148 resultados para potassium cyanide
O-Hexanoyl-3,5-diiodo-N-(4-azido-2-nitro-phenyl)tyramine has been used after photochemical conversion into the reactive nitrene to label (Na+,K+)-ATPase from Bufo marinus toad kidney. Immunochemical evidence indicates that the reagent labels both subunits of the enzyme in partially purified form as well as in microsomal membranes. These results support the view that the glycoprotein subunit, like the catalytic subunit, possesses hydrophobic domains by which it is integrated into the plasma membrane.
SUMMARY : Two-component systems are key mediators implicated in the response of numerous bacteria to a wide range of signals and stimuli. The two-component system comprised of the sensor kinase GacS and the response regulator GacA is broadly distributed among γ-proteobacteria bacteria and fulfils diverse functions such as regulation of carbon storage and expression of virulence. In Pseudomonas fluorescens, a soil bacterium which protects plants from root-pathogenic fungi and nematodes, the GacS/GacA two-component system has been shown to be essential for the production of secondary metabolites and exoenzymes required for the biocontrol activity of the bacterium. The regulatory cascade initiated by GacS/GacA consists of two translational repressor proteins, RsmA and RsmE, as well as three GacAcontrolled small regulatory RNAs RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ, which titrate RsmA and RsmE to allow the expression of biocontrol factors. Genetic analysis revealed that two additional sensor kinases termed RetS and Lads were involved as negative and positive control elements, respectively, in the Gac/Rsm pathway in P. fluoresens CHAO. Furthermore, it could be proposed that RetS and Lads interact with GacS, thereby modulating the expression of antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide, as well as the rpoS gene encoding the stress and stationary phase sigma factor σ. Temperature was found to be an important environmental cue that influences the Gac/Rsm network. Indeed, the production of antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide was reduced at 35°C, by comparison with the production at 30°C. RetS was identified to be involved in this temperature control. The small RNA RsmY was confirmed to be positively regulated by GacA and RsmA/RsmE. Two essential regions were identified in the rsmY promoter by mutational analysis, the upstream activating sequence (UAS) and the linker sequence. Although direct experimental evidence is still missing, several observations suggest that GacA may bind to the UAS, whereas the linker region would be recognized by intermediate RsmA/RsmEdependent repressors and/or activators. In conclusion, this work has revealed new elements contributing to the function of the signal transduction mechanisms in the Gac/Rsm pathway. RESUME : Les systèmes ä deux composants sont des mécanismes d'une importance notoire que beaucoup de bactéries utilisent pour faire face et répondre aux stimuli environnementaux. Le système à deux composants comprenant le senseur GacS et le régulateur de réponse GacA est très répandu chez les γ-protéobactéries et remplit des fonctions aussi diverses que la régulation du stockage de carbone ou l'expression de la virulence. Chez Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO, une bactérie du sol qui protège les racines des plantes contre des attaques de champignons et nématodes pathogènes, le système à deux composants GacS/GacA est essentiel à la production de métabolites secondaires et d'exoenzymes requis pour l'activité de biocontrôle de la bactérie. La cascade régulatrice initiée pas GacS/GacA fait intervenir deux protéines répresseur de traduction, RsmA et RsmE, ainsi que trois petits ARNs RsmX, RsmY et RsmZ, dont la production est contrôlée par GacA. Ces petits ARNs ont pour rôle de contrecarrer l'action des protéines répressseur de la traduction, ce qui permet l'expression de facteurs de biocontrôle. Des analyses génétiques ont révélé la présence de deux senseurs supplémentaires, appelés Rets et Lads, qui interviennent dans la cascade Gac/Rsm de P. fluorescens. L'impact de ces senseurs est, respectivement, négatif et positif. Ces interactions ont apparenunent lieu au niveau de GacS et permettent une modulation de l'expression des antibiotiques et de l'acide cyanhydrique, ainsi que du gène rpoS codant pour le facteur sigma du stress. La température s'est révélée être un facteur environnemental important qui influence la cascade Gac/Rsm. Il s'avère en effet que la production d'antibiotiques ainsi que d'acide cyanhydrique est moins importante à 35°C qu'à 30°C. L'implication du senseur Rets dans ce contrôle par la température a pu être démontrée. La régulation positive du petit ARN RsmY par GacA et RsmA/RsmE a pu être confirmée; par le biais d'une analyse mutationelle, deux régions essentielles ont pu être mises en évidence dans la région promotrice de rsmY. Malgré le manque de preuves expérimentales directes, certains indices suggèrent que GacA puisse directement se fixer sur une des deux régions (appelée UAS), tandis que la deuxième région (appelée linker) serait plutôt reconnue par des facteurs intermédiaires (activateurs ou répresseurs) dépendant de RsmA/RsmE. En conclusion, ce travail a dévoilé de nouveaux éléments permettant d'éclairer les mécanismes de transduction des signaux dans la cascade Gac/Rsm.
