145 resultados para Correlation Spectroscopy
Purpose: Complete achromatopsia is a rare autosomal recessive disease due to CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C mutations. We studied a large consanguineous Tunisian family including twelve individuals.Methods: Ophthalmic evaluation included a full clinical examination, color vision testing, optical coherence tomography and electroretinography. Linkage analysis using microsatellite markers flanking CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C genes was performed. Mutations were screened by direct sequencing.Results: In all affected subjects, acuity ranged from 20/50 to 20/200. Fundus examination was normal except for two patients who had respectively 4 mm and 5 mm diameters of peripheral congenital hypertrophy. Likewise retinal layers exploration by OCT revealed no change in the thickness of the central retina. Color Vision with 100 Hue Farnsworth test described a profound color impairment along all three axes of color vision. The haplotype analysis of GNAT2 markers revealed that all affected offspring were homozygous by descent for the four polymorphic markers. The maximum lod score value, 4.33, confirmed the evidence for linkage to the GNAT2 gene.A homozygous novel nonsense mutation R313X was identified segregating with an identical GNAT2 haplotype in all affected subjects. This mutation could interrupt interaction with photoactivated rhodopsin, resulting in a failure of visual transduction. In fact, ERG showed a clearly abolished photopic b-wave and flicker responses with no residual cone function justifying the severe GNAT2 achromatopsia phenotype.Conclusions: This is the first report of the clinical and genetic investigation of complete achromatopsia in North Africa and of the largest family with recessive achromatopsia involving GNAT2, thus providing a unique opportunity for genotype phenotype correlation for this extremely rare condition.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the accuracy of high-resolution (HR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing early-stage optic nerve (ON) invasion in a retinoblastoma cohort. METHODS: This IRB-approved, prospective multicenter study included 95 patients (55 boys, 40 girls; mean age, 29 months). 1.5-T MRI was performed using surface coils before enucleation, including spin-echo unenhanced and contrast-enhanced (CE) T1-weighted sequences (slice thickness, 2 mm; pixel size <0.3 × 0.3 mm(2)). Images were read by five neuroradiologists blinded to histopathologic findings. ROC curves were constructed with AUC assessment using a bootstrap method. RESULTS: Histopathology identified 41 eyes without ON invasion and 25 with prelaminar, 18 with intralaminar and 12 with postlaminar invasion. All but one were postoperatively classified as stage I by the International Retinoblastoma Staging System. The accuracy of CE-T1 sequences in identifying ON invasion was limited (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.55 - 0.72) and not confirmed for postlaminar invasion diagnosis (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.47 - 0.82); high specificities (range, 0.64 - 1) and negative predictive values (range, 0.81 - 0.97) were confirmed. CONCLUSION: HR-MRI with surface coils is recommended to appropriately select retinoblastoma patients eligible for primary enucleation without the risk of IRSS stage II but cannot substitute for pathology in differentiating the first degrees of ON invasion. KEY POINTS: • HR-MRI excludes advanced optic nerve invasion with high negative predictive value. • HR-MRI accurately selects patients eligible for primary enucleation. • Diagnosis of early stages of optic nerve invasion still relies on pathology. • Several physiological MR patterns may mimic optic nerve invasion.
PURPOSE: To study the influence of retinal structural changes on oxygen saturation in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients. METHODS: Oximetry measurements were performed on 21 eyes of 11 RP patients and compared to 24 eyes of 12 controls. Retinal oxygen saturation was measured in all major retinal arterioles (A-SO₂) and venules (V-SO₂) with an oximetry unit of the retinal vessel analyser (IMEDOS Systems UG, Jena, Germany). Oximetry data were compared with morphological changes measured by Cirrus optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA, macular thickness protocol). RESULTS: In RP patients, the retinal A-SO₂ and V-SO₂ levels were higher at 99.3% (p = 0.001, anova based on mixed-effects model) and 66.8% (p < 0.001), respectively, and the difference between the two (A-V SO₂) was lower at 32.5% (p < 0.001), when compared to the control group (92.4%; 54.0%; 38.4%, respectively). With the RP group, the A-V SO₂ correlated positively, not only with central macular thickness, but also with retinal thickness, in zones 2 and 3 (p = 0.006, p = 0.007, p = 0.014). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that oxygen metabolism was altered in RP patients. Based on our preliminary results, retinal vessel saturation correlated with structural alterations in RP. This method could be valuable in monitoring disease progression and evaluating a potential therapeutic response.
