111 resultados para Newman, Harry
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been associated with increased risk for heart failure (HF). The impact of subclinical abnormal spirometric findings on HF risk among older adults without history of COPD is not well elucidated. Methods: We evaluated 2125 participants (age 73.6±2.9 years; 50.5% men; 62.3% white; 45.6/9.4% past/current smokers; body mass index [BMI] 27.2±4.6 kg/m2) without prevalent COPD or HF who underwent baseline spirometry in the Health ABC Study. Abnormal lung function was defined either as forced vital capacity (FVC) below lower limit of normal (LLN) or forced expiratory volume in 1st sec (FEV1) to FVC ratio below LLN. Results: On follow-up (median, 9.4 years), 68 of 350 (19.4%) participants with abnormal lung function developed HF, as compared to 172 of 1775 (9.7%) participants with normal lung function (hazard ratio [HR], 2.31; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.74 -3.06; P<.001). This increased risk persisted after adjusting for all other independent predictors of HF in the Health ABC Study, BMI, incident coronary events, and several inflammatory markers (HR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.30 -2.54; P<.001), and remained constant over time. Baseline FVC and FEV1 had a linear association with HF risk (Figure). In adjusted models, HF risk increased by 21% (95% CI, 10 -36%) per 10% decrease in FVC and 18% (95% CI, 10 -28%) per 10% decrease in FEV1 (both P<.001); this association persisted among participants with normal lung function at baseline. Findings were consistent across sex, race, and smoking status. Conclusions: Subclinical abnormal spirometric findings are prevalent among older adults and are independently associated with risk for incident HF.
BACKGROUND: Coronary artery calcification (CAC) detected by computed tomography is a noninvasive measure of coronary atherosclerosis, which underlies most cases of myocardial infarction (MI). We sought to identify common genetic variants associated with CAC and further investigate their associations with MI. METHODS AND RESULTS: Computed tomography was used to assess quantity of CAC. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for CAC was performed in 9961 men and women from 5 independent community-based cohorts, with replication in 3 additional independent cohorts (n=6032). We examined the top single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with CAC quantity for association with MI in multiple large genome-wide association studies of MI. Genome-wide significant associations with CAC for SNPs on chromosome 9p21 near CDKN2A and CDKN2B (top SNP: rs1333049; P=7.58×10(-19)) and 6p24 (top SNP: rs9349379, within the PHACTR1 gene; P=2.65×10(-11)) replicated for CAC and for MI. Additionally, there is evidence for concordance of SNP associations with both CAC and MI at a number of other loci, including 3q22 (MRAS gene), 13q34 (COL4A1/COL4A2 genes), and 1p13 (SORT1 gene). CONCLUSIONS: SNPs in the 9p21 and PHACTR1 gene loci were strongly associated with CAC and MI, and there are suggestive associations with both CAC and MI of SNPs in additional loci. Multiple genetic loci are associated with development of both underlying coronary atherosclerosis and clinical events.
Evidence of altered antioxidant systems and signs of elevated oxidative stress are reported in peripheral tissue and brain of schizophrenic patients, including low levels of glutathione (GSH), a major thiol antioxidant and redox buffer. Functional and genetic data indicate that an impaired regulation of GSH synthesis is a vulnerability factor for the disease. Impaired GSH synthesis from a genetic origin combined with environmental risk factors generating oxidative stress (e.g., malnutrition, exposure to toxins, maternai infection and diabetes, obstetrical complications, and psychological stress) could lead to redox dysregulation. This could subsequently perturb normal brain development and maturation with delayed functional consequences emerging in early adulthood. Depending on the nature and the time of occurrence of the environmental insults, the structural and functional delayed consequences could vary, giving rise to various endophenotypes. The use of animal models of GSH deficit represents a valuable approach to investigate how interactions between genetic and environmental factors lead to the emergence of pathologies found in the disease. Moreover, these models of GSH can be useful to investigate links between schizophrenia and comorbid somatic disorders, as dysregulation of the GSH system and elevated oxidative stress are also found in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. This chapter reviews pharmacological and genetic rodent models of GSH synthesis dysregulation used to address some of the aforementioned issues. Up to date, these models revealed that GSH deficits lead to morphological, physiological, and behavioral alterations that are quite analogous to pathologies observed in patients. This includes hypofunction of NMDA receptors, alteration of dopamine neurotransmission, anomalies in parvalbumin-immunoreactive fast-spiking interneurons, and reduced myelination. In addition, a GSH deficit affects the brain in a region-specific manner, the anterior cingulate cortex and the ventral hippocampus being the most vulnerable regions investigated. Interestingly, a GSH deficit during a limited period of postnatal development is sufficient to have long-lasting consequences on the integrity of PV-IR interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and impairs cognitive functions in adulthood. Finally, these animal models of GSH deficit display behavioral impairments that could be related to schizophrenia. Altogether, current data strongly support a contributing role of a redox dysregulation on the development of pathologies associated with the illness and demonstrate the usefulness of these models to better understand the biological mechanisms leading to schizophrenia.
