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Excessive proliferation of vascular wall cells underlies the development of elevated vascular resistance in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (PH), but the responsible mechanisms remain unclear. Growth-promoting effects of catecholamines may contribute. Hypoxemia causes sympathoexcitation, and prolonged stimulation of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors (alpha(1)-ARs) induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia of arterial smooth muscle cells and adventitial fibroblasts. Catecholamine trophic actions in arteries are enhanced when other conditions favoring growth or remodeling are present, e.g., injury or altered shear stress, in isolated pulmonary arteries from rats with hypoxic PH. The present study examined the hypothesis that catecholamines contribute to pulmonary vascular remodeling in vivo in hypoxic PH. Mice genetically deficient in norepinephrine and epinephrine production [dopamine beta-hydroxylase(-/-) (DBH(-/-))] or alpha(1)-ARs were examined for alterations in PH, cardiac hypertrophy, and vascular remodeling after 21 days exposure to normobaric 0.1 inspired oxygen fraction (Fi(O(2))). A decrease in the lumen area and an increase in the wall thickness of arteries were strongly inhibited in knockout mice (order of extent of inhibition: DBH(-/-) = alpha(1D)-AR(-/-) > alpha(1B)-AR(-/-)). Distal muscularization of small arterioles was also reduced (DBH(-/-) > alpha(1D)-AR(-/-) > alpha(1B)-AR(-/-) mice). Despite these reductions, increases in right ventricular pressure and hypertrophy were not attenuated in DBH(-/-) and alpha(1B)-AR(-/-) mice. However, hematocrit increased more in these mice, possibly as a consequence of impaired cardiovascular activation that occurs during reduction of Fi(O(2)). In contrast, in alpha(1D)-AR(-/-) mice, where hematocrit increased the same as in wild-type mice, right ventricular pressure was reduced. These data suggest that catecholamine stimulation of alpha(1B)- and alpha(1D)-ARs contributes significantly to vascular remodeling in hypoxic PH.


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Pulmonary involvement in Fabry disease has received less attention than the effects of the disease on the kidneys, nervous system or heart. However, data from FOS -the Fabry Outcome Survey - are now helping to elucidate the pulmonary manifestations of Fabry disease. Twenty-three patients out of a cohort of 67 analysed in FOS have been identified with airway obstruction, as defined by a ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity of less than 0.7. This prevalence is much greater than would be expected in the general population, with the main risk factors appearing to be increasing age and male gender. Spirometric analysis has revealed that the airway obstruction is clinically much more similar to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than to asthma. Although little is known about the anatomical changes responsible for airway obstruction in patients with Fabry disease, airway wall hyperplasia and/or fibrosis are potential causes. Treatment of patients with moderate or severe airway obstruction should include inhaled bronchodilators, and individuals who smoke should be encouraged to stop. Further studies and future analyses of FOS data should determine whether enzyme replacement therapy is able to help or prevent the pulmonary manifestations of Fabry disease.


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There are many factors contributing to individual variations in the response to stressful experiences. The present study evaluated the patterns of stress responses according to attachment representations in 28 adults from a community sample, plus 46 subjects expected to be particularly sensitive to stress, having been exposed during childhood and/or adolescence to traumatizing events such as abuse or potentially lethal illnesses. Subjects were given the Adult Attachment Interview, which provides attachment classifications, and the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), involving an experimental psychosocial challenge. Subjective responses to the TSST, as well as saliva samples (assayed for cortisol) and blood plasma samples (assayed for ACTH and oxytocin) were collected before, during and after the stress procedure. The stress responses presented specific patterns according to attachment classifications. Subjects with an autonomous attachment classification reported relatively low subjective stress, they presented a moderate response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (ACTH and cortisol), and a high level of oxytocin. Subjects with a dismissing classification reported a moderate subjective stress, they presented an elevated response of the HPA axis, and moderate levels of oxytocin. Subjects with a preoccupied classification presented moderate levels of subjective stress, and of HPA response, and a relatively low level of oxytocin. Finally, subjects with an unresolved classification reported elevated subjective stress; they presented a suppressed HPA response, and moderate levels of oxytocin. These data support the notion that attachment representations may affect stress responses, and suggest a specific role of oxytocin in both the attachment system and the stress system.


