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The vocalization of the shrews Suncus etruscus and Crocidura russula during normothermia and torpor is investigated. While frequency and call duration are independent of body temperature, the tremolo structure shows a spreading correlated with falling body temperature. The particular calls emitted during torpor are defence calls, modified by merely physiological factors. Their main function might be of intraspecific nature
Statins are among the most widely prescribed drugs. An increasing number of lupus-like syndrome has recently been reported with these lipid-lowering agents. We describe a new case associated with simvastatin therapy. The presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies in the serum is for the first time reported confirming that statins may also induce a systemic autoimmune reaction. Statin-induced lupus-like syndrome is characterized by the long delay between the beginning of therapy and the skin eruption. Antinuclear antibodies may persist for many months after drug discontinuation. The causal relationship may be therefore difficult to establish, and probably many cases are unrecognized. Early diagnosis may avoid unnecessary immunosuppressive therapy.
Mutations in the epithelial morphogen ectodysplasin-A (EDA), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, are responsible for the human disorder X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) characterized by impaired development of hair, eccrine sweat glands, and teeth. EDA-A1 and EDA-A2 are two splice variants of EDA, which bind distinct EDA-A1 and X-linked EDA-A2 receptors. We identified a series of novel EDA mutations in families with XLHED, allowing the identification of the following three functionally important regions in EDA: a C-terminal TNF homology domain, a collagen domain, and a furin protease recognition sequence. Mutations in the TNF homology domain impair binding of both splice variants to their receptors. Mutations in the collagen domain can inhibit multimerization of the TNF homology region, whereas those in the consensus furin recognition sequence prevent proteolytic cleavage of EDA. Finally, a mutation affecting an intron splice donor site is predicted to eliminate specifically the EDA-A1 but not the EDA-A2 splice variant. Thus a proteolytically processed, oligomeric form of EDA-A1 is required in vivo for proper morphogenesis.
Identifying species exhibiting variation in social organization is an important step towards explaining the genetic and environmental factors underlying social evolution. In most studied populations of the ant Leptothorax acervorum, reproduction is shared among queens in multiple queen colonies (polygyny). By contrast, reports from other populations, but based on weaker evidence, suggest a single queen may monopolize all reproduction in multiple queen colonies (functional monogyny). Here we identify a marked polymorphism in social organization in this species, by conclusively showing that functional monogyny is exhibited in a Spanish population, showing that the social organization is stable and not purely a consequence of daughter queens overwintering, that daughter queen re-adoption is frequent and queen turnover is low. Importantly, we show that polygynous and functionally monogynous populations are not genetically distinct from one another based on mtDNA and nDNA. This suggests a recent evolutionary divergence between social phenotypes. Finally, when functionally monogynous and polygynous colonies were kept under identical laboratory conditions, social organization did not change, suggesting a genetic basis for the polymorphism. We discuss the implications of these findings to the study of reproductive skew.
Objectives: To evaluate the degree of tubular involvement in INS at various stage of the disease. Methods: 19 patients with INS were studied. 13 were steroid responders (group 1). 5 of them had biopsy which showed MCD. 6 patients were non responder to steroid or were steroid dependant with frequent relapses (group 2). Biopsies showed 3 FSGS and 3 MCD. They were treated with prednisone, ciclosporin and/ or mycofenolate mofetil. Protein, microalbumin (ALB), alpha-microglobulin (AMG), N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and creatinine (cr) were measured in each urine sample. Patients were considered in remission if prot/ cr ratio (g/mol) was < 20 (group 1a and 2a), and in relapse if the ratio was > 200 (group 1c and 2c). Some patients in group 1 had non nephrotic proteinuria (group 1b). Tubular dysfunction was defi ned by NAG/cr ratio (mg/mmol) > 0.86 or by AMG/cr ratio (mg/mmol) > 1.58. Results: Prot/cr ALB/cr NAG/cr AMG/cr Group 1a 10.3 ± 4.1 1.1 ± 1.0 0.19 ± 0.12 1.40 ± 0.97 Group 1b 60.4 ± 63.4 42.8 ± 66.7 0.39 ± 0.21 1.20 ± 0.56 Group 1c 713.3 ± 276.8 799.8 ± 534.9 2.25 ± 1.86* 4.25 ± 2.09* Group 2a 11.3 ± 6.1 4.7 ± 5.7 0.26 ± 0.19 1.18 ± 0.60 Group 2c 914.9 ± 718.6 682.9 ± 589.3 3.00 ± 2.72* 5.47 ± 4.30* Results are mean ± SD, p < 0.001 compared to group 1a and 2a No difference was observed between group 1 and group 2 neither in remission nor in relapse. Conclusions: These data indicate that tubular dysfunction occurs in INS but only in patients in relapse. In this population, tubular dysfunction was independent of the severity of the nephrotic syndrome, the treatment protocol and the histopathology.
