111 resultados para Asthma.
The data of the 1981-83 Swiss National Health Survey "SOMIPOPS", based on a randomly selected sample of 4,235 individuals aged 20 or over representative of the whole Swiss population, were used to investigate the relation between smoking, prevalence of disease and frequency of health care utilization. The risks of several conditions, including hypertension, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, asthma, tuberculosis and kidney disease were elevated among ex-smokers. The diseases showing elevated risks among current smokers and significantly positive dose-risk trends included acute bronchitis (relative risk, RR = 3.2 for heavy cigarette smokers vs never smokers), chronic bronchitis or lung emphysema (RR = 2.0), gastro-duodenal ulcer (RR = 1.8) and bone fractures (RR = 1.6). For respiratory conditions, the risk of pipe or cigar smokers was comparable to that of moderate cigarette smokers, whereas for ulcer (RR = 4.1) or fractures (RR = 2.0) the point estimates were even higher than for heavy cigarette smokers. Smokers tended to consult more frequently general practitioners, used more other outpatients services, and were more frequently admitted to hospital during the year preceding the interview. These effects were consistent across strata of age, socio-economic indicators, and persisted after allowance for major identified potential distorting factors. Thus, the results of this survey confirm that smoking is an important cause of morbidity and a major contributory factor to the use of health services.
Rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis are frequent and may have severe impact on quality of life. Moreover risks of evolution of rhinitis to asthma are high, whereas conjunctivitis may either lead to eye-related complications when some topical drugs (such as steroids) are used, or when severe ailments are belatedly diagnosed. This article enables to review the treatment of allergic rhino-conjunctivitis. It also presents recent progress realized in the domain of allergen specific immunotherapy. In particular, this review underlines the search for hypoallergenic formulations that may minimize the risk of systemic allergic side effects as well as the use of new adjuvants to improve the efficiency of treatment and reduce its duration.
Acute exacerbation of COPD is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in patients affected with this disease. In most cases, consideration of differential diagnoses and assessment of important comorbidities will allow to make the decision whether or not the patient needs to be hospitalized. A decision to hospitalize will be based on specific symptoms and signs, as well on the patient's history. Contrary to bronchial asthma, a systematic action plan strategy is lacking for COPD. However, a disease management plan involving all the health care providers may have the potential to improve the patient's well being and to decrease costs related to these exacerbations.
A procedure for the dynamic generation of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol atmospheres of 70 micrograms m-3 (0.01 ppm) to 1.75 mg m-3 (0.25 ppm), based on the precise control of the evaporation of pure liquid HDI and subsequent dilution with air, was developed. The apparatus consisted of a home-made glass nebulizer coupled with a separation stage to exclude non-respirable droplets (greater than 10 microns). The aerosol concentrations were achieved by passing air through the nebulizer at 1.5-4.5 l. min-1 to generate dynamically 0.01-0.25 ppm of diisocyanate in an experimental chamber of 8.55 m3. The distribution of the liquid aerosol was established with an optical counter and the diisocyanate concentration was determined from samples collected in impingers by a high-pressure liquid chromatographic method. The atmospheres generated were suitable for the evaluation both of sampling procedures full scale, and of analytical methods: at 140 micrograms m-3 (0.02 ppm) they remained stable for 15-min provocation tests in clinical asthma, as verified by breath-zone sampling of exposed patients.