The growth rate of acoustic tumors, although slow, varies widely. There may be a continuous spectrum or distinct groups of tumor growth rates. Clinical, audiologic, and conventional histologic tests have failed to shed any light on this problem. Modern immunohistochemical methods may stand a better chance. The Ki-67 monoclonal antibody stains proliferating cells and is used in this study to investigate the growth fraction of 13 skull base schwannomas. The acoustic tumors can be divided into two different growth groups, one with a rate five times the other. The literature is reviewed to see if this differentiation is borne out by the radiologic studies. Distinct growth rates have been reported: one very slow, taking 50 years to reach 1 cm in diameter, a second rate with a diameter increase of 0.2 cm/year, and a third rate five times the second, with a 1.0 cm increase in diameter per year. A fourth group growing at 2.5 cm/year is postulated, but these tumors cannot be followed for long radiologically, since symptoms demand surgical intervention. The clinical implications of these separate growth rates are discussed.
Aim: Pleural effusion is common in cancer patients and to determine its malignant origin is of huge clinical significance. PET/CT with 18F-FDG is of diagnostic value in staging and follow-up, but its ability to differentiate between malignant and benign effusions is not precisely known. Patients, methods: We examined 50 PET/CT from 47 patients (29 men, 18 women, 60±16 years) with pleural effusion and known cancer (24 NSCLC, 7 lymphomas, 5 breasts, 4 GIST, 3 mesotheliomas, 2 head and neck, 2 malignant teratoma, 1 colorectal, 1 oesophageal, 1 melanoma) for FDG uptake in the effusions using SUVmax. This was correlated to cytopathology performed after a median of 21 days (interquartile range -3 to 23), which included pH, relative distribution (macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, plasmocytes), and absolute cell count. Results: Malignant cells were found in 17 effusions (34%) (6 NSCLC, 5 lymphomas, 2 breasts, 2 mesotheliomas, 2 malignant teratomas). SUV in malignant effusions were higher than in benign ones [3.7 (95%CI 1.8-5.6) vs. 1.7 g/ml (1.5-1.9), p = 0.001], with a correlation between malignant effusion and SUV (Spearman coefficient r = 0.50, p = 0.001), but not with other cytopathological or radiological parameters (ROC area 0.83±0.06). Using a 2.2-mg/l SUV threshold, 12 PET/CT studies were positive and 38 negative with sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 53%, 91%, 75% and 79%, respectively. For NSCLC only (n = 24), ROC area was 0.95±0.04, 7 studies were positive and 17 negative with a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 83%, 89%, 71 and 94%, respectively. Conclusion: PET/CT may help to differentiate the malignant or benign origin of a pleural effusion with a high specificity in patients with known cancer, in particular NSCLC.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if the results of resin-dentin microtensile bond strength (µTBS) is correlated with the outcome parameters of clinical studies on non-retentive Class V restorations. METHODS: Resin-dentin µTBS data were obtained from one test center; the in vitro tests were all performed by the same operator. The µTBS testing was performed 8h after bonding and after 6 months of storing the specimens in water. Pre-test failures (PTFs) of specimens were included in the analysis, attributing them a value of 1MPa. Prospective clinical studies on cervical restorations (Class V) with an observation period of at least 18 months were searched in the literature. The clinical outcome variables were retention loss, marginal discoloration and marginal integrity. Furthermore, an index was formulated to be better able to compare the laboratory and clinical results. Estimates of adhesive effects in a linear mixed model were used to summarize the clinical performance of each adhesive between 12 and 36 months. Spearman correlations between these clinical performances and the µTBS values were calculated subsequently. RESULTS: Thirty-six clinical studies with 15 adhesive/restorative systems for which µTBS data were also available were included in the statistical analysis. In general 3-step and 2-step etch-and-rinse systems showed higher bond strength values than the 2-step/3-step self-etching systems, which, however, produced higher values than the 1-step self-etching and the resin modified glass ionomer systems. Prolonged water storage of specimens resulted in a significant decrease of the mean bond strength values in 5 adhesive systems (Wilcoxon, p<0.05). There was a significant correlation between µTBS values both after 8h and 6 months of storage and marginal discoloration (r=0.54 and r=0.67, respectively). However, the same correlation was not found between µTBS values and the retention rate, clinical index or marginal integrity. SIGNIFICANCE: As µTBS data of adhesive systems, especially after water storage for 6 months, showed a good correlation with marginal discoloration in short-term clinical Class V restorations, longitudinal clinical trials should explore whether early marginal staining is predictive for future retention loss in non-carious cervical restorations.
Proton NMR spectroscopy is emerging from translational and preclinical neuroscience research as an important tool for evidence based diagnosis and therapy monitoring. It provides biomarkers that offer fingerprints of neurological disorders even in cases where a lesion is not yet observed in MR images. The collection of molecules used as cerebral biomarkers that are detectable by (1)H NMR spectroscopy define the so-called "neurochemical profile". The non-invasive quality of this technique makes it suitable not only for diagnostic purposes but also for therapy monitoring paralleling an eventual neuroprotection. The application of (1)H NMR spectroscopy in basic and translational neuroscience research is discussed here.
