98 resultados para 10 GPON
BACKGROUND: In the United States, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed 20 Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) to measure the occurrence of hospital adverse events from medico-administrative data coded according to the ninth revision of the international classification of disease (ICD-9-CM). The adaptation of these PSIs to the WHO version of ICD-10 was carried out by an international consortium. METHODS: Two independent teams transcoded ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes proposed by the AHRQ into ICD-10-WHO. Using a Delphi process, experts from six countries evaluated each code independently, stating whether it was "included", "excluded" or "uncertain". During a two-day meeting, the experts then discussed the codes that had not obtained a consensus, and the additional codes proposed. RESULTS: Fifteen PSIs were adapted. Among the 2569 proposed diagnosis codes, 1775 were unanimously adopted straightaway. The 794 remaining codes and 2541 additional codes were discussed. Three documents were prepared: (1) a list of ICD-10-WHO codes for the 15 adapted PSIs; (2) recommendations to the AHRQ for the improvement of the nosological frame and the coding of PSI with ICD-9-CM; (3) recommendations to the WHO to improve ICD-10. CONCLUSIONS: This work allows international comparisons of PSIs among the countries using ICD-10. Nevertheless, these PSIs must still be evaluated further before being broadly used.
BACKGROUND: Co-morbidity information derived from administrative data needs to be validated to allow its regular use. We assessed evolution in the accuracy of coding for Charlson and Elixhauser co-morbidities at three time points over a 5-year period, following the introduction of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10), coding of hospital discharges.METHODS: Cross-sectional time trend evaluation study of coding accuracy using hospital chart data of 3'499 randomly selected patients who were discharged in 1999, 2001 and 2003, from two teaching and one non-teaching hospital in Switzerland. We measured sensitivity, positive predictive and Kappa values for agreement between administrative data coded with ICD-10 and chart data as the 'reference standard' for recording 36 co-morbidities.RESULTS: For the 17 the Charlson co-morbidities, the sensitivity - median (min-max) - was 36.5% (17.4-64.1) in 1999, 42.5% (22.2-64.6) in 2001 and 42.8% (8.4-75.6) in 2003. For the 29 Elixhauser co-morbidities, the sensitivity was 34.2% (1.9-64.1) in 1999, 38.6% (10.5-66.5) in 2001 and 41.6% (5.1-76.5) in 2003. Between 1999 and 2003, sensitivity estimates increased for 30 co-morbidities and decreased for 6 co-morbidities. The increase in sensitivities was statistically significant for six conditions and the decrease significant for one. Kappa values were increased for 29 co-morbidities and decreased for seven.CONCLUSIONS: Accuracy of administrative data in recording clinical conditions improved slightly between 1999 and 2003. These findings are of relevance to all jurisdictions introducing new coding systems, because they demonstrate a phenomenon of improved administrative data accuracy that may relate to a coding 'learning curve' with the new coding system.
The EORTC 22881-10882 trial in 5178 conservatively treated early breast cancer patients showed that a 16 Gy boost dose significantly improved local control, but increased the risk of breast fibrosis. To investigate predictors for the long-term risk of fibrosis, Cox regression models of the time to moderate or severe fibrosis were developed on a random set of 1797 patients with and 1827 patients without a boost, and validated in the remaining set. The median follow-up was 10.7 years. The risk of fibrosis significantly increased (P<0.01) with increasing maximum whole breast irradiation (WBI) dose and with concomitant chemotherapy, but was independent of age. In the boost arm, the risk further increased (P<0.01) if patients had post-operative breast oedema or haematoma, but it decreased (P<0.01) if WBI was given with >6 MV photons. The c-index was around 0.62. Nomograms with these factors are proposed to forecast the long-term risk of moderate or severe fibrosis.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to investigate the demographics, aetiologies, complications, treatments and visual outcomes in paediatric uveitis patients in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. METHODS: Chart review of all patients diagnosed with uveitis before the age of 16 years, presenting to two tertiary referral centres (uveitis and paediatric rheumatology clinics) in Lausanne, Switzerland, between 2000 and 2009. RESULTS: Seventy-nine children (37 girls) were identified, 62 living in Switzerland, 15 in Europe and 2 in North Africa. Median age at first symptoms was 9.0 years (range 1.5-15.8 years), with a median follow-up time of 1.8 years (0-8 years). Both eyes were involved in 51 patients (64.6%). The course was acute in 30.4%, chronic in 60.8% and recurrent in 8.9%. Anterior uveitis occurred in 39.2%, intermediate in 32.9%, posterior in 22.8% and panuveitis in 5.1%. The three main diagnoses were idiopathic uveitis (34.2%), JIA-related uveitis (22.8%) and toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis (15.2%). During the last follow-up visit, the visual acuity (VA) was ≥8/10 in 72% of all eyes with a measurable VA. Cataract (8%), ocular hypertension/glaucoma (8%) and macular fibrosis (4%) were the three most common severe complications. Systemic steroids were given to 56% and biological agents to 24% of patients with inflammatory uveitis. CONCLUSIONS: Uveitis in children can be a devastating disease. A strict classification of aetiologies and a tight collaboration between paediatric rheumatologists and ophthalmologists are important to ensure early control of ocular inflammation and improve long-term visual prognosis.
