222 resultados para Epithelial marker


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It is increasingly evident that cancer results from altered organ homeostasis rather than from deregulated control of single cells or groups of cells. This applies especially to epithelial cancer, the most common form of human solid tumors and a major cause of cancer lethality. In the vast majority of cases, in situ epithelial cancer lesions do not progress into malignancy, even if they harbor many of the genetic changes found in invasive and metastatic tumors. While changes in tumor stroma are frequently viewed as secondary to changes in the epithelium, recent evidence indicates that they can play a primary role in both cancer progression and initiation. These processes may explain the phenomenon of field cancerization, i.e., the occurrence of multifocal and recurrent epithelial tumors that are preceded by and associated with widespread changes of surrounding tissue or organ "fields."


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The intestinal immune system hasthe complex task to protect the sterilecore of the organism against invasion.Most of invasive enterobacteria targetintestinal epithelial cells (IEC) inducingmajor damages to the mucosa.Shigella flexneri, by invading IECand inducing inflammatory responsesof the colonic mucosa, causes bacillarydysentery, a bloody diarrhea thatis endemic worldwide. The mechanismof entry of this bacterium is stilla matter of debate. Mcells participatingin sampling antigens from the gutlumen through Peyers patches arecommonly considered as the primarysite of entry of the bacteria. Once inthe lamina propria, Shigella can invadeIEC via their basolateral poleand spread from cell-to-cell leading tomassive tissue destruction. More recently,data are accumulating demonstratingthat bacteria can also enter thelamina propria directly via IEC, underscoringIEC as another gate of entry.In addition, the protective role ofsecretory IgA (SIgA) produced byplasmocytes of the lamina propria hasbeen established in shigellosis contextbut few is known about its role inmaintaining IEC monolayer integrity.Here, the impact of the bacterium wasstudied using polarized CaCo 2 cellmonolayer apically infected with avirulent strain of S. flexneri eitheralone or complexed with its cognateanti LPS SIgA. Parameters associatedwith the infection process includingcytokine measurements (IL-8, IL-18)and laser scanning confocal microscopydetection of Zonula Occludens-1, a tight junction (TJ) protein werestudied.We demonstrate that bacteriaare able to infect IEC through theirluminal-like pole as well, inducingthe complete disruption of TJ and thedestruction of the whole reconstitutedCaCo-2 cell monolayer. SIgA uponneutralization of bacteria led to themaintenance of TJ supporting IEC integrity,and the modulation of cytokinereleases. Together with anti-inflammatoryproperties of SIgA, thefact that apical bacteria can damagethe IEC without the intervention ofother cells such as Mcells offers newpossibilities in understanding thepathogenic mechanisms involved inshigellosis.


