124 resultados para charged aerosols


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Résumé Les esters sont des agents thérapeutiques largement utilisés comme médicaments et prodrogues. Leurs dégradation est chimique et enzymatique. Le Chapitre IV de cette thèse a comme objet l'hydrolyse chimique de plusieurs dérivés esters du 2,3-dimethoxyphenol. Des composés modèles ont été synthétisés dans le but de déterminer leur mécanismes de dégradation. Les profils d'ionisation et d'hydrolyse de ces composés ont permis d'identifier la présence d'une catalyse intramoléculaire basique par un atome d'azote non-protoné. Les effets électroniques exercés par les groupes phenylethenyle et phenylcyclopropyle influencent également la vitesse d'hydrolyse des esters. La résolution des problèmes liés à l'adsorption et la perméation est devenue à nos jours l'étape limitante dans la conception de nouveaux médicaments car de trop nombreux candidats prometteurs ont échoué à cause d'une mauvaise biodisponibilité. La lipophilie décrit le partage d'un médicament entre une membrane lipidique et son environnement physiologique aqueux, et de ce fait elle influence sa pharmacocinétique. Des études récents ont mis en évidence l'importance de la détermination de la lipophilie des espèces ionisées vu leur considérable impact biologique. Le Chapitre V de cette thèse est centré sur une classe particulière de composés ionisables, les zwitterions. Plusieurs methoxybenzylpiperazines de nature zwitterionique ont été étudiées. Leurs profils d'ionisation ont montré que dans un large intervalle de pH, l'espèce prédominante est le zwitterion. Les profils de lipophilie ont montré que leur lipophilie est plus élevée que celles des zwitterions courants. Une interaction électrostatique entre l'oxygène du carboxylate et l'azote protoné est responsable de ce profil et rend la plupart des zwitterions non-donneurs de liaison hydrogène. Ces deux aspects peuvent favoriser le passage de la barrière hémato-éncephalique. Les données biologiques ont par la suite confirmé cette hypothèse pour un certain nombre de composés. Résumé large public Les esters sont des composés souvent rencontrés en chimie thérapeutique. Ils sont dégradés en milieu aqueux par une réaction d'hydrolyse, avec ou sans la participation d'enzymes. Dans ce travail de thèse, une série d'esters ont été étudiés dans le but d'établir une relation entre leur structure et les mécanismes responsables de leur dégradation chimique. Il a été prouvé que la dégradation est accélérée par un atome d'azote non-protoné. D'autres mécanismes peuvent intervenir en fonction du pH du milieu. La présence d'une liaison simple ou double ou d'un groupe phenylcyclopropyle peut également influencer la vitesse de dégradation. Il est essentiel, dans la conception de nouveaux médicaments, d'optimiser les étapes qui influencent leur distribution dans le corps. Ce dernier peut être visualisé comme une série infinie de compartiments aqueux séparés par des membranes lipidiques. La lipophilie est une propriété moléculaire importante qui décrit le passage des barrières rencontrées par les médicaments. Des études récentes ont mis en évidence l'importance de déterminer la lipophilie des espèces ionisées vu leur considérable impact biologique. Dans ce travail de thèse a été étudiée une série particulière de composés ionisables , les zwitterions. Une relation a été établie entre leur structure et leur proprietés physico-chimiques. Une lipophilie plus élevée par rapport à celle des zwitterions courants a été trouvée. Une interaction entre les groupes chargés des zwitterions étudiés est responsable de ce comportement inattendu et rend la plupart d'entre eux non-donneurs de liaison hydrogène. Ces deux facteurs peuvent favoriser la pénétration cérébrale. Les données biologiques ont confirmé cette hypothèse pour un certain nombre de composés. Summary Esters are often encountered in medicinal chemistry. Their hydrolysis may be chemical as well as enzymatic. Chapter IV of this manuscript provides a mechanistic insight into the chemical hydrolysis of a particular series of basic esters derived from 2,3-dimethoxyphenol. Their ionization and pH-rate profiles allowed to identify the presence of an intramolecular base catalysis by a non-protonated nitrogen atom. Electronic effects exerted by the phenylethenyl and phenylcyclopropyl groups that are present in the structure of the esters also influenced their rate of hydrolysis. Numerous works in the literature witness of the importance of lipophilicity in determining the fate of a drug. Most published partition coefficients are those of neutral species. In contrast, no exhaustive treatment of the lipophilicity of charged molecules is available at present, and a lack of information characterizes in particular zwitterions. Chapter V of this manuscript provides an insight into the physicochemical parameters of a series of zwitterionic methoxybenzylpiperazines. Their ionization profiles showed that they exist predominantly in the zwitterionic form in a broad pH-range. An electrostatic interaction between the oxygen of the carboxylate and the protonated nitrogen atom is increases the lipophilicity of the investigated zwitterions, and prevents the majority of them to express their hydrogen-bonding capacity. These two aspects may favor the crossing of the blood-brain barrier. The available ratios PSt/PSf measured in vitro have confirmed this point for a number of compounds.


