171 resultados para mitral valve
BACKGROUND: The clinical profile and outcome of nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis are not well defined. OBJECTIVE: To compare the characteristics and outcomes of community-associated and nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: 61 hospitals in 28 countries. PATIENTS: Patients with definite native valve endocarditis and no history of injection drug use who were enrolled in the ICE-PCS (International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study) from June 2000 to August 2005. MEASUREMENTS: Clinical and echocardiographic findings, microbiology, complications, and mortality. RESULTS: Health care-associated native valve endocarditis was present in 557 (34%) of 1622 patients (303 with nosocomial infection [54%] and 254 with non-nosocomial infection [46%]). Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of health care-associated infection (nosocomial, 47%; non-nosocomial, 42%; P = 0.30); a high proportion of patients had methicillin-resistant S. aureus (nosocomial, 57%; non-nosocomial, 41%; P = 0.014). Fewer patients with health care-associated native valve endocarditis had cardiac surgery (41% vs. 51% of community-associated cases; P < 0.001), but more of the former patients died (25% vs. 13%; P < 0.001). Multivariable analysis confirmed greater mortality associated with health care-associated native valve endocarditis (incidence risk ratio, 1.28 [95% CI, 1.02 to 1.59]). LIMITATIONS: Patients were treated at hospitals with cardiac surgery programs. The results may not be generalizable to patients receiving care in other types of facilities or to those with prosthetic valves or past injection drug use. CONCLUSION: More than one third of cases of native valve endocarditis in non-injection drug users involve contact with health care, and non-nosocomial infection is common, especially in the United States. Clinicians should recognize that outpatients with extensive out-of-hospital health care contacts who develop endocarditis have clinical characteristics and outcomes similar to those of patients with nosocomial infection. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: None.
Objectif Evaluer l'évolution à long-terme d'une population de patients pédiatriques souffrant de sténose aortique congénitale et ayant subi une intervention chirurgicale sur cette valve, et déterminer les facteurs de risques associés à une ré-intervention. Patients et méthode De 1985 à 2009, 77 patients, en moyenne âgés de 5.8 ± 5-6 ans, ont été suivis dans notre Service durant 14.8 ± 9-1 années. Résultats La première intervention montre d'excellents résultats avec 86% des patients ayant un gradient aortique résiduel < 50 mmHg et seulement 7% avec une nouvelle fuite aortique >1. La survie à long terme est de 91% A 25 ans. A un intervalle de 7.6 ± 5-3 ans, 30 patients 011t nécessité une ré-intervention (39%), principalement à cause d'une récidive de la sténose aortique. Le pourcentage de patients libre de ré¬intervention était de 97, 89, 75, 53, and 42% à respectivement 1, 10,15, 20, et 25 ans. Les facteurs de risques cle ré-interventions étaient le gradient aortique residuel plus élevé (p=0.00 01), la fuite aortique post-intervention >1 (p=0.02), la valvuloplasty au ballon préalable (p-0.04) et l'épaisseur augmentée de la paroi postérieure du ventricule gauche (p=o.i). Conclusions L'intervention chirurgicale sur la valve aortique est un procédé sûr et efficace pour les sténoses aortiques congénitales et démontre d'excellents résultats au niveau de la survie. Cependant le taux de ré-intervention est élevé et influencé par le gradient aortique résiduel plus élevé, la fuite aortique post-intervention >1, la valvuloplasty au ballon préalable et l'épaisseur augmentée de la paroi postérieure du ventricule gauche. L'étude démontre qu'un suivi à long-terme est recommandé pour ces patients.
