134 resultados para Preference reversals
In parasites, host specificity may result either from restricted dispersal capacity or from fixed coevolutionary host-parasite adaptations. Knowledge of those proximal mechanisms leading to particular host specificity is fundamental to understand host-parasite interactions and potential coevolution of parasites and hosts. The relative importance of these two mechanisms was quantified through infection and cross-infection experiments using mites and bats as a model. Monospecific pools of parasitic mites (Spinturnix myoti and S. andegavinus) were subjected either to individual bats belonging to their traditional, native bat host species, or to another substitute host species within the same bat genus (Myotis). The two parasite species reacted differently to these treatments. S. myoti exhibited a clear preference for, and had a higher fitness on, its native host, Myotis myotis. In contrast, S. andegavinus showed no host choice, although its fitness was higher on its native host M. daubentoni. The causal mechanisms mediating host specificity can apparently differ within closely related host-parasite systems.
Chemosensation is the detection of chemical signals in the environment that enable an animal to make informed decisions about food choice, mate preference or predator detection. Dissecting the molecular and neural mechanisms by which animals detect chemical cues is an important goal towards understanding how they interact with the environment. An attractive system to dissect the mechanisms of chemosensation is the olfactory system. One of the most-investigated olfactory systems is that of Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism that is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and physiological analyses. Embedded within the antennal olfactory organ of Drosophila is an unusual sensory structure called the sacculus. The sacculus is comprised of three distinct chambers, each lined with several sensilla housing two to three neurons. Previous morphological, anatomical and surgical studies of sacculus neurons have implicated sacculus neurons in chemosensation, hygrosensation and/or thermosensation. While a subset of sacculus neurons have been physiologically characterised as temperature sensors, the role of this organ has remained largely mysterious, due to its inaccessibility to peripheral electrophysiological analysis. Recently a new family of olfactory receptors, the lonotropic Receptors (IRs), was identified. Five IRs are expressed in sacculus neurons providing the first selective molecular markers for these cells. In this thesis I describe the molecular, physiological and anatomical characterisation of these neurons. Genetic labelling of specific populations of sacculus neurons with anatomical (CD8:GFP) reporters has identified neurons in sacculus chambers I and II express IR40a+IR93a together with their co- receptor IR25a, while neurons in chamber III express IR64a with its co-receptor IR8a. Both these sets of neurons project to two distinct glomeruli in the antennal lobe; IR40a neurons project to the column and arm, IR64a neurons project to DC4 and DP1m. Through a live optical imaging screen I showed that these neurons are indeed olfactory and IR64a neurons recognise acidic ligands, while IR40a neurons recognise amine ligands. IR40a and IR64a neurons are in fact composed of anatomically and physiologically distinct subpopulations, strongly implying the existence of other factors that define their functional properties. My thesis identifies the sacculus as a specialised olfactory organ capable of detecting acids and bases, which are of widespread importance to insects. The data from my thesis along with data from other labs show the sacculus is composed of different populations of olfactory sensory neurons and thermosensory neurons. Comparative genomic analysis of sacculus IRs across insects reveals them to be among the most conserved of this receptor repertoire, suggesting that the sacculus represents an evolutionarily ancient insect olfactory acid-base sensor. - La détection des produits chimiques se trouvant dans l'environnement (perception chimiosensorielle) permet à un animal de choisir sa nourriture, son partenaire ou encore d'identifier ses prédateurs. Décortiquer les mécanismes moléculaires et neuronaux grâce auxquels les animaux détectent ces signaux chimiques permet de comprendre comment ces animaux interagissent avec leur environnement. Un système intéressant pour décortiquer ces mécanismes de perception chimiosensorielle est le système olfactif, de la drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre. C'est un animal modèle très utile grâce à la combinaison d'outils génétiques puissants et d'analyses physiologiques facilement réalisables. Dans l'antenne de la drosophile, qui est l'organe olfactif principal de cet animal, se trouve une structure appelée sacculus. Celui-ci est composé de trois chambres distinctes, chacune comprenant plusieurs sensilles à l'intérieur desquelles se trouvent deux à trois neurones. De précédentes études morphologiques et anatomiques des ces neurones ont déterminé qu'ils sont impliqués dans la perception des odeurs, de l'humidité et de la température. Malgré ceci, la fonction principale de cet organe reste largement inconnue, principalement car il est inaccessible aux analyses électrophysiologiques. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de soixante-six récepteurs olfactifs, nommés Récepteurs lonotropiques (IRs), a été découverte chez la drosophile. Cinq IRs sont exprimés dans les neurones du sacculus. Pour la première fois, une sélection de marqueurs moléculaires est disponible pour l'étude de ces cellules. Dans cette thèse, les caractéristiques moléculaires, physiologiques et anatomiques des neurones du sacculus sont décrites. Ces populations de neurones situés dans le sacculus ont été marquées avec des gènes rapporteurs (CD8:GFP). Ceci a montré que les récepteurs IR40a et IR93a sont exprimés ensemble avec le co-récepteur IR25a dans les chambres I et II, tandis que les neurones de la chambre III expriment IR64a avec son co-récepteur IR8a. Ces deux groupes de neurones projettent vers deux glomérules distincts du lobe antennaire : les neurones IR40a projettent vers la column et le arm, alors que les neurones IR64a projettent vers DC4 et DP1m. Un screen d'imagerie optique a démontré que ces neurones sont en effet des neurones olfactifs, et que les neurones IR64a reconnaissent des ligands acides, tandis que les neurones IR40a reconnaissent des ligands aminés. De plus, les neurones IR40a et IR64a sont séparés en sous-populations distinctes anatomiquement et physiologiquement, et d'autres facteurs permettant de définir leurs propriétés fonctionnelles sont probablement impliqués. Cette thèse identifie ainsi le sacculus comme un organe olfactif spécialisé capable de détecter des acides et amines, lesquels sont très importants pour les insectes. Toutes les données collectées durant cette thèse, combinées aux données d'autres laboratoires, montrent que le sacculus est composé de différentes populations de neurones olfactifs et thermosenseurs. Ces IRs sont très conservés parmi les insectes, suggérant que le sacculus représente révolution d'un ancien détecteur olfactif d'acides et de bases chez l'insecte. - Tous les animaux sont capables de percevoir les signaux chimiques dans leur environnement, comme les odeurs ou le goût, via différents organes. L'odorat est le sens qui permet de percevoir les odeurs, et il est implique des neurones olfactifs qui se trouvent dans le nez des mammifères ou les antennes des insectes. La capacité d'un neurone olfactif à détecter une molécule odorante dépend des types de récepteurs olfactifs qu'il exprime. Il existe deux grandes familles de récepteurs qui perçoivent les odeurs : les Récepteurs Olfactifs, ORs, et Récepteurs lonotropiques IRs, qui détectent différents types d'odeurs avec différents mécanismes. Lorsqu'un récepteur reconnaît une molécule odorante, il convertit ce signal en un signal électrique qui est ensuite transmis au centre olfactif dans le cerveau. La drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre, est utilisée comme animal modèle pour étudier l'odorat, parce que son génome entier a été séquencé et que ses gènes sont facilement manipulables. De plus, l'anatomie du système olfactif de la mouche est similaire à celui des mammifères, malgré qu'il possède moins de neurones, ce qui le rend moins complexe. Ma thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les Récepteurs lonotropiques dans un organe spécifique, appelé le sacculus, situé dans les antennes. Les neurones du sacculus exprimant des IRs envoient leurs projections au centre olfactif du cerveau, suggérant que ces neurones perçoivent les odeurs. Une technique d'imagerie optique a été utilisée sur le cerveau de mouches vivantes afin de mesurer la réponse des neurones du le sacculus à différentes odeurs. J'ai démontré que ces récepteurs détectent des acides et des amines, qui sont très importants pour les insectes. Par exemple, les acides se retrouvent dans les fruits mûrs sur lesquels les mouches vont se nourrir, s'accoupler et poser leurs oeufs, et les amines sont souvent produites par des bactéries pouvant être nuisible pour la mouche. La principale découverte de ma thèse est donc l'identification du sacculus comme un organe capable de détecter deux des principales odeurs importantes pour la mouche. Ces récepteurs sont aussi présents dans d'autres insectes où ils jouent peut-être des rôles différents. Les acides et les amines se retrouvent aussi dans les excrétions (comme la sueur ou l'urine) de beaucoup de mammifères, qui pourraient potentiellement être dangereux pour la mouche, mais qui attirent les moustiques se nourrissant de leur sang.
The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of living ostracods belonging to 15 different species and sampled monthly over a one year-cycle at five sites (2, 5, 13, 33, and 70 m water depths) in western Lake Geneva (Switzerland) are compared to the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions measured on the same samples as well as to the temperature and chemical composition of the water (δ18OH2O, δ13CDIC, Mg/CaH2O, and Sr/CaH2O) at the time of ostracod calcification. The results indicate that trace element incorporation varied at the species level, mainly because of the ecological and biological differences between the different species (life-cycle, (micro-)habitat preference, biomineralisation processes) and the control thereof on trace element incorporation of the ostracods. In littoral zones, the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of ostracod valves increase as temperature and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of water increase during spring and summer, hence reflecting mainly seasonal variations. However, given that for Lake Geneva the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of water also vary with temperature, it is not possible to distinguish the effects of temperature from those of changes in chemical composition of water on the trace element content in ostracod valves. Results support that both water temperature and water Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios control the final trace element content of Cyprididae valves. In contrast, the trace element content of species living in deeper zones of the basin is influenced by variations in the chemical composition of the pore water for the infaunal species. Trace element content measured for these specimens cannot, therefore, be used to reconstruct the compositions of the water lake bottom. In addition, incorporation of Mg and Sr into the shell differs from one family, sub-family, or even species to the other. This suggests that the distinctive Mg and Sr partition coefcients for the analysed taxa result from different valve calcification strategies that may be phylogenetic.