The stable isotope composition of ostracod fossils is useful for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Laboratory as well as 'natural environment' cultures demonstrate that the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod shells faithfully record the environmental conditions at the time of valve precipitation. Oxygen isotope composition of ostracod calcite reflects the composition and temperature of the host water, but ostracod shells are enriched in 18O compared to the value expected for inorganic calcite precipitating under equilibrium under the same conditions. This 'vital effect' is generally constant for closely related species and equals 1.5 to 3 0/00 for Candoninae, 0 to 2.5 0/00 for Cyprididae and 0.8 to 1.5 0/00 for Cytheroidea. The carbon isotope composition of ostracod calcite is controlled by a complex interaction between the ecology of the species and environmental parameters. Previous natural environmental studies suggest that many (but not all) taxa crystallize their shells in or very close to equilibrium with the carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon, and that the composition of littoral, epifaunal species reflects seasonal variation in the carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon of bottom water according to their life cycles, while that of deep-water, infaunal species reflects the variation interstitial pore water according to microhabitat preferences.
The orphan receptor CRF2-4 is a member of the class II cytokine receptor family (CRF2), which includes the interferon receptors, the interleukin (IL) 10 receptor, and tissue factor. CRFB4, the gene encoding CRF2-4, is located within a gene cluster on human chromosome 21 that comprises three interferon receptor subunits. To elucidate the role of CRF2-4, we disrupted the CRFB4 gene in mice by means of homologous recombination. Mice lacking CRF2-4 show no overt abnormalities, grow normally, and are fertile. CRF2-4 deficient cells are normally responsive to type I and type II interferons, but lack responsiveness to IL-10. By approximately 12 wk of age, the majority of mutant mice raised in a conventional facility developed a chronic colitis and splenomegaly. Thus, CRFB4 mutant mice recapitulate the phenotype of IL-10-deficient mice. These findings suggest that CRF2-4 is essential for IL-10-mediated effects and is a subunit of the IL-10 receptor.
Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by both maladaptive thinking and problematic schemas. Kramer and colleagues (2011) showed that using the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR), based on the individualized understanding of the patient according to Plan Analysis (Caspar, 2007), can improve treatment outcomes for BPD. The present process-outcome pilot study aimed to examine the effects of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship on the cognitive biases of patients with BPD. Change in biased cognitions in N=10 patients who were subject to MOTR was compared to that of N=10 patients who received psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment (Gunderson & Links, 2008). Results show a greater decrease in over-generalizations in patients who received MOTR, compared to the patients who received the psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment. These changes were related to outcome in various ways. These findings underline the importance of an individualized case formulation method in bringing about therapeutic change.
Individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP) experience high rates of premature mortality, in particular due to suicide. The study aims were to: a) Estimate the rate of sudden death among young people with FEP during an 8-10 year period following commencement of treatment; b) Examine and describe the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with sudden death; and c) Examine the timing of death in relation to psychiatric treatment.This was a cohort study. The sample comprised 661 patients accepted into treatment at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre between 1/1/1998 and 31/12/2000. Demographic and clinical data were collected by examination of the medical files. Mortality data were collected via a search of the National Coroners Information System; the Victorian State Coroner's office and clinical files. Nineteen patients died and just over two thirds of deaths were classified as intentional self-harm or suicide. Death was associated with male gender, previous suicide attempt and greater symptom severity at last contact. People with FEP are at increased risk of premature death, in particular suicide. A previous suicide attempt was very common amongst those who died, suggesting that future research could focus upon the development of interventions for young people with FEP who engage in suicidal behaviour.
Spectators play a fundamental role in sports events because they co-create value with the athletes, and they can provide substantial revenues for the organisers. This is even more the case for the Olympic Games, as was strikingly illustrated by London 2012. Although most people see the Games on television, the Olympics need large numbers of flesh-and-blood spectators and fans to encourage and applaud the Olympians and to create the festive atmosphere that is such an important part of Olympic competitions. Spectators can transform simple sporting competitions between athletes into spectacles that generate strong emotions. In the arena provided by the organisers, they create with the athletes an event that is worthy of being reported by the media. Coubertin was himself convinced that knowledgeable spectators are essential to obtaining high levels of performance, while regretting that stadiums had (already) become too big (Coubertin 2000: 184 and 199).
INTRODUCTION: This is a single, level 1 trauma centre, prospective consecutive patient series with intramedullary infection in the presence of unstable tibial fracture treated using the Kirschner wire-reinforced, antibiotic cement nail. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 10 consecutive patients (eight males and two females) with a mean age of 42 years (range, 20-59) suffering from infection after intramedullary nailing for tibial fracture, admitted during a period of 4 years, were included. An antibiotic cement-coated nail, handmade at the time of surgery, was implanted in all patients. This was followed by a standardised 6-week treatment protocol, extraction of the nail and definitive fixation. RESULTS: At 6 years of follow-up, infection eradication and bony union were possible in all of the patients. No further infection treatment was necessary; however, all of our patients underwent additional procedures (mean: four additional procedures per patient) for cosmetic or other non-infectious reasons (bone grafting, muscle flaps, etc.). CONCLUSIONS: The antibiotic cement-coated nail seems to be an effective treatment for intramedullary infections of the fractured tibia.
A simple wipe sampling procedure was developed for the surface contamination determination of ten cytotoxic drugs: cytarabine, gemcitabine, methotrexate, etoposide phosphate, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, irinotecan, doxorubicin, epirubicin and vincristine. Wiping was performed using Whatman filter paper on different surfaces such as stainless steel, polypropylene, polystyrol, glass, latex gloves, computer mouse and coated paperboard. Wiping and desorption procedures were investigated: The same solution containing 20% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in water gave the best results. After ultrasonic desorption and then centrifugation, samples were analysed by a validated liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in selected reaction monitoring mode. The whole analytical strategy from wipe sampling to LC-MS/MS analysis was evaluated to determine quantitative performance. The lowest limit of quantification of 10 ng per wiping sample (i.e. 0.1 ng cm(-2)) was determined for the ten investigated cytotoxic drugs. Relative standard deviation for intermediate precision was always inferior to 20%. As recovery was dependent on the tested surface for each drug, a correction factor was determined and applied for real samples. The method was then successfully applied at the cytotoxic production unit of the Geneva University Hospitals pharmacy.