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Mass spectrometry (MS) is currently the most sensitive and selective analytical technique for routine peptide and protein structure analysis. Top-down proteomics is based on tandem mass spectrometry (MS/ MS) of intact proteins, where multiply charged precursor ions are fragmented in the gas phase, typically by electron transfer or electron capture dissociation, to yield sequence-specific fragment ions. This approach is primarily used for the study of protein isoforms, including localization of post-translational modifications and identification of splice variants. Bottom-up proteomics is utilized for routine high-throughput protein identification and quantitation from complex biological samples. The proteins are first enzymatically digested into small (usually less than ca. 3 kDa) peptides, these are identified by MS or MS/MS, usually employing collisional activation techniques. To overcome the limitations of these approaches while combining their benefits, middle-down proteomics has recently emerged. Here, the proteins are digested into long (3-15 kDa) peptides via restricted proteolysis followed by the MS/MS analysis of the obtained digest. With advancements of high-resolution MS and allied techniques, routine implementation of the middle-down approach has been made possible. Herein, we present the liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS-based experimental design of our middle-down proteomic workflow coupled with post-LC supercharging.


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Waterproofing agents are widely used to protect leather and textiles in both domestic and occupational activities. An outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome following exposure to waterproofing sprays occurred during the winter 2002-2003 in Switzerland. About 180 cases were reported by the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre between October 2002 and March 2003, whereas fewer than 10 cases per year had been recorded previously. The reported cases involved three brands of sprays containing a common waterproofing mixture, that had undergone a formulation change in the months preceding the outbreak. A retrospective analysis was undertaken in collaboration with the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre and the Swiss Registries for Interstitial and Orphan Lung Diseases to clarify the circumstances and possible causes of the observed health effects. Individual exposure data were generated with questionnaires and experimental emission measurements. The collected data was used to conduct numeric simulation for 102 cases of exposure. A classical two-zone model was used to assess the aerosol dispersion in the near- and far-field during spraying. The resulting assessed dose and exposure levels obtained were spread on large scales, of several orders of magnitude. No dose-response relationship was found between exposure indicators and health effects indicators (perceived severity and clinical indicators). Weak relationships were found between unspecific inflammatory response indicators (leukocytes, C-reactive protein) and the maximal exposure concentration. The results obtained disclose a high interindividual response variability and suggest that some indirect mechanism(s) predominates in the respiratory disease occurrence. Furthermore, no threshold could be found to define a safe level of exposure. These findings suggest that the improvement of environmental exposure conditions during spraying alone does not constitute a sufficient measure to prevent future outbreaks of waterproofing spray toxicity. More efficient preventive measures are needed prior to the marketing and distribution of new waterproofing agents.


