265 resultados para carlavirus identification
Genes underlying mutant phenotypes can be isolated by combining marker discovery, genetic mapping and resequencing, but a more straightforward strategy for mapping mutations would be the direct comparison of mutant and wild-type genomes. Applying such an approach, however, is hampered by the need for reference sequences and by mutational loads that confound the unambiguous identification of causal mutations. Here we introduce NIKS (needle in the k-stack), a reference-free algorithm based on comparing k-mers in whole-genome sequencing data for precise discovery of homozygous mutations. We applied NIKS to eight mutants induced in nonreference rice cultivars and to two mutants of the nonmodel species Arabis alpina. In both species, comparing pooled F2 individuals selected for mutant phenotypes revealed small sets of mutations including the causal changes. Moreover, comparing M3 seedlings of two allelic mutants unambiguously identified the causal gene. Thus, for any species amenable to mutagenesis, NIKS enables forward genetics without requiring segregating populations, genetic maps and reference sequences.
Cannabis use among adolescents and young adults has become a major public health challenge. Several European countries are currently developing short screening instruments to identify 'problematic' forms of cannabis use in general population surveys. One such instrument is the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT), a 10-item questionnaire based on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Previous research found that some CUDIT items did not perform well psychometrically. In the interests of improving the psychometric properties of the CUDIT, this study replaces the poorly performing items with new items that specifically address cannabis use. Analyses are based on a sub-sample of 558 recent cannabis users from a representative population sample of 5722 individuals (aged 13-32) who were surveyed in the 2007 Swiss Cannabis Monitoring Study. Four new items were added to the original CUDIT. Psychometric properties of all 14 items, as well as the dimensionality of the supplemented CUDIT were then examined using Item Response Theory. Results indicate the unidimensionality of CUDIT and an improvement in its psychometric performance when three original items (usual hours being stoned; injuries; guilt) are replaced by new ones (motives for using cannabis; missing out leisure time activities; difficulties at work/school). However, improvements were limited to cannabis users with a high problem score. For epidemiological purposes, any further revision of CUDIT should therefore include a greater number of 'easier' items.
In experimental animals, oncofoetal antigens1 have been found to be associated with both chemical-2 and virus-induced tumours3. In man the two best known oncofoetal antigens are the α-foetoprotein (AFP) described by both Abelev4 and Tatarinov5 and the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) of the human digestive system identified by Gold and Freedman6. We describe here a different human oncofoetal antigen, common to several types of carcinomas and various foetal organs. This antigen has been identified by rabbit antisera raised against semipurified fractions of colon carcinoma soluble extracts. Because of its β-immunoelectrophoretic mobility, this antigen will be referred to as β-oncofoetal antigen (BOFA).
Three sibling species of shrews, the common shrew (Sorex araneus), the Valais shrew (S. antinorii) and the Jersey shrew (S. coronatus) are morphologically similar. Different techniques based on karyorypes, morphology, biochemistry and genetic markers have been developed to identify individuals from these taxa. In this paper, we have used multiple microsatellite markers (L13, L14 and L99) to identify 55 dead animals coming from the Tarentaise Valley in France. As some individuals showed an unclear pattern with loci previously thought to be diagnostic (Lugon-Moulin et al. 2000), we have used morphologic measurements (Hausser et al. 1991) to confirm the status of these animals. This analysis clearly showed the limitations of the use of genetic diagnostic markers that have been designed in local populations and then applied to a wider scale. Even if these markers have great advantages over other techniques (i.e. simple to use and do not require samples from living animals), they should always be used with caution. There is always a risk of a locus not being diagnostic in the sampling region or in finding individuals with hybrid genotypes. Additional genetic markers should then be used, simultaneously with other identification techniques, to be sure of the status of the individuals.
