57 resultados para Mycobacterium avium.


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RESUME Le diagnostic d'infection tuberculeuse repose essentiellement sur le test tuberculinique (test de Mantoux). Cependant, le résultat de ce dernier est également influencé par d'autres facteurs, le plus important étant la vaccination par le Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), interaction connue depuis de nombreuses années. Il est généralement admis que l'effet de la vaccination peut entraîner des réactions positives jusqu'à un diamètre d'induration de 15 mm. Au-delà, la positivité du test est en général attribuée à une primo-infection tuberculeuse. Peu d'études se sont réellement penchées sur le sujet. Chez le personnel de soins soumis à des Mantoux répétés, cette notion revêt une importance particulière pour interpréter correctement une réaction fortement positive en l'absence de facteurs de risque tuberculeux, dans un pays à faible endémie tuberculeuse. Notre étude a cherché à déterminer si le diamètre transversal de l'induration du Mantoux était un critère fiable pour distinguer une positivité associée à une infection tuberculeuse de celle associée à une ancienne vaccination. Elle s'est attachée à rechercher un seuil au-delà duquel l'infection tuberculeuse pourrait être considérée comme probable. Entre janvier 1991 et mars 1998, tous les nouveaux employés du CHUV ont été invités à recevoir un test tuberculinique à l'occasion de leur visite d'entrée à la Médecine du personnel. En cas de réponse négative, un deuxième test a été pratiqué une semaine plus tard, pour détecter un éventuel effet booster. Lors de la première visite, l'infirmière a rempli un questionnaire comprenant les données démographiques usuelles, des informations concernant les facteurs pouvant influencer la positivité du test, notamment les antécédents de vaccination par le BCG, les expositions à la tuberculose et l'existence d'antécédents d'infection tuberculeuse. Parmi les 5117 sujets inclus dans l'étude, nous avons trouvé que l'influence de la vaccination variait en fonction de l'âge. Chez les sujets de moins de 40 ans, la vaccination par le BCG était le prédicteur le plus important d'un Mantoux positif inférieur à 18 mm, de loin supérieur aux facteurs de risque habituels pour une infection tuberculeuse, eux aussi significatifs. L'effet du BCG était présent pour des réactions allant jusqu'à 20 mm. Pour les Mantoux supérieurs à 20 mm, l'odds ratio (OR) relatif au BCG demeure clairement élevé (supérieur à 3,4) bien que non significatif. Par contre, pour les employés âgés de plus de 40 ans, le BCG est un facteur prédictif pour les tests supérieurs à 10 mm (OR 2.4) mais n'est plus un facteur significatif pour une taille supérieure à 15 mm. Ces résultats montrent que l'interprétation d'un test tuberculinique même fortement positif, doit être faite avec prudence et discernement. En effet, notre étude démontre que chez les sujets vaccinés de moins de 40 ans, dans les zones de faible endémie tuberculeuse particulièrement en l'absence de facteurs de risque pour une infection tuberculeuse, un Mantoux positif jusqu'à 18 mm est dû, le plus probablement, à une ancienne vaccination par le BCG, plutôt qu'à une infection par M tuberczilosis. L'interprétation des Mantoux de taille inférieure à 18 mm et les Mantoux effectués chez des sujets de moins de 40 ans, doit prendre en compte l'existence d'un BCG antérieur. En conséquence, la mise en évidence d'une réaction de Mantoux fortement positive ne devrait pas conduire systématiquement à un traitement préventif. L'absence de spécificité du test Mantoux, utilisé pour le dépistage de la tuberculose depuis bientôt une centaine d'année, est un problème connu. Nous démontrons que la taille de l'induration ne peut pas être utilisée de façon fiable comme critère pour identifier une infection tuberculeuse chez une personne vaccinée avec le BCG, avec le risque de sui-traiter un nombre important de sujets. Dans notre étude, 21% des sujets avaient un Mantoux supérieur ou égal à 15 mm et auraient dû être traités selon les recommandations en vigueur en Suisse si l'on ne tenait pas compte du BCG antérieur. Des tests plus spécifiques sont actuellement à l'étude et permettront vraisemblablement, à l'avenir, de palier au problème de l'absence de spécificité du test de Mantoux. Abstract : Background. Previous bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination can confound the results of a tuberculin skin test (TST). We sought to determine a cutoff diameter of TST induration beyond which the influence of BCG vaccination was negligible in evaluating potential Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a population of health care workers with a high vaccination rate and low incidence of tuberculosis. Methods. From 1991 through 1998, all new employees at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, underwent a 2-step TST at entry visit. We also gathered information on demographic characteristics, along with factors commonly associated with tuberculin positivity, including previous BCG vaccination, history of latent M. tuberculosis infection, and predictors for M. tuberculosis infection. Results. Among the 5117 investigated subjects, we found that influence of BCG vaccination on TST results varied across categories of age (likelihood ratio test, 0.0001). Prior BCG vaccination had a strong influence on skin test results of mm in diameter among persons <40 years old, compared with the influence of factors predictive of M. tuberculosis infection. Prior latent M. tuberculosis infection and travel or employment in a country in which tuberculosis is endemic also had significant influences. Conclusions. Interpretation of TST reactions of mm among BCG-vaccinated persons <40 years of age must be done with caution in areas with a low incidence of tuberculosis. In such a population, except for persons who have never been vaccinated, TST reactions of ---518 mm are more likely to be the result of prior vaccination than infection and should not systematically lead to preventive treatment.


