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Surgical extirpation is the treatment of choice for symptomatic mullerian duct remnants (prostatic utricle, PU), and several surgical approaches have been described for the treatment of this pathology. A group of 11 patients with symptomatic PU were observed and treated. Associated anomalies included proximal or penoscrotal hypospadias in all patients and cryptorchidism in 9 (81.8%). In all cases the PU needed surgical correction, as the patients had recurring symptomatology. Surgery was carried out transvesically in 10 (91%) cases and in 1 a perineal approach was used. There were no surgical complications, and at follow-up all patients showed complete resolution of the symptoms. We believe the transvesical approach, compared to other techniques, is more advantageous in the treatment of this pathology, as it permits excellent exposure, ease of surgery, good reconstruction, and good functional results with no sequelae.
Matrix attachment regions are DNA sequences found throughout eukaryotic genomes that are believed to define boundaries interfacing heterochromatin and euchromatin domains, thereby acting as epigenetic regulators. When included in expression vectors, MARs can improve and sustain transgene expression, and a search for more potent novel elements is therefore actively pursued to further improve recombinant protein production. Here we describe the isolation of new MARs from the mouse genome using a modified in silico analysis. One of these MARs was found to be a powerful activator of transgene expression in stable transfections. Interestingly, this MAR also increased GFP and/or immunoglobulin expression from some but not all expression vectors in transient transfections. This effect was attributed to the presence or absence of elements on the vector backbone, providing an explanation for earlier discrepancies as to the ability of this class of elements to affect transgene expression under such conditions.
BACKGROUND: Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) is a haemorrhagic form of stroke and occurs in a younger population compared with ischaemic stroke or intracerebral haemorrhage. It accounts for a large proportion of productive life-years lost to stroke. Its surgical and medical treatment represents a multidisciplinary effort. Due to the complexity of the disease, the management remains difficult to standardise and quality of care is accordingly difficult to assess. OBJECTIVE: To create a registry to assess management parameters of patients treated for aSAH in Switzerland. METHODS: A cohort study was initiated with the aim to record characteristics of patients admitted with aSAH, starting January 1st 2009. Ethical committee approval was obtained or is pending from the institutional review boards of all centres. In the study period, seven Swiss hospitals (five university [U], two non-university medical centres) harbouring a neurosurgery department, an intensive care unit and an interventional neuroradiology team so far agreed to participate in the registry (Aarau, Basel [U], Bern [U], Geneva [U], Lausanne [U], St. Gallen, Zürich [U]). Demographic and clinical parameters are entered into a common database. DISCUSSION: This database will soon provide (1) a nationwide assessment of the current standard of care and (2) the outcomes for patients suffering from aSAH in Switzerland. Based on data from this registry, we can conduct cohort comparisons or design diagnostic or therapeutic studies on a national level. Moreover, a standardised registration system will allow healthcare providers to assess the quality of care.
Primary hyperaldosteronism is a clinical syndrome characterized by an elevated aldosterone secretion by the adrenals. The present case series describes 7 cats with primary hyperaldosteronism, which were presented between 2002 and 2011. Common clinical symptoms were weakness, anorexia, cervical ventroflexion and blindness. All cats showed hypokalemia. In 6 cats, blood pressure was determined: 5 cats showed hypertension, of which 4 animals exhibited retinal detachment and blindness. In the ultrasonographic examination, unilateral adrenomegaly was present in 6 cats whereas one animal showed normal adrenals. In 4 cats, the serum aldosterone concentration was above the reference range. Five cats underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, which was accomplished uneventfully and returned the electrolytes back to normal. Histopathological examination of the adrenals revealed 2 carcinomas and 4 adenomas; one cat with ultrasonographic normal adrenals exhibited bilateral nodular hyperplasia.
