268 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes


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Clinical responses to anticancer therapies are often restricted to a subset of patients. In some cases, mutated cancer genes are potent biomarkers for responses to targeted agents. Here, to uncover new biomarkers of sensitivity and resistance to cancer therapeutics, we screened a panel of several hundred cancer cell lines--which represent much of the tissue-type and genetic diversity of human cancers--with 130 drugs under clinical and preclinical investigation. In aggregate, we found that mutated cancer genes were associated with cellular response to most currently available cancer drugs. Classic oncogene addiction paradigms were modified by additional tissue-specific or expression biomarkers, and some frequently mutated genes were associated with sensitivity to a broad range of therapeutic agents. Unexpected relationships were revealed, including the marked sensitivity of Ewing's sarcoma cells harbouring the EWS (also known as EWSR1)-FLI1 gene translocation to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. By linking drug activity to the functional complexity of cancer genomes, systematic pharmacogenomic profiling in cancer cell lines provides a powerful biomarker discovery platform to guide rational cancer therapeutic strategies.


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Understanding the genetic underpinnings of adaptive change is a fundamental but largely unresolved problem in evolutionary biology. Drosophila melanogaster, an ancestrally tropical insect that has spread to temperate regions and become cosmopolitan, offers a powerful opportunity for identifying the molecular polymorphisms underlying clinal adaptation. Here, we use genome-wide next-generation sequencing of DNA pools ('pool-seq') from three populations collected along the North American east coast to examine patterns of latitudinal differentiation. Comparing the genomes of these populations is particularly interesting since they exhibit clinal variation in a number of important life history traits. We find extensive latitudinal differentiation, with many of the most strongly differentiated genes involved in major functional pathways such as the insulin/TOR, ecdysone, torso, EGFR, TGFβ/BMP, JAK/STAT, immunity and circadian rhythm pathways. We observe particularly strong differentiation on chromosome 3R, especially within the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne, which contains a large number of clinally varying genes. While much of the differentiation might be driven by clinal differences in the frequency of In(3R)P, we also identify genes that are likely independent of this inversion. Our results provide genome-wide evidence consistent with pervasive spatially variable selection acting on numerous loci and pathways along the well-known North American cline, with many candidates implicated in life history regulation and exhibiting parallel differentiation along the previously investigated Australian cline.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are ancient asexually reproducing organisms that form symbioses with the majority of plant species, improving plant nutrition and promoting plant diversity. Little is known about the evolution or organization of the genomes of any eukaryotic symbiont or ancient asexual organism. Direct evidence shows that one AMF species is heterokaryotic; that is, containing populations of genetically different nuclei. It has been suggested, however, that the genetic variation passed from generation to generation in AMF is simply due to multiple chromosome sets (that is, high ploidy). Here we show that previously documented genetic variation in Pol-like sequences, which are passed from generation to generation, cannot be due to either high ploidy or repeated gene duplications. Our results provide the clearest evidence so far for substantial genetic differences among nuclei in AMF. We also show that even AMF with a very large nuclear DNA content are haploid. An underlying principle of evolutionary theory is that an individual passes on one or half of its genome to each of its progeny. The coexistence of a population of many genomes in AMF and their transfer to subsequent generations, therefore, has far-reaching consequences for understanding genome evolution.


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Innate immune responses play a central role in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity during inflammatory processes that are triggered by pathogen-associated molecular pattern-exhibiting agents such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and that are modulated by inflammatory cytokines such as interferon γ (IFNγ). Recent findings describing the unexpected complexity of mammalian genomes and transcriptomes have stimulated further identification of novel transcripts involved in specific physiological and pathological processes, such as the neural innate immune response that alters the expression of many genes. We developed a system for efficient subtractive cloning that employs both sense and antisense cRNA drivers, and coupled it with in-house cDNA microarray analysis. This system enabled effective direct cloning of differentially expressed transcripts, from a small amount (0.5 µg) of total RNA. We applied this system to isolation of genes activated by LPS and IFNγ in primary-cultured cortical cells that were derived from newborn mice, to investigate the mechanisms involved in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity in maternal/perinatal infections that cause various brain injuries including periventricular leukomalacia. A number of genes involved in the immune and inflammatory response were identified, showing that neonatal neuronal/glial cells are highly responsive to LPS and IFNγ. Subsequent RNA blot analysis revealed that the identified genes were activated by LPS and IFNγ in a cooperative or distinctive manner, thereby supporting the notion that these bacterial and cellular inflammatory mediators can affect the brain through direct but complicated pathways. We also identified several novel clones of apparently non-coding RNAs that potentially harbor various regulatory functions. Characterization of the presently identified genes will give insights into mechanisms and interventions not only for perinatal infection-induced brain damage, but also for many other innate immunity-related brain disorders.


