117 resultados para BURST ABDOMEN


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Between April 1981 and June 1985, 195 patients with ovarian cancer, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Stages IIB, IIC, III, and IV, entered a trial that consisted of surgery and chemotherapy with cisplatin (P) and melphalan (PAM) with or without hexamethylmelamine (HexaPAMP or PAMP regimens) every 4 weeks for 6 cycles. Because the intent was to study the outcome by treatment after evaluation of first-line chemotherapy, patients were evaluable only if the response was assessed by a second-look operation or if measurable disease progression was documented. One hundred fifty-eight patients (81%) were evaluable for response. Forty-five (28%) achieved pathologically confirmed complete remissions (pCR), and 24 of these patients received whole-abdominal radiation (WAR) for consolidation of response. Five patients with complete remission after WAR relapsed, as did nine of the 21 with complete remission who had not undergone WAR. The 3-year time to progression percentage (TTP +/- SE) from second-look operation was 70% +/- 7% for all patients who achieved pCR, 83% +/- 8% for those who received WAR, and 49% +/- 15% for those who did not receive WAR (this was not a randomized comparison). The 3-year TTP percentage for the 49 partial responders was 21% +/- 6%, identical for the 19 who had WAR and the 30 who had no radiation therapy. Additional or alternative methods for consolidation of pCR are needed since patients continue to relapse despite optimal initial response to therapy.


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Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare entity with variable clinical and anatomical presentations. Its reported incidence varies from 0.05% to 6%. Although there is no consensus on the management of asymptomatic jejunal diverticular disease, some complications are potentially life threatening and require early surgical treatment. We report a case of an 88-year-old man investigated for acute abdominal pain with a high biological inflammatory syndrome. Inflammation of multiple giant jejunal diverticulum was discovered at abdominal computed tomography (CT). As a result of the clinical and biological signs of early peritonitis, an emergency surgical exploration was performed. The first jejunal loop showed clear signs of jejunal diverticulitis. Primary segmental jejunum resection with end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Histopathology report confirmed an ulcerative jejunal diverticulitis with imminent perforation and acute local peritonitis. The patient made an excellent rapid postoperative recovery. Jejunal diverticulum is rare but may cause serious complications. It should be considered a possible etiology of acute abdomen, especially in elderly patients with unusual symptomatology. Abdominal CT is the diagnostic tool of choice. The best treatment is emergency surgical management.


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Resection of lung metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly performed with a curative intent. This strategy was made possible in the 1990s by the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches, improved surgical techniques and better imaging modalities. However, evidence-based data showing clinical benefits of lung metastasectomy in this setting are nonexistent, and there are no prospective randomized trials to support the routine performance of these procedures for stage IV CRC. Current evidence suggests that resection of pulmonary metastases in combination with new cytotoxic agents, such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan and bevacizumab, may result in prolonged survival for many, and cure for a small minority of CRC patients who experienced tumor spread beyond the limits of the abdomen. This review focuses on the results of surgical management of CRC patients with lung metastases: we report the outcome of published series according to the presence or the absence of liver metastasis (and hepatic resection) prior to lung resection.


