17 resultados para France -- 1559-1560 (François II)
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Measuring tissue oxygenation in vivo is of interest in fundamental biological as well as medical applications. One minimally invasive approach to assess the oxygen partial pressure in tissue (pO2) is to measure the oxygen-dependent luminescence lifetime of molecular probes. The relation between tissue pO2 and the probes' luminescence lifetime is governed by the Stern-Volmer equation. Unfortunately, virtually all oxygen-sensitive probes based on this principle induce some degree of phototoxicity. For that reason, we studied the oxygen sensitivity and phototoxicity of dichlorotris(1, 10-phenanthroline)-ruthenium(II) hydrate [Ru(Phen)] using a dedicated optical fiber-based, time-resolved spectrometer in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane. We demonstrated that, after intravenous injection, Ru(Phen)'s luminescence lifetime presents an easily detectable pO2 dependence at a low drug dose (1 mg∕kg) and low fluence (120 mJ∕cm2 at 470 nm). The phototoxic threshold was found to be at 10 J∕cm2 with the same wavelength and drug dose, i.e., about two orders of magnitude larger than the fluence necessary to perform a pO2 measurement. Finally, an illustrative application of this pO2 measurement approach in a hypoxic tumor environment is presented.
L'Académie de Lausanne est la première école supérieure protestante implantée en territoire francophone. Lausanne constitue ainsi, dès les années 1540, un pôle de première importance dans le monde réformé. De nombreux savants protestants, attirés par la liberté de pratiquer leur foi et par la présence de l'Académie, s'établissent dans cette ville et des étudiants affluent de toute l'Europe. Les structures de l'Académie de Lausanne et son programme d'enseignement, fixés par un règlement daté de 1547, condensent sous une forme nouvelle les réflexions pédagogiques de la Renaissance. Ils constituent un modèle, direct ou indirect, pour toutes les Académies calvinistes fondées aux XVIème et XVIIème siècles, que ce soit à Genève, en France, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Écosse, en Pologne ou encore aux États-Unis, dont les trois premiers Colleges, Harvard, William and Mary et Yale, se situent dans la même tradition. Malgré la place fondamentale qu'occupe l'Académie de Lausanne dans l'histoire de l'éducation protestante, la phase de création et de développement de cette institution était encore très mal connue. Cette thèse comble cette lacune de l'historiographie par la mise au jour et par l'analyse de nombreux documents, en grande partie inédits. Elle détruit bon nombre de préjugés entourant la mise en place et les buts de l'Académie de Lausanne à ses débuts. Ainsi, l'Académie de Lausanne n'est pas uniquement une école de pasteurs, comme il a souvent été affirmé jusqu'à ce jour, mais plus largement une institution offrant une formation d'un niveau très élevé dans les trois langues anciennes, (latin, grec et hébreu), en arts libéraux, en philosophie naturelle et morale, et en théologie. Au milieu du XVIème siècle, l'Académie lausannoise est capable de rivaliser avec les meilleures institutions pédagogiques de la Renaissance et d'attirer, dans un rayon très large, non seulement des étudiants qui se destinent au pastorat, mais aussi ceux qui sont formés pour gouverner leurs cités. Plus généralement, cette thèse, qui combine des approches d'histoire intellectuelle, d'histoire politique et d'histoire sociale, reconstitue et analyse les structures de l'Académie de Lausanne jusqu'à 1560, ainsi que ses fonctions éducatives, confessionnelles et politiques.
