142 resultados para Soil mapping
Recent studies assessing the role of biological diversity for ecosystem functioning indicate that the diversity of functional traits and the evolutionary history of species in a community, not the number of taxonomic units, ultimately drives the biodiversity-ecosystem-function relationship. Here, we simultaneously assessed the importance of plant functional trait and phylogenetic diversity as predictors of major trophic groups of soil biota (abundance and diversity), six years from the onset of a grassland biodiversity experiment. Plant functional and phylogenetic diversity were generally better predictors of soil biota than the traditionally used species or functional group richness. Functional diversity was a reliable predictor for most biota, with the exception of soil microorganisms, which were better predicted by phylogenetic diversity. These results provide empirical support for the idea that the diversity of plant functional traits and the diversity of evolutionary lineages in a community are important for maintaining higher abundances and diversity of soil communities.
The paper deals with the development and application of the generic methodology for automatic processing (mapping and classification) of environmental data. General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) is considered in detail and is proposed as an efficient tool to solve the problem of spatial data mapping (regression). The Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is considered as an automatic tool for spatial classifications. The automatic tuning of isotropic and anisotropic GRNN/PNN models using cross-validation procedure is presented. Results are compared with the k-Nearest-Neighbours (k-NN) interpolation algorithm using independent validation data set. Real case studies are based on decision-oriented mapping and classification of radioactively contaminated territories.
From birth to early adulthood the brain undergoes dramatic modifications resulting in network development and optimization. In the present study we investigate the development of the human connectome but measuring myelination trajectories of individual connections over the entire brain structural network using high b-value diffusion imaging and tractography. We found significant changes in several network measures that support increased integration and efficiency. We also observe that the network doesn't myelinate at a uniform rate but with different myelination speeds dependant on the type of cortex.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a small, ubiquitous, and potentially toxic aldehyde that is produced in vivo by lipid oxidation and that is able to affect gene expression. Tocopherol deficiency in the vitamin E2 mutant vte2-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to massive lipid oxidation and MDA accumulation shortly after germination. MDA accumulation correlates with a strong visual phenotype (growth reduction, cotyledon bleaching) and aberrant GST1 (glutathione S-transferase 1) expression. We suppressed MDA accumulation in the vte2-1 background by genetically removing tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The resulting quadruple mutant, fad3-2 fad7-2 fad8 vte2-1, did not display the visual phenotype or the aberrant GST1 expression observed in vte2-1. Moreover, cotyledon bleaching in vte2-1 was chemically phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with MDA. These data suggest that products of tri-unsaturated fatty acid oxidation underlie the vte2-1 seedling phenotype, including cellular toxicity and gene regulation properties. Generation of the quadruple mutant facilitated the development of an in situ fluorescence assay based on the formation of adducts of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid at 37 degrees C. Specificity was verified by measuring pentafluorophenylhydrazine derivatives of MDA and by liquid chromatography analysis of MDA-2-thiobarbituric acid adducts. Potentially applicable to other organisms, this method allowed the localization of MDA pools throughout the body of Arabidopsis and revealed an undiscovered pool of the compound unlikely to be derived from trienoic fatty acids in the vicinity of the root tip quiescent center.
Since the early days of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), retinotopic mapping emerged as a powerful and widely-accepted tool, allowing the identification of individual visual cortical fields and furthering the study of visual processing. In contrast, tonotopic mapping in auditory cortex proved more challenging primarily because of the smaller size of auditory cortical fields. The spatial resolution capabilities of fMRI have since advanced, and recent reports from our labs and several others demonstrate the reliability of tonotopic mapping in human auditory cortex. Here we review the wide range of stimulus procedures and analysis methods that have been used to successfully map tonotopy in human auditory cortex. We point out that recent studies provide a remarkably consistent view of human tonotopic organisation, although the interpretation of the maps continues to vary. In particular, there remains controversy over the exact orientation of the primary gradients with respect to Heschl's gyrus, which leads to different predictions about the location of human A1, R, and surrounding fields. We discuss the development of this debate and argue that literature is converging towards an interpretation that core fields A1 and R fold across the rostral and caudal banks of Heschl's gyrus, with tonotopic gradients laid out in a distinctive V-shaped manner. This suggests an organisation that is largely homologous with non-human primates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Human Auditory Neuroimaging.