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Modern urban lifestyle encourages the prolongation of wakefulness, leaving less and less time for sleep. Although the exact functions of sleep remain one of the biggest mysteries in neuroscience, the society is well aware of the negative consequences of sleep loss on human physical and mental health and performance. Enhancing sleep's recuperative functions might allow shortening sleep duration while preserving the beneficial effects of sleep. During sleep, brain activity oscillates across a continuum of frequencies. Individual oscillations have been suggested to underlie distinct functions for sleep and cognition. Gaining control about individual oscillations might allow boosting their specific functions. Sleep spindles are 11 - 15 Hz oscillations characteristic for light non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) and have been proposed to play a role in memory consolidation and sleep protection against environmental stimuli. The reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt) has been identified as the major pacemaker of spindles. Intrinsic oscillatory burst discharge in nRt neurons, arising from the interplay of low-threshold (T-type) Ca2+ channels (T channels) and small conductance type 2 (SK2) K+ channels (SK2 channels), underlies this pacemaking function. In the present work we investigated the impact of altered nRt bursting on spindle generation during sleep by studying mutant mice for SK2 channels and for CaV3.3 channels, a subtype of T channels. Using in vitro electrophysiology I showed that nRt bursting was abolished in CaV3.3 knock out (CaV3.3 KO) mice. In contrast, in SK2 channel over-expressing (SK2-OE) nRt cells, intrinsic repetitive bursting was prolonged. Compared to wildtype (WT) littermates, altered nRt burst discharge lead to weakened thalamic network oscillations in vitro in CaV3.3 KO mice, while oscillatory activity was prolonged in SK2-OE mice. Sleep electroencephalographic recordings in CaV3.3 KO and SK2-OE mice revealed that reduced or potentiated nRt bursting respectively weakened or prolonged sleep spindle activity at the NREMS - REMS transition. Furthermore, SK2-OE mice showed more consolidated NREMS and increased arousal thresholds, two correlates of good sleep quality. This thesis work suggests that CaV3.3 and SK2 channels may be targeted in order to modulate sleep spindle activity. Furthermore, it proposes a novel function for spindles in NREMS consolidation. Finally, it provides evidence that sleep quality may be improved by promoting spindle activity, thereby supporting the hypothesis that sleep quality can be enhanced by modulating oscillatory activity in the brain. Le style de vie moderne favorise la prolongation de l'éveil, laissant de moins en moins de temps pour le sommeil. Même si le rôle exact du sommeil reste un des plus grands mystères des neurosciences, la société est bien consciente des conséquences négatives que provoque un manque de sommeil, à la fois sur le plan de la santé physique et mentale ainsi qu'au niveau des performances cognitives. Augmenter les fonctions récupératrices du sommeil pourrait permettre de raccourcir la durée du sommeil tout en en conservant les effets bénéfiques. Durant le sommeil, on observe des oscillations à travers un continuum de fréquences. Il a été proposé que chaque oscillation pourrait être à l'origine de fonctions spécifiques pour le sommeil et la cognition. Pouvoir de contrôler les oscillations individuelles permettrait d'augmenter leurs fonctions respectives. Les fuseaux sont des oscillations de 11 à 15 Hz caractéristiques du sommeil à ondes lentes léger et il a été suggéré qu'elles jouent un rôle majeur pour la consolidation de la mémoire ainsi que dans la protection du sommeil contre les stimuli environnementaux. Le nucleus réticulaire du thalamus (nRt) a été identifié en tant que générateur de rythme des fuseaux. Les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques des neurones du nRt, provenant de l'interaction de canaux calciques à bas seuil de type T (canaux T) et de canaux potassiques à faible conductance de type 2 (canaux SK2), sont à l'origine de la fonction de générateur de rythme. Dans ce travail, j'ai étudié l'impact de la modulation de bouffées de nRT sur la génération des fuseaux pendant le sommeil en investiguant des souris génétiquement modifiées pour les canaux SK2 et les canaux CaV3.3, un sous-type de canaux T. En utilisant l'électrophysiologie in vitro j'ai démontré que les bouffées du nRT étaient abolies dans les souris knock-out du type CaV3.3 (CaV3.3 KO). D'autre part, dans les cellules nRT sur-exprimant les canaux SK2 (SK2-OE), les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques étaient prolongées. Par rapport aux souris wild type, les souris CaV3.3 KO ont montré un affaiblissement des oscillations thalamiques en réponse à un changement des bouffées de nRT, alors que l'activité oscillatoire était prolongée dans les souris SK2-OE. Des enregistrements EEG du sommeil dans des souris de type CaV3.3 KO et SK2-OE ont révélé qu'une réduction ou augmentation des bouffées nRT ont respectivement affaibli ou prolongé l'activité des fuseaux durant les transitions du sommeil à ondes lentes au sommeil paradoxal. De plus, les souris SK2-OE ont montré des signes de consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes et un seuil augmenté pour le réveil, deux mesures qui corrèlent avec une bonne qualité du sommeil. Le travail de cette thèse propose que les canaux CaV3.3 et SK2 pourrait être ciblés pour moduler l'activité des fuseaux. De plus, je propose une fonction nouvelle pour les fuseaux dans la consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes. Finalement je suggère que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en promouvant l'activité des fuseaux, soutenant ainsi l'idée que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en modulant l'activité oscillatoire dans le cerveau.