1. Respiratory alkalosis accompanies the clinical syndrome of tetany, precipitates cardiac arrhythmias and predisposes to coronary vasoconstriction. Magnesium plays a critical role in the maintenance of membrane function, and magnesium depletion is often associated with cardiac arrhythmias or vasoconstriction. 2. As technology for detecting circulating ionized magnesium (the most interesting form with respect to physiological and biological properties) is now available in the form of new magnesium-selective electrodes, the effect of respiratory alkalosis induced by voluntary overbreathing for 30 min on circulating ionized magnesium was studied in eight healthy subjects. 3. The total plasma magnesium concentration was not modified by hyperventilation. On the contrary, hyperventilation was associated with a significant reduction in the ionized magnesium concentration of 0.05 (0.02-0.15) mmol/l (median and range) and in the free magnesium fraction of 0.06 (0.01-0.19). During hyperventilation the relative intravascular magnesium mass, calculated from changes in total plasma magnesium concentration and haematocrit, decreased significantly. 4. It is concluded that acute overbreathing reduces the circulating ionized magnesium concentration and the intravascular magnesium mass. It is therefore conceivable that extracellular magnesium deficiency is at least a subsidiary cause of the syndrome of tetany and the cardiac complications that are precipitated by hyperventilation.
Recently, corticosteroid hormone-induced factor (CHIF) and the gamma-subunit, two members of the FXYD family of small proteins, have been identified as regulators of renal Na,K-ATPase. In this study, we have investigated the tissue distribution and the structural and functional properties of FXYD7, another family member which has not yet been characterized. Expressed exclusively in the brain, FXYD7 is a type I membrane protein bearing N-terminal, post-translationally added modifications on threonine residues, most probably O-glycosylations that are important for protein stabilization. Expressed in Xenopus oocytes, FXYD7 can interact with Na,K-ATPase alpha 1-beta 1, alpha 2-beta 1 and alpha 3-beta 1 but not with alpha-beta 2 isozymes, whereas, in brain, it is only associated with alpha 1-beta isozymes. FXYD7 decreases the apparent K(+) affinity of alpha 1-beta 1 and alpha 2-beta 1, but not of alpha 3-beta1 isozymes. These data suggest that FXYD7 is a novel, tissue- and isoform-specific Na,K-ATPase regulator which could play an important role in neuronal excitability.
The transcriptional repressor RE1 silencer transcription factor (REST) is an important factor that restricts some neuronal traits to neurons. Since these traits are also present in pancreatic beta-cells, we evaluated their role by generating a model of insulin-secreting cells that express REST. The presence of REST led to a decrease in expression of its known target genes, whereas insulin expression and its cellular content were conserved. As a consequence of REST expression, the capacity to secrete insulin in response to mitochondrial fuels, a particularity of mature beta-cells, was impaired. These data provide evidence that REST target genes are required for an appropriate glucose-induced insulin secretion.
In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the small RNA-binding, regulatory protein RsmA is a negative control element in the formation of several extracellular products (e.g., pyocyanin, hydrogen cyanide, PA-IL lectin) as well as in the production of N-acylhomoserine lactone quorum-sensing signal molecules. RsmA was found to control positively the ability to swarm and to produce extracellular rhamnolipids and lipase, i.e., functions contributing to niche colonization by P. aeruginosa. An rsmA null mutant was entirely devoid of swarming but produced detectable amounts of rhamnolipids, suggesting that factors in addition to rhamnolipids influence the swarming ability of P. aeruginosa. A small regulatory RNA, rsmZ, which antagonized the effects of RsmA, was identified in P. aeruginosa. Expression of the rsmZ gene was dependent on both the global regulator GacA and RsmA, increased with cell density, and was subject to negative autoregulation. Overexpression of rsmZ and a null mutation in rsmA resulted in quantitatively similar, negative or positive effects on target genes, in agreement with a model that postulates titration of RsmA protein by RsmZ RNA.
An inflammasome is a multiprotein complex that serves as a platform for caspase-1 activation and caspase-1-dependent proteolytic maturation and secretion of interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Though a number of inflammasomes have been described, the NLRP3 inflammasome is the most extensively studied but also the most elusive. It is unique in that it responds to numerous physically and chemically diverse stimuli. The potent proinflammatory and pyrogenic activities of IL-1β necessitate that inflammasome activity is tightly controlled. To this end, a priming step is first required to induce the expression of both NLRP3 and proIL-1β. This event renders the cell competent for NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β secretion, and it is highly regulated by negative feedback loops. Despite the wide array of NLRP3 activators, the actual triggering of NLRP3 is controlled by integration a comparatively small number of signals that are common to nearly all activators. Minimally, these include potassium efflux, elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and, for certain activators, lysosomal destabilization. Further investigation of how these and potentially other as yet uncharacterized signals are integrated by the NLRP3 inflammasome and the relevance of these biochemical events in vivo should provide new insight into the mechanisms of host defense and autoinflammatory conditions.
