274 resultados para Memory Tests
Neuropsychology is a scientific discipline, born in the XIX century, and bridges the fields of neurology and psychology. Neuropsychologists apply scientific knowledge about the relationship between brain function and mental performances. The major clinical role of a neuropsychological evaluation is to help to establish medical and functional diagnosis in patients (adults or infants) with different neurological pathologies such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, dementia, epilepsy.... Such analysis necessitates accurate observation of behaviour and administration of tests of mental abilities (e.g. language, memory...). Test results can also help to clarify the nature of cognitive difficulties and to support the formulation of plans for neuropsychological therapy and functional adjustment in every day life.
Résumé en français Cadre : Policlinique pédiatrique à Lausanne en Suisse, pays rencontrant une proportion importante de tuberculose au sein de la population de migrants. But : Déterminer les facteurs de risque associés à un test tuberculinique positif (ou test de Mantoux), notamment l'influence du BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin) et d'un contact avec un personne ayant une tuberculose active. Les patients concernés étaient des enfants examinés dans le cadre d'un contrôle de santé ou dans le cadre d'une étude d'entourage d'un cas déclaré de tuberculose. Méthode : Etude descriptive comprenant des enfants ayant eu un test tuberculinique (2 unités RT23) entre novembre 2002 et avril 2004. L'âge, le sexe, l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, la vaccination par le BCG, le pays d'origine et le lieu de naissance (en Suisse ou hors de la Suisse) étaient répertoriés. Résultats : Parmi les 234 enfants de l'étude, 176 (75%) avaient une réaction tuberculinique égal à zéro et 31 (13%) avaient une réaction positive (> 10mm). Dans le modèle de régression linéaire, la taille de la réaction tuberculinique variait significativement selon l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, l'âge, l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine et la vaccination par le BCG. Le sexe ou le lieu de naissance n'influençait pas la taille de la réaction. Dans le modèle de régression logistique incluant toutes les valeurs répertoriées, les paramètres significativement associés avec un Mantoux positif étaient l'âge (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08 ; 1.35), l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23 ; 24) et l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00 ; 1.02). Le sexe (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50 ; 2.78) et la vaçcination par le BCG (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91 ; 9.72) n'étaient pas associés avec une réaction tuberculinique positive. Conclusions : L'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine, la vaccination par le BCG et l'âge influencent le test de Mantoux (taille ou proportion de réaction > 10mm). Toutefois, le facteur de risque le plus important d'avoir une réaction tuberculinique positive est l'anamnèse de contact avec. une personne ayant une tuberculose active.
RESUME La mémoire immunologique est essentielle durant la vie et permet aux lymphocytes de répondre plus rapidement et efficacement lors d'une deuxième rencontre avec un antigène connu. Les facteurs contrôlant l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 mémoires in vivo ne sont pas encore bien définis. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de ces cellules dans un hôte déplété en cellules hématopoietiques nécessite l'intéraction du TCR avec les molecules du MHC de class I du soi. De plus, le rôle de cytokines, telles que 1'IL-15 et l'IL-7, est essentiel dans ce mécanisme, aussi bien que dans la maintenance des cellules T CD8 mémoires. Puisque la protéine c-Myc - impliquée dans des mécanismes tells que la division, la prolifération, l'apoptose et la differentiation - a été définie comme étant impliquée dans la réponse à différentes cytokines, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'analyse de l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T CD8 mémoires dans des souris déficientes en c-Myc (c_rnycΔORF/+), qui expriment un niveau réduit de cette protéine. Bien que le développement des cellules T dans le thymus soit normal dans les souris c_rnycΔORF/+, nous avons observé une réduction de 2 à 3 fois dans la population des cellules T CD8 de phenotype mémoire (CD44+) dans les organes lymphoïdes de la périphérie de ces souris. Cette différence ne correspond pas à une réduction de prolifération ou d'expression de protéines de survie telles que Bel-2. Cependant, la prolifération homéostatique de cellules T CD8 c_rnycΔORF/+, mais pas T CD4 c_rnycΔORF/+, est reduite de manière dramatique lorsqu'elles sont transférées dans un hôte irradié. De plus, le transfert adoptif de lymphocytes T dans des souris irradiées déficientes en l'IL-15 nous a permis de montrer que la prolifération homéostatique dépendante de l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 nécessite l'expression de c-Myc. De plus, contrairement aux cellules T CD8 CD44+ de type sauvage, nous avons observé que l'expansion induite par l'IL-15 des cellules T CD8 CD44+ c_rnycΔORF/+ est altérée aussi bien in vivo (en réponse à une injection de polyI:C) et in vitro. Par conséquent, nos résultats identifient c-Myc comme une nouvelle protéine régulatrice de la signalisation par l'IL-15 impliquée dans l'homéostasie des cellules T CD8 CD44+. SUMMARY Immunological memory is essential throughout life and allows memory lymphocytes to respond faster and more efficiently upon re-encounter of a known antigen. Factors controlling homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells under steady-state conditions in vivo are currently not well defined. However, the homeostatic proliferation of memory CD8 T cells in lymphopenic hosts requires the interaction of the TCR with self MHC class I molecules. In addition, cytokines, such as IL-15 and to a lesser extent IL-7, are essential for both homeostatic proliferation and maintenance of memory CD8 T cells. Since c-Myc, a proto-oncogene involved in cell division, proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation, has been widely implicated in responsiveness to cytokines, we were interested in analyzing homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells in c-myc hypomorph (c_rnycΔORF/+) mice, which express reduced levels of c-Myc. Although T cell development in the thymus was normal in c_rnycΔORF/+ mice, we found a selective 2- to 3-fold reduction in the memory-phenotype CD44high CD8 T cell population in the periphery. Reduced numbers of CD44high CD8 T cells did not correlate with decreased steady-state turnover rate or low expression of survival factors such as Bcl- 2. However, homeostatic proliferation of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD8 T cells, but not c_rnycΔORF/+ CD4 T cells, was dramatically reduced upon transfer into sublethally irradiated wild-type recipients. In addition, upon transfer of c_rnycΔORF/+ and c-myc WT cells into IL-15-/- mice, we observed that IL-15-induced homeostatic proliferation of CD8 T cells requires c-Myc. Moreover, in contrast to c-myc WT CD44high CD8 T cells, IL-15-induced expansion of c_rnycΔORF/+ CD44high CD8 T cells was strongly impaired both in vivo (in response to polyI:C injection) and in vitro. Collectively, our data identify c-Myc as a novel downstream regulator of IL-15 signaling involved in homeostasis of memory CD8 T cells.