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BACKGROUND: Antinucleosome autoantibodies were previously described to be a marker of active lupus nephritis. However, the true prevalence of antinucleosome antibodies at the time of active proliferative lupus nephritis has not been well established. Therefore, the aim of this study is to define the prevalence and diagnostic value of autoantibodies against nucleosomes as a marker for active proliferative lupus nephritis. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective multicenter diagnostic test study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: 35 adult patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) at the time of the renal biopsy showing active class III or IV lupus nephritis compared with 59 control patients with SLE. INDEX TEST: Levels of antinucleosome antibodies and anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies. REFERENCE TEST: Kidney biopsy findings of class III or IV lupus nephritis at the time of sampling in a study population versus clinically inactive or no nephritis in a control population. RESULTS: Increased concentrations of antinucleosome antibodies were found in 31 of 35 patients (89%) with active proliferative lupus nephritis compared with 47 of 59 control patients (80%) with SLE. No significant difference between the 2 groups with regard to number of positive patients (P = 0.2) or antibody concentrations (P = 0.2) could be found. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve as a marker of the accuracy of the test in discriminating between proliferative lupus nephritis and inactive/no nephritis in patients with SLE was 0.581 (95% confidence interval, 0.47 to 0.70; P = 0.2). Increased concentrations of anti-dsDNA antibodies were found in 33 of 35 patients (94.3%) with active proliferative lupus nephritis compared with 49 of 58 control patients (84.5%) with SLE (P = 0.2). In patients with proliferative lupus nephritis, significantly higher titers of anti-dsDNA antibodies were detected compared with control patients with SLE (P < 0.001). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in discriminating between proliferative lupus nephritis and inactive/no nephritis in patients with SLE was 0.710 (95% confidence interval, 0.60 to 0.82; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Antinucleosome antibodies have a high prevalence in patients with severe lupus nephritis. However, our data suggest that determining antinucleosome antibodies is of limited help in the distinction of patients with active proliferative lupus nephritis from patients with SLE without active renal disease.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to fine particles is associated to adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. However, mechanisms by which particles induce health effects remain unclear. According to one of the most investigated hypotheses, particles cause adverse effects through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are very hazardous compounds able to attack directly biological structures, including the DNA strand or the lipid bilayer of the cells. If the defense mechanisms, constituted of antioxidants, are not able to counter ROS, then these compounds will cause in the body a range of oxidation reactions called "oxidative stress". The aim of the present research project was to better understand mechanisms by which exposure to fine particles induces oxidative stress. The first point of this project was to check whether exposure to high levels of fine particles is directly linked to oxidative stress, and whether this oxidative stress is accompanied by the activation of the defense mechanisms (antioxidants). The second point was to study the role played by the particle surface characteristics in the oxidative stress process. For that purpose, a study was conducted in bus depots with the participation of 40 mechanics. First, occupational exposure to particles (PM4) and to other pollutants (NOx, O3) was measured over a two-day period. Then, urine samples of mechanics were collected in order to measure levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) and antioxidants. 8OHdG is a molecule formed by the oxidation of DNA and allowing to assess the oxidative stress status of the mechanics. Finally, particles were collected on filters, and functional groups located on the particle surface were analyzed in the laboratory using a Knudsen flow reactor. This technique allows not only to quantify functional groups on the particle surface, but also to measure the reaction kinetics. Results obtained during the field campaign in bus depots showed that mechanics were exposed to rather low levels of PM4 (20-85 μg/m3) and of pollutants (NOx: 100-1000 ppb; O3: <15 ppb). However, despite this low exposure, urinary levels of the oxidative stress biomarker (8OHdG) increased significantly for non-smoking workers over a two-day period of shift. This oxidative stress was accompanied by an increase of antioxidants, indicating the activation of defense mechanisms. On the other hand, the analysis of functional groups on the particle surface showed important differences, depending on the workplace, the date and the activities of workers. The particle surface contained simultaneously antagonistic functional groups which did not undergo internal reactions (such as acids and bases), and was usually characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions and a low density of acidic sites. Reaction kinetics measured using the Knudsen flow reactor pointed out fast reactions of oxidizable groups and slow reactions of acidic sites. Several exposure parameters were significantly correlated with the increase of the oxidative stress status: the presence of acidic sites, carbonyl functions and oxidizable groups on the particle surface; reaction kinetics of functional groups on the particle surface; particulate iron and copper concentrations; and NOx concentration.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine changes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of patients on monotherapy with lopinavir/ritonavir. DESIGN: The Monotherapy Switzerland/Thailand study (MOST) trial compared monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir with continued therapy. The trial was prematurely stopped due to virological failure in six patients on monotherapy. It, thus, offers a unique opportunity to assess brain markers in the early stage of HIV virological escape. METHODS: : Sixty-five CSF samples (34 on continued therapy and 31 on monotherapy) from 49 HIV-positive patients enrolled in MOST. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we determined the CSF concentration of S100B (astrocytosis), neopterin (inflammation), total Tau (tTau), phosphorylated Tau (pTau), and amyloid-β 1-42 (Aβ), the latter three indicating neuronal damage. Controls were CSF samples of 29 HIV-negative patients with Alzheimer dementia. RESULTS: In the CSF of monotherapy, concentrations of S100B and neopterin were significantly higher than in continued therapy (P = 0.006 and P = 0.013, respectively) and Alzheimer dementia patients (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0005, respectively). In Alzheimer dementia, concentration of Aβ was lower than in monotherapy (P = 0.005) and continued therapy (P = 0.016) and concentrations of tTau were higher than in monotherapy (P = 0.019) and continued therapy (P = 0.001). There was no difference in pTau among the three groups. After removal of the 16 CSF with detectable viral load in the blood and/or CSF, only S100B remained significantly higher in monotherapy than in the two other groups. CONCLUSION: Despite full viral load-suppression in blood and CSF, antiretroviral monotherapy with lopinavir/ritonavir can raise CSF levels of S100B, suggesting astrocytic damage.


