14 resultados para Brady, Ken

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Characterisation of nanoparticles (NP) based on size distribution, surface area, reactivity, and aggregation status of nanoparticles (NP) are of prime importance because they are usually closely related to toxicity. To date, most of the toxicity studies are quite time and money consuming. In the present study we report the oxidative properties of a panel of various NP (four Carbonaceous, nine Metal oxides, and one Metal as showed in Table 1) assessed with an acellular reactivity test measuring dithiothreitol (DTT) consumption (Sauvain et al. 2008). Such a test allows determining the ability of NP to catalyse the transfer of electrons from DTT to oxygen. DTT is used as a reductant species. NP were diluted and sonicated in Tween 80® to a final concentration of 50 g/mL. Printex 90 was diluted 5 times before doing the DTT assay because of its expected higher activity. Suspensions were characterised for NP size distribution by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (Nanosight©). Fresh solutions were incubated with DTT (100 μM). Aliquots were taken every 5 min and the remaining DTT was determined by reacting it with DTNB. The reaction rate was determined for NP suspensions and blank in parallel. The mean Brownian size distribution of NP agglomerates in suspension is presented in Table 1. D values correspond to 10th, and 50th percentiles of the particle diameters. All the NP agglomerated in Tween 80 with a D50 size corresponding to at least twice their primary size, except for Al2O3 (300 nm). The DTT test showed Printex 90 sample to be the most reactive one, followed by Diesel EPA and Nanotubes. Most of the metallic NP was nonresponding toward this test, except for NiO and Ag which reacted positively and ZnO which presented the most negative reactivity (see Figure 1). This last observation suggests that electron transfer between DTT and oxygen is hindered in presence of ZnO compared with the blank. Such "stabilization" could be attributable to ZnO dissolution and complexation between Zn2+ ions and DTT.


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Because environmental conditions within a given basin are different for each season and at different water depth, knowledge of the life history and depth distribution of target species is important for environmental and palaeoenvironmental interpretations based on ostracod species assemblages and/or the geochemical compositions of their valves. In order to determine the distribution of species with depth as well as the life history of species from Lake Geneva, a one year sampling campaign of living ostracods was conducted at five sites (2, 5, 13, 33 and 70 m water depth) on a monthly basis in the Petit-Lac (western basin of Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Based on the results, the different species can be classified into three groups. Littoral taxa are found at 2 and 5 m water depth and include, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Cypridopsis vidua (O. F.Müller, 1776), Pseudocandona compressa (Koch, 1838), Limnocythere inopinata (Baird, 1843), Herpetocypris reptans (Baird, 1835), Potamocypris smaragdina (Vávra, 1891), Potamocypris similis (G. W. Müller, 1912), Plesiocypridopsis newtoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870), Prionocypris zenkeri (Chyzer & Toth, 1858) and Ilyocypris sp. Brady & Norman, 1889. Sublittoral species are found in a majority at 13 m water depth and to a lesser extend at 33 m water depth and include, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Fabaeformiscandona caudata (Kaufmann, 1900), Limnocytherina sanctipatricii, Candona candida (O. F. Müller, 1776) and Isocypris beauchampi (Paris, 1920). Profundal species are found equally at 13, 33 and 70 m water depth and includes, in decreasing numbers of individuals, Cytherissa lacustris (Sars, 1863), Candona neglecta Sars, 1887 and Cypria lacustris Lilljeborg, 1890. The occurrence of Limnocytherina sanctipatricii (Brady & Robertson, 1869) is restricted from late winter to late spring when temperatures are low, while C. vidua, L. inopinata, P. smaragdina, P. similis, P. newtoni and Ilyocypris sp. occur predominantly from spring to early autumn when temperatures are high. Individuals of C. neglecta, C. candida, F. caudata, P. compressa, C. lacustris, H. reptans and Cp. lacustris occur throughout the year with juveniles and adults occurring during the same period (C. neglecta at 70 m, C. lacustris at 13, 33 and 70 m, and H. reptans at 2, 5 and 13 m water depth) or with juveniles occurring during a different period of the year than adults (C. neglecta at 13 and 33 m and C. candida, F. caudata and P. compressa at their respective depth of occurrence). Among the environmental parameters investigated, an estimate of the relationship between ostracod autoecology and environmental parameters suggests that in the Petit-Lac: (i) water temperature and substrate characteristics are important factors controlling the distribution of species with depth, (ii) water temperature is also important for determining the timing of species development and, hence, its specific life history, and (iii) water oxygen and sedimentary organic matter content is less important compared to the other environmental parameter monitored.


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In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.


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Background Geleophysic dysplasia (GD, OMIM 231050) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by short stature, small hands and feet, stiff joints, and thick skin. Patients often present with a progressive cardiac valvular disease which can lead to an early death. In a previous study including six GD families, we have mapped the disease gene on chromosome 9q34.2 and identified mutations in the A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin repeats-like 2 gene (ADAMTSL2). Methods Following this study, we have collected the samples of 30 additional GD families, including 33 patients and identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in 14/33 patients, comprising 13 novel mutations. The absence of mutation in 19 patients prompted us to compare the two groups of GD patients, namely group 1, patients with ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=20, also including the 6 patients from our previous study), and group 2, patients without ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=19). Results The main discriminating features were facial dysmorphism and tip-toe walking, which were almost constantly observed in group 1. No differences were found concerning heart involvement, skin thickness, recurrent respiratory and ear infections, bronchopulmonary insufficiency, laryngo-tracheal stenosis, deafness, and radiographic features. Conclusions It is concluded that GD is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Ongoing studies will hopefully lead to the identification of another disease gene.


