175 resultados para Planar Surface Recognition


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Recent studies have pointed out a similarity between tectonics and slope tectonic-induced structures. Numerous studies have demonstrated that structures and fabrics previously interpreted as of purely geodynamical origin are instead the result of large slope deformation, and this led in the past to erroneous interpretations. Nevertheless, their limit seems not clearly defined, but it is somehow transitional. Some studies point out continuity between failures developing at surface with upper crust movements. In this contribution, the main studies which examine the link between rock structures and slope movements are reviewed. The aspects regarding model and scale of observation are discussed together with the role of pre-existing weaknesses in the rock mass. As slope failures can develop through progressive failure, structures and their changes in time and space can be recognized. Furthermore, recognition of the origin of these structures can help in avoiding misinterpretations of regional geology. This also suggests the importance of integrating different slope movement classifications based on distribution and pattern of deformation and the application of structural geology techniques. A structural geology approach in the landslide community is a tool that can greatly support the hazard quantification and related risks, because most of the physical parameters, which are used for landslide modeling, are derived from geotechnical tests or the emerging geophysical approaches.


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The circumsporozoite protein (CSP), a major antigen of Plasmodium falciparum, was expressed in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Fusion of the parasite protein to a leader peptide derived from Dictyostelium contact site A was essential for expression. The natural parasite surface antigen, however, was not detected at the slime mold cell surface as expected but retained intracellularly. Removal of the last 23 amino acids resulted in secretion of CSP, suggesting that the C-terminal segment of the CSP, rather than an ectoplasmic domain, was responsible for retention. Cell surface expression was obtained when the CSP C-terminal segment was replaced by the D. discoideum contact site A glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor signal sequence. Mice were immunized with Dictyostelium cells harboring CSP at their surface. The raised antibodies recognized two different regions of the CSP. Anti-sporozoite titers of these sera were equivalent to anti-peptide titers detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thus, cell surface targeting of antigens can be obtained in Dictyostelium, generating sporozoite-like cells having potentials for vaccination, diagnostic tests, or basic studies involving parasite cell surface proteins.


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A high-resolution micropalaeontological study, combined with geochemical and sedimentological analyses was performed on the Tiefengraben, Schlossgraben and Eiberg sections (Austrian Alps) in order to characterize sea-surface carbonate production during the end-Triassic crisis. At the end-Rhaetian, the dominant calcareous nannofossil Prinsiosphaera triassica shows a decrease in abundance and size and this is correlated with a increase in delta O-18 and a gradual decline in delta C-13(carb) values. Simultaneously, benthic foraminiferal assemblages show a decrease in diversity and abundance of calcareous taxa and a dominance of infaunal agglutinated taxa. The smaller size of calcareous nannofossils disturbed the vertical export balance of the biological carbon pump towards the sea-bottom, resulting in changes in feeding strategies within the benthic foraminiferal assemblages from deposit feeders to detritus feeders and bacterial scavengers. These micropalaeontological data combined with geochemical proxies suggest that changes in seawater chemistry and/or cooling episodes might have occurred in the latest Triassic, leading to a marked decrease of carbonate production. This in turn culminated in the quasi-absence of calcareous nannofossils and benthic foraminifers in the latest Triassic. The aftermath (latest Triassic earliest Jurassic) was characterised by abundance peaks of ``disaster'' epifaunal agglutinated foraminifera Trochammina on the sea-floor. Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) paroxysmal activity, superimposed on a major worldwide regressive phase, is assumed to be responsible for a deterioration in marine palaeoenvironments. CAMP sulfuric emissions might have been the trigger for cooling episodes and seawater acidification leading to disturbance of the surface carbonate production at the very end-Triassic.