Mirror therapy, which provides the visual illusion of a functional paretic limb by using the mirror reflection of the non-paretic arm, is used in the rehabilitation of hemiparesis after stroke in adults. We tested the effectiveness and feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia by performing a pilot crossover study in ten participants (aged 6-14 y; five males, five females; Manual Ability Classification System levels: one at level I, two at level II, four at level III, three at level IV) randomly assigned to 15 minutes of daily bimanual training with and without a mirror for 3 weeks. Assessments of maximal grasp and pinch strengths, and upper limb function measured by the Shriner's Hospital Upper Extremity Evaluation were performed at weeks 0 (baseline), 3, 6 (intervention), and 9 (wash-out). Testing of grasp strength behind the mirror improved performance by 15% (p=0.004). Training with the mirror significantly improved grasp strength (with mirror +20.4%, p=0.033; without +5.9%, p>0.1) and upper limb dynamic position (with mirror +4.6%, p=0.044; without +1.2%, p>0.1), while training without a mirror significantly improved pinch strength (with mirror +6.9%, p>0.1; without +21.9%, p=0.026). This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia and that it may improve strength and dynamic function of the paretic arm.
RESUME De plus en plus de familles se rendent vers des destinations tropicales, s'exposant à des agents infectieux et des maladies tropicales qu'ils ne rencontrent pas chez eux. Nous avons étudié 157 enfants (0-16 ans) et leurs parents partant pour les tropiques, qui ont tous consulté une clinique pré-voyage et qui étaient généralement compliants aux conseils prodigués. Les taux d'incidence de maladies communes chez les enfants et les adultes étaient respectivement de 16.9 (14.3-19.7) et 15.1 (12.7-17.8) épisodes/ 100 personnes-semaines. La diarrhée, les douleurs abdominales et la fièvre représentaient les plaintes les plus fréquentes. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative d'incidence des épisodes morbides entre les enfants et les adultes sauf pour la fièvre (plus fréquente chez les enfants). La plupart des épisodes avaient lieu dans les dix premiers jours du voyage. L'incidence de morbidité similaire chez les enfants et les adultes ainsi que l'aspect bénin des épisodes remet en question l'opinion selon laquelle il n'est pas sage de voyager avec des jeunes enfants.
Increasingly, families travel to tropical destinations exposing them to infectious agents and tropical diseases not encountered at home. We studied 157 children (0-16 years) and their adult relatives traveling to the tropics, who attended a pretravel clinic and were generally adherent to prescribed advice. Incidence rates of common illness in children and adults were respectively 16.9 (14.3-19.7) and 15.1 (12.7-17.8) episodes/100 person-weeks. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever were the most frequent complaints. There was no significant difference in the incidence of morbid episodes between children and adults, except for fever (more frequent in children). Most episodes occurred in the first 10 days of travel. The similar incidence of morbidity in children and adults and the episodes' mildness challenge the view that it is unwise to travel with small children.
