93 resultados para Art, Aboriginal Australian -- 20th century


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The aim of the Permanent.Plot.ch project is the conservation of historical data about permanent plots in Switzerland and the monitoring of vegetation in a context of environmental changes (mainly climate and land use). Permanent plots are currently being recognized as valuable tools to monitor long-term effects of environmental changes on vegetation. Often used in short studies (3 to 5 years), they are generally abandoned at the end of projects. However, their full potential might only be revealed after 10 or more years, once the location is lost. For instance, some of the oldest permanent plots in Switzerland (first half of the 20th century) were nearly lost, although they are now very valuable data. The Permanent.Plot.ch national database (GIVD ID EU-CH-001), by storing historical and recent data, will allow to ensuring future access to data from permanent vegetation plots. As the database contains some private data, it is not directly available on internet but an overview of the data can be downloaded from internet (http://www.unil.ch/ppch) and precise data are available on request.


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This article is attempt to crarify some conceptuel and linguistic problems in the translation (from Russian and French) of philosophical texts written in the first of the 20th century - in particular, those by S. Bulgakov and A. Losev. We consider any transation as a form of cross-cultural communication taking place between the author and the translator(s) of the texte. Any translation involves a complex interaction of different historical and cultural factors that are attempt to combine and to remove cultural and conceptual misunderstandings.


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Among all sports, football is the one that saw the largest diffusion during the 20th century. Professional leagues exist on all continents and professional footballers are constantly on the move, trying to reach the wealthiest European clubs. Using the football players' market as an example, this article highlights some key features of economic globalization: the new international division of labour, the ever increasing role played by intermediaries to bind the demand and supply of work on a transnational scale, and the setting up of spatially fragmented trade circuits. These processes form the basis for the creation of a global market of footballers in which clubs and championships play complementary roles and are more than ever functionally integrated beyond national borders.


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The Summer Olympic Games constitute the biggest concentration of human sports and activities in a particular place and time since 776 BCE, when the written history of the Olympic Games in Olympia began. Summer and Winter Olympic anti-doping laboratories, accredited by the International Olympic Committee in the past and the World Anti-Doping Agency in the present times, acquire worldwide interest to apply all new analytical advancements in the fight against doping in sports, hoping that this major human event will not become dirty by association with this negative phenomenon. This article summarizes the new analytical progresses, technologies and knowledge used by the Olympic laboratories, which for the vast majority of them are, eventually, incorporated into routine anti-doping analysis.


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This article reviews the different steps taken during the past 20 years for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Seychelles. National surveys revealed high levels of several cardiovascular risk factors and prompted an organized response, starting with the creation of an NCD unit in the Ministry of Health. Information campaigns and nationwide activities raised awareness and rallied increasingly broad and high-level support. Significant policy was developed including comprehensive tobacco legislation and a School Nutrition Policy that bans soft drinks in schools. NCD guidelines were developed and specialized 'NCD nurses' were trained to complement doctors in district health centers. Decreasing smoking prevalence is evidence of success, but the raising so-called diabesity epidemic calls for an integrated multi-sector policy to mould an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Essential components of these efforts include: effective surveillance mechanisms supplemented by focused research; generating broad interest and consensus; mobilizing leadership and commitment at all levels; involving local and international expertise; building on existing efforts; and seeking integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approaches.