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OBJECTIVES: Agriculture is considered one of the occupations most at risk of acute or chronic respiratory problems. The aim of our study was to determine from which level of exposure to organic dust the respiratory function is chronically affected in workers involved in wheat grain or straw manipulation and to test if some of these working populations can recover their respiratory function after an exposure decrease. METHOD: 87 workers exposed to wheat dust: farmers, harvesters, silo workers and livestock farmers and 62 non exposed workers, were included into a longitudinal study comprising two visits at a six months interval with lung function measurements and symptom questionnaires. Cumulative and mean exposure to wheat dust were generated from detailed work history of each worker and a task-exposure matrix based on task-specific exposure measurements. Immunoglobulins (IgG and IgE) specific of the most frequent microorganisms in wheat dust have been determined. RESULTS: FEV1 decreased significantly with the cumulative exposure and mean exposure levels. The estimated decrease was close to 200 mL per year of high exposure, which corresponds roughly to levels of wheat dust higher than 10 mg/m(3). Peak expiratory flow and several acute symptoms correlate with recent exposure level. Recovery of the respiratory function six months after exposure to wheat dust and evolution of exposure indicators in workers blood (IgG and IgE) will be discussed. CONCLUSIONS: These results show a chronic effect of exposure to wheat dust on bronchial obstruction. Short term effects and reversibility will be assessed using the full study results.


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Exposure to PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 10 μm and 2.5 μm, respectively) is associated with a range of adverse health effects, including cancer, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Surface characteristics (chemical reactivity, surface area) are considered of prime importance to understand the mechanisms which lead to harmful effects. A hypothetical mechanism to explain these adverse effects is the ability of components (organics, metal ions) adsorbed on these particles to generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and thereby to cause oxidative stress in biological systems (Donaldson et al., 2003). ROS can attack almost any cellular structure, like DNA or cellular membrane, leading to the formation of a wide variety of degradation products which can be used as a biomarker of oxidative stress. The aim of the present research project is to test whether there is a correlation between the exposure to Diesel Exhaust Particulate (DEP) and the oxidative stress status. For that purpose, a survey has been conducted in real occupational situations where workers were exposed to DEP (bus depots). Different exposure variables have been considered: - particulate number, size distribution and surface area (SMPS); - particulate mass - PM2.5 and PM4 (gravimetry); - elemental and organic carbon (coulometry); - total adsorbed heavy metals - iron, copper, manganese (atomic adsorption); - surface functional groups present on aerosols (Knudsen flow reactor). Several biomarkers of oxidative stress (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and several aldehydes) have been determined either in urine or serum of volunteers. Results obtained during the sampling campaign in several bus depots indicated that the occupational exposure to particulates in these places was rather low (40-50 μg/m3 for PM4). Bimodal size distributions were generally observed (5 μm and <1 μm). Surface characteristics of PM4 varied strongly, depending on the bus depot. They were usually characterized by high carbonyl and low acidic sites content. Among the different biomarkers which have been analyzed within the framework of this study, mean urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine increased significantly (p<0.05) during two consecutive days of exposure for non-smoker workers. On the other hand, no statistically significant differences were observed for serum levels of hexanal, nonanal and 4- hydroxy-nonenal (p>0.05). Biomarkers levels will be compared to exposure variables to gain a better understanding of the relation between the particulate characteristics and the formation of ROS by-products. This project is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research. It is conducted within the framework of the COST Action 633 "Particulate Matter - Properties Related to Health Effects".