Division of labour among workers is central to the organisation and ecological success of insect societies. If there is a genetic component to worker size, morphology or task preference, an increase in colony genetic diversity arising from the presence of multiple breeders per colony might improve division of labour. We studied the genetic basis of worker size and task preference in Formica selysi, an ant species that shows natural variation in the number of mates per queen and the number of queens per colony. Worker size had a heritable component in colonies headed by a doubly mated queen (h(2)=0.26) and differed significantly among matrilines in multiple-queen colonies. However, higher levels of genetic diversity did not result in more polymorphic workers across single- or multiple-queen colonies. In addition, workers from multiple-queen colonies were consistently smaller and less polymorphic than workers from single-queen colonies. The relationship between task, body size and genetic lineage appeared to be complex. Foragers were significantly larger than brood-tenders, which may provide energetic or ergonomic advantages to the colony. Task specialisation was also often associated with genetic lineage. However, genetic lineage and body size were often correlated with task independently of each other, suggesting that the allocation of workers to tasks is modulated by multiple factors. Overall, these results indicate that an increase in colony genetic diversity does not increase worker size polymorphism but might improve colony homeostasis.
RÉSUMÉ Il existe dans la pratique de prescription des médicaments de grandes variations entre les hôpitaux. Ces variations sont d'origines multifactorielles, comme par exemple des traditions de prescriptions locales, des considérations pharmato-économiques, la disponibilité d'un médicament, des différences de population, la prévalence d'une maladie, etc. Les études disponibles sur les pratiques de prescription sont souvent réduites à un centre unique, à une région ou à un pays. L'emploi de méthodes et de définitions particulières a jusqu'à pressent limité des comparaisons plus étendues entre les pays et régions. Le but de cette étude est de comparer la pratique de prescription de nouveaux médicaments psychotropes dans des cliniques suisses et allemandes. Cinq hôpitaux psychiatriques ont été sélectionnés, faisant tous partie du projet AMSP, et représentant des cliniques suisses, allemandes, de niveau universitaire ou non. Des données sur 572 patients et 1745 prescriptions ont été collectées durant un jour précis. Les comparaisons ont été ajustées pour l'âge et le sexe. Une différence significative (p <0.001) a été trouvée dans la prescription de nouveaux médicaments antidépresseurs, les cliniciens suisses en donnant en moyenne plus (65.2%) que les allemands (48.3%). Aucune différence significative n'a été démontrée dans la prescription des nouveaux médicaments antipsychotiques atypiques. Il semble en conséquence que les psychiatres suisses ont une propension plus élevée à prescrire des nouveaux médicaments antidépresseurs. Cela semble être dû à des différences de traditions de prescriptions nationales ou régionales. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour investiguer les influences économiques sur la pratique de prescription dans des cliniques suisses et allemandes. SUMMARY Obiective: There are great variations between hospitals in the way drugs are prescribed and these variations may be due to multiple factors such as local prescribing traditions, pharmacoeconomic considerations, drug availability; regional differences of population, disease prevalence etc. Available studies on prescribing habits have, besides studies performed in a unique centre, until now often been restricted to single countries or regions and the comparisons across countries or regions have often been limited by the use of diverse methodologies and definitions. The aim of the present study was to compare drug prescriptions between German and Swiss psychiatric services with regard to their preference of newer psychotropics. Material, method: Five psychiatric hospitals, associated to the AMSP-project, were chosen to represent Swiss and German clinics, university and non-university settings. Data were available from one index day on 572 patients and 1745 prescriptions. The comparisons were adjusted for age and gender. Results: There was a significant difference (p < 0.001) with regard to the prescription of newer antidepressants (NAD), Swiss clinicians giving proportionally more (65.2 %) than the German psychiatrists (48.3 %). No significant difference was, on the other hand, found as to the proportion of atypical antipsychotics, the lack of difference being due to the higher proportion of clozapine among the atypical antipsychotics in Germany. Conclusion: There seems therefore to be a higher propensity for Swiss hospital psychiatrists to prescribe newer antidepressants. This seems to be due to national or regional prescribing traditions. Further studies are needed to investigate the economical influences on antidepressant prescribing in Swiss and German clinics.)
BACKGROUND: Studies about beverage preferences in a country in which wine drinking is relatively widespread (like Switzerland) are scarce. Therefore, the main aims of the present study were to examine the associations between beverage preferences and drinking patterns, alcohol-related consequences and the use of other substances among Swiss young men. METHODS: The analytical sample consisted of 5399 Swiss men who participated in the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) and had been drinking alcohol over the preceding 12 months. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to study the associations between preference for a particular beverage and (i) drinking patterns, (ii) negative alcohol-related consequences and (iii) the (at-risk) use of cigarettes, cannabis and other illicit drugs. RESULTS: Preference for beer was associated with risky drinking patterns and, comparable with a preference for strong alcohol, with the use of illicit substances (cannabis and other illicit drugs). In contrast, a preference for wine was associated with low-risk alcohol consumption and a reduced likelihood of experiencing at least four negative alcohol-related consequences or of daily cigarette smoking. Furthermore, the likelihood of negative outcomes (alcohol-related consequences; use of other substances) increased among people with risky drinking behaviours, independent of beverage preference. CONCLUSIONS: In our survey, beer preference was associated with risky drinking patterns and illicit drug use. Alcohol polices to prevent large quantities of alcohol consumption, especially of cheaper spirits like beer, should be considered to reduce total alcohol consumption and the negative consequences associated with these beverage types.