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The question of where retroviral DNA becomes integrated in chromosomes is important for understanding (i) the mechanisms of viral growth, (ii) devising new anti-retroviral therapy, (iii) understanding how genomes evolve, and (iv) developing safer methods for gene therapy. With the completion of genome sequences for many organisms, it has become possible to study integration targeting by cloning and sequencing large numbers of host-virus DNA junctions, then mapping the host DNA segments back onto the genomic sequence. This allows statistical analysis of the distribution of integration sites relative to the myriad types of genomic features that are also being mapped onto the sequence scaffold. Here we present methods for recovering and analyzing integration site sequences.


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L'affirmation de soi à travers l'adoption d'un pseudonyme se présente comme une forme d'autocréation qui répond à l'acte d'écriture, en tant que forme première d'une individualité dans la langue. Le nouveau nom remplit la fonction symbolique d'invention de soi par la nomination, tout en jouant, chez certains écrivains d'Afrique noire, de l'inscription d'une autre langue au sein de l'onomastique française. Pour certains d'entre eux, l'autonomination apparaît même comme un acte de guérilla, une affirmation de soi et non une dissimulation, marquée au coin de l'onomastique africaine et d'un contexte historico-politique qui lui donne sens. Dans le cadre de cet article, à considérer comme l'esquisse d'une réflexion abordant un champ encore peu exploré, il s'agit d'envisager les divers enjeux de la nomination en Afrique noire, puis d'interroger les pratiques d'écrivains pseudonymes, tels Sony Labou Tansi, Mongo Beti et Ken Bugul, qui constituent des cas de figure particulièrement significatifs de cette pratique. Self-affirmation via the adoption of a pseudonym constitues a form of self-creation springing from the act of writing, in the guise of a primary shape given within language to an individual. The new name fulfills the symbolic function of inventing oneself through nomination while playing on - in the instance of certain black African writers - the inscription of another language within French onomastics. For one, self-naming appears as a « guerilla action », an affirmation of self and not its dissimulation, marked on the edges by African onomastics and an historico-political context that gives the meaning. In this article, offered as an outline of an approch to an little-explored field of investigation, we seek to identify the various stakes related to naming in black Africa, before examining specific techniques demonstrated by pseudonymous writers such as Sony Labou Tansi, Mongo Beti, and Ken Bugul, taken as exemplary and particulary significant in this domain.


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OBJECTIVES: We have sought to develop an automated methodology for the continuous updating of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure (CPPopt) for patients after severe traumatic head injury, using continuous monitoring of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity. We then validated the CPPopt algorithm by determining the association between outcome and the deviation of actual CPP from CPPopt. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. SETTING: Neurosciences critical care unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 327 traumatic head-injury patients admitted between 2003 and 2009 with continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure and intracranial pressure. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure, intracranial pressure, and CPP were continuously recorded, and pressure reactivity index was calculated online. Outcome was assessed at 6 months. An automated curve fitting method was applied to determine CPP at the minimum value for pressure reactivity index (CPPopt). A time trend of CPPopt was created using a moving 4-hr window, updated every minute. Identification of CPPopt was, on average, feasible during 55% of the whole recording period. Patient outcome correlated with the continuously updated difference between median CPP and CPPopt (chi-square=45, p<.001; outcome dichotomized into fatal and nonfatal). Mortality was associated with relative "hypoperfusion" (CPP<CPPopt), severe disability with "hyperperfusion" (CPP>CPPopt), and favorable outcome was associated with smaller deviations of CPP from the individualized CPPopt. While deviations from global target CPP values of 60 mm Hg and 70 mm Hg were also related to outcome, these relationships were less robust. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time CPPopt could be identified during the recording time of majority of the patients. Patients with a median CPP close to CPPopt were more likely to have a favorable outcome than those in whom median CPP was widely different from CPPopt. Deviations from individualized CPPopt were more predictive of outcome than deviations from a common target CPP. CPP management to optimize cerebrovascular pressure reactivity should be the subject of future clinical trial in severe traumatic head-injury patients.


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Geleophysic (GD) and acromicric dysplasia (AD) belong to the acromelic dysplasia group and are both characterized by severe short stature, short extremities, and stiff joints. Although AD has an unknown molecular basis, we have previously identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in a subset of GD patients. After exome sequencing in GD and AD cases, we selected fibrillin 1 (FBN1) as a candidate gene, even though mutations in this gene have been described in Marfan syndrome, which is characterized by tall stature and arachnodactyly. We identified 16 heterozygous FBN1 mutations that are all located in exons 41 and 42 and encode TGFβ-binding protein-like domain 5 (TB5) of FBN1 in 29 GD and AD cases. Microfibrillar network disorganization and enhanced TGFβ signaling were consistent features in GD and AD fibroblasts. Importantly, a direct interaction between ADAMTSL2 and FBN1 was demonstrated, suggesting a disruption of this interaction as the underlying mechanism of GD and AD phenotypes. Although enhanced TGFβ signaling caused by FBN1 mutations can trigger either Marfan syndrome or GD and AD, our findings support the fact that TB5 mutations in FBN1 are responsible for short stature phenotypes.