149 resultados para standard diet
Par le biais d'une procédure Test-Retest, la stabilité à long terme des indices standard du WISC-IV français a été évaluée. L'intervalle moyen entre les deux passations est de 2,33 ans. L'échantillon comprend 96 enfants « tout venant » âgés de huit à 12 ans. Les comparaisons entre les moyennes des deux passations ne montrent pas de différence significative pour indice de compréhension verbale (ICV), indice de raisonnement perceptif (IRP), indice de mémoire de travail (IMT), indice d'aptitude générale (IAG) et QIT. Au niveau interindividuel, les coefficients de corrélations témoignent d'une bonne stabilité à long terme pour ICV, IAG et QIT (allant de 0,81 à 0,82). Une analyse des différences de performances entre les deux passations indique une stabilité intra-individuelle satisfaisante pour IMT et IAG. Seul IAG présente donc une stabilité à long terme satisfaisante au niveau inter- et intra-individuel. By a Test-Retest procedure, this study explores the long-term stability of the French WISC-IV index scores. The average Test-Retest interval was 2.33 years. The sample consisted of 96 non-clinical children aged between 8 and 12 years. Mean difference between the two testings was not statistically significant for VCI, PRI, WMI, GAI and FSIQ. Test-Retest reliability correlations between the two assessments are high for VCI, GAI and FSIQ (ranging from .81 to .82). An analysis of the performance differences between two assessments indicates intra-individual stability for WMI and GAI. In sum, only GAI demonstrates reliable long-term stability at an inter-and intra-individual level.
We present a review of the propensity to eat amphibians in the Barn Owl Tyto alba in Europe. Based on the analysis of 596 published studies reporting 3.32 million prey items identified in pellets, 17 869 amphibians (0.54%) were found. An analysis of 9036 amphibians identified to the species level showed that Barn Owls avoid consuming toxic species, and they are able to capture tree frogs (Hylidae) only rarely. The true frogs (Ranidae) are by far the most frequently captured amphibians followed by spadefoot toads (Pelobatidae) and Parsley frogs (Pelodytidae).
1. The relation between dietary carbohydrate: lipid ratio and the fuel mixture oxidized during 24 h was investigated in eleven healthy volunteers (six females, and five males) in a respiration chamber. Values of the fuel mixture oxidized were estimated by continuous indirect calorimetry and urinary nitrogen measurements. 2. The subjects, were first given a mixed diet for 7 d and spent the last 24 h of the 7 d period in a respiration chamber for continuous gas-exchange measurement. The fuels oxidized during 2.5 h or moderate exercise were also measured in the respiration chamber. After an interval of 2 weeks from the end of the mixed-diet period, the same subjects were given an isoenergetic high-carbohydrate low-fat diet for 7 d, and the same experimental regimen was repeated. 3. Dietary composition markedly influenced the fuel mixture oxidized during 24 h and this effect was still present 12 h after the last meal in the postabsorptive state. However, the diets had no influence on the substrates oxidized above resting levels during exercise. With both diets, the 24 h energy balance was slightly negative and the energy deficit was covered by lipid oxidation. 4. With the high-carbohydrate low-fat diet, the energy expenditure during sleep was found to be higher than that with the mixed diet. 5. It is concluded that: (a) the composition of the diet did not influence the fuel mixture utilized for moderate exercise, (b) the energy deficit calculated for a 24 h period was compensated by lipid oxidation irrespective of the carbohydrate content of the diet, (c) energy expenditure during sleep was found to be higher with the high-carbohydrate low-fat diet than with the mixed diet.
We evaluated midterm patient-reported outcomes and satisfaction with total hip arthroplasty in patients who had severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Thirty-one patients (49 hips), with a mean age of 29 years (range, 16-43 years), reported low hip pain and stiffness at follow-up (mean, 7 years; range, 3-17 years). Up to 92% were satisfied with their ability to perform various activities; 96% were satisfied with pain relief. A mean postoperative flexion arc of 96° was observed. Final 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, EuroQol in 5 dimensions, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index, and Harris Hip scores were lower than reference populations, particularly for mobility, physical functioning, and social functioning subscores. Young adults with end-stage hip involvement and severe longstanding juvenile idiopathic arthritis expressed high satisfaction with total hip arthroplasty, which improved range of motion, pain, and stiffness, despite poor performance on widely used outcome measures.