Background and aim of the study: Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital heart malformation, and a high percentage of patients with this condition will develop complications over time. It is rare that pilots undergo aortic valve surgery, and the confirmation of flight-licensing requirements after aortic valve replacement (AVR) is a challenge for the patient's cardiac surgeon and, particularly, for the Aeromedical Examiner (AME). Only AMEs are able to determine the flight status of pilots. Furthermore, in military and in civil aviation (e.g., Red Bull Air Race), the high G-load environment experienced by pilots is an exceptional physiological parameter, which must be considered postoperatively. Methods: A review was conducted of the aeronautical, surgical and medical literature, and of European pilot-licensing regulations. Case studies are also reported for two Swiss Air Force pilots. Results: According to European legislation, pilots can return to flight duty from the sixth postoperative month, with the following limitations: that an aortic bioprosthesis presents no restrictions in cardiac function, requires no cardioactive medications, yet requires a flight operation with co-pilot, the avoidance of accelerations over +3 Gz and, in military aviation, restricts the pilot to non-ejection-seat aircraft. The patient follow up must include both echocardiographic and rhythm assessments every six months. Mechanical prostheses cannot be certified because the required anticoagulation therapy is a disqualifying condition for pilot licensing. Conclusion: Pilot licensing after aortic valve surgery is possible, but with restrictions. The +Gz exposition is of concern in both military and civilian aviation (aerobatics). The choice of bioprosthesis type and size is determinant. Pericardial and stentless valves seem to show better flow characteristics under high-output conditions. Repetitive cardiological controls are mandatory for the early assessment of structural valve disease and rhythm disturbances. A pre-emptive timing is recommended when reoperation is indicated, without waiting for clinical manifestations of structural valve disease.
Messages à retenir: Les séquences de ciné MR sont utiles pour rechercher une bicuspidie. Les séquences en contraste de phase permettent de mesurer les vitesses et flux transvalvulaires. La fraction de régurgitation est corrélée à la sévérité de l'insuffisance aortique. Une planimétrie peut être effectuée sur les séquences de ciné MR ou de flux. Résumé: L'étude de la valve aortique en IRM nécessite un placement rigoureux des plans de coupes à partir de 2 incidences orthogonales passant par la chambre de chasse. Les séquences de ciné IRM permettent une analyse dynamique de l'ouverture de la valve et sont utiles pour rechercher une bicuspidie et une dilatation de l'aorte. Leur sensibilité au flux turbulents est relativement faible vu leur TE court, à l'inverse des séquences en écho de gradient à TE long. Les séquences de ciné MR permettent également de calculer les volumes ventriculaires gauches et la fraction d'éjection, paramètres importants dans le traitement. Les séquences en contraste permettent de mesurer la vitesse trans-valvulaire et de calculer le volume éjecté dans l'aorte et le volume régurgité dans le ventricule gauche. Elles peuvent être réalisées dans le plan du flux ou au travers du plan. Il est important de régler correctement la vitesse de codage maximale afin d'éviter des erreurs de codage de vitesse (phénomène d'"aliasing"). Dans le cadre d'une insuffisance aortique, le ratio volume régurgité / volume éjecté, appelé fraction de régurgitation, est relié à la sévérité de la valvulopathie. L'IRM peut également permettre de réaliser une planimétrie de l'orifice valvulaire aortique.
ABSTRACT: Transapical aortic valve replacement is an established technique performed in high-risk patients with symptomatic aortic valve stenosis and vascular disease contraindicating trans-vascular and trans-aortic procedures. The presence of a left ventricular apical diverticulum is a rare event and the treatment depends on dimensions and estimated risk of embolisation, rupture, or onset of ventricular arrhythmias. The diagnosis is based on standard cardiac imaging and symptoms are very rare. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a 81 years old female patient suffering from symptomatic aortic valve stenosis, respiratory disease, chronic renal failure and severe peripheral vascular disease (logistic euroscore: 42%), who successfully underwent a transapical 23 mm balloon-expandable stent-valve implantation through an apical diverticulum of the left ventricle. Intra-luminal thrombi were absent and during the same procedure were able to treat the valve disease and to successfully exclude the apical diverticulum without complications and through a mini thoracotomy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a transapical procedure is successfully performed through an apical diverticulum.