Abstract Invasive species represent with fragmentation of habitat the most serious threats to biodiversity in the world. Galápagos Archipelago, as most oceanic islands, suffers a high rate of introduced animals and plants that affect equilibrium and biodiversity of this unique biota. Ants rank among the most devastating invaders. Their social organization confer them a high ability to adapt and to spread in new environments forming rapidly populous communities. We studied the ant community of Floreana Island composed mainly of introduced species (at least 1 S). Introduction events occurred successively during last century. The last record is Monomorium destructor arrived in the eighties. Our aim is to investigate the modalities of interaction and coexistence of these introduced species. We highlighted the competition hierarchy of the coexisting species using attractive food baits. Two species behave as competitively dominant by monopolizing an important part of resources. They are M. destructor restricted to a small area and the fire ant Solenopsis geminata widely distributed on the island. Then we evaluated the relative importance of abiotic factors and interspecific competition in structuring the community. Ecological data were collected and presence and abundance of species were estimated using different methods in a wide range of habitats. Several species showed preferences either for arid or for humid areas. The little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, awell-known devastating species when introduced, was exclusively found in moist habitat in and around the agricultural area situated in the upper and central part of thé island. It coexists with other species in several parts but in a restricted perimeter it excludes all other ants and worker's density on the ground is nearly 70 times higher than ant's density in similar habitats occupied by several species. But most opportunist tramp species establish everywhere without particular ecological requirement. Analyses of species co-occurrences at various levels didn't reveal any marked effect of competition in structuring ant's assemblages. We supposed that the lack ofcompetition-derived structure has to be attributed to the dynamic of the system. Indeed, across the successive census of 1996, 2003, 2004 and 2005, species distributions and abundances appeared to be highly variables. In particular harsh conditions occurring in dry season in certain parts seem to be limiting to S. geminatai. We suggest that huge variations in the local distribution of the dominant S. geminata disrupt the community organization. Finally we conducted artificial ant confrontations to evaluate to what extend an aggressive behavior at the worker level maybe linked to the ecological success of a species on the island. S. geminata was rather indifferent when confronted to a submissive species on food sources, suggesting that its competitive dominance is largely due to a numerical superiority. On the other hand M. destructor exhibits a strong agonistic behavior in similar confrontations. As soon as the presence of a competitor is detected, most workers were observed to abandon foraging and to take part in physical aggressions. Since it is still restricted nearby its introduction spot two decades after its arrival, we suggest that the energetic cost of such an aggressive behavior prevent it to spread on that island already highly colonized. Dominant invasive species such as the fire ants S. geminata and W. auropunctata have negative impacts on Galápagos fauna, disturbing the hatching of land tortoises and birds. But very little is known about the impact of other exotic ants. Indeed, impact on arthropods and generally on ground-dwelling organisms is very diffcult to evaluate. As a consequence of the dynamic character of Floreana I. ant community it is difficult to build models or to málce predictions on evolution of introduced ant fauna. But Camponotus macilentus, an abundant endemic species seems today to be little affected by introduced ant species thanks to its strong interference competition ability and its preference for arid and harsh environments. Résumé Les espèces envahissantes représentent, avec la fragmentation du paysage, la plus grande menace pour la biodiversité. L'archipel des Galápagos, comme la plupart des îles du Pacifique, compte un grand nombre d'espèces introduites qui menacent la biodiversité de ce milieu unique.. Les fourmis sont parmi les envahisseurs les plus dévastateurs. Leur organisation sociale leur permet de s'adapter et de se propager pour devenir rapidement abondantes. Nous avons étudié la communauté de fourmis sur l'île de Floreana principalement composée d'espèces introduites (au moins 15). Les introductions se sont succédées au cours du siècle précédent. La dernière espèce recensée est Monomorium destructor introduite dans les années 80. Notre objectif est de mettre à jour les modalités des interactions et de la coexistence de ces espèces introduites. Nous avons mis en évidence la hiérarchie de compétition des différentes espèces à l'aide d'appâts de nourriture. Deux espèces se comportent de façon dominante en monopolisant une part importante des ressources. Ce sont M. destructor, restreintes à un petit périmètre, et la fourmi de feu Solenopsis geminata, largement distribuée sur l'île. Nous avons évalué l'importance relative des facteurs abiotiques et de la compétition interspécifique dans la structuration des peuplements. Des données écologiques ont été collectées et la présence et l'abondance des espèces ont été estimées à l'aide de trois méthodes au sein d'une grande diversité d'habitats. Plusieurs espèces .montrent des préférences soit pour les milieux humides, soit pour les milieux arides. La petite fourmi de feu Wasmannia auropunctata, une espèce connue pour être dévastatrice dans ses sites d'introduction, est présente