70 resultados para Jet lag
Complications of different ventilation strategies in endoscopic laryngeal surgery: a 10-year review.
BACKGROUND: Spontaneous ventilation, mechanical controlled ventilation, apneic intermittent ventilation, and jet ventilation are commonly used during interventional suspension microlaryngoscopy. The aim of this study was to investigate specific complications of each technique, with special emphasis on transtracheal and transglottal jet ventilation. METHODS: The authors performed a retrospective single-institution analysis of a case series of 1,093 microlaryngoscopies performed in 661 patients between January 1994 and January 2004. Data were collected from two separate prospective databases. Feasibility and complications encountered with each technique of ventilation were analyzed as main outcome measures. RESULTS: During 1,093 suspension microlaryngoscopies, ventilation was supplied by mechanical controlled ventilation via small endotracheal tubes (n = 200), intermittent apneic ventilation (n = 159), transtracheal jet ventilation (n = 265), or transglottal jet ventilation (n = 469). Twenty-nine minor and 4 major complications occurred. Seventy-five percent of the patients with major events had an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification of III. Five laryngospasms were observed with apneic intermittent ventilation. All other 24 complications (including 7 barotrauma) occurred during jet ventilation. Transtracheal jet ventilation was associated with a significantly higher complication rate than transglottal jet ventilation (P < 0.0001; odds ratio, 4.3 [95% confidence interval, 1.9-10.0]). All severe complications were related to barotraumas resulting from airway outflow obstruction during jet ventilation, most often laryngospasms. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a transtracheal cannula was the major independent risk factor for complications during jet ventilation for interventional microlaryngoscopy. The anesthetist's vigilance in clinically detecting and preventing outflow airway obstruction remains the best prevention of barotrauma during subglottic jet ventilation.
BACKGROUND: Sex steroid hormones have been proposed to play a role in the development of non-epithelial ovarian cancers (NEOC) but so far no direct epidemiological data are available.METHODS: A case-control study was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort, the world's largest bio-repository of serum specimens from pregnant women. Study subjects were selected among women who donated a blood sample during a singleton pregnancy that led to the birth of their last child preceding diagnosis of NEOC. Case subjects were 41 women with sex-cord stromal tumors (SCST) and 21 with germ cell tumors (GCT). Three controls, matching the index case for age, parity at the index pregnancy, and date at blood donation were selected (n=171). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) associated with concentrations of testosterone, androstenedione, 17-OH-progesterone, progesterone, estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were estimated through conditional logistic regression.RESULTS: For SCST, doubling of testosterone, androstenedione and 17-OH-progesterone concentrations were associated with about 2-fold higher risk of SCST [ORs and 95% CI of 2.16 (1.25-3.74), 2.16 (1.20-3.87), and 2.62 (1.27-5.38), respectively]. These associations remained largely unchanged after excluding women within 2, 4 or 6 years lag-time between blood donation and cancer diagnosis. Sex steroid hormones concentrations were not related to maternal risk of GCT.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first prospective study providing initial evidence that elevated androgens play a role in the pathogenesis of SCST. Impact: Our study may note a particular need for larger confirmatory investigations on sex steroids and NEOC.
Im Jahre 1978 lag die Selbstmordrate in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschließlich Berlin-West mit 22,2 auf 100000 Einwohner um 1,7 höher als zehn Jahre zuvor. Im gleichen Zeitraum etwa (1970-1979) stieg die jährliche Anzahl der Drogentoten von knapp 30 auf über 600. Eigentumsdelikte (Diebstahl, Betrug, Unterschlagung) und schwere Körperverletzungen nahmen von 1969 bis 1979 jeweils um mehr als 60 Prozent zu. Der Zigarettenkonsum erhöhte sich zwischen 1965 und 1979 um mehr als ein Viertel, die Zahl der behandlungsbe-dürftigen Alkoholkranken (ab 1968) um 450 Prozent. Der Verbrauch von Psychopharmaka hat sich währenddessen ungefähr verdoppelt.
