243 resultados para FACTOR-XII GENE


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Cell division in Gram-negative bacteria involves the co-ordinated invagination of the three cell envelope layers to form two new daughter cell poles. This complex process starts with the polymerization of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ into a Z-ring at mid-cell, which drives cytokinesis and recruits numerous other proteins to the division site. These proteins are involved in Z-ring constriction, inner- and outer-membrane invagination, peptidoglycan remodelling and daughter cell separation. Three papers in this issue of Molecular Microbiology, from the teams of Lucy Shapiro, Martin Thanbichler and Christine Jacobs-Wagner, describe a novel protein, called DipM for Division Involved Protein with LysM domains, that is required for cell division in Caulobacter crescentus. DipM localizes to the mid-cell during cell division, where it is necessary for the hydrolysis of the septal peptidoglycan to remodel the cell wall. Loss of DipM results in severe defects in cell envelope constriction, which is deleterious under fast-growth conditions. State-of-the-art microscopy experiments reveal that the peptidoglycan is thicker and that the cell wall is incorrectly organized in DipM-depleted cells compared with wild-type cells, demonstrating that DipM is essential for reorganizing the cell wall at the division site, for envelope invagination and cell separation in Caulobacter.


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Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), like many monooxygenases, can produce reactive oxygen species during its catalytic cycle. Apart from the well-characterized xenobiotic-elicited induction, the regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of the steady-state activity of CYP1A1 have not been elucidated. We show here that reactive oxygen species generated from the activity of CYP1A1 limit the levels of induced CYP1A1 mRNAs. The mechanism involves the repression of the CYP1A1 gene promoter activity in a negative-feedback autoregulatory loop. Indeed, increasing the CYP1A1 activity by transfecting CYP1A1 expression vectors into hepatoma cells elicited an oxidative stress and led to the repression of a reporter gene driven by the CYP1A1 gene promoter. This negative autoregulation is abolished by ellipticine (an inhibitor of CYP1A1) and by catalase (which catalyzes H(2)O(2) catabolism), thus implying that H(2)O(2) is an intermediate. Down-regulation is also abolished by the mutation of the proximal nuclear factor I (NFI) site in the promoter. The transactivating domain of NFI/CTF was found to act in synergy with the arylhydrocarbon receptor pathway during the induction of CYP1A1 by 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin. Using an NFI/CTF-Gal4 fusion, we show that NFI/CTF transactivating function is decreased by a high activity of CYP1A1. This regulation is also abolished by catalase or ellipticine. Consistently, the transactivating function of NFI/CTF is repressed in cells treated with H(2)O(2), a novel finding indicating that the transactivating domain of a transcription factor can be targeted by oxidative stress. In conclusion, an autoregulatory loop leads to the fine tuning of the CYP1A1 gene expression through the down-regulation of NFI activity by CYP1A1-based H(2)O(2) production. This mechanism allows a limitation of the potentially toxic CYP1A1 activity within the cell.


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In specific cell types like keratinocytes, Notch signaling plays an important pro-differentiation and tumor suppressing function, with down-modulation of the Notch1 gene being associated with cancer development. Besides being controlled by p53, little else is known on regulation of Notch1 gene expression in this context. We report here that transcription of this gene is driven by a TATA-less "sharp peak" promoter and that the minimal functional region of this promoter, which extends from the -342 bp position to the initiation codon, is differentially active in normal versus cancer cells. This GC rich region lacks p53 binding sites, but binds Klf4 and Sp3. This finding is likely to be of biological significance, as Klf4 and, to a lesser extent, Sp3 are up-regulated in a number of cancer cells where Notch1 expression is down-modulated, and Klf4 over-expression in normal cells is sufficient to down-modulate Notch1 gene transcription. The combined knock-down of Klf4 and Sp3 was necessary for the reverse effect of increasing Notch1 transcription, consistent with the two factors exerting an overlapping repressor function through their binding to the Notch1 promoter.