Introduction La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une myopathie progressive liée au chromosome X qui atteint environ un garçon sur 3500. Des troubles du sommeil (TDS) sont fréquemment rapportés par ces patients Les études effectuées à ce jour se sont essentiellement concentrées sur les troubles respiratoires liés au sommeil. Les TDS débutent toutefois fréquemment avant l'installation d'un trouble ventilatoire nocturne et de nombreux autres facteurs peuvent en être la cause. Objectif L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer la fréquence des TDS chez les garçons avec une DMD et d'en identifier les facteurs de risque. Méthode II s'agit d'une étude transversale effectuée par questionnaire postal adressé aux parents de tout garçon âgé de 4-18 ans avec une DMD, suivi dans deux centres tertiaires de réhabilitation pédiatrique (Lausanne et Dublin). Les TDS sont évalués à l'aide de la 'Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children' (SDSC), validée sur 1157 enfants sains. Elle permet d'obtenir un score total et des scores pour six facteurs représentant les TDS les plus fréquents (troubles de l'endormissement et du maintien du sommeil (TEMS), éveil nocturne-cauchemars, transition veille-sommeil, somnolence diurne excessive, troubles respiratoires associés au sommeil (TRS), hyperhidrose du sommeil). Un T- score supérieur à 70 (>2DS) est considéré comme pathologique. Les associations potentielles entre des scores pathologiques et des facteurs individuels (âge, mobilité diurne et nocturne, douleur), thérapeutiques (orthèses nocturnes, ventilation non-invasive, médication) et environnementaux (facteurs socio-familiaux) sont évaluées à l'aide d'analyses univariées (χ2) et de régressions logistiques ascendantes. Résultats Seize garçons sur 63, soit 25.4%, présentent un score total pathologique en comparaison au 3% attendus dans la population générale. Les TEMS (29.7%), les TRS (15.6%) et l'hyperhidrose du sommeil (14.3%) sont les TDS les plus prévalent. Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers (OR=9.4; 95%CI: 2.2-40.7; p=0.003) et être l'enfant d'une famille monoparentale (OR=7.2; 95%CI: 1.5-35.1; p=0.015) sont des facteurs de risque indépendants pour un score total pathologique. Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers (OR=18.0; 95%CI: 2.9¬110.6; p=0.002), le traitement par corticostéroïdes (OR=7.7; 95%CI: 1.4-44.0; p-0.021) et être l'enfant d'une famille monoparentale (OR=7.0; 95%CI: 1.3-38.4; p=0.025) sont des facteurs de risque indépendants pour un TEMS. Discussion Cette étude montre une prévalence élevée des TDS chez les garçons avec une DMD (25% contre 3% attendus dans la population générale). Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers est identifié comme un facteur de risque important pour un score total pathologique et un TEMS. Il reflète vraisemblablement un degré d'atteinte motrice tel qu'il limite les mouvements spontanés et les adaptations posturales du sommeil, ayant pour conséquence une diminution importante de la qualité du sommeil. Les enfants vivant dans un foyer monoparental présentent plus fréquemment un score total pathologique et des TEMS, possiblement en lien avec un stress psychologique plus important dans ces familles. Le traitement par corticostéroïdes est identifié comme facteur de risque pour un TEMS. Une adaptation du schéma ou du dosage permet généralement de limiter cet effet secondaire. Si nécessaire, un traitement par Mélatonine peut être instauré. Aucune association n'a pu être mise en évidence entre les facteurs analysés et les TRS, possiblement en raison du petit nombre de garçons ayant rapporté de tels symptômes et du fait que certains symptômes d'hypoventilation nocturne ne sont pas évalués par la SDSC. Par ailleurs, la valeur prédictive de l'anamnèse, comme celle des fonctions pulmonaires diurnes, est connue pour être limitée, raison pour laquelle une oxy-capnométrie est effectuée de routine en dessous d'une capacité vitale forcée de 50%. Elle permet, si nécessaire, l'instauration précoce d'une ventilation non-invasive, limitant ainsi vraisemblablement l'impact de ('hypoventilation nocturne sur la qualité du sommeil dans notre population. Plusieurs limitations sont à évoquer. Le petit nombre de patients ne permet pas d'exclure d'autres associations potentielles. La nature transversale de l'étude augmente le risque de causalité inverse. Cette étude n'inclut pas de mesure quantitative du sommeil. Les questionnaires adressés aux parents ont toutefois pu être démontrés comme fiables hormis pour les TRS. Un biais de non-réponse ne peut pas être totalement exclu, bien que le taux de réponse soit élevé (86,5%) et qu'il n'y ait pas de différence significative entre les populations de répondeurs et non-répondeurs. Conclusion La prévalence des TDS est élevée chez les garçons avec une DMD et leurs causes sont multiples. Les facteurs de risques sont physiques (immobilité nocturne), pharmacologiques (corticothérapie) et environnementaux (famille monoparentale). Compte tenu de son impact sur la qualité de vie, l'évaluation du sommeil doit être systématique en consultation et ne pas se limiter aux seuls troubles ventilatoires nocturnes.
Elevated resting heart rate is associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. In a 2-stage meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in up to 181,171 individuals, we identified 14 new loci associated with heart rate and confirmed associations with all 7 previously established loci. Experimental downregulation of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rerio identified 20 genes at 11 loci that are relevant for heart rate regulation and highlight a role for genes involved in signal transmission, embryonic cardiac development and the pathophysiology of dilated cardiomyopathy, congenital heart failure and/or sudden cardiac death. In addition, genetic susceptibility to increased heart rate is associated with altered cardiac conduction and reduced risk of sick sinus syndrome, and both heart rate-increasing and heart rate-decreasing variants associate with risk of atrial fibrillation. Our findings provide fresh insights into the mechanisms regulating heart rate and identify new therapeutic targets.
