255 resultados para Fish diseases


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The recommendations for the treatment of gonorrhea have been changed: ceftriaxone 500 mg IM plus azithromycin 1 g PO is recommended. Prophylaxis of recurrent cellulitis with penicillin 250 mg 2 x/d PO may be considered. E. coli ESBL does not require contact isolation anymore. Fecal transplantation seems so far to be the most effective treatment of recurrent C. dificile. Two new respiratory viruses, Middle East Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and avian-origin Influenza A (H7N9) have been reported. Oral valganciclovir treatment reduces the risk of hearing loss in congenital CMV infection. An outbreak of mould infections of the central nervous system has been described in the United States following injection of contaminated steroids.


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The treatment of reflux disease did not changed. PPI treatment remains the first line treatment and surgery a second line treatment. The effect of surgery in reflux disease reduces and, after ten years, a part of the operated patients needs PPI again. The triple therapy is the treatment of choice of Helicobacter pylori infection. Patients with persistent Helicobacter pylori infection, after a first treatment, should be treated with a sequential treatment. PPI are effective in the prevention of gastroduodenal lesions and in the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms during NSAID treatment. IPP should be given to all patients presenting dyspeptic symptoms under NSAID or COX-2 administration.


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Guidelines for the management of patients with invasive candidiasis and mucosal candidiasis were prepared by an Expert Panel of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. These updated guidelines replace the previous guidelines published in the 15 January 2004 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases and are intended for use by health care providers who care for patients who either have or are at risk of these infections. Since 2004, several new antifungal agents have become available, and several new studies have been published relating to the treatment of candidemia, other forms of invasive candidiasis, and mucosal disease, including oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis. There are also recent prospective data on the prevention of invasive candidiasis in high-risk neonates and adults and on the empiric treatment of suspected invasive candidiasis in adults. This new information is incorporated into this revised document.


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ABSTRACTThe Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database (OMIM) reports about 3000 Mendelian diseases of known causal gene and about 2000 that remain to be mapped. These cases are often difficult to solve because of the rareness of the disease, the structure of the family (too big or too small) or the heterogeneity of the phenotype. The goal of this thesis is to explore the current genetic tools, before the advent of ultra high throughput sequencing, and integrate them in the attempt to map the genes behind the four studied cases. In this framework we have studied a small family with a recessive disease, a modifier gene for the penetrance of a dominant mutation, a large extended family with a cardiac phenotype and clinical and/or allelic heterogeneity and we have molecularly analyzed a balanced chromosomal translocation.RESUMELa base de données des maladies à transmission mendélienne, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), contient environ 3000 affections à caractère mendélien pour lesquelles le gène responsable est connu et environ 2000 qui restent à élucider.Les cas restant à résoudre sont souvent difficiles soit par le caractère intrinsèquement rare de ces maladies soit à cause de difficultés structurelles (famille trop petite ou trop étendue) ou hétérogénéité du phénotype ou génétique. Cette thèse s'inscrit avant l'arrivée des nouveaux outils de séquençage à haut débit. Son but est d'explorer les outils génétiques actuels, et de les intégrer pour trouver les gènes impliqués dans quatre cas représentant chacun une situation génétique différente : nous avons étudié une famille de quatre individus avec une transmission récessive, recherché un gène modificateur de la pénétrance de mutations dominantes, étudié une famille étendue présentant un phénotype cardiaque cliniquement et/ou allèliquement hétérogène et nous avons fait l'analyse moléculaire d'une translocation chromosomique balancée.


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Two genome-wide association studies for meningococcal disease and tuberculosis identify new loci associated with susceptibility to these infectious diseases. They highlight a role for the acquired and innate immune systems in host control of several human pathogens and demonstrate that denser genotyping platforms and population-specific reference panels are necessary for genetic studies in African populations.


