118 resultados para Extraction semi-automatique de termes
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method for measuring concentrations of antimicrobials in blood. This technique requires careful sample preparation. Protocols using organic solvents and/or solid extraction phases are time consuming and entail several manipulations, which can lead to partial loss of the determined compound and increased analytical variability. Moreover, to obtain sufficient material for analysis, at least 1 ml of plasma is required. This constraint makes it difficult to determine drug levels when blood sample volumes are limited. However, drugs with low plasma-protein binding can be reliably extracted from plasma by ultra-filtration with a minimal loss due to the protein-bound fraction. This study validated a single-step ultra-filtration method for extracting fluconazole (FLC), a first-line antifungal agent with a weak plasma-protein binding, from plasma to determine its concentration by HPLC. Spiked FLC standards and unknowns were prepared in human and rat plasma. Samples (240 microl) were transferred into disposable microtube filtration units containing cellulose or polysulfone filters with a 5 kDa cut-off. After centrifugation for 60 min at 15000g, FLC concentrations were measured by direct injection of the filtrate into the HPLC. Using cellulose filters, low molecular weight proteins were eluted early in the chromatogram and well separated from FLC that eluted at 8.40 min as a sharp single peak. In contrast, with polysulfone filters several additional peaks interfering with the FLC peak were observed. Moreover, the FLC recovery using cellulose filters compared to polysulfone filters was higher and had a better reproducibility. Cellulose filters were therefore used for the subsequent validation procedure. The quantification limit was 0.195 mgl(-1). Standard curves with a quadratic regression coefficient > or = 0.9999 were obtained in the concentration range of 0.195-100 mgl(-1). The inter and intra-run accuracies and precisions over the clinically relevant concentration range, 1.875-60 mgl(-1), fell well within the +/-15% variation recommended by the current guidelines for the validation of analytical methods. Furthermore, no analytical interference was observed with commonly used antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and immunosuppressive agents. Ultra-filtration of plasma with cellulose filters permits the extraction of FLC from small volumes (240 microl). The determination of FLC concentrations by HPLC after this single-step procedure is selective, precise and accurate.
Conjunctival nevi are lesions observed commonly occasionnally and can be found later in a life. Such a lesion was observed on the conjunctival semilunar fold in a 76-year-old female patient. It was oval in shape, pigmented, and was mainly visible when the affected eye was in abduction. As no accurate anterior clinical history was available, surgical resection was performed. Hitopathological study disclosed a subepithelial nevus, which was completely resected. Regular follow-up was recommended, as is usual after surgical resection of a conjunctival pigmented tumor.
The goal of this study was to compare the quantity and purity of DNA extracted from biological tracesusing the QIAsymphony robot with that of the manual QIAamp DNA mini kit currently in use in ourlaboratory. We found that the DNA yield of robot was 1.6-3.5 times lower than that of the manualprotocol. This resulted in a loss of 8% and 29% of the alleles correctly scored when analyzing 1/400 and 1/800 diluted saliva samples, respectively. Specific tests showed that the QIAsymphony was at least 2-16times more efficient at removing PCR inhibitors. The higher purity of the DNA may therefore partlycompensate for the lower DNA yield obtained. No case of cross-contamination was observed amongsamples. After purification with the robot, DNA extracts can be automatically transferred in 96-wellsplates, which is an ideal format for subsequent RT-qPCR quantification and DNA amplification. Lesshands-on time and reduced risk of operational errors represent additional advantages of the robotic platform.
