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[Programme - Table des matière] 1. Conférences inaugurales 2. Techniques d'enregistrement 3. Etudes descriptives 4. Etudes spatiales 5. Etudes de migrants 6. Etudes analytiques 7. Nouveaux registres 8. Incidence, survie 9. Mésothéliomes
Le cancer colorectal atteint, chaque année, plus d'un million de personnes dans le monde et plus de 500'000 en meurent [1]. Il affecte de manière très inégalitaire les différentes parties du monde. En effet, s'il constitue un problème de santé publique majeur dans des régions telles que l'Amérique du Nord, l'Europe ou l'Océanie (incidence supérieure à 50 pour 100'000), il est nettement plus rare dans certains pays d'Asie, d'Afrique ou d'Amérique du Sud (incidence inférieure à 10 pour 100'000) [2]. Aux Etats-Unis, on estime que 5 à 6% de la population générale présentera un cancer colorectal au cours de sa vie [3]. En Suisse, le cancer colorectal est le deuxième cancer le plus mortel, avec quelque 1'600 décès par an, après le cancer du poumon [4]. Avec 4'000 nouveaux cas annuels, il représente 11% de tous les cancers chez l'homme et chez la femme [5]. Le cancer colorectal est le troisième cancer le plus fréquent après celui du poumon et de la prostate chez l'homme, alors qu'il n'est précédé chez la femme que par le cancer du sein. Pour la période 2003-07, l'incidence en Suisse est estimée à 50 cas/100'000 hommes et 32 cas/100'000 femmes (taux standardisés selon la population européenne) [5] et son taux de survie relative à 5 ans est de 60%, ce qui en fait le taux le plus élevé d'Europe [6]. Le fait que l'incidence chez les migrants ait tendance à rattraper celle des indigènes en moins d'une génération suggère que les facteurs environnementaux jouent un rôle prédominant dans la carcinogénèse des tumeurs colorectales [7]. Cependant, d'autres facteurs, notamment génétiques, interviennent dans la survenue des cancers colorectaux. En effet, dans des conditions de vie similaires, on observe une incidence de cancers colorectaux différente entre différentes ethnies. Des études américaines ont par exemple montré une incidence plus élevée chez les noirs (48 pour 100'000) que chez les blancs (40/100'000) ou les hispaniques (26/100'000) [8]. Les hommes sont plus fréquemment touchés par le cancer colorectal que les femmes, avec un sexe ratio de 1,5 [9]. Les premiers cas de cancers colorectaux apparaissent à partir de 25 ans et l'incidence augmente de manière quasi exponentielle jusqu'à un âge de 75-80 ans, puis se stabilise [10]. L'âge moyen au diagnostic se situe entre 65 et 70 ans. Environ 66% des cancers colorectaux sont localisés dans le côlon (dans l'ordre décroissant: au niveau du sigmoïde, du côlon ascendant, descendant et transverse), 27% dans le rectum, 4% dans l'anus tandis qu'environ 4% restent multiples et indéfinis [10]. Notons encore, qu'à des fins de comparaisons épidémiologiques, les cancers du côlon, du rectum et de l'anus sont souvent regroupés dans l'unique groupe des tumeurs colorectales.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (NAIS) is associated with considerable lifetime burdens such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive impairment. Prospective epidemiologic studies that include outcome assessments are scarce. This study aimed to provide information on the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, infarct characteristics, associated clinical variables, treatment strategies, and outcomes of NAIS in a prospective, population-based cohort of Swiss children. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, vascular territories, associated clinical variables, and treatment of all full-term neonates diagnosed with NAIS and born in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Follow-up was performed 2 years (mean 23.3 months, SD 4.3 months) after birth. RESULTS: One hundred neonates (67 boys) had a diagnosis of NAIS. The NAIS incidence in Switzerland during this time was 13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 11-17) per 100 000 live births. Seizures were the most common symptom (95%). Eighty-one percent had unilateral (80% left-sided) and 19% had bilateral lesions. Risk factors included maternal risk conditions (32%), birth complications (68%), and neonatal comorbidities (54%). Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy use was low (17%). No serious side effects were reported. Two years after birth, 39% were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and 31% had delayed mental performance. CONCLUSIONS: NAIS in Switzerland shows a similar incidence as other population-based studies. About one-third of patients developed cerebral palsy or showed delayed mental performance 2 years after birth, and children with normal mental performance may still develop deficits later in life.