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This report describes a surface molecule, Tp45, which appears to be involved in interleukin 2 production and Ca2+ mobilization by Jurkat cells. The Tp45 molecule was identified by a monoclonal antibody, MX13, on the surface of either T3/TCR+ or T3/TCR- human T cell lines. Biochemical data showed that mAb MX13 precipitated a single polypeptide chain of 45 kDa both under reduced and nonreduced conditions from lysates of 125I-surface-labeled cells. Sequential immunodepletion experiments using lysates of 125I-labeled T3/TCR+ cells showed that Tp45 was distinct from the alpha chain of the TCR complex. However, incubation of such cells with either anti-T3 or anti-TCR monoclonal antibody induced complete modulation of both the T3/TCR complex and Tp45. Conversely, complete modulation of both Tp45 and the T3/TCR complex was observed after incubation with anti-Tp45 antibody. Functional studies showed that anti-Tp45 antibody induced high levels of interleukin 2 production in Jurkat cells. In addition, incubation of these cells with the antibody resulted in Ca2+ mobilization from internal stores. Anti-Tp45 antibody reacted with 3-19% peripheral blood (E-rosette-positive) T cells in individual donors. The magnitude of the proliferative response elicited by anti-Tp45 antibody for peripheral blood T cells was lower than that induced by an anti-T3 antibody. This observation is compatible with the idea that only a subpopulation of T cells is reactive with anti-Tp45. Multicolor flow cytometry analysis showed that the Tp45+ cells belong preferentially to the T8 subset.


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The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) constitutes a limiting step in sodium reabsorption across distal airway epithelium and controlling mucociliary clearance. ENaC is activated by serine proteases secreted in the extracellular milieu. In cystic fibrosis lungs, high concentrations of secreted neutrophil elastase (NE) are observed. hNE could activate ENaC and contribute to further decreased mucociliary clearance. The aims of this study were (i) to test the ability of an engineered human neutrophil elastase inhibitor (EPI-hNE4) to specifically inhibit the elastase activation of ENaC-mediated amiloride-sensitive currents (I(Na)) and (ii) to examine the effect of elastase on cell surface expression of ENaC and its cleavage pattern (exogenous proteolysis). Oocytes were exposed to hNE (10-100 microg/ml) and/or trypsin (10 microg/ml) for 2-5 min in the presence or absence of EPI-hNE4 (0.7 microm). hNE activated I(Na) 3.6-fold (p < 0.001) relative to non-treated hENaC-injected oocytes. EPI-hNE4 fully inhibited hNE-activated I(Na) but had no effect on trypsin- or prostasin-activated I(Na). The co-activation of I(Na) by hNE and trypsin was not additive. Biotinylation experiments revealed that cell surface gamma ENaC (but not alpha or beta ENaC) exposed to hNE for 2 min was cleaved (as a 67-kDa fragment) and correlated with increased I(Na). The elastase-induced exogenous proteolysis pattern is distinct from the endogenous proteolysis pattern induced upon preferential assembly, suggesting a causal relationship between gamma ENaC cleavage and ENaC activation, taking place at the plasma membrane.


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The biosynthesis, intracellular transport, and surface expression of the beta cell glucose transporter GLUT2 was investigated in isolated islets and insulinoma cells. Using a trypsin sensitivity assay to measure cell surface expression, we determined that: (a) greater than 95% of GLUT2 was expressed on the plasma membrane; (b) GLUT2 did not recycle in intracellular vesicles; and (c) after trypsin treatment, reexpression of the intact transporter occurred with a t1/2 of approximately 7 h. Kinetics of intracellular transport of GLUT2 was investigated in pulse-labeling experiments combined with glycosidase treatment and the trypsin sensitivity assay. We determined that transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) occurred with a t1/2 of 15 min and that transport from the TGN to the plasma membrane required a similar half-time. When added at the start of a pulse-labeling experiment, brefeldin A prevented exit of GLUT2 from the endoplasmic reticulum. When the transporter was first accumulated in the TGN during a 15-min period of chase, but not following a low temperature (22 degrees C) incubation, addition of brefeldin A (BFA) prevented subsequent surface expression of the transporter. This indicated that brefeldin A prevented GLUT2 exit from the TGN by acting at a site proximal to the 22 degrees C block. Together, these data demonstrate that GLUT2 surface expression in beta cells is via the constitutive pathway, that transport can be blocked by BFA at two distinct steps and that once on the surface, GLUT2 does not recycle in intracellular vesicles.


