184 resultados para Subscapularis Muscle


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A novel monoclonal antibody, M7, is described, that reacts on Western blots with the large subunit of the neurofilament triplet proteins (NF-H) and with striated muscle myosin of Xenopus laevis. Enzymatically digested neurofilament and myosin proteins revealed different immunoreactive peptide fragments on Western blots. Therefore, the antibody must react with immunologically related epitopes common to both proteins. Immunohistochemistry showed staining of large and small axons in CNS and PNS, and nerves could be followed into endplate regions of skeletal muscles. These muscles were characterized by a striated immunostaining of the M-lines. Despite the crossreactivity of M7 with NF-H and muscle myosin, this antibody may be a tool to study innervation of muscle fibers, and to define changes in the neuromuscular organization during early development and metamorphosis of tadpoles.


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BACKGROUND: Acetate metabolism in skeletal muscle is regulated by acetylCoA synthetase (ACS). The main function of ACS is to provide cells with acetylCoA, a key molecule for numerous metabolic pathways including fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis and the Krebs cycle. METHODS: Hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]acetate prepared via dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization was injected intravenously at different concentrations into rats. The (13)C magnetic resonance signals of [1-(13)C]acetate and [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine were recorded in vivo for 1min. The kinetic rate constants related to the transformation of acetate into acetylcarnitine were deduced from the 3s time resolution measurements using two approaches, either mathematical modeling or relative metabolite ratios. RESULTS: Although separated by two biochemical transformations, a kinetic analysis of the (13)C label flow from [1-(13)C]acetate to [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine led to a unique determination of the activity of ACS. The in vivo Michaelis constants for ACS were KM=0.35±0.13mM and Vmax=0.199±0.031μmol/g/min. CONCLUSIONS: The conversion rates from hyperpolarized acetate into acetylcarnitine were quantified in vivo and, although separated by two enzymatic reactions, these rates uniquely defined the activity of ACS. The conversion rates associated with ACS were obtained using two analytical approaches, both methods yielding similar results. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates the feasibility of directly measuring ACS activity in vivo and, since the activity of ACS can be affected by various pathological states such as cancer or diabetes, the proposed method could be used to non-invasively probe metabolic signatures of ACS in diseased tissue.


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There is evidence that reactive hyperemia (ie, the transient increase of blood flow above resting level after a short period of ischemia) could be negatively modulated by vasoconstrictor prostanoids. The present study tested whether pharmacological blockade of the thromboxane prostanoid receptors with the specific antagonist S18886 (terutroban) would amplify reactive hyperemia in human skin and skeletal muscle. Twenty healthy young male volunteers were enrolled in a randomized, blinded, crossover trial of oral S18886 30 mg/d for 5 days versus placebo. Reactive hyperemia was evaluated in forearm skin and skeletal muscle, after occlusion of the brachial artery with a pneumatic cuff inflated at suprasystolic pressure. Blood flow was measured with laser Doppler imaging (skin) and strain gauge venous occlusion plethysmography (muscle). On the first and last day of each treatment period, recordings of reactive hyperemia were obtained immediately before and 2 hours after drug intake. Whether in forearm muscle or skin, S18886 had no discernible effect on peak postocclusion blood flow, nor on the global hyperemic response as quantified by the area under curve. These results do not support that thromboxane prostanoid receptor activation could exert a moderating influence on reactive hyperemia in human skin and skeletal muscle, at least in young subjects.


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Type 2 diabetes has been related to a decrease of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content. In this study, we show increased expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARalpha) and its target genes involved in fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle of Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) (fa/fa) rats. In contrast, the mRNA levels of genes involved in glucose transport and utilization (GLUT4 and phosphofructokinase) were decreased, whereas the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK-4), which suppresses glucose oxidation, was increased. The shift from glucose to fatty acids as the source of energy in skeletal muscle of ZDF rats was accompanied by a reduction of subunit 1 of complex I (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1, ND1) and subunit II of complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase II, COII), two genes of the electronic transport chain encoded by mtDNA. The transcript levels of PPARgamma Coactivator 1 (PGC-1) showed a significant reduction. Treatment with troglitazone (30 mg/kg/day) for 15 days reduced insulin values and reversed the increase in PDK-4 mRNA levels, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity. In addition, troglitazone treatment restored ND1 and PGC-1 expression in skeletal muscle. These results suggest that troglitazone may avoid mitochondrial metabolic derangement during the development of diabetes mellitus 2 in skeletal muscle.