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The acquisition of neuroendocrine (NE) characteristics by prostate cancer (PCa) cells is closely related to tumour progression and hormone resistance. The mechanisms by which NE cells influence PCa growth and progression are not fully understood. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in oncogenic processes, and MIF serum levels correlate with aggressiveness of PCa. Here, we investigated the regulation and the functional consequences of MIF expression during NE transdifferentiation of PCa cells. NE differentiation (NED) of LNCaP cells, initiated either by increasing intracellular levels of cAMP or by culturing cells in an androgen-depleted medium, was associated with markedly increased MIF release. Yet, intracellular MIF protein and mRNA levels and MIF gene promoter activity decreased during NED of LNCaP cells, suggesting that NED favours MIF release despite decreasing MIF synthesis. Adenoviral-mediated forced MIF expression in NE-differentiated LNCaP cells increased cell proliferation without affecting the expression of NE markers. Addition of exogenous recombinant MIF to LNCaP and PC-3 cells stimulated the AKT and ERK1/2 signalling pathways, the expression of genes involved in PCa, as well as proliferation and resistance to paclitaxel and thapsigargin-induced apoptosis. Altogether, these data provide evidence that increased MIF release during NED in PCa may facilitate cancer progression or recurrence, especially following androgen deprivation. Thus, MIF could represent an attractive target for PCa therapy.


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Silencing of the transcriptional repressor REST is required for terminal differentiation of neuronal and beta-cells. In this study, we hypothesized that REST expression is controlled by hairy and enhancer of split 1 (HES-1), a transcriptional repressor that plays an important role in brain and pancreas development. We identified several N elements (CTNGTG) within the promoter of REST and confirmed that HES-1 associates with the endogenous promoter of REST. Moreover, using a cells model that overexpress HES-1 and a combination of experimental approaches, we demonstrated that HES-1 reduces endogenous REST expression. Taken together, these results indicate that HES-1 is an upstream negative regulator of REST expression.


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The terminal differentiation of neuronal and pancreatic beta-cells requires the specific expression of genes that are targets of an important transcriptional repressor named RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST). The molecular mechanism by which these REST target genes are expressed only in neuronal and beta-cells and are repressed by REST in other tissues is a central issue in differentiation program of neuronal and beta-cells. Herein, we showed that the transcriptional factor Sp1 was required for expression of most REST target genes both in insulin-secreting cells and neuronal-like cells where REST is absent. Inhibition of REST in a non-beta and a non-neuronal cell model restored the transcriptional activity of Sp1. This activity was also restored by trichostatin A indicating the requirement of histone deacetylases for the REST-mediated silencing of Sp1. Conversely, exogenous introduction of REST blocked Sp1-mediated transcriptional activity. The REST inhibitory effect was mediated through its C-terminal repressor domain, which could interact with Sp1. Taken together, these data show that the inhibition of Sp1 by REST is required for the silencing of its target genes expression in non-neuronal and in non-beta-cells. We conclude that the interplay between REST and Sp1 determines the cell-specific expression of REST target genes.


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Telomerase activity, not detectable in somatic cells but frequently activated during carcinogenesis, confers immortality to tumors. Mechanisms governing expression of the catalytic subunit hTERT, the limiting factor for telomerase activity, still remain unclear. We previously proposed a model in which the binding of the transcription factor CTCF to the two first exons of hTERT results in transcriptional inhibition in normal cells. This inhibition is abrogated, however, by methylation of CTCF binding sites in 85% of tumors. Here, we showed that hTERT was unmethylated in testicular and ovarian tumors and in derivative cell lines. We demonstrated that CTCF and its paralogue, BORIS/CTCFL, were both present in the nucleus of the same cancer cells and bound to the first exon of hTERT in vivo. Moreover, exogenous BORIS expression in normal BORIS-negative cells was sufficient to activate hTERT transcription with an increasing number of cell passages. Thus, expression of BORIS was sufficient to allow hTERT transcription in normal cells and to counteract the inhibitory effect of CTCF in testicular and ovarian tumor cells. These results define an important contribution of BORIS to immortalization during tumorigenesis.


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Vitellogenin genes are expressed specifically in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates under the strict control of estrogen. To explain this tissue-specific expression, we performed a detailed analysis of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 promoter by DNase I footprinting and gel mobility-shift assays. We characterized five binding sites for the ubiquitous factor CTF/NF-I. Two of these sites are close to the TATA-box, whereas the others are located on both sides of the estrogen responsive unit formed by two imperfect estrogen response elements. Moreover two liver-enriched factors, C/EBP and HNF3, were found to interact with multiple closely spaced proximal promoter elements in the first 100 base pairs upstream of the TATA-box. To confirm the physiological significance of this in vitro analysis, in vivo DNase I footprinting experiments were carried out using the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction technique. The various cis-elements characterized in vitro as binding sites for known transcription factors and more particularly for liver-enriched transcription factors are efficiently recognized in vivo as well, suggesting that they play an important role in the control of the liver-specific vitellogenin gene B1 expression.