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L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à mettre en évidence la persistance du capitalisme familial en Suisse au cours du 20e siècle, et sa résistance aux capitalismes managérial et financier qui sont censés lui avoir succédé. Pour ce faire, nous avons retenu vingt-deux grandes entreprises du secteur des machines, de l'électrotechnique et de la métallurgie - principale branche de l'industrie suisse pour la période considérée -, pour lesquelles ont été recensés les membres des conseils d'administration et les principaux dirigeants exécutifs pour cinq dates- repère couvrant le siècle (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 et 2000). Cette thèse s'inscrit dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire qui relève à la fois de l'histoire d'entreprise et de la sociologie des dirigeants, et fait appel à différentes méthodes telles que l'analyse de réseau et l'analyse prosopographique. Elle s'articule autour de trois axes de recherche principaux : le premier vise à mettre en évidence l'évolution des modes de gouvernance dans notre groupe d'entreprises, le second investit la question de la coordination patronale et le troisième a pour but de dresser un portrait collectif des élites à la tête de nos vingt-deux firmes. Nos résultats montrent que durant la majeure partie du siècle, la plupart de nos entreprises sont contrôlées par des familles et fonctionnent sur un mode de coordination hors marché qui repose notamment sur un réseau dense de liens interfirmes, le profil des dirigeants restant dans l'ensemble stable. Si la fin du siècle est marquée par plusieurs changements qui confirment l'avènement d'un capitalisme dit financier ou actionnarial et la mise en place de pratiques plus concurrentielles parmi les firmes et les élites industrielles, le maintien du contrôle familial dans plusieurs entreprises et la persistance de certains anciens mécanismes de coopération nous incitent cependant à nuancer ce constat. - The main objective of this research is to highlight the persistence of family capitalism in Switzerland during the 20th century and its resistance to managerial and financial capitalisms that succeeded. For this purpose, we focus on twenty- two big companies of the machine, electrotechnical and metallurgy sector - the main branch of the Swiss industry for the considered period - whose boards of directors and executive managers have been identified for five benchmarks across the century (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 and 2000). This thesis relates to business history and elites sociology, and uses different methods such as network analysis and prosopography. It is articulated around three main parts. The aim of the first one is to identify the evolution of corporate governance in our twenty-two enterprises, the second part concentrates on interfirms coordination and the objective of the last one is to highlight the profile of the corporate elite leading our firms. Our results show that during the main part of the century, most of the companies were controlled by families and were characterized by non-market mechanisms of coordination such as interlocking directorates ; moreover, the profile of the corporate elite remained very stable. Although some major changes that took place by the end of the century confirmed a transition towards financial capitalism and more competitive interaction among firms and the corporate elite, the persistence of family control in several companies and the maintaining of some former mechanisms of coordination allow us to put this evolution into perspective.


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Cet article décrit, à l'intention des mdéecins de rpremier recours, les principes de base d'une action de secours lors d'un attentat (ou d'un accident) chimique impliquant de nombreuses victimes intoxiquées et/ou contaminées.


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Despite a sharp decline in the incidence of gastric cancer during the second half of the 20th century, this malignancy remains the second leading cause of cancer mortality in the world. The incidence and mortality rate of gastric cancer increase with age; at present, the median ages at diagnosis are 67 years for men and 72 years for women in the US. This article reviews and discusses current medical treatment options for both the general population and elderly gastric cancer patients. Management of localized gastric cancer has changed significantly over recent years. Adjuvant chemoradiation is not generally recommended outside the US. After decades of trials of adjuvant chemotherapy with inconclusive results, a significant survival benefit for perioperative combination chemotherapy - as compared with surgery alone - in patients with resectable or locally advanced gastro-oesophageal cancer was recently demonstrated in the UK MAGIC trial. A further large, randomized trial from Japan demonstrated a significant survival benefit for adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 after D2 resection for gastric cancer. However, both trials are applicable only to the population in which the trials were conducted. Specific data on elderly patients are missing. For patients with metastatic disease, oral fluoropyrimidines, such as capecitabine, have been developed. In Asian patients, treatment with the oral fluoropyrimidine S-1 is safe and effective. Docetaxel, oxaliplatin and irinotecan have demonstrated activity against gastric cancer in appropriately designed, randomized, phase III trials and have increased the available treatment options significantly. In addition, according to preliminary data, trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy has significantly improved activity when compared to chemotherapy alone in patients with human epidermal receptor (HER)-2-positive gastric and gastro-oesophageal cancers. Thus, therapeutic decisions in patients with advanced gastric cancer may be adapted to the molecular subtype and co-morbidities of the individual patient. Data from retrospective analyses suggest that oxaliplatin seems to be better tolerated than cisplatin in elderly patients.


