265 resultados para ACID-LABILE SUBUNIT
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In bladder cancer, conventional white light endoscopic examination of the bladder does not provide adequate information about the presence of "flat" urothelial lesions such as carcinoma in situ. In the present investigation, we examine a new technique for the photodetection of such lesions by the imaging of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence following topical application of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Several hours after bladder instillation of an aqueous solution of ALA in 34 patients, a Krypton ion laser or a filtered Xenon arc-lamp was used to excite PpIX fluorescence. Tissue samples for histological analysis were taken while observing the bladder wall either by means of a video camera, or by direct endoscopic observation. RESULTS: A good correlation was found between the PpIX fluorescence and the histopathological diagnosis. On a total of 215 biopsies, 143 in fluorescent and 72 in nonfluorescent areas, all visible tumors on white light cytoscopy appeared in a bright red fluorescence with the photodetection technique. In addition, this method permitted to discover 47 unsuspected carcinomatous lesions on white light observation, among which 40% were carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSION: PpIX fluorescence induced by instillation into the bladder of 5-ALA is an efficient method of mapping the mucosa in bladder carcinoma.
The treatment of reflux disease did not changed. PPI treatment remains the first line treatment and surgery a second line treatment. The effect of surgery in reflux disease reduces and, after ten years, a part of the operated patients needs PPI again. The triple therapy is the treatment of choice of Helicobacter pylori infection. Patients with persistent Helicobacter pylori infection, after a first treatment, should be treated with a sequential treatment. PPI are effective in the prevention of gastroduodenal lesions and in the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms during NSAID treatment. IPP should be given to all patients presenting dyspeptic symptoms under NSAID or COX-2 administration.
The odour of acids has a distinct quality that is perceived as sharp, pungent and often irritating. How acidity is sensed and translated into an appropriate behavioural response is poorly understood. Here we describe a functionally segregated population of olfactory sensory neurons in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, that are highly selective for acidity. These olfactory sensory neurons express IR64a, a member of the recently identified ionotropic receptor (IR) family of putative olfactory receptors. In vivo calcium imaging showed that IR64a+ neurons projecting to the DC4 glomerulus in the antennal lobe are specifically activated by acids. Flies in which the function of IR64a+ neurons or the IR64a gene is disrupted had defects in acid-evoked physiological and behavioural responses, but their responses to non-acidic odorants remained unaffected. Furthermore, artificial stimulation of IR64a+ neurons elicited avoidance responses. Taken together, these results identify cellular and molecular substrates for acid detection in the Drosophila olfactory system and support a labelled-line mode of acidity coding at the periphery.
Immune protection from infectious diseases and cancer is mediated by individual T cells of different clonal origin. Their functions are tightly regulated but not yet fully characterized. Understanding the contribution of each T cell will improve the prediction of immune protection based on laboratory assessment of T-cell responses. Here we developed techniques for simultaneous molecular and functional assessment of single CD8 T cells directly ex vivo. We studied two groups of patients with melanoma after vaccination with two closely related tumor antigenic peptides. Vaccination induced T cells with strong memory and effector functions, as found in virtually all T cells of the first patient group, and fractions of T cells in the second group. Interestingly, high functionality was not restricted to dominant clonotypes. Rather, dominant and nondominant clonotypes acquired equal functional competence. In parallel, this was also found for EBV- and CMV-specific T cells. Thus, the nondominant clonotypes may contribute similarly to immunity as their dominant counterparts.
Members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily have an important role in the induction of cellular signals resulting in cell growth, differentiation and death. TNFR-1 recruits and assembles a signaling complex containing a number of death domain (DD)-containing proteins, including the adaptor protein TRADD and the serine/threonine kinase RIP, which mediates TNF-induced NF-kappa B activation. RIP also recruits caspase-2 to the TNFR-1 signaling complex via the adaptor protein RAIDD, which contains a DD and a caspase-recruiting domain (CARD). Here, we have identified a RIP-like kinase, termed CARDIAK (for CARD-containing interleukin (IL)-1 beta converting enzyme (ICE) associated kinase), which contains a serine/threonine kinase domain and a carboxy-terminal CARD. Overexpression of CARDIAK induced the activation of both NF-kappa B and Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). CARDIAK interacted with the TNFR-associated factors TRAF-1 and TRAF-2, and a dominant-negative form of TRAF-2 inhibited CARDIAK-induced NF-kappa B activation. Interestingly, CARDIAK specifically interacted with the CARD of caspase-1 (previously known as ICE), and this interaction correlated with the processing of pro-caspase-1 and the formation of the active p20 subunit of caspase-1. Together, these data suggest that CARDIAK may be involved in NF-kappa B/JNK signaling and in the generation of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta through activation of caspase-1.