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Objective This paper reviews the development and clinical validation of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) of bladder cancer. Methods The authors reviewed the literature on the development of PDD, in particular the evidence for the clinical efficacy of hexaminolevulinate PDD in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Results After initial work on ultraviolet cystoscopy following oral tetracycline, the focus of PDD research shifted to the use of synthetic porphyrins. First, the prodrug delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was shown to cause a transient but significant accumulation of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in malignant or premalignant bladder tissue. Excitation by blue light leads to PpIX fluorescence (red), which distinguishes tumour from normal tissue (blue). Hexaminolevulinate (HAL, Hexvix), an ester of ALA, was then developed and has greater bioavailability and stability than the parent compound. It has been approved for clinical use in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Clinical studies have shown that HAL PDD detects tumours, including carcinoma in situ (CIS), that are missed by conventional white-light cystoscopy. Conclusions HAL PDD is a valuable aid to the detection of bladder tumours, including CIS.


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Electrical and mechanical coupling of myocytes in heart and of smooth muscle cells in the aortic wall is thought to be mediated by intercellular channels aggregated at gap junctions. Connexin43 (Cx43) is one of the predominant membrane proteins forming junctional channels in the cardiovascular system. This study was undertaken to assess its expression during experimental hypertension. Rats were made hypertensive by clipping one renal artery (two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertension) or by administering deoxycorticosterone and salt (DOCA-salt hypertension). After four weeks, rats from both models showed a similar increase in intra-arterial mean blood pressure, as well as in the thickness of both aorta and heart walls. Northern blot analysis showed that, compared to controls, hypertensive rats expressed twice more Cx43 in aorta, but not in heart. These results suggest that localized mechanical forces induced by hypertension are major tissue-specific regulators of Cx43 expression.


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Mitochondrial impairment is hypothesized to contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Mitofusin (Mfn) proteins regulate the biogenesis and maintenance of the mitochondrial network, and when inactivated, cause a failure in the mitochondrial architecture and decreases in oxidative capacity and glucose oxidation. Exercise increases muscle mitochondrial content, size, oxidative capacity and aerobic glucose oxidation. To address if Mfn proteins are implicated in these exercise-induced responses, we measured Mfn1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels, pre-, post-, 2 and 24 h post-exercise. Additionally, we measured the expression levels of transcriptional regulators that control mitochondrial biogenesis and functions, including PGC-1alpha, NRF-1, NRF-2 and the recently implicated ERRalpha. We show that Mfn1, Mfn2, NRF-2 and COX IV mRNA were increased 24 h post-exercise, while PGC-1alpha and ERRalpha mRNA increased 2 h post-exercise. Finally, using in vitro cellular assays, we demonstrate that Mfn2 gene expression is driven by a PGC-1alpha programme dependent on ERRalpha. The PGC-1alpha/ERRalpha-mediated induction of Mfn2 suggests a role of these two factors in mitochondrial fusion. Our results provide evidence that PGC-1alpha not only mediates the increased expression of oxidative phosphorylation genes but also mediates alterations in mitochondrial architecture in response to aerobic exercise in humans