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Targeted mutagenesis directed by oligonucleotides (ONs) is a promising method for manipulating the genome in higher eukaryotes. In this study, we have compared gene editing by different ONs on two new target sequences, the eBFP and the rd1 mutant photoreceptor betaPDE cDNAs, which were integrated as single copy transgenes at the same genomic site in 293T cells. Interestingly, antisense ONs were superior to sense ONs for one target only, showing that target sequence can by itself impart strand-bias in gene editing. The most efficient ONs were short 25 nt ONs with flanking locked nucleic acids (LNAs), a chemistry that had only been tested for targeted nucleotide mutagenesis in yeast, and 25 nt ONs with phosphorothioate linkages. We showed that LNA-modified ONs mediate dose-dependent target modification and analyzed the importance of LNA position and content. Importantly, when using ONs with flanking LNAs, targeted gene modification was stably transmitted during cell division, which allowed reliable cloning of modified cells, a feature essential for further applications in functional genomics and gene therapy. Finally, we showed that ONs with flanking LNAs aimed at correcting the rd1 stop mutation could promote survival of photoreceptors in retinas of rd1 mutant mice, suggesting that they are also active in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause CNS infections of dissimilar clinico-pathological characteristics with prognostic and therapeutic implications. OBJECTIVES: To validate a type-specific real-time PCR that uses MGB/LNA Taqman probes and to review the virologico-clinical data of 25 eligible patients with non-neonatal CNS infections. RESULTS: This real-time PCR was evaluated against conventional PCR (26 CSF and 20 quality controls), and LightCycler assay (51 mucocutaneous, 8 CSF and 32 quality controls) and culture/immunofluorescence (75 mucocutaneous) to assess typing with independent methods. Taqman real-time PCR detected 240 HSV genomes per ml CSF, a level appropriate for the management of patients, and provided unambiguous typing for the 104 positive (62 HSV-1 and 42 HSV-2) out the 160 independent clinical samples tested. HSV type diagnosed by Taqman real-time PCR predicted final diagnosis (meningitis versus encephalitis/meningoencephalitis, p<0.001) in 24/25 patients at time of presentation, in contrast to clinical evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Our real-time PCR, as a sensitive and specific means for type-specific HSV diagnosis, provided rapid prognostic information for patient management.


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La recherche biomédicale profite de plus en plus au développement des techniques de séquençage et d'analyse de l'ADN. Les coûts du séquençage ont drastiquement baissés au cours de ces dernières années et les genomes-wides associations studies (GWAS) ont révolutionné l'approche de la recherche génétique en mettant en évidence associations et single-nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNPs) qui pourraient être importantes pour la susceptibilité à développer des maladies dites communes. La majorité des cancers appartiennent à cette définition de maladie commune, ils sont généralement causés par une accumulation de lésions/mutations de l'ADN aboutissant à une perte de contrôle de la prolifération et du cycle cellulaire. Ces mutations peuvent être héréditaires, acquises ou une combinaison des deux. Dans la plupart des cancers communs (cancers qui n'ont pas une hérédité familiale importante) les mutations de l'ADN sont souvent amenées par des facteurs tels que inflammation chronique, tabac, virus, exposition aux radiations, aux agents chimiques. Ceci est le cas pour le mélanome également, un cancer de la peau qui est corrélé à l'exposition des rayons UV solaires ou artificiels. Une hypothèse largement acceptée aujourd'hui est que les tumeurs, à travers leur accumulation progressive de mutations somatiques et d'anomalies chromosomiques, finissent par échapper au contrôle exercé par le système immunitaire. Il est par conséquence imaginable que des polymorphismes naturels puissent renforcer ou affaiblir la capacité du système immunitaire à freiner voir arrêter la progression tumorale.