Short-term exposure to ambient particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm were found to be positively associated with blood pressure. Yet, little information exists regarding the association between particles and circadian rhythm of blood pressure. Hence, we analyzed the association of exposure to particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm on the day of examination and ≤7 days before with ambulatory blood pressure and with sodium excretion in 359 adults from the general population using multiple linear regression. After controlling for potential confounders, a 10-µg/m3 increase in particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm levels was associated with nighttime systolic blood pressure (β=1.32 mm Hg 95% CI, 0.06-2.58 mm Hg at lag 0; P=0.04), nighttime diastolic blood pressure (0.72 mm Hg 95% CI, 0.03-1.42 mm Hg at lag 2; P=0.04), nocturnal systolic blood pressure dipping (-0.96 mm Hg 95% CI, -1.89 to -0.03 mm Hg at lag 0; P=0.044), and daytime urinary sodium excretion (-0.05 log-mmol/min 95% CI, -0.10 to -0.01 log-mmol/min at lag 0; P=0.027) but not with nighttime sodium excretion. The associations with blood pressure rapidly diminished with increasing lag days, and the associations with daytime sodium excretion were maximal with particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm in exposures 2 to 5 days before. The associations of short-term increases in particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm with higher nighttime blood pressure and blunted systolic blood pressure dipping were preceded by associations with reduced ability of the kidney to excrete sodium during daytime. The underlying mechanism linking air pollution to increased cardiovascular risk may include disturbed circadian rhythms of renal sodium handling and blood pressure.
Der Aufsatz gilt den ,,Texten hinter den Texten" der aus dem elsässischen Produktionszusammenhang um Diebold Lauber im 15. Jahrhundert überlieferten Handschriften. Dass das rekonstruktive Potential dieses im deutschsprachigen Mittelalter einmaligen Corpus einer so grossen Gruppe von Handschriften eines einzelnen Skriptoriums bisher nahezu ungenutzt blieb, wird als Resultat einer unbemerkten perspektivischen Verschränkung zweier Wissenschaftsgruppen beschrieben: Wo die Texte der Handschriften überhaupt in den Blick gerieten, geschah dies entweder aus editorisch-kritischem Erkenntnisinteresse oder, den Impulsen jüngerer kunstgeschichtlicher Lauber-Forschung folgend, auf der Suche nach bewusstem, gar gestaltendem Umgang mit dem Text durch das Lauber-Team. Beiden Zugriffen liegen diametral entgegengesetzte Begriffe von textueller ,,Qualität" zugrunde, die schon auf terminologischer Ebene wiederholt zu Missverständnissen geführt haben. Was die systematische, vergleichende Untersuchung der Texte Lauberscher Handschriften - hier anhand von Mehrfachüberlieferungen - sowohl für die Erschliessung von Informationen über den elsässischen Betrieb als auch für den Census der älteren volkssprachigen Überlieferung im deutschen Südwesten zu leisten vermag, zeigen die Beispielanalysen der Lauber-Texte von ,Flore und Blanscheflur' (H, B) und ,Parzival' (m, n, o). In beiden Fällen lassen sprachliche Untersuchungen und paläographische Fehleranalysen der erhaltenen Textzeugen eine Vorlage mit frühem, aus kritischer Perspektive bemerkenswert gutem - von den Lauber-Redaktoren nach diesen Kriterien gewähltem? - Text erkennen. Im Fall von ,Flore und Blanscheflur' stammte mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die Vorlagenhandschrift selber aus dem 13. oder spätestens frühen 14. Jahrhundert; den ,Parzival'-Abschriften dagegen lagen zwei verschiedene zeitgenössische Handschriften zugrunde. Erhellt wird auch