The effects of a 7 d high-fructose diet (HFrD) or control diet on lipid metabolism were studied in a group of six healthy lean males. Plasma NEFA and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, net lipid oxidation (indirect calorimetry) and exogenous lipid oxidation (13CO2 production) were monitored in basal conditions, after lipid loading (olive oil labelled with [13C]triolein) and during a standardised mental stress. Lactate clearance and the metabolic effects of an exogenous lactate infusion were also monitored. The HFrD lowered plasma concentrations of NEFA and beta-hydroxybutyrate as well as lipid oxidation in both basal and after lipid-loading conditions. In addition, the HFrD blunted the increase in plasma NEFA and exogenous lipid oxidation during mental stress. The HFrD also increased basal lactate concentrations by 31.8 %, and lactate production by 53.8 %, while lactate clearance remained unchanged. Lactate infusion lowered plasma NEFA with the control diet, and net lipid oxidation with both the HFrD and control diet. These results indicate that a 7 d HFrD markedly inhibits lipolysis and lipid oxidation. The HFrD also increases lactate production, and the ensuing increased lactate utilisation may contribute to suppress lipid oxidation.
It has been shown that repolarization alternans, a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration, enhances dispersion of repolarization above a critical heart rate and promotes susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias. It is unknown whether repolarization alternans is measurable in the atria using standard pacemakers and whether it plays a role in promoting atrial fibrillation. In this work, atrial repolarization alternans amplitude and periodicity are studied in a sheep model of pacing-induced atrial fibrillation. Two pacemakers, each with one right atrial and ventricular lead, were implanted in 4 male sheep after ablation of the atrioventricular junction. The first one was used to deliver rapid pacing for measurements of right atrial repolarization alternans and the second one to record a unipolar electrogram. Atrial repolarization alternans appeared rate-dependent and its amplitude increased as a function of pacing rate. Repolarization alternans was intermittent but no periodicity was detected. An increase of repolarization alternans preceding episodes of non-sustained atrial fibrillation suggests that repolarization alternans is a promising parameter for assessment of atrial fibrillation susceptibility.
The principal treatment for bleeding oesophageal varices is endoscopic ligation. Non-cardioselective beta-blockers are the gold-standard of primary prophylaxis. The principal treatment for ascites is a salt-free diet and diuretics, mainly spironolactone, if necessary associated with a loop diuretic. In refractory ascites, paracentesis or installation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) are two possible treatment options. Cirrhosis patients are at higher risk of developing hepato-cellular carcinoma. Surgery is only possible in a small number of cases. Percutaneous destruction techniques have nearly the same survival rate as that obtained by surgery and should be proposed to patients where surgery is not an option.
BACKGROUND: Black women are at greater risk of obesity than are white women, perhaps because of their lower levels of physical activity. OBJECTIVE: We compared free-living activity energy expenditure (AEE) in sedentary white and black women (in overweight and normal-weight states) and in never-overweight control subjects. DESIGN: Subjects included 46 women (23 white, 23 black) studied while overweight and after reaching a normal weight and 38 female control subjects (23 white, 15 black). Diet, without exercise training, resulted in a mean weight loss of 13 kg and a body mass index (in kg/m(2)) < 25. Body composition, sleeping energy expenditure, free-living total energy expenditure, and the energy cost of activity and aerobic capacity were assessed before and after weight loss under 4-wk, diet-controlled, weight-stable conditions and in the control subjects. AEE was defined as above-sleep energy expenditure. RESULTS: No significant racial differences in body composition, before or after weight loss, were found. After weight loss, AEE and aerobic capacity increased in the white women and decreased in the black women (P < 0.05 and P < 0.02, respectively). After weight loss, but not before, the white women had a significantly higher mean AEE than did the black women (2448 +/- 979 and 1728 +/- 1373 kJ/d, respectively; P < 0.05), approximating AEEs in the white (2314 +/- 1105) and black (2310 +/- 1251) control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Relative to the responses of the white women to diet-induced weight loss, the black women became less fit and less physically active. Induction of a normal body weight in overweight black women appeared to produce a more obesity-prone state, favoring weight relapse.