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Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) is a key organizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex formation. In concert with other nonstructural proteins, it induces a specific membrane rearrangement, designated as membranous web, which serves as a scaffold for the HCV replicase. The N-terminal part of NS4B comprises a predicted and a structurally resolved amphipathic α-helix, designated as AH1 and AH2, respectively. Here, we report a detailed structure-function analysis of NS4B AH1. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance structural analyses revealed that AH1 folds into an amphipathic α-helix extending from NS4B amino acid 4 to 32, with positively charged residues flanking the helix. These residues are conserved among hepaciviruses. Mutagenesis and selection of pseudorevertants revealed an important role of these residues in RNA replication by affecting the biogenesis of double-membrane vesicles making up the membranous web. Moreover, alanine substitution of conserved acidic residues on the hydrophilic side of the helix reduced infectivity without significantly affecting RNA replication, indicating that AH1 is also involved in virus production. Selective membrane permeabilization and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of a functional replicon harboring an epitope tag between NS4B AH1 and AH2 revealed a dual membrane topology of the N-terminal part of NS4B during HCV RNA replication. Luminal translocation was unaffected by the mutations introduced into AH1, but was abrogated by mutations introduced into AH2. In conclusion, our study reports the three-dimensional structure of AH1 from HCV NS4B, and highlights the importance of positively charged amino acid residues flanking this amphipathic α-helix in membranous web formation and RNA replication. In addition, we demonstrate that AH1 possesses a dual role in RNA replication and virus production, potentially governed by different topologies of the N-terminal part of NS4B.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that poultry-house workers are exposed to very high levels of organic dust and consequently have an increased prevalence of adverse respiratory symptoms. However, the influence of the age of broilers, on bioaerosol concentrations has not been investigated. To evaluate the evolution of bioaerosol concentration during the fattening period, bioaerosol parameters (inhalable dust, endotoxin and bacteria) were measured in 12 poultry confinement buildings in Switzerland, at 3 different stages of the birds' growth; Samples of air taken from within the breathing zones of individual poultry-house employees as they caught the chickens ready to be transported for slaughter, were also analysed. Quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) was used to assess the quantity of total airborne bacteria and total airborne Staphylococcus species. Bioaerosol levels increased significantly during the fattening period of the chickens. During the task of catching mature birds, the mean inhalable dust concentration for a worker was 31 ± 4.7 mg/m3, and endotoxin concentration was 11'080 ± 3436 UE/m3 air, more than ten-fold higher than the Swiss occupational recommended value (1000 UE/m3). The mean exposure level of bird catchers to total bacteria and Staphylococcus species measured by Q-PCR is also very high, respectively reaching values of 72 (± 11) x107 cells/m3 air and 70 (± 16) x106/m3 air. It was concluded that in the absence of wearing protective breathing apparatus, chicken catchers in Switzerland risk exposure beyond recommended limits for all measured bioaerosol parameters. Moreover, the use of Q-PCR to estimate total and specific numbers of airborne bacteria is a promising tool for evaluating any modifications intended to improve the safety of current working practices.


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The study reports a set of forty proteinogenic histidine-containing dipeptides as potential carbonyl quenchers. The peptides were chosen to cover as exhaustively as possible the accessible chemical space, and their quenching activities toward 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and pyridoxal were evaluated by HPLC analyses. The peptides were capped at the C-terminus as methyl esters or amides to favor their resistance to proteolysis and diastereoisomeric pairs were considered to reveal the influence of configuration on quenching. On average, the examined dipeptides are less active than the parent compound carnosine (βAla + His) thus emphasizing the unfavorable effect of the shortening of the βAla residue as confirmed by the control dipeptide Gly-His. Nevertheless, some peptides show promising activities toward HNE combined with a remarkable selectivity. The results emphasize the beneficial role of aromatic and positively charged residues, while negatively charged and H-bonding side chains show a detrimental effect on quenching. As a trend, ester derivatives are slightly more active than amides while heterochiral peptides are more active than their homochiral diastereoisomer. Overall, the results reveal that quenching activity strongly depends on conformational effects and vicinal residues (as evidenced by the reported QSAR analysis), offering insightful clues for the design of improved carbonyl quenchers and to rationalize the specific reactivity of histidine residues within proteins.


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The complex chemical and physical nature of combustion and secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) in general precludes the complete characterization of both bulk and interfacial components. The bulk composition reveals the history of the growth process and therefore the source region, whereas the interface controls--to a large extent--the interaction with gases, biological membranes, and solid supports. We summarize the development of a soft interrogation technique, using heterogeneous chemistry, for the interfacial functional groups of selected probe gases [N(CH(3))(3), NH(2)OH, CF(3)COOH, HCl, O(3), NO(2)] of different reactivity. The technique reveals the identity and density of surface functional groups. Examples include acidic and basic sites, olefinic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sites, and partially and completely oxidized surface sites. We report on the surface composition and oxidation states of laboratory-generated aerosols and of aerosols sampled in several bus depots. In the latter case, the biomarker 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, signaling oxidative stress caused by aerosol exposure, was isolated. The increase in biomarker levels over a working day is correlated with the surface density N(i)(O3) of olefinic and/or PAH sites obtained from O(3) uptakes as well as with the initial uptake coefficient, γ(0), of five probe gases used in the field. This correlation with γ(0) suggests the idea of competing pathways occurring at the interface of the aerosol particles between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsible for oxidative stress and cellular antioxidants.


