107 resultados para Work participation


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Participation research has documented the effect of partner and parenthood status, thereby ignoring the dynamic aspect of status changes. Based on theoretical insights on changes in political resources and interest, this study looks at partnership and parenthood as dynamic characteristics. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), it examines to what extent important life-cycle transitions in partnership and parental status influence various forms of political and civic participation and whether they affect men and women's participation differently. Our regression analyses reveal that particularly the entry into separation or divorce is a main key point driving change in political and civic participation. Its effect is also highly gendered. Following separation, women participate less in voting, whereas men's participation rates are not affected in a negative way. Separation even increases men's level of anticipated activism. Children entering or leaving the household do not seem to represent key points of change in political and civic participation of the couple. Yet, the transition to having school-aged children significantly increases some types of participation, at least for women.


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Our paper presents a pilot project (INTERNORM) funded by the University of Lausanne to support the involvement of not-for-profit organisations in international standard setting bodies such as the ISO. It analyses preliminary results on how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which ISO standards are developed. It reflects on the contribution of innovative deliberative mechanisms to democratise the field of international standardisation, largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. It draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and social studies of science on participatory issues in science-society relations. The paper argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms and examines several types of barriers to the involvement of not-for-profit organisations in ISO standard-setting processes. Notre communication porte sur un projet pilote (INTERNORM) financé par l'Université de Lausanne pour favoriser l'implication des acteurs associatifs dans l'élaboration des normes internationales de type ISO. Elle analyse les effets d'un dispositif participatif sur l'environnement institutionnel très particulier de la diplomatie technique ayant cours à l'ISO. Elle présente les résultats intermédiaires d'une réflexion sur l'apport de dispositifs délibératifs pour démocratiser le champ de la normalisation internationale, largement dominé par le savoir expert et les acteurs économiques. Elle situe cette réflexion au croisement des travaux de relations internationales sur les nouvelles formes institutionnelles de la gouvernance de la mondialisation et des études sociales des sciences et des techniques sur la participation dans les rapports science - société. En identifiant plusieurs registres dans lesquels situer les difficultés d'une plus grande implication des acteurs associatifs dans les procédures d'élaboration de spécifications techniques de type ISO, nous posons l'hypothèse qu'il existe d'importantes limites à l'accroissement de la dimension participative de la gouvernance globale.


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This thesis has been conducted in the context of a lifestyle intervention in 40 Swiss kindergarten classes in the cantons St. Gallen and Vaud, in areas with a high migrant prevalence (Ballabeina study). The main objective of this work was to fill certain gaps of the literature and to bring a better understanding of the risk factors of overweight and obesity and their determinants in preschool children. Our data show that parental migrant status and educational level influence independently of each other adiposity and/or eating habits in these children. In addition, sports club participation at this young age seems to be a better indicator of healthy lifestyle characteristics in terms of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and eating habits than weight status. Finally, we found that in this population higher scores of hyperactivity/inattention are associated with lower adiposity and with both healthy (more physical activity and less sedentary activity) and unhealthy (more television viewing and more unhealthy eating habits) lifestyle characteristics. Thus, our findings can be used by different actors of health and education system to better target their preventive actions and can serve as a basis for future complementary researches. - Cette thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet de promotion de la santé mené dans 40 classes enfantines suisses issues de régions à forte prévalence migrante des cantons de St. Gall et de Vaud (étude Ballabeina). L'objectif principal de ce travail était de combler certaines lacunes de la littérature et d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les facteurs de risque du surpoids et de l'obésité et de leurs déterminants chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire. Nos analyses montrent que le statut de migrant des parents et leur niveau d'éducation influencent indépendamment l'un de l'autres l'adiposité et les habitudes alimentaires chez ces enfants. De plus, à ce jeune âge la participation dans un club de sport semble être un meilleur indicateur de style de vie sain en termes d'activité physique, de comportements sédentaires et d'habitudes alimentaires que le statut pondéral. Nous avons également trouvé que dans cette population, un score plus élevé d'hyperactivité/inattention est associé aussi bien à des caractéristiques de style de vie saines (plus d'activité physique, moins d'activité sédentaire) que malsaines (plus de consommation de télévision et moins bonnes habitudes alimentaire. Ainsi, nos résultats peuvent aider les différents acteurs de la santé et de l'éducation à mieux cibler leurs actions de prévention et servir de base à de futures recherches complémentaires.


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Cette contribution se penche sur les initiatives participatives conçues et mises en oeuvre par la Ville de Genève. Elle se compose d'une première partie, retraçant les principales lignes conceptuelles soutenant la démocratie participative; ceci aussi bien dans le domaine des sciences politiques, que dans celui des disciplines psychosociales. La deuxième partie est constituée d'un inventaire et une analyse des principaux processus participatifs s'étant déroulé dans la commune au cours de ces dix dernières années. Leurs caractéristiques et effets sont examinés selon une grille comprenant trois critères : - les résultats substantiels, inhérents à la pertinence des décisions issues des processus participatifs - la promotion de la cohésion et émancipation sociales, obtenues par le biais de dispositifs participatifs - l'ouverture de l'espace politique, au niveau local, que l'on peut attribuer à la poursuite de la participation comme mode d'intervention au sein de la collectivité. L'étude a été effectuée dans le cadre d'un mandat confié à l'étudiante par l'Unité Agenda 21 de la Ville de Genève. Elle servira comme base de travail pour un groupe d'accompagnement chargé de mettre en place des standards et une marche à suivre en matière de participation pour l'ensemble de la commune, conformément aux Engagements d'Aalborg, auxquels la Ville de Genève a adhéré en 2010. Il convient cependant de noter que le choix des données récoltées, ainsi que la critique qui en est présentée, sont de la seule responsabilité de l'autrice.


