160 resultados para Haller, Johannes, 1523-1575.
Urinary excretion of water and all major electrolytes exhibit robust circadian oscillations. The 24-h periodicity has been well documented for several important determinants of urine formation, including renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion. Disturbance of the renal circadian rhythms is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for hypertension, polyuria, and other diseases and may contribute to renal fibrosis. The origin of these rhythms has been attributed to the reactive response of the kidney to circadian changes in volume and/or in the composition of extracellular fluids that are entrained by rest/activity and feeding/fasting cycles. However, numerous studies have shown that most of the renal excretory rhythms persist for long periods of time, even in the absence of periodic environmental cues. These observations led to the hypothesis of the existence of a self-sustained mechanism, enabling the kidney to anticipate various predictable circadian challenges to homeostasis. The molecular basis of this mechanism remained unknown until the recent discovery of the mammalian circadian clock made of a system of autoregulatory transcriptional/translational feedback loops, which have been found in all tissues studied, including the kidney. Here, we present a review of the growing evidence showing the involvement of the molecular clock in the generation of renal excretory rhythms.
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that a strong primary care is a cornerstone of an efficient health care system. But Switzerland is facing a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs). This pushed the Federal Council of Switzerland to introduce a multifaceted political programme to strengthen the position of primary care, including its academic role. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of academic primary care at the five Swiss universities by the end of year 2012. RESULTS: Although primary care teaching activities have a long tradition at the five Swiss universities with activities starting in the beginning of the 1980ies; the academic institutes of primary care were only established in recent years (2005 - 2009). Only one of them has an established chair. Human and financial resources vary substantially. At all universities a broad variety of courses and lectures are offered, including teaching in private primary care practices with 1331 PCPs involved. Regarding research, differences among the institutes are tremendous, mainly caused by entirely different human resources and skills. CONCLUSION: So far, the activities of the existing institutes at the Swiss Universities are mainly focused on teaching. However, for a complete academic institutionalization as well as an increased acceptance and attractiveness, more research activities are needed. In addition to an adequate basic funding of research positions, competitive research grants have to be created to establish a specialty-specific research culture.
Tumor-infiltrating plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) promote an immunosuppressive milieu that drives tumor growth in melanoma. This phenomenon typically results from the lack of appropriate pDC activation signals in the tumor microenvironment, but it is also actively controlled by tumor cells, which have evolved strategies to inhibit type I IFN production by pDCs. In this issue, Camisaschi et al. identify a new mechanism in which tumors avoid type I IFN production by triggering LAG-3-dependent activation of pDCs. Combination therapies that restore pDC functionality and trigger innate activation to produce type I IFN should be envisaged to induce effective antitumor immunity.
Evidence has emerged that the initiation and growth of gliomas is sustained by a subpopulation of cancer-initiating cells (CICs). Because of the difficulty of using markers to tag CICs in gliomas, we have previously exploited more robust phenotypic characteristics, including a specific morphology and intrincic autofluorescence, to identify and isolate a subpopulation of glioma CICs, called FL1(+). The objective of this study was to further validate our method in a large cohort of human glioma and a mouse model of glioma. Seventy-four human gliomas of all grades and the GFAP-V(12)HA-ras B8 mouse model were analyzed for in vitro self-renewal capacity and their content of FL1(+). Nonneoplastic brain tissue and embryonic mouse brain were used as control. Genetic traceability along passages was assessed with microsatellite analysis. We found that FL1(+) cells from low-grade gliomas and from control nonneoplasic brain tissue show a lower level of autofluorescence and undergo a restricted number of cell divisions before dying in culture. In contrast, we found that FL1(+) cells derived from many but not all high-grade gliomas acquire high levels of autofluorescence and can be propagated in long-term cultures. Moreover, FL1(+) cells show a remarkable traceability over time in vitro and in vivo. Our results show that FL1(+) cells can be found in all specimens of a large cohort of human gliomas of different grades and in a model of genetically induced mouse glioma as well as nonneoplastic brain. However, their self-renewal capacity is variable and seems to be dependent on the tumor grade.
Cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease are epidemic throughout industrialized societies. Diabetes leads to premature cardiovascular disease and is regarded by many as the most common etiological factor for chronic kidney disease. Because most studies of blood-pressure lowering agents in people with diabetes and hypertension have been conducted in individuals who already have some target organ damage, it is unclear whether earlier intervention could prevent or delay the onset of renal or systemic vascular disease. In early disease there is only a low possibility of observing cardiovascular or renal events; thus intervention trials in this population must rely on disease markers such as microalbuminuria. Accordingly, the authors review the evidence to support the use of microalbuminuria as a disease marker in diabetic patients based on its strong association with renal and cardiovascular events, and discuss recent trials that examine the impact of preventing or delaying the onset of microalbuminuria.
Retinoid-X-receptor alpha (RXRalpha), a member of the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily, is a ligand-dependent transcriptional regulatory factor. It plays a crucial role in NR signalling through heterodimerization with some 15 NRs. We investigated the role of RXRalpha and its partners on mouse skin tumor formation and malignant progression upon topical DMBA/TPA treatment. In mutants selectively ablated for RXRalpha in keratinocytes, epidermal tumors increased in size and number, and frequently progressed to carcinomas. As keratinocyte-selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ablation had similar effects, RXRalpha/PPARgamma heterodimers most probably mediate epidermal tumor suppression. Keratinocyte-selective RXRalpha-null and vitamin-D-receptor null mice also exhibited more numerous dermal melanocytic growths (nevi) than control mice, but only nevi from RXRalpha mutant mice progressed to invasive human-melanoma-like tumors. Distinct RXRalpha-mediated molecular events appear therefore to be involved, in keratinocytes, in cell-autonomous suppression of epidermal tumorigenesis and malignant progression, and in non-cell-autonomous suppression of nevi formation and progression. Our study emphasizes the crucial role of keratinocytes in chemically induced epidermal and melanocytic tumorigenesis, and raises the possibility that they could play a similar role in UV-induced tumorigenesis, notably in nevi formation and progression to melanoma.