Introduction: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) improves the quality of health care. Courses on how to teach EBM in practice are available, but knowledge does not automatically imply its application in teaching. We aimed to identify and compare barriers and facilitators for teaching EBM in clinical practice in various European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was constructed listing potential barriers and facilitators for EBM teaching in clinical practice. Answers were reported on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from not at all being a barrier to being an insurmountable barrier. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 120 clinical EBM teachers from 11 countries. Lack of time was the strongest barrier for teaching EBM in practice (median 5). Moderate barriers were the lack of requirements for EBM skills and a pyramid hierarchy in health care management structure (median 4). In Germany, Hungary and Poland, reading and understanding articles in English was a higher barrier than in the other countries. Conclusion: Incorporation of teaching EBM in practice faces several barriers to implementation. Teaching EBM in clinical settings is most successful where EBM principles are culturally embedded and form part and parcel of everyday clinical decisions and medical practice.
Certain typical gait characteristics such as foot-drop and foot supination are well described in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These are directly related to the primary disease and due to the weakness of ankle dorsiflexors and everters characteristic of this hereditary neuropathy. We analysed 16 subjects aged 8-52 years old (11 with type I, 5 with type II Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) using three-dimensional gait analysis and identified kinematic features previously unreported. These patients showed a combination of tight tendo achillei, foot-drop, failure of plantar flexion and increased foot supination, but also presented with excessive internal rotation of the knee and/or tibia, knee hyperextension in stance, excessive external rotation at the hips and decreased hip adduction in stance (typical of a broad based gait). These proximal features could have been an adaptation to or consequence of the disrupted ankle and foot biomechanics, however a direct relation to the neuropathy is also possible since sub-normal muscle power was observed at the proximal levels in most subjects on both manual testing and kinetic analysis. Gait analysis is a useful tool in defining the characteristic gait of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using video analysis software on the interrater reliability of visual assessments of gait videos in children with cerebral palsy. Two clinicians viewed the same random selection of 20 sagittal and frontal video recordings of 12 children with cerebral palsy routinely acquired during outpatient rehabilitation clinics. Both observers rated these videos in a random sequence for each lower limb using the Observational Gait Scale, once with standard video software and another with video analysis software (Dartfish(®)) which can perform angle and timing measurements. The video analysis software improved interrater agreement, measured by weighted Cohen's kappas, for the total score (κ 0.778→0.809) and all of the items that required angle and/or timing measurements (knee position mid-stance κ 0.344→0.591; hindfoot position mid-stance κ 0.160→0.346; foot contact mid-stance κ 0.700→0.854; timing of heel rise κ 0.769→0.835). The use of video analysis software is an efficient approach to improve the reliability of visual video assessments.
Transient high-grade bacteremia following invasive procedures carries a risk of infective endocarditis (IE). This is supported by experimental endocarditis. On the other hand, case-control studies showed that IE could be caused by cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia occurring during daily activities. However, no experimental demonstration of this latter possibility exists. This study investigated the infectivity in animals of continuous low-grade bacteremia compared to that of brief high-grade bacteremia. Rats with aortic vegetations were inoculated with Streptococcus intermedius, Streptococcus gordonii or Staphylococcus aureus (strains Newman and P8). Animals were challenged with 10(3) to 10(6) CFU. Identical bacterial numbers were given by bolus (1 ml in 1 min) or continuous infusion (0.0017 ml/min over 10 h). Bacteremia was 50 to 1,000 times greater after bolus than during continuous inoculation. Streptococcal bolus inoculation of 10(5) CFU infected 63 to 100% vegetations compared to 30 to 71% infection after continuous infusion (P > 0.05). When increasing the inoculum to 10(6) CFU, bolus inoculation infected 100% vegetations and continuous infusion 70 to 100% (P > 0.05). S. aureus bolus injection of 10(3) CFU infected 46 to 57% valves. This was similar to the 53 to 57% infection rates produced by continuous infusion (P > 0.05). Inoculation of 10(4) CFU of S. aureus infected 80 to 100% vegetations after bolus and 60 to 75% after continuous infusion (P > 0.05). These results show that high-level bacteremia is not required to induce experimental endocarditis and support the hypothesis that cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia represents a genuine risk of IE in humans.