La désaffection des citoyens à l'égard des partis politiques en contexte autoritaire semble se prolonger au niveau de la recherche. Pourtant, l'observation du phénomène partisan dans de tels contextes soulève plusieurs énigmes. A partir du cas du Maroc, un des rares pays de la région qui connaît depuis son indépendance un pluralisme partisan limité mais néanmoins complexe, nous nous sommes posés trois questions en particulier : 1) Si les partis politiques suscitent tant de méfiance en contexte autoritaire, qu'est-ce qui caractérise ceux qui s'engagent en leur sein ? 2) Comment en vient-on à s'y engager ? 3) Selon quels processus individuels, organisationnels, collectifs les carrières militantes partisanes se transforment-elles dans un régime autoritaire ? Pour saisir, d'une part, les caractéristiques et les lignes de partage qui structurent l'espace partisan marocain en termes de valeurs, de sociographie, de socialisations, de bassins de recrutement, d'autre part, les intrications entre trajectoires individuelles, organisationnelles et collectives, nous avons recouru en parallèle à des méthodes ethnographiques et à la constitution d'une base de données sur 4127 congressistes nationaux de dix organisations politiques marocaines, sondées entre 2008 et 2012. La sélection des organisations politiques a reposé sur des critères historiques et idéologiques, sur des dynamiques de crise, de fragmentation ou d'unification, tout en étant contrainte par les aléas du calendrier de l'organisation des congrès nationaux et des événements de 2011. L'échantillon comporte des partis « administratifs », des partis de gouvernement, d'opposition parlementaire, d'opposition non parlementaire ; avec une diversité d'orientations : nationaliste, berbériste, islamiste, de gauche gouvernementale, de gauche radicale, d'extrême-gauche. En outre, pour interroger les spécificités du fait partisan au regard de ses marges, nous avons intégré dans notre échantillon une organisation altermondialiste promouvant « la politique autrement » et observé les mobilisations de 2011 et de 2012. La concrétisation de cette recherche a été possible grâce à plusieurs contributions : - Les congressistes et nos « alliés » au sein des organisations enquêtées - Université de Lausanne : subsides de démarrage, avant l'obtention du financement du FNRS - M-F. Oliva : gestion du fonds - M. Naoui : traduction vers l'arabe de la première version du questionnaire - l'équipe des enquêteurs constituée notamment par des doctorant.e.s du CM2S (Casablanca) et de l'Université de Mohammedia - H. Rabah: gestion logistique des enquêtes - M. Jeghllaly : participation à la collecte des données, co-responsabilité des enquêtes menées dans deux congrès, traduction et codage des réponses aux questions ouvertes et semi-ouvertes - V. Monney, G. Patthey : gestion administrative et constitution de la base de donnés au début du projet - Y. Boughaba, P. Diaz, F. Friedli, A. Lutz, M. Mouton, S. Ridet-de-Beausacq : saisie des données - N. Khattabi et K. Taifouri : saisie des réponses en arabe - P. Blanchard : stratégie méthodologique, formation méthodologique de l'équipe suisse, supervision de la saisie et du codage, conception et réalisation de la base de données et des documents de codage, traitements statistiques multivariés et séquentiels - J. P. Müller : formation méthodologique complémentaire de la requérante - A. Bennani, M. Catusse, J.G. Contamin, O. Fillieule, F. Haegel, F. Johshua, D. Ksikes, M. Offerlé, F. Passy : soutiens et conseils précieux à un moment ou à un autre de l'enquête.
We show how nonlinear embedding algorithms popular for use with shallow semi-supervised learning techniques such as kernel methods can be applied to deep multilayer architectures, either as a regularizer at the output layer, or on each layer of the architecture. This provides a simple alternative to existing approaches to deep learning whilst yielding competitive error rates compared to those methods, and existing shallow semi-supervised techniques.
Aim Background The expected benefit of transvaginal specimen extraction is reduced incision-related morbidity. Objectives A systematic review of transvaginal specimen extraction in colorectal surgery was carried out to assess this expectation. Method Search strategy The following keywords, in various combinations, were searched: NOSE (natural orifices specimen extraction), colorectal, colon surgery, transvaginal, right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy, low anterior resection, sigmoidectomy, ileocaecal resection, proctocolectomy, colon cancer, sigmoid diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Selection criteria Selection criteria included large bowel resection with transvaginal specimen extraction, laparoscopic approach, human studies and English language. Exclusion criteria were experimental studies and laparotomic approach or local excision. All articles published up to February 2011 were included. Results Twenty-three articles (including a total of 130 patients) fulfilled the search criteria. The primary diagnosis was colorectal cancer in 51% (67) of patients, endometriosis in 46% (60) of patients and other conditions in the remaining patients. A concurrent gynaecological procedure was performed in 17% (22) of patients. One case of conversion to laparotomy was reported. In two patients, transvaginal extraction failed. In left- and right-sided resections, the rate of severe complications was 3.7% and 2%, respectively. Two significant complications, one of pelvic seroma and one of rectovaginal fistula, were likely to have been related to transvaginal extraction. The degree of follow up was specified in only one study. Harvested nodes and negative margins were adequate and reported in 70% of oncological cases. Conclusion Vaginal extraction of a colorectal surgery specimen shows potential benefit, particularly when associated with a gynaecological procedure. Data from prospective randomized trials are needed to support the routine use of this technique.