SUMMARY Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage gated sodium channels. They are activated by rapid extracellular acidification and generate an inactivating inward current. Four ASIC genes have been cloned: ASIC1, 2, 3 and 4, with variants a and b for ASIC1and AS1C2. ASICs are expressed in neurons of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the CNS, ASICs have a role in learning, memory, as well as in neuronal death in ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs are involved in the perception of acid-induced pain, as well as in mechanoperception. In one part of my thesis project, we addressed the question of the mechanism of regulation of ASIC1 a by the serine protease trypsin at the molecular level. Trypsin modifies the function of ASIC1 a but not of ASIC1b. In order to identify the channel region responsible for this effect, we created chimeras between ASIC1 a and 1b. Subsequently, to identify the exact trypsin target(s), we mutated predicted trypsin sites in the region identified by the chimera. In the second part of a project, we investigated the role of ASICs at the cellular level, in neuronal signaling. Using the whole-cell patch clamp in hippocampal neuronal culture, we studied the potential involvement of ASICs in action potential (AP) generation. In the first part of the thesis work, we showed that trypsin modifies ASIC1a function: it shifts the pH activation and the steady-state inactivation curve towards more acidic values and accelerates the time course of the channel recovery from inactivation. We also showed that trypsin cleaves ASIC1a and that the functional effect and a channel cleavage correlate. In the inactivated state, channels cannot be modified by trypsin. Cleavage occurs in a channel region that is also important for inactivation of all ASICs; a part of this region is critical for the inhibition of ASIC1 a by the spider toxin Psalmotoxin1. In the second part of the thesis work, we showed that ASIC activity can modulate AP generation. ASIC activity by itself can induce trains of APs. In situations in which this activity by itself is not sufficient to induce APs, it can contribute to AP generation. During high neuronal activity, ASIC activity can block already existing trains of APs. In conclusion, depending on the activity of neuron in a particular moment, ASICs can differently modulate AP generation; they can induce, facilitate or inhibit APs. We also showed that trypsin changes the capability of ASICs to modulate AP generation by shifting the pH dependence to more acidic values, which adapts channel gating to pH conditions which may occur in pathological conditions such as ischemia. Our finding that trypsin modifies ASIC1 a function identifies a novel pharmacological tool, and proposes a mechanism of ASIC1a regulation that may have a physiological importance. The identification of the exact site of trypsin action gives insight to the molecular mechanisms of ASIC regulation. This work proposes a role in modulation of AP generation for ASICs in the CNS. RESUME Les canaux ASIC sont les canaux ioniques activés par l'acidification rapide extracellulaire. Activés, ils génèrent un courant entrant qui inactive en présence de stimulus acide. Quatre gènes ASIC ont été clonés, ASIC1, 2, 3 et 4, avec les variants a et b pour ASIC1 et 2. Les ASICs sont exprimés dans les neurones du système nerveux central (SNC) et périphérique (SNP). Dans le SNC, les ASIC ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage et la mort neuronale dans t'ischémie. Dans le SNP, ils ont un rôle dans la perception de la douleur et méchanosensation. Dans une partie de mon projet de thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de la régulation d'ASIC1a par la sérine-protéase trypsine au niveau moléculaire. La trypsine modifie la fonction d'ASIC1a et pas ASIC1b. Nous avons créé les chimères entre ASIC1 a et 1 b, afin d'identifier la région du canal responsable pour l'effet. Pour identifier le(s) site(s) exactes de l'action de la trypsine, nous avons muté les sites potentiels de la trypsine dans la région identifiée par les chimères. Dans la deuxième partie du projet, nous avons étudié le rôle des ASICs au niveau cellulaire. En utilisant la technique du patch clamp dans les cultures des neurones de l'hippocampe, nous avons étudié l'implication des ASICs dans la génération des potentiels d'action (PA). Nous avons montré que la trypsine agit sur le canal ASIC1a ; elle décale l'activation et « steady-state » inactivation vers les valeurs plus acides, et elle raccourcit le temps du « recovery » du canal. La trypsine coupe ASIC1a sur le résidu K145 et l'effet fonctionnel et la coupure corrèlent. Nous avons identifié la région du canal responsable pour l'inactivation de tous les ASICs ; une partie de cette région est responsable pour ['inhibition d'ASIC1 a par la Psalmotoxinel . Nous avons montré que les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs. L'activité des ASICs peut induire les trains des PAs. Quand l'activité des ASICs n'est pas suffisante pour induire le PA, elle peut contribuer à sa génération. Pendant l'activité neuronale forte, l'activité des ASICs peut bloquer les trains des PAs qui existent déjà. En conclusion, dépendant de l'activité neuronale, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs différemment ; ils peuvent induire, faciliter ou inhiber les PAs. La trypsine change la capacité des ASICs de moduler les PAs. Après l'action de la trypsine, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs dans les conditions légèrement acides, suivies par les fluctuations du pH acide, qui peuvent exister dans l'ischémie. Le fait que la trypsine agit sur ASIC1a définit l'outil pharmacologique et propose le mécanisme de la régulation d'ASICI a qui pourrait avoir l'importance physiologique. L'identification du site de l'action de la trypsine éclaircit les mécanismes moléculaires de la régulation des ASICs. Cette étude propose un rôle des ASICs dans la modulation de la génération des PAs. Résumé pour le public large Les neurones sont les cellules de système nerveux dont la fonction est la signalisation. Comme toutes les autres cellules, les neurones ont une membrane qui sépare l'intérieur du milieu extérieur. Cette membrane est imperméable pour des particules chargées (ions). Dans cette membrane existent les protéines spécifiques, « canaux », qui permettent le transport des ions d'un côté de la membrane à l'autre, comme réponse aux stimuli différents. Ce transport des ions à travers la membrane génère un courant, qu'on peut mesurer. Ce courant est la base de la communication entre les neurones, ou, ce qu'on appelle la signalisation neuronale. Quand ce courant est suffisamment grand, il permet la génération du potentiel d'action, qui est le message principal de communication neuronale. Les canaux ASIC (acid-sensing ion channel), que nous étudions dans le laboratoire, sont activés par les acides. Les acides sont relâchés dans beaucoup de situations dans le système nerveux. Les ASIC ont été découverts récemment (en 1996), et nous ne connaissons pas encore très bien toutes les fonctions de ces canaux. Nous savons qu'ils ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage, la sensation de la douleur et l'infarctus cérébral. Dans la première partie de ce projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent ces canaux. Pour faire ça, nous avons étudié la régulation des ASICs par une protéine, trypsine, qui coupe le canal ASIC. Nous avons étudié ou exactement la trypsine coupe le canal et quels effets ça produit sur la fonction du canal. Dans la deuxième partie du projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux connaître comment le canal fonctionne au niveau de la cellule, comment il interagit avec les autres canaux et si il a un rôle dans la génération des potentiels d'action. Nous avons pu montrer que la trypsine change la fonction du canal, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner différemment. Nous avons aussi déterminé ou exactement ta trypsine coupe le canal. Au niveau de la cellule, nous avons montré que les ASIC peuvent moduler la génération des potentiels d'action, étant, dépendant de l'activité du neurone, soit activateurs, soit inhibiteurs. La trypsine est une molécule qui peut être libérée dans le système nerveux pendant certaines conditions, comme l'infarctus cérébral. A cause de ça, les connaissances que la trypsine agit sur le anal ASIC pourraient être important physiologiquement. La connaissance de l'endroit exacte ou la trypsine coupe le canal nous aide à mieux comprendre la relation structure-fonction du canal. La modulation de la génération des potentiels d'actions par les ASIC indique que ces canaux peuvent avoir un rôle important dans la signalisation neuronale.