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Abstract Introduction The primary function of the contractile vascular smooth muscle cells (cVSMCs) is the regulation of the vascular contractility which means the adaptation of the vascular tonus in response to the modulation of the blood pressure and blood flow. The cVSMCs are essentially quiescent, and therefore their synthesis rate is very limited. They are characterized by the expression of contractile proteins specific to the muscular tissue including myosin, h-­‐caldesmon and <-­‐smooth muscle actin (〈-­‐SMA). These contractile cells are strongly represented in the media layer of the arterial wall and, in a smaller proportion, of the vein wall. Their typical stretched-­‐out morphology allows recognizing them by a histological analysis. They do not produce any extracellular matrix (ECM), and do not migrate through the different layers of the vessel wall, and are not directly involved in the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH). Neointimal formation occurs after endothelial disruption leading to complex molecular and biological mechanisms. The de-­‐differentiation of cVSMCs into synthetic VSMCs (sVSMCs) is mentioned as a key element. These non mature cells are able to proliferate and produce ECM. The characterization of the vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from healthy and stenosed vascular tissues will contribue to the understanding of the different biological processes leading to IH and will be useful for the development of new therapies to interfere with the cVSMCs growth and migration. The aim of our research was to quantify the proportion of cVSMCs and sVSMCs into the healthy and pathologic human blood vessel wall and to characterize their phenotype. Methods We selected 23 specimens of arterial and venous segments from 18 patients. All these specimens were stored in the biobank from the thoracic and vascular surgery departement. 4 groups were designed (group 1 :arteries without lesions (n=3) ;group 2 : veins without lesions (n=1); group 3: arteries with stenosis (n=9); group 4: veins with stenosis (n=10)). Histology: 5µm-­‐sections were made from each sample embedded in paraffin wax and further stained with hematoxylin & eosin (HE), Van Gieson's stain (VGEL) and Masson's Trichrome (TMB). Pathologic tissues were defined using the label that was given to the macroscopic samples by the surgeon and also, based on the histological analysis with HE and VGEL evaluating the presence of a thickened intima. The same was done to the control samples evaluating the absence of thickening. Immunohistochemistry : The primary antibodies were used :〈-­‐SMA, vimentin, h-­‐ caldesmon, calponin, smooth muscle-myosin heavy chain (SM-­‐MHC), tropomyosin-­‐4, retinol binding protein-­‐1 (RBP-­‐1), nonmuscle-­‐myosin heavy chain-­‐B (NM-­‐MHC-­‐B), Von Willebrand factor (VWF). A semi-­‐quantitative assessment of the intensity of each sample stained was performed. Western Blot : Segments of arteries and veins were analyzed using the following primary antibodies :〈-­‐SMA, Calponin, SM-­‐MHC, NM-­‐MHC-­‐B. The given results were then normalized with tubulin. Results Our data showed that, when using immunohistochemistry analysis we found that〈-­‐SMA was mostly expressed in control arteries, whereas NM-­‐MHC-­‐B in the pathologic ones. Using SM-­‐MHC, calponin, vimentin and caldesmon we found no significative differences in the expression of these proteins in the control and in the pathologic samples. Western Blot analysis showed an inverse correlation between healthy and pathological samples as <-­‐ SMA was more expressed in the pathological samples, while NM-­‐MHC-­‐B in the control group; SM-­‐MHC and calponin were mostly expressed in the pathologic samples. Conclusion Our study showed no clear differences between stenotic and control arterial and venous segments using semi-­‐quantitative assessement by immunohistochemistry. Western Blot showed a significant increased expression of 〈-­‐SMA, calponin and SM-­‐MHC in the arteries with stenosis, while NM-­‐MHC-­‐B was mostly expressed in the arteries without lesions. Further studies are needed to track the lineage of VSMCs to understand the mechanisms leading toIH.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene is expressed in human pituitary gland where its function is partially elucidated. NPY could act as a neuroendocrine modulator within this gland. This study was undertaken to assess whether NPY expression is correlated to various pathological situations. Using a highly specific anti-NPY monoclonal antibody, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed in surgically removed pituitary glands. The study included biopsies from 112 human pituitary adenomas, 12 hyperplastic glands and normal anterior pituitary tissues in 34 cases. NPY is immunodetected in 33% of all adenomas, 25% hyperplastic glands and 12% of non-tumoral pituitary gland. NPY expression was significantly higher in adenomas compared to the normal gland. However, no correlation was observed between NPY content and the type of hormonal secretion, sex, age and the status of tumour proliferating potential.