RESUME L'objectif de cette thèse est d'approfondir la compréhension de la transformation des conflits liés à l'utilisation et la répartition des ressources foncières, de l'eau ainsi que des ressources politiques en région aride ou semi-aride. Cette thèse se concentre en particulier sur la façon dont les acteurs et les institutions résolvent les conflits dans un espace dominé par un mode de vie pastoral au sein des pays de la Corne de l'Afrique. Celle-ci réunit des zones périphériques mal contrôlée et caractérisée par une faible administration publique qui coexiste avec des instances coutumières et d'autres autorités. Le cas de la région Somali d'Ethiopie (ou Ogaden) nous démontre que les disputes et les pratiques de gestion des conflits existantes sont encastrées dans les normes, les politiques et les relations de pouvoir locales. Par conséquent, ce travail réfute le déterminisme causal de la littérature des conflits dits environnementaux en soulignant l'existence d'une vaste palette de stratégies de résolution des conflits. Il démontre empiriquement la capacité des éleveurs, des paysans et d'autres utilisateurs de ressources en propriété commune («common- pool resources », CPRs) à coopérer plutôt qu'à se disputer. De la même façon, la préférence idéologique de la plupart des études sur les CPRS pour des groupes d'utilisateurs homogènes et des systèmes de ressources d'utilisation simple est remise en question. En effet, l'existence de multiples ressources naturelles et politiques dans la région Somali d'Ethiopie justifie cette remise en cause. En soulignant l'économie politique dans laquelle se situent les conflits pastoraux et leur gestion cette thèse critique l'approche dépolitisée sur l'utilisation des ressources en propriété commune ainsi que les perspectives technocratiques sur les processus de construction des institutions. Les résultats de recherche marquent le rôle central et souvent inattendu de l'état dans la formation des conflits et la gestion des ressources dans sa périphérie pastorale. Avec |'introduction du fédéralisme ethnique éthiopien et la décentralisation administrative, la construction de l'état à pris une tournure nouvelle dans la région Somali depuis |991 - la période analysée dans cette étude. Ce processus fut accompagné de trois dynamiques parallèles (1) L'expansion des ressources étatiques dans les zones rurales les plus reculées, (2) la politisation des liens de parenté et (3) la redéfinition de la relation entre l'homme et son environnement naturel. En ce qui concerne l'atténuation des conflits, la thèse révèle que le rôle de l'état est spatialement différentié, que l'incorporation des autorités coutumières dans les gouvernements locaux est politiquement ambiguë, et que l'appui sur les lois coutumières ne « gèle » pas forcement les traditions. Les institutions mixtes qui allient règles coutumières et bureaucratiques sont souvent efficaces dans la gestion et la résolution des conflits liés aux ressources en milieu rural, mais pas dans la prévention et la transformation de ces conflits sur le long terme. En ce qui concerne la gestion des ressources, l'étude souligne le fait que les politiques publiques institutionnelles qui ignorent les variations saisonnières de l'utilisation des ressources, la multiplicité des revendications par les utilisateurs des ressources et les droits de propriété non exclusif ne font qu'aggraver des tensions entre divers groupes plutôt que de les atténuer. C'est précisèrent le cas de la décentralisation selon la logique « ethnique » de l'Ethiopie et d'autres politiques publiques sectorielles dont le but est de promouvoir la sédentarisation en incitant les groupes pastoraux à réclamer et occuper les territoires de manière permanente. En conclusion, cette thèse insiste sur (1) l'importance du renforcement du système de régulation au sein du régime institutionnel de ressources pastorales, (2) l'élaboration de nouvelles normes qui produisent des arrangements fonciers reconnus à la fois par les communautés et l'état, (3) la conception de politique publiques qui prennent en compte le périmètre des écosystèmes en place plutôt que des entités ethniques ou politiques et (4) le besoin d'un