A novel monoclonal antibody, M7, is described, that reacts on Western blots with the large subunit of the neurofilament triplet proteins (NF-H) and with striated muscle myosin of Xenopus laevis. Enzymatically digested neurofilament and myosin proteins revealed different immunoreactive peptide fragments on Western blots. Therefore, the antibody must react with immunologically related epitopes common to both proteins. Immunohistochemistry showed staining of large and small axons in CNS and PNS, and nerves could be followed into endplate regions of skeletal muscles. These muscles were characterized by a striated immunostaining of the M-lines. Despite the crossreactivity of M7 with NF-H and muscle myosin, this antibody may be a tool to study innervation of muscle fibers, and to define changes in the neuromuscular organization during early development and metamorphosis of tadpoles.
Abstract Genetic studies have shown an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the key enzyme for glutathione (GSH) synthesis. The present study was aimed at analyzing the influence of a GSH dysregulation of genetic origin on plasma thiols (total cysteine, homocysteine, and cysteine-glycine) and other free amino acid levels as well as fibroblast cultures GSH levels. Plasma thiols levels were also compared between patients and controls. As compared with patients with a low-risk GCLC GAG TNR genotype, patients with a high-risk genotype, having an impaired GSH synthesis, displayed a decrease of fibroblast GSH and plasma total cysteine levels, and an increase of the oxidized form of cysteine (cystine) content. Increased levels of plasma free serine, glutamine, citrulline, and arginine were also observed in the high-risk genotype. Taken together, the high-risk genotypes were associated with a subgroup of schizophrenia characterized by altered plasma thiols and free amino acid levels that reflect a dysregulation of redox control and an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This altered pattern potentially contributes to the development of a biomarker profile useful for early diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of novel drugs targeting redox dysregulation in schizophrenia. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 15, 2003-2010.
Contraction forces developed by cardiomyocytes are transmitted across the plasma membrane through end-to-end connections between the myocytes, called intercalated disks, which enable the coordinated contraction of heart muscle. A component of the intercalated disk, the adherens junction, consists of the cell adhesion molecule, N-cadherin. Embryos lacking N-cadherin die at mid-gestation from cardiovascular abnormalities. We have evaluated the role of N-cadherin in cardiomyogenesis using N-cadherin-null mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells grown as embryoid bodies (EBs) in vitro. Myofibrillogenesis, the spatial orientation of myofibers, and intercellular contacts including desmosomes were normal in N-cadherin-null ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes. The effect of retinoic acid (RA), a stage and dose-dependent cardiogenic factor, was assessed in differentiating ES cells. all-trans (at) RA increased the number of ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes by approximately 3-fold (at 3 x 10(-9) M) in wt EBs. However, this effect was lost in N-cadherin-null EBs. In the presence of supplemented at-RA, the emergence of spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes appeared to be delayed and slightly less efficient in N-cadherin-null compared with wt and heterozygous EBs (frequencies of EBs with beating activity at 5 days: 54+/-18% vs. 96+/-0.5%, and 93+/-7%, respectively; peak frequencies of EBs with beating activity: 83+/-8% vs. 96+/-0.5% and 100%, respectively). In conclusion, cardiomyoyctes differentiating from N-cadherin-null ES cells in vitro show normal myofibrillogenesis and intercellular contacts, but impaired responses to early cardiogenic effects mediated by at-RA. These results suggest that N-cadherin may be essential for RA-induced cardiomyogenesis in mouse ES cells in vitro.