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AIMS: Experimental models have reported conflicting results regarding the role of dispersion of repolarization in promoting atrial fibrillation (AF). Repolarization alternans, a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration, enhances dispersion of repolarization when propagation velocity is involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this work, original electrophysiological parameters were analysed to study AF susceptibility in a chronic sheep model of pacing-induced AF. Two pacemakers were implanted, each with a single right atrial lead. Right atrial depolarization and repolarization waves were documented at 2-week intervals. A significant and gradual decrease in the propagation velocity at all pacing rates and in the right atrial effective refractory period (ERP) was observed during the weeks of burst pacing before sustained AF developed when compared with baseline conditions. Right atrial repolarization alternans was observed, but because of the development of 2/1 atrioventricular block with far-field ventricular interference, its threshold could not be precisely measured. Non-sustained AF was not observed at baseline, but appeared during the electrical remodelling in association with a decrease in both ERP and propagation velocity. CONCLUSION: We report here on the feasibility of measuring ERP, atrial repolarization alternans, and propagation velocity kinetics and their potential in predicting susceptibility to AF in a free-behaving model of pacing-induced AF using the standard pacemaker technology.


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Down-regulation of the initial burst of viremia during primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is thought to be mediated predominantly by HIV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). This response is associated with major perturbations in the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. To investigate the failure of the cellular immune response to adequately control viral spread and replication and to prevent establishment of HIV infection, changes in the TCR repertoire and in the distribution of virus-specific CTL between blood and lymph node were analyzed in three patients with primary infection. By the combined use of clonotype-specific polymerase chain reaction and analysis of the frequency of in vivo activated HIV-specific CTL, it was shown that HIV-specific CTL clones preferentially accumulated in blood as opposed to lymph node. Accumulation of HIV-specific CTL in blood occurred prior to effective down-regulation of virus replication in both blood and lymph node. These findings should provide new insights into how HIV, and possibly other viruses, elude the immune response of the host during primary infection.


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The purpose of this study was to design microspheres combining sustained delivery and enhanced intracellular penetration for ocular administration of antisense oligonucleotides. Nanosized complexes of antisense TGF-beta2 phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (PS-ODN) with polyethylenimine (PEI), and naked PS-ODN were encapsulated into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the double-emulsion solvent evaporation method. The PS-ODN was introduced either naked or complexed in the inner aqueous phase of the first emulsion. We observed a marked influence of microsphere composition on porosity, size distribution and PS-ODN encapsulation efficiency. Mainly, the presence of PEI induced the formation of large pores observed onto microsphere surface. Introduction of NaCl in the outer aqueous phase increased the encapsulation efficiency and reduced microsphere porosity. In vitro release kinetic of PS-ODN was also investigated. Clearly, the higher the porosity, the faster was the release and the higher was the burst effect. Using an analytical solution of Fick's second law of diffusion, it was shown that the early phase of PS-ODN and PS-ODN-PEI complex release was primarily controlled by pure diffusion, irrespectively of the type of microsphere. Finally, microspheres containing antisense TGF-beta2 nanosized complexes were shown, after subconjunctival administration to rabbit, to significantly increase intracellular penetration of ODN in conjunctival cells and subsequently to improve bleb survival in a rabbit experimental model of filtering surgery. These results open up interesting prospective for the local controlled delivery of genetic material into the eye.


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PURPOSE: To assess the inter/intraobserver variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in treated hepatic lesions and to compare ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with treated malignant liver lesions were examined on a 3.0T machine. After agreeing on the best ADC image, two readers independently measured the ADC values in the whole lesion and in the MRDA. These measurements were repeated 1 month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman correlation coefficients, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the measurements. RESULTS: Interobserver variability for ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA was 0.17 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.17, +0.17] and 0.43 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.45, +0.41], respectively. Intraobserver limits of agreement could be as low as [-0.10, +0.12] 10(-3) mm(2)/s and [-0.20, +0.33] 10(-3) mm(2)/s for measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA, respectively. CONCLUSION: A limited variability in ADC measurements does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies. This is especially true for the measurements of the minimal ADC.