ABSTRACT Poor outcome for glioblastoma patients is largely due to resistance to chemoradiation therapy. While epigenetic inactivation of MGMT mediated DNA repair is highly predictive for benefit from the alkylating agent therapy Temozolomide, additional mechanisms for resistance associated with molecular alterations exist. Furthermore, new concepts in cancer suggest that resistance to treatment may be linked to cancer stem cells that escape therapy and act as source for tumour recurrence. We determined gene expression signatures associated with outcome in glioblastoma patients enrolled in a phase II and phase III clinical trial establishing the new combination therapy of radiation plus concomitant and adjuvant Temozolomide. Correlating stable gene clusters emerging from unsupervised analysis with survival of 42 treated patients identified a number of biological processes associated with outcome. Most prominent, a gene cluster dominated by HOX genes and comprising PROM1, was associated with resistance. PROM1 encodes CD133, a marker for a subpopulation of tumour cells enriched for glioblastoma stem- like cells. The core of this correlated HOX cluster was comprised in the top genes of a "self-renewal signature" defined in a mouse model for MLL-AF9 initiated leukaemia. The association of the HOX gene cluster with tumour resistance was confirmed in two external data sets of 146 malignant glioma As additional resistance factors we identified over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene, EGFR, while increased gene expression related to biological features of tumour host interaction, including markers for tumour vascular and cell adhesion, and innate immune response, were associated with better outcome. The "self-renewal" signature associated with resistance to the new combination chemoradiation therapy provides first clinical evidence that glioma stem like cells may implicated in resistance in a uniformly treated cohort of glioblastoma patients. This study underlines the need to target the tumour stem cell compartment, and provides some testable hypothesis for biological mechanisms relevant for malignant behaviour of glioblastoma that may be targeted in new treatment approaches. Résumé Le glioblastome, tumeur cérébrale primaire maligne la plus fréquente, est connue pour son mauvais pronostique. Des avancées chimiothérapeutiques récentes avec des agents alkylants comme le témozolomide (TMZ), ont permis une amélioration notable dans la survie de certains patients. Les bénéficiaires ont la caractéristique commune de présenter une particularité génétique, la methylation du MGMT (methylguanine methyltransferase). Néanmoins, d'autres mécanismes de résistance en fonction des aberrations moléculaires existent. Nous avons établi les profils d'expressions génétiques des patients traités par irradiation et TMZ dans des études cliniques de phase II et III. En combinant des méthodes non-supervisées et supervisées, de l'étude de la cohorte des patients traités nous avons découvert des groupes de gènes associés à la survie. Un ensemble de gènes contenant les gènes Hox semble lié au mécanisme de résistance au traitement. Récemment, les gènes Hox ont été décrits comme faisant partie d"une signature d'autorenouvellement (self-renewal) des cellules souches cancéreuses de la leucémie. L'autorenouvellement est un processus grâce auquel les cellules souches se maintiennent tout au long de la vie. Cette association à la résistance est confirmée dans deux autres études indépendantes. Un autre facteur de résistance au traitement est la surexpression du gène EGFR. D'autre part, deux groupes de gènes associés à la relation entre hôte-tumeur tels que les marqueurs des vaisseaux tumoraux et de la réponse immunitaire innée s'avèrent avoir un effet positif sur la survie des patients traités. La découverte de la signature d'autorenouvellement comme facteur de résistance à la nouvelle chimio-radiothérapie offre une preuve clinique que les cellules souches cancéreuses sont impliquées dans la résistance au traitement. If est donc logique de penser que le traitement ciblé contre des cellules souches cancéreuses va dans l'avenir permettre des thérapies anticancéreuses plus performantes.
Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed in germ cells only, yet are reactivated and expressed in some tumors. Of the approximately 40 CT genes or gene families identified to date, 20 are on the X chromosome and are present as multigene families, many with highly conserved members. This indicates that novel CT gene families may be identified by detecting duplicated expressed genes on chromosome X. By searching for transcript clusters that map to multiple locations on the chromosome, followed by in silico analysis of their gene expression profiles, we identified five novel gene families with testis-specific expression and >98% sequence identity among family members. The expression of these genes in normal tissues and various tumor cell lines and specimens was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR, and a novel CT gene family with at least 13 copies was identified on Xq24, designated as CT47. mRNA expression of CT47 was found mainly in the testes, with weak expression in the placenta. Brain tissue was the only positive somatic tissue tested, with an estimated CT47 transcript level 0.09% of that found in testis. Among the tumor specimens tested, CT47 expression was found in approximately 15% of lung cancer and esophageal cancer specimens, but not in colorectal cancer or breast cancer. The putative CT47 protein consists of 288 amino acid residues, with a C-terminus rich in alanine and glutamic acid. The only species other than human in which a gene homologous to CT47 has been detected is the chimpanzee, with the predicted protein showing approximately 80% identity in its carboxy terminal region.
BACKGROUND: Adding temozolomide (TMZ) to standard radiotherapy as a first-line therapy for glioma may increase costs to a disproportionate degree compared with the resulting survival benefits. METHODS: Forty-six consecutive patients (28 males and 18 females; median age, 52 years; age range, 24-70 years) received concomitant TMZ with radiotherapy for 6 weeks followed by adjuvant TMZ for 6 cycles, and they were followed until disease recurrence and then until death. The authors assessed the costs associated with the four phases of treatment from a hospital-centered perspective. RESULTS: Treatment was discontinued early in 3 patients, 9 patients, and 15 patients during concomitant TMZ, before adjuvant TMZ, and during adjuvant TMZ, respectively. Karnofsky index values varied between 85% (at the beginning of treatment) and 76% (at the end of treatment). The nature of care after disease recurrence was diverse. Overall survival ranged from 1.4 months to 64.3 months (median, 15.8 months) and was better if surgical debulking could be carried out before treatment. Global costs amounted to Euros 39,092 +/- Euros 21,948 (concomitant TMZ, Euros 14,539 +/- Euros 4998; adjuvant TMZ, Euros 13,651 +/- Euros 4320; follow-up, Euros 6363 +/- Euros 6917; and recurrence, Euros 12,344 +/- Euros 18,327), with 53% of these costs being related to the acquisition of TMZ; this represented an eightfold increase in cost compared with radiotherapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: TMZ may be an effective but costly adjuvant outpatient therapy for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Definite cost-effectiveness/utility must be assessed in a randomized Phase III trial.
L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (AMB) is a potent antibiotic and toxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Using a novel biochemical assay combined with site-directed mutagenesis in strain PAO1, we have identified a five-gene cluster specifying AMB biosynthesis, probably involving a thiotemplate mechanism. Overexpression of this cluster in strain PA7, a natural AMB-negative isolate, led to AMB overproduction.
The identification of novel transcription factors associated with antifungal response may allow the discovery of fungus-specific targets for new therapeutic strategies. A collection of 241 Candida albicans transcriptional regulator mutants was screened for altered susceptibility to fluconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B, and 5-fluorocytosine. Thirteen of these mutants not yet identified in terms of their role in antifungal response were further investigated, and the function of one of them, a mutant of orf19.6102 (RCA1), was characterized by transcriptome analysis. Strand-specific RNA sequencing and phenotypic tests assigned Rca1 as the regulator of hyphal formation through the cyclic AMP/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) signaling pathway and the transcription factor Efg1, but also probably through its interaction with a transcriptional repressor, most likely Tup1. The mechanisms responsible for the high level of resistance to caspofungin and fluconazole observed resulting from RCA1 deletion were investigated. From our observations, we propose that caspofungin resistance was the consequence of the deregulation of cell wall gene expression and that fluconazole resistance was linked to the modulation of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway activity. In conclusion, our large-scale screening of a C. albicans transcription factor mutant collection allowed the identification of new effectors of the response to antifungals. The functional characterization of Rca1 assigned this transcription factor and its downstream targets as promising candidates for the development of new therapeutic strategies, as Rca1 influences host sensing, hyphal development, and antifungal response.
