75 resultados para Iron Sky
The high-affinity siderophore salicylate is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of pyochelin, another siderophore and chelator of transition metal ions, in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The 2.5-kb region upstream of the salicylate biosynthetic genes pchBA was sequenced and found to contain two additional, contiguous genes, pchD and pchC, having the same orientation. The deduced amino acid sequence of the 60-kDa PchD protein was similar to those of the EntE protein (2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase) of Escherichia coli and other adenylate-forming enzymes, suggesting that salicylate might be adenylated at the carboxyl group by PchD. The 28-kDa PchC protein showed similarities to thioesterases of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin and might participate in the release of the product(s) formed from activated salicylate. One potential product, dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), was identified in culture supernatants of iron-limited P. aeruginosa cells. The antifungal antibiotic Dha is thought to arise from the reaction of salicylate with cysteine, followed by cyclization of cysteine. Inactivation of the chromosomal pchD gene by insertion of the transcription and translation stop element omega Sm/Sp abolished the production of Dha and pyochelin, implying that PchD-mediated activation of salicylate may be a common first step in the synthesis of both metabolites. Furthermore, the pchD::omega Sm/Sp mutation had a strong polar effect on the expression of the pchBA genes, i.e., on salicylate synthesis, indicating that the pchDCBA genes constitute a transcriptional unit. A full-length pchDCBA transcript of ca. 4.4 kb could be detected in iron-deprived, growing cells of P. aeruginosa. Transcription of pchD started at tandemly arranged promoters, which overlapped with two Fur boxes (binding sites for the ferric uptake regulator) and the promoter of the divergently transcribed pchR gene encoding an activator of pyochelin biosynthesis. This promoter arrangement allows tight iron-mediated repression of the pchDCBA operon.
The bacterial siderophore pyochelin is composed of salicylate and two cysteine-derived heterocycles, the second of which is modified by reduction and N-methylation during biosynthesis. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the first cysteine residue is converted to its D-isoform during thiazoline ring formation, whereas the second cysteine remains in its L-configuration. Stereochemistry is opposite in the Pseudomonas fluorescens siderophore enantio-pyochelin, in which the first ring originates from L-cysteine and the second ring from D-cysteine. Both siderophores promote growth of the producer organism during iron limitation and induce the expression of their biosynthesis genes by activating the transcriptional AraC-type regulator PchR. However, neither siderophore is functional as an iron carrier or as a transcriptional inducer in the other species, demonstrating that both processes are highly stereospecific. Stereospecificity of pyochelin/enantio-pyochelin-mediated iron uptake is ensured at two levels: (i) by the outer membrane siderophore receptors and (ii) by the cytosolic PchR regulators.
BACKGROUND: Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) refers to genetically heterogenous paediatric neurodegenerative disorders characterised by basal ganglia iron deposition. One major cause is recessive mutations in the PLA2G6 gene. While strabismus and optic nerve pallor have been reported for PLA2G6-related disease, the ophthalmic phenotype is not carefully defined. In this study we characterise the ophthalmic phenotype of PLA2G6-related NBIA. METHODS: Prospective cohort study. RESULTS: The eight patients were 4-26 years old when examined. All had progressive cognitive and motor regression first noted between 9 months and 6 years of age that typically first manifested as difficulty walking (ataxia). Ophthalmic examination was sometimes limited by cognitive ability. Four of eight had exotropia, 7/7 bilateral supraduction defect, 5/7 poor convergence, 6/8 saccadic pursuit, 4/8 saccadic intrusions that resembled square-wave jerks, and 8/8 bilateral optic nerve head pallor. All patients lacked Bell phenomenon. CONCLUSIONS: Upgaze palsy, although not a previously reported finding, was confirmed in all patients (except in one for whom assessment could not be performed) and thus can be considered part of the phenotype in children and young adults. Other frequent findings not previously highlighted were abnormal convergence, saccadic pursuit, and saccadic intrusions. Optic nerve head pallor and strabismus, previously reported findings in the disease, were found in 100% and 50% of our cohort, respectively, and the strabismus in our series was always exotropia. Taken together, these clinical findings may be helpful in distinguishing PLA2G6-related neurodegeneration from the other major cause of NBIA, recessive PANK2 mutations.