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Purpose To characterize in vitro the loadability, physical properties, and release of irinotecan and doxorubicin from two commercially available embolization microspheres. Materials and Methods DC Bead (500-700 μm) and Hepasphere (400-600 μm) microspheres were loaded with either doxorubicin or irinotecan solutions. Drug amount was quantified with spectrophotometry, bead elasticity was measured under compression, and bead size and loading homogeneity were assessed with microscopy image analysis. Drug release was measured over 1-week periods in saline by using a pharmacopeia flow-through method. Results Almost complete drug loading was obtained for both microsphere types and drugs. Doxorubicin-loaded DC Beads maintained their spherical shape throughout the release. In contrast, Hepaspheres showed less homogeneous doxorubicin loading and, after release, some fractured microspheres. Incomplete doxorubicin release was observed in saline over 1 week (27% ± 2 for DC beads and 18% ± 7 for Hepaspheres; P = .013). About 75% of this amount was released within 2.2 hours for both beads. For irinotecan, complete release was obtained for both types of beads, in a sustained manner over 2-3 hours for DC Beads, and in a significantly faster manner as a 7-minute burst for Hepaspheres. Conclusions The two drug-eluting microspheres could be efficiently loaded with both drugs. Incomplete doxorubicin release was attributed to strong drug-bead ionic interactions. Weaker interactions were observed with irinotecan, which led to faster drug release.


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Micelles formed from amphiphilic block copolymers have been explored in recent years as carriers for hydrophobic drugs. In an aqueous environment, the hydrophobic blocks form the core of the micelle, which can host lipophilic drugs, while the hydrophilic blocks form the corona or outer shell and stabilize the interface between the hydrophobic core and the external medium. In the present work, mesophase behavior and drug encapsulation were explored in the AB block copolymeric amphiphile composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as a hydrophile and poly(propylene sulfide) PPS as a hydrophobe, using the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA) as an example of a highly hydrophobic drug. Block copolymers with a degree of polymerization of 44 on the PEG and of 10, 20 and 40 on the PPS respectively (abbreviated as PEG44-b-PPS10, PEG44-b-PPS20, PEG44-b-PPS40) were synthesized and characterized. Drug-loaded polymeric micelles were obtained by the cosolvent displacement method as well as the remarkably simple method of dispersing the warm polymer melt, with drug dissolved therein, in warm water. Effective drug solubility up to 2 mg/mL in aqueous media was facilitated by the PEG- b-PPS micelles, with loading levels up to 19% w/w being achieved. Release was burst-free and sustained over periods of 9-12 days. These micelles demonstrate interesting solubilization characteristics, due to the low glass transition temperature, highly hydrophobic nature, and good solvent properties of the PPS block