der praktische Umgang mit Vorlagenhandschriften im Herstellungsprozess, der bisher im Dunkeln lag: Der Aufsatz belegt, dass in beiden untersuchten Beispielen Handschriften fremder Provenienz als Vorlagenexemplare zur wiederholten Benutzung aufbereitet und dauerhaft verwahrt wurden. Dabei müssen die laubertypischen, gliedernden Zwischenüberschriften auf einem separaten Anweisungsblatt bzw. Faszikel notiert gewesen sein. Ihre vorgesehene Positionierung wurde dem Schreiber vermutlich durch Randmarkierungen im Vorlagenexemplar angezeigt. Besondere Umstände galten für die Vorlagen der drei erhaltenen ,Parzival'-Handschriften: Lauber benutzte offenbar zunächst eine den Lauber-Produkten im Typ ähnliche Bilderhandschrift, die er, da sie beschädigt war, später durch ein anderes Exemplar ersetzte. Dabei handelte es sich wieder um eine Bilderhandschrift gleichen Typs, die nun allerdings nach werkstattüblichem Verfahren über ein separates Anweisungsblatt so aufbereitet wurde, dass sich die Zahl der Illustrationen und Zwischenüberschriften erhöhte. Als wahrscheinlichste Quelle dieser zweimal verfügbaren, textlich zusammengehörenden bebilderten Handschriften ist die sogenannte ,Werkstatt von 1418' auszumachen. Auch andere Hinweise deuten darauf, dass ab etwa den 1440er Jahren eine grössere Gruppe von Handschriften aus dieser älteren Produktion, deren Schwerpunkt die höfische Literatur des 13. Jahrhunderts bildete, in den Bestand Laubers geriet und dessen Programm erweiterte. Die ab dieser Phase in der jüngeren Forschung (Saurma-Jeltsch) beobachtete, scheinbar marktorientiert gezielte Neugestaltung des Programms erweist sich so möglicherweise nur als Folge einer plötzlich verfügbaren neuen Vorlagengruppe.
Zur Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals bei der Rekonstruktion des hinteren Kreuzbandes (HKB) wird imAllgemeinen eine intraoperative Bildwandlerkontrolle empfohlen.Hypothese: Die Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals unter rein arthroskopischer Kontrolle erlaubt eineanatomische und reproduzierbare Bohrkanalplatzierung.Material/Methoden: Von Februar 2007 bis Dezember 2009 wurden 109 arthroskopischeRekonstruktionen des hinteren Kreuzbandes in tibialer Tunneltechnik durchgeführt. Der tibialeBohrkanal wurde jeweils nach Anlage eines postero-medialen Arthroskopieportals und Darstellung deranatomischen HKB-Insertion unter direkter Sicht gebohrt. Nach eingehender Qualitätskontrolle derpostoperativen Röntgenbilder wurden 51 standardisierte Aufnahmen ausgewertet. Im a.-p.-Bild wurdeder Abstand des Tunnelzentrums von der medialen Kante des Tibiaplateaus gemessen und inRelation zur Gesamtbreite des Tibiaplateaus gesetzt. Im strikt seitlichen Bild wurde der Abstand desTunnelzentrums senkrecht zur Tangente des medialen Tibiaplateaus gemessen.Ergebnisse: Relativ zur medialen Tibiakante befand sich das Zentrum des dorsalen tibialenTunnelausgangs im Mittel bei 50,6 % ± 4.9 (Range 40 - 64) des Tibiakopfdurchmessers. Im seitlichenBild lag der Tunnelausgang im Mittel 11,6 mm ± 4,4 (Range 4,5 - 27,5) unterhalb der Oberkante desmedialen Tibiaplateaus. Es wurden keine postoperativen Gefäß- oder Nervenläsionen beobachtet.Schlussfolgerung: Gemäß den Empfehlungen der Literatur zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegendeStudie, dass die Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals unter rein arthroskopischer Kontrolle anatomischkorrekte und reproduzierbare Ergebnisse erzielt. Dabei ist eine regelgerechte arthroskopischeDarstellung der HKB-Insertion eine unbedingte Voraussetzung. Vorteile dieses Vorgehens sind dieVermeidung von Strahlenbelastung für Patient und Operateur, Zeit- und Raumersparnis im OP unddie Möglichkeit, den Bohrvorgang unter direkter Sicht zu kontrollieren.