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OBJECTIVES: Exercise combined with nicotine therapy may help smoking cessation and minimise weight gain after quitting. Low participation in vigorous-intensity physical activity programmes precludes their population-wide applicability. In a randomised controlled trial, we tested whether a population-based moderate-intensity physical activity programme increases quit rates among sedentary smokers receiving nicotine therapy. METHODS: Participants (n=481; 57% male; mean age, 42.2 years (SD 10.1); mean cigarette consumption, 27 (SD 10.2) per day) were offered a nine-week smoking cessation programme consisting of a weekly 15-minute counselling session and the prescription of nicotine replacement therapy. In addition, participants in the physical activity group (n=229) also took part in a programme of moderate-intensity physical activity implemented at the national level, and offering nine weekly 60-minute sessions of physical activity. To ensure equal contact conditions, participants in the control group (n=252) attended weekly 60-minute health behaviour education sessions unrelated to physical activity. The primary outcome was continuous CO-verified smoking abstinence rates at 1-year follow-up. RESULTS: Continuous smoking abstinence rates were high and similar in the physical activity group and the control group at the end of the intervention (47% versus 46%, p=0.81) and at 1-year follow-up (27% versus 29%, p=0.71). The mean weight gain after one year was 4.4 kg and 6.2 kg among sustained quitters of the physical activity and control groups, respectively (p=0.06). CONCLUSION: Participation in a population-based moderate-intensity physical activity programme for 9 weeks in addition to a comprehensive smoking cessation programme did not significantly increase smoking cessation rates. A non-significant reduction in weight gain was observed among participants who quit smoking in the physical activity group. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov; US National Institutes for Health (available online at http://clinicaltrials.gov/; CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT00521391).


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This article focuses on work disability and sick leave and their cost; it also discusses the value of vocational rehabilitation programmes in rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, hip and knee osteoarthritis. It acknowledges the importance of work not only for the worker who has one of these diseases but also for the public purse. Much can be done to improve the health of the persons and reduce their disability and its impact in the workplace which will have an important effect on their and their family's quality of life. It is important that neither rehabilitation nor vocational rehabilitation are regarded as bolt-on activities after drug treatment but are seen as an integral part of effective management. Publications dealing with return to work are relatively common in rheumatoid arthritis, less common in ankylosing spondylitis and relatively rare in osteoarthritis. Vocational rehabilitation programmes should aim to facilitate job retention or, failing that, to improve the ability to return to work. The process must be started with in the health arena and it has to be recognised that slow or poor practice in the health service can jeopardise the patient's work potential


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BACKGROUND: A device to perform sutureless end-to-side coronary artery anastomosis has been developed by means of stent technology (GraftConnector). The present study assesses the long-term quality of the GraftConnector anastomosis in a sheep model. METHODS: In 8 adult sheep, 40-55 kg in weight, through left anterior thoracotomy, the right internal mammary artery (RIMA) was prepared and connected to the left anterior descending artery (LAD) by means of GraftConnector, on beating heart, without using any stabilizer. Ticlopidine 250 mg/day for anticoagulation for 4 weeks and Aspirin 100 mg/day for 6 months were given. The animals were sacrificed after 6 months and histological examination of anastomoses was carried out after slicing with the connector in situ for morphological analysis. RESULTS: All animals survived at 6 months. All anastomoses were patent and mean luminal width at histology was 1.8 +/- 0.2 mm; mean myotomia hyperplasia thickness was 0.21 +/- 0.1 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term results demonstrate that OPCABGs performed with GraftConnector had 100% patency rate. The mean anastomotic luminal width corresponds to mean LAD's adult sheep diameter. We may speculate that myotomia hyperplasia occurred as a result of local device oversizing.


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By the end of the 1970s, contaminated sites had emerged as one of the most complex and urgent environmental issues affecting industrialized countries. The authors show that small and prosperous Switzerland is no exception to the pervasive problem of sites contamination, the legacy of past practices in waste management having left some 38,000 contaminated sites throughout the country. This book outlines the problem, offering evidence that open and polycentric environmental decision-making that includes civil society actors is valuable. They propose an understanding of environmental management of contaminated sites as a political process in which institutions frame interactions between strategic actors pursuing sometimes conflicting interests. In the opening chapter, the authors describe the influences of politics and the power relationships between actors involved in decision-making in contaminated sites management, which they term a "wicked problem." Chapter Two offers a theoretical framework for understanding institutions and the environmental management of contaminated sites. The next five chapters present a detailed case study on environmental management and contaminated sites in Switzerland, focused on the Bonfol Chemical Landfill. The study and analysis covers the establishment of the landfill under the first generation of environmental regulations, its closure and early remediation efforts, and the gambling on the remediation objectives, methods and funding in the first decade of the 21st Century. The concluding chapter discusses the question of whether the strength of environmental regulations, and the type of interactions between public, private, and civil society actors can explain the environmental choices in contaminated sites management. Drawing lessons from research, the authors debate the value of institutional flexibility for dealing with environmental issues such as contaminated sites.