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SUMMARY : Eukaryotic DNA interacts with the nuclear proteins using non-covalent ionic interactions. Proteins can recognize specific nucleotide sequences based on the sterical interactions with the DNA and these specific protein-DNA interactions are the basis for many nuclear processes, e.g. gene transcription, chromosomal replication, and recombination. New technology termed ChIP-Seq has been recently developed for the analysis of protein-DNA interactions on a whole genome scale and it is based on immunoprecipitation of chromatin and high-throughput DNA sequencing procedure. ChIP-Seq is a novel technique with a great potential to replace older techniques for mapping of protein-DNA interactions. In this thesis, we bring some new insights into the ChIP-Seq data analysis. First, we point out to some common and so far unknown artifacts of the method. Sequence tag distribution in the genome does not follow uniform distribution and we have found extreme hot-spots of tag accumulation over specific loci in the human and mouse genomes. These artifactual sequence tags accumulations will create false peaks in every ChIP-Seq dataset and we propose different filtering methods to reduce the number of false positives. Next, we propose random sampling as a powerful analytical tool in the ChIP-Seq data analysis that could be used to infer biological knowledge from the massive ChIP-Seq datasets. We created unbiased random sampling algorithm and we used this methodology to reveal some of the important biological properties of Nuclear Factor I DNA binding proteins. Finally, by analyzing the ChIP-Seq data in detail, we revealed that Nuclear Factor I transcription factors mainly act as activators of transcription, and that they are associated with specific chromatin modifications that are markers of open chromatin. We speculate that NFI factors only interact with the DNA wrapped around the nucleosome. We also found multiple loci that indicate possible chromatin barrier activity of NFI proteins, which could suggest the use of NFI binding sequences as chromatin insulators in biotechnology applications. RESUME : L'ADN des eucaryotes interagit avec les protéines nucléaires par des interactions noncovalentes ioniques. Les protéines peuvent reconnaître les séquences nucléotidiques spécifiques basées sur l'interaction stérique avec l'ADN, et des interactions spécifiques contrôlent de nombreux processus nucléaire, p.ex. transcription du gène, la réplication chromosomique, et la recombinaison. Une nouvelle technologie appelée ChIP-Seq a été récemment développée pour l'analyse des interactions protéine-ADN à l'échelle du génome entier et cette approche est basée sur l'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine et sur la procédure de séquençage de l'ADN à haut débit. La nouvelle approche ChIP-Seq a donc un fort potentiel pour remplacer les anciennes techniques de cartographie des interactions protéine-ADN. Dans cette thèse, nous apportons de nouvelles perspectives dans l'analyse des données ChIP-Seq. Tout d'abord, nous avons identifié des artefacts très communs associés à cette méthode qui étaient jusqu'à présent insoupçonnés. La distribution des séquences dans le génome ne suit pas une distribution uniforme et nous avons constaté des positions extrêmes d'accumulation de séquence à des régions spécifiques, des génomes humains et de la souris. Ces accumulations des séquences artéfactuelles créera de faux pics dans toutes les données ChIP-Seq, et nous proposons différentes méthodes de filtrage pour réduire le nombre de faux positifs. Ensuite, nous proposons un nouvel échantillonnage aléatoire comme un outil puissant d'analyse des données ChIP-Seq, ce qui pourraient augmenter l'acquisition de connaissances biologiques à partir des données ChIP-Seq. Nous avons créé un algorithme d'échantillonnage aléatoire et nous avons utilisé cette méthode pour révéler certaines des propriétés biologiques importantes de protéines liant à l'ADN nommés Facteur Nucléaire I (NFI). Enfin, en analysant en détail les données de ChIP-Seq pour la famille de facteurs de transcription nommés Facteur Nucléaire I, nous avons révélé que ces protéines agissent principalement comme des activateurs de transcription, et qu'elles sont associées à des modifications de la chromatine spécifiques qui sont des marqueurs de la chromatine ouverte. Nous pensons que lés facteurs NFI interagir uniquement avec l'ADN enroulé autour du nucléosome. Nous avons également constaté plusieurs régions génomiques qui indiquent une éventuelle activité de barrière chromatinienne des protéines NFI, ce qui pourrait suggérer l'utilisation de séquences de liaison NFI comme séquences isolatrices dans des applications de la biotechnologie.


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RDM1 (RAD52 Motif 1) is a vertebrate protein involved in the cellular response to the anti-cancer drug cisplatin. In addition to an RNA recognition motif, RDM1 contains a small amino acid motif, named RD motif, which it shares with the recombination and repair protein, RAD52. RDM1 binds to single- and double-stranded DNA, and recognizes DNA distortions induced by cisplatin adducts in vitro. Here, we have performed an in-depth analysis of the nucleic acid-binding properties of RDM1 using gel-shift assays and electron microscopy. We show that RDM1 possesses acidic pH-dependent DNA-binding activity and that it binds RNA as well as DNA, and we present evidence from competition gel-shift experiments that RDM1 may be capable of discrimination between the two nucleic acids. Based on reported studies of RAD52, we have generated an RDM1 variant mutated in its RD motif. We find that the L119GF --> AAA mutation affects the mode of RDM1 binding to single-stranded DNA.