The oxalate-carbonate pathway (OCP) leads to a potential carbon sink in terrestrial environments. This process is linked to the activity of oxalotrophic bacteria. Although isolation and molecular characterizations are used to study oxalotrophic bacteria, these approaches do not give information on the active oxalotrophs present in soil undergoing the OCP. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of active oxalotrophic bacteria in soil microcosms using the Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) DNA labeling technique. Soil was collected near an oxalogenic tree (Milicia excelsa). Different concentrations of calcium oxalate (0.5%, 1%, and 4% w/w) were added to the soil microcosms and compared with an untreated control. After 12days of incubation, a maximal pH of 7.7 was measured for microcosms with oxalate (initial pH 6.4). At this time point, a DGGE profile of the frc gene was performed from BrdU-labeled soil DNA and unlabeled soil DNA. Actinobacteria (Streptomyces- and Kribbella-like sequences), Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria were found as the main active oxalotrophic bacterial groups. This study highlights the relevance of Actinobacteria as members of the active bacterial community and the identification of novel uncultured oxalotrophic groups (i.e. Kribbella) active in soils.
Since the advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, the ever-increasing rate at which genomes have been published has generated new challenges notably at the level of genome annotation. Even if gene predictors and annotation softwares are more and more efficient, the ultimate validation is still in the observation of predicted gene product( s). Mass-spectrometry based proteomics provides the necessary high throughput technology to show evidences of protein presence and, from the identified sequences, confirmation or invalidation of predicted annotations. We review here different strategies used to perform a MS-based proteogenomics experiment with a bottom-up approach. We start from the strengths and weaknesses of the different database construction strategies, based on different genomic information (whole genome, ORF, cDNA, EST or RNA-Seq data), which are then used for matching mass spectra to peptides and proteins. We also review the important points to be considered for a correct statistical assessment of the peptide identifications. Finally, we provide references for tools used to map and visualize the peptide identifications back to the original genomic information.
A fast and reliable assay for the identification of dermatophyte fungi and nondermatophyte fungi (NDF) in onychomycosis is essential, since NDF are especially difficult to cure using standard treatment. Diagnosis is usually based on both direct microscopic examination of nail scrapings and macroscopic and microscopic identification of the infectious fungus in culture assays. In the last decade, PCR assays have been developed for the direct detection of fungi in nail samples. In this study, we describe a PCR-terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) assay to directly and routinely identify the infecting fungi in nails. Fungal DNA was easily extracted using a commercial kit after dissolving nail fragments in an Na(2)S solution. Trichophyton spp., as well as 12 NDF, could be unambiguously identified by the specific restriction fragment size of 5'-end-labeled amplified 28S DNA. This assay enables the distinction of different fungal infectious agents and their identification in mixed infections. Infectious agents could be identified in 74% (162/219) of cases in which the culture results were negative. The PCR-TRFLP assay described here is simple and reliable. Furthermore, it has the possibility to be automated and thus routinely applied to the rapid diagnosis of a large number of clinical specimens in dermatology laboratories.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa utilizes preferentially C(4)-dicarboxylates such as malate, fumarate, and succinate as carbon and energy sources. We have identified and characterized two C(4)-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) systems in P. aeruginosa PAO1. Inactivation of the dctA(PA1183) gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating that DctA has a major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of additional C(4)-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the ΔdctA mutant led to the identification of a second Dct system, i.e., the DctPQM transporter belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. The ΔdctA ΔdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate and residual growth on succinate, suggesting that DctA and DctPQM are the only malate and fumarate transporters, whereas additional transporters for succinate are present. Using lacZ reporter fusions, we showed that the expression of the dctA gene and the dctPQM operon was enhanced in early exponential growth phase and induced by C(4)-dicarboxylates. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at micromolar concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at millimolar concentrations. To conclude, this is the first time that the high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate DctA and DctPQM have been reported to function coordinately to transport C(4)-dicarboxylates and that the alternative sigma factor RpoN and a DctB/DctD two-component system regulates simultaneously the dctA gene and the dctPQM operon.