Memory CD4 T cell responses are functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous. In the present study, memory CD4 T cell responses were analyzed in different models of Ag-specific immune responses differing on Ag exposure and/or persistence. Ag-specific CD4 T cell responses for tetanus toxoid, HSV, EBV, CMV, and HIV-1 were compared. Three distinct patterns of T cell response were observed. A dominant single IL-2 CD4 T cell response was associated with the model in which the Ag can be cleared. Polyfunctional (single IL-2 plus IL-2/IFN-gamma plus single IFN-gamma) CD4 T cell responses were associated with Ag persistence and low Ag levels. A dominant single IFN-gamma CD4 T cell response was associated with the model of Ag persistence and high Ag levels. The results obtained supported the hypothesis that the different patterns observed were substantially influenced by different conditions of Ag exposure and persistence.
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset movement disorder associated with FMR1 premutation alleles. Asymptomatic premutation (aPM) carriers have preserved cognitive functions, but they present subtle executive deficits. Current efforts are focusing on the identification of specific cognitive markers that can detect aPM carriers at higher risk of developing FXTAS. This study aims at evaluating verbal memory and executive functions as early markers of disease progression while exploring associated brain structure changes using diffusion tensor imaging. We assessed 30 aPM men and 38 intrafamilial controls. The groups perform similarly in the executive domain except for decreased performance in motor planning in aPM carriers. In the memory domain, aPM carriers present a significant decrease in verbal encoding and retrieval. Retrieval is associated with microstructural changes of the white matter (WM) of the left hippocampal fimbria. Encoding is associated with changes in the WM under the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region implicated in relational memory encoding. These associations were found in the aPM group only and did not show age-related decline. This may be interpreted as a neurodevelopmental effect of the premutation, and longitudinal studies are required to better understand these mechanisms.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate longitudinally, using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), the dynamics of decision-making capacity at a two-year interval (median: 2.1 years) in a group of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) (n = 70) and minor neurological disability [Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) < or = 2.5 at baseline]. Cognition (memory, executive functions, attention), behavior, handicap, and perceived health status were also investigated. Standardized change scores [(score at retest-score at baseline)/standard deviation of baseline score] were computed. Results showed that IGT performances decreased from baseline to retest (from 0.3, SD = 0.4 to 0.1, SD = 0.3, p = .005). MS patients who worsened in the IGT were more likely to show a decreased perceived health status and emotional well-being (SEP-59; p = .05 for both). Relapsing rate, disability progression, cognitive, and behavioral changes were not associated with decreased IGT performances. In conclusion, decline in decision making can appear as an isolated deficit in MS.
INTRODUCTION: Rivaroxaban (RXA) is licensed for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after major orthopaedic surgery of the lower limbs. Currently, no test to quantify RXA in plasma has been validated in an inter-laboratory setting. Our study had three aims: to assess i) the feasibility of RXA quantification with a commercial anti-FXa assay, ii) its accuracy and precision in an inter-laboratory setting, and iii) the influence of 10mg of RXA on routine coagulation tests. METHODS: The same chromogenic anti-FXa assay (Hyphen BioMed) was used in all participating laboratories. RXA calibrators and sets of blinded probes (aim ii.) were prepared in vitro by spiking normal plasma. The precise RXA content was assessed by high-pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. For ex-vivo studies (aim iii), plasma samples from 20 healthy volunteers taken before and 2 - 3hours after ingestion of 10mg of RXA were analyzed by participating laboratories. RESULTS: RXA can be assayed chromogenically. Among the participating laboratories, the mean accuracy and the mean coefficient of variation for precision of RXA quantification were 7.0% and 8.8%, respectively. Mean RXA concentration was 114±43μg/L .RXA significantly altered prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, factor analysis for intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Determinations of thrombin time, fibrinogen, FXIII and D-Dimer levels were not affected. CONCLUSIONS: RXA plasma levels can be quantified accurately and precisely by a chromogenic anti-FXa assay on different coagulometers in different laboratories. Ingestion of 10mg RXA results in significant alterations of both PT- and aPTT-based coagulation assays.