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The phylogeographic population structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis suggests local adaptation to sympatric human populations. We hypothesized that HIV infection, which induces immunodeficiency, will alter the sympatric relationship between M. tuberculosis and its human host. To test this hypothesis, we performed a nine-year nation-wide molecular-epidemiological study of HIV-infected and HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis (TB) between 2000 and 2008 in Switzerland. We analyzed 518 TB patients of whom 112 (21.6%) were HIV-infected and 233 (45.0%) were born in Europe. We found that among European-born TB patients, recent transmission was more likely to occur in sympatric compared to allopatric host-pathogen combinations (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 7.5, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.21-infinity, p = 0.03). HIV infection was significantly associated with TB caused by an allopatric (as opposed to sympatric) M. tuberculosis lineage (OR 7.0, 95% CI 2.5-19.1, p<0.0001). This association remained when adjusting for frequent travelling, contact with foreigners, age, sex, and country of birth (adjusted OR 5.6, 95% CI 1.5-20.8, p = 0.01). Moreover, it became stronger with greater immunosuppression as defined by CD4 T-cell depletion and was not the result of increased social mixing in HIV-infected patients. Our observation was replicated in a second independent panel of 440 M. tuberculosis strains collected during a population-based study in the Canton of Bern between 1991 and 2011. In summary, these findings support a model for TB in which the stable relationship between the human host and its locally adapted M. tuberculosis is disrupted by HIV infection.


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Abstract Background: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) constitutes about 10% to 20% of all cases of tuberculosis in immunocompetent patients and more than 50% of the cases in HIV-positive individuals worldwide. Little information is available on the clonal diversity of Mycobacterium species in Ethiopia from EPTB. Methods: This study was carried out on smear-negative EPTB patients to molecularly characterize Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains. A questionnaire, smear staining, culture, deletion typing, and spoligotyping were employed. Results: The proportional distribution of EPTB and isolates did not vary substantially (p > 0.05) amongst the socio-demographic parameters considered in the current investigation. Out of 98 fine needle aspirates processed for culture, 36.7% (36/98) were positive for mycobacterial growth. Further speciation of those culture-positive isolates showed that 88.9% were M. tuberculosis and the remaining could be non-tuberculous mycobacterial species. Spoligotyping revealed 16 clusters out of which 2 were new to the SITVIT database. The most dominant spoligotypes were SIT54, SIT53, and SIT149 in decreasing order. SIT54, SIT134, SIT173, SIT345, SIT357, SIT926, SIT91088, and SIT1580 were reported for the first time in Ethiopia. The family with the highest frequency identified was M. tuberculosis family T1, followed by family 33. Most of the strains belonged to Euro-American (61.4%) and Indo-Oceanic (36.3%) lineages. Conclusions: The present study shows the importance of M. tuberculosis as a major cause of EPTB in the study area. Moreover, the majority of isolates of M. tuberculosis were found in clusters, suggesting the possibility of the existence of recent transmission. This warrants strengthening of the control programs for EPTB in the study area.