The success of a vaccine consists in the induction of an innate immune response and subsequent activation of the adaptive immune system. Because antigens are usually not immunogenic, the addition of adjuvants that activate innate immunity is required. The mycobacterial cord factor trehalose-6,6'-dimycolate (TDM) and its synthetic adjuvant analogue trehalose-6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) rely on the C-type lectin Mincle and the signaling molecules Syk and Card9 to trigger innate immunity. In this study, we show that stimulation of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) with TDB induces Nlrp3 inflammasome-dependent IL-1β secretion. While Card9 is required for NF-κB activation by TDB, it is dispensable for TDB-induced activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome. Additionally, efflux of intracellular potassium, lysosomal rupture, and oxygen radical (ROS) production are crucial for caspase-1 processing and IL-1β secretion by TDB. In an in vivo inflammation model, we demonstrate that the recruitment of neutrophils by TDB is significantly reduced in the Nlrp3-deficient mice compared to the wild-type mice, while the production of chemokines in vitro is not influenced by the absence of Nlrp3. These results identify the Nlrp3 inflammasome as an essential mediator for the induction of an innate immune response triggered by TDB.
Seventy bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of tomato were screened for antagonistic activity against the tomato foot and root rot-causing fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. One isolate, strain PCL1391, appeared to be an efficient colonizer of tomato roots and an excellent biocontrol strain in an F. oxysporum/tomato test system. Strain PCL1391 was identified as Pseudomonas chlororaphis and further characterization showed that it produces a broad spectrum of antifungal factors (AFFs), including a hydrophobic compound, hydrogen cyanide, chitinase(s), and protease(s). Through mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, the hydrophobic compound was identified as phenazine-1-carboxamide (PCN). We have studied the production and action of this AFF both in vitro and in vivo. Using a PCL1391 transposon mutant, with a lux reporter gene inserted in the phenazine biosynthetic operon (phz), we showed that this phenazine biosynthetic mutant was substantially decreased in both in vitro antifungal activity and biocontrol activity. Moreover, with the same mutant it was shown that the phz biosynthetic operon is expressed in the tomato rhizosphere. Comparison of the biocontrol activity of the PCN-producing strain PCL1391 with those of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA)-producing strains P. fluorescens 2-79 and P. aureofaciens 30-84 showed that the PCN-producing strain is able to suppress disease in the tomato/F. oxysporum system, whereas the PCA-producing strains are not. Comparison of in vitro antifungal activity of PCN and PCA showed that the antifungal activity of PCN was at least 10 times higher at neutral pH, suggesting that this may contribute to the superior biocontrol performance of strain PCL1391 in the tomato/F. oxysporum system.
Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is one of the distal peripheral neuropathy phenotypes often present in patients affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Through in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiological recordings in db/db mice, a model of T2DM, we observed that, in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity, db/db mice also develop PNH. By using pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that the PNH is mediated by the decreased activity of K(v)1-channels. In agreement with these data, we observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the K(v)1.2-subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of peripheral nerves in db/db mice and in nerve biopsies from T2DM patients. Together, these observations indicate that the T2DM condition leads to potassium channel-mediated PNH, thus identifying them as a potential drug target to treat some of the DPN related symptoms.
The fatty acid oxygenation up-regulated 2 (fou2) mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana creates a gain-of-function allele in a non-selective cation channel encoded by the Two Pore Channel 1 (TPC1) gene. This mutant genetically implicates cation fluxes in the control of the positive feedback loop whereby jasmonic acid (JA) stimulates its own synthesis. In this study we observed extensive transcriptome reprogramming in healthy fou2 leaves closely resembling that induced by treatment with methyl jasmonate, biotic stresses and the potassium starvation response. Proteomic analysis of fou2 leaves identified increased levels of seven biotic stress- and JA-inducible proteins. In agreement with these analyses, epistasis studies performed by crossing fou2 with aos indicated that elevated levels of JA in fou2 are the major determinant of the mutant phenotype. In addition, generation of fou2 aba1-5, fou2 etr1-1 and fou2 npr1-1 double mutants showed that the fou2 phenotype was only weakly affected by ABA levels and unaffected by mutations in NPR1 and ETR1. The results now suggest possible mechanisms whereby fou2 could induce JA synthesis/signaling early in the wound response. In contrast to fou2, transcriptome analysis of a loss-of-function allele of TPC1, tpc1-2, revealed no differential expression of JA biosynthesis genes in resting leaves. However, the analysis disclosed reduced mRNA levels of the pathogenesis-related genes PDF1.2a and THI2.1 in healthy and diseased tpc1-2 leaves. The results suggest that wild-type TPC1 contributes to their expression by mechanisms somewhat different from those affecting their expression in fou2.