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Dealing at patient's home with an acute abdominal pain may be particularly challenging for the primary care physician. In such a clinical situation, the part of laboratory and radiological investigations is increasing in the diagnostic process. The decision to keep the patient at home based on a clinical evaluation alone may represent a great medical responsibility for the physician. Emergency departments (ED) are of course in charge of investigating such patients with a wide panel of investigation techniques. But these structures are chronically overcrowded resulting frequently in long and difficult periods of waiting. Based on a literature review, a description of useful clinical symptoms and signs is summarized and should help the decision process for the orientation of the patient.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous fluconazole for the prevention of intra-abdominal Candida infections in high-risk surgical patients. DESIGN: Randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. SETTING: Two university-affiliated hospitals in Switzerland. PATIENTS: Forty-nine surgical patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforations or anastomotic leakages. INTERVENTIONS: Prophylaxis with intravenous fluconazole (400 mg per day) or placebo continued until resolution of the underlying surgical condition. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Patients were evaluated daily, and specimens for culture were obtained three times per week during prophylaxis. The primary study end points were the frequency of and the time to intra-abdominal Candida infections. Secondary end points were the frequency of candidiasis (intra-abdominal and extra-abdominal) and the emergence or persistence of Candida colonization. Among patients who were not colonized at study entry, Candida was isolated from surveillance cultures during prophylaxis in 15% of the patients in the fluconazole group and in 62% of the patients in the placebo group (relative risk, 0.25; 95% confidence interval, 0.07 to 0.96; p = .04). Candida peritonitis occurred in one of 23 patients (4%) who received fluconazole and in seven of 20 patients (35%) who received placebo (relative risk, 0.12; 95% confidence interval, 0.02 to 0.93; p = .02). In addition, one catheter-related Candida albicans sepsis occurred in a fluconazole-treated patient. Thus, overall, candidiasis developed in two fluconazole patients and seven placebo patients (relative risk, 0.25; 95% confidence interval, 0.06 to 1.06; p = .06). C. albicans accounted for 87% of the Candida species isolated before or during prophylaxis, and all C. albicans strains were susceptible to fluconazole. Fluconazole was well tolerated, and adverse events occurred at similar frequencies in both treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Fluconazole prophylaxis prevents colonization and invasive intra-abdominal Candida infections in high-risk surgical patients.


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Disease characteristics. Clinical features of atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2) include rhizomelic limb shortening with normal-sized skull, hitchhiker thumbs, small chest, protuberant abdomen, cleft palate, and distinctive facial features (midface hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, epicanthus, micrognathia). Other typical findings are ulnar deviation of the fingers, gap between the first and second toes, and clubfoot. AO2 is lethal at birth or shortly thereafter because of pulmonary hypoplasia and tracheobronchomalacia. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis of AO2 rests on a combination of clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic features. SLC26A2 (DTDST) is the only gene currently known to be associated with AO2. The diagnosis can be confirmed by molecular genetic testing of SLC26A2, which is clinically available. Management. Treatment of manifestations: palliative care for liveborns. Genetic counseling. AO2 is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. At conception, each sib of a proband with AO2 has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Once an at-risk sib is known to be unaffected, the risk of his/her being a carrier is 2/3. Prenatal diagnosis for pregnancies at 25% risk is possible. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives and prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk are possible if both disease-causing alleles in the family are known and the carrier status of the parents has been confirmed. Ultrasound examination early in pregnancy is a reasonable complement or alternative to molecular genetic prenatal diagnosis.


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Aortic access problems due to diseased or small peripheral vessels are a major issue in endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). In the emergency setting, like aortic rupture after blunt trauma, or in patients with a hostile abdomen, a more proximal access to the aorta is not a pleasant perspective. We developed in situ introducer sheath dilatation as a bail-out technique for patients with difficult aortic access under various circumstances including EVAR, intra-aortic balloon pump insertion and cannulation for perfusion. The method described allows to increase the access vessel diameter by 50% (from 6 to 9 mm) or the luminal circumference from 18 to 27 F. We have used this technique in five patients without complication, very much in contrast to the traditionally practiced 'forced device insertion'.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A pregnant woman was referred for post-operative radiotherapy of a malignant schwannoma in the head and neck region. A best-treatment plan was devised in order to minimize the fetal dose. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The fetal dose resulting from radiological examinations was determined according to international protocols, that resulting from radiotherapy was calculated according to Recommendation 36 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group. Pre-treatment dosimetry was performed with an anthropomorphic phantom. Several alternative treatment plans were evaluated. The use of a multileaf collimator (MLC) and a virtual wedge (VW) was compared to cerrobend blocks (CB) and physical wedge (PW). In-vivo dosimetry was performed using a vaginal probe containing thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). RESULTS: The total fetal dose resulting from diagnostic and radiotherapy procedures was estimated to be 36 mGy. The technique based on MLC and VW was elected for patient treatment. Measurements for this configuration resulted in afetal dose reduction of 82%. The shielding of the patient's abdomen further reduced the fetal dose by 42%. CONCLUSION: The use of VW and MLC for the treatment of a pregnant woman is highly recommended. Each case should be individually studied with pre-treatment and in-vivo dosimetry.