ABSTRACT In S. cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14pwt is essential far mitotic exit through its contribution to reducing mitotic CDK activity. But Cdc14pwt also acts as a mare general temporal coordinator of mid and late mitotic events by controlling the partitioning of DNA, microtubule stability and cytokinesis. Cdc14pwt orthologs are well conserved from yeasts to humans, and sequence comparison revealed the presence of three domains, A, B and C, of which A and B form the catalytic domain. Cdc14pwt orthologs are regulated (in part) through cell cycle dependent changes in their localization. Some of them are thought to be kept inactive by sequestration in the nucleolus during interphase. This is the case for flp1pwt, the single identified Cdc14pwt ortholog in the fission yeast S. pombe. In early mitosis, flp1pwt leaves the nucleolus and localizes to the kinetochores, the contractile ring and the mitotic spindle, suggesting that it has multiple substrates and regulates many mitotic processes. flp1D cells show a high chromosome loss rate and septation defects, suggesting a role for flp1wt in the fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis. The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanisms underlying flp1pwt functions and the control of its activity. A structure-function analysis has revealed that the presence of both A and B domains is required for biological function and for proper flp1pwt mitotic localization. In contrast, the C domain of flp1pwt is responsible for its proper nucleolar localization in G2/interphase. My data suggest that dephosphorylation of substrates by flp1pwt is not necessary for any changes in localization of flp1pwt except that at the medial ring. In that particular case, the catalytic activity of flp1pwt is required for efficient localization, therefore revealing an additional level of regulation. All the functions of flp1pwt assayed to date require its catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of further identification of its substrates. As described for other orthologs, the capability of selfinteraction and phosphorylation status might help to control flp1pwt activity. My data suggest that flp1pwt forms oligomers in vivo and that phosphorylation is not essential far localization changes of the protein. In addition, the hypophosphorylated form of flp1pwt might be specifically involved in the promotion of cytokinesis. The results of this study suggest that multiple modes of regulation including localization, selfassociation and phosphorylation allow a fine-tuning regulation of flp1pwt phosphatase activity, and more generally that of Cdc14pwt family of phosphatases. RESUME Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, la protéine phosphatase Cdc14pwt est essentielle pour la sortie de mitose du fait de sa contribution dans la réduction d'activité des CDK mitotiques. Comme elle contrôle également le partage de l'ADN, la stabilité des microtubules et la cytokinèse, Cdc14pwt est en fait considérée comme un coordinateur temporel général des évènements de milieu et de fin de mitose. Les orthologues de Cdc14pwt sont bien conservés, des levures jusqu'à l'espèce humaine. Des comparaisons de séquence ont révélé la présence de trois domaines A, B et C, les deux premiers constituant le domaine catalytique. Ils sont régulés (en partie) via des changements dans leur localisation, eux-mêmes dépendants du cycle cellulaire. Plusieurs de ces orthologues sont supposés inactivés par séquestration dans le nucléole en interphase, ce qui est le cas de flp1pwt le seul orthologue de Cdc14pwt identifié chez la levure fissipare S, pombe. En début de mitose, flp1pwt quitte le nucléole et localise au niveau des kinetochores, de l'anneau contractile d'actine et du fuseau mitotique, ce qui laisse supposer de multiples substrats et fonctions. Comme les cellules délétées pour le gène flp1wt présentent un taux élevé de perte de chromosome et des défauts de septation, flp1pwt semble jouer un rôle dans la fidélité de la transmission du matériel génétique et la cytokinèse. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions assurées par flp1pwt d'une part, et dans le contrôle de son activité d'autre part. Une analyse structure-fonction a révélé que la présence simultanée des deux domaines A et B est requise pour la fonction biologique de flp1pwt et sa localisation correcte pendant la mitose. Par contre, le domaine C de flp1pwt confère une localisation nucléolaire adéquate en G2/interphase. Mes données suggèrent que la déphosphorylation de substrats par flp1pwt est dispensable pour sa localisation correcte excepté celle à l'anneau médian, qui requiert dans ce cas, l'activité catalytique de flp1pwt, révélant ainsi un niveau de régulation supplémentaire. Toutes les fonctions de flp1 pwt testées jusqu'à présent nécessitent également son activité catalytique, ce qui accentue l'importance de l'identification future de ses substrats. Comme cela a déjà été décrit pour d'autres orthologues, la capacité d'auto-intéraction et le niveau de phosphorylation pourraient contrôler l'activité de flp1pwt. En effet, mes données suggèrent que flp1pwt forme des oligomères in vivo et que la phosphorylation n'est pas essentielle pour les changements de localisation observés pour la protéine. De plus, la forme hypophosphorylée de flp1pwt pourrait être spécifiquement impliquée dans la promotion de la cytokinèse. De multiples modes de régulation incluant la localisation, l'auto-association et la phosphorylation semblent permettre un contrôle fin et subtil de l'activité de la phosphatase flp1pwt, et plus généralement celle des protéines de la famille de Cdc14pwt.