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Despite the advantage of avoiding the costs of sexual reproduction, asexual vertebrates are very rare and often considered evolutionarily disadvantaged when compared to sexual species. Asexual species, however, may have advantages when colonizing (new) habitats or competing with sexual counterparts. They are also evolutionary older than expected, leaving the question whether asexual vertebrates are not only rare because of their 'inferior' mode of reproduction but also because of other reasons. A paradigmatic model system is the unisexual Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, that arose by hybridization of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, as the maternal ancestor, and the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna, as the paternal ancestor. Our extensive crossing experiments failed to resynthesize asexually reproducing (gynogenetic) hybrids confirming results of previous studies. However, by producing diploid eggs, female F(1) -hybrids showed apparent preadaptation to gynogenesis. In a range-wide analysis of mitochondrial sequences, we examined the origin of P. formosa. Our analyses point to very few or even a single origin(s) of its lineage, which is estimated to be approximately 120,000 years old. A monophyletic origin was supported from nuclear microsatellite data. Furthermore, a considerable degree of genetic variation, apparent by high levels of clonal microsatellite diversity, was found. Our molecular phylogenetic evidence and the failure to resynthesize the gynogenetic P. formosa together with the old age of the species indicate that some unisexual vertebrates might be rare not because they suffer the long-term consequences of clonal reproduction but because they are only very rarely formed as a result of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes and phenotypes ('rare formation hypothesis').


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Adherens junctions (AJs) and cell polarity complexes are key players in the establishment and maintenance of apical-basal cell polarity. Loss of AJs or basolateral polarity components promotes tumor formation and metastasis. Recent studies in vertebrate models show that loss of AJs or loss of the basolateral component Scribble (Scrib) cause deregulation of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway and hyperactivation of its downstream effectors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). However, whether AJs and Scrib act through the same or independent mechanisms to regulate Hippo pathway activity is not known. Here, we dissect how disruption of AJs or loss of basolateral components affect the activity of the Drosophila YAP homolog Yorkie (Yki) during imaginal disc development. Surprisingly, disruption of AJs and loss of basolateral proteins produced very different effects on Yki activity. Yki activity was cell-autonomously decreased but non-cell-autonomously elevated in tissues where the AJ components E-cadherin (E-cad) or α-catenin (α-cat) were knocked down. In contrast, scrib knockdown caused a predominantly cell-autonomous activation of Yki. Moreover, disruption of AJs or basolateral proteins had different effects on cell polarity and tissue size. Simultaneous knockdown of α-cat and scrib induced both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous Yki activity. In mammalian cells, knockdown of E-cad or α-cat caused nuclear accumulation and activation of YAP without overt effects on Scrib localization and vice versa. Therefore, our results indicate the existence of multiple, genetically separable inputs from AJs and cell polarity complexes into Yki/YAP regulation.


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Chromatin insulators are defined as transcriptionally neutral elements that prevent negative or positive influence from extending across chromatin to a promoter. Here we show that yeast subtelomeric anti-silencing regions behave as boundaries to telomere-driven silencing and also allow discontinuous propagation of silent chromatin. These two facets of insulator activity, boundary and silencing discontinuity, can be recapitulated by tethering various transcription activation domains to tandem sites on DNA. Importantly, we show that these insulator activities do not involve direct transcriptional activation of the reporter promoter. These findings predict that certain promoters behave as insulators and partition genomes in functionally independent domains.


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Somatic copy number aberrations (CNA) represent a mutation type encountered in the majority of cancer genomes. Here, we present the 2014 edition of arrayMap (http://www.arraymap.org), a publicly accessible collection of pre-processed oncogenomic array data sets and CNA profiles, representing a vast range of human malignancies. Since the initial release, we have enhanced this resource both in content and especially with regard to data mining support. The 2014 release of arrayMap contains more than 64,000 genomic array data sets, representing about 250 tumor diagnoses. Data sets included in arrayMap have been assembled from public repositories as well as additional resources, and integrated by applying custom processing pipelines. Online tools have been upgraded for a more flexible array data visualization, including options for processing user provided, non-public data sets. Data integration has been improved by mapping to multiple editions of the human reference genome, with the majority of the data now being available for the UCSC hg18 as well as GRCh37 versions. The large amount of tumor CNA data in arrayMap can be freely downloaded by users to promote data mining projects, and to explore special events such as chromothripsis-like genome patterns.