Background: Breast cancer is the first cause of cancer in women in Switzerland. While breast cancer mortality has sharply decreased in the two last decades in Switzerland, the incidence of breast cancer has increased during the same period. Various reasons for this increase have been hypothesized, such as the increase in the prevalence of obesity, the use of postmenauposal hormone replacement therapy, or a later age for having a first child. Overdiagnosis secondary to screening and any other forms of early detection procedures could be also involved. Analyses of breast cancer by stage can help evaluate if overdiagnosis could have contributed to the increase in the incidence of breast cancer. Methods: We used data from the Valais cancer registry at the Observatoire valaisan de la santé (www.ovs.ch). This population based registry collects data on all new (incident) cases of cancer diagnosed in women living in one canton of Switzerland, Valais. Cancers are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3) and the stages are coded according to the TNM classification. Information on breast cancer stage (in situ: 0; invasive: I, II, III, IV) was available for all cases recorded between 1993 and 2011 (N=4246). Standardized rates of breast cancer were computed (direct standardization on European population).
BACKGROUND: Due to the underlying diseases and the need for immunosuppression, patients after lung transplantation are particularly at risk for gastrointestinal (GI) complications that may negatively influence long-term outcome. The present study assessed the incidences and impact of GI complications after lung transplantation and aimed to identify risk factors. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of all 227 consecutively performed single- and double-lung transplantations at the University hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva was performed between January 1993 and December 2010. Logistic regressions were used to test the effect of potentially influencing variables on the binary outcomes overall, severe, and surgery-requiring complications, followed by a multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: Final analysis included 205 patients for the purpose of the present study, and 22 patients were excluded due to re-transplantation, multiorgan transplantation, or incomplete datasets. GI complications were observed in 127 patients (62 %). Gastro-esophageal reflux disease was the most commonly observed complication (22.9 %), followed by inflammatory or infectious colitis (20.5 %) and gastroparesis (10.7 %). Major GI complications (Dindo/Clavien III-V) were observed in 83 (40.5 %) patients and were fatal in 4 patients (2.0 %). Multivariate analysis identified double-lung transplantation (p = 0.012) and early (1993-1998) transplantation period (p = 0.008) as independent risk factors for developing major GI complications. Forty-three (21 %) patients required surgery such as colectomy, cholecystectomy, and fundoplication in 6.8, 6.3, and 3.9 % of the patients, respectively. Multivariate analysis identified Charlson comorbidity index of ≥3 as an independent risk factor for developing GI complications requiring surgery (p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: GI complications after lung transplantation are common. Outcome was rather encouraging in the setting of our transplant center.
We conducted a survey including 3334 bloodstream infections (BSIs) due to E. coli diagnosed in 2005-2014 at a stable cohort of hospitals. Marked increases in incidence were observed for community-acquired (CA) BSIs in patients aged >75 years, CA-BSIs of digestive origin in patients aged 60-74 years, healthcare-associated BSIs, and BSIs associated with ESBL (extended-spectrum B-lactamase)-producing E. coli (ESBLEc). Using MLST, we studied the genetic diversity of 412 BSI isolates recovered during the 2014 survey: 7 major sequence type complexes (STCs) were revealed in phylogenetic group B2, 3 in group A/B1 and 2 in group D. Among the 31 ESBLEc isolates, 1/3 belonged to STC 131. We searched for possible associations between clonal groups, clinical determinants and characteristics of BSIs: isolates from groups B2 (except STC 131) and D were susceptible to antibiotics and associated with BSIs of urinary origin in patients <60 years. STC 131 and group A/B1 isolates were multi-drug resistant and associated with CA-BSIs of digestive origin in patients aged 60-74 with a recent history of antibiotic treatment. STC 131 isolates were associated with HCA-BSIs in patients with recent/present hospitalization in a long-stay unit. We provide a unique population-based picture of the epidemiology of E. coli BSI. The aging nature of the population led to an increase in the number of cases caused by the B2 and D isolates generally implicated in BSIs. In addition, the association of a trend toward increasing rates of gut colonization with multi drug-resistant isolates revealed by the rise in the incidence of BSIs of digestive origin caused by STC 131 and A/B1 (STCs 10, 23, and 155) isolates, and a significant increase in the frequency of BSIs in elderly patients with recent antibiotic treatment suggested that antibiotic use may have contributed to the growing incidence of BSI.