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The hypothalamic damage induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic abnormalities, resulting in a rat hyperleptinemic-hyperadipose phenotype. This study was conducted to explore the impact of the neonatal MSG treatment, in the adult (120 days old) female rat on: (a) the in vivo and in vitro mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and angiotensin II (AII); (b) the effect of leptin on ACTH- and AII-stimulated mineralocorticoid secretions by isolated corticoadrenal cells; and (c) abdominal adiposity characteristics. Our data indicate that, compared with age-matched controls, MSG rats displayed: (1) enhanced and reduced mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and AII treatments, respectively, effects observed in both in vivo and in vitro conditions; (2) adrenal refractoriness to the inhibitory effect of exogenous leptin on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone output by isolated adrenocortical cells; and (3) distorted omental adiposity morphology and function. This study supports that the adult hyperleptinemic MSG female rat is characterized by enhanced ACTH-driven mineralocorticoid function, impaired adrenal leptin sensitivity, and disrupted abdominal adiposity function. MSG rats could counteract undesirable effects of glucocorticoid excess, by developing a reduced AII-driven mineralocorticoid function. Thus, chronic hyperleptinemia could play a protective role against ACTH-mediated allostatic loads in the adrenal leptin resistant, MSG female rat phenotype.


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Aim: The adrenolytic agent mitotane is widely used in the treatment of adrenocortical cancer; however, its mechanism of action is poorly elucidated. We have studied mitotane-induced mRNA expression changes in the NCI-H295R adrenocortical cancer cell line. Materials & methods: Cell viability and hormone assays were used to select the optimal mitotane concentration effectively inhibiting hormone secretion without affecting cell viability. RNA isolated from cultures treated for 48 and 72 h was subjected to Agilent 4×44K microarray platforms. Microarray results were validated by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. Results: Altogether, 117 significantly differentially expressed genes were detected at 48 h and 72 h (p < 0.05) in mitotane-treated samples relative to controls. Three significantly underexpressed genes involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis (HSD3B1, HSD3B2 and CYP21A2) and four significantly overexpressed genes (GDF15, ALDH1L2, TRIB3 and SERPINE2) have been validated. Conclusion: Gene-expression changes might be involved in the adrenal action of mitotane and in the inhibition of hormone secretion. Original submitted 20 January 2012; Revision submitted 17 May 2012.