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The organization of lin genes and IS6100 was studied in three strains of Sphingomonas paucimobilis (B90A, Sp+, and UT26) which degraded hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers but which had been isolated at different geographical locations. DNA-DNA hybridization data revealed that most of the lin genes in these strains were associated with IS6100, an insertion sequence classified in the IS6 family and initially found in Mycobacterium fortuitum. Eleven, six, and five copies of IS6100 were detected in B90A, Sp+, and UT26, respectively. IS6100 elements in B90A were sequenced from five, one, and one regions of the genomes of B90A, Sp+, and UT26, respectively, and were found to be identical. DNA-DNA hybridization and DNA sequencing of cosmid clones also revealed that S. paucimobilis B90A contains three and two copies of linX and linA, respectively, compared to only one copy of these genes in strains Sp+ and UT26. Although the copy number and the sequence of the remaining genes of the HCH degradative pathway (linB, linC, linD, and linE) were nearly the same in all strains, there were striking differences in the organization of the linA genes as a result of replacement of portions of DNA sequences by IS6100, which gave them a strange mosaic configuration. Spontaneous deletion of linD and linE from B90A and of linA from Sp+ occurred and was associated either with deletion of a copy of IS6100 or changes in IS6100 profiles. The evidence gathered in this study, coupled with the observation that the G+C contents of the linA genes are lower than that of the remaining DNA sequence of S. paucimobilis, strongly suggests that all these strains acquired the linA gene through horizontal gene transfer mediated by IS6100. The association of IS6100 with the rest of the lin genes further suggests that IS6100 played a role in shaping the current lin gene organization.


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The benzothiazinone lead compound, BTZ043, kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis by inhibiting the essential flavo-enzyme DprE1, decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose 2-epimerase. Here, we synthesized a new series of piperazine-containing benzothiazinones (PBTZ) and show that, like BTZ043, the preclinical candidate PBTZ169 binds covalently to DprE1. The crystal structure of the DprE1-PBTZ169 complex reveals formation of a semimercaptal adduct with Cys387 in the active site and explains the irreversible inactivation of the enzyme. Compared to BTZ043, PBTZ169 has improved potency, safety and efficacy in zebrafish and mouse models of tuberculosis (TB). When combined with other TB drugs, PBTZ169 showed additive activity against M. tuberculosis in vitro except with bedaquiline (BDQ) where synergy was observed. A new regimen comprising PBTZ169, BDQ and pyrazinamide was found to be more efficacious than the standard three drug treatment in a murine model of chronic disease. PBTZ169 is thus an attractive drug candidate to treat TB in humans.


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BACKGROUND: Ethiopia ranks seventh in the list of 22 high tuberculosis (TB) burden countries, with an incidence rate of 379 cases per 100 000 population for TB all forms. However, information on the genomic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia is limited. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the molecular characteristics of M. tuberculosis strains implicated in pulmonary TB in the study area. METHODS AND RESULTS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using socio-demographic, clinical and culture data combined with molecular typing analysis. The proportion of TB and M. tuberculosis isolates was not associated with risk factors (P > 0.05). Of 99 sputum samples, 80.8% were culture-positive. Speciation of isolates showed that 88.8% were M. tuberculosis. Further characterisation led to the identification of 27 different spoligotype patterns of M. tuberculosis; the most dominant shared types were SIT149, SIT53 and SIT54. Of the 27 strains, three strains were new and were reported to the SITVIT database. More than two thirds of the strains belonged to the Euro-American lineage. CONCLUSION: This study shows the presence of several clusters and new strains of M. tuberculosis circulating in pulmonary TB patients in the study area, suggesting recent transmission. Nationwide studies are recommended to map the population structure of M. tuberculosis and set control measures.


