74 resultados para initiatives
Background: Chronic disease management initiatives emphasize patient-centered care, and quality of life (QoL) is increasingly considered a representative outcome in that context. In this study we evaluated the association between receipt of processes of diabetic care and QoL. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study (2011) used self-reported data from non-institutionalized, adult diabetics, recruited from randomly selected community pharmacies in Vaud. Outcomes included the physical and mental composites of the SF-36 (PCS, MCS) and the disease-specific Audit of Diabetes-Dependent QoL (ADDQoL). Main exposure variables were receipt of six diabetes processes-of care in the past 12 months. We also evaluated whether the association between care received and QoL was congruent with the chronic care model, when assessed by the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). We used linear regressions to examine the association between process measures and the three composites of health-related QoL. Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, living companion, BMI, alcohol, smoking, physical activity, co-morbidities and diabetes mellitus (DM) characteristics (type, insulin use, complications, duration). Results: Mean age of the 519 diabetic patients was 64.4 years (SD 11.3), 60% were male and 73% had a living companion; 87% reported type 2 DM, half of respondents required insulin treatment, 48% had at least one DM complication, and 48% had DM over 10 years. Crude overall mean QoL scores were PCS: 43.4 (SD 10.5), MCS: 47.0 (SD 11.2) and ADDQoL: -1.56 (SD 1.6). In bivariate analyses, patients who received the influenza vaccine versus those who did not, had lower ADDQoL and PCS scores; there were no other indicator differences. In adjusted models including all processes, receipt of influenza vaccine was associated with lower ADDQoL (β= - 0.41, p=.01); there were no other associations between process indicators and QoL composites. There was no process association even when these were reported as combined measures of processes of care. PACIC score was associated only with the MCS (β= 1.57, p=.004). Conclusions: Process indicators for diabetes care did not show an association with QoL. This may represent an effect lag time between time of process received and quality of life; or that treatment may be related with inconvenience and patient worry. Further research is needed to explore these unexpected findings.
The Plinius Maior Society is a European multinational, multidisciplinary group of clinicians and researchers in the alcoholism field, which strives for a comprehensive care concept in the management of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. The Society, using evidence-based medicine, has developed a set of protocols, in the forms of guidelines, flow-charts, leaflets and booklets, for use as tools in research on and treatment of alcohol dependence, with a view to standardize clinical research procedures and to bridge the gap between the alcoholism researcher, practitioner and patient. These protocols or tools have been subjected to a review process during their preparation, and further comments on their validity will be integrated in their updates. Seven protocols have so far been developed, two of which, 'Guidelines on Evaluation of Treatment of Alcohol Dependence' and 'Detection and Management of Patients with Psychiatric and Alcohol Use Disorders', are aimed at the clinical researcher and specialists, whereas three others [in the form of decision trees (flow-charts)] are aimed at the general practitioner and other primary health care providers. These are entitled 'Alcohol Risk Assessment and Intervention in Primary Care', 'Withdrawal from Alcohol at Home' and 'Brief Intervention in Patients with Alcohol-Related Problems'. The remaining two tools are booklets aimed at the patient, one to support initiatives for detection of drinking problems and primary intervention, namely 'Do you have this Problem? Discuss it with your Doctor!', and the other to assist the patient in relapse prevention after the early stages of treatment, namely 'On the Way to Recovery'. The protocols for the general practitioners and patients have so far been produced in seven European languages, and, as with the Guidelines, feedback from target users will be collected and incorporated in future updates. The Society continually seeks to consider areas of clinical importance for its work and, as it enters the new millennium, it hopes to address and make a significant contribution to the most pressing problem in the management of alcohol dependence, namely relapse.