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The rate-limiting step of dietary calcium absorption in the intestine requires the brush border calcium entry channel TRPV6. The TRPV6 gene was completely sequenced in 170 renal calcium stone patients. The frequency of an ancestral TRPV6 haplotype consisting of three non-synonymous polymorphisms (C157R, M378V, M681T) was significantly higher (P = 0.039) in calcium stone formers (8.4%; derived = 502, ancestral = 46) compared to non-stone-forming individuals (5.4%; derived = 645, ancestral = 37). Mineral metabolism was investigated on four different calcium regimens: (i) free-choice diet, (ii) low calcium diet, (iii) fasting and (iv) after a 1 g oral calcium load. When patients homozygous for the derived haplotype were compared with heterozygous patients, no differences were found with respect to the plasma concentrations of 1,25-vitamin D, PTH and calcium, and the urinary excretion of calcium. In one stone-forming patient, the ancestral haplotype was found to be homozygous. This patient had absorptive hypercalciuria. We therefore expressed the ancestral protein (157R+378V+681T) in Xenopus oocytes and found a significantly enhanced calcium permeability when tested by a (45)Ca(2+) uptake assay (7.11 +/- 1.93 versus 3.61 +/- 1.01 pmol/min/oocyte for ancestral versus derived haplotype, P < 0.01). These results suggest that the ancestral gain-of-function haplotype in TRPV6 plays a role in calcium stone formation in certain forms of absorptive hypercalciuria.


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The autosomal recessive form of type I pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA-I) is an inherited salt-losing syndrome resulting from diminution-of-function mutations in the 3 subunits of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). A PHA-I stop mutation (alpha(R508stop)) of the ENaC alpha subunit is predicted to lack the second transmembrane domain and the intracellular COOH-terminus, regions of the protein involved in pore function. Nonetheless, we observed a measurable Na+ current in Xenopus laevis oocytes that coexpress the beta and gamma subunits with the truncated alpha subunit. The mutant alpha was coassembled with beta and gamma subunits and was present at the cell surface at a lower density, consistent with the lower Na+ current seen in oocytes with the truncated alpha subunit. The single-channel Na+ conductance for the mutant channel was only slightly decreased, and the appearance of the macroscopic currents was delayed by 48 hours with respect to wild-type. Our data suggest novel roles for the alpha subunit in the assembly and targeting of an active channel to the cell surface, and suggest that channel pores consisting of only the beta and gamma subunits can provide significant residual activity. This activity may be sufficient to explain the absence of a severe pulmonary phenotype in patients with PHA-I.


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PURPOSE: Early-onset sepsis (EOS) is one of the main causes for the admission of newborns to the neonatal intensive care unit. However, traditional infection markers are poor diagnostic markers of EOS. Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) is a promising sepsis marker in adults. The aim of this study was to investigate whether determining PSP improves the diagnosis of EOS in comparison with other infection markers. METHODS: This was a prospective multicentre study involving 137 infants with a gestational age of >34 weeks who were admitted with suspected EOS. PSP, procalcitonin (PCT), soluble human triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured at admission. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed. RESULTS: The level of PSP in infected infants was significantly higher than that in uninfected ones (median 11.3 vs. 7.5 ng/ml, respectively; p = 0.001). The ROC area under the curve was 0.69 [95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.59-0.80; p < 0.001] for PSP, 0.77 (95 % CI 0.66-0.87; p < 0.001) for PCT, 0.66 (95 % CI 0.55-0.77; p = 0.006) for CRP, 0.62 (0.51-0.73; p = 0.055) for sTREM-1 and 0.54 (0.41-0.67; p = 0.54) for MIF. PSP independently of PCT predicted EOS (p < 0.001), and the use of both markers concomitantly significantly increased the ability to diagnose EOS. A bioscore combining PSP (>9 ng/ml) and PCT (>2 ng/ml) was the best predictor of EOS (0.83; 95 % CI 0.74-0.93; p < 0.001) and resulted in a negative predictive value of 100 % and a positive predictive value of 71 %. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective study, the diagnostic performance of PSP and PCT was superior to that of traditional markers and a combination bioscore improved the diagnosis of sepsis. Our findings suggest that PSP is a valuable biomarker in combination with PCT in EOS.