The hypothalamic damage induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic abnormalities, resulting in a rat hyperleptinemic-hyperadipose phenotype. This study was conducted to explore the impact of the neonatal MSG treatment, in the adult (120 days old) female rat on: (a) the in vivo and in vitro mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and angiotensin II (AII); (b) the effect of leptin on ACTH- and AII-stimulated mineralocorticoid secretions by isolated corticoadrenal cells; and (c) abdominal adiposity characteristics. Our data indicate that, compared with age-matched controls, MSG rats displayed: (1) enhanced and reduced mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and AII treatments, respectively, effects observed in both in vivo and in vitro conditions; (2) adrenal refractoriness to the inhibitory effect of exogenous leptin on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone output by isolated adrenocortical cells; and (3) distorted omental adiposity morphology and function. This study supports that the adult hyperleptinemic MSG female rat is characterized by enhanced ACTH-driven mineralocorticoid function, impaired adrenal leptin sensitivity, and disrupted abdominal adiposity function. MSG rats could counteract undesirable effects of glucocorticoid excess, by developing a reduced AII-driven mineralocorticoid function. Thus, chronic hyperleptinemia could play a protective role against ACTH-mediated allostatic loads in the adrenal leptin resistant, MSG female rat phenotype.
BACKGROUND: The strength of the association between intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired nosocomial infections (NIs) and mortality might differ according to the methodological approach taken. OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between ICU-acquired NIs and mortality using the concept of population-attributable fraction (PAF) for patient deaths caused by ICU-acquired NIs in a large cohort of critically ill patients. SETTING: Eleven ICUs of a French university hospital. DESIGN: We analyzed surveillance data on ICU-acquired NIs collected prospectively during the period from 1995 through 2003. The primary outcome was mortality from ICU-acquired NI stratified by site of infection. A matched-pair, case-control study was performed. Each patient who died before ICU discharge was defined as a case patient, and each patient who survived to ICU discharge was defined as a control patient. The PAF was calculated after adjustment for confounders by use of conditional logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Among 8,068 ICU patients, a total of 1,725 deceased patients were successfully matched with 1,725 control patients. The adjusted PAF due to ICU-acquired NI for patients who died before ICU discharge was 14.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 14.4%-14.8%). Stratified by the type of infection, the PAF was 6.1% (95% CI, 5.7%-6.5%) for pulmonary infection, 3.2% (95% CI, 2.8%-3.5%) for central venous catheter infection, 1.7% (95% CI, 0.9%-2.5%) for bloodstream infection, and 0.0% (95% CI, -0.4% to 0.4%) for urinary tract infection. CONCLUSIONS: ICU-acquired NI had an important effect on mortality. However, the statistical association between ICU-acquired NI and mortality tended to be less pronounced in findings based on the PAF than in study findings based on estimates of relative risk. Therefore, the choice of methods does matter when the burden of NI needs to be assessed.
BACKGROUND: Differences in morbidity and mortality between socioeconomic groups constitute one of the most consistent findings of epidemiologic research. However, research on social inequalities in health has yet to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying this association. In recent analysis, we showed health behaviours, assessed longitudinally over the follow-up, to explain a major proportion of the association of socioeconomic status (SES) with mortality in the British Whitehall II study. However, whether health behaviours are equally important mediators of the SES-mortality association in different cultural settings remains unknown. In the present paper, we examine this issue in Whitehall II and another prospective European cohort, the French GAZEL study. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We included 9,771 participants from the Whitehall II study and 17,760 from the GAZEL study. Over the follow-up (mean 19.5 y in Whitehall II and 16.5 y in GAZEL), health behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity), were assessed longitudinally. Occupation (in the main analysis), education, and income (supplementary analysis) were the markers of SES. The socioeconomic gradient in smoking was greater (p<0.001) in Whitehall II (odds ratio [OR] = 3.68, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.11-4.36) than in GAZEL (OR = 1.33, 95% CI 1.18-1.49); this was also true for unhealthy diet (OR = 7.42, 95% CI 5.19-10.60 in Whitehall II and OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.15-1.49 in GAZEL, p<0.001). Socioeconomic differences in mortality were similar in the two cohorts, a hazard ratio of 1.62 (95% CI 1.28-2.05) in Whitehall II and 1.94 in GAZEL (95% CI 1.58-2.39) for lowest versus highest occupational position. Health behaviours attenuated the association of SES with mortality by 75% (95% CI 44%-149%) in Whitehall II but only by 19% (95% CI 13%-29%) in GAZEL. Analysis using education and income yielded similar results. CONCLUSIONS: Health behaviours were strong predictors of mortality in both cohorts but their association with SES was remarkably different. Thus, health behaviours are likely to be major contributors of socioeconomic differences in health only in contexts with a marked social characterisation of health behaviours. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.
