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Brachial circumference (BC), also known as upper arm or mid arm circumference, can be used as an indicator of muscle mass and fat tissue, which are distributed differently in men and women. Analysis of anthropometric measures of peripheral fat distribution such as BC could help in understanding the complex pathophysiology behind overweight and obesity. The purpose of this study is to identify genetic variants associated with BC through a large-scale genome-wide association scan (GWAS) meta-analysis. We used fixed-effects meta-analysis to synthesise summary results across 14 GWAS discovery and 4 replication cohorts comprising overall 22,376 individuals (12,031 women and 10,345 men) of European ancestry. Individual analyses were carried out for men, women, and combined across sexes using linear regression and an additive genetic model: adjusted for age and adjusted for age and BMI. We prioritised signals for follow-up in two-stages. We did not detect any signals reaching genome-wide significance. The FTO rs9939609 SNP showed nominal evidence for association (p<0.05) in the age-adjusted strata for men and across both sexes. In this first GWAS meta-analysis for BC to date, we have not identified any genome-wide significant signals and do not observe robust association of previously established obesity loci with BC. Large-scale collaborations will be necessary to achieve higher power to detect loci underlying BC.
Que se passe-t-il quand un texte de type scientifique est transposé d'un contexte (national, linguistique, académique) à un autre? Les articles réunis dans ce volume, issus d'un colloque de relève organisé à l'Université de Lausanne le 14 mars 2008, traitent cette question en se focalisant notamment sur les sujets suivants: - Retraduire Bakhtine et Voloshinov en français aujourd'hui; problèmes conceptuels; l'importation des courants critiques. - Traduire les Russes: «la grande Lumière qui vient de l'Est» et le filtre du marxisme occidental. - La traduction comme réinvention d'un texte. L'anachronisme comme effet de sens, le malentendu comme effet de reconnaissance. - La traduction scientifique comme pratique: questions de traductologie; les débats historiques sur la traduction; les polémiques autour des traductions; la comparaison des traductions. - La traduction comme échange (inégal) entre les nations; enjeux scientifiques et culturels des traductions; constitution de corpus transnationaux; mondialisation des savoirs et dépassement des catégories nationales de la pensée académique.
Full signal intensity (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy, combining a preceding (13)C-editing block based on an inversion BISEP (B(1)-insensitive spectral editing pulse) with a spin-echo coherence-based localization, was developed and implemented at 14.1 T. (13)C editing of the proposed scheme was achieved by turning on and off the (13)C adiabatic full passage in the (13)C-editing block to prepare inverted and noninverted (13)C-coupled (1)H coherences along the longitudinal axis prior to localization. The novel (1)H-[(13)C] NMR approach was applied in vivo under infusion of the glia-specific substrate [2-(13)C] acetate. Besides a approximately 50% improvement in sensitivity, spectral dispersion was enhanced at 14.1 T, especially for J-coupled metabolites such as glutamate and glutamine. A more distinct spectral structure at 1.9-2.2 ppm(parts per million) was observed, e.g., glutamate C3 showed a doublet pattern in both simulated (1)H spectrum and in vivo (13)C-edited (1)H NMR spectra. Besides (13)C time courses of glutamate C4 and glutamine C4, the time courses of glutamate C3 and glutamine C3 obtained by (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy were reported for the first time. Such capability should greatly improve the ability to study neuron-glial metabolism using (1)H-observed (13)C-edited NMR spectroscopy.