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, familial cylindromatosis, and familial trichoepithelioma are autosomal-dominant genetic predispositions for benign tumors of skin appendages caused by mutations in the CYLD gene localized on chromosome 16q12-q13. The encoded protein functions as ubiquitin-specific protease (UBP), which negatively regulates NF-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling. We investigated five families affected with these skin neoplasms and identified four premature stop codons and the novel missense mutation D681G in a family in which 11 of 12 investigated tumors were trichoepitheliomas. CYLD protein harboring this missense mutation had a significant reduced ability to inhibit TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF)2- and TRAF6-mediated NF-kappaB activation, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)-induced JNK signaling, and to deubiquitinate TRAF2. CYLD-D681G was coimmunoprecipitated by TRAF2, but was unable to cleave K63-linked polyubiquitin chains. Aspartic acid 681 is highly conserved in CYLD homologues and other members of the UBP family, but does not belong to the Cys and His boxes providing the CYLD catalytic triad (Cys601, His871, and Asp889). As reported previously, the homologous residue D295 of HAUSP/USP-7 forms a hydrogen bond with the C-terminal end of ubiquitin and is important for the enzymatic activity. These results underline that D681 in CYLD is required for cleavage of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains.
Prismatic adaptation has been shown to induce a realignment of visuoproprioceptive representations and to involve parietocerebellar networks. We have investigated in humans how far other types of functions known to involve the parietal cortex are influenced by a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation. Normal subjects underwent an fMRI evaluation before and after a brief session of prismatic adaptation using rightward deviating prisms for one group or after an equivalent session using plain glasses for the other group. Activation patterns to three tasks were analyzed: (1) visual detection; (2) visuospatial short-term memory; and (3) verbal short-term memory. The prismatic adaptation-related changes were found bilaterally in the inferior parietal lobule when prisms, but not plain glasses, were used. This effect was driven by selective changes during the visual detection task: an increase in neural activity was induced on the left and a decrease on the right parietal side after prismatic adaptation. Comparison of activation patterns after prismatic adaptation on the visual detection task demonstrated a significant increase of the ipsilateral field representation in the left inferior parietal lobule and a significant decrease in the right inferior parietal lobule. In conclusion, a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation modulates differently left and right parietal activation during visual detection but not during short-term memory. Furthermore, the visuospatial representation within the inferior parietal lobule changes, with a decrease of the ipsilateral hemifield representation on the right and increase on the left side, suggesting thus a left hemispheric dominance.
Aims/Hypothesis: Glitazones are powerful insulin sensitisers prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Their use is, however, associated with fluid retention and an increased risk of congestive heart failure. We previously demonstrated that pioglitazone increases proximal sodium reabsorption in healthy volunteers. This study examines the effects of pioglitazone on renal sodium handling in individuals prone to insulin resistance, i.e. those with diabetes and/or hypertension. Methods: In this double-blind randomised placebo-controlled four-way crossover study, we examined the effects of pioglitazone (45 mg daily during 6 weeks) or placebo on renal, systemic and hormonal responses to changes in sodium intake in 16 individuals, eight with type 2 diabetes and eight with hypertension. Results: Pioglitazone was associated with a rapid increase in body weight and an increase in diurnal proximal sodium reabsorption, without any change in renal haemodynamics or in the modulation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system to changes in salt intake. A compensatory increase in brain natriuretic peptide levels was observed. In spite of sodium retention, pioglitazone dissociated the blood-pressure response to salt and abolished salt sensitivity in salt-sensitive individuals. Conclusions/Interpretation: Pioglitazone increases diurnal proximal sodium retention in diabetic and hypertensive individuals. These effects cause fluid retention and may contribute to the increased incidence of congestive heart failure with glitazones.
The spontaneous activity of the brain shows different features at different scales. On one hand, neuroimaging studies show that long-range correlations are highly structured in spatiotemporal patterns, known as resting-state networks, on the other hand, neurophysiological reports show that short-range correlations between neighboring neurons are low, despite a large amount of shared presynaptic inputs. Different dynamical mechanisms of local decorrelation have been proposed, among which is feedback inhibition. Here, we investigated the effect of locally regulating the feedback inhibition on the global dynamics of a large-scale brain model, in which the long-range connections are given by diffusion imaging data of human subjects. We used simulations and analytical methods to show that locally constraining the feedback inhibition to compensate for the excess of long-range excitatory connectivity, to preserve the asynchronous state, crucially changes the characteristics of the emergent resting and evoked activity. First, it significantly improves the model's prediction of the empirical human functional connectivity. Second, relaxing this constraint leads to an unrealistic network evoked activity, with systematic coactivation of cortical areas which are components of the default-mode network, whereas regulation of feedback inhibition prevents this. Finally, information theoretic analysis shows that regulation of the local feedback inhibition increases both the entropy and the Fisher information of the network evoked responses. Hence, it enhances the information capacity and the discrimination accuracy of the global network. In conclusion, the local excitation-inhibition ratio impacts the structure of the spontaneous activity and the information transmission at the large-scale brain level.