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The debate on the merits of observational studies as compared with randomized trials is ongoing. We will briefly touch on this subject, and demonstrate the role of cohort studies for the description of infectious disease patterns after transplantation. The potential benefits of cohort studies for the clinical management of patients outside of the expected gain in epidemiological knowledge are reviewed. The newly established Swiss Transplantation Cohort Study and in particular the part focusing on infectious diseases will serve as an illustration. A neglected area of research is the indirect value of large, multicenter cohort studies. These benefits can range from a deepened collaboration to the development of common definitions and guidelines. Unfortunately, very few data exist on the role of such indirect effects on improving quality of patient management. This review postulates an important role for cohort studies, which should not be viewed as inferior but complementary to established research tools, in particular randomized trials. Randomized trials remain the least bias-prone method to establish knowledge regarding the significance of diagnostic or therapeutic measures. Cohort studies have the power to reflect a real-world situation and to pinpoint areas of knowledge as well as of uncertainty. Prerequisite is a prospective design requiring a set of inclusive data coupled with the meticulous insistence on data retrieval and quality.


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The treatment of reflux disease did not change in the review period. PPI therapy remains the first line treatment and surgery the second line approach. Endoscopic anti-reflux procedures should be only performed in controlled studies. Beside the classic triple therapy, sequential treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection can today be considered as a first line therapy. PPI are effective in the prevention of gastroduodenal lesions and in the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms induced by NSAIDs treatment. Only patients younger then 65 years and without any risk factors do not need a preventive PPI prescription during classic NSAIDS treatment.


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The screening of vascular pathologies in physician offices starts with precise medical history and clinical exam. Tools like the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire for the peripheral artery disease or the Wells score for the probability of a thromboembolic event are useful. The measure of the ankle brachial index, the D-dimers or any other biological screening are complementary. In the presence of pathological features, it is recommended to organise a specialised consultation in order to precise diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The screening of a vascular disease is interesting not only for the management of local symptoms, but also for the associated systemic pathologies to provide a preventive medicine of good quality.


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INTRODUCTION: The Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS) evaluated evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of neurostimulation to treat chronic pain, chronic critical limb ischemia, and refractory angina and recommended appropriate clinical applications. METHODS: The NACC used literature reviews, expert opinion, clinical experience, and individual research. Authors consulted the Practice Parameters for the Use of Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain (2006), systematic reviews (1984 to 2013), and prospective and randomized controlled trials (2005 to 2013) identified through PubMed, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. RESULTS: Neurostimulation is relatively safe because of its minimally invasive and reversible characteristics. Comparison with medical management is difficult, as patients considered for neurostimulation have failed conservative management. Unlike alternative therapies, neurostimulation is not associated with medication-related side effects and has enduring effect. Device-related complications are not uncommon; however, the incidence is becoming less frequent as technology progresses and surgical skills improve. Randomized controlled studies support the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation in treating failed back surgery syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome. Similar studies of neurostimulation for peripheral neuropathic pain, postamputation pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and other causes of nerve injury are needed. International guidelines recommend spinal cord stimulation to treat refractory angina; other indications, such as congestive heart failure, are being investigated. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate neurostimulation is safe and effective in some chronic pain conditions. Technological refinements and clinical evidence will continue to expand its use. The NACC seeks to facilitate the efficacy and safety of neurostimulation.


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BACKGROUND: Statins have been increasingly associated with drug-induced autoimmune reactions, including lupus erythematosus. OBJECTIVE: To identify and determine the clinical and biological characteristics of statin-induced autoimmune reactions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The MEDLINE database (1966 to September 2005) was used to identify all reported cases of statin-induced autoimmune diseases. The keywords used were statins, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, adverse effects, autoimmune disease, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis and polymyositis. RESULTS: Twenty-eight cases of statin-induced autoimmune diseases have been published so far. Systemic lupus erythematosus was reported in 10 cases, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus in three cases, dermatomyositis and polymyositis in 14 cases and lichen planus pemphigoides in one case. Autoimmune hepatitis was observed in two patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The mean time of exposure before disease onset was 12.8+/-18 months; range 1 month-6 years. Systemic immunosuppressive therapy was required in the majority of cases. In many patients, antinuclear antibodies were still positive many months after clinical recovery. A lethal outcome has been recorded in two patients despite aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. CONCLUSION: Long-term exposure to statins may be associated with drug-induced lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune disorders. Fatal cases have been reported despite early drug discontinuation and aggressive systemic immunosuppressive therapy.


