143 resultados para INTERNAL REFLECTION


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Proponents of microalgae biofuel technologies often claim that the world demand of liquid fuels, about 5 trillion liters per year, could be supplied by microalgae cultivated on only a few tens of millions of hectares. This perspective reviews this subject and points out that such projections are greatly exaggerated, because (1) the pro- ductivities achieved in large-scale commercial microalgae production systems, operated year-round, do not surpass those of irrigated tropical crops; (2) cultivating, harvesting and processing microalgae solely for the production of biofuels is simply too expensive using current or prospective technology; and (3) currently available (limited) data suggest that the energy balance of algal biofuels is very poor. Thus, microalgal biofuels are no panacea for depleting oil or global warming, and are unlikely to save the internal combustion machine.


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General internal medicine (GIM) has flourished in the United States (U.S.). Unlike other subspecialties of internal medicine, however, GIM's evolution has not been global in scope, but rather appears to have occurred in isolation within countries. Here, we describe international models of GIM from Canada, Switzerland, Australia/New Zealand, Argentina, and Japan, and compare these with the U.S. model. There are notable differences in the typical clinical roles assumed by General Internists across these 7 countries, but also important overlap in clinical and academic domains. Despite this overlap, there has been a relative lack of contact among General Internists from these and other countries at a truly international GIM meeting; the time is now for increased international exchange and the "globalization" of GIM.


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Clinical practice in internal medicine has fundamentely changed over the last decade. Our knowledge has dramatically improved and we are facing new types of patients. Their number is increasing, they are older and suffer from increasingly complex medical conditions. The society has evolved as well therefore transforming our daily practice. This implies important modifications of our role and new challenges. We must also develop new aspects of our practice such as recognizing our errors, quality of care, quality of education, ethics, new strategies for taking care of the patient all this in parallel with continuous education. Our role as (general practitioner) is of utmost importance since it enables us to keep the "big pictures" in a more and more specialized environment.


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The Swiss postgraduate training program in general internal medicine is now designed as a competency-based curriculum. In other words, by the end of their training, the residents should demonstrate a set of predefined competences. Many of those competences have to be learnt in outpatient settings. Thus, the primary care physicians have more than ever an important role to play in educating tomorrows doctors. A competency-based model of training requires a regular assessment of the residents. The mini-CEX (mini-Clinical Evaluation eXercise) is the assessment tool proposed by the Swiss institute for postgraduate and continuing education. The mini-CEX is based on the direct observation of the trainees performing a specific task, as well as on the ensuing feedback. This article aims at introducing our colleagues in charge of residents to the mini-CEX, which is a useful tool promoting the culture of feedback in medical education.


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This review is based on five articles published in 2006 and dealing with therapies in general internal medicine: in case of acute non complicated rhino-sinusitis, the use of topical corticoids in mono-therapy is indicated; cross-reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins is less frequent than established so far. In our daily practice we should be more "pro-active" in prescribing probiotics which have proved their efficacy in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoeas; an antibiotic treatment of three days is recommended in case of non complicated cystitis in women less than 65 years of age. Finally, every patient treated with bisphosphonates must be regularly followed by a dentist.


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BACKGROUND: This study was designed to determine whether the pain pattern in patients with an internal mammary artery (IMA) harvest differs from that in other cardiac operations and whether these patients present specific characteristics with clinical implications. METHODS: One hundred patients with left IMA grafting (IMA group) were compared prospectively with 100 patients who had a heart operation without IMA harvest (non-IMA group). Pain assessment was performed on postoperative days (POD) 1, 2, 3, and 7, and included pain intensity (10-point scale) and pain localization. RESULTS: In the IMA group, pain intensity was higher on POD 2 (4.2 +/- 2.4 versus 3.2 +/- 2.3, p < 0.01), and there were more patients without pain on POD 7 (32 versus 19, p = 0.03). In the IMA group, more patients had left basal thoracic pain throughout the entire study period and had sternal pain on POD 7, whereas more patients in the non-IMA group complained about back pain during the early postoperative period. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of IMA harvest on pain intensity is moderate, but the pain localization pattern of each group exhibits specific features that could help to better target pain management.