OBJECTIVE: This study sought to determine the prevalence of transactional sex among university students in Uganda and to assess the possible relationship between transactional sex and sexual coercion, physical violence, mental health, and alcohol use. METHODS: In 2010, 1954 undergraduate students at a Ugandan university responded to a self-administered questionnaire that assessed mental health, substance use, physical violence and sexual behaviors including sexual coercion and transactional sex. The prevalence of transactional sex was assessed and logistic regression analysis was performed to measure the associations between various risk factors and reporting transactional sex. RESULTS: Approximately 25% of the study sample reported having taken part in transactional sex, with more women reporting having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex, while more men reporting having paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. Sexual coercion in men and women was significantly associated with having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex. Men who were victims of physical violence in the last 12 months had higher probability of having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex than other men. Women who were victims of sexual coercion reported greater likelihood of having paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. Respondents who had been victims of physical violence in last 12 months, engaged in heavy episodic drinking and had poor mental health status were more likely to have paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. CONCLUSIONS: University students in Uganda are at high risk of transactional sex. Young men and women may be equally vulnerable to the risks and consequences of transactional sex and should be included in program initiatives to prevent transactional sex. The role of sexual coercion, physical violence, mental health, and alcohol use should be considered when designing interventions for countering transactional sex.
Résumé L'objectif de la thèse est de comprendre le mode d'organisation économique spécifique aux petits centres urbains qui composent les espaces frontaliers sahéliens, en s'interrogeant sur leur concurrence ou leur complémentarité éventuelle à l'intérieur d'un régime de spatialité particulier. En s'appuyant sur l'exemple du carrefour économique de Gaya-Malanville-Kamba situé à la frontière entre le Niger, le Bénin et le Nigeria, il questionne le rôle de la ville-frontière ainsi que le jeu des acteurs marchands localement dominants, à partir de quatre grandes interrogations : Quelles sont les spécificités de l'Afrique sahélienne qui obligent à renouveler les approches géographiques de l'espace marchand? Quels sont les facteurs déterminants de l'activité économique frontalière? Les formes d'organisation de l'espace qui concourent à la structuration de l'économie sont-elles concurrentes ou coopératives? Les logiques économiques frontalières sont-elles compatibles avec l'orientation des programmes de développement adoptés par les pays sahéliens et leurs partenaires bi- ou multilatéraux? Dans une première partie, un modèle territorial de l'Afrique sahélienne permet de rendre compte de la prédominance des logiques circulatoires sur les logiques productives, une propriété essentielle de toute organisation économique confrontée à l'instabilité climatique. Dans une seconde partie, l'étude considère les facteurs déterminants de l'activité économique frontalière que sont le degré d'enclavement des territoires, la libre circulation des biens et des personnes, les relations concurrentielles ou coopératives qui lient les marchés ainsi que les liens clientélistes qui unissent patron et obligés. Une troisième partie est consacrée aux productions agricoles de tente organisées sous forme de coopératives paysannes ou d'initiatives privées. Une quatrième partie s'intéresse aux réseaux de l'import-export et du commerce de détail qui bénéficient de l'augmentation des besoins engendrée par l'urbanisation sahélienne. L'économie spatiale qui résulte de ces flux est organisée selon deux logiques distinctes : d'une part, les opportunités relatives à la production agricole conduisent certains investisseurs à intensifier l'irrigation pour satisfaire la demande des marchés urbains, d'autre part, les acteurs du capitalisme marchand, actifs dans l'import-export et la vente de détail, développent des réseaux informels et mobiles qui se jouent des différentiels nationaux. Les activités commerciales des villes-marchés connaissent alors des fluctuations liées aux entreprises productives et circulatoires de ces patrons, lesquelles concourent à l'organisation territoriale générale de l>Afrique sahélienne. Ces logiques évoluent dans un contexte fortement marqué par les politiques des institutions financières internationales, des agences bilatérales de coopération et des ONGs. Celles-ci se donnent pour ambition de transformer les économies, les systèmes politiques et les organisations sociales sahéliennes, en faisant la promotion du libéralisme, de la bonne gouvernance et de la société civile. Ces axes directeurs, qui constituent le champ de bataille contemporain du développement, forment un ensemble dans lequel la spécificité sahélienne notamment frontalière est rarement prise en compte. C'est pourquoi l'étude conclut en faveur d'un renouvellement des politiques de développement appliquées aux espaces frontaliers. Trois grands axes d'intervention peuvent alors être dégagés, lesquels permettent de réconcilier