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : Les premières applications cliniques de la thérapie photodynamique (PDT) remontent à plus d'une vingtaine d'années. Basée sur l'activation d'un médicament photosensibilisateur par une source lumineuse à une longueur d'onde spécifique, la PDT permet la destruction sélective de tissus contenant le produit actif. Ce procédé a été expérimenté dans le traitement de cancers en raison de la propriété du médicament à se concentrer dans les tumeurs tout en épargnant les structures normales contigües. Cependant, les photosensibilisateurs utilisés jusqu'à ce jour n'ont pas démontré une accumulation exclusive dans les tissus néoplasiques mais également dans les structures saines avoisinantes induisant une destruction tissulaire non sélective. Notamment, d'importantes complications ont été rapportées suite à l'utilisation de la PDT dans la cavité thoracique après la résection de mésothéliomes pleuraux, et ce malgré l'arrivée de photosensibilisateurs de secondes générations. De ce fait, plusieurs études expérimentales ont été menées afin d'améliorer la sélectivité tumorale du médicament en modulant différentes conditions de traitement et en modifiant la structure du photosensibilisateur par pégylation. Le but de cette étude expérimentale est de corréler l'activité photodynamique, la phototoxicité et la distribution du m-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) et de sa forme pégylée, le PEG-mTHPC. De ce fait, un modèle de souris nues porteur de xenogreffes de mésothéliome humain a été utilisé pour étudier les deux photosensibilisateurs. De récents travaux avec ce modèle ont montré que la mesure de la concentration tissulaire du mTHPC et de sa forme pégylée par HPLC restait limitée afin de prédire l'activité photodynamique. De ce fait, nous pensons que les mesures de fluorescence peuvent être plus appropriée. Le signalement fluorescent est mesuré dans le tissu tumoral et dans une région contrôle de la peau afin d'étudier la distribution et l'intensité des deux sensibilisateurs. Méthode : Des souris nues (cd1nu/nu mice) de 8 semaines ont été transplantées avec des fragments de mésothéliome malin humain (H-meso-1). Ces derniers ont été obtenus à partir d'une suspension cellulaire. Au moins trois passages ont été faits dans les animaux, avant que le traitement soit initié. Deux groupes de 6 souris chacun ont été utilisés pour l'injection intraveineuse par la queue du mTHPC à 0.15 mg/kg et du PEG-mTHPC à dose équimolaire. Après trois jour, la tumeur ainsi qu'une région contrôle de la cuisse ont été illuminées sur une surface d'un diamètre de 1.2 cm et pendant 133 secondes avec un laser à une longueur d'onde à 652 nm (fluence 20 J/cm2, fluence rate 150 mW/cm2). Les animaux ont été ensuite sacrifiés 72 heures après l'illumination. L'étendue de la nécrose tumorale et de la région contrôle ont été déterminées en aveugle par histomorphometrie par un pathologue (HJA). La fluorescence microscopique a été évaluée dans 12 souris à une concentration de 0.15 et 0.5 mg/kg pour le mTHPC, et à doses équimolaires pour le PEG-mTHPC. Trois animaux ont été injectés avec le mTHPC à 0.15 mg/kg, 3 autres à dose équimolaire avec la forme pégylée et 6 souris avec le mTHPC à 0.5 mg/kg et à dose équimolaire. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés 72 heures après injection. L'intensité fluorescente des sensibilisateurs a été mesurée dans la tumeur et la région contrôle. Suite à cela, les coupes ont été fixées par H&E et superposées aux images fluorescentes, afin de localiser la distribution des deux photosensibilisateurs dans les différents compartiments tissulaires. Six souris transplantées n'ayant ni été injectées avec les sensibilisateurs ou illuminées ont servi de groupe contrôle. Résultats : Trois jours après l'illumination, la PDT provoque une nécrose tumorale de 10 ±5.4 mm2 pour le mTHPC à 0.15mg/kg et 5.2 ± 4.6 mm2 pour sa forme pégylée à dose équimolaire. Cependant, la nécrose tumorale induite par les deux formulations du sensibilisateur est significativement plus élevée que dans le groupe contrôle (0.33 ± 0.58 mm2) (P=0.02). Toutefois, le mTHPC pégylé provoque une photosensibilité cutanée moins importante que la forme non-pegylée. Dans les deux groupes, aucune nécrose n'a été observée dans la cuisse des animaux. Trois jours après l'injection du mTHPC et de la forme pégylée à 0.15 mg/kg, aucune activité fluorescente n'a été détectée. Cependant, à 0.5 mg/kg, la fluorescence microscopique révèle une distribution hétérogène des deux photo-sensibilisateurs dans le tissu tumoral avec une accumulation prédominante dans les régions peri-vasculaires. Les deux médicaments montrent une distribution intracellulaire homogène dans le cytoplasme et une absence de signalement dans le nucleus. La mesure de l'intensité fluorescente du mTHPC à 0.5mg/kg ne montre pas de différence significative entre le tissu tumoral et la région contrôle. Par contre, le PEG-mTHPC montre une intensité fluorescente supérieure dans le tissu tumoral que dans la peau (ratio tumeur- peau 0.94 pour le mTHPC et 1.73 pour le PEG-mTHPC). Conclusion : L'utilisation du mTHPC à 0.15mg/kg induit une nécrose tumorale similaire à celle du PEG-mTHPC à dose équimolaire. Cependant, ce dernier démontre une photo-toxicité plus atténuée de la peau. La fluorescence microscopique permet de localiser les deux sensibilisateurs dans les différents compartiments tissulaires à partir d'une dose de 0.5 mg/kg. Le PEG-mTHPC induit un signalement fluorescent supérieur dans le tissu tumoral par rapport à la peau. La mesure du signalement fluorescent a le potentiel de prédire l'activité photodynamique du mTHPC et de sa forme pégylée dans les xénogreffes de mésothéliome humain dans un modèle de souris nue.