Rapport de synthèse : Le glaucome à angle ouvert est une neuropathie optique chronique progressive pour laquelle de nombreux traitements tant médicaux que chirurgicaux ont été proposés. La prise en charge chirurgicale s'articule principalement autour de deux chirurgies filtrantes, la trabéculectomie et la sclérectomie profonde avec implant de collagène. Cependant, les complications postopératoires de ces deux interventions étant relativement fréquentes, la recherche s'est orientée vers des traitements alternatifs dont la mise en place de micro-drains. Ces implants de drainage diminuent la pression intraoculaire en créant un court-circuit du flux d'humeur aqueuse de la chambre antérieure vers l'espace sous-conjonctival avec formation d'une bulle de filtration. L'implant Ex-PRESS R-50 est un implant miniature (2.5 mm de long pour 400 µm de diamètre) en acier inoxydable et biocompatible. La présente étude s'est proposée d'étudier l'efficacité et la sécurité de l'implant miniature Ex-Press R-50 lors d'une opération combinée cataracte-glaucome. Trente-cinq yeux de 35 patients (âge moyen: 75 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une opération de la cataracte par phacoemulsification et mise en place d'un implant de chambre postérieure suivie de l'implantation du micro-drain. Les pressions intraoculaires préopératoires et postopératoires, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux ainsi que le type et le nombre de complications ont été évalués mensuellement puis tous les 6 mois pendant 4 ans. Le succès total a été défini par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg sans traitement médical associé, le succès partiel par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg avec ou sans traitement médical associé.. Le suivi moyen a été de 36.9 mois avec une baisse de la pression intraoculaire significative d'environ 25%. Une augmentation de l'acuité visuelle a été observée après l'opération de la cataracte et le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux a été réduit de 57%. Dix patients ont bénéficié d'un traitement supplémentaire de la bulle de filtration par injection d'anti-métabolite (mitomycine C). Nous avons observé 8 complications majeures (4 érosions conjonctivales et 4 obstructions de l'orifice interne du micro-drain), toutes suivies de l'ablation de l'implant et de la réalisation d'une chirurgie classique du glaucome. En se basant sur les courbes de Kaplan-Meier à 48 mois, le taux de succès total était de 32.7% et le succès partiel de 53.7%. Nous pouvons conclure suite à ce travail que l'implant miniature Ex-PRESS R-50 est associé à un nombre trop élevé de complications, même si les cas non compliqués ont bénéficié d'une baisse significative de la pression intraoculaire. La modification de l'architecture du micro-drain ainsi que de la technique chirurgicale devrait augmenter le taux de succès.
Capillary electrophoresis has drawn considerable attention in the past few years, particularly in the field of chiral separations because of its high separation efficiency. However, its routine use in therapeutic drug monitoring is hampered by its low sensitivity due to a short optical path. We have developed a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method using 2mM of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as a chiral selector, which allows base-to-base separation of the enantiomers of mianserin (MIA), desmethylmianserin (DMIA), and 8-hydroxymianserin (OHMIA). Through the use of an on-column sample concentration step after liquid-liquid extraction from plasma and through the presence of an internal standard, the quantitation limits were found to be 5 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 15 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA. To our knowledge, this is the first published CE method that allows its use for therapeutic monitoring of antidepressants due to its sensitivity down to the low nanogram range. The variability of the assays, as assessed by the coefficients of variation (CV) measured at two concentrations for each substance, ranged from 2 to 14% for the intraday (eight replicates) and from 5 to 14% for the interday (eight replicates) experiments. The deviations from the theoretical concentrations, which represent the accuracy of the method, were all within 12.5%. A linear response was obtained for all compounds within the range of concentrations used for the calibration curves (10-150 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 20-300 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA). Good correlations were calculated between [(R) + (S)]-MIA and DMIA concentrations measured in plasma samples of 20 patients by a nonchiral gas chromatography method and CZE, and between the (R)- and (S)-concentrations of MIA and DMIA measured in plasma samples of 37 patients by a previously described chiral high-performance liquid chromatography method and CZE. Finally, no interference was noted from more than 20 other psychotropic drugs. Thus, this method, which is both sensitive and selective, can be routinely used for therapeutic monitoring of the enantiomers of MIA and its metabolites. It could be very useful due to the demonstrated interindividual variability of the stereoselective metabolism of MIA.
Background: This trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two virosome formulated malaria peptidomimetics derived from Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 and CSP in malaria semi-immune adults and children.Methods: The design was a prospective randomized, double-blind, controlled, age-deescalating study with two immunizations. 10 adults and 40 children (aged 5-9 years) living in a malaria endemic area were immunized with PEV3B or virosomal influenza vaccine Inflexal (R) V on day 0 and 90.Results: No serious or severe adverse events (AEs) related to the vaccines were observed. The only local solicited AE reported was pain at injection site, which affected more children in the Inflexal (R) V group compared to the PEV3B group (p = 0.014). In the PEV3B group, IgG ELISA endpoint titers specific for the AMA-1 and CSP peptide antigens were significantly higher for most time points compared to the Inflexal (R) V control group. Across all time points after first immunization the average ratio of endpoint titers to baseline values in PEV3B subjects ranged from 4 to 15 in adults and from 4 to 66 in children. As an exploratory outcome, we found that the incidence rate of clinical malaria episodes in children vaccinees was half the rate of the control children between study days 30 and 365 (0.0035 episodes per day at risk for PEV3B vs. 0.0069 for Inflexal (R) V; RR = 0.50 [95%-CI: 0.29-0.88], p = 0.02).Conclusion: These findings provide a strong basis for the further development of multivalent virosomal malaria peptide vaccines.