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The natural dissipation rates of sidestream smoke (SS) particles dispersed in a chamber were studied from the standpoint of a static atmosphere and were expressed as half-lives of residence in the air. The half-lives for particles less than 0.3 micron, 0.3-0.5 micron and 0.5-1 micron were found to be 25.5, 12.8 and 4.9 h, respectively. Total particulate matter (TPM) decreases by half after 6.2 h. Other data on diluted SS in the indoor air were also reported.


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Introduction. Preclinical and clinical evidences for a role of oral probiotics in the management of allergic diseases are emerging. Aim. We aimed at testing the immunomodulatory effects of intranasal versus intragastric administration of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation and the specificity of different probiotics by comparing L. paracasei NCC2461 to Lactobacillus plantarum NCC1107. Methods. L. paracasei NCC2461 or L. plantarum NCC1107 strains were administered either intragastrically (NCC2461) or intranasally (NCC2461 or NCC1107) to OVA-sensitized mice challenged with OVA aerosols. Inflammatory cell recruitment into BALF, eotaxin and IL-5 production in the lungs were measured. Results. Intranasal L. paracasei NCC2461 efficiently protected sensitized mice upon exposure to OVA aerosols in a dose-dependent manner as compared to control mice. Inflammatory cell number, eotaxin and IL-5 were significantly reduced in BALF. Intranasal supplementation of L. paracasei NCC2461 was more potent than intragastric application in limiting the allergic response and possibly linked to an increase in T regulatory cells in the lungs. Finally, intranasal L. plantarum NCC1107 reduced total and eosinophilic lung inflammation, but increased neutrophilia and macrophages infiltration. Conclusion. A concerted selection of intervention schedule, doses, and administration routes (intranasal versus intragastric) may markedly contribute to modulate airway inflammation in a probiotic strain-specific manner.