OBJECTIVES: Pulmonary valve insufficiency remains a leading cause for reoperations in congenital cardiac surgery. The current percutaneous approach is limited by the size of the access vessel and variable right ventricular outflow tract morphology. This study assesses the feasibility of transapical pulmonary valve replacement based on a new valved stent construction concept. METHODS: A new valved stent design was implanted off-pump under continuous intracardiac echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance into the native right ventricular outflow tract in 8 pigs (48.5 +/- 6.0 kg) through the right ventricular apex, and device function was studied by using invasive and noninvasive measures. RESULTS: Procedural success was 100% at the first attempt. Procedural time was 75 +/- 15 minutes. All devices were delivered at the target site with good acute valve function. No valved stents dislodged. No animal had significant regurgitation or paravalvular leaking on intracardiac echocardiographic analysis. All animals had a competent tricuspid valve and no signs of right ventricular dysfunction. The planimetric valve orifice was 2.85 +/- 0.32 cm(2). No damage to the pulmonary artery or structural defect of the valved stents was found at necropsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the feasibility of direct access valve replacement through the transapical procedure for replacement of the pulmonary valve, as well as validity of the new valved stent design concept. The transapical procedure is targeting a broader patient pool, including the very young and the adult patient. The device design might not be restricted to failing conduits only and could allow for implantation in a larger patient population, including those with native right ventricular outflow tract configurations.
Standard surgical aortic valve replacement with a biological prosthesis remains the treatment of choice for low- and mid-risk elderly patients (traditionally >65 years of age) suffering from severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis or insufficiency, and for young patients with formal contraindications to long-lasting anticoagulation. Unfortunately, despite the fact that several technical improvements have noticeably improved the resistance of pericardial and bovine bioprostheses to leaflet calcifications and ruptures, the risk of early valve failure with rapid degeneration still exists, especially for patients under haemodialysis and for patients <60 years of age at the time of surgery. Until now, redo open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass and on cardioplegic arrest was the only available therapeutic option in case of bioprosthesis degeneration, but it carried a higher surgical risk when elderly patients with severe concomitant comorbidities were concerned. Since a few years, the advent of new transcatheter aortic valve procedures has opened new horizons in cardiac surgery and, in particular, the possibility of implanting stented valves within the degenerated stented bioprosthesis, the so-called 'valve-in-valve' (VinV) concept, has become a clinical practice in experienced cardiac centres. The VinV procedure represents a minimally invasive approach dedicated to high-risk redo patients, and published preliminary reports have shown a success rate of 100% with absence of significant valvular leaks, acceptable transvalvular gradients and low complication rate. However, this procedure is not riskless and the most important concerns are about the size mismatch and the right positioning within the degenerated bioprosthesis. In this article, we review the limited available literature about VinV procedures, underline important technical details for the positioning and provide guidelines to prevent valve-prosthesis mismatch comparing the three sizes of the only commercially available transapical device, the Edwards Sapien, with the inner diameter of three of the most commonly used stented bioprostheses.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI): state of the art techniques and future perspectives.
Transcatheter aortic valve therapies are the newest established techniques for the treatment of high risk patients affected by severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. The transapical approach requires a left anterolateral mini-thoracotomy, whereas the transfemoral method requires an adequate peripheral vascular access and can be performed fully percutaneously. Alternatively, the trans-subclavian access has been recently proposed as a third promising approach. Depending on the technique, the fine stent-valve positioning can be performed with or without contrast injections. The transapical echo-guided stent-valve implantation without angiography (the Lausanne technique) relies entirely on transoesophageal echocardiogramme imaging for the fine stent-valve positioning and it has been proved that this technique prevents the onset of postoperative contrast-related acute kidney failure. Recent published reports have shown good hospital outcomes and short-term results after transcatheter aortic valve implantation, but there are no proven advantages in using the transfemoral or the transapical technique. In particular, the transapical series have a higher mean logistic Euroscore of 27-35%, a procedural success rate above 95% and a mean 30-day mortality between 7.5 and 17.5%, whereas the transfemoral results show a lower logistic Euroscore of 23-25.5%, a procedural success rate above 90% and a 30-day mortality of 7-10.8%. Nevertheless, further clinical trials and long-term results are mandatory to confirm this positive trend. Future perspectives in transcatheter aortic valve therapies would be the development of intravascular devices for the ablation of the diseased valve leaflets and the launch of new stent-valves with improved haemodynamic, different sizes and smaller delivery systems.