Summary The proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has emerged as a central mediator of inflammation and innate immune defense against infections. MIF has been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases like sepsis, tuberculosis and autoimmune inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma. Two functional polymorphisms of the MIF gene promoter, a five to eight CATT repeat microsatellite at position -794 and a G/C SNP at position -173, have been associated with increased susceptibility to or severity of autoimmune inflammatory diseases like arthritis, colitis and atopy. The aim of this thesis was to define whether, and if so by which mechanisms, MIF gene polymorphisms influence the susceptibility to or the outcome of one of the most severe and one of the most prevalent infectious diseases: meningococcal sepsis and tuberculosis, respectively. The results of the comparison between 1106 patients suffering from severe meningococcal infections and 434 healthy volunteers showed that carriers of the CATT5-5 genotype were protected from meningococcemia. A transmission disequilibrium test involving 106 families confirmed this association. At baseline and after stimulation with Neisseria meningitidis, the CATT5 MIF promoter drove lower transcriptional activity than the CATT6 or CATT7 alleles in human monocytic cells and whole blood of CATT5-5 healthy individuals tended to produce less MIF than whole blood of CATT6-6 individuals. Beyond, we describe several new MIF gene polymorphisms in Africans. Genotyping the CATT microsatellite and the -173*G/C SNP revealed great genetic diversity in six African ethnic groups. Comparing 471 African tuberculosis cases and 932 matched healthy controls, we observed ethnicity dependent associations of the -173*G/C and the CATT5-8 with susceptibility to or severity of tuberculosis, but confirmation in larger cohorts ìs needed. In conclusion, we report that homozygous carriage of a low expression allele of the MIF gene protects from meningococcal disease. These results support the concept that analyses of MIF genotypes in patients with sepsis may help to classify patients into risk categories and to identify those patients who may benefit from anti-MIF therapeutic strategies.
ABSTRACT Allergic asthma is a major complication of atopy. Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Mechanisms that protect against asthma are poorly understood. Based on oral models of mucosal tolerance induction, models using the nasal route showed that uptake of important amounts of antigen can induce tolerance and reverse the allergic phenotype. 1L-10 producing regulatory T cells were proposed as key players in tolerance induction, but other players, e.g. dendritic cells (DC), B cells and epithelial cells may have to be taken into consideration. The objective of the present study is to characterize the effects of a therapeutic intranasal treatment (INT) in a murine model of asthma and to determine, in this model, the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection against asthma. First, we established an asthma model by sensitizing the BALB/c mouse to ovalbumin (OVA) by two intraperitoneal injections of alum-adsorbed OVA and three inhalations of aerosolized OVA. Then OVA was applied to the nasal mucosa of OVA- sensitized mice. Mice were later re-exposed to OVA aerosols to assess the protection induced by OVA INT. OVA sensitization induced strong eosinophil recruitment, OVA-specific T cell proliferation and IgE production. Three intranasal treatments at 24-hour intervals with 1.5 mg OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into the BALF and inhibited OVA-specific IgE production upon allergen re-exposure. T cell proliferation in ex vivo bronchial lymph node (BLN) cells was inhibited, as well as TH2 cytokine production. Protection against OVA-induced bronchial inflammation was effective for an extended period of time and treated mice resisted a second re-exposure. Transfer of CD4+ cells from BLN and lungs of OVA-treated mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenge indicating an involvement of CD4+ T regulatory cells in this protection. RESUME L'asthme allergique est une manifestation clinique majeure de l'atopie. La sévérité de l'asthme est liée à la présence de lymphocytes T activés ainsi que d'éosinophiles dans le lavage broncho-alvéolaire (LBA). Les mécanismes permettant de se prémunir contre l'asthme sont mal connus. Basés sur des modèles muqueux d'induction de tolérance par la voie orale, des modèles utilisant la voie nasale ont montré que d'importantes quantités d'antigène peuvent induire une tolérance et ainsi reverser le phénotype allergique. Des cellules régulatrices produisant de l'IL-10 pourraient jouer un rôle clé dans l'induction de la tolérance mais d'autres acteurs tels que les cellules dendritiques, les cellules B et les cellules épithéliales doivent aussi être prises en compte. L'objectif de la présente étude est de caractériser les effets d'un traitement intranasal thérapeutique dans un modèle murin d'asthme et de déterminer dans ce modèle les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires conférant une protection contre l'asthme. En premier lieu, un modèle d'asthme allergique a été établi en sensibilisant des souris BALB/c à l'ovalbumine (OVA) par deux injections intraperitonéales d'OVA adsorbé sur de l'alum et trois séances d'OVA en aérosol. Dans un second temps, de l'OVA a été administrée sur la muqueuse nasale des souris sensibilisées à l'OVA. Les souris furent ensuite challengées par des aérosols d'OVA afin d'évaluer la protection conférée par le traitement intranasal à l'OVA. La sensibilisation à l'OVA a induit un fort recrutement d'éosinophiles, une réponse proliférative des cellules T à l'OVA ainsi qu'une production d'lgE spécifiques. Trois traitements intranasaux à 24 heures d'intervalle avec 1.5 mg d'OVA ont permis de réduire drastiquement le recrutement des cellules inflammatoires dans le LBA ainsi que d'inhiber la production d'lgE spécifiques à l'OVA produits lors d'une ré-exposition à l'OVA. La prolifération en réponse à l'OVA de cellules extraites ex vivo de ganglions bronchiques a, elle aussi, été inhibée de même que la production de cytokines TH2. La protection contre l'inflammation provoquée par l'aérosol est efficace pour une longue période et les souris traitées résistent à une seconde ré- exposition. Le transfert de cellules CD4+ issues de ganglions bronchiques et de poumons de souris traitées à l'OVA protège les souris asthmatiques receveuses contre les effets inflammatoires d'un aérosol, indiquant que des cellules T CD4+ régulatrices pourraient être impliquées dans cette protection. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une affection des voies respiratoires qui se caractérise par une contraction de la musculature des voies aériennes, une production de mucus et d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). On parle d'asthme allergique lorsque les facteurs déclenchant l'asthme sont des allergènes inhalés tels que acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux. Le système immunitaire des patients asthmatiques a un défaut de programmation qui le rend réactif à des substances qui sont normalement inoffensives. Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes. Les techniques permettant de reprogrammer le système immunitaire (immunothérapie) ne sont pas efficaces pour tous les antigènes et prennent beaucoup de temps. En conséquence, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-tendant une telle reprogrammation afin d'en améliorer le rendement et l'efficacité. Dans ce but, des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Ils permettent une plus grande liberté d'investigation. Dans cette étude, un modèle d'asthme allergique dans la souris a été établi par une sensibilisation à un antigène particulier : l'ovalbumine (OVA). Ce modèle présente les caractéristiques principales de l'asthme humain : recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'anticorps et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires. Cette souris asthmatique a ensuite été traitée par application nasale d'OVA. Comparées aux souris non traitées, les souris traitées à l'OVA ont moins de cellules inflammatoires dans leurs poumons et produisent moins d'anticorps IgE. D'autres marqueurs inflammatoires sont aussi fortement diminués. Des cellules de poumons ou de ganglions bronchiques prélevées sur des souris traitées injectées dans des souris asthmatiques améliorent les symptômes de l'asthme. Ces cellules pourraient donc avoir un rôle régulateur dans l'asthme. Les caractériser et les étudier afin d'être capable de les générer est crucial pour les futures thérapies de l'asthme.
Activin A, a member of the TGFβ superfamily, is involved in physiological processes such as cell differentiation, tissue homeostasis, wound healing, reproduction, and in pathological conditions, such as fibrosis, cancer, and asthma. Activin enhances mast cell maturation, as well as regulatory T-cell and Langerhans cell differentiation. In this study we investigated the potential role of activin in epicutaneous sensitization with ovalbumin (OVA), notably with respect to its effect on known Th2-polarization. For this purpose, transgenic mice overexpressing activin in keratinocytes and their wild-type (WT) controls were sensitized epicutaneously with OVA. Skin biopsies were analyzed with regard to histopathological features and mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory and Th1/Th2 cytokines, and Ig levels were measured in the serum. Unexpectedly, activin overexpressing animals were protected from Th2-cytokine expression and induction of OVA-specific IgE levels compared to WT animals. On the other hand, transgenic mice were more susceptible to inflammation compared to WT littermates after tape-stripping and saline (vehicle) or OVA application, as shown by increased pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA levels and neutrophil accumulation at the site of the treatment. We conclude that activin protects from antigen-induced cutaneous Th2-polarization through modulation of the immune response. These findings highlight the role of activin in cutaneous sensitization, allergy, and in skin homeostasis.