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological data on HNC are often reported aggregated despite their anatomical and histological heterogeneity. In Germany, few studies have analyzed incidence and mortality trends separately for specific anatomic sites. Furthermore, little is known about whether the incidence of HPV-associated tumour entities of the head and neck region has increased. METHODS: Based on cancer registry data from Rhineland-Palatinate from 2000 to 2009, age-standardized incidence and mortality rates were calculated for all HNC sites and localisation groups that might be HPV-associated according to the literature. Trends were analyzed by Joinpoint regression and reported as the annual percentage change (APC). RESULTS: Throughout the study period, 8 055 incident cases and 3 177 deaths were identified. The incidence rates of overall HNC increased among women (APC:+2.2%) and declined slightly among men (- 0.9%). Significantly increasing incidence rates among women were seen for tumours of the oral cavity (+2.7%) and the oropharynx (+3.6%). Among men, a significant decrease in incidence rates for tumours of the hypopharynx (-3.4%) and the larynx (-2.7%) are noteworthy. Cancers at HPV-associated sites showed increased incidence rates in men (+3.3%) and women (+4.3%). A decrease in mortality was found for tumours of the larynx in both sexes (-5.8% men,-9.1% women). CONCLUSIONS: A detailed analysis by localisation of HNC showed significant and often opposing trends for men and women regarding incidence and mortality.
AIMS: The aims of the study are to compare the outcome with and without major bleeding and to identify the independent correlates of major bleeding complications and mortality in patients described in the ATOLL study. METHODS: The ATOLL study included 910 patients randomly assigned to either 0.5 mg/kg intravenous enoxaparin or unfractionated heparin before primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Incidence of major bleeding and ischemic end points was assessed at 1 month, and mortality, at 1 and 6 months. Patients with and without major bleeding complication were compared. A multivariate model of bleeding complications at 1 month and mortality at 6 months was realized. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed. RESULTS: The most frequent bleeding site appears to be the gastrointestinal tract. Age >75 years, cardiac arrest, and the use of insulin or >1 heparin emerged as independent correlates of major bleeding at 1 month. Patients presenting with major bleeding had significantly higher rates of adverse ischemic complications. Mortality at 6 months was higher in bleeders. Major bleeding was found to be one of the independent correlates of 6-month mortality. The addition or mixing of several anticoagulant drugs was an independent factor of major bleeding despite the predominant use of radial access. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that major bleeding is independently associated with poor outcome, increasing ischemic events, and mortality in primary percutaneous coronary intervention performed mostly with radial access.
BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the esophagus with a rapidly increasing incidence. However, population-based epidemiologic data on EoE are rare and limited to regions with less than 200 000 inhabitants. We evaluated the incidence and prevalence of EoE over time in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Canton of Vaud lies in the French-speaking, Western part of Switzerland. As of December 2013, it had a population of 743 317 inhabitants. We contacted all pathology institutes (n = 6) in this canton to identify patients that have been diagnosed with esophageal eosinophilia between 1993 and 2013. We then performed a chart review in all adult and pediatric gastroenterology practices to identify patients with EoE. RESULTS: Of 263 patients with esophageal eosinophilia, a total of 179 fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for EoE. Median diagnostic delay was 4 (IQR 1-9) years. No patient was diagnosed with EoE prior to 2003. Incidence of EoE increased from 0.16/100 000 inhabitants in 2004 to 6.3/100 000 inhabitants in 2013 (P < 0.001). The cumulative EoE prevalence in 2013 was 24.1/100 000. The incidence in males was 2.8 times higher (95% CI 2.01-3.88, P < 0.001) when compared to that in females. The annual EoE incidence was 10.6 times higher (95%-CI 7.61-14.87, P < 0.001) in the period from 2010 to 2013 when compared to that in the period from 1993 to 2009. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence and cumulative prevalence of EoE in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, has rapidly increased in the past 10 years.