Abstract Background: Aerosol-mediated delivery of nano-based therapeutics to the lung has emerged as a promising alternative for treatment and prevention of lung diseases. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have attracted significant attention for such applications due to their biocompatibility and magnetic properties. However, information is lacking about the characteristics of nebulized SPIONs for use as a therapeutic aerosol. To address this need, we conducted a physicochemical characterization of nebulized Rienso, a SPION-based formulation for intravenous treatment of anemia. Methods: Four different concentrations of SPION suspensions were nebulized with a one-jet nebulizer. Particle size was measured in suspension by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), and in the aerosol by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Results: The average particle size in suspension as measured by TEM, PCS, and NTA was 9±2 nm, 27±7 nm, and 56±10 nm, respectively. The particle size in suspension remained the same before and after the nebulization process. However, after aerosol collection in an impinger, the suspended particle size increased to 159±46 nm as measured by NTA. The aerosol particle concentration increased linearly with increasing suspension concentration, and the aerodynamic diameter remained relatively stable at around 75 nm as measured by SMPS. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the total number and particle size in the aerosol were modulated as a function of the initial concentration in the nebulizer. The data obtained mark the first known independent characterization of nebulized Rienso and, as such, provide critical information on the behavior of Rienso nanoparticles in an aerosol. The data obtained in this study add new knowledge to the existing body of literature on potential applications of SPION suspensions as inhaled aerosol therapeutics.
Already in ancient Greece, Hippocrates postulated that disease showed a seasonal pattern characterised by excess winter mortality. Since then, several studies have confirmed this finding, and it was generally accepted that the increase in winter mortality was mostly due to respiratory infections and seasonal influenza. More recently, it was shown that cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality also displayed such seasonality, and that the magnitude of the seasonal effect increased from the poles to the equator. The recent study by Yang et al assessed CVD mortality attributable to ambient temperature using daily data from 15 cities in China for years 2007-2013, including nearly two million CVD deaths. A high temperature variability between and within cities can be observed (figure 1). They used sophisticated statistical methodology to account for the complex temperature-mortality relationship; first, distributed lag non-linear models combined with quasi-Poisson regression to obtain city-specific estimates, taking into account temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure; then, a meta-analysis to obtain the pooled estimates. The results confirm the winter excess mortality as reported by the Eurowinter3 and other4 groups, but they show that the magnitude of ambient temperature.
In the health domain, the field of rehabilitation suffers from a lack specialized staff while hospital costs only increase. Worse, almost no tools are dedicated to motivate patients or help the personnel to carry out monitoring of therapeutic exercises. This paper demonstrates the high potential that can bring the virtual reality with a platform of serious games for the rehabilitation of the legs involving a head-mounted display and haptic robot devices. We first introduce SG principles and the current context regarding rehabilitation interventions followed by the description of an original haptic device called Lambda Health System. The architecture of the model is then detailed, including communication specifications showing that lag is imperceptible for user (60Hz). Finally, four serious games for rehabilitation using haptic robots and/or HMD were tested by 33 health specialists.
PURPOSE: Unlike in the outpatient setting, delivery of aerosols to critically ill patients may be considered complex, particularly in ventilated patients, and benefits remain to be proven. Many factors influence aerosol delivery and recommendations exist, but little is known about knowledge translation into clinical practice. METHODS: Two-week cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of aerosol therapy in 81 intensive and intermediate care units in 22 countries. All aerosols delivered to patients breathing spontaneously, ventilated invasively or noninvasively (NIV) were recorded, and drugs, devices, ventilator settings, circuit set-up, humidification and side effects were noted. RESULTS: A total of 9714 aerosols were administered to 678 of the 2808 admitted patients (24 %, CI95 22-26 %), whereas only 271 patients (10 %) were taking inhaled medication before admission. There were large variations among centers, from 0 to 57 %. Among intubated patients 22 % (n = 262) received aerosols, and 50 % (n = 149) of patients undergoing NIV, predominantly (75 %) inbetween NIV sessions. Bronchodilators (n = 7960) and corticosteroids (n = 1233) were the most frequently delivered drugs (88 % overall), predominantly but not exclusively (49 %) administered to patients with chronic airway disease. An anti-infectious drug was aerosolized 509 times (5 % of all aerosols) for nosocomial infections. Jet-nebulizers were the most frequently used device (56 %), followed by metered dose inhalers (23 %). Only 106 (<1 %) mild side effects were observed, despite frequent suboptimal set-ups such as an external gas supply of jet nebulizers for intubated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Aerosol therapy concerns every fourth critically ill patient and one-fifth of ventilated patients.