489 resultados para Développement socio-économique
Dans le contexte des réformes institutionnelles engagées par la loi MAPTAM, qui propose la création des Métropoles et renforce les Pôles Métropolitaines, cet ouvrage collectif porte un regard dynamique sur le long processus de métropolitain d'un vaste territoire. A travers son histoire et son identité, les différentes étapes de la planification et de gouvernance, l'Aire métropolitaine lyonnaise n'a de cesse de se remettre en question face aux nouveaux défis et aux nouvelles transitions auxquels elle est confrontée. L'expérience métropolitaine lyonnaise apparaît alors comme un bien commun permettant d'affronter les incertitudes actuelles, et sa mise en récit vient consolider un projet territorial qui doit être partagé par ses acteurs institutionnels et socio-économiques, et par plus de 3 millions d'habitants.
[Table des matières] Introduction - Méthode - Résultats : 1. Caractéristiques générales des demandes adressées aux EMSP, 2. Profil des patients concernés par les demandes, 3. Origine de la demande, 4. Nature des demandes adressées aux EMSP, 5. Activités des EMSP en lien avec les demandes - Discussion - Conclusion - Annexes
This article has as its aim to follow the development of a sub-genre called nāyikābheda s through the kāmaśātra s and alaṅkāraśāstra s of Sanskrit literature, Bhānudatta's Rasamañjarī , vernacular literature and the example of the Braj author Dev. Drawing on a few examples from the works of Dev, a skilled poet concerning the descriptions of the nāyikā s, we will see from where the poet takes his inspiration, how he transgresses genre boundaries and the way he creates typologies of women.
Du 10 avril au 19 mai 1922, trente-quatre nations européennes se réunissent à Gênes pour tenter de contenir une crise financière, économique et monétaire sans précédents. Elles échafaudent le système d'échange monétaire international qui perdure aujourd'hui au travers du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) et de la Banque mondiale.
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether regional differences in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) existed along language boundaries within Switzerland and whether potential differences would be explained by socio-demographics or environmental characteristics. METHODS: We combined data of 611 children aged 4 to 7 years from four regional studies. PA and SB were assessed by accelerometers. Information about the socio-demographic background was obtained by questionnaires. Objective neighbourhood attributes could be linked to home addresses. Multivariate regression models were used to test associations between PA and SB and socio-demographic characteristics and neighbourhood attributes. RESULTS: Children from the German compared to the French-speaking region were more physically active and less sedentary (by 10-15 %, p < 0.01). Although German-speaking children lived in a more favourable environment and a higher socioeconomic neighbourhood (differences p < 0.001), these characteristics did not explain the differences in PA behaviour between French and German speaking. CONCLUSIONS: Factors related to the language region, which might be culturally rooted were among the strongest correlates of PA and SB among Swiss children, independent of individual, social and environmental factors.
Only a minority ot excessive drinkers develop cirrhosis. The main cofactors implicated in the pathophysiology of alcoholic liver disease are obesity, diabetes or the metabolic syndrome. Several genetic polymorphisms have been associated with a higher risk of alcoholic cirrhosis. Recent data indicate that gut microbiota could play a role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. The aim of this review is to summarize the factors that influence development and progression of alcoholic liver disease.
Dans la psychologie dévelopementale proposée par Jérôme Bruner, la question de la " culture " se traduit par l'attention particulière donnée aux processus par lesquels une personne rend signifiante la situation dans laquelle elle est engagée. De fait, dans la psychologie du développement de ces cinquante dernières années, la place de la " culture " varie parallèlement à celle des questions du sens (privé) et de la signification (partagée) des connaissances, des actions et des objets de culture. Dans cet article, nous identifions quatre traditions de travaux qui abordent la " culture " dans le développement. Cela met en évidence certains problèmes théoriques et méthodologiques, et nous permet de souligner certains enjeux actuels de la psychologie sociale et culturelle du développement.
Identification of neuroimaging biomarkers following extreme prematurity (EP) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is crucial for understanding their cognitive and behavioral impairments at school age
Several questions about the story of Gen 2-3 remain unresolved in current scholarship. For instance, the implications and manifold consequences of the transgression act - the consumption of the forbidden fruit - are much debated. Interpreters generally agree that the story is connected to several "J" / "non-P" narratives of the primeval history. Besides the use of the tetragrammaton as the designation for God, a common characteristic of these stories is the strong opposition between Yhwh as a harsh deity on one hand and disobedient and transgressing humankind on the other. This paper reconsiders several open questions as well as the aforementioned consensus. The analysis of important motifs in Gen 2-3 leads to the conclusion that this story differs in theologically important ways from the postulated "J"-narrative in Genesis. This indicates that it was not composed as an integral part of that narrative. There are, in Gen 2-3, ideological features and linguistic elements typical of the "J" stratum, but they are all found in the sections that present Yhwh God's investigation and punishment of the couple (3,8-19.24). Since these verses are in tension with or even contradict their immediate context, it should be assigned to a redactional ("J") layer. According to this analysis, the transgression in Gen 2-3 should not be considered a sin. Rather, it is an important step in human evolution towards a self-conscious and autonomous being. The plot has a structure similar to some episodes in ancient Near Eastern myths. 'Initiation' functions as a central theme. Finally, the article discusses the literary milieu of the story. Because of several linguistic and thematic similarities with Gen 1, with P-texts in general, and with the book of Ezekiel, the relationship of Gen 2-3 to these literary entities needs to be reconsidered.