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The highly amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is an apical membrane constituent of cells of many salt-absorbing epithelia. In the kidney, the functional relevance of ENaC expression has been well established. ENaC mediates the aldosterone-dependent sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron and is involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Mutations in genes encoding ENaC subunits are causative for two human inherited diseases: Liddle's syndrome, a severe form of hypertension associated with ENaC hyperfunction, and pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA-1), a salt-wasting syndrome caused by decreased ENaC function. Transgenic mouse technologies provide a useful tool to study the role of ENaC in vivo. Different mouse lines have been established in which each of the ENaC subunits was affected. The phenotypes observed in these mice demonstrated that each subunit is essential for survival and for regulation of sodium transport in kidney and colon. Moreover, the alpha subunit plays a specific role in the control of fluid absorption in the airways at birth. Such mice can now be used to study the role of ENaC in various organs and can serve as models to understand the pathophysiology of these human diseases.


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Oxalate catabolism, which can have both medical and environmental implications, is performed by phylogenetically diverse bacteria. The formyl-CoA-transferase gene was chosen as a molecular marker of the oxalotrophic function. Degenerated primers were deduced from an alignment of frc gene sequences available in databases. The specificity of primers was tested on a variety of frc-containing and frc-lacking bacteria. The frc-primers were then used to develop PCR-DGGE and real-time SybrGreen PCR assays in soils containing various amounts of oxalate. Some PCR products from pure cultures and from soil samples were cloned and sequenced. Data were used to generate a phylogenetic tree showing that environmental PCR products belonged to the target physiological group. The extent of diversity visualised on DGGE pattern was higher for soil samples containing carbonate resulting from oxalate catabolism. Moreover, the amount of frc gene copies in the investigated soils was detected in the range of 1.64x10(7) to 1.75x10(8)/g of dry soil under oxalogenic tree (representing 0.5 to 1.2% of total 16S rRNA gene copies), whereas the number of frc gene copies in the reference soil was 6.4x10(6) (or 0.2% of 16S rRNA gene copies). This indicates that oxalotrophic bacteria are numerous and widespread in soils and that a relationship exists between the presence of the oxalogenic trees Milicia excelsa and Afzelia africana and the relative abundance of oxalotrophic guilds in the total bacterial communities. This is obviously related to the accomplishment of the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which explains the alkalinization and calcium carbonate accumulation occurring below these trees in an otherwise acidic soil. The molecular tools developed in this study will allow in-depth understanding of the functional implication of these bacteria on carbonate accumulation as a way of atmospheric CO(2) sequestration.