processus de démocratisation des projets de développement et de la représentation politique en périphéries semi-aride. L'étude est composée des chapitres suivants. Le chapitre 1 introduit les éléments clés des systèmes d'élevage dans la Corne de l'Afrique et les transitions économiques, écologiques et politiques dans lesquelles se situe le pastoralisme nomade. Quelques thèmes récurrents sont ici résumés dont le déclin des économies de cheptel, l'érosion de la gestion des terres arides et l'expansion de l'insécurité physique. Le chapitre 2 dissèque de manière critique le concept de conflit environnemental et les théories de la propriété commune en tant qu'explications théoriques des conflits dits pastoraux. Tandis que le premier décrit la violence comme une réaction à la raréfaction des ressources naturelles due aux pressions démographiques et au changement climatique, les secondes considèrent les confits comme l'expression d'un échec institutionnel de droits de propriété insuffisamment définis. Ce chapitre expose les défauts de ces deux explications et propose une approche alternative qui tient compte des relations de pouvoir, des institutions de gestion des conflits et des ressources naturelles, et de l'écologie non-équilibrée des régions arides. Le chapitre 3 élabore un cadre conceptuel qui rassemble des perspectives empruntées à la littérature portant sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, les techniques de médiation des conflits, les nouvelles théories « new range ecology » et les régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles. Trois hypothèses décrivent les conditions requises pour prévenir, résoudre ou transformer les conflits liés à l'utilisation multiple des ressources dans les zones pastorales. Elles concernent (1) l'inclusion de partis tiers dans les processus de gestion de confits, (2) l'intégration de règles bureaucratiques et coutumières dans la gestion des ressources et des conflits et (3) le régime institutionnel de ressources naturelles qui concilie des revendications multiples aux ressources CPRs de manière flexible et inclusive. Le chapitre 4 présente les méthodes et la philosophie de recherche qui sous-tendent l'argumentation et l'analyse de la thèse. Il détaille l'opérationnalisation du cadre conceptuel et la sélection des études de cas, le processus de collecte des données et se penche sur les expériences de recherches de terrain de l'auteur. Le chapitre 5 décrit les conflits fonciers dans le district de Harshin où une expansion incontrôlée de clôtures des pâturages a encouragé la prolifération de conflits violents parmi les éleveurs Isaaq depuis la fin des années 1980. L'hétérogénéisation de l'utilisation des ressources, la multiplication des règles de gestion et l'incapacité des anciens à imposer un retour à la propriété commune des pâturages sont les points centraux de cette étude de cas. Le chapitre 6 passe en revue la compétition féroce autour de l'eau le long de la berge très peuplée et fertile du Wabi Shabelle dans le district de K'elafo. L'étude de cas reflète les interactions généalogiques complexes entre les groupes "nobles" et les « communs », la dépendance des cultivateurs Rer Barre du capital et de la technologie, pour les pompes à eaux par exemple, et l'importance continue des pratiques coutumières de gestion de l'agriculture. Le chapitre 7 démontre les rivalités autour du gâteau fiscal dans la capitale de la région Somali, Jijiga, où les partis politiques, les anciens claniques et les technocrates manoeuvrent pour le partage du pouvoir et des positions au sein de l'administration régionale. L'étude de cas rend compte de l'usage politisé du budget public, de l'expansion des ressources étatiques dans les zones rurales à travers la décentralisation, et de l'importance des agents intermédiaires entre les niveaux fédéral, régional et local dans l'allocation des ressources. Le chapitre 8 analyse les rôles et contributions respectifs des anciens et des acteurs étatiques dans la gestion de conflits violents entre les différents groupes dans la région Somali. En révélant les points forts et faibles des processus de paix basés sur les compensations de sang, ce chapitre propose