des acteurs et des logiques longtemps dissociés: ceux des espaces séparés par une limite administrative, ceux de la sphère urbaine et rurale et ceux du capitalisme marchand et de l'investissement agricole, en renforçant la coopération économique transfrontalière, en prenant en considération les interactions croissantes entre villes et campagnes et en appuyant les activités marchandes. Abstract: Urbanisation in West Africa is recent and fast. If only 10 % of the total population was living in urban areas in 1950, this proportion reached 40 % in 2000 and will be estimated to 60 % in 2025. Small and intermediate cities, located between the countryside and large metropolis, are particularly concerned with this process. They are nowadays considered as efficient vectors of local economic development because of fiscal or monetary disparities between states, which enable businessmen to develop particular skills based on local urban networks. The majority of theses networks are informal and extremely flexible, like in the Gaya - Malanville - Kamba region, located between Niger, Benin and Nigeria. Evidence show that this economic space is characterised by high potentialities (climatic and hydrological conditions, location on main economic West African axis) and few constraints (remoteness of some potentially high productive areas). In this context, this PhD deals with the economic relationships between the three market cities. Focusing on the links that unite the businessmen of the local markets - called patron; - it reveals the extreme flexibility of their strategies as well as the deeply informal nature of their activities. Through the analysis of examples taken from the commerce of agricultural products, import and export flows and detail activities, it studies the changes that have taken place in the city centres of Gaya, Malanville and Kamba. Meanwhile, this research shows how these cities represent a border economical area based on rival and complementary connections. In the first Part, it was necessary to reconsider the usual spatial analysis devoted to the question of economic centrality. As a matter of fact, the organisation of West African economic spaces is very flexible and mobile. Centrality is always precarious because of seasonal or temporary reasons. This is why the first chapters are devoted to the study of the specificity of the Sahelian territoriality. Two main elements are relevant: first the population diversity and second, the urban-rural linkages. In the second part, the study considers three main factors on which the cross-border economic networks are dependent: enclosure that prevents goods to reach the markets, administrative constraints that limit free trade between states and cities and the concurrent or complementary relationships between markets. A third part deals with the clientelist ties engaged between the patrons and their clients with the hypothesis that these relationships are based on reciprocity and inequality. A fourth part is devoted to' the study of the spatial organisation of commercial goods across the borders, as far as the agriculture commercial products, the import-export merchandises and the retail products are concerned. This leads to the conclusion that the economic activity is directly linked to urban growth. However, the study notices that there is a lack of efficient policies dealing with strengthening the business sector and improving the cross-border cooperation. This particularity allows us to favour new local development approaches, which would take into account the important potential of private economical actors. In the same time, the commercial flows should be regulated with the help of public policies, as long as they are specifically adapted to the problems that these areas have to deal with.
Les investigations dans le milieu des accidents de la circulation sont très complexes. Elles nécessitent la mise en oeuvre d'un grand nombre de spécialités venant de domaines très différents. Si certains de ces domaines sont déjà bien exploités, d'autres demeurent encore incomplets et il arrive de nos jours d'observer des lacunes dans la pratique, auxquelles il est primordial de remédier.Ce travail de thèse, intitulé « l'exploitation des traces dans les accidents de la circulation », est issu d'une réflexion interdisciplinaire entre de multiples aspects des sciences forensiques. Il s'agit principalement d'une recherche ayant pour objectif de démontrer les avantages découlant d'une synergie entre les microtraces et l'étude de la dynamique d'un accident. Afin de donner une dimension très opérationnelle à ce travail, l'ensemble des démarches entreprises a été axé de manière à optimiser l'activité des premiers intervenants sur les lieux.Après une partie introductive et ayant trait au projet de recherche, traitant des aspects théoriques de la reconstruction d'une scène d'accident, le lecteur est invité à prendre connaissance de cinq chapitres pratiques, abordés selon la doctrine « du général au particulier ». La première étape de cette partie pratique concerne l'étude de la morphologie des traces. Des séquences d'examens sont proposées pour améliorer l'interprétation des contacts entre véhicules et obstacles impliqués dans un accident. Les mécanismes de transfert des traces de peinture sont ensuite étudiés et une série de tests en laboratoire est pratiquée sur des pièces de carrosseries automobiles. Différents paramètres sont ainsi testés afin de comprendre leur impact sur la fragilité d'un système de peinture. Par la suite, une liste de cas traités (crash-tests et cas réels), apportant des informations intéressantes sur le traitement d'une affaire et permettant de confirmer les résultats obtenus est effectuée. Il s'ensuit un recueil de traces, issu de l'expérience pratique acquise et ayant pour but d'aiguiller la recherche et le prélèvement sur les lieux. Finalement, la problématique d'une banque de données « accident », permettant une gestion optimale des traces récoltées est abordée.