Introduction: Bioaerosols such as grain dust (GD) elicit direct immunological reactions within the human respiratory system. Workplace-dependent exposure to GD may induce asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Aims: To assess the clinical impact of occupational exposure to GD and to determine quantitative biological markers of bioaerosol exposure in grain workers. Methods: This longitudinal study has been conducted from summer 2012 to summer 2013, comprising 6 groups of 30 active workers with different GD exposure patterns (4 groups of grain workers, 2 control groups). Two evaluations at high- and low-exposing seasons take place, during which an occupational and a medical history are questionnaire-assessed, lung function is evaluated by spirometry, airway inflammation is measured by exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) and specific blood IgG and IgE are titrated. Results: The preliminary results are those of 2 of the 4 exposed groups, (harvesters and mill workers), compared to the control groups, at first assessment (n=100). Mean age is 38.4 [years]; 98% are male. Exposed groups differ from controls (p<0.05) in daily contact with animals (57% vs. 40%) and active smoking (39% vs. 11%). Grain workers have more respiratory (50%), nasal (57%), ocular (45%) and dermatologic (36%) occupational symptoms than controls (6.4%, 19%, 16%, 6.4% respectively, p<0.05). Lower mean peak-expiratory-flow (PEF) values (96.1 ± 18.9 vs. 108.2 ± 17.4 [% of predicted], p<0.05) and eNO values (13.9 ± 9.6 vs. 20.5 ± 14.7 [ppm], p<0.05) are observed in the exposed groups. Conclusion: Preliminary results show a higher prevalence of clinical symptoms and a lower mean PEF value in the groups exposed to GD.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are leukocytes specialised in the uptake, processing, and presentation of antigen and fundamental in regulating both innate and adaptive immune functions. They are mainly localised at the interface between body surfaces and the environment, continuously scrutinising incoming antigen for the potential threat it may represent to the organism. In the respiratory tract, DCs constitute a tightly enmeshed network, with the most prominent populations localised in the epithelium of the conducting airways and lung parenchyma. Their unique localisation enables them to continuously assess inhaled antigen, either inducing tolerance to inoffensive substances, or initiating immunity against a potentially harmful pathogen. This immunological homeostasis requires stringent control mechanisms to protect the vital and fragile gaseous exchange barrier from unrestrained and damaging inflammation, or an exaggerated immune response to an innocuous allergen, such as in allergic asthma. During DC activation, there is upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules and maturation markers, enabling DC to activate naïve T cells. This activation is accompanied by chemokine and cytokine release that not only serves to amplify innate immune response, but also determines the type of effector T cell population generated. An increasing body of recent literature provides evidence that different DC subpopulations, such as myeloid DC (mDC) and plasmacytoid DC (pDC) in the lungs occupy a key position at the crossroads between tolerance and immunity. This review aims to provide the clinician and researcher with a summary of the latest insights into DC-mediated pulmonary immune regulation and its relevance for developing novel therapeutic strategies for various disease conditions such as infection, asthma, COPD, and fibrotic lung disease.