une appréciation nuancée de la proposition (1) concernant l'inclusion de partis tiers dans la gestion de conflit. Le chapitre conclut en soulignant les contradictions et les effets associés à la délégation aux autorités coutumières par l'état Ethiopien de la résolution des conflits et de la maintenance de la sécurité. Le chapitre 9 se concentre sur l'impact des projets de développement financés par l'état et des politiques publiques qui régulent la propriété des terres communes dans les régions pastorales de l'Ethiopie. Ni les politiques publiques sectorielles existantes ni les principes institutionnels du fédéralisme ethnique ne reconnaissent les revendications et utilisations multiples qui se font des ressources dans la région aride et semi- aride, ce qui valide la proposition (3) sur le besoin d'un régime institutionnel de ressources différencié et flexible. Le chapitre attire l'attention sur les aspects contre-productifs d'une administration et d'une représentation politique basées sur un concept territorial, ce qui encourage une occupation permanente des ressources pour des bénéfices politiques. Le chapitre 10 conclut en évaluant la proposition (2) qui concerne l'efficacité de la gestion et de la transformation des conflits basés sur l'intégration des règles et lois coutumières et bureaucratiques. Ce chapitre souligne le rôle controversé mais décisif de la construction et de l'expansion graduelle de l'état dans les périphéries pastorales. Finalement, quelques recommandations sont proposées en vue de l'amélioration de la gestion des conflits et des ressources en milieu pastoral clans la région Somali et des espaces comparables dans la Corne de l'Afrique.
Lhermitte-Duclos disease (dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum) is a rare pseudo-neoplastic disorder of the cerebellum with typical MRI findings. A 25-year-old man presenting with progressive neck pain, dizziness, and impaired vision is reported. CT and MRI revealed a left cerebellar haemispheric mass and obstructive hydrocephalus. Lhermitte-Duclos disease was histologically confirmed after surgical removal of the lesion. The typical MRI appearance of a nonenhancing haemispheric cerebellar mass with preservation and exaggeration of the normal gyral pattern allows pre-operative diagnosis of this condition. The literature is reviewed and clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology are discussed.
BACKGROUND: Virtual reality (VR) simulators are widely used to familiarize surgical novices with laparoscopy, but VR training methods differ in efficacy. In the present trial, self-controlled basic VR training (SC-training) was tested against training based on peer-group-derived benchmarks (PGD-training). METHODS: First, novice laparoscopic residents were randomized into a SC group (n = 34), and a group using PGD-benchmarks (n = 34) for basic laparoscopic training. After completing basic training, both groups performed 60 VR laparoscopic cholecystectomies for performance analysis. Primary endpoints were simulator metrics; secondary endpoints were program adherence, trainee motivation, and training efficacy. RESULTS: Altogether, 66 residents completed basic training, and 3,837 of 3,960 (96.8 %) cholecystectomies were available for analysis. Course adherence was good, with only two dropouts, both in the SC-group. The PGD-group spent more time and repetitions in basic training until the benchmarks were reached and subsequently showed better performance in the readout cholecystectomies: Median time (gallbladder extraction) showed significant differences of 520 s (IQR 354-738 s) in SC-training versus 390 s (IQR 278-536 s) in the PGD-group (p < 0.001) and 215 s (IQR 175-276 s) in experts, respectively. Path length of the right instrument also showed significant differences, again with the PGD-training group being more efficient. CONCLUSIONS: Basic VR laparoscopic training based on PGD benchmarks with external assessment is superior to SC training, resulting in higher trainee motivation and better performance in simulated laparoscopic cholecystectomies. We recommend such a basic course based on PGD benchmarks before advancing to more elaborate VR training.