---The investigations of traffic accidents are very complex. They require the implementation of a large number of specialties coming from very different domains. If some of these domains are already well exploited, others remain still incomplete and it happens nowadays to observe gaps in the practice, which it is essential to remedy. This thesis, entitled "the exploitation of traces in traffic accidents", arises from a multidisciplinary reflection between the different aspects of forensic science. It is primarily a research aimed to demonstrate the benefits of synergy between microtrace evidence and accidents dynamics. To give a very operational dimension to this work, all the undertaken initiatives were centred so as to optimise the activity of the first participants on the crime scene.After an introductory part treating theoretical aspects of the reconstruction of an accident scene the reader is invited to get acquainted with five practical chapters, according to the doctrine "from general to particular". For the first stage of this practical part, the problem of the morphology of traces is approached and sequences of examinations are proposed to improve the interpretation of the contacts between vehicles and obstacles involved in an accident. Afterwards, the mechanisms of transfer of traces of paint are studied and a series of tests in laboratory is practised on pieces of automobile bodies. Various parameters are thus tested to understand their impact on the fragility of a system of paint. It follows that a list of treated cases (crash-tests and real cases) is created, allowing to bring interesting information on the treatment of a case and confirm the obtained results. Then, this work goes on with a collection of traces, stemming from the acquired experience that aims to steer the research and the taking of evidence on scenes. Finally, the practical part of this thesis ends with the problem of a database « accident », allowing an optimal management of the collected traces.
This factsheet gives a short presentation of a case study conducted in Lombok Island (Indonesia). In 6 pages, it focuses on the complexity of PES scheme embedment in public policies. This factsheet describes and explicitly distinguishes three PES initiatives, and explain the reasons for such an evolution in the design of policy instruments aimed at protecting groundwater resources. The results presented have previously been published in an Working Paper: de Buren G., 2013. La régulation des interdépendances entre la forêt et l'eau potable en Indonésie; études de cas sur le site de Lombok. (1/2013) 369 p., idheap.
Introduction: L'organisation multisite des établissements hospitaliersaboutit souvent à un cloisonnement entre prises en charge psychiatriqueet somatique. Pourtant, plusieurs études ont confirmé un tauxcroissant de comorbidités somatiques chez les patients psychiatriques,ainsi qu'une mauvaise adéquation des soins somatiques quileur sont prodigués. Des initiatives ont tenté d'améliorer cette situation,en développant des consultations dédiées ou en intégrant desmédecins somaticiens au sein des établissements psychiatriques.Depuis plusieurs années, la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire (PMU)de Lausanne collabore avec l'Hôpital Psychiatrique Universitaire, enmettant à disposition un système de consultation.Méthode: Analyse rétrospective des consultations effectuées enmilieu psychiatrique, durant la période du 01.04-30.09.08. Lespatients de psychogériatrie n'étaient pas concernés. Les paramètressuivants ont été relevés: âge, sexe, motifs de consultations, catégoriesdiagnostiques CIM10, pathologies psychiatriques, éventuellescomorbidités somatiques. La pertinence de chaque consultation a étéévaluée à l'aide de trois critères de sévérité: implique une modificationou l'introduction d'un traitement, implique des investigationscomplémentaires (laboratoire, radiologie, avis spécialisé), implique untransfert aux urgences.Résultats: 207 consultations ont été réalisées (57% de femmes) avecun âge moyen de 48,7 ans (18 à 64 ans). Les pathologies psychiatriquesimpliquaient une schizophrénie ou une psychose aiguë(30,4%), un épisode dépressif (26,6%), un trouble de la personnalité(14,5%) ou un trouble bipolaire (14%). Les consultations portaientavant tout sur des pathologies cardiovasculaires (17%), digestives(15%), neurologiques (11%) ou pulmonaires (11%). Un effet secondairedu traitement médicamenteux a été suspecté chez 12% despatients. 48% des cas présentaient un des critères, avec en particulier12 transferts aux urgences. Huit patients ont bénéficié par la suited'un suivi ambulatoire à la PMU.Discussion: L'implication de somaticiens au sein des établissementspsychiatriques répond à un besoin réel. Elle permet d'améliorer laprise en charge des patients, de réduire les transferts interhospitalierset d'optimiser les investigations et les traitements somatiques. Ellejoue également un rôle en termes de transfert de compétences, deprévention des pathologies iatrogènes et de dépistage des facteursde risques cardiovasculaires.