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Le neuroblastome (NB) est la tumeur maligne solide extra-crânienne la plus fréquente chez le jeune enfant. L'évolution clinique est très hétérogène, et les NBs de haut risque échappent encore aux traitements les plus agressifs. Diverses études ont montré que les chimiokines et leurs récepteurs, particulièrement l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12, sont impliqués dans la progression tumorale. Dans le NB, l'expression de CXCR4 est corrélée à un pronostic défavorable. De récentes études ont identifié l'expression d'un autre récepteur, CXCR7, présentant une forte affinité pour le ligand CXCL12. Cependant, son implication potentielle dans l'agressivité des NBs reste encore inconnue. Notre étude a pour objectif d'analyser le rôle de CXCR7 dans le comportement malin du NB, et son influence sur la fonctionnalité de l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12. Les profils d'expression de CXCR7 et CXCL12 ont d'abord été évalués sur un large échantillonnage de tissus de NB, incluant des tissus de tumeurs primaires et de métastases, provenant de 156 patients. CXCL12 est fortement détecté dans les vaisseaux et le stroma des tumeurs. Contrairement à CXCR4, CXCR7 n'est que très faiblement exprimé par les tumeurs indifférenciées. Néanmoins, l'expression de CXCR7 augmente dans les tumeurs matures, et se trouve spécifiquement associée aux cellules neurales différentiées, telles que les cellules ganglionnaires. L'expression de CXCR7 est faiblement détectée dans un nombre réduit de lignées de NB, mais peut-être induite suite à des traitements avec des agents de différenciation in vitro. La surexpression de CXCR7, CXCR4 et une combinaison des deux récepteurs dans les lignées IGR-NB8 et SH-SY5Y a permis l'analyse de leur fonction respective. En réponse à leur ligand commun, chaque récepteur induit l'activation de la voie ERK 1/2, mais pas celle de la voie Akt. Contrairement à CXCR4, l'expression exogène de CXCR7 réduit fortement la prolifération des cellules de NB in vitro, et in vivo dans un modèle d'injection sous-cutanée de. souris immunodéprimées. CXCR7 altère également la migration des cellules induite par l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12. De plus, l'utilisation d'un modèle orthotopique murin a démontré que la croissance tumorale induite par CXCR4 peut être fortement retardée lorsque les deux récepteurs sont co-exprimés dans les cellules de NB. Aucune induction de métastases n'a pu être observée dans ce modèle. Cette étude a permis d'identifier un profil d'expression opposé et des rôles distincts pour CXCR7 et CXCR4 dans le NB. En effet, contrairement à CXCR4, CXCR7 présente des propriétés non tumorigéniques et peut être associé au processus de différenciation du NB. De plus, nos analyses suggèrent que CXCR7 peut réguler les mécanismes induits par CXCR4. Ces données ouvrent donc de nouvelles perspectives de recherche quant au rôle de l'axe CXCR7/CXCR4/CXCL12 dans la biologie des NBs. - Neuroblastoma (NB) is a typical childhood and heterogeneous neoplasm for which efficient targeted therapy for high-risk tumours is not yet identified. The chemokine CXCL12, and its receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 have been involved in tumour progression and dissemination in various cancer models. In the context of NB, CXCR4 expression is associated to undifferentiated tumours and poor prognosis, while the role of CXCR7, the recently identified second CXCL12 receptor, has not yet been elucidated. In this report, CXCR7 and CXCL12 expression were evaluated using a tissue micro-array (TMA) including 156 primary and 56 metastatic NB tissues. CXCL12 was found to be highly associated to NB vascular and stromal structures. In opposite to the CXCR4 expression pattern, the neural-associated CXCR7 expression was extremely low in undifferentiated tumours, while its expression increased in maturated tissues and was specifically associated to the differentiated neural tumour cells. As determined by RT-PCR, CXCR7 expression was only found in a minority of NB cell lines. Moreover, its expression in two CXCR7-negative NB cell lines was further induce upon treatment with differentiation agents in vitro. The relative roles of the two CXCL12 receptors was further assessed by overexpressing individual CXCR7 or CXCR4 receptors, or a combination of both, in the IGR-NB8 and SH-SY5Y NB cell lines. In vitro functional analyses indicated that, in response to their common ligand, both receptors induced activation of ERK 1/2 cascade, but not Akt signaling pathway. CXCR7 strongly reduced in vitro growth, in contrast to CXCR4. Sub-cutaneous implantations of CXCR7-expressing NB cells showed that CXCR7 also drastically reduced in vivo growth. Moreover, CXCR7 impaired CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis, and altered CXCR4-mediated growth when CXCR4/CXCR7-expressing NB cells were engrafted orthotopically in mouse adrenal gland, a CXCL12-producing environment. In such model, CXCR7 alone, or in association with CXCR4, did not induce NB cell metastatic dissemination. In conclusion, the CXCL12 receptors, CXCR7 and CXCR4, revealed opposite expression patterns and distinct functional roles in NB. While CXCR4 favours NB growth and chemotaxis, CXCR7 elicits anti-tumorigenic properties and may be associated with NB differentiation. Importantly, CXCR7 may act as a negative modulator of CXCR4 signaling, further opening new research perspectives for the role of the global CXCR7/CXCR4/CXCL12 axis in NB.