IL-28 (IFN-λ) cytokines exhibit potent antiviral and antitumor function but their full spectrum of activities remains largely unknown. Recently, IL-28 cytokine family members were found to be profoundly down-regulated in allergic asthma. We now reveal a novel role of IL-28 cytokines in inducing type 1 immunity and protection from allergic airway disease. Treatment of wild-type mice with recombinant or adenovirally expressed IL-28A ameliorated allergic airway disease, suppressed Th2 and Th17 responses and induced IFN-γ. Moreover, abrogation of endogenous IL-28 cytokine function in IL-28Rα(-/-) mice exacerbated allergic airway inflammation by augmenting Th2 and Th17 responses, and IgE levels. Central to IL-28A immunoregulatory activity was its capacity to modulate lung CD11c(+) dendritic cell (DC) function to down-regulate OX40L, up-regulate IL-12p70 and promote Th1 differentiation. Consistently, IL-28A-mediated protection was absent in IFN-γ(-/-) mice or after IL-12 neutralization and could be adoptively transferred by IL-28A-treated CD11c(+) cells. These data demonstrate a critical role of IL-28 cytokines in controlling T cell responses in vivo through the modulation of lung CD11c(+) DC function in experimental allergic asthma. →See accompanying Closeup by Michael R Edwards and Sebastian L Johnston http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/emmm.201100143.
The jointly voluntary and involuntary control of respiration, unique among essential physiological processes, the interconnection of breathing with and its influence on the autonomic nervous system, and disease states associated with the interface between psychology and respiration (e.g., anxiety disorders, hyperventilation syndrome, asthma) make the study of the relationship between respiration and emotion both theoretically and clinically of great relevance. However, the respiratory behavior during affective states is not yet completely understood. We studied breathing pattern responses to 13 picture series varying widely in their affective tone in 37 adults (18 men, 19 women, mean age 26). Time and volume parameters were recorded with the LifeShirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California, USA, see image). We also measured end-tidal pCO2 (EtCO2) with a Microcap Handheld Capnograph (Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) to determine if ventilation is in balance with metabolic demands and spontaneous eye-blinking to investigate the link between respiration and attention. At the end of each picture series, the participants reported their subjective feeling in the affective dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. Increasing self-rated arousal was associated with increasing minute ventilation but not with decreases in EtCO2, suggesting that ventilatory changes during picture viewing paralleled variations in metabolic activity. EtCO2 correlated with pleasantness, and eye-blink rate decreased with increasing unpleasantness in line with a negativity bias in attention. Like MV, inspiratory drive (i.e., mean inspiratory flow) increased with arousal. This relationship reflected increases in inspiratory volume rather than shortening of the time parameters. This study confirms that respiratory responses to affective stimuli are organized to a certain degree along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. It shows, for the first time, that during picture viewing, ventilatory increases with increasing arousal are in balance with metabolic activity and that inspiratory volume is modulated by arousal. MV emerges as the most reliable respiratory index of self-perceived arousal. Finally, end-tidal pCO2 is slightly lower during processing of negative as compared to positive picture contents, which is proposed to enhance sensory perception and reflect a negativity bias in attention.
The inability to characterize more precisely the extent of occupational diseases limits the implementation of an effective preventive policy. Furthermore, not all work-related conditions are reported by the Swiss workers' compensation system. A seven-year (1986 to 1992) retrospective study of medical visits in an Institute of Occupational Health Sciences is presented. The objective of this study is to expand data on occupational diseases for clinical and public health intervention. 298 patients have been examined for a possible work-related condition. In 140 cases (47%), an occupational disease according to the Swiss Law was found. Respiratory tract was the main target of industrial pollutants. Respiratory irritation , solvent intoxications, contact dermatitis and asthma were the most frequent conditions seen. 97 workplace visits (32% of all medical visits) were necessary for diagnostic purposes. Painters (construction, cars) and other solvent exposed workers were at particular risk. Rare alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotypes were found several times in workers with respiratory diseases confirming the value of this test in occupational medicine. Despite many referral biases, direct clinical and public health applications of the data are possible. This study confirms the hypothesis that occupational respiratory diseases and intoxications are probably underreported in the workers' compensation statistics. Activities with an increased risk of work-related diseases have been identified so workplace intervention could be highly targeted. This study shows also that a more intense collaboration between primary care physicians, hospital services and occupational medical specialists is necessary to improve clinical and epidemiological surveillance of work-related health conditions.