SummarySimultaneous detection of aneuploidies for chromosomes 4, 6,10 and 17 by automated four color l-FISH in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia: diagnostic assessment, clonal heterogeneity and chromosomal instability in adultsAnna Talamo BlandinService de Génétique Médicale, Unité de Cytogénétique du Cancer, CHUVAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant hemopathy characterized by the accumulation of the immature lymphoid cells in the bone marrow and, most often, in the peripheral blood. ALL is a heterogeneous disease with distinct biological and prognostic entities. At diagnosis, cytogenetic and molecular findings constitute important and independent prognostic factors. High hyperdiploidy with 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), one of the largest cytogenetic subsets of ALL, in childhood particularly, is generally associated with a relatively favorable outcome. Chromosome gain is nonrandom, extracopies of some chromosome occurring more frequently than those of others. Concurrent presence of trisomy for chromosomes 4, 10 and 17 confers an especially good prognosis. The first aim of our work was to develop an automated four color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (l-FISH) methodology and to assess its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies 4, 6, 10 and 17 in 10 ALL patients. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by conventional cytogenetics were also observed by l-FISH. However, in all patients, l-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, leading to a high level of clonal heterogeneity. Our second aim has been to investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity and to test for the presence of chromosome instability (CIN) in HeH ALL at initial presentation. Ten HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL patients were analysed by four colour l-FISH and numerical CIN values were determined for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group, an original approach in ALL. CIN values in HeH ALL proved to be much higher than#iose in non-HeH ALL, suggesting that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by l-FISH. Our third aim has been to study the evolution of these cytogenetic features during the course of the disease in 10 HeH ALL patients. Clonal heterogeneity was also observed again during disease progression, particularly at relapse. Clones detected at initial presentation generally reappeared in relapse, in most cases with newly generated ones. A significant correlation between the number of abnormal clones and CIN suggested that the higher the instability, the larger the number of abnormal clones. Whereas clonal heterogeneity and its evolution most probably result from underlying chromosome instability, operating processes remain conjectural.RésuméLa leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est une hémopathie maligne qui résulte de l'accumulationde cellules lymphoïdes immatures dans la moelle osseuse, et, le plus souvent, dans le sangpériphérique également. La LLA est une affection hétérogène au sein de laquelle se distinguentplusieurs entités biologiques et pronostiques. Les données cytogénétiques et moléculaires font partieintégrante du diagnostic et jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'évaluation du pronostic. L'hyperdiploïdieélevée à 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), relativement fréquente, en particulier chez l'enfant, s'associe àun pronostic favorable. Le gain de chromosomes ne relève pas du hasard, certains chromosomesétant plus fréquemment impliqués que d'autres. La présence simultanée des trisomies 4, 6, et 17s'associe à un pronostic particulièrement bon. Le premier but du travail a été de développer uneméthode d'analyse automatique par hybridation in situ fluorescente interphasique (I-FISH) à 4couleurs et de tester sa capacité à identifier la présence simultanée d'aneuploïdies 4, 6, 10 et 17 dans10 cas de LLA. Différentes combinaisons d'aneuploïdies ont été identifiées. Tous les clones détectéspar cytogénétique conventionnelle l'ont été par I-FISH. Or, chez tous les patients, l'I-FISH a révélé denombreux clones anormaux additionnels générant un degré élevé d'hétérogénéité clonale. Notredeuxième but a été d'investiguer la nature et l'origine de cette hétérogénéité et de tester la présenced'instabilité chromosomique (CIN) chez les patients avec une LLA HeH en presentation initiale. DixLLA HeH et 10 LLA non-HeH ont été analysées par I-FISH et les valeurs de CIN numérique ont étédéterminées pour les 4 chromosomes ensemble et pour chaque chromosome et groupe de patients,approche originale dans la LLA. Ces valeurs étant beaucoup plus élevées dans la LLA HeH que dansla LLA non-HeH, elles favorisent l'hypothèse selon laquelle la CIN serait à l'origine de l'hétérogénéitéclonale révélée par I-FISH. Le troisième but de notre travail a été d'étudier l'évolution de cescaractéristiques cytogénétiques au cours de la maladie dans 10 cas de LLA HeH. L'hétérogénéitéclonale a été retrouvée lors de la progression de la maladie, en particulier en rechute, où les clonesanormaux détectés en présentation initiale réapparaissent, généralement accompagnés de clonesnouveaux. La corrélation existant entre nombre de clones anormaux et valeurs de CIN suggère queplus l'instabilité est élevée, plus le nombre de clones anormaux est grand. Bien que l'hétérogénéitéclonale et son évolution résultent très probablement de l'instabilité chromosomique, les processus àl'oeuvre ne sont pas entièrement élucidés.