BACKGROUND: Concomitant chemoradiotherapy and accelerated radiotherapy independently improve outcomes for patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of a combination of these approaches. METHODS: In our open-label phase 3 randomised trial, we enrolled patients with locally advanced, stage III and IV (non-metastatic) HNSCC and an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0-2. We randomly allocated patients centrally with a computer program (with centre, T stage, N stage, and localisation as minimisation factors) in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive conventional chemoradiotherapy (70 Gy in 7 weeks plus three cycles of 4 days' concomitant carboplatin-fluorouracil), accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy (70 Gy in 6 weeks plus two cycles of 5 days' concomitant carboplatin-fluorouracil), or very accelerated radiotherapy alone (64·8 Gy [1·8 Gy twice daily] in 3·5 weeks). The primary endpoint, progression-free survival (PFS), was assessed in all enrolled patients. This trial is completed. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00828386. FINDINGS: Between Feb 29, 2000, and May 9, 2007, we randomly allocated 279 patients to receive conventional chemoradiotherapy, 280 to accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy, and 281 to very accelerated radiotherapy. Median follow-up was 5·2 years (IQR 4·9-6·2); rates of chemotherapy and radiotherapy compliance were good in all groups. Accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy offered no PFS benefit compared with conventional chemoradiotherapy (HR 1·02, 95% CI 0·84-1·23; p=0·88) or very accelerated radiotherapy (0·83, 0·69-1·01; p=0·060); conventional chemoradiotherapy improved PFS compared with very accelerated radiotherapy (0·82, 0·67-0·99; p=0·041). 3-year PFS was 37·6% (95% CI 32·1-43·4) after conventional chemoradiotherapy, 34·1% (28·7-39·8) after accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy, and 32·2% (27·0-37·9) after very accelerated radiotherapy. More patients in the very accelerated radiotherapy group had RTOG grade 3-4 acute mucosal toxicity (226 [84%] of 268 patients) compared with accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy (205 [76%] of 271 patients) or conventional chemoradiotherapy (180 [69%] of 262; p=0·0001). 158 (60%) of 265 patients in the conventional chemoradiotherapy group, 176 (64%) of 276 patients in the accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy group, and 190 (70%) of 272 patients in the very accelerated radiotherapy group were intubated with feeding tubes during treatment (p=0·045). INTERPRETATION: Chemotherapy has a substantial treatment effect given concomitantly with radiotherapy and acceleration of radiotherapy cannot compensate for the absence of chemotherapy. We noted the most favourable outcomes for conventional chemoradiotherapy, suggesting that acceleration of radiotherapy is probably not beneficial in concomitant chemoradiotherapy schedules. FUNDING: French Ministry of Health.
This study aims to provide a passive sampling approach which can be routinely used to investigate polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sources in rivers. The approach consists of deploying low density polyethylene (LDPE) strips downstream and upstream of potential PCB sources as well as in their water discharges. Concentrations of indicator PCBs (iPCBs) absorbed in samplers (Cs) from upstream and downstream sites are compared with each other to reveal increases of PCB levels. Cs measured in water discharges are used to determine if released amounts of PCBs are compatible with increases revealed in the river. As water velocity can greatly vary along a river stretch and influences the uptake at each site in a different way, differences in velocity have to be taken into account to correctly interpret Cs. LDPE strips were exposed to velocities between 1.6 and 37 cm s−1 using a channel system built in the field. Relationships between velocity and Cs were established for each iPCB to determine the expected change in Cs due to velocity variations. For PCBs 28 and 52, this change does not exceed a factor 2 for velocity variations in the range from 1.6 to 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data above 37 cm s−1). For PCBs 101, 138, 153 and 180, this change only exceeds a factor 2 in the case of large velocity variations. The approach was applied in the Swiss river Venoge to first conduct a primary investigation of potential PCB sources and then conduct thorough investigations of two suspected sources.
In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the production of biocontrol factors (antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes) is controlled at a posttranscriptional level by the GacS/GacA signal transduction pathway involving RNA-binding protein RsmA as a key regulatory element. This protein is assumed to bind to the ribosome-binding site of target mRNAs and to block their translation. RsmA-mediated repression is relieved at the end of exponential growth by two GacS/GacA-controlled regulatory RNAs RsmY and RsmZ, which bind and sequester the RsmA protein. A gene (rsmE) encoding a 64-amino-acid RsmA homolog was identified and characterized in strain CHA0. Overexpression of rsmE strongly reduced the expression of target genes (hcnA, for a hydrogen cyanide synthase subunit; aprA, for the main exoprotease; and phlA, for a component of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis). Single null mutations in either rsmA or rsmE resulted in a slight increase in the expression of hcnA, aprA, and phlA. By contrast, an rsmA rsmE double mutation led to strongly increased and advanced expression of these target genes and completely suppressed a gacS mutation. Both the RsmE and RsmA levels increased with increasing cell population densities in strain CHA0; however, the amount of RsmA showed less variability during growth. Expression of rsmE was controlled positively by GacA and negatively by RsmA and RsmE. Mobility shift assays demonstrated specific binding of RsmE to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. The transcription and stability of both regulatory RNAs were strongly reduced in the rsmA rsmE double mutant. In conclusion, RsmA and RsmE together account for maximal repression in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.