exclusivement dans les habitats humides dans et à proximité de la zone agricole située dans la partie centrale de l'île. Elle coexiste en plusieurs points avec d'autres espèces mais au sein d'un périmètre restreint elle exclut toute autre fourmi et atteint des densités record au sol presque 70 fois supérieures aux densités de fourmis observées sur les sites voisins occupés par plusieurs espèces. Mais la plupart des espèces vagabondes opportunistes s'établissent partout sans exigences écologiques particulières. Des analyses de cooccurrence d'espèces à plusieurs niveaux n'ont pas révélé de rôle marqué de la compétition dans la structuration des communautés. Nous supposons que l'absence d'une telle structure doit être attribuée à la dynamique du système. En effet, au cours des différents recensements de 1996-1997, 2003, 2004 et 2005, la distribution et l'abondance des espèces était très variable. En particulier, les conditions rudes qui règnent dans la zone aride durant la saison sèche semblent affecter particulièrement S. geminata. Nous suggérons que de fortes variations dans la distribution de l'espèce dominante perturbent l'orgaiùsation des communautés. Finalement nous avons effectué des confrontations artificielles pour évaluer dans quelle mesure un comportement agressif au niveau de l'ouvrière peut être lié au succès écologique d'une espèce sur l'île. S. geminata montre très peu de réaction face à une espèce subordonnée sur une même source de nourriture, ce qui laisse supposer que sa dominance est largement due à sa supériorité numérique. Par contre, dans des conditions similaires, M. destructor est fortement agressive. En présence d'un compétiteur, la plupart des ouvrières renoncent très vite à leur activité de fourragement pour agresser les individus de l'autre espèce. Puisque deux décennies après son introduction elle est toujours confinée à son point d'arrivée, nous supposons que le coût en énergie et en ouvrières de ce comportement très agressif est un obstacle à son expansion sur cette île déjà fortement colonisée. Les espèces envahissantes dominantes comme les fourmis de feu S. geminata et W. auropunctata sont connues pour leur impact négatif sur la faune des Galápagos, entre autre sur les jeunes des tortues terrestres et des oiseaux. Mais nous savons très peu de choses sur l'impact des autres espèces de fourmis introduites. En effet, l'impact sur les arthropodes, et plus généralement sur la faune du sol, est très difficile à évaluer. En raison du caractère dynamique de la communauté de fourmi de Floreana, il est difficile de construire des modèles et de faire des prédictions sur l'évolution des peuplements de fourmis introduites. Mais Camponotus macilentus, une espèce endémique abondante, semble aujourd'hui peu affectée par les espèces introduites grâce à ses capacités de compétition par interférence et sa préférence pour les milieux arides. Resumen Las, especies invasoras representan, junto con la fragmentación del paisaje, la mayor amenaza para la biodiversidad. El archipiélago de Galápagos, como la mayoría de las islas del Pacífico, cuenta con un gran número de especies introducidas que amenazan la biodiversidad de este lugar único. Las hormigas son uno de los invasores más devastadores. Su organización social les permite adaptarse y propagarse para ser rápidamente abundante. Estudiamos la comunidad de hormigas de la isla Floreana principalmente compuesta de especies introducidas (al menos 15). Las introducciones se sucedieron durante el siglo anterior. La última especie contabilizada es Monomorium destructor introducida en los años 80. Nuestro objetivo es poner al día las modalidades de las interacciones y de la coexistencia de estas especies introducidas. Pusimos de relieve la jerarquía de competencia de las distintas especies con ayuda de cebos de comida. Dos especies se implican de manera dominante monopolizando una parte importante de los recursos. Son M. destructor, limitado a un pequeño perímetro, y la hormiga de fuego Solenopsis geminata; ampliamente distribuida por la isla. Evaluamos la importancia relativa de los factores abióticos y de la competencia interespecífica en la estructuración de la communidad. Se recogieron algunos datos ecológicos y se consideraron la presencia y la abundancia de las especies con ayuda de tres métodos en una gran diversidad de hábitats. Varias especies muestran preferencias o por los medios húmedos, o por los medios áridos. La pequeña hormiga de fuego Wasmannia auropunctata, una especie conocida por ser devastadora en sus lugares de introducción, está presente exclusivamente en los hábitats húmedos y cerca de la zona agrícola situada en la parte central de la isla. Coexiste en varios puntos con otras especies pero en un perímetro limitado excluye a cualquier otra hormiga y alcanza densidades en el suelo casi 70 veces superiores a las densidades de hormigas observadas en los lugares vecinos ocupados por varias especies. Pero la mayoría de las especies vagabundas oportunistas se establecen por todas partes sin exigencias ecológicas particulares. Análisis de cooccurrencía de las especies a varios niveles no revelaron una grande importancía de la competencia en la estructuración de las comunidades. Suponemos que la ausencia de tal estructura Bebé ser por la dinámica del sistema. Efectivamente, durante los distintos censos de 1996-1997, 2003,.2004 y 2005, la distribución ? la abundancia de las especies eran muy variables. En particular, las condiciones drásticas que reinan en la zona árida durante la temporada seca parecen afectar especialmente a S. geminata. Sugerimos que fuertes variaciones en la distribución de la especie dominante perturben la organización de las comunidades. Finalmente efectuamos confrontaciones artificiales para evaluar hastá que punto un comportamiento agresivo a nivel de la obrera puede explicar el éxito ecológico de una especie