A headspace solid-phase microextraction procedure (HS-SPME) was developed for the profiling of traces present in 3,4-methylenedioxymethylampethamine (MDMA). Traces were first extracted using HS-SPME and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The HS-SPME conditions were optimized using varying conditions. Optimal results were obtained when 40 mg of crushed MDMA sample was heated at 80 °C for 15 min, followed by extraction at 80 °C for 15 min with a polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene coated fibre. A total of 31 compounds were identified as traces related to MDMA synthesis, namely precursors, intermediates or by-products. In addition some fatty acids used as tabletting materials and caffeine used as adulterant, were also detected. The use of a restricted set of 10 target compounds was also proposed for developing a screening tool for clustering samples having close profile. 114 seizures were analyzed using an SPME auto-sampler (MultiPurpose Samples MPS2), purchased from Gerstel GMBH & Co. (Germany), and coupled to GC-MS. The data was handled using various pre-treatment methods, followed by the study of similarities between sample pairs based on the Pearson correlation. The results show that HS-SPME, coupled with the suitable statistical method is a powerful tool for distinguishing specimens coming from the same seizure and specimens coming from different seizures. This information can be used by law enforcement personnel to visualize the ecstasy distribution network as well as the clandestine tablet manufacturing.
In vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy has the unique capability to measure metabolic fluxes noninvasively in the brain. Quantitative measurements of metabolic fluxes require analysis of the 13C labeling time courses obtained experimentally with a metabolic model. The present work reviews the ingredients necessary for a dynamic metabolic modeling study, with particular emphasis on practical issues.
The nanoparticles developed are based on chitosan, a biocompatible and biodegradable polysaccharide. The chitosan nanoparticles are formed in an entirely water-based process by electrostatic interactions with other biocompatible molecules. As a prerequisite to understand the fate of such nanoparticles in cells, comprehensive characterization and stability studies serve to identify quantitatively the impact of the raw material characteristics and preparation conditions on the nanoparticle characteristics. Methods included H-1 NMR spectroscopy, dilution viscometry, particle size analysis and electron microscopy. Cytotoxicity and cell uptake experiments on RAW 264.7 murine macrophages and p23 murine endothelial cells were performed to investigate the correlation with nanoparticle characteristics and effect of surface decoration with alginate. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT survival test; cell uptake was monitored by fluorescent microscopy using labeled polymers.
OBJECTIVE: Juvenile dermatomyositis (DM) is a systemic autoimmune disorder of unknown immunopathogenesis in which the immune system targets the microvasculature of skeletal muscles, skin, and other organs. The current mainstay of therapy is a steroid regimen in combination with other immunosuppressive treatments. To date, no validated markers for monitoring disease activity have been identified, which hampers personalized treatment. This study was undertaken to identify a panel of proteins specifically related to active disease in juvenile DM. METHODS: We performed a multiplex immunoassay for plasma levels of 45 proteins related to inflammation in 25 patients with juvenile DM in 4 clinically well-defined groups, as determined by clinical activity and treatment. We compared them to 14 age-matched healthy children and 8 age-matched children with nonautoimmune muscle disease. RESULTS: Cluster analysis of circulating proteins showed distinct profiles for juvenile DM patients and controls based on a group of 10 proteins. In addition to CXCL10, tumor necrosis factor receptor type II (TNFRII) and galectin 9 were significantly increased in active juvenile DM. The levels of these 3 proteins were tightly linked to active disease and correlated with clinical scores (as measured by the Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale and physician's global assessment of disease activity on a visual analog scale). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that CXCL10, TNFRII, and galectin 9 correspond to disease status in juvenile DM and thus could be helpful in monitoring disease activity and guiding treatment. Furthermore, they might provide new knowledge about the pathogenesis of this autoimmune disease.