In this paper, we develop a data-driven methodology to characterize the likelihood of orographic precipitation enhancement using sequences of weather radar images and a digital elevation model (DEM). Geographical locations with topographic characteristics favorable to enforce repeatable and persistent orographic precipitation such as stationary cells, upslope rainfall enhancement, and repeated convective initiation are detected by analyzing the spatial distribution of a set of precipitation cells extracted from radar imagery. Topographic features such as terrain convexity and gradients computed from the DEM at multiple spatial scales as well as velocity fields estimated from sequences of weather radar images are used as explanatory factors to describe the occurrence of localized precipitation enhancement. The latter is represented as a binary process by defining a threshold on the number of cell occurrences at particular locations. Both two-class and one-class support vector machine classifiers are tested to separate the presumed orographic cells from the nonorographic ones in the space of contributing topographic and flow features. Site-based validation is carried out to estimate realistic generalization skills of the obtained spatial prediction models. Due to the high class separability, the decision function of the classifiers can be interpreted as a likelihood or susceptibility of orographic precipitation enhancement. The developed approach can serve as a basis for refining radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates and short-term forecasts or for generating stochastic precipitation ensembles conditioned on the local topography.
At high magnetic field strengths (≥ 3T), the radiofrequency wavelength used in MRI is of the same order of magnitude of (or smaller than) the typical sample size, making transmit magnetic field (B1+) inhomogeneities more prominent. Methods such as radiofrequency-shimming and transmit SENSE have been proposed to mitigate these undesirable effects. A prerequisite for such approaches is an accurate and rapid characterization of the B1+ field in the organ of interest. In this work, a new phase-sensitive three-dimensional B1+-mapping technique is introduced that allows the acquisition of a 64 × 64 × 8 B1+-map in ≈ 20 s, yielding an accurate mapping of the relative B1+ with a 10-fold dynamic range (0.2-2 times the nominal B1+). Moreover, the predominant use of low flip angle excitations in the presented sequence minimizes specific absorption rate, which is an important asset for in vivo B1+-shimming procedures at high magnetic fields. The proposed methodology was validated in phantom experiments and demonstrated good results in phantom and human B1+-shimming using an 8-channel transmit-receive array.
A fundamental tenet of neuroscience is that cortical functional differentiation is related to the cross-areal differences in cyto-, receptor-, and myeloarchitectonics that are observed in ex-vivo preparations. An ongoing challenge is to create noninvasive magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques that offer sufficient resolution, tissue contrast, accuracy and precision to allow for characterization of cortical architecture over an entire living human brain. One exciting development is the advent of fast, high-resolution quantitative mapping of basic MR parameters that reflect cortical myeloarchitecture. Here, we outline some of the theoretical and technical advances underlying this technique, particularly in terms of measuring and correcting for transmit and receive radio frequency field inhomogeneities. We also discuss new directions in analytic techniques, including higher resolution reconstructions of the cortical surface. We then discuss two recent applications of this technique. The first compares individual and group myelin maps to functional retinotopic maps in the same individuals, demonstrating a close relationship between functionally and myeloarchitectonically defined areal boundaries (as well as revealing an interesting disparity in a highly studied visual area). The second combines tonotopic and myeloarchitectonic mapping to localize primary auditory areas in individual healthy adults, using a similar strategy as combined electrophysiological and post-mortem myeloarchitectonic studies in non-human primates.
Mapping the transcription start points of the eap, emp, and vwb promoters revealed a conserved octanucleotide sequence (COS). Deleting this sequence abolished the expression of eap, emp, and vwb. However, electrophoretic mobility shift assays gave no evidence that this sequence was a binding site for SarA or SaeR, known regulators of eap and emp.
MR structural T1-weighted imaging using high field systems (>3T) is severely hampered by the existing large transmit field inhomogeneities. New sequences have been developed to better cope with such nuisances. In this work we show the potential of a recently proposed sequence, the MP2RAGE, to obtain improved grey white matter contrast with respect to conventional T1-w protocols, allowing for a better visualization of thalamic nuclei and different white matter bundles in the brain stem. Furthermore, the possibility to obtain high spatial resolution (0.65 mm isotropic) R1 maps fully independent of the transmit field inhomogeneities in clinical acceptable time is demonstrated. In this high resolution R1 maps it was possible to clearly observe varying properties of cortical grey matter throughout the cortex and observe different hippocampus fields with variations of intensity that correlate with known myelin concentration variations.
