137 resultados para 164-993


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La recherche de substances ayant pu jouer un rôle direct ou indirect dans la cause de la mort ou ayant pu modifier le comportement d'un individu constitue la mission première de la toxicologie forensique. L'augmentation de la consommation de substances illégales et de médicaments dans les sociétés modernes a fait connaître à la toxicologie forensique un essor très important ces dernières décennies. D'autre part, les développements technologiques analytiques ont permis d'obtenir des outils très sensibles et spécifiques pour la recherche et le dosage d'une multitude de substances dans une grande variété d'échantillons biologiques, parfois présentes à des concentrations très faibles, conséquence d'une dose équivalente à la prise d'une seule unité galénique. Forensic toxicology has to bring evidence of substances that could have been involved directly or indirectly in the cause of death or that could influence the behaviour of somebody. The increase of the consumption of illegal and legal drugs in modern societies during last decades gave a boost to forensic toxicology. Moreover, improvement with analytical technology gave tools with high degrees of sensitivity and specificity for the screening and quantification of a large amount of substances in various biological specimens, even with very low concentration resulting of a single dose of medication.


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Fungal symbionts commonly occur in plants influencing host growth, physiology, and ecology (Carlile et al., 2001). However, while whole-plant growth responses to biotrophic fungi are readily demonstrated, it has been much more difficult to identify and detect the physiological mechanisms responsible. Previous work on the clonal grass Glyceria striata has revealed that the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë glyceriae has a positive effect on clonal growth of its host (Pan & Clay, 2002; 2003). The latest study from these authors, in this issue (pp. 467- 475), now suggests that increased carbon movement in hosts infected by E. glyceriae may function as one mechanism by which endophytic fungi could increase plant growth. Given the widespread distribution of both clonal plants and symbiotic fungi, this research will have implications for our understanding of the ecology and evolution of fungus-plant associations in natural communities.


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Les chartes de l'ancien couvent de Romainmôtier constituent une source d'information essentielle pour l'histoire du Pays de Vaud aux Xe et XIe siècles. Toutefois, malgré leur importance, elles n'ont jamais fait l'objet d'une étude d'ensemble. Les historiens dépendent encore aujourd'hui de transcriptions partielles et fautives, imprimées au XIXe siècle. Afin de remédier à cette carence historiographique, Alexandre Pahud, qui a réuni l'ensemble des documents entre 888 et 1190, propose dans sa thèse de doctorat, soutenue à l'Université de Lausanne le 25 novembre 2008, une édition critique de tous ces textes, selon les principes de l'érudition moderne. Si les Archives cantonales vaudoises conservent la majeure partie de la documentation, d'autres institutions en Suisse et à l'étranger fournissent un apport substantiel concernant Romainmôtier avant le XIIIe siècle. Il s'agit en particulier des Archives de l'Etat de Fribourg, des Archives de l'Etat de Berne et de la Bibliothèque royale de Turin. En raison d'une importante dispersion des fonds, A. Pahud a entrepris de reconstituer le chartrier du couvent, tel qu'il devait exister à l'époque médiévale. Pour cela, il s'est basé sur les notes dorsales qui figurent au verso des parchemins, ainsi que sur les anciens inventaires. La méthode utilisée a permis de retrouver plusieurs chartes du début de l'an mil, sous la forme de copies intégrales, ainsi qu'une vingtaine de notices en allemand résumant des actes des Xe-XIIe siècles, tous ces textes étant demeurés inconnus des spécialistes. Ainsi, la thèse de A. Pahud démontre qu'il est possible d'apporter de nouveaux matériaux destinés à enrichir notre connaissance de cette période reculée et mal documentée au niveau local. En parallèle, l'auteur de la thèse a mené une expertise diplomatique des chartes de Romainmôtier, c'est-à-dire une étude de leurs caractéristiques matérielles et formelles. A l'examen, il apparaît que les moines ont davantage acquis de biens qu'ils n'en ont concédé à des tiers, symptôme d'un patrimoine en voie de formation. Les actes privés, qui relatent des transactions entre le monastère et ses voisins, représentent le 80% du corpus étudié. Ils sont rédigés tantôt au présent et à la première personne, tantôt au passé et à la troisième personne, lorsqu'ils ne mélangent pas les deux types de discours. Leur valeur juridique est assurée par une liste de témoins, à défaut de tout scellement. Dans la majorité des cas, un unique scribe établit son texte en une seule fois, après la cérémonie sanctionnant le transfert de propriété. Jusqu'en 1050, ce sont généralement des personnes extérieures à Romainmôtier qui instrumentent au profit du couvent; par la suite, les clunisiens reprennent à leur compte la confection des actes qui les concernent. Curieusement, on constate une disparition radicale de l'acte privé à Romainmôtier entre 1167 et 1198, phénomène qui tranche complètement sur la conjoncture régionale. Dans la dernière partie de sa thèse, A. Pahud présente une nouvelle histoire du couvent de Romainmôtier, qui aborde à la fois les questions politiques et les structures socioéconomiques. Durant le premier tiers du XIe siècle, les clunisiens de Romainmôtier bénéficient de la protection du dernier roi de Bourgogne, Rodolphe III (993-1032), qui fonde la puissance temporelle du monastère. A cette époque, l'institution est administrée directement par l'abbé de Cluny, Odilon, responsable de Romainmôtier à titre personnel. Cependant, la disparition de Rodolphe III, dont la succession est contestée, inaugure une période de grave insécurité dans nos régions. Ces troubles profitent avant tout aux seigneurs locaux, qui prennent appui sur un château pour imposer leur domination au détriment des pouvoirs ecclésiastiques. Au milieu du XIe siècle, les possessions de Romainmôtier, qui s'étendent de chaque côté du Jura, sont menacées par trois puissants lignages, les Grandson, les Salins et les Joux. Face à cette situation périlleuse, les religieux s'adressent tour à tour au pape, à l'empereur germanique, ainsi qu'aux comtes de Bourgogne, dépositaires d'une autorité publique en Franche-Comté. Mais bien souvent, les moines doivent transiger avec leurs adversaires, en passant avec eux des accords coûteux et fragiles. Cela n'empêche pas qu'une certaine coopération s'établisse à l'occasion avec le monde laïque, qui contribue par ses aumônes au développement économique du monastère. Romainmôtier tire ses principales ressources de l'agriculture, tant au Pays de Vaud qu'en Franche-Comté; le travail de la vigne est bien attesté sur La Côte, dès la fin du Xe siècle, tandis que l'élevage ne joue qu'un rôle secondaire; là où ils sont bien implantés, les moines parviennent à prendre le contrôle des moulins; à Salins (France), ils exploitent eux-mêmes le sel nécessaire à leurs besoins. L'ensemble de ces observations s'appuie sur des tableaux et des annexes, qui ajoutent à la critique interne des sources une dimension quantitative. Afin de divulguer les résultats obtenus, A. Pahud envisage de publier prochainement sa thèse dans les Mémoires et documents de la Société d'histoire de la Suisse romande.