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Résumé en français: L'hyperémie réactive dans la microcirculation musculature et cutanée de l'avant-bras permet d'évaluer l'atteinte vasculaire dans les maladie cardiovasculaires. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir un reflet de la progression de l'atteinte vasculaire, de traquer la progression de la maladie ainsi que le risque cardio-vasculaires. Elle est en étude également pour tester l'efficacité d'une intervention thérapeutique. L'hyperémie réactive est dépendante d'une dilatation post ischémique par diminution des résistances artériolaires. Au niveau des membres, l'ischémie peut-être débutée et interrompue très facilement par une manchette à pression gonflée au-dessus de la pression systolique suivie quelques minutes plus tard de son dégonflement. Les mesures de flux sanguin musculaire et cutané au niveau d'un membre sont facile à réaliser chez l'homme, tout particulièrement au niveau de l'avant-bras. Pour l'instant aucune étude utilisant cette approche ne spécifiait quel avant-bras était utilisé. Il est cependant concevable que la réponse varie selon que l'on teste le bras dominant ou non-dominant. Il parait donc important de clarifier ce point. Le premier but de l'étude consiste donc à investiguer une éventuelle différence entre le bras dominant et le bras non-dominant d'un sujet lors de tests de l'hyperémie réactive dans le muscle et la peau. Il est connu que l'hyperémie réactive au niveau musculaire peut-être diminuée par les médicaments antiinflammatoires non stéro~idiens (AINS), indiquant une implication partielle des métabolites de la cyclo-oxygénase. L'influence des AINS sur la réponse cutanée est moins clairement établie. Ainsi, le second but de cette étude est de comparer l'effet de l'inhibition de la cyclo-oxygénase sur l'hyperémie réactive musculaire et cutanée chez des sujets sains. Le collectif de patients consiste en 23 sujets masculins volontaires, en bonne santé, non fumeurs, de 18 à 30 ans. Aucuns antécédents médicaux ne sont connus et aucune médication n'est prise durant la période de l'étude. Tous . les sujets ont donné leur consentement par écrit. Le flux sanguin musculaire de l'avant-bras est mesuré au moyen d'une pléthysmographie par occlusion veineuse, et le flux cutané l'est par imagerie laser Doppler. Les expériences ont lieu entre 16 et 18 h dans une chambre calme à température constante (23-24°C) chez un sujet couché. Les participants n'ont pas consommé d'AINS durant la semaine précédente ni bu de café dans les 12 h précédant l'expérience. Les mesures sont effectuées en triplicat au niveau musculaire puis cutané ou inversement selon un ordre aléatoire. Suite à une occlusion artérielle l'étude du flux se fait sur 3 min et 5 min de récupération sont prises entre 2 mesures. L'expérience 1 consiste à tester un possible effet systématique de la latéralisation du bras dominant ou non sur la réponse à l'hyperémie réactive dans la peau et le muscle de l'avant-bras. 16 sujets sont étudiés à 2 reprises, espacées de 1 à 3 jours. A la première visite, l'hyperémie musculaire est étudiée dans un avant-bras, la réaction cutanée dans l'autre et inversement lors de la deuxième visite. Une précaution est observée afin de mesurer le flux sanguin cutané à la même distance du poignet dans les 2 avant-bras. L'expérience 2 est développée pour évaluer l'impact d'une inhibition des cyclo-oxygénases. Sept sujet sont considérés à 2 occasions espacées de 7 à 10 j. L'étude s'effectue uniquement au niveau de l'avant-bras dominant. Le site cutané au niveau du poignet est marqué lors de la première visite afin d'utiliser le même site de mesure lors de la seconde visite. Le sujet ingère 1,8 g d'Aspegic (équivalant à 1 g d'acide acétylsalilcylique) dissout dans 125 ml de jus d'orange ou le jus d'orange seul lors de l'autre visite selon un ordre randomisé. Les mesures sont débutées 2 h après la prise. Summary Reactive hyperemia (RH) in forearm muscle or skin microcirculation has been considered as a surrogate endpoint in clinical studies of cardiovascular disease. We evaluated two potential confounders that might limit such use of RH, namely laterality of measurement and intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Twenty-three young non-smoking healthy adults were enrolled. In Experiment 1 (n=16), the RH elicited by 3 min of ischemia was recorded in the muscle (strain gauge plethysmography, hand excluded) and skin (laser Doppler imaging) of both forearms. In Experiment 2 (n=7), RH was determined in the dominant forearm only, one hour following oral acetylsalicylic acid (1 g) or placebo. In Experiment 1, peak RH was identical in both forearms, and so were the corresponding durations of responses. RH lasted significantly less in muscle than in skin (p=0.003), a hitherto unrecognized fact. In the skin, acetylsalicylate reduced duration (43 vs 57.4 s for placebo, p=0.03), without affecting the peak response. In muscle, duration tended to decrease with acetylsalicylate (21.4 vs 26.0 s with placebo, p=0.06) and the peak increase in blood flow was blunted (27.2 vs 32.4 ml/min/100 ml tissue with placebo, p=0.003). We conclude that, when using RH as a surrogate endpoint in studies of cardiovascular disease, a confounding by laterality of measurement need not be feared, but NSAIDS may have an influence, although perhaps not on the peak response in the skin.