Background: Transcatheter aortic valve implantations (TAVI) are indicated in high risk patients requiring aortic valve replacement (AVR). However, CT-scans, coronary angiograms and intraoperative aortographies can induce contrast-related nephro-toxicity with a concrete risk of acute postoperative renal failure, especially in severely diseased patients. To prevent this complication, we routinely perform transapical (TA) TAVI guided by transesophageal echocardiogram and fluoroscopy without angiography. Material and Methods: From November 2008 to December 2009, 31 high-risk patients suffering from severe symptomatic aortic stenosis underwent TA-TAVI in our institution. The preoperative imaging assessment (cardiac CT-scan and coronary angiogram) was performed no less than 10 days before the TA-TAVI in all patients (to recover the renal function) with a low-dose protocol for injected contrast medium (equivalent to the patient's weight for the CT-scan). During the TA-TAVI, the stent-valve positioning was performed without any contrast injection. Results: 32 consecutive stent-valve were successfully positioned in 31 patients (mean age 80.76 8 8.3 years; mean EuroSCORE: 32.2 8 12.9%) through a transapical access (1 patient required 2 valves for valve embolisation). The mean preoperative creatinine and urea blood levels were 102.6 8 67.7 _ g/dl (range 53-339 _ g/dl) and 8.45 8 4.9 mmol/l, respectively. A chronic renal insufficiency affected 12 patients (38.7%) with 1 patient in pre-dialysis. Postoperatively, no patient developed acute myocardial infarction, atrio-ventricular block or acute renal insufficiency (mean creatinine level: 89.7 8 64.55 _ g/dl; urea level: 7.11 8 3.47 mmol/l) and the 30-days mortality was 9.67% (3 patients). Conclusion: Specific preoperative and intraoperative protocols that require lowdoses or absence of contrast medium are useful to preserve the renal function in high risk patients operated for TAVI.
Urgent reoperative transapical valve-in-valve shortly after a transapical aortic valve implantation.
Urgent reoperative transapical aortic valve-in-valve has never been proposed as a treatment option in case of a failed transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) or in case of worsening of an existing paravalvular leak, if this complication occurs right after, or a few days after, the primary transapical aortic valve implantation. Experienced surgeons should argue that after a transapical TAVI, the apex is damaged and fragile, with a high risk of irreparable ventricular tears and life-threatening bleeding if a second transapical procedure is scheduled during the acute phase. Nevertheless, if the patient is inoperable and the vascular status, including the ascending aorta, limits alternative accesses, the urgent reoperative transapical valve-in-valve becomes an alternative. We illustrate, for the first time ever, our experience with an 81-year old female patient who underwent a transapical (TA) TAVI with a Sapien? XT 23 mm. The day after the procedure, the patient haemodynamically worsened in combination with a worsening of a known (grade 1-2) paravalvular leak. Thus, on postoperative day two, an urgent transapical valve-in-valve was performed, and a second Sapien? XT 23 mm was placed, with an excellent haemodynamic result and absence of leak. The redo apical access did not appear very complicated and the postoperative recovery was uneventful.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a feasible therapeutic option for selected patients with severe aortic stenosis and high or prohibitive risk for standard surgery. Lung transplant recipients are often considered high-risk patients for heart surgery because of their specific transplant-associated characteristics and comorbidities. We report a case of successful transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a lung transplant recipient with a symptomatic severe aortic stenosis, severe left ventricular dysfunction, and end-stage renal failure 9 years after bilateral lung transplantation.
Transcatheter stent-valve implantation in stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valves is under debate. Heavily calcified elliptic bicuspid valves represent a contraindication to catheter-based valve therapies because of a risk of stent-valve displacement, distortion, or malfunctioning after the implantation. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a patient suffering from stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valve who successfully underwent a transapical 26-mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc, Irvine, CA) implantation. Postoperative distortion, malfunctioning, and paravalvular leaks were not detected.