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Introduction: Because it decreases intubation rate and mortality, NIV has become first-line treatment in case of hypercapnic respiratory failure (HRF). Whether this approach is equally successful for all categories of HRF patients is however debated. We assessed if any clinical characteristics of HRF patients were associated with NIV intensity, success, and outcome, in order to identify prognostic factors. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinical database (clinical information system and MDSi) of patients consecutively admitted to our medico-surgical ICU, presenting with HRF (defined as PaCO2 >50 mm Hg), and receiving NIV between January 2009 and December 2010. Demographic data, medical diagnoses (including documented chronic lung disease), reason for ICU hospitalization, recent surgical interventions, SAPS II and McCabe scores were extracted from the database. Total duration of NIV and the need for tracheal intubation during the 5 days following the first hypercapnia documentation, as well as ICU and hospital mortality were recorded. Results are reported as median [IQR]. Comparisons with Chi2 or Kruskal-Wallis tests, p <0.05 (*). Results: 164 patients were included, 45 (27.4%) of whom were intubated after 10 [2-34] hours, after having received 7 [2-19] hours of NIV. NIV successful patients received 15 [5-22] hours of NIV for up to 5 days. Intubation was correlated with increased ICU (20% vs. 3%, p <0.001) and hospital (46.7% vs. 30.2, p >0.05) mortality. Conclusions: A majority of patients requiring NIV for hypercapnic respiratory failure in our ICU have no diagnosed chronic pulmonary disease. These patients tend to have increased ICUand hospital mortality. The majority of patients were non-surgical, a feature correlated with increased hospital mortality. Beside usual predictors of severity such as age and SAPS II, absence of diagnosed chronic pulmonary disease and non-operative state appear to be associated with increased mortality. Further studies should explore whether these patients are indeed more prone to an adverse outcome and which therapeutic strategies might contribute to alter this course.