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PURPOSE: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) with large electrodes and multiple current pathways (m-NMES) has recently been proposed as a valid alternative to conventional NMES (c-NMES) for quadriceps muscle (re)training. The main aim of this study was to compare discomfort, evoked force and fatigue between m-NMES and c-NMES of the quadriceps femoris muscle in healthy subjects. METHODS: Ten healthy subjects completed two experimental sessions (c-NMES and m-NMES), that were randomly presented in a cross-over design. Maximal electrically evoked force at pain threshold, self-reported discomfort at different levels of evoked force, and fatigue-induced force declines during and following a series of 20 NMES contractions were compared between c-NMES and m-NMES. RESULTS: m-NMES resulted in greater evoked force (P < 0.05) and lower discomfort in comparison to c-NMES (P < 0.05-0.001), but fatigue time course and magnitude did not differ between the two conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The use of quadriceps m-NMES appears legitimate for (re)training purposes because it generated stronger contractions and was less discomfortable than c-NMES (due to multiple current pathways and/or lower current density with larger electrodes).


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AIM: Atomic force microscopy nanoindentation of myofibers was used to assess and quantitatively diagnose muscular dystrophies from human patients. MATERIALS & METHODS: Myofibers were probed from fresh or frozen muscle biopsies from human dystrophic patients and healthy volunteers, as well as mice models, and Young's modulus stiffness values were determined. RESULTS: Fibers displaying abnormally low mechanical stability were detected in biopsies from patients affected by 11 distinct muscle diseases, and Young's modulus values were commensurate to the severity of the disease. Abnormal myofiber resistance was also observed from consulting patients whose muscle condition could not be detected or unambiguously diagnosed otherwise. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION: This study provides a proof-of-concept that atomic force microscopy yields a quantitative read-out of human muscle function from clinical biopsies, and that it may thereby complement current muscular dystrophy diagnosis.


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La faiblesse des muscles respiratoires peut entraîner une dyspnée, un encombrement bronchique et une insuffisance respiratoire potentiellement fatale. L'évaluation de la force musculaire respiratoire s'impose donc dans les affections neuro-musculaires, mais également dans les situations de dyspnée inexpliquée par une première évaluation cardiaque et pulmonaire. À la spirométrie, une faiblesse musculaire est suspectée sur la base de la boucle débit-volume montrant un débit de pointe émoussé et une fin prématurée de l'expiration. Une diminution importante de la capacité vitale en position couchée suggère une paralysie diaphragmatique. La force inspiratoire est mesurée par la pression inspiratoire maximale (PImax) contre une quasi-occlusion des voies aériennes. Ce test relativement difficile est d'interprétation délicate en cas de collaboration insuffisante. La mesure de la pression nasale sniff (SNIP) est une alternative utile, car elle élimine le problème des fuites autour de l'embout buccal et la réalisation du reniflement est facile. De même, la pression trans-diaphragmatique sniff mesure la force du diaphragme au moyen de sondes oesophagienne et gastrique. En cas de collaboration insuffisante, on peut recourir à la stimulation magnétique des nerfs phréniques qui induit une contraction non-volontaire du diaphragme. La force expiratoire est mesurée par la pression expiratoire maximale (PEmax) contre une quasi-occlusion. La force disponible pour tousser est mesurée par la pression gastrique à la toux, ou plus simplement par le débit de pointe à la toux. Chez les patients à risque, la mesure de la force des muscles respiratoires permet d'instaurer à temps une assistance ventilatoire ou à la toux.