Background: Current guidelines underline the limitations of existing instruments to assess fitness to drive and the poor adaptability of batteries of neuropsychological tests in primary care settings. Aims: To provide a free, reliable, transparent computer based instrument capable of detecting effects of age or drugs on visual processing and cognitive functions. Methods: Relying on systematic reviews of neuropsychological tests and driving performances, we conceived four new computed tasks measuring: visual processing (Task1), movement attention shift (Task2), executive response, alerting and orientation gain (Task3), and spatial memory (Task4). We then planned five studies to test MedDrive's reliability and validity. Study-1 defined instructions and learning functions collecting data from 105 senior drivers attending an automobile club course. Study-2 assessed concurrent validity for detecting minor cognitive impairment (MCI) against useful field of view (UFOV) on 120 new senior drivers. Study-3 collected data from 200 healthy drivers aged 20-90 to model age related normal cognitive decline. Study-4 measured MedDrive's reliability having 21 healthy volunteers repeat tests five times. Study-5 tested MedDrive's responsiveness to alcohol in a randomised, double-blinded, placebo, crossover, dose-response validation trial including 20 young healthy volunteers. Results: Instructions were well understood and accepted by all senior drivers. Measures of visual processing (Task1) showed better performances than the UFOV in detecting MCI (ROC 0.770 vs. 0.620; p=0.048). MedDrive was capable of explaining 43.4% of changes occurring with natural cognitive decline. In young healthy drivers, learning effects became negligible from the third session onwards for all tasks except for dual tasking (ICC=0.769). All measures except alerting and orientation gain were affected by blood alcohol concentrations. Finally, MedDrive was able to explain 29.3% of potential causes of swerving on the driving simulator. Discussion and conclusions: MedDrive reveals improved performances compared to existing computed neuropsychological tasks. It shows promising results both for clinical and research purposes.
Immune protection from intracellular pathogens depends on the generation of terminally differentiated effector and of multipotent memory precursor CD8 T cells, which rapidly regenerate effector and memory cells during recurrent infection. The identification of factors and pathways involved in CD8 T cell differentiation is of obvious importance to improve vaccination strategies. Here, we show that mice lacking T cell factor 1 (Tcf-1), a nuclear effector of the canonical Wingless/Integration 1 (Wnt) signaling pathway, mount normal effector and effector memory CD8 T cell responses to infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). However, Tcf-1-deficient CD8 T cells are selectively impaired in their ability to expand upon secondary challenge and to protect from recurrent virus infection. Tcf-1-deficient mice essentially lack CD8 memory precursor T cells, which is evident already at the peak of the primary response, suggesting that Tcf-1 programs CD8 memory cell fate. The function of Tcf-1 to establish CD8 T cell memory is dependent on the catenin-binding domain in Tcf-1 and requires the Tcf-1 coactivators and Wnt signaling intermediates beta-catenin and gamma-catenin. These findings demonstrate that the canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays an essential role for CD8 central memory T cell differentiation under physiological conditions in vivo. They raise the possibility that modulation of Wnt signaling may be exploited to improve the generation of CD8 memory T cells during vaccination or for therapies designed to promote sustained cytotoxic CD8 T cell responses against tumors.
BACKGROUND: Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (RDTs) allow accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. Validation of their usefulness in travellers with fever was needed. The safety of a strategy to diagnose falciparum malaria based on RDT followed by immediate or delayed microscopy reading at first attendance was evaluated in one referral hospital in Switzerland. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in the outpatient clinic and emergency ward of University Hospital, covering a period of eight years (1999-2007). The study was conducted in the outpatient clinic and emergency ward of University Hospital. All adults suspected of malaria with a diagnostic test performed were included. RDT and microscopy as immediate tests were performed during working hours, and RDT as immediate test and delayed microscopy reading out of laboratory working hours. The main outcome measure was occurrence of specific complications in RDT negative and RDT positive adults. RESULTS: 2,139 patients were recruited. 1987 had both initial RDT and blood smear (BS) result negative. Among those, 2/1987 (0.1%) developed uncomplicated malaria with both RDT and BS positive on day 1 and day 6 respectively. Among the 152 patients initially malaria positive, 137 had both RDT and BS positive, four only BS positive and five only RDT positive (PCR confirmed) (six had only one test performed). None of the four initially RDT negative/BS positive and none of the five initially BS negative/RDT positive developed severe malaria while 6/137 of both RDT and BS positive did so. The use of RDT allowed a reduction of a median of 2.1 hours to get a first malaria test result. CONCLUSIONS: A malaria diagnostic strategy based on RDTs and a delayed BS is safe in non-immune populations, and shortens the time to first malaria test result.