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The calcium channel blocker isradipine has become recently available in a form with delayed release (isradipine SRO). The anti-hypertensive efficacy and tolerance of this preparation at a single daily dose of 5 mg was studied in 40 patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension over a period of 6 weeks. Blood pressure during office visits decreased under Isradipine SRO from 164/105 +/- 16/7 to 144/93 +/- 12/7 mmHg (mean +/- 1 standard deviation p < 0.001). Using ambulatory blood pressure recording we could show that antihypertensive efficacy of the new galenic form persisted over 24 hours. During the day the blood pressure dropped from 150/95 +/- 13/7 to 141/91 +/- 13/7 mmHg (p < 0.001), during the night from 131/85 +/- 13/3 to 121/81 +/- 15/9 mmHg (p < 0.001). Heart-rate was not changed by treatment and the drug was well tolerated. Isradipine SRO at a single dose is thus well suited for antihypertensive treatment.


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Metabolite profiling is critical in many aspects of the life sciences, particularly natural product research. Obtaining precise information on the chemical composition of complex natural extracts (metabolomes) that are primarily obtained from plants or microorganisms is a challenging task that requires sophisticated, advanced analytical methods. In this respect, significant advances in hyphenated chromatographic techniques (LC-MS, GC-MS and LC-NMR in particular), as well as data mining and processing methods, have occurred over the last decade. Together, these tools, in combination with bioassay profiling methods, serve an important role in metabolomics for the purposes of both peak annotation and dereplication in natural product research. In this review, a survey of the techniques that are used for generic and comprehensive profiling of secondary metabolites in natural extracts is provided. The various approaches (chromatographic methods: LC-MS, GC-MS, and LC-NMR and direct spectroscopic methods: NMR and DIMS) are discussed with respect to their resolution and sensitivity for extract profiling. In addition the structural information that can be generated through these techniques or in combination, is compared in relation to the identification of metabolites in complex mixtures. Analytical strategies with applications to natural extracts and novel methods that have strong potential, regardless of how often they are used, are discussed with respect to their potential applications and future trends.


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Aim: Gas6 is known to be elevated in sepsis, correlating with the severity of infection and¦organ failure. We aimed to investigate the performance of Gas6 plasma levels at¦admission to predict the risk of mortality in a cohort of septic patients.¦Methods: We used prospectively collected data and plasma samples from the "Sepsis¦Cohorte Romande". Gas6 level was measured by ELISA at admission and expressed in¦percentage relative to its level in a pool of normal plasma.¦Results: Non-survivors (n=21) presented higher Gas6 levels than survivors (n=73) (median¦258% vs 164%, IQR 194 and 117 respectively) (p=0.0027). Gas6 correlated positively with¦different cytokines and was the best mortality predictor, as shown by the ROC curves area.¦In patients with septic shock (n=66), using 249% as a cut-off value, Gas6 measurement¦had a specificity of 67% and a sensitivity of 81% for predicting mortality. ROC curve area¦was 0.75. Positive and negative predictive values were 57% and 87%, respectively.¦Conclusion: Thus, Gas6 plasma level at admission might be a useful tool to predict¦mortality in patients with septic shock. Although Gas6 hold promise as an early sepsis¦marker, its precise implication in sepsis remains to be elucidated. Our observation should¦be further investigated in larger prospective clinical trials.


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PURPOSE: The Gastro-Intestinal Working Party of the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group (GIWP-ROG) developed guidelines for target volume definition in neoadjuvant radiation of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and the stomach. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Guidelines about the definition of the clinical target volume (CTV) are based on a systematic literature review of the location and frequency of local recurrences and lymph node involvement in adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach. Therefore, MEDLINE was searched up to August 2008. Guidelines concerning prescription, planning and treatment delivery are based on a consensus between the members of the GIWP-ROG. RESULTS: In order to support a curative resection of GEJ and gastric cancer, an individualized preoperative treatment volume based on tumour location has to include the primary tumour and the draining regional lymph nodes area. Therefore we recommend to use the 2nd English Edition of the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association which developed the concept of assigning tumours of the GEJ and the stomach to anatomically defined sub-sites corresponding respectively to a distinct lymphatic spread pattern. CONCLUSION: The GIWP-ROG defined guidelines for preoperative irradiation of adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach to reduce variability in the framework of future clinical trials.


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Switzerland has the lowest adolescent fertility rate in Western Europe. According to data collected in 1993 as part of the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey on Health, 5% of 1,726 sexually active adolescents in a group of 3,993 15-20-year-old women enrolled in academic or vocational classes had ever been pregnant; most of these women (80%) had terminated their pregnancy. Adolescents who had ever been pregnant did not differ significantly from those who had not by demographic characteristics. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified seven factors associated with pregnancy: having had four or more sexual partners; not having used contraceptives at first intercourse; ever use of less-effective contraceptive methods; having used illicit drugs during the last 30 days; living apart from one's parents; recently experiencing stress; and perceiving a lack of future prospects.