of LCMV in cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) sent for viral screening to a Swiss university hospital laboratory. A 10-fold dilution series assay using a plasmid containing the cDNA of the viral NP of the LCMV isolate Armstrong (Arm) 53b demonstrated the high sensitivity of the assay with a lowest detection limit of ≤50 copies per reaction. High sensitivity was confirmed by dilution series assays in a pool of human CSF using four different LCMV isolates (Arm53b, WE54, Traub and E350) with observed detection limits of ≤10PFU/ml (Arm53b and WE54) and 1PFU/ml (Traub and E350). Analysis of 130 CSF showed no cases of acute infection. The absence of positive cases was confirmed by a published PCR assay detecting all Old World arenaviruses. This study validates a specific and sensitive real-time RT-PCR assay for the diagnosis of LCMV infections. Results showed that LCMV infections are extremely rare in hospitalized patients western in Switzerland.


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As acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) with inv(16) (p13q22) or t(16;16)(p13;q22) has been shown to result from the fusion of transcription factor subunit core binding factor (CBFB) to a myosin heavy chain (MYH11), we sought to design methods to detect this rearrangement using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In all of 27 inv(16)(p13q22) and four t(16;16)(p13;q22) cases tested, a chimeric CBFB-MYH11 transcript coding for an in-frame fusion protein was detected. In a more extensive RT-PCR analysis with different primer pairs, we detected a second new chimeric CBFB-MYH11 transcript in 10 of 11 patients tested. The CBFB-MYH11 reading frame of the second transcript was maintained in one patient but not in the others. We show that the different CBFB-MYH11 transcripts in one patient arise from alternative splicing. Translation of the transcript in which the CBFB-MYH11 reading frame is not maintained leads to a slightly truncated CBFB protein.


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Effective empirical treatment is of paramount importance to improve the outcome of patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia. We aimed to evaluate a PCR-based rapid diagnosis of methicillin resistance (GeneXpert MRSA) after early detection of S. aureus bacteraemia using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Patients with a first episode of S. aureus bacteraemia identified using MALDI-TOF MS were randomized in a prospective interventional open study between October 2010 and August 2012. In the control group, antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed after MALDI-TOF MS identification on blood culture pellets. In the intervention group, a GeneXpert MRSA was performed after S. aureus identification. The primary outcome was the performance of GeneXpert MRSA directly on blood cultures. We then assessed the impact of early diagnosis of methicillin resistance on the empirical treatment. In all, 197 episodes of S. aureus bacteraemia were included in the study, of which 106 were included in the intervention group. Median time from MALDI-TOF MS identification to GeneXpert MRSA result was 97 min (range 25-250). Detection of methicillin resistance using GeneXpert MRSA had a sensitivity of 99% and a specificity of 100%. There was less unnecessary coverage of MRSA in the intervention group (17.1% versus 29.2%, p 0.09). GeneXpert MRSA was highly reliable in diagnosing methicillin resistance when performed directly on positive blood cultures. This could help to avoid unnecessary prescriptions of anti-MRSA agents and promote the introduction of earlier adequate coverage in unsuspected cases.


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We describe a new rapid and efficient polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis method. This procedure is effective with any plasmid and it employs four oligonucleotide primers. One primer contains the desired mutation, the second is oriented in the opposite direction (one of these two primers should be phosphorylated), and the third and fourth should be coding in complementary fashion for a unique restriction site to be introduced in a nonessential region. The method consists of two simultaneous PCR reactions; the PCR products are digested with the enzyme that recognizes the newly introduced unique restriction site and then ligased and used to transform competent bacteria. Additionally, the use of Dpn I facilitates the elimination of template DNA. The newly introduced restriction site is essential for ligation in the correct orientation of the two-PCR products and is further used for mutant screening. Resulting plasmids carry both the new restriction site and the desired mutation. Using this method, more than 20 mutants have already been generated (using two different kinds of templates); all these mutants were sequenced for the desired mutation and transfected into AtT-20 cells and the expressed mutant proteins encoded by the vector were assayed.