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RESUME L'Institut de Géophysique de l'Université de Lausanne a développé au cours de ces dernières années un système d'acquisition de sismique réflexion multitrace à haute résolution 2D et 3D. L'objectif de cette thèse était de poursuivre ce développement tout améliorant les connaissances de la géologie sous le lac Léman, en étudiant en particulier la configuration des grands accidents sous-lacustres dans la Molasse (Tertiaire) qui forme l'essentiel du substratum des formations quaternaires. En configuration 2D, notre système permet d'acquérir des profils sismiques avec une distance inter-CDP de 1,25 m. La couverture varie entre 6 et 18 selon le nombre de traces et la distance inter-tir. Le canon à air (15/15 eu. in.), offre une résolution verticale de 1,25 ni et une pénétration maximale de 300 m sous le fond de l'eau. Nous avons acquis au total plus de 400 km de sections 2D dans le Grand Lac et le Haut Lac entre octobre 2000 et juillet 2004. Une campagne de sismique 3D a fourni des données au large d'Evian sur une surface de 442,5 m sur 1450 m, soit 0,64 km2. La navigation ainsi que le positionnement des hydrophones et de la source ont été réalisés avec des GPS différentiels. Nous avons utilisé un traitement sismique conventionnel, sans appliquer d'AGC et en utilisant une migration post-stack. L'interprétation du substratum antéquaternaire est basée sur l'identification des sismofaciès, sur leurs relations avec les unités géologiques adjacentes au lac, ainsi que sur quelques données de forages. Nous obtenons ainsi une carte des unités géologiques dans le Grand Lac. Nous précisons la position du chevauchement subalpin entre la ville de Lausanne, sur la rive nord, et le bassin de Sciez, sur la rive sud. Dans la Molasse de Plateau, nous avons identifié les décrochements de Pontarlier et de St. Cergue ainsi que plusieurs failles non reconnues jusqu'ici. Nous avons cartographié les accidents qui affectent la Molasse subalpine ainsi que le plan de chevauchement du flysch sur la Molasse près de la rive sud du lac. Une nouvelle carte tectonique de la région lémanique a ainsi pu être dressée. L'analyse du substratum ne montre pas de failles suggérant une origine tectonique de la cuvette lémanique. Par contre, nous suggérons que la forme du creusement glaciaire, donc de la forme du lac Léman, a été influencée par la présence de failles dans le substratum antéquaternaire. L'analyse des sédiments quaternaires nous a permis de tracer des cartes des différentes interfaces ou unités qui les composent. La carte du toit du substratum antéquaternaire montre la présence de chenaux d'origine glaciaire dont la profondeur maximale atteint la cote -200 ni. Leur pente est dirigée vers le nord-est, à l'inverse du sens d'écoulement actuel des eaux. Nous expliquons cette observation par l'existence de circulations sous-glaciaires d'eau artésienne. Les sédiments glaciaires dont l'épaisseur maximale atteint 150 ni au centre du lac ont enregistré les différentes récurrences glaciaires. Dans la zone d'Evian, nous mettons en évidence la présence de lentilles de sédiments glaciolacustres perchées sur le flanc de la cuvette lémanique. Nous avons corrélé ces unités avec des données de forage et concluons qu'il s'agit du complexe inférieur de la pile sédimentaire d'Evian. Celui-ci, âgé de plus de 30 000 ans, serait un dépôt de Kame associé à un lac périglaciaire. La sismique réflexion 3D permet de préciser l'orientation de l'alimentation en matériel détritique de l'unité. La finesse des images obtenues nous permet également d'établir quels types d'érosion ont affecté certaines unités. Les sédiments lacustres, dont l'épaisseur maximale imagée atteint plus de 225 m et sans doute 400 ni sous le delta du Rhône, indiquent plusieurs mécanismes de dépôts. A la base, une mégaturbidite, épaisse d'une trentaine de mètres en moyenne, s'étend entre l'embouchure de la Dranse et le delta du Rhône. Au-dessus, la décantation des particules en suspension d'origine biologique et détritique fournit l'essentiel des sédiments. Dans la partie orientale du lac, les apports détritiques du Rhône forment un delta qui prograde vers l'ouest en s'imbriquant avec les sédiments déposés par décantation. La structure superficielle du delta a brutalement évolué, probablement à la suite de l'évènement catastrophique du Tauredunum (563 A.D.). Sa trace probable se marque par la présence d'une surface érosive que nous avons cartographiée. Le delta a ensuite changé de géométrie, avec