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The rate-limiting step of dietary calcium absorption in the intestine requires the brush border calcium entry channel TRPV6. The TRPV6 gene was completely sequenced in 170 renal calcium stone patients. The frequency of an ancestral TRPV6 haplotype consisting of three non-synonymous polymorphisms (C157R, M378V, M681T) was significantly higher (P = 0.039) in calcium stone formers (8.4%; derived = 502, ancestral = 46) compared to non-stone-forming individuals (5.4%; derived = 645, ancestral = 37). Mineral metabolism was investigated on four different calcium regimens: (i) free-choice diet, (ii) low calcium diet, (iii) fasting and (iv) after a 1 g oral calcium load. When patients homozygous for the derived haplotype were compared with heterozygous patients, no differences were found with respect to the plasma concentrations of 1,25-vitamin D, PTH and calcium, and the urinary excretion of calcium. In one stone-forming patient, the ancestral haplotype was found to be homozygous. This patient had absorptive hypercalciuria. We therefore expressed the ancestral protein (157R+378V+681T) in Xenopus oocytes and found a significantly enhanced calcium permeability when tested by a (45)Ca(2+) uptake assay (7.11 +/- 1.93 versus 3.61 +/- 1.01 pmol/min/oocyte for ancestral versus derived haplotype, P < 0.01). These results suggest that the ancestral gain-of-function haplotype in TRPV6 plays a role in calcium stone formation in certain forms of absorptive hypercalciuria.


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Islet-brain 1 (IB1) is the human and rat homologue of JIP-1, a scaffold protein interacting with the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK). IB1 expression is mostly restricted to the endocrine pancreas and to the central nervous system. Herein, we explored the transcriptional mechanism responsible for this preferential islet and neuronal expression of IB1. A 731-bp fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the human MAPK8IP1 gene was isolated from a human BAC library and cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene. This construct drove high transcriptional activity in both insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells but not in unrelated cell lines. Sequence analysis of this promoter region revealed the presence of a neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE) known to bind repressor zinc finger protein REST. This factor is not expressed in insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells. By mobility shift assay, we confirmed that REST binds to the NRSE present in the IB1 promoter. Once transiently transfected in beta-cell lines, the expression vector encoding REST repressed IB1 transcriptional activity. The introduction of a mutated NRSE in the 5' regulating region of the IB1 gene abolished the repression activity driven by REST in insulin-secreting beta cells and relieved the low transcriptional activity of IB1 observed in unrelated cells. Moreover, transfection in non-beta and nonneuronal cell lines of an expression vector encoding REST lacking its transcriptional repression domain relieved IB1 promoter activity. Last, the REST-mediated repression of IB1 could be abolished by trichostatin A, indicating that deacetylase activity is required to allow REST repression. Taken together, these data establish a critical role for REST in the control of the tissue-specific expression of the human IB1 gene.


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Fas, a death domain-containing member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and its ligand FasL have been predominantly studied with respect to their capability to induce cell death. However, a few studies indicate a proliferation-inducing signaling activity of these molecules too. We describe here a novel signaling pathway of FasL and the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) that triggers transcriptional activation of the proto-oncogene c-fos, a typical target gene of mitogenic pathways. FasL- and TRAIL-mediated up-regulation of c-Fos was completely dependent on the presence of Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) and caspase-8, but caspase activity seemed to be dispensable as a pan inhibitor of caspases had no inhibitory effect. Upon overexpression of the long splice form of cellular FADD-like interleukin-1-converting enzyme (FLICE) inhibitory protein (cFLIP) in Jurkat cells, FasL- and TRAIL-induced up-regulation of c-Fos was almost completely blocked. The short splice form of FLIP, however, showed a rather stimulatory effect on c-Fos induction. Together these data demonstrate the existence of a death receptor-induced, FADD- and caspase-8-dependent pathway leading to c-Fos induction that is inhibited by the long splice form FLIP-L.