Depuis les années 1980, en France, les périphéries urbaines sont très fortement investies par les écrivains. Pauvreté architecturale, prolifération d'espaces mono-fonctionnels, déréliction sociale, les maux y sont de divers ordres. En bref, c'est là que la ville serait moins ville que la ville : la périphérie souffrirait d'un déficit d'urbanité. Par ailleurs, tout ce qui relève de l'urbain mérite, aujourd'hui, comme une prise en charge paysagère, ce dont témoigne, entre autres, le fait que les métiers du paysage sont souvent associés aux entreprises de requalification de ces espaces.¦Le corpus étudié dans ce travail est littéraire : il compte huit textes, parus entre 1990 et 2007. Premièrement, ces textes appartiennent au paradigme de l'ordinaire, ou du quotidien. Deuxièmement, ils sont écrits du point de vue du centre. Troisièmement, ils relèvent d'une expérience de déplacement, ou d'un projet viatique : il en résulte que les espaces y sont tout à la fois pratiqués, perçus et représentés.¦À partir d'un modèle du paysage qui l'entend comme une réalité multipolaire, les huit textes sont interrogés par le croisement de l'analyse littéraire avec d'autres savoirs (géographie, phénoménologie, histoire culturelle, sociologie). Il s'agit d'abord de construire, avec les écrivains, différents types d'espaces géographiques : des espaces urbains centraux, des espaces suburbains et des espaces périurbains. Ensuite, il faut appréhender le paysage dans sa complexité polysensorielle, sa dimension identificatoire, comme à travers son appréciation explicite par les «voyageurs». Il s'agit, encore, d'éprouver les tensions esthétiques, voire ironiques, du « paysage urbain ». Et, finalement, de prendre en considération les hommes, c'est-à-dire le rapport à l'autre qui est institué par chacun des auteurs.¦La thèse défendue est que les écrivains sont bel et bien les agents d'une requalification symbolique de l'urbain contemporain. D'une part, ils requalifient l'urbain dans la mesure où ils le donnent à connaître; où ils rendent habitable ce qui semble inhabitable; où ils mobilisent des schèmes esthétiques - la fenêtre perceptive, le mélange, la flânerie - qui permettent d'informer les espaces visités. D'autre part, en s'appropriant symboliquement les périphéries urbaines, il apparaît que les écrivains les réintègrent, plus ou moins, dans la cité. Cela signifie également qu'ils y redistribuent le pouvoir, ou la parole, manifestant ainsi la dimension proprement politique du paysage.
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate whether self-expanding stents are more effective than balloon-expandable stents for reducing stent malapposition at 3 days after implantation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. BACKGROUND: Acute myocardial infarction is associated with vasoconstriction and large thrombus burden. Resolution of vasoconstriction and thrombus load during the first hours to days after primary percutaneous coronary intervention may lead to stent undersizing and malapposition, which may subsequently lead to stent thrombosis or restenosis. In addition, aggressive stent deployment may cause distal embolization. METHODS: Eighty patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to receive a self-expanding stent (STENTYS, STENTYS SA, Paris, France) (n = 43) or a balloon-expandable stent (VISION, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California; or Driver, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) (n = 37) at 9 European centers. The primary endpoint was the proportion of stent strut malapposition at 3 days after implantation measured by optical coherence tomography. Secondary endpoints included major adverse cardiac events (cardiac death, recurrent myocardial infarction, emergent bypass surgery, or clinically driven target lesion revascularization). RESULTS: At 3 days after implantation, on a per-strut basis, a lower rate of malapposed stent struts was observed by optical coherence tomography in the self-expanding stent group than in the balloon-expandable group (0.58% vs. 5.46%, p < 0.001). On a per-patient basis, none of the patients in the self-expanding stent group versus 28% in the balloon-expandable group presented ≥5% malapposed struts (p < 0.001). At 6 months, major adverse cardiac events were 2.3% versus 0% in the self-expanding and balloon-expandable groups, respectively (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Strut malapposition at 3 days is significantly lower in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients allocated to self-expanding stents when than in those allocated to balloon-expandable stents. The impact of this difference on clinical outcome and the risk of late stent thrombosis need to be evaluated further. (Randomized Comparison Between the STENTYS Self-expanding Coronary Stent and a Balloon-expandable Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction [APPOSITION II]; NCT01008085).