OBJECTIVE: To explore how foot growth relates to musculoskeletal loading in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). STUDY DESIGN: In 37 children with PWS, foot length (FL) before and after 6 years of growth hormone therapy (GHT) was retrospectively evaluated with parental and sibling's FL, height, and factors reflecting musculoskeletal loading, such as weight for height (WfH), lean body mass (LBM; dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, deuterium labeled water), physical activity (accellerometry), and walk age. Because of the typically biphasic evolution of body mass and the late walk age in PWS, 2 age groups were separated (group 1, >2.5 years; group 2, < or =2.5 years). RESULTS: Children with PWS normalized height, but not FL after 6 years of GHT. Parental FL correlation with PWS's FL was lower than with sibling's FL. In group 1, FL positively correlated with WfH, LBM, and physical activity. In group 2, FL negatively correlated with age at onset of independent ambulation. Foot catch-up growth with GHT was slower in group 2 compared with group 1. CONCLUSION: In PWS, FL is positively associated with musculoskeletal loading. Small feet in children with PWS before and during long-term GHT may be more than just another dysmorphic feature, but may possibly reflect decreased musculoskeletal loading influencing foot growth and genetic and endocrine factors.
BACKGROUND: Since the introduction of the endoscopic endonasal approaches in the field of skull base surgery during the last two decades, several variants of the sella turcica endoscopic surgery have been described. The aim of this study is to provide a stepwise description of one of these variants in a minimally invasive/maximally efficient perspective. METHOD: For the majority of our sella turcica pathologies, we have progressively adopted a uninostril endoscopic approach that is very conservative towards the nasal mucosa with a very limited mucosal incision, resection of the vomer and allowing an almost ad integrum sellar floor reconstruction, without compromising the efficacy and completeness of both surgical oncologic and endocrine targets. CONCLUSION: The uninostril trans-sphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach to sella turcica is tailored to ally maximal efficiency and minimal invasiveness.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare, rapidly spreading, deep-seated infection causing thrombosis of the blood vessels located in the fascia. Necrotizing fasciitis is a surgical emergency. The diagnosis typically relies on clinical findings of severe sepsis and intense pain, although subacute forms may be difficult to recognize. Imaging studies can help to differentiate necrotizing fasciitis from infections located more superficially (dermohypodermitis). The presence of gas within the necrotized fasciae is characteristic but may be lacking. The main finding is thickening of the deep fasciae due to fluid accumulation and reactive hyperemia, which can be visualized using computed tomography and, above all, magnetic resonance imaging (high signal on contrast-enhanced T1 images and T2 images, best seen with fat saturation). These findings lack specificity, as they can be seen in non-necrotizing fasciitis and even in non-inflammatory conditions. Signs that support a diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis include extensive involvement of the deep intermuscular fascias (high sensitivity but low specificity), thickening to more than 3mm, and partial or complete absence on post-gadolinium images of signal enhancement of the thickened fasciae (fairly high sensitivity and specificity). Ultrasonography is not recommended in adults, as the infiltration of the hypodermis blocks ultrasound transmission. Thus, imaging studies in patients with necrotizing fasciitis may be challenging to interpret. Although imaging may help to confirm deep tissue involvement and to evaluate lesion spread, it should never delay emergency surgical treatment in patients with established necrotizing fasciitis.
Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) promotes angiogenesis by in part inducing endothelial cell survival and migration. The present study examined the role of mTOR and its two complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, in PGE(2)-mediated endothelial cell responses. We used small interfering RNA (siRNA) to raptor or rictor to block mTORC1 or mTORC2, respectively. We observed that down-regulation of mTORC2 but not mTORC1 reduced baseline and PGE(2)-induced endothelial cell survival and migration. At the molecular level, we found that knockdown of mTORC2 inhibited PGE2-mediated Rac and Akt activation two important signaling intermediaries in endothelial cell migration and survival, respectively. In addition, inhibition of mTORC2 by prolonged exposure of endothelial cells to rapamycin also prevented PGE2-mediated endothelial cell survival and migration confirming the results obtained with the siRNA approach. Taken together these results show that mTORC2 but not mTORC1 is an important signaling intermediary in PGE2-mediated endothelial cell responses.