We report the case of a congenital myasthenic syndrome due to a mutation in AGRN, the gene encoding agrin, an extracellular matrix molecule released by the nerve and critical for formation of the neuromuscular junction. Gene analysis identified a homozygous missense mutation, c.5125G>C, leading to the p.Gly1709Arg variant. The muscle-biopsy specimen showed a major disorganization of the neuromuscular junction, including changes in the nerve-terminal cytoskeleton and fragmentation of the synaptic gutters. Experiments performed in nonmuscle cells or in cultured C2C12 myotubes and using recombinant mini-agrin for the mutated and the wild-type forms showed that the mutated form did not impair the activation of MuSK or change the total number of induced acetylcholine receptor aggregates. A solid-phase assay using the dystrophin glycoprotein complex showed that the mutation did not affect the binding of agrin to alpha-dystroglycan. Injection of wild-type or mutated agrin into rat soleus muscle induced the formation of nonsynaptic acetylcholine receptor clusters, but the mutant protein specifically destabilized the endogenous neuromuscular junctions. Importantly, the changes observed in rat muscle injected with mutant agrin recapitulated the pre- and post-synaptic modifications observed in the patient. These results indicate that the mutation does not interfere with the ability of agrin to induce postsynaptic structures but that it dramatically perturbs the maintenance of the neuromuscular junction.
STRUCTURE DU DOCUMENT ET PRINCIPALES CONTRIBUTIONS CHAPITRE 1 INTRODUCTION ET MÉTHODOLOGIE Le chapitre 1 présente un aperçu de la recherche, le contexte, les objectifs, la méthodologie, la démarche. CHAPITRE 2 : ÉTAT DE LA QUESTION Le chapitre 2 présente un état de la question des principaux concepts : les compétences, la gestion des compétences, les systèmes de gestion des compétences. La question de la gestion des compétences en sciences de gestion, et son lien avec la stratégie de l'entreprise a beaucoup occupé les chercheurs et les praticiens. On peut distinguer deux tendances principales : les recherches provenant du champ disciplinaire de la stratégie d'entreprise, regroupées par commodité sous l'étiquette «approche stratégique », et les recherches issues du domaine de la gestion des ressources humaines, qu'on appellera GRH. Au-delà du vocabulaire souvent commun (ressources, compétences), de la vision partagée qu'il est nécessaire de voir l'entreprise « de l'intérieur » et non plus uniquement dans son environnement, les deux approches ont des problématiques très similaires, comme le lien avec la performance ou les changements organisationnels induits par une démarche compétence. Pourtant, les divergences subsistent. L'approche stratégique procède d'un niveau « macro »pour identifier des « compétences-clés », et peine souvent à opérationnaliser ce concept. Les démarches GRH ont un souci analytique de décomposition de la compétence et de la ressource qui risque de noyer la démarche dans le détail. En outre, alors que le vocabulaire est similaire, les définitions divergent. Concilier ces divergences, afin de conserver les avantages de l'une et de l'autre de ces théories, à savoir le lien avec la stratégie pour l'une et le souci d'opérationnaliser les concepts pour l'autre est peut être plus aisé à l'heure ou les nouvelles conditions auxquelles sont soumises les entreprises qui oeuvrent dans l' »économie de la connaissance ». Les technologies qui deviennent accessibles plus facilement font qu'en dernière instance, ce sont bien les collaborateurs de l'entreprise qui sont le support de la compétence. L'objectif de cet état de la question n'est pas de procéder à un recensement exhaustif des manières de traiter de la compétence en sciences de gestion. Il est plutôt de mettre en évidence ce que les deux approches peuvent amener, chacun à leur manière, à notre problème, l'identification des compétences d'entreprise en lien avec la stratégie. Ces éléments nous serviront de matériau pour construire notre propre modèle d'identification des