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Introduction: Development of a squamous cell carcinoma (Marjolin's ulcer) is a rare but well-known complication of chronic discharging osteomyelitis. A high index of suspicion and highquality of histopathological examination are paramount in order to make the correct diagnosis. Methods: During a 15-year period (1993 and 2008), patients with long-standing chronic osteomyelitis with clinical symptoms of >1 year of duration, were retrospectively reviewed. Included were patients with histologically confirmed squamous-cell carcinoma associated with chronic wound overlying the site of chronic osteomyelitis. Clinical features and treatment approaches of these patients were analyzed. Results: During the study period, 6 patients were identified (2 women and 4 men) aged 52 to 67 years (mean 59 years). All patients had a long history of chronic discharging osteomyelitis (12, 19, 21, 30, 39 and 40 years), localized in the lower (5 patients) or upper extremitiy (1 patient). All tumors were histologically highly-differentiated squamous-cell carcinomas involving the deep soft tissues and the bone. 5 of 6 patients were initially misdiagnosed as chronic bone infection since bacteria were isolated in wound swabs, including Staphylococcus aureus (n = 3), Escherichia coli (n = 1) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 1). Treatment consisted of major amputation in 4 patients and radical surgical excision in 2 patients refusing amputation. 4 patients were lost to follow-up due to return to their country of origin, the remaining 2 patients were without signs of tumor recurrence (both after major amputation). Conclusion: Malignant transformation of is a rare, but serious complication of long-standing discharging chronic osteomyelitis. All 6 patients were diagnosed after >10 years of persistent or recurrent wounds. It should be particularly suspected in case of a pathological fracture, development of exophytic mass and changes in local pattern of the ulcers itself. Multiple biopsies, including deep soft tissues and bone, are recommended to distinguish between chronic osteomyelitis, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and highly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Early diagnosis and a team approach (orthopaedic and plastic surgeon) are crucial for optimal management of the patient


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Treatment-resistant hypertension is still common despite the availability of several types of antihypertensive agents acting by different mechanisms. The existence of refractory hypertension should lead to rule out "white-coat hypertension", poor adherence to prescribed drugs as well as classical causes of secondary hypertension such as renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and renal disease. It is also important to consider the possible existence of obstructive sleep apnea or the regular intake of vasopressive drugs or substances.


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The ciliary body and iris are pigmented epithelial structures in the anterior eye segment that function to maintain correct intra-ocular pressure and regulate exposure of the internal eye structures to light, respectively. The cellular and molecular factors that mediate the development of the ciliary body and iris from the ocular pigmented epithelium remain to be fully elucidated. Here, we have investigated the role of Notch signaling during the development of the anterior pigmented epithelium by using genetic loss- and gain-of-function approaches. Loss of canonical Notch signaling results in normal iris development but absence of the ciliary body. This causes progressive hypotony and over time leads to phthisis bulbi, a condition characterized by shrinkage of the eye and loss of structure/function. Conversely, Notch gain-of-function results in aniridia and profound ciliary body hyperplasia, which causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like disease. Collectively, these data indicate that Notch signaling promotes ciliary body development at the expense of iris formation and reveals novel animal models of human ocular pathologies.