Quantitative approaches in ceramology are gaining ground in excavation reports, archaeological publications and thematic studies. Hence, a wide variety of methods are being used depending on the researchers' theoretical premise, the type of material which is examined, the context of discovery and the questions that are addressed. The round table that took place in Athens on November 2008 was intended to offer the participants the opportunity to present a selection of case studies on the basis of which methodological approaches were discussed. The aim was to define a set of guidelines for quantification that would prove to be of use to all researchers. Contents: 1) Introduction (Samuel Verdan); 2) Isthmia and beyond. How can quantification help the analysis of EIA sanctuary deposits? (Catherine Morgan); 3) Approaching aspects of cult practice and ethnicity in Early Iron Age Ephesos using quantitative analysis of a Protogeometric deposit from the Artemision (Michael Kerschner); 4) Development of a ceramic cultic assemblage: Analyzing pottery from Late Helladic IIIC through Late Geometric Kalapodi (Ivonne Kaiser, Laura-Concetta Rizzotto, Sara Strack); 5) 'Erfahrungsbericht' of application of different quantitative methods at Kalapodi (Sara Strack); 6) The Early Iron Age sanctuary at Olympia: counting sherds from the Pelopion excavations (1987-1996) (Birgitta Eder); 7) L'aire du pilier des Rhodiens à Delphes: Essai de quantification du mobilier (Jean-Marc Luce); 8) A new approach in ceramic statistical analyses: Pit 13 on Xeropolis at Lefkandi (David A. Mitchell, Irene S. Lemos); 9) Households and workshops at Early Iron Age Oropos: A quantitative approach of the fine, wheel-made pottery (Vicky Vlachou); 10) Counting sherds at Sindos: Pottery consumption and construction of identities in the Iron Age (Stefanos Gimatzidis); 11) Analyse quantitative du mobilier céramique des fouilles de Xombourgo à Ténos et le cas des supports de caisson (Jean-Sébastien Gros); 12) Defining a typology of pottery from Gortyn: The material from a pottery workshop pit, (Emanuela Santaniello); 13) Quantification of ceramics from Early Iron Age tombs (Antonis Kotsonas); 14) Quantitative analysis of the pottery from the Early Iron Age necropolis of Tsikalario on Naxos (Xenia Charalambidou); 15) Finding the Early Iron Age in field survey: Two case studies from Boeotia and Magnesia (Vladimir Stissi); 16) Pottery quantification: Some guidelines (Samuel Verdan).
BACKGROUND:: In 2007, leading international experts in the field of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) recommended intravenous (IV) iron supplements over oral (PO) ones because of superior effectiveness and better tolerance. We aimed to determine the percentage of patients with IBD undergoing iron therapy and to assess the dynamics of iron prescription habits (IV versus PO). METHODS:: We analyzed anonymized data on patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis extracted from the Helsana database. Helsana is a Swiss health insurance company providing coverage for 18% of the Swiss population (1.2 million individuals). RESULTS:: In total, 629 patients with Crohn's disease (61% female) and 398 patients with ulcerative colitis (57% female) were identified; mean observation time was 31.8 months for Crohn's disease and 31.0 months for ulcerative colitis patients. Of all patients with IBD, 27.1% were prescribed iron (21.1% in males; 31.1% in females). Patients treated with steroids, immunomodulators, and/or anti-tumor necrosis factor drugs were more frequently treated with iron supplements when compared with those not treated with any medications (35.0% versus 20.9%, odds ratio, 1.94; P < 0.001). The frequency of IV iron prescriptions increased significantly from 2006 to 2009 for both genders (males: from 2.6% to 10.1%, odds ratio = 3.84, P < 0.001; females: from 5.3% to 12.1%, odds ratio = 2.26, P = 0.002), whereas the percentage of PO iron prescriptions did not change. CONCLUSIONS:: Twenty-seven percent of patients with IBD were treated with iron supplements. Iron supplements administered IV were prescribed more frequently over time. These prescription habits are consistent with the implementation of guidelines on the management of iron deficiency in IBD.