Cardiac ventricular morphogenesis is a key developmental stage during which the ventricles grow considerably in size, but the transcriptional pathways controlling this process remains poorly understood. 14-3-3_ is a member of a conserved protein family that regulates a wide range of processes such as transcription, apoptosis and proliferation by binding to the phospho-serine/threonine residues of its target proteins. We found that deletion of the Ywhae gene (encoding 14-3-3_) in mice leads to abnormal ventricular morphogenesis and an embryonic cardiomyopathy (Cieslik KA et al, Circ. Res. 2008, abstract). Interestingly, we recently showed in cultured cells that the Ywhae gene is regulated directly by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor _ (PPAR_) (Brunelli L et al, Circ. Res. 2007), a ligand-inducible nuclear receptor that controls energy metabolism and development. Postnatal cardiac-specific deletion of the Ppard gene in mice causes a lethal dilated cardiomyopathy, but it is still unknown whether PPAR_ regulates genes involved in heart development. We hypothesized that the expression of the Ywhae gene is responsive to PPAR_ during heart development. We confirmed that PPAR_ is expressed in the heart during development, and found higher expression at E10.5 compared to later gestational ages. We showed by immunofluorescence that a PPAR_ agonist (50 _M L-165,041 for 24 hr) upregulates 14-3-3_ in primary cardiomyocytes. We showed that when P19CL6 cells are driven towards cardiomyocyte lineage by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 14-3-3_ levels increase 4-fold, while L-165,041 treatment increases levels by an additional 50%. Based on previous work in mice (Leibowitz MD et al, FEBS Lett. 2000; Letavernier E et al, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2005), we tested the response of Ywhae to PPAR_ in vivo . We fed 30 mg/kg/day L-165,041 to 14-3-3__/_ adult pregnant mice for 3 days starting at E9.5 and assessed Ywhae mRNA levels in embryonic hearts at E12.5. Baseline mRNA levels in Ywhae_/_ hearts were double that of Ywhae_/ hearts, while L-165,041 upregulated Ywhae mRNA levels in both Ywhae_/_ and Ywhae_/ hearts by 65%. These results indicate that Ywhae responds to PPAR_ in vivo, and suggest that PPAR_ regulates Ywhae during ventricular morphogenesis.
Elbow arthroplasty is increasingly performed in patients with rheumatic and post-traumatic arthritis. Data on elbow periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) are limited. We investigated the characteristics and outcome of elbow PJI in a 14-year cohort of total elbow arthroplasties in a single centre. Elbow prosthesis, which were implanted between 1994 and 2007 at Schulthess Clinic in Zurich, were retrospectively screened for infection. PJI was defined as periprosthetic purulence, the presence of sinus tract or microbial growth. A Kaplan-Meier survival method and Cox proportional hazard analysis were performed. Of 358 elbow prostheses, PJI was identified in 27 (7.5%). The median patient age (range) was 61 (39-82) years; 63% were females. Seventeen patients (63%) had a rheumatic disorder and ten (37%) had osteoarthritis. Debridement and implant retention was performed in 78%, followed by exchange or removal of the prosthesis (15%) or no surgery (7%).The relapse-free survival (95% CI) was 79% (63-95%) after 1 year and 65% (45-85%) after 2 years. The outcome after 2 years was significantly better when patients were treated according to the algorithm compared to patients who were not (100% vs. 33%, p <0.05). In 21 patients treated with debridement and retention, the cure rate was also higher when the algorithm was followed (100% vs. 11%, p <0.05). The findings of the present study suggest that the treatment algorithm developed for hip and knee PJI can be applied to elbow PJI. With proper patient selection and antimicrobial therapy, debridement and retention of the elbow prosthesis is associated with good treatment outcome.
BACKGROUND: Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is a vascular remodeling process which often leads to failure of arterial bypass or hemodialysis access. Experimental and clinical work have provided insight in IH development; however, further studies under precise controlled conditions are required to improve therapeutic strategies to inhibit IH development. Ex vivo perfusion of human vessel segments under standardized hemodynamic conditions may provide an adequate experimental approach for this purpose. Therefore, chronically perfused venous segments were studied and compared to traditional static culture procedures with regard to functional and histomorphologic characteristics as well as gene expression. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Static vein culture allowing high tissue viability was performed as previously described. Ex vivo vein support system (EVVSS) was performed using a vein support system consisting of an incubator with a perfusion chamber and a pump. EVVSS allows vessel perfusion under continuous flow while maintaining controlled hemodynamic conditions. Each human saphenous vein was divided in two parts, one cultured in a Pyrex dish and the other part perfused in EVVSS for 14days. Testing of vasomotion, histomorphometry, expression of CD 31, Factor VIII, MIB 1, alpha-actin, and PAI-l were determined before and after 14days of either experimental conditions. RESULTS: Human venous segments cultured under traditional or perfused conditions exhibited similar IH after 14 days as shown by histomorphometry. Smooth-muscle cell (SMC) was preserved after chronic perfusion. Although integrity of both endothelial and smooth-muscle cells appears to be maintained in both culture conditions as confirmed by CD31, factor VIII, and alpha-actin expression, a few smooth-muscle cells in the media stained positive for factor VIII. Cell-proliferation marker MIB-1 was also detected in the two settings and PAI-1 mRNA expression and activity increased significantly after 14 days of culture and perfusion. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the feasibility to chronically perfuse human vessels under sterile conditions with preservation of cellular integrity and vascular contractility. To gain insights into the mechanisms leading to IH, it will now be possible to study vascular remodeling not only under static conditions but also in hemodynamic environment mimicking as closely as possible the flow conditions encountered in reconstructive vascular surgery.