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BACKGROUND: One course of antenatal corticosteroids reduces the risk of respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Weekly doses given to women who remain undelivered after a single course may have benefits (less respiratory morbidity) or cause harm (reduced growth in utero). We aimed to find out whether multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids would reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality without adversely affecting fetal growth. METHODS: 1858 women at 25-32 weeks' gestation who remained undelivered 14-21 days after an initial course of antenatal corticosteroids and continued to be at high risk of preterm birth were randomly assigned to multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids (n=937) or placebo (n=921), every 14 days until week 33 or delivery, whichever came first. The primary outcome was a composite of perinatal or neonatal mortality, severe respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular haemorrhage (grade III or IV), periventricular leucomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or necrotising enterocolitis. Analysis was by intention to treat. All patients and caregivers were unaware of the treatment given. This trial is registered as number ISRCTN2654148. FINDINGS: Infants exposed to multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids had similar morbidity and mortality to those exposed to placebo (150 [12.9%] vs 143 [12.5%]). Those receiving multiple doses of corticosteroids also weighed less at birth than those exposed to placebo (2216 g vs 2330 g, p=0.0026), were shorter (44.5 cm vs 45.4 cm, p<0.001), and had a smaller head circumference (31.1 cm vs 31.7 cm, p<0.001). INTERPRETATION: Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids, every 14 days, do not improve preterm-birth outcomes, and are associated with a decreased weight, length, and head circumference at birth. Therefore, this treatment schedule is not recommended. FUNDING: Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


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Transcriptional cycling of activated glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and ultradian glucocorticoid secretion are well established processes. Ultradian hormone release is now shown to result in pulsatile gene transcription through dynamic exchange of GR with the target-gene promoter and GR cycling through the chaperone machinery.