PURPOSE: Transferrin (Tf) expression is enhanced by aging and inflammation in humans. We investigated the role of transferrin in glial protection. METHODS: We generated transgenic mice (Tg) carrying the complete human transferrin gene on a C57Bl/6J genetic background. We studied human (hTf) and mouse (mTf) transferrin localization in Tg and wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6J mice using immunochemistry with specific antibodies. Müller glial (MG) cells were cultured from explants and characterized using cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) and vimentin antibodies. They were further subcultured for study. We incubated cells with FeCl(3)-nitrilotriacetate to test for the iron-induced stress response; viability was determined by direct counting and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Tf expression was determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR with human- or mouse-specific probes. hTf and mTf in the medium were assayed by ELISA or radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. RESULTS: mTf was mainly localized in retinal pigment epithelium and ganglion cell layers in retina sections of both mouse lines. hTf was abundant in MG cells. The distribution of mTf and hTf mRNA was consistent with these findings. mTf and hTf were secreted into the medium of MG cell primary cultures. Cells from Tg mice secreted hTf at a particularly high level. However, both WT and Tg cell cultures lose their ability to secrete Tf after a few passages. Tg MG cells secreting hTf were more resistant to iron-induced stress toxicity than those no longer secreted hTf. Similarly, exogenous human apo-Tf, but not human holo-Tf, conferred resistance to iron-induced stress on MG cells from WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: hTf localization in MG cells from Tg mice was reminiscent of that reported for aged human retina and age-related macular degeneration, both conditions associated with iron deposition. The role of hTf in protection against toxicity in Tg MG cells probably involves an adaptive mechanism developed in neural retina to control iron-induced stress.
Absorption, transport and storage of iron are tightly regulated, as expected for an element, which is both essential and potentially toxic. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia, and it also compromises immune function and cognitive development. Iron overload damages the liver and other organs in hereditary hemochromatosis, and in thalassaemia patients with both transfusion and non-transfusionrelated iron accumulation. Excess iron has harmful effects in chronic liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol, obesity or viruses. There is evidence for involvement of iron in neurodegenerative diseases and in Type 2 diabetes. Variation in transferrin saturation, a biomarker of iron status, has been associated with mortality in patients with diabetes and in the general population13. All these associations between iron and either clinical disease or pathological processes make it important to understand the causes of variation in iron status. Importantly, information on genetic causes of variation can be used in Mendelian randomization studies to test whether variation in iron status is a cause or consequence of disease. We have used biomarkers of iron status (serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation and ferritin), which are commonly used clinically and readily measurable in thousands of individuals, and carried out a meta-analysis of human genomewide association study (GWAS) data from 11 discovery and eight replication cohorts. Our aims were to identify additional loci affecting markers of iron status in the general population and to relate the significant loci to information on gene expression to identify relevant genes. We also made an initial assessment of whether any such loci affect iron status in HFE C282Y homozygotes, who are at genetic risk of HFE-related iron overload (hereditary hemochromatosis type 1, OMIM #235200)
Magneto-active polymers are a class of smart materials commonly manufactured by mixing micron-sized iron particles in a rubber-like matrix. When cured in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field, the iron particles arrange themselves into chain-like structures that lend an overall anisotropy to the material. It has been observed through electron micrographs and X-ray tomographs that these chains are not always perfect in structure, and may have dispersion due to the conditions present during manufacturing or some undesirable material properties. We model the response of these materials to coupled magneto-mechanical loading in this paper using a probability based structure tensor that accounts for this imperfect anisotropy. The response of the matrix material is decoupled from the chain phase, though still being connected through kinematic constraints. The latter is based on the definition of a 'chain deformation gradient' and a 'chain magnetic field'. We conclude with numerical examples that demonstrate the effect of chain dispersion on the response of the material to magnetoelastic loading.