GLUT proteins are encoded by the SLC2 genes and are members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. Fourteen GLUT proteins are expressed in the human and they are categorized into three classes based on sequence similarity. All GLUTs appear to transport hexoses or polyols when expressed ectopically, but the primary physiological substrates for several of the GLUTs remain uncertain. GLUTs 1-5 are the most thoroughly studied and all have well established roles as glucose and/or fructose transporters in various tissues and cell types. The GLUT proteins are comprised of ∼500 amino acid residues, possess a single N-linked oligosaccharide, and have 12 membrane-spanning domains. In this review we briefly describe the major characteristics of the 14 GLUT family members.
Over the past few decades, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy coupled to microscopy has been recognized as an emerging and potentially powerful tool in cancer research and diagnosis. For this purpose, histological analyses performed by pathologists are mostly carried out on biopsied tissue that undergoes the formalin-fixation and paraffin-embedding (FFPE) procedure. This processing method ensures an optimal and permanent preservation of the samples, making FFPE-archived tissue an extremely valuable source for retrospective studies. Nevertheless, as highlighted by previous studies, this fixation procedure significantly changes the principal constituents of cells, resulting in important effects on their infrared (IR) spectrum. Despite the chemical and spectral influence of FFPE processing, some studies demonstrate that FTIR imaging allows precise identification of the different cell types present in biopsied tissue, indicating that the FFPE process preserves spectral differences between distinct cell types. In this study, we investigated whether this is also the case for closely related cell lines. We analyzed spectra from 8 cancerous epithelial cell lines: 4 breast cancer cell lines and 4 melanoma cell lines. For each cell line, we harvested cells at subconfluence and divided them into two sets. We first tested the "original" capability of FTIR imaging to identify these closely related cell lines on cells just dried on BaF2 slides. We then repeated the test after submitting the cells to the FFPE procedure. Our results show that the IR spectra of FFPE processed cancerous cell lines undergo small but significant changes due to the treatment. The spectral modifications were interpreted as a potential decrease in the phospholipid content and protein denaturation, in line with the scientific literature on the topic. Nevertheless, unsupervised analyses showed that spectral proximities and distances between closely related cell lines were mostly, but not entirely, conserved after FFPE processing. Finally, PLS-DA statistical analyses highlighted that closely related cell lines are still successfully identified and efficiently distinguished by FTIR spectroscopy after FFPE treatment. This last result paves the way towards identification and characterization of cellular subtypes on FFPE tissue sections by FTIR imaging, indicating that this analysis technique could become a potential useful tool in cancer research.
The high molecular weight and low concentration of brain glycogen render its noninvasive quantification challenging. Therefore, the precision increase of the quantification by localized (13) C MR at 9.4 to 14.1 T was investigated. Signal-to-noise ratio increased by 66%, slightly offset by a T(1) increase of 332 ± 15 to 521 ± 34 ms. Isotopic enrichment after long-term (13) C administration was comparable (≈ 40%) as was the nominal linewidth of glycogen C1 (≈ 50 Hz). Among the factors that contributed to the 66% observed increase in signal-to-noise ratio, the T(1) relaxation time impacted the effective signal-to-noise ratio by only 10% at a repetition time = 1 s. The signal-to-noise ratio increase together with the larger spectral dispersion at 14.1 T resulted in a better defined baseline, which allowed for more accurate fitting. Quantified glycogen concentrations were 5.8 ± 0.9 mM at 9.4 T and 6.0 ± 0.4 mM at 14.1 T; the decreased standard deviation demonstrates the compounded effect of increased magnetization and improved baseline on the precision of glycogen quantification.