In a prospective study the functional results after dissection or preservation of the serratus anterior muscle in the postero-lateral standard thoracotomy were evaluated. In 14 patients of our clinic with dissection and suture and in 14 patients with preservation of the serratus muscle the muscle function was assessed and compared preoperatively, within the first two post-operative weeks, and three months after the operation by the same physiotherapists. The two groups were blinded in regard to age, original disease, and mode of intervention. We compared the wing position of the scapula in the sitting position and the positioning of the scapula at fixation of the shoulder joint in the sitting and in the supine position. Using a four-grade function assessment scheme, both groups obtained the same functional results. There was no seroma in either group. After 2.8 (2.5 to 3.0) years all the surviving patients described symmetric functional conditions. We therefore conclude that in order to achieve a better view of the operative field the serratus muscle may be dissected close to the origin if it is then readapted.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects, on food intake, body weight and body composition, of compliance to advice aiming at increasing the carbohydrate to fat ratio of the everyday diet without imposing voluntary restriction on the amount of food consumed. DESIGN: Eight moderately overweight women (body mass index > 27 kg/m2, relative body fat mass > 30%) received dietary advice during a 2 month period. Additionally, each evening the subjects had to consume a meal artificially enriched with 13C-glucose in order to assess their compliance from the 13CO2 enrichment in expired air. MEASUREMENTS: Dietary intakes, body weight, body composition and individual compliance. RESULTS: The energy derived from fat decreased from 44 +/- 1% to 31 +/- 1% and the proportion of carbohydrate increased from 38 +/- 2% to 50 +/- 1%, whereas the absolute carbohydrate intake remained constant (182 +/- 18 g/d). Energy intake decreased by 1569 +/- 520 kJ/d. There was a net loss of fat mass (1.7 +/- 0.7 kg, P = 0.016) with fat free mass maintenance. Dietary compliance ranged from 20 to 93% (mean: 60 +/- 8%) and was positively correlated to the loss of body fat mass. CONCLUSION: Advice aiming at increasing diet's carbohydrate to fat ratio induces a loss of fat mass with fat-free mass maintenance.
BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean diet has a beneficial role on various neoplasms, but data are scanty on oral cavity and pharyngeal (OCP) cancer. METHODS: We analysed data from a case-control study carried out between 1997 and 2009 in Italy and Switzerland, including 768 incident, histologically confirmed OCP cancer cases and 2078 hospital controls. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was measured using the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) based on the major characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, and two other scores, the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Adherence Index (MDP) and the Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI). RESULTS: We estimated the odds ratios (ORs), and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), for increasing levels of the scores (i.e., increasing adherence) using multiple logistic regression models. We found a reduced risk of OCP cancer for increasing levels of the MDS, the ORs for subjects with six or more MDS components compared with two or less being 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28, P-value for trend <0.0001). The ORs for the highest vs the lowest quintile were 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28) for the MDP score (score 66.2 or more vs less than 57.9), and 0.48 (95% CI 0.33-0.69) for the MAI score (score value 2.1 or more vs value less 0.92), with significant trends of decreasing risk for both scores. The favourable effect of the Mediterranean diet was apparently stronger in younger subjects, in those with a higher level of education, and in ex-smokers, although it was observed in other strata as well. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides strong evidence of a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on OCP cancer.