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AbstractThe Chlamydiales order is an important bacterial phylum that comprises some of the most successful human pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Since some years, several new bacteria related to Chlamydia have been discovered in clinical or environmental samples and might represent emerging pathogens. The genome sequencing of classical Chlamydia has brought invaluable information on these obligate intracellular bacteria otherwise difficult to study due to the lack of tools to perform basic genetic manipulation. The recent emergence of high-throughput sequencing technologies yielding millions of reads in a short time lowered the costs of genome sequencing and thus represented a unique opportunity to study Chlamydia-re\ated bacteria. Based on the sequencing and the analysis of Chlamydiales genomes, this thesis provides significant insights into the genetic determinants of the intracellular lifestyle, the pathogenicity, the metabolism and the evolution of Chlamydia-related bacteria. A first approach showed the efficacy of rapid sequencing coupled to proteomics to identify immunogenic proteins. This method, particularly useful for an emerging pathogen such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, enabled us to discover good candidates for the development of diagnostic tools that would permit to evaluate at larger scale the role of this bacterium in disease. Second, the complete genome of Waddlia chondrophila, a potential agent of miscarriage, encodes numerous virulence factors to manipulate its host cell and resist to environmental stresses. The reconstruction of metabolic pathways showed that the bacterium possesses extensive capabilities compared to related organisms. However, it is still incapable of synthesizing some essential components and thus has to import them from its host. Third, the genome comparison of Protochlamydia naegleriophila to its closest known relative Protochlamydia amoebophila revealed a particular evolutionary dynamic with the occurrence of an unexpected genome rearrangement. Fourth, a phylogenetic analysis of P. acanthamoebae and Legionella drancourtii identified several genes probably exchanged by horizontal gene transfer with other intracellular bacteria that might occur within their amoebal host. These genes often encode mechanisms for resistance to metal or toxic compounds. As a whole, the analysis of the different genomes enabled us to highlight a large diversity in size, GC percentage, repeat content as well as plasmid organization. The abundant genomic data obtained during this thesis have a wide impact since they provide the necessary bases for detailed investigations on countless aspects of the biology and the evolution of Chlamydia-related bacteria, whether in wet lab or by bioinformatical analyses.RésuméL'ordre des Chlamydiales est un important phylum bactérien qui comprend de nombreuses espèces pathogènes pour l'homme et les animaux, dont Chlamydia trachomatis, responsable du trachome, la cause majeure de cécité d'origine infectieuse à travers le monde. Durant ces dernières décennies, de nombreuses bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia ont été découvertes dans des échantillons environnementaux ou cliniques mais leur éventuel rôle pathogène dans le développement de maladies reste peu connu. Ces bactéries sont des intracellulaires obligatoires car elles ont besoin d'une cellule hôte pour se multiplier, ce qui rend leur étude particulièrement difficile. Le développement de nouvelles technologies permettant de séquencer le génome d'un organisme rapidement et à moindre coût ainsi que l'essor des méthodes d'analyse s'y rapportant représentent une opportunité exceptionnelle d'étudier ces organismes. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse démontre l'utilité de la génomique pour développer de nouveaux outils diagnostiques ainsi que pour étudier le métabolisme de ces bactéries, leurs facteurs de virulence et leur évolution.Ainsi, une première approche a illustré l'utilité d'un séquençage rapide pour obtenir les informations nécessaires à l'identification de protéines qui sont reconnues par des anticorps humains ou animaux. Cette méthode, particulièrement utile pour un pathogène émergent tel que Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, a permis de découvrir de bons candidats pour le développement d'un outil diagnostique qui permettrait d'évaluer à plus large échelle le rôle de cette bactérie notamment dans la pneumonie. L'analyse du contenu génique de Waddlia chondrophila, un autre germe qui pourrait être impliqué dans les avortements et tes fausses-couches, a en outre mis en évidence la présence de nombreux facteurs connus qui lui permettent de manipuler son hôte. Cette bactérie possède de plus grandes capacités métaboliques que les autres Chlamydia, mais elle est incapable de synthétiser certains composants et doit donc les importer de son hôte pour subvenir à ses besoins. La comparaison du génome de Protochlamydia naegleriophila à son plus proche parent, Protochlamydia amoebophila, a dévoilé une évolution dynamique particulière avec l'occurrence d'un réarrangement majeur inattendu après la séparation de ces deux espèces. En outre, ces études ont montré l'occurrence de plusieurs transferts de gène avec d'autres organismes plus éloignés, notamment d'autres intracellulaires d'amibes, souvent pour l'acquisition de mécanismes de résistances à des composés toxiques. Les données génomiques acquises durant ce travail posent les fondements nécessaires a de nombreuses analyses qui permettront progressivement de mieux comprendre de nombreux aspects de ces bactéries fascinantes.