BACKGROUND: Father's occupational position, education and height have all been used to examine the effects of adverse early life socioeconomic circumstances on health, but it remains unknown whether they predict mortality equally well. METHODS: We used pooled data on 18,393 men and 7060 women from the Whitehall II and GAZEL cohorts to examine associations between early life socioeconomic circumstances and all-cause and cause-specific mortality. RESULTS: During the 20-y follow-up period, 1487 participants died. Education had a monotonic association with all mortality outcomes; the age, sex and cohort-adjusted HR for the lowest versus the highest educational group was 1.45 (95% CI 1.24 to 1.69) for all-cause mortality. There was evidence of a U-shaped association between height and all-cause, cancer and cardiovascular mortality robust to adjustment for the other indicators (HR 1.41, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.93 for those shorter than average and HR 1.36, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.88 for those taller than average for cardiovascular mortality). Greater all-cause and cancer mortality was observed in participants whose father's occupational position was manual rather than non-manual (HR 1.11, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.23 for all-cause mortality), but the risks were attenuated after adjusting for education and height. CONCLUSIONS: The association between early life socioeconomic circumstances and mortality depends on the socioeconomic indicator used and the cause of death examined. Height is not a straightforward measure of early life socioeconomic circumstances as taller people do not have a health advantage for all mortality outcomes.
On Ile de Groix, Variscan metamorphic former tholeiitic and alkaline basalts occur as glaucophane-eclogites, blueschists and greenschists in isolated lenses and layers within metapelites. Whole-rock delta O-18(SMOW) values of the metabasites show limited variations (10.4-12.0 parts per thousand) and no systematic differences among rock types and metamorphic grades. This provides no argument for large-scale blueschist-to-greenschist transformation driven by infiltration of externally derived fluids. Metamorphic mineralogical changes should have been triggered by internal fluids. Element variations in interlayered blue- and greenschists can be attributed to magmatic fractionation. Assemblages with garnet, clinopyroxene and glaucophane of a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism M1, and NaCa-amphiboles (barroisite, magnesiohornblende, actinolite) of a medium-pressure/medium-temperature metamorphism M2 crystallized during deformation Dl. Detailed core-rim zonation profiles display increasing and then decreasing Al-IV in glaucophane of M1. NaCa-amphiboles of M2, mantling glaucophane and crystallized in porphyroblasts, show first increasing, then decreasing, Al-IV and Al-IV. Empirically calibrated thermobarometers allowed P-T path reconstructions. In glaucophane-eclogites of a metamorphic zone I, a prograde evolution to M1 peak conditions at 400-500 degreesC/10-12 kbar was followed by a retrograde P-T path within the glaucophane stability field. The subsequent M2 evolution was again prograde up to > 600 degreesC at 8 kbar and then retrograde. Similarly, in metamorphic zones II and III, prograde and retrograde paths of MI and M2 at lower maximal temperatures and pressures exist. The almost complete metamorphic cycle during M2 signalizes that the HP-LT rocks escaped from an early erosion by a moderate second burial event and explains the longlasting slow uplift with low average cooling rates.