Energy metabolism supports both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission processes. This study investigated the specific contribution of astrocytic metabolism to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis and inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission that remained to be ilucidated in vivo. Therefore, we measured (13) C incorporation into brain metabolites by dynamic (13) C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T in rats under α-chloralose anaesthesia during infusion of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. The enhanced sensitivity at 14.1 T allowed to quantify incorporation of (13) C into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA non-invasively. Metabolic fluxes were determined with a mathematical model of brain metabolism comprising glial, glutamatergic and GABAergic compartments. GABA synthesis rate was 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min. GABA-glutamine cycle was 0.053 ± 0.003 μmol/g/min and accounted for 22 ± 1% of total neurotransmitter cycling between neurons and glia. Cerebral glucose oxidation was 0.47 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min, of which 35 ± 1% and 7 ± 1% was diverted to the glutamatergic and GABAergic tricarboxylic acid cycles, respectively. The remaining fraction of glucose oxidation was in glia, where 12 ± 1% of the TCA cycle flux was dedicated to oxidation of GABA. 16 ± 2% of glutamine synthesis was provided to GABAergic neurons. We conclude that substantial metabolic activity occurs in GABAergic neurons and that glial metabolism supports both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the living rat brain. We performed (13) C NMR spectroscopy in vivo at high magnetic field (14.1 T) upon administration of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. This allowed to measure (13) C incorporation into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA in the rat brain, in addition to those of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. These data were then modelled to determine fluxes of energy metabolism in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons and glial cells.
OBJECTIVE: Monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystal-induced interleukin-1β (IL-1β) secretion is a critical factor in the pathogenesis of gout. However, without costimulation by a proIL-1β-inducing factor, MSU crystals alone are insufficient to induce IL-1β secretion. The responsible costimulatory factors that act as a priming endogenous signal in vivo are not yet known. We undertook this study to analyze the costimulatory properties of myeloid-related protein 8 (MRP-8) and MRP-14 (endogenous Toll-like receptor 4 [TLR-4] agonists) in MSU crystal-induced IL-1β secretion and their relevance in gout. METHODS: MRP-8/MRP-14 was measured in paired serum and synovial fluid samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and localized in synovial tissue from gout patients by immunohistochemistry. Serum levels were correlated with disease activity, and MSU crystal-induced release of MRPs from human phagocytes was measured. Costimulatory effects of MRP-8 and MRP-14 on MSU crystal-induced IL-1β secretion from phagocytes were analyzed in vitro by ELISA, Western blotting, and polymerase chain reaction. The impact of MRP was tested in vivo in a murine MSU crystal-induced peritonitis model. RESULTS: MRP-8/MRP-14 levels were elevated in the synovium, tophi, and serum of patients with gout and correlated with disease activity. MRP-8/MRP-14 was released by MSU crystal-activated phagocytes and increased MSU crystal-induced IL-1β secretion in a TLR-4-dependent manner. Targeted deletion of MRP-14 in mice led to a moderately reduced response of MSU crystal-induced inflammation in vivo. CONCLUSION: MRP-8 and MRP-14, which are highly expressed in gout, are enhancers of MSU crystal-induced IL-1β secretion in vitro and in vivo. These endogenous TLR-4 ligands released by activated phagocytes contribute to the maintenance of inflammation in gout.
One hundred de novo multiple myeloma patients with t(4;14) treated with double intensive therapy according to IFM99 protocols were retrospectively analyzed. The median overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 41.4 and 21 months, respectively, as compared to 65 and 37 for patients included in the IFM99 trials without t(4;14) (P<10(-7)). We identified a subgroup of patients presenting at diagnosis with both low beta(2)-microglobulin <4 mg/l and high hemoglobin (Hb) >/=10 g/l (46% of the cases) with a median OS of 54.6 months and a median EFS of 26 months, respectively, which benefits from high-dose therapy (HDT); conversely patients with one or both adverse prognostic factor (high beta(2)-microglobulin and/or low Hb) had a poor outcome. The achievement of either complete response or very good partial response after HDT was also a powerful independent prognostic factor for both OS and EFS.