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key mediators of the innate immune response to microbial pathogens. We investigated the role of TLRs in the recognition of Mycobacterium leprae and the significance of TLR2Arg(677)Trp, a recently discovered human polymorphism that is associated with lepromatous leprosy. In mice, TNF-alpha production in response to M. leprae was essentially absent in TLR2-deficient macrophages. Similarly, human TLR2 mediated M. leprae-dependent activation of NF-kappaB in transfected Chinese hamster ovary and human embryonic kidney 293 cells, with enhancement of this signaling in the presence of CD14. In contrast, activation of NF-kappaB by human TLR2Arg(677)Trp was abolished in response to M. leprae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The impaired function of this TLR2 variant provides a molecular mechanism for the poor cellular immune response associated with lepromatous leprosy and may have important implications for understanding the pathogenesis of other mycobacterial infections.


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BACKGROUND: Analysis of the first reported complete genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum NCC2705, an actinobacterium colonizing the gastrointestinal tract, uncovered its proteomic relatedness to Streptomyces coelicolor and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, a rapid scrutiny by genometric methods revealed a genome organization totally different from all so far sequenced high-GC Gram-positive chromosomes. RESULTS: Generally, the cumulative GC- and ORF orientation skew curves of prokaryotic genomes consist of two linear segments of opposite slope: the minimum and the maximum of the curves correspond to the origin and the terminus of chromosome replication, respectively. However, analyses of the B. longum NCC2705 chromosome yielded six, instead of two, linear segments, while its dnaA locus, usually associated with the origin of replication, was not located at the minimum of the curves. Furthermore, the coorientation of gene transcription with replication was very low. Comparison with closely related actinobacteria strongly suggested that the chromosome of B. longum was misassembled, and the identification of two pairs of relatively long homologous DNA sequences offers the possibility for an alternative genome assembly proposed here below. By genometric criteria, this configuration displays all of the characters common to bacteria, in particular to related high-GC Gram-positives. In addition, it is compatible with the partially sequenced genome of DJO10A B. longum strain. Recently, a corrected sequence of B. longum NCC2705, with a configuration similar to the one proposed here below, has been deposited in GenBank, confirming our predictions. CONCLUSION: Genometric analyses, in conjunction with standard bioinformatic tools and knowledge of bacterial chromosome architecture, represent fast and straightforward methods for the evaluation of chromosome assembly.


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Background and objectives Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. This study was carried out to evaluate the effi cacy of IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) gene therapy in the rat adjuvant- induced arthritis (AIA) model and to decipher the mechanisms by which IL-18BP delivery lessens bone destruction.Materials and methods Arthritis was induced in female Lewis rat by Mycobacterium butyricum and the mRNA expression of IL-18 and IL-18BP was determined in the joints. In a preventive study, rats were divided into an adenovirus producing IL-18BP-Fc (AdmIL-18BP-Fc) group (n=8) and an adenovirus producing green fl uorescent protein (AdGFP) group (n=7). On day 8 after AIA induction, adenoviruses were injected. Clinical parameters were assessed. At day 18, during maximal arthritis, the rats were euthanized, ankles were collected and x-rays were performed. mRNA and protein were extracted from joints for analysis by quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR, multiplex, Western blot and zymography.Results The authors observed a decrease in the (IL-18BP/ IL-18) ratio from day 7 to 45. Administration of AdmIL-18BPd-Fc decreased clinical parameters and prevented bone and joint destruction compared to AdGFP administration. IL-18BP delivery reduced the (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG)) ratio by 70%, the matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) level by 33% and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) level by 44% in the joint homogenates from AdmIL-18BPd-Fc compared to AdGFP treated rats.Conclusions In rat AIA, a decrease in the (IL-18BP/IL-18) ratio was observed. IL-18BP delivery prevented joint and bone destruction by downregulating MMP9, (RANKL/OPG) and TRAP, suggesting a potential benefi t of a similar therapy in RA.Abstract topics Towards novel therapeutic strategies.