Whereas previous studies have shown that opening of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) (mitoK(ATP)) channel protects the adult heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury, it remains to be established whether this mechanism also operates in the developing heart. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected to 30 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo-, and inotropic disturbances, as well as alterations of the electromechanical delay (EMD), reflecting excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, were investigated. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the ventricle was determined using the intracellular fluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin (DCFH). Effects of the specific mitoK(ATP) channel opener diazoxide (Diazo, 50 microM) or the blocker 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD, 500 microM), the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 microM), the antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (MPG, 1 mM), and the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (Chel, 5 microM) on oxidative stress and postanoxic functional recovery were determined. Under normoxia, the baseline parameters were not altered by any of these pharmacological agents, alone or in combination. During the first 20 min of postanoxic reoxygenation, Diazo doubled the peak of ROS production and, interestingly, accelerated recovery of ventricular EMD and the PR interval. Diazo-induced ROS production was suppressed by 5-HD, MPG, or L-NAME, but not by Chel. Protection of ventricular EMD by Diazo was abolished by 5-HD, MPG, L-NAME, or Chel, whereas protection of the PR interval was abolished by L-NAME exclusively. Thus pharmacological opening of the mitoK(ATP) channel selectively improves postanoxic recovery of cell-to-cell communication and ventricular E-C coupling. Although the NO-, ROS-, and PKC-dependent pathways also seem to be involved in this cardioprotection, their interrelation in the developing heart can differ markedly from that in the adult myocardium.
To study the functional role of individual alpha1-adrenergic (AR) subtypes in blood pressure (BP) regulation, we used mice lacking the alpha1B-AR and/or alpha1D-AR with the same genetic background and further studied their hemodynamic and vasoconstrictive responses. Both the alpha1D-AR knockout and alpha1B-/alpha1D-AR double knockout mice, but not the alpha1B-AR knockout mice, had significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of basal systolic and mean arterial BP than wild-type mice in nonanesthetized condition, and they showed no significant change in heart rate or in cardiac function, as assessed by echocardiogram. All mutants showed a significantly (p < 0.05) reduced catecholamine-induced pressor and vasoconstriction responses. It is noteworthy that the infusion of norepinephrine did not elicit any pressor response at all in alpha1B-/alpha1D-AR double knockout mice. In an attempt to further examine alpha1-AR subtype, which is involved in the genesis or maintenance of hypertension, BP after salt loading was monitored by tail-cuff readings and confirmed at the endpoint by direct intra-arterial recording. After salt loading, alpha1B-AR knockout mice developed a comparable level of hypertension to wild-type mice, whereas mice lacking alpha1D-AR had significantly (p < 0.05) attenuated BP and lower levels of circulating catecholamines. Our data indicated that alpha1B- and alpha1D-AR subtypes participate cooperatively in BP regulation; however, the deletion of the functional alpha1D-AR, not alpha1B-AR, leads to an antihypertensive effect. The study shows differential contributions of alpha1B- and alpha1D-ARs in BP regulation.
Na,K-ATPase, the main active transport system for monovalent cations in animal cells, is responsible for maintaining Na(+) and K(+) gradients across the plasma membrane. During its transport cycle it binds three cytoplasmic Na(+) ions and releases them on the extracellular side of the membrane, and then binds two extracellular K(+) ions and releases them into the cytoplasm. The fourth, fifth, and sixth transmembrane helices of the alpha subunit of Na,K-ATPase are known to be involved in Na(+) and K(+) binding sites, but the gating mechanisms that control the access of these ions to their binding sites are not yet fully understood. We have focused on the second extracellular loop linking transmembrane segments 3 and 4 and attempted to determine its role in gating. We replaced 13 residues of this loop in the rat alpha1 subunit, from E314 to G326, by cysteine, and then studied the function of these mutants using electrophysiological techniques. We analyzed the results using a structural model obtained by homology with SERCA, and ab initio calculations for the second extracellular loop. Four mutants were markedly modified by the sulfhydryl reagent MTSET, and we investigated them in detail. The substituted cysteines were more readily accessible to MTSET in the E1 conformation for the Y315C, W317C, and I322C mutants. Mutations or derivatization of the substituted cysteines in the second extracellular loop resulted in major increases in the apparent affinity for extracellular K(+), and this was associated with a reduction in the maximum activity. The changes produced by the E314C mutation were reversed by MTSET treatment. In the W317C and I322C mutants, MTSET also induced a moderate shift of the E1/E2 equilibrium towards the E1(Na) conformation under Na/Na exchange conditions. These findings indicate that the second extracellular loop must be functionally linked to the gating mechanism that controls the access of K(+) to its binding site.