en la isla. S. geminata muestra muy poca reacción ante una especie subordinada mientras comparten la misma comida, lo que deja suponer que su dominancia se debe a su superioridad numérica. Por el contrario, en condiciones similares, M. destructor es muy agresivo. En presencia de otra especie, la mayóría de las obreras renuncian muy rápidamente a alimentarse para atacar a los individuos de la otra especie. Puesto que dos décadas después de su introducción todavía se confina en su punto de llegada, suponemos que el coste en energía y en obreras de este comportamiento muy agresivo es un obstáculo a su extensión en esta isla ya muy colonizada. Las especiés invasoras dominantes como las hormigas de fuego S. geminata y W. auropunctata son conocidas por su impacto negativo en la fauna de Galápagos, entre otras cosas sobre los juveniles de las tortugas terrestres y pájaros. Pero sabemos muy poco sobre el impacto de las otras especies de hormigas introducidas. Efectivamente es muy difïcil de evaluar el impacto en los artrópodos, y más generalmente en la fauna del suelo. Debido al carácter dinámico de la comunidad de hormiga de Floreana, es diEcil construir modelos y hacer predicciones sobre la evolución de las poblaciones de hormigas introducidas. Pero Camponotus macilentus, una especie endémica abundante, parece poco afectadá hoy por las especies introducidas gracias a sus capacidades de competencia por interferencia y su preferencia por los medios áridos.
It is commonly found that young people tend to adopt the political party choice of their parents. However, far less is known about the applicability of this theory when investigating radical right support. Using the Swiss Household panel data (1999e2007), this study empirically identifies the relationship between parents' preference for the Swiss radical right party SVP and their attitudes toward immigrants and the EU, and their offspring's preference for the SVP. Disaggregating fathers' and mothers' influence reveals that in particular, mothers' SVP support plays a role in SVP support among young people, even after controlling for educational similarities. We also demonstrate that girls are more likely to be influenced by their mothers than are boys. Furthermore, parents' negative attitudes toward the EU exert a positive influence on their children's radical right voting, independent of their voting pattern.
General Introduction This thesis can be divided into two main parts :the first one, corresponding to the first three chapters, studies Rules of Origin (RoOs) in Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs); the second part -the fourth chapter- is concerned with Anti-Dumping (AD) measures. Despite wide-ranging preferential access granted to developing countries by industrial ones under North-South Trade Agreements -whether reciprocal, like the Europe Agreements (EAs) or NAFTA, or not, such as the GSP, AGOA, or EBA-, it has been claimed that the benefits from improved market access keep falling short of the full potential benefits. RoOs are largely regarded as a primary cause of the under-utilization of improved market access of PTAs. RoOs are the rules that determine the eligibility of goods to preferential treatment. Their economic justification is to prevent trade deflection, i.e. to prevent non-preferred exporters from using the tariff preferences. However, they are complex, cost raising and cumbersome, and can be manipulated by organised special interest groups. As a result, RoOs can restrain trade beyond what it is needed to prevent trade deflection and hence restrict market access in a statistically significant and quantitatively large proportion. Part l In order to further our understanding of the effects of RoOs in PTAs, the first chapter, written with Pr. Olivier Cadot, Celine Carrère and Pr. Jaime de Melo, describes and evaluates the RoOs governing EU and US PTAs. It draws on utilization-rate data for Mexican exports to the US in 2001 and on similar data for ACP exports to the EU in 2002. The paper makes two contributions. First, we construct an R-index of restrictiveness of RoOs along the lines first proposed by Estevadeordal (2000) for NAFTA, modifying it and extending it for the EU's single-list (SL). This synthetic R-index is then used to compare Roos under NAFTA and PANEURO. The two main findings of the chapter are as follows. First, it shows, in the case of PANEURO, that the R-index is useful to summarize how countries are differently affected by the same set of RoOs because of their different export baskets to the EU. Second, it is shown that the Rindex is a relatively reliable statistic in the sense that, subject to caveats, after controlling for the extent of tariff preference at the tariff-line level, it accounts for differences in utilization rates at the tariff line level. Finally, together with utilization rates, the index can be used to estimate total compliance costs of RoOs. The second chapter proposes a reform of preferential Roos with the aim of making them more transparent and less discriminatory. Such a reform would make preferential blocs more "cross-compatible" and would therefore facilitate cumulation. It would also contribute to move regionalism toward more openness and hence to make it more compatible with the multilateral trading system. It focuses on NAFTA, one of the most restrictive FTAs (see Estevadeordal and Suominen 2006), and proposes a way forward that is close in spirit to what the EU Commission is considering for the PANEURO system. In a nutshell, the idea is to replace the current array of RoOs by a single instrument- Maximum Foreign Content (MFC). An MFC is a conceptually clear and transparent instrument, like a tariff. Therefore changing all instruments into an MFC would bring improved transparency pretty much like the "tariffication" of NTBs. The methodology for this exercise is as follows: In step 1, I estimate the relationship between utilization rates, tariff preferences and RoOs. In step 2, I retrieve the estimates and invert the relationship to get a simulated MFC that gives, line by line, the same utilization rate as the old array of Roos. In step 3, I calculate the trade-weighted average of the simulated MFC across all lines to get an overall equivalent of the current system and explore the possibility of setting this unique instrument at a uniform rate across lines. This would have two advantages. First, like a uniform tariff, a uniform MFC would make it difficult for lobbies to manipulate the instrument at the margin. This argument is standard in the political-economy literature and has been used time and again in support of reductions in the variance of tariffs (together with standard welfare considerations). Second, uniformity across lines is the only way to eliminate the indirect source of discrimination alluded to earlier. Only if two countries face uniform RoOs and tariff preference will they face uniform incentives irrespective of their initial export structure. The result of this exercise is striking: the average simulated MFC is 25% of good value, a very low (i.e. restrictive) level, confirming Estevadeordal and Suominen's critical assessment of NAFTA's RoOs. Adopting a uniform MFC would imply a relaxation from the benchmark level for sectors like chemicals or textiles & apparel, and a stiffening for wood products, papers and base metals. Overall, however, the changes are not drastic, suggesting perhaps only moderate resistance to change from special interests. The third chapter of the thesis considers whether Europe Agreements of the EU, with the current sets of RoOs, could be the potential model for future EU-centered PTAs. First, I have studied and coded at the six-digit level of the Harmonised System (HS) .both the old RoOs -used before 1997- and the "Single list" Roos -used since 1997. Second, using a Constant Elasticity Transformation function where CEEC exporters smoothly mix sales between the EU and the rest of the world by comparing producer prices on each market, I have estimated the trade effects of the EU RoOs. The estimates suggest that much of the market access conferred by the EAs -outside sensitive sectors- was undone by the cost-raising effects of RoOs. The chapter also contains an analysis of the evolution of the CEECs' trade with the EU from post-communism to accession. Part II The last chapter of the thesis is concerned with anti-dumping, another trade-policy instrument having the effect of reducing market access. In 1995, the Uruguay Round introduced in the Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA) a mandatory "sunset-review" clause (Article 11.3 ADA) under which anti-dumping measures should be reviewed no later than five years from their imposition and terminated unless there was a serious risk of resumption of injurious dumping. The last chapter, written with Pr. Olivier Cadot and Pr. Jaime de Melo, uses a new database on Anti-Dumping (AD) measures worldwide to assess whether the sunset-review agreement had any effect. The question we address is whether the WTO Agreement succeeded in imposing the discipline of a five-year cycle on AD measures and, ultimately, in curbing their length. Two methods are used; count data analysis and survival analysis. First, using Poisson and Negative Binomial regressions, the count of AD measures' revocations is regressed on (inter alia) the count of "initiations" lagged five years. The analysis yields a coefficient on measures' initiations lagged five years that is larger and more precisely estimated after the agreement than before, suggesting some effect. However the coefficient estimate is nowhere near the value that would give a one-for-one relationship between initiations and revocations after five years. We also find that (i) if the agreement affected EU AD practices, the effect went the wrong way, the five-year cycle being quantitatively weaker after the agreement than before; (ii) the agreement had no visible effect on the United States except for aone-time peak in 2000, suggesting a mopping-up of old cases. Second, the survival analysis of AD measures around the world suggests a shortening of their expected lifetime after the agreement, and this shortening effect (a downward shift in the survival function postagreement) was larger and more significant for measures targeted at WTO members than for those targeted at non-members (for which WTO disciplines do not bind), suggesting that compliance was de jure. A difference-in-differences Cox regression confirms this diagnosis: controlling for the countries imposing the measures, for the investigated countries and for the products' sector, we find a larger increase in the hazard rate of AD measures covered by the Agreement than for other measures.
Using data from the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) and combining a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach (N = 8,148 and n = 43, respectively), this study investigates the mechanisms associated with a lack of acceptance by one's family. From the total NKPS sample, 12.1% did not feel (entirely) accepted by their family. The authors hypothesized that people may not feel accepted by their family when they are "difficult," for example, by exhibiting personal problems; another reason might be that they are "different," for instance, because they have made nontraditional life course transitions or differ from their parents in educational level or religious preference. Both quantitative and qualitative results confirm the first hypothesis rather than the second. Qualitative results revealed a gender difference in the mechanisms associated with a lack of acceptance by one's family as well as differences in the resilience of those who had had a difficult family background.