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Accumulating evidence suggests that polymorphisms in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) influence the pathogenesis of mycobacterial infections, including leprosy, a disease whose manifestations depend on host immune responses. Polymorphisms in TLR2 are associated with an increased risk of reversal reaction, but not susceptibility to leprosy itself. We examined whether polymorphisms in TLR4 are associated with susceptibility to leprosy in a cohort of 441 Ethiopian leprosy patients and 197 healthy controls. We found that two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR4 (896G>A [D299G] and 1196C>T [T399I]) were associated with a protective effect against the disease. The 896GG, GA and AA genotypes were found in 91.7, 7.8 and 0.5% of leprosy cases versus 79.9, 19.1 and 1.0% of controls, respectively (odds ratio [OR] = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.20-0.57, P < 0.001, additive model). Similarly, the 1196CC, CT and TT genotypes were found in 98.1, 1.9 and 0% of leprosy cases versus 91.8, 7.7 and 0.5% of controls, respectively (OR = 0.16, 95% CI 0.06--.40, P < 0.001, dominant model). We found that Mycobacterium leprae stimulation of monocytes partially inhibited their subsequent response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. Our data suggest that TLR4 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to leprosy and that this effect may be mediated at the cellular level by the modulation of TLR4 signalling by M. leprae.


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BACKGROUND: Plasmid DNA vaccination is a promising approach, but studies in non-human primates and humans failed to achieve protective immunity. To optimise this technology further with focus on pulmonary administration, we developed and evaluated an adjuvant-equipped DNA carrier system based on the biopolymer chitosan. In more detail, the uptake and accompanying immune response of adjuvant Pam3Cys (Toll-like receptor-1/2 agonist) decorated chitosan DNA nanoparticles (NP) were explored by using a three-dimensional (3D) cell culture model of the human epithelial barrier. Pam3Cys functionalised and non-functionalised chitosan DNA NP were sprayed by a microsprayer onto the surface of 3D cell cultures and uptake of NP by epithelial and immune cells (blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and macrophages (MDM)) was visualised by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In addition, immune activation by TLR pathway was monitored by analysis of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor-α secretions (ELISA). RESULTS: At first, a high uptake rate into antigen-presenting cells (MDDC: 16-17%; MDM: 68-75%) was obtained. Although no significant difference in uptake patterns was observed for Pam3Cys adjuvant functionalised and non-functionalised DNA NP, ELISA of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor-α demonstrated clearly that Pam3Cys functionalisation elicited an overall higher immune response with the ranking of Pam3Cys chitosan DNA NPâeuro0/00>âeuro0/00chitosan DNA NPâeuro0/00=âeuro0/00DNA unloaded chitosan NPâeuro0/00>âeuro0/00control (culture medium). CONCLUSIONS: Chitosan-based DNA delivery enables uptake into abluminal MDDC, which are the most immune competent cells in the human lung for the induction of antigen-specific immunity. In addition, Pam3Cys adjuvant functionalisation of chitosan DNA NP enhances significantly an environment favoring recruitment of immune cells together with a Th1 associated (cellular) immune response due to elevated IL-8 and TNF-α levels. The latter renders this DNA delivery approach attractive for potential DNA vaccination against intracellular pathogens in the lung (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis or influenza virus).


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The mycolyl transferase antigen 85 complex is a major secreted protein family from mycobacterial culture filtrate, demonstrating powerful T cell stimulatory properties in most HIV-negative, tuberculin-positive volunteers with latent M.tuberculosis infection and only weak responses in HIV-negative tuberculosis patients. Here, we have analyzed T cell reactivity against PPD and Ag85 in HIV-infected individuals, without or with clinical symptoms of tuberculosis, and in AIDS patients with disease caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Whereas responses to PPD were not significantly different in HIV-negative and HIV-positive tuberculin-positive volunteers, responses to Ag85 were significantly decreased in the HIV-positive (CDC-A and CDC-B) group. Tuberculosis patients demonstrated low T cell reactivity against Ag85, irrespective of HIV infection, and finally AIDS patients suffering from NTM infections were completely nonreactive to Ag85. A one-year follow-up of twelve HIV-positive tuberculin-positive individuals indicated a decreased reactivity against Ag85 in patients developing clinical tuberculosis, highlighting the protective potential of this antigen.