notamment un déplacement des chenaux sous-lacustres. Sur l'ensemble de nos sections sismiques, nous n'observons aucune faille dans les sédiments quaternaires qui attesterait d'une tectonique postglaciaire du substratum. ABSTRACT During the last few years the institute of Geophysics of the University of Lausanne cleveloped a 2D and 3D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection acquisition system. The objective of the present work was to carry on this development white improving our knowledge of the geology under Lake Geneva, in particular by studying the configuration of the large accidents affecting the Tertiary Molasse that makes up the basement of most Quaternary deposits. In its 2D configuration, our system makes it possible to acquire seismic profiles with a CDP interval of 1.25 m. The fold varies from 6 to 18 depending on the number of traces and the shooting interval. Our air gun (15/15 cu. in.) provides a vertical resolution of 1.25 m and a maximum penetration depth of approximately 300 m under water bottom. We acquired more than 400 km of 2D sections in the Grand Lac and the Haut Lac between October 2000 and July 2004. A 3D seismic survey off the city of Evian provided data on a surface of 442.5 m x 1450 m (0.64 km2). Ship's navigation as well as hydrophone- and source positioning were carried out with differential GPS. The seismic data were processed following a conventional sequence without .applying AGC and using post-stack migration. The interpretation of the pre-Quaternary substratum is based on sismofacies, on their relationships with terrestrial geological units and on some borehole data. We thus obtained a map of the geological units in the Grand Lac. We defined the location of the subalpine thrust from Lausanne, on the north shore, to the Sciez Basin, on the south shore. Within the Molasse de Plateau, we identified the already know Pontarlier and St Cergue transforms Fault as well as faults. We mapped faults that affect subalpine Molasse as well as the thrust fault plane between alpine flysch and Molasse near the lake's south shore. A new tectonic map of the Lake Geneva region could thus be drawn up. The substratum does not show faults indicating a tectonic origin for the Lake Geneva Basin. However, we suggest that the orientation of glacial erosion, and thus the shape of Lake Geneva, vas influenced by the presence of faults in the pre-Quaternary basement. The analysis of Quaternary sediments enabled us to draw up maps of various discontinuities or internal units. The top pre-Quaternary basement map shows channels of glacial origin, the deepest of them reaching an altitude of 200 m a.s.l. The channel's slopes are directed to the North-East, in opposite direction of the present water flow. We explain this observation by the presence of artesian subglacial water circulation. Glacial sediments, the maximum thickness of which reaches 150 m in the central part of the lake, record several glacial recurrences. In the Evian area, we found lenses of glacio-lacustrine sediments set high up on the flank of the Lake Geneva Bassin. We correlated these units with on-land borehole data and concluded that they represent the lower complex of the Evian sedimentary pile. The lower complex is aider than 30 000 years, and it could be a Kame deposit associated with a periglacial lake. Our 3D seismic reflexion survey enables us to specify the supply direction of detrital material in this unit. With detailed seismic images we established how some units were affected by different erosion types. The lacustrine sediments we imaged in Lake Geneva are thicker than 225 m and 400 m or more Linder the Rhone Delta. They indicate several depositional mechanisms. Their base is a major turbidite, thirty meters thick on average, that spreads between the Dranse mouth and the Rhone delta. Above this unit, settling of suspended biological and detrital particles provides most of the sediments. In the eastern part of the lake, detrital contribution from the Rhone builds a delta that progrades to the west and imbricates with the settling sediments. The shallow structure of the Rhone delta abruptly evolved, probably after the catastrophic Tauredunum event (563 A.D.). It probably coincides with an erosive surface that we mapped. As a result, the delta geometry changed, in particular associated with a displacement of water bottom channels. In all our seismic sections, we do not observe fault in the Quaternary sediments that would attest postglacial tectonic activity in the basement.