Abstract Background: Aerosol-mediated delivery of nano-based therapeutics to the lung has emerged as a promising alternative for treatment and prevention of lung diseases. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have attracted significant attention for such applications due to their biocompatibility and magnetic properties. However, information is lacking about the characteristics of nebulized SPIONs for use as a therapeutic aerosol. To address this need, we conducted a physicochemical characterization of nebulized Rienso, a SPION-based formulation for intravenous treatment of anemia. Methods: Four different concentrations of SPION suspensions were nebulized with a one-jet nebulizer. Particle size was measured in suspension by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), and in the aerosol by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Results: The average particle size in suspension as measured by TEM, PCS, and NTA was 9±2 nm, 27±7 nm, and 56±10 nm, respectively. The particle size in suspension remained the same before and after the nebulization process. However, after aerosol collection in an impinger, the suspended particle size increased to 159±46 nm as measured by NTA. The aerosol particle concentration increased linearly with increasing suspension concentration, and the aerodynamic diameter remained relatively stable at around 75 nm as measured by SMPS. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the total number and particle size in the aerosol were modulated as a function of the initial concentration in the nebulizer. The data obtained mark the first known independent characterization of nebulized Rienso and, as such, provide critical information on the behavior of Rienso nanoparticles in an aerosol. The data obtained in this study add new knowledge to the existing body of literature on potential applications of SPION suspensions as inhaled aerosol therapeutics.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Whether iron metabolism affects metabolic syndrome (METS) is debated. We assessed the association between several markers of iron metabolism and incidence of METS. METHODS AND RESULTS: Data from 3271 participants (1870 women, 51.3 ± 10.4 years), free of METS at baseline and followed for 5.5 years. The association of serum iron, ferritin and transferrin with incident METS was assessed separately by gender. Incidence of METS was 22.6% in men and 16.5% in women (p < 0.001). After multivariate adjustment, a positive association was found between transferrin and incident METS in men: odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval for the fourth relative to the first quartile 1.55 (1.04-2.31), p for trend = 0.03, while no association was found for iron OR = 0.81 (0.53-1.24), p for trend = 0.33 and ferritin OR = 1.30 (0.88-1.92), p for trend = 0.018. In women, a negative association was found between iron and incident METS: OR for the fourth relative to the first quartile 0.51 (0.33-0.80), p for trend<0.03; the association between transferrin and incident METS was borderline significant: OR = 1.45 (0.97-2.17), p for trend = 0.07 and no association was found for ferritin: OR = 1.11 (0.76-1.63), p for trend = 0.58. CONCLUSION: Transferrin, not ferritin, is independently associated with an increased risk of incident METS; the protective effect of iron in women should be further explored.
Iron is essential for retinal function but contributes to oxidative stress-mediated degeneration. Iron retinal homeostasis is highly regulated and transferrin (Tf), a potent iron chelator, is endogenously secreted by retinal cells. In this study, therapeutic potential of a local Tf delivery was evaluated in animal models of retinal degeneration. After intravitreal injection, Tf spread rapidly within the retina and accumulated in photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium, before reaching the blood circulation. Tf injected in the vitreous prior and, to a lesser extent, after light-induced retinal degeneration, efficiently protected the retina histology and function. We found an association between Tf treatment and the modulation of iron homeostasis resulting in a decrease of iron content and oxidative stress marker. The immunomodulation function of Tf could be seen through a reduction in macrophage/microglial activation as well as modulated inflammation responses. In a mouse model of hemochromatosis, Tf had the capacity to clear abnormal iron accumulation from retinas. And in the slow P23H rat model of retinal degeneration, a sustained release of Tf in the vitreous via non-viral gene therapy efficently slowed-down the photoreceptors death and preserved their function. These results clearly demonstrate the synergistic neuroprotective roles of Tf against retinal degeneration and allow identify Tf as an innovative and not toxic therapy for retinal diseases associated with oxidative stress.