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Le cancer est défini comme la croissance incontrôlée des cellules dans le corps. Il est responsable de 20 % des décès en Europe. Plusieurs expériences montrent que les tumeurs sont issues et se développent grâce à un petit nombre de cellules, que l'on appelle cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC). Ces CSC sont également responsables de l'apparition de métastases et de la résistance aux médicaments anticancéreux. De ce fait, l'identification des gènes qui contribuent aux propriétés de ces CSC (comme la survie des tumeurs, les métastases et la résistance aux médicaments) est nécessaire pour mieux comprendre la biologie des cancers et d'améliorer la qualité des soins des patients avec un cancer. A ce jour, de nombreux marqueurs ont été proposés ainsi que de nouvelles thérapies ciblées contre les CSC. Toutefois, et malgré les énormes efforts de la recherche dans ce domaine, la quasi-totalité des marqueurs de CSC connus à ce jour sont aussi exprimés dans les cellules saines. Ce projet de recherche visait à trouver un nouveau candidat spécifique des CSC. Le gène BORIS (pour Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites), nommé aussi CTCFL (CTCF-like), semble avoir certaines caractéristiques de CSC et pourrait donc devenir une cible prometteuse pour le traitement du cancer. BORIS/CTCFL est une protéine nucléaire qui se lie à l'ADN, qui est exprimée dans les tissus normaux uniquement dans les cellules germinales et qui est réactivée dans un grand nombre de tumeurs. BORIS est impliqué dans la reprogrammation épigénétique au cours du développement et dans la tumorigenèse. En outre, des études récentes ont montré une association entre l'expression de BORIS et un mauvais pronostic chez des patients atteints de différents types de cancers. Nous avons développé une nouvelle technologie basée sur les Molecular Beacon pour cibler l'ARNm de BORIS et cela dans les cellules vivantes. Grâce à ce système expérimental, nous avons montré que seule une toute petite sous-population (0,02 à 5%) de cellules tumorales exprimait fortement BORIS. Les cellules exprimant BORIS ont pu être isolées et elles présentaient les caractéristiques de CSC, telles qu'une forte expression de hTERT et des gènes spécifiques des cellules souches (NANOG, SOX2 et OCT4). En outre, une expression élevée de BORIS a été mise en évidence dans des populations enrichies en CSC ('side population' et sphères). Ces résultats suggèrent que BORIS pourrait devenir un nouveau et important marqueur de CSC. Dans des études fonctionnelles sur des cellules de cancer du côlon et du sein, nous avons montré que le blocage de l'expression de BORIS altère largement la capacité de ces cellules à former des sphères, démontrant ainsi un rôle essentiel de BORIS dans l'auto- renouvellement des tumeurs. Nos expériences montrent aussi que BORIS est un facteur important qui régule l'expression de gènes jouant un rôle clé dans le développement et la progression tumorale, tels le gène hTERT et ceux impliqués dans les cellules souches, les CSC et la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT). BORIS pourrait affecter la régulation de la transcription de ces gènes par des modifications épigénétiques et de manière différente en fonction du type cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats fournissent la preuve que BORIS peut être classé comme un gène marqueur de cellules souches cancéreuse et révèlent un nouveau mécanisme dans lequel BORIS jouerait un rôle important dans la carcinogénèse. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour mieux comprendre la biologie de la progression tumorale et offre la possibilité de développement de nouvelles thérapies anti-tumorales et anti-CSC avec BORIS comme molécule cible. - Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. It causes 20% of deaths in the European region. Current evidences suggest that tumors originate and are maintained thanks to a small subset of cells, named cancer stems cells (CSCs). These CSCs are also responsible for the appearance of metastasis and therapeutic resistance. Consequently, the identification of genes that contribute to the CSC properties (tumor survival, metastasis and therapeutic resistance) is necessary to better understand the biology of malignant diseases and to improve care management. To date, numerous markers have been proposed to use as new CSC- targeted therapies. Despite the enormous efforts in research, almost all of the known CSCs markers are also expressed in normal cells. This project aimed to find a new CSC-specific candidate. BORIS (Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites) or CTCFL (CTCF-like) is a DNA binding protein involves in epigenetic reprogramming in normal development and in tumorigenesis. Recent studies have shown an association of BORIS expression with a poor prognosis in different types of cancer patients. Therefore, BORIS seems to have the same characteristics of CSCs markers and it could be a promising target for cancer therapy. BORIS is normally expressed only in germinal cells and it is re-expressed in a wide variety of tumors. We developed a new molecular beacon-based technology to target BORIS mRNA expressing cells. Using this system, we showed that the BORIS expressing cells are only a small subpopulation (0.02-5%) of tumor cells. The isolated BORIS expressing cells exhibited the characteristics of CSCs, with high expression of hTERT and stem cell genes (NANOG, SOX2 and OCT4). Furthermore, high BORIS expression was observed in the CSC-enriched populations (side population and spheres). These results suggest that BORIS might be a novel and powerful CSCs marker. In functional studies, we observed that BORIS knockdown significantly impairs the capacity to form spheres in colon and breast cancer cells, thus demonstrating a critical role of BORIS in the self-renewal of tumors. The results showed in the functional analysis indicate that BORIS is an important factor that regulates the expression of key-target genes for tumor development and progression, such as hTERT, stem cells, CSCs markers and EMT (epithelial mesenchymal transition)-related marker genes. BORIS could affect the transcriptional regulation of these genes by epigenetic modification and in a cell type dependent manner. In summary, our results support the evidence that BORIS can be classified as a cancer stem cell marker gene and reveal a novel mechanism in which BORIS would play a critical role in tumorigenesis. This study opens new prospective to understand the biology of tumor development and provides opportunities for potential anti-tumor drugs.