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Bioassays with bioreporter bacteria are usually calibrated with analyte solutions of known concentrations that are analysed along with the samples of interest. This is done as bioreporter output (the intensity of light, fluorescence or colour) does not only depend on the target concentration, but also on the incubation time and physiological activity of the cells in the assay. Comparing the bioreporter output with standardized colour tables in the field seems rather difficult and error-prone. A new approach to control assay variations and improve application ease could be an internal calibration based on the use of multiple bioreporter cell lines with drastically different reporter protein outputs at a given analyte concentration. To test this concept, different Escherichia coli-based bioreporter strains expressing either cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP, or CCP mutants) or β-galactosidase upon induction with arsenite were constructed. The reporter strains differed either in the catalytic activity of the reporter protein (for CCP) or in the rates of reporter protein synthesis (for β-galactosidase), which, indeed, resulted in output signals with different intensities at the same arsenite concentration. Hence, it was possible to use combinations of these cell lines to define arsenite concentration ranges at which none, one or more cell lines gave qualitative (yes/no) visible signals that were relatively independent of incubation time or bioreporter activity. The discriminated concentration ranges would fit very well with the current permissive (e.g. World Health Organization) levels of arsenite in drinking water (10 µg l−1).


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BACKGROUND: Patient behavior accounts for half or more of the variance in health, disease, mortality and treatment outcome and costs. Counseling using motivational interviewing (MI) effectively improves the substance use and medical compliance behavior of patients. Medical training should include substantial focus on this key issue of health promotion. The objective of the study is to test the efficacy of teaching MI to medical students. METHODS: Thirteen fourth-year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and after an 8-hour interactive MI training workshop, each student performed a video-recorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year-old alcohol dependent female consulting a primary care physician for the first time about fatigue and depression symptoms; and a 50 year-old male cigarette smoker hospitalized for myocardial infarction. All 52 videos (13 students×2 interviews before and after training) were independently coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Training Integrity (MITI, 3.0). MITI scores consist of global spirit (Evocation, Collaboration, Autonomy/Support), global Empathy and Direction, and behavior count summary scores (% Open questions, Reflection to question ratio, % Complex reflections, % MI-adherent behaviors). A "beginning proficiency" threshold (BPT) is defined for each of these 9 scores. The proportion of students reaching BPT before and after training was compared using McNemar exact tests. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated by comparing double coding, and test-retest analyses were conducted on a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews by each coder. Weighted Kappas were used for global rating scales and intra-class correlations (ICC) were computed for behavior count summary scores. RESULTS: The percent of counselors reaching BPT before and after MI training increased significantly for Evocation (15% to 65%, p<.001), Collaboration (27% to 77%, p=.001), Autonomy/Support (15% to 54%, p=.006), and % Open questions (4% to 38%, p=.004). Proportions increased, but were not statistically significant for Empathy (38% to 58%, p=.18), Reflection to question ratio (0% to 15%, p=.12), % Complex reflection (35% to 54%, p=.23), and % MI-adherent behaviors (8% to 15%, p=.69). There was virtually no change for the Direction scale (92% to 88%, p=1.00). The reliability analyses produced mixed results. Weighted kappas for inter-rater reliability ranged from .14 for Direction to .51 for Collaboration, and from .27 for Direction to .80 for Empathy for test-retest. ICCs ranged from .20 for Complex reflections to .89 for Open questions (inter-rater), and from .67 for Complex reflections to .99 for Reflection to question ratio (test-retest). CONCLUSION: This pilot study indicates that a single 8-hour training in motivational interviewing for voluntary fourth-year medical students results in significant improvement of some MI skills. A larger sample of randomly selected medical students observed over longer periods should be studied to test if MI training generalizes to medical students. Inter-rater reliability and test-retest findings indicate a need for caution when interpreting the present results, as well as for more intensive training to help appropriately capture more dimensions of the process in future studies.


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The prescribing of antibiotics for uncomplicated skin abscesses and diverticulitis has no benefit. Some antibiotics are more at risk of causing a Clostridium difficile infection. The tests used to exclude a history of a penicillin allergy are safe. A threshold of D-dimer adjusted for the age significantly improves the specificity of the test without affecting the sensitivity. The prescription of paraclinics tests is not an effective "treatment" for the patient's anxiety. In the sleep apnea syndrome, treatment with CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) appears to have more benefits compared to the mandibular advancement prosthesis. The work of primary care physicians can be supported by the work of advanced practice nurses. The limitation placed on the working hours of doctors in hospitals seems to affect their ability to spend time with their patients.


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Purpose:To evaluate the histological features of cellular retinal fragments on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) removed during epiretinal membrane peeling surgery with and without the aid of ICG diluted in 5% glucose Methods:ILM specimens removed from 88 eyes undergoing vitrectomy and membrane peeling surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane between 1995 and 2003 were reviewed retrospectively. Surgery was performed in all cases by the same surgeon using the same technique. ICG was diluted with 5% glucose. Histological analysis focused on the presence and characteristics of retinal structures on the retinal surface of the ILM. Statistical analysis compared the results between group I (conventional surgery without ICG) and group II (ICG-assisted peeling) Results:Seventy-one eyes underwent EMM surgery without the aid of ICG (group I) and seventeen underwent EMM ICG-assisted surgery assisted using ICG (group II). The amount of Muller cell debris on the retinal surface of the ILM was more significant in the group I (no ICG) than in the group II (ICG) (40.8 versus 11.8; p = 0.024). Large fragments of Muller cells were more frequently observed in the group I (no ICG) than in the group II (ICG) (63.4% versus 23.5%; p= 0.003).The presence of larger retinal elements such as neural axons and vessels were observed attached to retinal face of the ILM in 5 (7%) cases of the no-ICG group. No such retinal elements were detected in any of the histological ILM specimens of the ICG-assisted group Conclusions:The use of ICG diluted with 5% glucose in the aid of ILM removal during epiretinal membrane surgery was associated with less retinal debris attached to retinal face of the ILM compared to surgery in which ICG was not used. Our findings contradict previous reports in the literature, in which use of ICG diluted with balanced salt solution (BSS) was associated with more retinal fragments attached to the retinal face of the ILM. According to our results, we hypothesize that diluting ICG with 5% glucose may decrease the adhesion of the ILM to the underlying retinal layers such that less retinal debris is removed with peeling of the ILM.