Plusieurs études populationnelles ont montré l'existence d'une association entre des taux sanguins élevés de transferrine et le syndrome métabolique (SM). Bien que cette association soit bien établie, restent encore à être décrites les associations entre le SM et les autres marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, tels que le fer, la transferrine (Tsf), la capacité totale de fixation de la transferrine (CTF) ou la saturation de la transferrine (SaTsf) sanguins. Le but de notre étude a été d'identifier les associations entre les différents marqueurs du métabolisme du fer (fer, ferritine, Tsf, CTF et SaTsf) et le SM. Les données de l'étude CoLaus, récoltées entre 2003 et 2006, ont été utilisées. Le SM était défini selon les critères du National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Panel III. L'analyse statistique a été faite en stratifiant selon le genre ainsi que le status ménopausal chez les femmes. Des 6733 participants, 1235 (18%) ont été exclus de fait d'absence de données concernant les variables qui nous intéressaient, ou chez qui nous avons soupçonné une possible hémochromatose non diagnostiquée (SaTsf> 50%). Des 5498 participants restant (âge moyen ± écart-type: 53 ± 11 ans), 2596 étaient des hommes, 1285 des femmes pré- et 1617 des femmes postménopausées. La prévalence du SM était de 29,4% chez les hommes, 8,3% et 25,5% chez les femmes pré- et postménopausées, respectivement. Dans les trois groupes, la prévalence du SM était la plus haute dans les quartiles les plus élevés de ferritine, Tsf et CTF, ainsi que dans le quartile le plus bas de SaTsf. Après ajustement sur l'âge, l'indice de masse corporelle, la protéine C réactive, la consommation de tabac et/ou d'alcool, la prise de suppléments en fer et les marqueurs hépatiques, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de ferritine, Tsf ou CTF était associée à un risque plus important de SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées : Odds ratio (OR) et [intervalle de confiance à 95%] pour la ferritine 1.44 [1.07-1.94] et 1.47 [0.99-2.17]; pour la Tsf et la CTF, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] et 2.13 [1.44-3.15] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Au contraire, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de la SaTsf était associé à un risque moins important de SM: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] et 0.59 [0.39-0.90] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Il n'y avait aucune association entre les marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer et le SM chez les femmes préménopausées, ni entre le fer sanguin et le SM chez les trois groupes. En conclusion, la majorité des marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, mais pas le fer lui-même, sont associés de manière indépendante au SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées. -- Context: Excessive iron storage has been associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). Objective: To assess the association between markers of iron metabolism and MS in a healthy population. Design: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006. Setting: Population-based study in Lausanne, Switzerland. Patients: 5,498 participants aged 35-75 years, stratified by sex and menopausal status. Participants with transferrin saturation (TSAT) >50% were excluded. Intervention: None. Main Outcome Measures: serum iron, ferritin, transferrin, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and TSAT. MS was defined according to ATP-III criteria. Results: Prevalence of MS was 29.4% in men, 8.3% in premenopausal and 25.5% in postmenopausal women. On bivariate analysis, the highest prevalence of MS occurred in the highest quartiles of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC, and in the lowest quartile of TSAT. After multivariate adjustment for age, body mass index, C-reactive protein, smoking, alcohol, liver markers and iron supplementation, men and postmenopausal women in the highest quartile of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC had a higher risk of presenting with MS: for ferritin, Odds ratio and [95% CI]=1.44 [1.07-1.94] for men and 1.47 [0.99-2.17] for postmenopausal women; for transferrin and TIBC, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] and 2.13 [1.44-3.15], Participants in the highest quartile of TSAT had a lower risk of MS: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] for men and 0.59 [0.39-0.90] for postmenopausal women. No association was found between iron and MS and between markers of iron metabolism and MS in premenopausal women. Conclusion: Ferritin, transferrin, TIBC are positively and TSAT is negatively associated with MS in men and postmenopausal women.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hepcidin is the main hormone that regulates iron balance. Its lowering favours digestive iron absorption in cases of iron deficiency or enhanced erythropoiesis. The careful dosage of this small peptide promises new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Its measurement is progressively being validated and now its clinical value must be explored in different physiological situations. Here, we evaluate hepcidin levels among premenopausal female donors with iron deficiency without anaemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a preceding study, a 4-week oral iron treatment (80 mg/day) was administered in a randomized controlled trial (n = 145), in cases of iron deficiency without anaemia after a blood donation. We subsequently measured hepcidin at baseline and after 4 weeks of treatment, using mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Iron supplementation had a significant effect on plasma hepcidin compared to the placebo arm at 4 weeks [+0·29 nm [95% CI: 0·18 to 0·40]). There was a significant correlation between hepcidin and ferritin at baseline (R(2) = 0·121, P < 0·001) and after treatment (R(2) = 0·436, P < 0·001). Hepcidin levels at baseline were not predictive of concentration changes for ferritin or haemoglobin. However, hepcidin levels at 4 weeks were significantly higher (0·79 nm [95% CI: 0·53 to 1·05]) among ferritin responders. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that a 4-week oral treatment of iron increased hepcidin blood concentrations in female blood donors with an initial ferritin concentration of less than 30 ng/ml. Apparently, hepcidin cannot serve as a predictor of response to iron treatment but might serve as a marker of the iron repletion needed for erythropoiesis.