compétences. C'est sans doute la première fois que ces deux modèles sont confrontés du point de vue de la stratégie de l'entreprise. CHAPITRE 3 : LE MODÈLE CONCEPTUEL Le chapitre 3 présente le modèle conceptuel d'identification des compétences d'entreprise. Après une discussion sur la notion de modèle en sciences de gestion, il présente l'intérêt d'une modélisation, et la démarche de modélisation. Celle-ci se décompose en 3 étapes concentriques successives : un modèle informel, un modèle semi-formel qui prendra la forme d'une ontologie, et quelques éléments d'un modèle formel. Une présentation des ontologies et de l'utilité de cette technique précèdera la construction du modèle à proprement parler. Cette construction se fera à partir des fonctionnalités d'un système de gestion des compétences défini comme utile à l'entreprise, c'est à dire répondant aux objectifs. Dans cette partie, nous construirons notre modèle conceptuel d'identification et de qualification des compétences d'entreprises. Nous commencerons par préciser la notion de modèle. Un modèle consiste en une schématisation, -qui typifie certaines caractéristiques du réel, pour en faire ressortir certains traits dominants, les mettre en valeur et permettre ainsi d'anticiper certains développements de la réalité. Nous sélectionnerons et préciserons ensuite les entités nécessaires à la composition du modèle. Nous définirons ainsi le concept de compétences et les concepts qui lui sont liés. Dans une troisième partie, nous montrerons en quoi la technique des ontologies peut se révéler utile pour notre problématique. CHAPITRE 4 : LE MODÈLE DE RAISONNEMENT Le chapitre 4 présente le modèle de raisonnement, quelques fonctionnalités du prototype, quelques éléments de l'algorithme, une esquisse de l'architecture, des requêtes possibles, vues à travers une technique inspirée des use-cases. La partie précédente aura permis de sélectionner les entités nécessaires à un modèle d'identification et de qualification des compétences. Dans cette partie, nous allons développer le modèle de raisonnement. L'objectif de notre travail est d'identifier concrètement les compétences de l'entreprise, et de les qualifier, afin de servir d'aide à la décision. Dans cette optique, le modèle de raisonnement décrira les opérations effectuées sur les entités identifiées précédemment. Après avoir défini le modèle de raisonnement et son fonctionnement, nous présenterons les quatre cas d'utilisation qui nous servirons d'exemples d'utilisation. Il s'agit des cas de dirigeant d'entreprise, responsable des ressources humaines, chef de projet, et collaborateur de l'entreprise. Ces cas d'utilisation nous permettrons d'opérationnaliser les concepts décrits dans le modèle conceptuel à travers un système d'indicateurs, d'effectuer des opérations sur ces concepts. ANNEXE : UNE ÉTUDE DE CAS Enfin, en annexe de ce document, nous décrirons une étude de cas. Il s'agit d'une intervention menée en entreprise, qui a repris, et ainsi testé, une bonne partie des éléments décrits dans ce travail. Cette intervention a débouché sur la mise en place d'une gestion des compétences qui se concrétise notamment par un «tableau de bord des compétences ». CHAPITRE 5 : CONCLUSIONS ET PERSPECTIVES Le chapitre 5 présente les conclusions, et quelques perspectives. Il présente les principaux apports, les limites, un retour sur certaines questions méthodologiques. PRINCIPALES CONTRIBUTIONS L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle qui permette d'identifier et de qualifier les compétences d'entreprise. On peut dégager un certain nombre de contributions 1. Nous proposons un modèle d'identification et de qualification des compétences en cohérence avec les préoccupations des entreprises, notamment par le lien avec la stratégie, qui permet l'adaptabilité et la flexibilité. 2. Nous proposons une méthode de qualification des compétences qui permet de distinguer les compétences d'entreprise selon différents points de vue 3. Nous proposons des fonctionnalités et une architecture rendant possible la réalisation d'un outil de gestion des compétences.