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Résumé : La voie de signalisation Notch est essentielle pour la différentiation de l'épiderme lors du développement embryonnaire de la peau. Il a été démontré que l'inactivation de Notch1 dans la peau de souris conduit à une hyperplasie de l'épiderme ainsi qu'à la formation subséquente de carcinomes basocellulaires ainsi que de plaques cornéennes. L'inactivation de Notch1 dans la cornée combinée à des lésions mécaniques démontre que les cellules progénitrices de la cornée se différentient en un épithélium hyperplasique et kératinisé comme la peau. Ce changement de destinée cellulaire conduit à une cécité cornéenne et implique des processus non-autonomes aux cellules épithéliales, caractérisés par la sécrétion de FGF-2 par l'épithélium Notch1-/- suivi d'une vascularisation et d'un remaniement du stroma sous-jacent. La déficience en vitamine A est connu comme cause de lésions cornéennes humaines (xérophtalmie sévère). En accord, nous avons trouvé que la signalisation Notch1 était liée au métabolisme de la vitamine A par la régulation de l'expression de CRBP1, nécessaire pour générer un pool de rétinol intracellulaire. La perte de Notch1 dans l'épiderme, l'autre récepteur de la famille présent dans la peau marine, ne conduit pas à un phénotype manifeste. Cependant, l'inactivation dans l'épiderme de Notch1 et Notch2 ensemble, ou de RBP-J, induit une dermatite atopique (DA) sévère chez les souris. De même, les patients souffrants de DA mais pas ceux souffrant de psoriasis ou de lichen plan, ont une réduction marquée de l'expression des récepteurs Notch dans la peau. La perte de Notch dans les keratinocytes conduit à une activation de la voie NF-κB, ce qui ensuite induit la production de TSLP, une cytokine profondément impliquée dans la pathogenèse de la DA. Nous démontrons génétiquement que TSLP est responsable de la DA ainsi que du développent d'un syndrome myéloprolifératif non-autonome aux cellules induit par le G-CSF. Cependant, ces souris avec une inactivation dans l'épiderme de Notch1 et Notch2 et aussi incapables de répondre au TSLP développent des tumeurs invasive sévères caractérisées par une haute activité de signalisation ß-catenin. TSLPR est identifié comme un potentiel suppresseur de tumeur non-autonome aux cellules tumorales; la transplantation de cellules hématopoïétiques TSLPR-/- dans des souris déficientes pour Notch est suffisant pour causer des tumeurs. Summary : The Notch pathway is essential for proper epidermal differentiation during embryonic skin development. It has previously been demonstrated that Notch1 inactivation in marine skin results in epidermal hyperplasia and subsequent formation of basal cell carcinoma-like (BCC-like) tumors as well as corneal plaques. Inducible ablation of Notch1 in the cornea combined with mechanical wounding show that Notch1 deficient corneal progenitor cells differentiate into a hyperplasic, keratinized, skin-like epithelium. This cell fate switch leads to corneal blindness and involves cell non-autonomous processes, characterized by secretion of FGF-2 through Notch1-/- epithelium followed by vascularisation and remodelling of the underlying stroma. Vitamin A deficiency is known to induce a similar corneal defect in humans (severe xerophthalmia). Accordingly, we found that Notch1 signaling is linked to vitamin A metabolism by regulating the expression of CRBP1, required to generate a pool of intracellular retinol. Epidermal loss of Notch2, the other Notch receptor present in marine skin, doesn't lead to any overt phenotypes. However, postnatal epidermis-specific inactivation of both Notch1 and Notch2, or of RBP-J, induces the development of a severe form of atopic dermatitis (AD) in mice. Likewise, patients suffering from AD, but not psoriasis or lichen planas, have a marked reduction of Notch receptor expression in the skin. Loss of Notch in keratinocytes leads to an activation of NF-κB signaling which in turn induces the production of Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a cytokine deeply implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. We genetically demonstrate that TSLP is responsible for AD as well as the development of a cell non-autonomous G-CSF induced myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) in mice. However, these mice with conditional epidermal inactivation of Notch1 and Notch2 as well as incapable to respond to TSLP develop severe invasive tumors characterized by high ß-catenin signaling activity. TSLPR is identified as a potential cell non-autonomous tumor suppressor; transplantation of TSLPR-/- hematopoietic cells into epidermal Notch deficient mice is sufficient to cause tumors.


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The concentration of circulating glucocorticoids is regulated in response to environmental and endogenous conditions. Total circulating corticosterone, the main glucocorticoid in birds, consists of a fraction which is bound to corticosterone-binding globulins (CBG) and a free fraction. There is increasing evidence that the environment modulates free corticosterone levels through varying the concentration of CBG, but experimental evidence is lacking. To test the hypothesis that the regulation of chronic stress in response to endogenous and environmental conditions involves variation in both corticosterone release and CBG capacity, we performed an experiment with barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings in two different years with pronounced differences in environmental conditions and in nestlings experimentally fed ad libitum. In half of the individuals we implanted a corticosterone-releasing pellet to artificially increase corticosterone levels and in the other half we implanted a placebo pellet. We then repeatedly collected blood samples to measure the change in total and free corticosterone levels as well as CBG capacity. The increase in circulating total corticosterone after artificial corticosterone administration varied with environmental conditions and with the food regime of the nestlings. The highest total corticosterone levels were found in nestlings growing up in poor environmental conditions and the lowest in ad libitum fed nestlings. CBG was highest in the year with poor environmental conditions, so that, contrary to total corticosterone, free corticosterone levels were low under poor environmental conditions. When nestlings were fed ad libitum total corticosterone, CBG and free corticosterone did not increase when administering corticosterone. These results suggest that depending on the individual history an animal experienced during development the HPA-axis is regulated differently.