This is the second edition of the compendium. Since the first edition a number of important initiatives have been launched in the shape of large projects targeting integration of research infrastructure and new technology for toxicity studies and exposure monitoring.The demand for research in the area of human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies is present since a decade and identified by several landmark reports and studies. Several guidance documents have been published. It is not the intention of this compendium to report on these as they are widely available.It is also not the intention to publish scientific papers and research results as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the peer reviewed press.The intention of the compendium is to bring together researchers, create synergy in their work, and establish links and communication between them mainly during the actual research phase before publication of results. Towards this purpose we find useful to give emphasis to communication of projects strategic aims, extensive coverage of specific work objectives and of methods used in research, strengthening human capacities and laboratories infrastructure, supporting collaboration for common goals and joint elaboration of future plans, without compromising scientific publication potential or IP Rights.These targets are far from being achieved with the publication in its present shape. We shall continue working, though, and hope with the assistance of the research community to make significant progress. The publication will take the shape of a dynamic, frequently updated, web-based document available free of charge to all interested parties. Researchers in this domain are invited to join the effort, communicating the work being done. [Auteurs]
Bipolar disorder follows a staged trajectory in which persistence of illness is associated with a number of clinical features such as progressive shortening of the inter-episode interval and decreased probability of treatment response. This neuroprogressive clinical process is reflected by both progressive neuroanatomical changes and evidence of cognitive decline. The biochemical foundation of this process appears to incorporate changes in inflammatory cytokines, cortisone, neurotrophins and oxidative stress. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that these markers may differ between the early and late stages of the disorder. The presence of a series of tangible targets raises the spectre of development of rational neuroprotective strategies, involving judicious use of current therapies and novel agents. Most of the currently used mood stabilisers share effects on oxidative stress and neurotrophins, while novel potentially neuroprotective agents are being developed. These developments need to be combined with service initiatives to maximise the opportunities for early diagnosis and intervention.
Over the past decade a series of trials of the EORTC Brain Tumor Group (BTG) has substantially influenced and shaped the standard-of-care of primary brain tumors. All these trials were coupled with biological research that has allowed for better understanding of the biology of these tumors. In glioblastoma, EORTC trial 26981/22981 conducted jointly with the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group showed superiority of concomitant radiochemotherapy with temozolomide over radiotherapy alone. It also identified the first predictive marker for benefit from alkylating agent chemotherapy in glioblastoma, the methylation of the O6-methyl-guanyl-methly-transferase (MGMT) gene promoter. In another large randomized trial, EORTC 26951, adjuvant chemotherapy in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors was investigated. Despite an improvement in progression-free survival this did not translate into a survival benefit. The third example of a landmark trial is the EORTC 22845 trial. This trial led by the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group forms the basis for an expectative approach to patients with low-grade glioma, as early radiotherapy indeed prolongs time to tumor progression but with no benefit in overall survival. This trial is the key reference in deciding at what time in their disease adult patients with low-grade glioma should be irradiated. Future initiatives will continue to focus on the conduct of controlled trials, rational academic drug development as well as systematic evaluation of tumor tissue including biomarker development for personalized therapy. Important lessons learned in neurooncology are to dare to ask real questions rather than merely rapidly testing new compounds, and the value of well designed trials, including the presence of controls, central pathology review, strict radiology protocols and biobanking. Structurally, the EORTC BTG has evolved into a multidisciplinary group with strong transatlantic alliances. It has contributed to the maturation of neurooncology within the oncological sciences.