During the year 2005, the chief residents of the University Medical Outpatient Clinic of Lausanne have done a database of useful articles for daily practice, scientifically validated and with excellent didactic quality, from 10 electronic journals. They have used those selected articles in personal meetings between the chief residents on a regular basis and the possibility to access the database by the junior physicians. Six of these articles concerning different topics (depression, tuberculosis detection, anticoagulation at home, cholinesterase inhibitors, insomnia and therapies, transdermal nitroglycerin and tendinopathies) are presented.
To investigate their role in receptor coupling to G(q), we mutated all basic amino acids and some conserved hydrophobic residues of the cytosolic surface of the alpha(1b)-adrenergic receptor (AR). The wild type and mutated receptors were expressed in COS-7 cells and characterized for their ligand binding properties and ability to increase inositol phosphate accumulation. The experimental results have been interpreted in the context of both an ab initio model of the alpha(1b)-AR and of a new homology model built on the recently solved crystal structure of rhodopsin. Among the twenty-three basic amino acids mutated only mutations of three, Arg(254) and Lys(258) in the third intracellular loop and Lys(291) at the cytosolic extension of helix 6, markedly impaired the receptor-mediated inositol phosphate production. Additionally, mutations of two conserved hydrophobic residues, Val(147) and Leu(151) in the second intracellular loop had significant effects on receptor function. The functional analysis of the receptor mutants in conjunction with the predictions of molecular modeling supports the hypothesis that Arg(254), Lys(258), as well as Leu(151) are directly involved in receptor-G protein interaction and/or receptor-mediated activation of the G protein. In contrast, the residues belonging to the cytosolic extensions of helices 3 and 6 play a predominant role in the activation process of the alpha(1b)-AR. These findings contribute to the delineation of the molecular determinants of the alpha(1b)-AR/G(q) interface.
Today, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most important age-related neurodegenerative diseases, but its etiology remains still unknown. Since the discovery that the hallmark structures of this disease i.e. the formation of amyloid fibers could be the product of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation defects, it has become clear that the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), usually essential for protein repair, turnover and degradation, is perturbed in this disease. Different aspects of normal and pathological aging are discussed with respect to protein repair and degradation via the UPS, as well as consequences of a deficit in the UPS in AD. Selective protein oxidation may cause protein damage, or protein mutations may induce a dysfunction of the proteasome. Such events eventually lead to activation of cell death pathways and to an aberrant aggregation or incorporation of ubiquitinated proteins into hallmark structures. Aggresome formation is also observed in other neurodegenerative diseases, suggesting that an activation of similar mechanisms must occur in neurodegeneration as a basic phenomenon. It is essential to discuss therapeutic ways to investigate the UPS dysfunction in the human brain and to identify specific targets to hold or stop cell decay.
We have recently shown that at isotopic steady state (13)C NMR can provide a direct measurement of glycogen concentration changes, but that the turnover of glycogen was not accessible with this protocol. The aim of the present study was to design, implement and apply a novel dual-tracer infusion protocol to simultaneously measure glycogen concentration and turnover. After reaching isotopic steady state for glycogen C1 using [1-(13)C] glucose administration, [1,6-(13)C(2)] glucose was infused such that isotopic steady state was maintained at the C1 position, but the C6 position reflected (13)C label incorporation. To overcome the large chemical shift displacement error between the C1 and C6 resonances of glycogen, we implemented 2D gradient based localization using the Fourier series window approach, in conjunction with time-domain analysis of the resulting FIDs using jMRUI. The glycogen concentration of 5.1 +/- 1.6 mM measured from the C1 position was in excellent agreement with concomitant biochemical determinations. Glycogen turnover measured from the rate of label incorporation into the C6 position of glycogen in the alpha-chloralose anesthetized rat was 0.7 micromol/g/h.