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Although non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common human cancer and its incidence continues to rise worldwide, the mechanisms underlying its development remain incompletely understood. Here, we unveil a cascade of events involving peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) β/δ and the oncogene Src, which promotes the development of ultraviolet (UV)-induced skin cancer in mice. UV-induced PPARβ/δ activity, which directly stimulated Src expression, increased Src kinase activity and enhanced the EGFR/Erk1/2 signalling pathway, resulting in increased epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker expression. Consistent with these observations, PPARβ/δ-null mice developed fewer and smaller skin tumours, and a PPARβ/δ antagonist prevented UV-dependent Src stimulation. Furthermore, the expression of PPARβ/δ positively correlated with the expression of SRC and EMT markers in human skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and critically, linear models applied to several human epithelial cancers revealed an interaction between PPARβ/δ and SRC and TGFβ1 transcriptional levels. Taken together, these observations motivate the future evaluation of PPARβ/δ modulators to attenuate the development of several epithelial cancers.


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The breast epithelium has two major compartments, luminal and basal cells, that are established and maintained by poorly understood mechanisms. The p53 homolog, p63, is required for the formation of mammary buds, but its function in the breast after birth is unknown. We show that in primary human breast epithelial cells, maintenance of basal cell characteristics depends on continued expression of the p63 isoform, DeltaNp63, which is expressed in the basal compartment. Forced expression of DeltaNp63 in purified luminal cells confers a basal phenotype. Notch signaling downmodulates DeltaNp63 expression and mimics DeltaNp63 depletion, whereas forced expression of DeltaNp63 partially counteracts the effects of Notch. Consistent with Notch activation specifying luminal cell fate in the mammary gland, Notch signaling activity is specifically detected in mice at sites of pubertal ductal morphogenesis where luminal cell fate is determined. Basal cells in which Notch signaling is active show decreased p63 expression. Both constitutive expression of DeltaNp63 and ablation of Notch signaling are incompatible with luminal cell fate. Thus, the balance between basal and luminal cell compartments of the breast is regulated by antagonistic functions of DeltaNp63 and Notch.Cell Death and Differentiation advance online publication, 9 April 2010; doi:10.1038/cdd.2010.37.


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PURPOSE: To test the ability of two preparations of FGF2-saporin, either FGF2 chemically conjugated to saporin (FGF2-SAP) or genetically engineered FGF2-saporin (rFGF2-SAP) to inhibit the growth of bovine epithelial lens (BEL) cells in vitro when in solution and when immobilized on heparin surface-modified (HSM) polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lenses (IOLs). METHOD: Bovine epithelial lens cells were incubated with various concentrations FGF2-saporin for as long as 4 days. The number of surviving cells was determined by counting the number of nuclei. Because FGF2 binds to heparin, FGF2-saporin was incubated with HSM PMMA IOLs; excess toxin was washed off, and the BEL cells were grown on the FGF2-saporin-treated IOLs (HSM and non-HSM) for 4 days. Cell density was determined by image analysis. RESULTS: Both FGF2-SAP and rFGF2-SAP were highly cytotoxic (nM range), with rFGF2-SAP 10 times less active than FGF2-SAP. FGF2-saporin bound to the surface of HSM IOLs and eluted by 2M NaCl retained its activity. Toxin bound to HSM IOLs killed more than 90% of the BEL cells placed on the IOL surface within 4 days. The ability of FGF2-saporin to prevent the growth of cells on the IOL surface was strictly dependent on the presence of heparin on the IOL. CONCLUSIONS: FGF2-saporin is bound to HSM PMMA IOLs and prevents the growth of epithelial cells on the surface of the lens.


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The utility of sequencing a second highly variable locus in addition to the spa gene (e.g., double-locus sequence typing [DLST]) was investigated to overcome limitations of a Staphylococcus aureus single-locus typing method. Although adding a second locus seemed to increase discriminatory power, it was not sufficient to definitively infer evolutionary relationships within a single multilocus sequence type (ST-5).