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L'expérience Belle, située dans le centre de recherche du KEK, au Japon, est consacrée principalement à l'étude de la violation de CP dans le système des mésons B. Elle est placée sur le collisionneur KEKB, qui produit des paires Banti-B. KEKB, l'une des deux « usines à B » actuellement en fonction, détient le record du nombre d'événements produits avec plus de 150 millions de paires. Cet échantillon permet des mesures d'une grande précision dans le domaine de la physique du méson B. C'est dans le cadre de ces mesures de précision que s'inscrit cette analyse. L'un des phénomènes remarquables de la physique des hautes énergies est la faculté qu'a l'interaction faible de coupler un méson neutre avec son anti-méson. Dans le présent travail, nous nous intéressons au méson B neutre couplé à l'anti-méson B neutre, avec une fréquence d'oscillation _md mesurable précisément. Outre la beauté de ce phénomène lui-même, une telle mesure trouve sa place dans la quête de l'origine de la violation de CP. Cette dernière n'est incluse que d'une façon peu satisfaisante dans le modèle standard des interactions électro-faibles. C'est donc la recherche de phénomènes physiques encore inexpliqués qui motive en premier lieu la collaboration Belle. Il existe déjà de nombreuses mesures de _md antérieures. Celle que nous présentons ici est cependant d'une précision encore jamais atteinte grâce, d'une part, à l'excellente performance de KEKB et, d'autre part, à une approche originale qui permet de réduire considérablement la contamination de la mesure par des événements indésirés. Cette approche fut déjà mise à profit par d'autres expériences, dans des conditions quelque peu différentes de celles de Belle. La méthode utilisée consiste à reconstruire partiellement l'un des mésons dans le canal ___D*(D0_)l_l, en n'utilisant que les informations relatives au lepton l et au pion _. L'information concernant l'autre méson de la paire Banti-B initiale n'est tirée que d'un seul lepton de haute énergie. Ainsi, l'échantillon à disposition ne souffre pas de grandes réductions dues à une reconstruction complète, tandis que la contamination due aux mésons B chargés, produits par KEKB en quantité égale aux B0, est fortement diminuée en comparaison d'une analyse inclusive. Nous obtenons finalement le résultat suivant : _md = 0.513±0.006±0.008 ps^-1, la première erreur étant l'erreur statistique et la deuxième, l'erreur systématique.<br/><br/>The Belle experiment is located in the KEK research centre (Japan) and is primarily devoted to the study of CP violation in the B meson sector. Belle is placed on the KEKB collider, one of the two currently running "B-meson factories", which produce Banti-B pairs. KEKB has created more than 150 million pairs in total, a world record for this kind of colliders. This large sample allows very precise measurements in the physics of beauty mesons. The present analysis falls within the framework of these precise measurements. One of the most remarkable phenomena in high-energy physics is the ability of weak interactions to couple a neutral meson to its anti-meson. In this work, we study the coupling of neutral B with neutral anti-B meson, which induces an oscillation of frequency _md we can measure accurately. Besides the interest of this phenomenon itself, this measurement plays an important role in the quest for the origin of CP violation. The standard model of electro-weak interactions does not include CP violation in a fully satisfactory way. The search for yet unexplained physical phenomena is, therefore, the main motivation of the Belle collaboration. Many measurements of _md have previously been performed. The present work, however, leads to a precision on _md that was never reached before. This is the result of the excellent performance of KEKB, and of an original approach that allows to considerably reduce background contamination of pertinent events. This approach was already successfully used by other collaborations, in slightly different conditions as here. The method we employed consists in the partial reconstruction of one of the B mesons through the decay channel ___D*(D0_)l_l, where only the information on the lepton l and the pion _ are used. The information on the other B meson of the initial Banti-B pair is extracted from a single high-energy lepton. The available sample of Banti-B pairs thus does not suffer from large reductions due to complete reconstruction, nor does it suffer of high charged B meson background, as in inclusive analyses. We finally obtain the following result: _md = 0.513±0.006±0.008 ps^-1, where the first error is statistical, and the second, systematical.<br/><br/>De quoi la matière est-elle constituée ? Comment tient-elle ensemble ? Ce sont là les questions auxquelles la recherche en physique des hautes énergies tente de répondre. Cette recherche est conduite à deux niveaux en constante interaction. D?une part, des modèles théoriques sont élaborés pour tenter de comprendre et de décrire les observations. Ces dernières, d?autre part, sont réalisées au moyen de collisions à haute énergie de particules élémentaires. C?est ainsi que l?on a pu mettre en évidence l?existence de quatre forces fondamentales et de 24 constituants élémentaires, classés en « quarks » et « leptons ». Il s?agit là de l?une des plus belles réussites du modèle en usage aujourd?hui, appelé « Modèle Standard ». Il est une observation fondamentale que le Modèle Standard peine cependant à expliquer, c?est la disparition quasi complète de l?anti-matière (le « négatif » de la matière). Au niveau fondamental, cela doit correspondre à une asymétrie entre particules (constituants de la matière) et antiparticules (constituants de l?anti-matière). On l?appelle l?asymétrie (ou violation) CP. Bien qu?incluse dans le Modèle Standard, cette asymétrie n?est que partiellement prise en compte, semble-t-il. En outre, son origine est inconnue. D?intenses recherches sont donc aujourd?hui entreprises pour mettre en lumière cette asymétrie. L?expérience Belle, au Japon, en est une des pionnières. Belle étudie en effet les phénomènes physiques liés à une famille de particules appelées les « mésons B », dont on sait qu?elles sont liées de près à l?asymétrie CP. C?est dans le cadre de cette recherche que se place cette thèse. Nous avons étudié une propriété remarquable du méson B neutre : l?oscillation de ce méson avec son anti-méson. Cette particule est de se désintégrer pour donner l?antiparticule associée. Il est clair que cette oscillation est rattachée à l?asymétrie CP. Nous avons ici déterminé avec une précision encore inégalée la fréquence de cette oscillation. La méthode utilisée consiste à caractériser une paire de mésons B à l?aide de leur désintégration comprenant un lepton chacun. Une plus grande précision est obtenue en recherchant également une particule appelée le pion, et qui provient de la désintégration d?un des mésons. Outre l?intérêt de ce phénomène oscillatoire en lui-même, cette mesure permet d?affiner, directement ou indirectement, le Modèle Standard. Elle pourra aussi, à terme, aider à élucider le mystère de l?asymétrie entre matière et anti-matière.