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the steroid/thyroid nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors. To date, three isotypes have been identified, alpha, beta and gamma, encoded by three different genes. The alpha isotype is expressed at high levels in the liver where it has a role in lipid oxidation. Its expression and activity follow a diurnal rhythm that parallels the circulating levels of corticosterone in the bloodstream. The gamma isotype on the other hand, is mainly expressed in adipose tissue and has a critical role in adipocyte differentiation and lipid storage. The function of the ubiquitously expressed isotype, PPAR beta, remains to be determined. Besides fulfilling different roles in lipid metabolism, the different PPAR isotypes also have different ligand specificities. A new approach to identify ligands was developed based on the ligand-dependent interaction of PPAR with the recently characterized co-activator SRC-1. This so-called CARLA assay has allowed the identification of fatty acids and eicosanoids as PPAR ligands. Although the evidence clearly links PPAR isotypes to distinct functions, the molecular basis for this isotype-specificity is still unclear. All three isotypes are able to bind the same consensus response element, formed by a direct repeat of two AGGTCA hexamers separated by one base, though with different affinities. We recently demonstrated that besides the core DR-1 element, the 5' flanking sequence should be included in the definition of a PPRE. Interestingly, the presence of this flanking sequence is of particular importance in the context of PPAR alpha binding. Moreover, it reflects the polarity of the PPAR-RXR heterodimer on DNA, with PPAR binding to the 5' half-site and RXR binding to the 3' half-site. This unusual polarity may confer unique properties to the bound heterodimer with respect to ligand binding and interaction with co-activators and corepressors.
OBJECTIVE: To compare image quality of a standard-dose (SD) and a low-dose (LD) cervical spine CT protocol using filtered back-projection (FBP) and iterative reconstruction (IR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients investigated by cervical spine CT were prospectively randomised into two groups: SD (120 kVp, 275 mAs) and LD (120 kVp, 150 mAs), both applying automatic tube current modulation. Data were reconstructed using both FBP and sinogram-affirmed IR. Image noise, signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratios were measured. Two radiologists independently and blindly assessed the following anatomical structures at C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels, using a four-point scale: intervertebral disc, content of neural foramina and dural sac, ligaments, soft tissues and vertebrae. They subsequently rated overall image quality using a ten-point scale. RESULTS: For both protocols and at each disc level, IR significantly decreased image noise and increased SNR and CNR, compared with FBP. SNR and CNR were statistically equivalent in LD-IR and SD-FBP protocols. Regardless of the dose and disc level, the qualitative scores with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP, were significantly higher or not statistically different for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, while significantly lower or not statistically different for soft tissues and vertebrae. The overall image quality scores were significantly higher with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP. CONCLUSION: LD-IR cervical spine CT provides better image quality for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, and worse image quality for soft tissues and vertebrae, compared with SD-FBP, while reducing radiation dose by approximately 40 %.
BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing use of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) in the treatment of morbid obesity, data about postoperative nutritional deficiencies and their treatment remain scarce. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a standard multivitamin preparation in the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies in obese patients after RYGBP. DESIGN: This was a retrospective study of 2 y of follow-up of obese patients after RYGBP surgery. Between the first and the sixth postoperative months, a standardized multivitamin preparation was prescribed for all patients. Specific requirements for additional substitutive treatments were systematically assessed by a biologic workup at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 mo. RESULTS: A total of 137 morbidly obese patients (110 women and 27 men) were included. The mean (+/-SD) age at the time of surgery was 39.9 +/- 10.0 y, and the body mass index (in kg/m(2)) was 46.7 +/- 6.5. Three months after RYGBP, 34% of these patients required at least one specific supplement in addition to the multivitamin preparation. At 6 and 24 mo, this proportion increased to 59% and 98%, respectively. Two years after RYGBP, a mean amount of 2.9 +/- 1.4 specific supplements had been prescribed for each patient, including vitamin B-12, iron, calcium + vitamin D, and folic acid. At that time, the mean monthly cost of the substitutive treatment was $34.83. CONCLUSION: Nutritional deficiencies are very common after RYGBP and occur despite supplementation with the standard multivitamin preparation. Therefore, careful postoperative follow-up is indicated to detect and treat those deficiencies.