To translate the Kinder- und Hausmärchen into French is to confront the spectre of Charles Perrault and his Histoires ou contes du temps passé. Avec des moralités, which have haunted the fairy-tale genre in France since the end of the 17th century. Celebrated for their alleged simplicity and naivety by literary critics and folklorists, Perrault's "contes" have become the paragon of a genre against which fairytales translated into French are implicitly? measured. On the one hand, Perrault has come to play an integrating role, linking foreign texts to the French literary heritage and thereby facilitating their reception. On the other hand, he is simultaneously used as a contrast, to emphasise the originality of foreign authors and emphasise cultural differences. Drawing on contemporary and 19th century examples emphasising the influence of the Histoires ou contes du temps passé on French translations of the KHM, I will show that the Grimms' fairy-tales are translated less in the "tongue of Molière" than in the "tongue of Perrault".
Question: Outdoor occupational exposure could be associated with important cumulative and intense exposure to ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation. Such exposure would increase risk of skin cancer. However, little information exists on jobs associated with intense UV exposure. The objective of this study was to characterise occupational UV exposure in a representative sample in France. Methods: A population-based survey was conducted in May-June 2012 through computer-assisted telephonic interviews in population 25 to 69 years of age. Individual UV irradiation was computed with declared time and place of residence matched to UV records from satellite measurement (Eurosun project). We analysed factors influencing exposure to UV (annual average and seasonal peak). Results: A total of 1442 individuals declared having an occupational exposure to UV which represents 18% of population aged 25 to 69 years. Outdoor workers were more frequently men (58%), aged 40-54 (43%), with a phototype III or IV (69%). Occupations associated with highest UV exposure were: construction workers (annual daily average 62.8 Joules/m2), gardeners (62.6), farmers (52.8), culture/art/social sciences workers (52.0) and transport workers/mail carriers (49.5). The maximum of UVA exposure was found for occupation with a strong seasonality of exposure: culture, art or social sciences works (98.1 Joules/m2), construction works (97.2), gardening (96.7) and farming (95.0). Significant factors associated with high occupational UV exposure were gender (men vs. women: 53.6 vs. 42.6), phototype (IV vs. I: 51.9 vs. 45.5) and taking lunch outdoors (always vs. never: 59.8 vs. 48.6). Conclusion: Our study showed that some occupations were associated with particularly intense UV exposure such as farmers, gardeners, construction workers. Other unexpected occupations were also associated with high UV exposure such as transport workers, mail carriers and culture/art/social sciences workers.
Résumé : Crise économique et travail féminin : retour à l'ordre. L'offensive contre le travail des femmes dans les services publics en Suisse et en France durant les années 1930 La crise économique mondiale des années 1930 se caractérise par une véritable offensive contre l'activité professionnelle féminine dans les services publics. Dans l'ensemble des pays industrialisés, le travail des femmes fonctionnaires acquiert le statut d'enjeu économique, politique, social, familial et moral. La généralisation du chômage sous l'effet de la crise économique suscite d'âpres discussions sur la répartition des postes de travail et les femmes fonctionnaires endossent le rôle de bouc émissaire. Les gouvernements et autorités publiques des pays industrialisés plébiscitent dès lors, selon des modalités diverses, la « solution » d'une réglementation restrictive du travail des salariées des services publics. Cette thèse met en lumière un épisode de l'histoire de la « ségrégation ordinaire » entre les sexes dans le monde du travail. Elle montre que la segmentation et la hiérarchisation sexuées du travail ne reflètent pas des faits « naturels », mais qu'elles constituent l'aboutissement d'un long processus de différenciation engageant une multitude d'acteurs·trices sociaux·ales. Nous avons opté pour une histoire croisée de l'offensive contre l'activité des salariées de la fonction publique en Suisse et en France, en y intégrant un « détour » par l'analyse de la dimension internationale de cette campagne contre l'emploi féminin. Cette approche permet de revisiter l'histoire