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Summary Due to their conic shape and the reduction of area with increasing elevation, mountain ecosystems were early identified as potentially very sensitive to global warming. Moreover, mountain systems may experience unprecedented rates of warming during the next century, two or three times higher than that records of the 20th century. In this context, species distribution models (SDM) have become important tools for rapid assessment of the impact of accelerated land use and climate change on the distribution plant species. In my study, I developed and tested new predictor variables for species distribution models (SDM), specific to current and future geographic projections of plant species in a mountain system, using the Western Swiss Alps as model region. Since meso- and micro-topography are relevant to explain geographic patterns of plant species in mountain environments, I assessed the effect of scale on predictor variables and geographic projections of SDM. I also developed a methodological framework of space-for-time evaluation to test the robustness of SDM when projected in a future changing climate. Finally, I used a cellular automaton to run dynamic simulations of plant migration under climate change in a mountain landscape, including realistic distance of seed dispersal. Results of future projections for the 21st century were also discussed in perspective of vegetation changes monitored during the 20th century. Overall, I showed in this study that, based on the most severe A1 climate change scenario and realistic dispersal simulations of plant dispersal, species extinctions in the Western Swiss Alps could affect nearly one third (28.5%) of the 284 species modeled by 2100. With the less severe 61 scenario, only 4.6% of species are predicted to become extinct. However, even with B1, 54% (153 species) may still loose more than 80% of their initial surface. Results of monitoring of past vegetation changes suggested that plant species can react quickly to the warmer conditions as far as competition is low However, in subalpine grasslands, competition of already present species is probably important and limit establishment of newly arrived species. Results from future simulations also showed that heavy extinctions of alpine plants may start already in 2040, but the latest in 2080. My study also highlighted the importance of fine scale and regional. assessments of climate change impact on mountain vegetation, using more direct predictor variables. Indeed, predictions at the continental scale may fail to predict local refugees or local extinctions, as well as loss of connectivity between local populations. On the other hand, migrations of low-elevation species to higher altitude may be difficult to predict at the local scale. Résumé La forme conique des montagnes ainsi que la diminution de surface dans les hautes altitudes sont reconnues pour exposer plus sensiblement les écosystèmes de montagne au réchauffement global. En outre, les systèmes de montagne seront sans doute soumis durant le 21ème siècle à un réchauffement deux à trois fois plus rapide que celui mesuré durant le 20ème siècle. Dans ce contexte, les modèles prédictifs de distribution géographique de la végétation se sont imposés comme des outils puissants pour de rapides évaluations de l'impact des changements climatiques et de la transformation du paysage par l'homme sur la végétation. Dans mon étude, j'ai développé de nouvelles variables prédictives pour les modèles de distribution, spécifiques à la projection géographique présente et future des plantes dans un système de montagne, en utilisant les Préalpes vaudoises comme zone d'échantillonnage. La méso- et la microtopographie étant particulièrement adaptées pour expliquer les patrons de distribution géographique des plantes dans un environnement montagneux, j'ai testé les effets d'échelle sur les variables prédictives et sur les projections des modèles de distribution. J'ai aussi développé un cadre méthodologique pour tester la robustesse potentielle des modèles lors de projections pour le futur. Finalement, j'ai utilisé un automate cellulaire pour simuler de manière dynamique la migration future des plantes dans le paysage et dans quatre scénarios de changement climatique pour le 21ème siècle. J'ai intégré dans ces simulations des mécanismes et des distances plus réalistes de dispersion de graines. J'ai pu montrer, avec les simulations les plus réalistes, que près du tiers des 284 espèces considérées (28.5%) pourraient être menacées d'extinction en 2100 dans le cas du plus sévère scénario de changement climatique A1. Pour le moins sévère des scénarios B1, seulement 4.6% des espèces sont menacées d'extinctions, mais 54% (153 espèces) risquent de perdre plus 80% de leur habitat initial. Les résultats de monitoring des changements de végétation dans le passé montrent que les plantes peuvent réagir rapidement au réchauffement climatique si la compétition est faible. Dans les prairies subalpines, les espèces déjà présentes limitent certainement l'arrivée de nouvelles espèces par effet de compétition. Les résultats de simulation pour le futur prédisent le début d'extinctions massives dans les Préalpes à partir de 2040, au plus tard en 2080. Mon travail démontre aussi l'importance d'études régionales à échelle fine pour évaluer l'impact des changements climatiques sur la végétation, en intégrant des variables plus directes. En effet, les études à échelle continentale ne tiennent pas compte des micro-refuges, des extinctions locales ni des pertes de connectivité entre populations locales. Malgré cela, la migration des plantes de basses altitudes reste difficile à prédire à l'échelle locale sans modélisation plus globale.


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Upward migration of plant species due to climate change has become evident in several European mountain ranges. It is still, however, unclear whether certain plant traits increase the probability that a species will colonize mountain summits or vanish, and whether these traits differ with elevation. Here, we used data from a repeat survey of the occurrence of plant species on 120 summits, ranging from 2449 to 3418 m asl, in south-eastern Switzerland to identify plant traits that increase the probability of colonization or extinction in the 20th century. Species numbers increased across all plant traits considered. With some traits, however, numbers increased proportionally more. The most successful colonizers seemed to prefer warmer temperatures and well-developed soils. They produced achene fruits and/or seeds with pappus appendages. Conversely, cushion plants and species with capsule fruits were less efficient as colonizers. Observed changes in traits along the elevation gradient mainly corresponded to the natural distribution of traits. Extinctions did not seem to be clearly related to any trait. Our study showed that plant traits varied along both temporal and elevational gradients. While seeds with pappus seemed to be advantageous for colonization, most of the trait changes also mirrored previous gradients of traits along elevation and hence illustrated the general upward migration of plant species. An understanding of the trait characteristics of colonizing species is crucial for predicting future changes in mountain vegetation under climate change.