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Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and its related proteins regulate broad aspects of body development, including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and gene expression, in various organisms. Deregulated TGF-beta function has been causally implicated in the generation of human fibrotic disorders and in tumor progression. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms of TGF-beta action remained essentially unknown until recently. Here, we discuss recent progress in our understanding of the mechanism of TGF-beta signal transduction with respect to the regulation of gene expression, the control of cell phenotype and the potential usage of TGF-beta for the treatment of human diseases.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an important regulator of glucose homeostasis. In pancreatic beta-cells, MIF expression is regulated by glucose and its secretion potentiates the glucose-induced insulin secretion. The molecular mechanisms by which glucose mediates its effect on MIF expression are not elucidated. Herein, we report that incubating the differentiated insulin-secreting cell line INS-1 in high glucose concentration increases MIF transcriptional activity as well as the reporter gene activity driven by the -1033 to +63 bp fragment of the MIF promoter. A minimal region located between -187 and -98 bp of this promoter sequence contributes both to basal activity and glucose-responsiveness of the gene. Within this promoter region, two cis-binding sequences were identified by mobility shift assays and footprinting experiments. Both cis-elements interact with nuclear proteins expressed specifically in insulin-secreting cells. In conclusion, we identified a minimal region of the MIF promoter which contributes to the glucose stimulation of the mif gene in insulin-secreting cells.


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A defect in glucose sensing of the pancreatic beta-cells has been observed in several animal models of type II diabetes and has been correlated with a reduced gene expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut2). In a transgenic mouse model, expression of Glut2 antisense RNA in pancreatic beta-cells has recently been shown to be associated with an impaired glucose-induced insulin secretion and the development of diabetes. To identify factors that may be involved in the specific decrease of Glut2 in the beta-cells of the diabetic animal, an attempt was made to localize the cis-elements and trans-acting factors involved in the control of Glut2 expression in the endocrine pancreas. It was demonstrated by transient transfection studies that only 338 base pairs (bp) of the murine Glut2 proximal promoter are needed for reporter gene expression in pancreatic islet-derived cell lines, whereas no activity was detected in nonpancreatic cells. Three cis-elements, GTI, GTII, and GTIII, have been identified by DNAse I footprinting and gel retardation experiments within these 338 bp. GTI and GTIII bind distinct but ubiquitously expressed trans-acting factors. On the other hand, nuclear proteins specifically expressed in pancreatic cell lines interact with GTII, and their relative abundance correlates with endogenous Glut2 expression. These GTII-binding factors correspond to nuclear proteins of 180 and 90 kilodaltons as defined by Southwestern analysis. The 180-kilodalton factor is present in pancreatic beta-cell lines but not in an alpha-cell line. Mutation of the GTI or GTIII cis-elements decreases transcriptional activity directed by the 338-bp promoter, whereas mutation of GTII increases gene transcription. Thus negative and positive regulatory sequences are identified within the proximal 338 bp of the GLUT2 promoter and may participate in the islet-specific expression of the gene by binding beta-cell specific trans-acting factors.


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BACKGROUND: In vivo studies demonstrate that the Prox1 transcription factor plays a critical role in the development of the early lymphatic system. Upon Prox1 expression, early lymphatic endothelial cells differentiate from the cardinal vein and begin to express lymphatic markers such as VEGFR-3, LYVE-1 and Podoplanin. Subsequent in vitro studies have found that differentiated vascular endothelial cells can be reprogrammed by Prox1 to express a lymphatic gene profile, suggesting that Prox1 can initiate the expression of a unique gene signature during lymphangiogenesis. While the in vitro data suggest that gene reprogramming occurs upon Prox1 expression, it is not clear if this is a direct result of Prox1 in vascular endothelial cells in vivo. RESULTS: Overexpression of Prox1 in vascular endothelial cells during embryonic development results in the reprogramming of genes to that of a more lymphatic signature. Consequent to this overexpression, embryos suffer from gross edema that results in embryonic lethality at E13.5. Furthermore, hemorrhaging and anemia is apparent along with clear defects in lymph sac development. Alterations in junctional proteins resulting in an increase in vascular permeability upon Prox1 overexpression may contribute to the complications found during embryonic development. CONCLUSION: We present a novel mouse model that addresses the importance of Prox1 in early embryonic lymphangiogenesis. It is clear that there needs to be a measured pattern of expression of Prox1 during embryonic development. Furthermore, Prox1 reprograms vascular endothelial cells in vivo by creating a molecular signature to that of a lymphatic endothelial cell.