politique, sociale, culturelle, économique et financière propre à la Suisse et à la France des années 1930. La sexuation de l'histoire, soit la prise en compte des rapports entre les sexes dans et par le récit historique, l'éclairage novateur de l'histoire d'une nation sur l'autre, ainsi que la prise en considération de l'internationalisation de certaines pratiques (législatives et féministes), permettent de renouveler un cadre d'analyse et de proposer de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur l'histoire du travail et des féminismes. En premier lieu, ce travail analyse les modalités de la reconfiguration des rapports entre les sexes durant les années 1930, sous le prisme de l'activité salariée. Il détermine de quelle manière le travail des femmes fonctionnaires se constitue en « problème » à cette période et quels sont les termes de l'offensive contre les salariées des services publics en Suisse et en France, mais également sur le plan international. En deuxième lieu, le coeur de la recherche porte sur les incidences de l'offensive contre les femmes fonctionnaires en Suisse et en France. Nous montrons de quelle manière les gouvernements et les autorités publiques prennent appui sur les impératifs d'austérité budgétaire pour redessiner des lignes de démarcation entre « travail masculin » et « travail féminin » dans certains domaines bien spécifiques des services publics. En troisième lieu, cette contribution propose une lecture de l'histoire de la mobilisation féministe pour défendre le droit au travail des femmes fonctionnaires, mobilisation encore trop souvent occultée par les récits historiques traditionnels. Pour les sources consultées, l'étude de la manière dont le travail des femmes fonctionnaires se constitue en « problème » sur le plan international (partie I) repose sur les archives et les publications du Bureau international du travail. Quant à l'étude des cas nationaux (parties II et III), pour chaque pays, trois types de sources ont été dépouillés : les archives des associations féministes investies dans la défense du droit au travail féminin ; les sources publiées ayant trait à l'offensive contre le travail féminin (rapports, actes de journées d'étude, organes de presse) ; les sources officielles législatives qui entérinent le processus de ségrégation sexuée dans les emplois publics.
The deposits of two volcanic debris avalanches (VDA I and II) that occur in the upper Maronne valley, northwest sector of Cantal Volcano, France, were studied to establish their mechanisms of formation, transport and deposition. These two volcanic debris avalanches that clearly differ with regard to their structures, textures and extensions, exemplify the wide spectrum of events associated with large-scale sector collapse. VDA I is voluminous (similar to1 km(3) in the upper Maronne valley) and widespread. The deposits comprise two distinct facies: the block facies that forms the intermediate and upper part of the unit and the mixed facies that crops out essentially at the base of the unit. The block facies consists of more or less brecciated lava, block-and-ash-flow breccia and pumice-flow tuff megablocks set in breccias resulting from block disaggregation. Mixing and differential movements are almost absent in this part of the VDA. The mixed facies consists of breccias rich in fine particles that originate from block disagregation, as well as being picked up from the substratum during movement. Mixing and differential movements are predominant in this zone. Analysis of fractures on lava megablocks suggests that shear stress during the initial sliding is the principal cause of fracture. These data strongly indicate that VDA I is purely gravitational and argue for a model in which the initial sliding mass transforms into a flow due to differential in situ fragmentation caused by the shear stress. VDA II is restricted to low-topography areas. Its volume, in the studied area, is about 0.3 km(3). The deposits consist of brecciated, rounded blocks and megablocks set in a fine-grained matrix composed essentially of volcanic glass. This unit is stratified, with a massive layer that contains all the megablocks at the base and in the intermediate part, and in the upper part a normally graded layer that contains only blocks <1 m in size. The different lithologies present are totally mixed. These observations suggest that VDA II may be of the Bezymianny-type and that it underwent a flow transformation from a turbulent to a stratified flow consisting of a basal hyperconcentrated laminar body overlain by a dilute layer. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.