Formica lugubris and E paralugubris are sympatric sibling species of wood ants, both of which are widely distributed in Switzerland. Until 1996 they were considered the same species, E lugubris. To investigate whether the two species can be distinguished based on discrimination cues used by the workers we used the pupa-carrying test first introduced by Rainer Rosengren. In this test workers of discriminator colonies are faced with two kinds of pupae and their preferences for one of the types are recorded based on differential retrieval. Interspecific comparisons showed that ants preferred conspecific worker pupae to those of the sibling species regardless whether the pupae were con-colonial or hetero-colonial. Hence, this test can be used as a taxonomic tool to identify wood ants hardly distinguishable by morphological characters. In intraspecific comparisons the highly polygynous (many queens per colony) E paralugubris, the polygynous form of E lugubris and the monogynous (single queen per nest) to weakly polygynous form of E lugubris expressed different trends in their preference behaviour (with nestmate recognition in 14%, 20% and 31% of replicates, respectively). Only F paralugubris presented no significant nestmate recognition.
Sampling of an industrial drill string from the northeastern Paris Basin (Montcornet, France) provides early Jurassic magnetostratigraphic data coupled with biochronological control. About 375 paleomagnetic samples were obtained from a 145 m thick series of Pliensbachian rocks. A composite demagnetization thermal up to 300 C and an alternating field up to 80 mT were used to separate the magnetic components. A low unblocking temperature component (<250degreesC) with an inclination of about 64 is interpreted as a present-day field overprint. The characteristic remanent component with both normal and reversed antipodal directions was isolated between 5 and 50 mT. Twenty-nine polarity intervals were recognized. Correlation of these new results from the Paris Basin with data from the Breggia Gorge section (Ticino, southern Alps, Switzerland), which is generally considered as the reference section for Pliensbachian magnetostratigraphy, reveals almost identical patterns of magnetic polarity reversals. However, the correlation implies significant paleontological age discrepancies. Revised age assignments of biostratigraphic data of Breggia as well as an objective evaluation of the uncertainties on zonal boundaries in both Breggia and Moncornet resolve the initial discrepancies between magnetostratigraphic correlations and biostratigraphic ages. Hence, the sequence of magnetic reversals is significantly strengthened and the age calibration is notably improved for the Pliensbachian, a stage for which sections combining adequate magnetic signal and biostratigraphic constraints are still very few. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to assess the expectations of adolescents with chronic disorders with regard to transition from pediatric to adult health care and to compare them with the expectations of their parents. A cross-sectional study was carried out including 283 adolescents with chronic disorders, aged 14-25 years (median age, 16.0 years), and not yet transferred to adult health care, and their 318 parents from two university children's hospitals. The majority of adolescents and parents (64%/70%) perceived the ages of 18-19 years and older as the best time to transfer to adult health care. Chronological age and feeling too old to see a pediatrician were reported as the most important decision factors for the transfer while the severity of the disease was not considered important. The most relevant barriers were feeling at ease with the pediatrician (45%/38%), anxiety (20%/24%), and lack of information about the adult specialist and health care (18%/27%). Of the 51% of adolescents with whom the pediatric specialist had spoken about the transfer, 53% of adolescents and 69% of parents preferred a joint transfer meeting with the pediatric and adult specialist, and 24% of these adolescents declared that their health professional had offered this option. In summary, the age preference for adolescents with chronic disorders and their parents to transfer to adult health care was higher than the upper age limits for admission to pediatric health care in many European countries. Anxiety and a lack of information of both adolescents and their parents were among the most important barriers for a smooth and timely transfer according to adolescents and parents.
Whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) inhabit water surfaces and possess unique eyes which are split into the overwater and underwater parts. In this study we analyze the micro- and nanostructure of the split eyes of two Gyrinidae beetles genera, Gyrinus and Orectochilus. We find that corneae of the overwater ommatidia are covered with maze-like nanostructures, while the corneal surface of the underwater eyes is smooth. We further show that the overwater nanostructures possess no anti-wetting, but the anti-reflective properties with the spectral preference in the range of 450-600 nm. These findings illustrate the adaptation of the corneal nanocoating of the two halves of an insect's eye to two different environments. The novel natural anti-reflective nanocoating we describe may find future technological applications.
Venous thromboembolic (VTE) disease is frequent and questions regarding its treatment or prevention are numerous. This review is aimed at summarizing and pointing out the novelties on VTE treatment and prevention recently published in the Chest journal earlier this year (8th edition of ACCP guidelines). Generally, the aim of guidelines and of this review as well, is to offer guidance to practictioners in making the most appropriate choice for treating or preventing VTE. They are not intended for strict application and doctors will always have to decide individually case by case taking into account patients preference and the risk-benefit balance.