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School counselors have a duty to formulate strategies that aid in the detection and prevention of child sexual abuse (American School Counselor Association, 2003). School counselors are charged with helping sexually abused children by recognizing sexual abuse indicators based on a child's symptomology and/or behavior, and understanding how this trauma may affect children in the school setting. Mandated reporting issues, talking with children and adolescents about sexual abuse suspicions, and understanding trauma symptoms and their contribution to the difficulties that sexually abused children have in school are highlighted. In addition, how school counselors can collaborate with clinicians treating sexually abused children through role-appropriate advocacy, intervention, and aftercare strategies is described.


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Abstract Background: Aerosol-mediated delivery of nano-based therapeutics to the lung has emerged as a promising alternative for treatment and prevention of lung diseases. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have attracted significant attention for such applications due to their biocompatibility and magnetic properties. However, information is lacking about the characteristics of nebulized SPIONs for use as a therapeutic aerosol. To address this need, we conducted a physicochemical characterization of nebulized Rienso, a SPION-based formulation for intravenous treatment of anemia. Methods: Four different concentrations of SPION suspensions were nebulized with a one-jet nebulizer. Particle size was measured in suspension by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), and in the aerosol by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Results: The average particle size in suspension as measured by TEM, PCS, and NTA was 9±2 nm, 27±7 nm, and 56±10 nm, respectively. The particle size in suspension remained the same before and after the nebulization process. However, after aerosol collection in an impinger, the suspended particle size increased to 159±46 nm as measured by NTA. The aerosol particle concentration increased linearly with increasing suspension concentration, and the aerodynamic diameter remained relatively stable at around 75 nm as measured by SMPS. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the total number and particle size in the aerosol were modulated as a function of the initial concentration in the nebulizer. The data obtained mark the first known independent characterization of nebulized Rienso and, as such, provide critical information on the behavior of Rienso nanoparticles in an aerosol. The data obtained in this study add new knowledge to the existing body of literature on potential applications of SPION suspensions as inhaled aerosol therapeutics.


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BACKGROUND: In most of the emergency departments (ED) in developed countries, a subset of patients visits the ED frequently. Despite their small numbers, these patients are the source of a disproportionally high number of all ED visits, and use a significant proportion of healthcare resources. They place a heavy economic burden on hospital and healthcare systems budgets overall. Several interventions have been carried out to improve the management of these ED frequent users. Case management has been shown in some North American studies to reduce ED utilization and costs. In these studies, cost analyses have been carried out from the hospital perspective without examining the costs induced by healthcare consumed in the community. However, case management might reduce ED visits and costs from the hospital's perspective, but induce substitution effects, and increase health service utilization outside the hospital. This study examined if an interdisciplinary case-management intervention-compared to standard ED care -reduced costs generated by frequent ED users not only from the hospital perspective, but also from the healthcare system perspective-that is, from a broader perspective taking into account the costs of healthcare services used outside the hospital. METHODS: In this randomized controlled trial, 250 adult frequent emergency department users (5 or more visits during the previous 12 months) who visited the ED of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, between May 2012 and July 2013 were allocated to one of two groups: case management intervention (CM) or standard ED care (SC), and followed up for 12 months. Depending on the perspective of the analysis, costs were evaluated differently. For the analysis from the hospital's perspective, the true value of resources used to provide services was used as a cost estimate. These data were obtained from the hospital's analytical accounting system. For the analysis from the health-care system perspective, all health-care services consumed by users and charged were used as an estimate of costs. These data were obtained from health insurance providers for a subsample of participants. To allow comparisons in a same time period, individual monthly average costs were calculated. Multivariate linear models including a fixed effect "group" were run using socio-demographic characteristics and health-related variables as controlling variables (age, gender, educational level, citizenship, marital status, somatic and mental health problems, and risk behaviors).