En 1970 et en 1974, le peuple suisse a été consulté sur les initiatives dites Schwarzenbach. Leur acceptation aurait signifé le renvoi de 300'000 personnes, soit la moitié de la population étrangère de l'époque. Les deux initiatives ont été refusées, mais elles ont eu un effet traumatisant sur la population immigrée. 'Les Années Schwarzenbach' réunit le témoignage de dix personnes immigrées ou issues de l'immigration, originaires d'Italie et d'Espagne, afin que la mémoire de leur parcours et la manière dont elles ont vécu cette période puissent nourrir la réflexion des nouvelles générations.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making is not widely implemented in healthcare. We aimed to set a research agenda about promoting shared decision-making through continuing professional development. METHODS: Thirty-six participants met for two days. RESULTS: Participants suggested ways to improve an environmental scan that had inventoried 53 shared decision-making training programs from 14 countries. Their proposed research agenda included reaching an international consensus on shared decision-making competencies and creating a framework for accrediting continuing professional development initiatives in shared decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Variability in shared decision-making training programs showcases the need for quality assurance frameworks.
Notre système de soins vaudois propose de nombreuses prestations de qualité aux personnes âgées. Le canton a été pionnier pour la mise en oeuvre de nombreuses initiatives : aide et soins à domicile, centres de traitements et de réadaptation, unités d'accueil temporaires, bureaux régionaux d'information et d'orientation. Autant de réalisations qui, preuve de leur intérêt, ont largement diffusé au-delà des frontières cantonales. Néanmoins, le vieillissement de la population vaudoise impose d'évaluer ce qui doit être entrepris pour adapter et consolider ces prestations afin de faire face le mieux possible aux formidables enjeux sanitaires liés à ce vieillissement. Ensuite, ces enjeux nécessitent aussi d'imaginer. Imaginer de nouvelles structures, de nouvelles missions, de nouvelles prestations et pratiques. Certaines mesures proposées visent le court terme et sont rapidement réalisables. D'autres nécessitent de modifier notre culture sanitaire, un défi qui demande du temps. Nous souhaitons, dans la politique proposée, initier ce processus dynamique. L'année 2012 marque symboliquement l'entrée en retraite des premiers baby-boomers et annonce la vague démographique qui culminera en 2030 déjà, lorsque un vaudois sur cinq aura plus de 65 ans. La politique "Vieillissement et Santé" proposée ici n'est pas figée. Si ce rapport a pour ambition d'être un outil de référence pour la communauté sanitaire, il ne représente qu'une étape dans les réflexions sur la santé et les soins aux aînés que le canton conduit depuis longtemps, et devra continuer à conduire. La politique qui y est décrite devra être périodiquement évaluée et adaptée. [Auteurs]
In the healthcare debate, it is often stated that better quality leads to savings. Quality systems lead to additional costs for setting up, running and external evaluations. In addition, suppression of implicit rationing leads to additional costs. On the other hand, they lead to savings by procedures simplification, improvement of patients' health state and quicker integration of new collaborators. It is then logical to imagine that financial incentives could improve quality. First evidences of pay for performances initiatives show a positive impact but also some limitations. Quality and savings are linked together and require all our attention.
Breakthrough technologies which now enable the sequencing of individual genomes will irreversibly modify the way diseases are diagnosed, predicted, prevented and treated. For these technologies to reach their full potential requires, upstream, access to high-quality biomedical data and samples from large number of properly informed and consenting individuals and, downstream, the possibility to transform the emerging knowledge into a clinical utility. The Lausanne Institutional Biobank was designed as an integrated, highly versatile infrastructure to harness the power of these emerging technologies and catalyse the discovery and development of innovative therapeutics and biomarkers, and advance the field of personalised medicine. Described here are its rationale, design and governance, as well as parallel initiatives which have been launched locally to address the societal, ethical and technological issues associated with this new bio-resource. Since January 2013, inpatients admitted at Lausanne CHUV University Hospital have been systematically invited to provide a general consent for the use of their biomedical data and samples for research, to complete a standardised questionnaire, to donate a 10-ml sample of blood for future DNA extraction and to be re-contacted for future clinical trials. Over the first 18 months of operation, 14,459 patients were contacted, and 11,051 accepted to participate in the study. This initial 18-month experience illustrates that a systematic hospital-based biobank is feasible; it shows a strong engagement in research from the patient population in this University Hospital setting, and the need for a broad, integrated approach for the future of medicine to reach its full potential.