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Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides high-resolution point clouds of the topography and new TLS instruments with ranges exceeding 300 m or even 1000 m are powerful tools for characterizing and monitoring slope movements. This study focuses on the 35 million m3 Åknes rockslide in Western Norway, which is one of the most investigated and monitored rockslides in the world. The TLS point clouds are used for the structural analysis of the steep, inaccessible main scarp of the rockslide, including an assessment of the discontinuity sets and fold axes. TLS acquisitions in 2006, 2007 and 2008 provide information on 3-D displacements for the entire scanned area and are not restricted like conventional survey instruments to single measurement points. The affine transformation matrix between two TLS acquisitions precisely describes the rockslide displacements and enables their separation into translational components, such as the displacement velocity and direction, and rotational components, like toppling. This study shows the ability of TLS to obtain reliable 3-D displacement information over a large, unstable area. Finally, a possible instability model for the upper part of Åknes rockslide explains the measured translational and rotational displacements by a combination of southward planar sliding along the gneiss foliation, gravitational vertical settlement along the complex, stepped basal sliding surface and northward toppling toward the opened graben structure.


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Stiffness tomography is a new atomic force microscopy imaging technique that allows highlighting structures located underneath the surface of the sample. In this imaging mode, such structures are identified by investigating their mechanical properties. We present here, for the first time, a description of the use of this technique to acquire detailed stiffness maps of fixed and living macrophages. Indeed, the mechanical properties of several macrophages were studied through stiffness tomography imaging, allowing some insight of the structures lying below the cell's surface. Through these investigations, we were able to evidence the presence and properties of stiff column-like features located underneath the cell membrane. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of the presence, underneath the cell membrane, of such stiff features, which are in dimension and form compatible with phagosomes. Moreover, by exposing the cells to cytochalasin, we were able to study the induced modifications, obtaining an indication of the location and mechanical properties of the actin cytoskeleton. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The neuronal monocarboxylate transporter, MCT2, is not only an energy substrate carrier but it is also purported to be a binding partner for the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor GluR2 subunit. To unravel a putative role of MCT2 in the regulation of GluR2 subcellular distribution, Neuro2A cells and primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons were co-transfected with plasmids containing sequences to express the fluorescent proteins mStrawberry (mStb)-fused MCT2 and Venus-fused GluR2. Subsequently, their subcellular distribution was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. GluR2 was led to form perinuclear and dendritic clusters together with MCT2 when co-transfected in Neuro2A cells or in neurons, following the original distribution of MCT2. MCT2 co-transfection had no effect on the intracellular distribution of several other post-synaptic proteins, although it partially affected the intracellular distribution of GluR1 similarly to GluR2. Both cell surface and total protein expression levels of GluR2 were significantly reduced by co-expression with MCT2. Finally, partial perinuclear and dendritic co-localization between MCT2 and Rab8, a member of the small GTPase family involved in membrane trafficking of AMPA receptors, was also observed in co-transfected neurons. These results suggest that MCT2 could influence AMPA receptor trafficking within neurons by modulating GluR2 sorting between different subcellular compartments.


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Early detection of landslide surface deformation with 3D remote sensing techniques, as TLS, has become a great challenge during last decade. To improve our understanding of landslide deformation, a series of analogue simulation have been carried out on non-rigid bodies coupled with 3D digitizer. All these experiments have been carried out under controlled conditions, as water level and slope angle inclination. We were able to follow 3D surface deformation suffered by complex landslide bodies from precursory deformation still larger failures. These experiments were the basis for the development of a new algorithm for the quantification of surface deformation using automatic tracking method on discrete points of the slope surface. To validate the algorithm, comparisons were made between manually obtained results and algorithm surface displacement results. Outputs will help in understanding 3D deformation during pre-failure stages and failure mechanisms, which are fundamental aspects for future implementation of 3D remote sensing techniques in early warning systems.