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Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a highly heritable condition and the most common form of hair loss in humans. Susceptibility loci have been described on the X chromosome and chromosome 20, but these loci explain a minority of its heritable variance. We conducted a large-scale meta-analysis of seven genome-wide association studies for early-onset AGA in 12,806 individuals of European ancestry. While replicating the two AGA loci on the X chromosome and chromosome 20, six novel susceptibility loci reached genome-wide significance (p = 2.62×10(-9)-1.01×10(-12)). Unexpectedly, we identified a risk allele at 17q21.31 that was recently associated with Parkinson's disease (PD) at a genome-wide significant level. We then tested the association between early-onset AGA and the risk of PD in a cross-sectional analysis of 568 PD cases and 7,664 controls. Early-onset AGA cases had significantly increased odds of subsequent PD (OR = 1.28, 95% confidence interval: 1.06-1.55, p = 8.9×10(-3)). Further, the AGA susceptibility alleles at the 17q21.31 locus are on the H1 haplotype, which is under negative selection in Europeans and has been linked to decreased fertility. Combining the risk alleles of six novel and two established susceptibility loci, we created a genotype risk score and tested its association with AGA in an additional sample. Individuals in the highest risk quartile of a genotype score had an approximately six-fold increased risk of early-onset AGA [odds ratio (OR) = 5.78, p = 1.4×10(-88)]. Our results highlight unexpected associations between early-onset AGA, Parkinson's disease, and decreased fertility, providing important insights into the pathophysiology of these conditions.


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Fungal diseases still play a major role in morbidity and mortality in patients with haematological malignancies, including those undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Although Aspergillus and other filamentous fungal diseases remain a major concern, Candida infections are still a major cause of mortality. This part of the ESCMID guidelines focuses on this patient population and reviews pertaining to prophylaxis, empirical/pre-emptive and targeted therapy of Candida diseases. Anti-Candida prophylaxis is only recommended for patients receiving allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The authors recognize that the recommendations would have most likely been different if the purpose would have been prevention of all fungal infections (e.g. aspergillosis). In targeted treatment of candidaemia, recommendations for treatment are available for all echinocandins, that is anidulafungin (AI), caspofungin (AI) and micafungin (AI), although a warning for resistance is expressed. Liposomal amphotericin B received a BI recommendation due to higher number of reported adverse events in the trials. Amphotericin B deoxycholate should not be used (DII); and fluconazole was rated CI because of a change in epidemiology in some areas in Europe. Removal of central venous catheters is recommended during candidaemia but if catheter retention is a clinical necessity, treatment with an echinocandin is an option (CII(t) ). In chronic disseminated candidiasis therapy, recommendations are liposomal amphotericin B for 8 weeks (AIII), fluconazole for >3 months or other azoles (BIII). Granulocyte transfusions are only an option in desperate cases of patients with Candida disease and neutropenia (CIII).


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OBJECTIVE: Fish oil (FO) may attenuate the inflammatory response after major surgery such as abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery. We aimed at evaluating the clinical impact and safety aspects of a FO containing parenteral nutrition (PN) after AAA surgery. METHODS: Intervention consisted in 4 days of either standard (STD: Lipofundin medium-chain triglyceride (MCT): long-chain triglyceride (LCT)50%-MCT50%) or FO containing PN (FO: Lipoplus: LCT40%-MCT50%-FO10%). Energy target were set at 1.3 times the preoperative resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry. Blood sampling on days 0, 2, 3 and 4. Glucose turnover by the (2)H(2)-glucose method. Muscle microdialysis. Clinical data: maximal daily T degrees, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay. RESULTS: Both solutions were clinically well tolerated, without any differences in laboratory safety parameters, inflammatory, metabolic data, or in organ failures. Plasma tocopherol increased similarly; with FO, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid increased significantly by day 4 versus baseline or STD. To increased postoperatively, with a trend to lower values in FO group (P=0.09). After FO, a trend toward shorter ICU stay (1.6+/-0.4 versus 2.3+/-0.4), and hospital stay (9.9+/-2.4 versus 11.3+/-2.7 days: P=0.19) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Both lipid emulsions were well tolerated. FO-PN enhanced the plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content, and was associated with trends to lower body temperature and shorter length of stay.