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Transcriptional coregulators control the activity of many transcription factors and are thought to have wide-ranging effects on gene expression patterns. We show here that muscle-specific loss of nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) in mice leads to enhanced exercise endurance due to an increase of both muscle mass and of mitochondrial number and activity. The activation of selected transcription factors that control muscle function, such as MEF2, PPARβ/δ, and ERRs, underpins these phenotypic alterations. NCoR1 levels are decreased in conditions that require fat oxidation, resetting transcriptional programs to boost oxidative metabolism. Knockdown of gei-8, the sole C. elegans NCoR homolog, also robustly increased muscle mitochondria and respiration, suggesting conservation of NCoR1 function. Collectively, our data suggest that NCoR1 plays an adaptive role in muscle physiology and that interference with NCoR1 action could be used to improve muscle function.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between skeletal muscle monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 (MCT1 and MCT4) expression, skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and endurance performance in trained cyclists. Ten well-trained cyclists (mean +/- SD; age 24.4 +/- 2.8 years, body mass 73.2 +/- 8.3 kg, VO(2max) 58 +/- 7 ml kg(-1) min(-1)) completed three endurance performance tasks [incremental exercise test to exhaustion, 2 and 10 min time trial (TT)]. In addition, a muscle biopsy sample from the vastus lateralis muscle was analysed for MCT1 and MCT4 expression levels together with the activity of citrate synthase (CS) and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD). There was a tendency for VO(2max) and peak power output obtained in the incremental exercise test to be correlated with MCT1 (r = -0.71 to -0.74; P < 0.06), but not MCT4. The average power output (P (average)) in the 2 min TT was significantly correlated with MCT4 (r = -0.74; P < 0.05) and HAD (r = -0.92; P < 0.01). The P (average) in the 10 min TT was only correlated with CS activity (r = 0.68; P < 0.05). These results indicate the relationship between MCT1 and MCT4 as well as cycle TT performance may be influenced by the length and intensity of the task.


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1. The major side effects of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA) are hypertension and nephrotoxicity. It is likely that both are caused by local vasoconstriction. 2. We have shown previously that 20 h treatment of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) with therapeutically relevant CsA concentrations increased the cellular response to [Arg8]vasopressin (AVP) by increasing about 2 fold the number of vasopressin receptors. 3. Displacement experiments using a specific antagonist of the vasopressin V1A receptor (V1AR) showed that the vasopressin binding sites present in VSMC were exclusively receptors of the V1A subtype. 4. Receptor internalization studies revealed that CsA (10(-6) M) did not significantly alter AVP receptor trafficking. 5. V1AR mRNA was increased by CsA, as measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Time-course studies indicated that the increase in mRNA preceded cell surface expression of the receptor, as measured by hormone binding. 6. A direct effect of CsA on the V1AR promoter was investigated using VSMC transfected with a V1AR promoter-luciferase reporter construct. Surprisingly, CsA did not increase, but rather slightly reduced V1AR promoter activity. This effect was independent of the cyclophilin-calcineurin pathway. 7. Measurement of V1AR mRNA decay in the presence of the transcription inhibitor actinomycin D revealed that CsA increased the half-life of V1AR mRNA about 2 fold. 8. In conclusion, CsA increased the response of VSMC to AVP by upregulating V1AR expression through stabilization of its mRNA. This could be a key mechanism in enhanced vascular responsiveness induced by CsA, causing both hypertension and, via renal vasoconstriction, reduced glomerular filtration.