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Background and aims Recent studies have adopted a broad definition of Sapindaceae that includes taxa traditionally placed in Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, achieving monophyly but yielding a family difficult to characterize and for which no obvious morphological synapomorphy exists. This expanded circumscription was necessitated by the finding that the monotypic, temperate Asian genus Xanthoceras, historically placed in Sapindaceae tribe Harpullieae, is basal within the group. Here we seek to clarify the relationships of Xanthoceras based on phylogenetic analyses using a dataset encompassing nearly 3/4 of sapindaceous genera, comparing the results with information from morphology and biogeography, in particular with respect to the other taxa placed in Harpullieae. We then re-examine the appropriateness of maintaining the current broad, morphologically heterogeneous definition of Sapindaceae and explore the advantages of an alternative family circumscription. Methods Using 243 samples representing 104 of the 142 currently recognized genera of Sapindaceae s. lat. (including all in Harpullieae), sequence data were analyzed for nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, rpoB, trnD-trnT, trnK-matK, trnL-trnF and trnS-trnG) markers, adopting the methodology of a recent family-wide study, performing single-gene and total evidence analyses based on maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony (MP) criteria, and applying heuristic searches developed for large datasets, viz, a new strategy implemented in RAxML (for ML) and the parsimony ratchet (for MP). Bootstrap analyses were performed for each method to test for congruence between markers. Key results Our findings support earlier suggestions that Harpullieae are polyphyletic: Xanthoceras is confirmed as sister to all other sampled taxa of Sapindaceae s. lat.; the remaining members belong to three other clades within Sapindaceae s. lat., two of which correspond respectively to the groups traditionally treated as Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, together forming a clade sister to the largely tropical Sapindaceae s. str., which is monophyletic and morphologically coherent provided Xanthoceras is excluded. Conclusion To overcome the difficulties of a broadly circumscribed Sapindaceae, we resurrect the historically recognized temperate families Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, and describe a new family, Xanthoceraceae, thus adopting a monophyletic and easily characterized circumscription of Sapindaceae nearly identical to that used for over a century.


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Merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) is a promising vaccine candidate against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages. A recombinant 3D7 form of MSP2 was a subunit of Combination B, a blood stage vaccine tested in the field in Papua New Guinea. A selective effect in favour of the allelic family not represented by the vaccine argued for a MSP2 vaccine consisting of both dimorphic variants. An alternative approach to recombinant manufacture of vaccines is the production of long synthetic peptides (LSP). LSP exceeding a length of well over 100 amino acids can now be routinely synthesized. Synthetic production of vaccine antigens cuts the often time-consuming steps of protein expression and purification short. This considerably reduces the time for a candidate to reach the phase of clinical trials. Here we present the evaluation of two long synthetic peptides representing both allelic families of MSP2 as potential vaccine candidates. The constructs were well recognized by human immune sera from different locations and different age groups. Furthermore, peptide-specific antibodies in human immune sera were associated with protection from clinical malaria. The synthetic fragments share major antigenic properties with native MSP2. Immunization of mice with these antigens yielded high titre antibody responses and monoclonal antibodies recognized parasite-derived MSP2. Our results justify taking these candidate poly-peptides into further vaccine development.


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Forest fire sequences can be modelled as a stochastic point process where events are characterized by their spatial locations and occurrence in time. Cluster analysis permits the detection of the space/time pattern distribution of forest fires. These analyses are useful to assist fire-managers in identifying risk areas, implementing preventive measures and conducting strategies for an efficient distribution of the firefighting resources. This paper aims to identify hot spots in forest fire sequences by means of the space-time scan statistics permutation model (STSSP) and a geographical information system (GIS) for data and results visualization. The scan statistical methodology uses a scanning window, which moves across space and time, detecting local excesses of events in specific areas over a certain period of time. Finally, the statistical significance of each cluster is evaluated through Monte Carlo hypothesis testing. The case study is the forest fires registered by the Forest Service in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) from 1969 to 2008. This dataset consists of geo-referenced single events including the location of the ignition points and additional information. The data were aggregated into three sub-periods (considering important preventive legal dispositions) and two main ignition-causes (lightning and anthropogenic causes). Results revealed that forest fire events in Ticino are mainly clustered in the southern region where most of the population is settled. Our analysis uncovered local hot spots arising from extemporaneous arson activities. Results regarding the naturally-caused fires (lightning fires) disclosed two clusters detected in the northern mountainous area.