Debris flows and related landslide processes occur in many regions all over Norway and pose a significant hazard to inhabited areas. Within the framework of the development of a national debris flows susceptibility map, we are working on a modeling approach suitable for Norway with a nationwide coverage. The discrimination of source areas is based on an index approach, which includes topographic parameters and hydrological settings. For the runout modeling, we use the Flow-R model (IGAR, University of Lausanne), which is based on combined probabilistic and energetic algorithms for the assessment of the spreading of the flow and maximum runout distances. First results for different test areas have shown that runout distances can be modeled reliably. For the selection of source areas, however, additional factors have to be considered, such as the lithological and quaternary geological setting, in order to accommodate the strong variation in debris flow activity in the different geological, geomorphological and climate regions of Norway.
PURPOSE: At 7 Tesla (T), conventional static field (B0 ) projection mapping techniques, e.g., FASTMAP, FASTESTMAP, lead to elevated specific absorption rates (SAR), requiring longer total acquisition times (TA). In this work, the series of adiabatic pulses needed for slab selection in FASTMAP is replaced by a single two-dimensional radiofrequency (2D-RF) pulse to minimize TA while ensuring equal shimming performance. METHODS: Spiral gradients and 2D-RF pulses were designed to excite thin slabs in the small tip angle regime. The corresponding selection profile was characterized in phantoms and in vivo. After optimization of the shimming protocol, the spectral linewidths obtained after 2D localized shimming were compared with conventional techniques and published values from (Emir et al NMR Biomed 2012;25:152-160) in six different brain regions. RESULTS: Results on healthy volunteers show no significant difference (P > 0.5) between the spectroscopic linewidths obtained with the adiabatic (TA = 4 min) and the new low-SAR and time-efficient FASTMAP sequence (TA = 42 s). The SAR can be reduced by three orders of magnitude and TA accelerated six times without impact on the shimming performances or quality of the resulting spectra. CONCLUSION: Multidimensional pulses can be used to minimize the RF energy and time spent for automated shimming using projection mapping at high field. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
An Actively Heated Fiber Optics (AHFO) method to estimate soil moisture is tested and the analysis technique improved on. The measurements were performed in a lysimeter uniformly packed with loam soil with variable water content profiles. In the first meter of the soil profi le, 30 m of fiber optic cable were installed in a 12 loops coil. The metal sheath armoring the fiber cable was used as an electrical resistance heater to generate a heat pulse, and the soil response was monitored with a Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system. We study the cooling following three continuous heat pulses of 120 s at 36 W m(-1) by means of long-time approximation of radial heat conduction. The soil volumetric water contents were then inferred from the estimated thermal conductivities through a specifically calibrated model relating thermal conductivity and volumetric water content. To use the pre-asymptotic data we employed a time correction that allowed the volumetric water content to be estimated with a precision of 0.01-0.035 (m(3) m(-3)). A comparison of the AHFO measurements with soil-moisture measurements obtained with calibrated capacitance-based probes gave good agreement for wetter soils [discrepancy between the two methods was less than 0.04 (m(3) m(-3))]. In the shallow drier soils, the AHFO method underestimated the volumetric water content due to the longertime required for the temperature increment to become asymptotic in less thermally conductive media [discrepancy between the two methods was larger than 0.1 (m(3) m(-3))]. The present work suggests that future applications of the AHFO method should include longer heat pulses, that longer heating and cooling events are analyzed, and, temperature increments ideally be measured with higher frequency.
Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 produces several secondary metabolites, e.g., the antibiotics pyoluteorin (Plt) and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl), which are important for the suppression of root diseases caused by soil-borne fungal pathogens. A Tn5 insertion mutant of strain CHA0, CHA625, does not produce Phl, shows enhanced Plt production on malt agar, and has lost part of the ability to suppress black root rot in tobacco plants and take-all in wheat. We used a rapid, two-step cloning-out procedure for isolating the wild-type genes corresponding to those inactivated by the Tn5 insertion in strain CHA625. This cloning method should be widely applicable to bacterial genes tagged with Tn5. The region cloned from P. fluorescens contained three complete open reading frames. The deduced gene products, designated PqqFAB, showed extensive similarities to proteins involved in the biosynthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Methylobacterium extorquens. PQQ-negative mutants of strain CHA0 were constructed by gene replacement. They lacked glucose dehydrogenase activity, could not utilize ethanol as a carbon source, and showed a strongly enhanced production of Plt on malt agar. These effects were all reversed by complementation with pqq+ recombinant plasmids. The growth of a pqqF mutant on ethanol and normal Plt production were restored by the addition of 16 nM PQQ. However, the Phl- phenotype of strain CHA625 was due not to the pqq defect but presumably to a secondary mutation. In conclusion, a lack of PQQ markedly stimulates the production of Plt in P. fluorescens.