Postischemic recovery of contractile function is better in hearts from fasted rats than in hearts from fed rats. In this study, we examined whether feeding-induced inhibition of palmitate oxidation at the level of carnitine palmitoyl transferase I is involved in the mechanism underlying impaired recovery of contractile function. Hearts isolated from fasted or fed rats were submitted to no-flow ischemia followed by reperfusion with buffer containing 8 mM glucose and either 0.4 mM palmitate or 0.8 mM octanoate. During reperfusion, oxidation of palmitate was higher after fasting than after feeding, whereas oxidation of octanoate was not influenced by the nutritional state. In the presence of palmitate, recovery of left ventricular developed pressure was better in hearts from fasted rats. Substitution of octanoate for palmitate during reperfusion enhanced recovery of left ventricular developed pressure in hearts from fed rats. However, the chain length of the fatty acid did not influence diastolic contracture. The results suggest that nutritional variation of mitochondrial fatty acid transfer may influence postischemic recovery of contractile function.
Urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid are relatively stable in postmortem serum and may, therefore, be used for diagnostic purposes when chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure are investigated as causes of death. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain in defining the best alternative to postmortem serum for the identification and assessment of significantly decreased kidney function. In this study, we investigated urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid levels in postmortem serum, pericardial fluid, and vitreous humor in a series of medico-legal cases (500 autopsies) with various causes of death. No postmortem interval-related differences were observed in any of the investigated fluids for any analyzed parameter, confirming the biochemical stability of all compounds after death. Data analysis failed to reveal statistically significant differences between postmortem serum and pericardial fluid urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid concentrations. Conversely, statistically significant differences were observed in all analyzed biomarkers between postmortem serum and vitreous humor levels, with lower concentrations of all markers measured in vitreous. The results of this study suggest that, in order to estimate as accurately as possible blood analyte concentrations at the time of death, pericardial fluid should be preferred to vitreous humor.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na(+) and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. Short palate lung and nasal epithelial clone 1 (SPLUNC1) is a secreted, innate defense protein and an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC that is highly expressed in airway epithelia. While SPLUNC1 has a bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (BPI)-type structure, its NH2-terminal region lacks structure. Here we found that an 18 amino acid peptide, S18, which corresponded to residues G22-A39 of the SPLUNC1 NH2 terminus inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold), while SPLUNC1 protein lacking this region was without effect. S18 did not inhibit the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. However, S18 preferentially bound to the βENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Unlike control, CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) where airway surface liquid (ASL) height was abnormally low (4.2 ± 0.6 μm), addition of S18 prevented ENaC-led ASL hyperabsorption and maintained CF ASL height at 7.9 ± 0.6 μm, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase, which is comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, suggesting that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the S18 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.
Quantitative analyses of abscisic acid in the elongating zone of a single maize root (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using negative chemical ion ionization. Data showed that the more abscisic acid, the slower the growth, but a large dispersion of individual values was observed. We assume that abscisic acid is perhaps not correlated only to the growth rate.
The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprin beta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprin beta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprin beta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10 kDa N-terminal and 38 kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. IN similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15 kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55 kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprin beta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprin beta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprin beta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprin beta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprin beta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: This analysis was performed to assess whether antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) modulate the effectiveness of temozolomide radiochemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.Methods: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 26981-22981/National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) CE.3 clinical trial database of radiotherapy (RT) with or without temozolomide (TMZ) for newly diagnosed glioblastoma was examined to assess the impact of the interaction between AED use and chemoradiotherapy on survival. Data were adjusted for known prognostic factors.Results: When treatment began, 175 patients (30.5%) were AED-free, 277 (48.3%) were taking any enzyme-inducing AED (EIAED) and 135 (23.4%) were taking any non-EIAED. Patients receiving valproic acid (VPA) only had more grade 3/4 thrombopenia and leukopenia than patients without an AED or patients taking an EIAED only. The overall survival (OS) of patients who were receiving an AED at baseline vs not receiving any AED was similar. Patients receiving VPA alone (97 [16.9%]) appeared to derive more survival benefit from TMZ/RT (hazard ratio [HR] 0.39, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.24-0.63) than patients receiving an EIAED only (252 [44%]) (HR 0.69, 95% CI 0.53-0.90) or patients not receiving any AED (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.49-0.93). Conclusions: VPA may be preferred over an EIAED in patients with glioblastoma who require an AED during TMZ-based chemoradiotherapy. Future studies are needed to determine whether VPA increases TMZ bioavailability or acts as an inhibitor of histone deacetylases and thereby sensitizes for radiochemotherapy in vivo.