59 resultados para rite of passage


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Although their contribution remains unclear, lipids may facilitate noncanonical routes of protein internalization into cells such as those used by cell-penetrating proteins. We show that protein C inhibitor (PCI), a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), rapidly transverses the plasma membrane, which persists at low temperatures and enables its nuclear targeting in vitro and in vivo. Cell membrane translocation of PCI necessarily requires phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In parallel, PCI acts as a lipid transferase for PE. The internalized serpin promotes phagocytosis of bacteria, thus suggesting a function in host defense. Membrane insertion of PCI depends on the conical shape of PE and is associated with the formation of restricted aqueous compartments within the membrane. Gain- and loss-of-function mutations indicate that the transmembrane passage of PCI requires a branched cavity between its helices H and D, which, according to docking studies, precisely accommodates PE. Our findings show that its specific shape enables cell surface PE to drive plasma membrane translocation of cell-penetrating PCI.


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Cancer stem cells that display tumor-initiating properties have recently been identified in several distinct types of malignancies, holding promise for more effective therapeutic strategies. However, evidence of such cells in sarcomas, which include some of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant tumors, has not been shown to date. Here, we identify and characterize cancer stem cells in Ewing's sarcoma family tumors (ESFT), a highly aggressive pediatric malignancy believed to be of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) origin. Using magnetic bead cell separation of primary ESFT, we have isolated a subpopulation of CD133+ tumor cells that display the capacity to initiate and sustain tumor growth through serial transplantation in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice, re-establishing at each in vivo passage the parental tumor phenotype and hierarchical cell organization. Consistent with the plasticity of MSCs, in vitro differentiation assays showed that the CD133+ cell population retained the ability to differentiate along adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of genes implicated in stem cell maintenance revealed that CD133+ ESFT cells express significantly higher levels of OCT4 and NANOG than their CD133- counterparts. Taken together, our observations provide the first identification of ESFT cancer stem cells and demonstration of their MSC properties, a critical step towards a better biological understanding and rational therapeutic targeting of these tumors.


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) regulates the sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct principal cells of the nephron. ENaC is mainly regulated by hormones such as aldosterone and vasopressin, but also by serine proteases, Na+ and divalent cations. The crystallization of an ENaC/Deg member, the Acid Sensing Ion Channel, has been recently published but the pore-lining residues constitution of ENaC internal pore remains unclear. It has been reported that mutation aS589C of the selectivity filter on the aENaC subunit, a three residues G/SxS sequence, renders the channel permeant to divalent cations and sensitive to extracellular Cd2+. We have shown in the first part of my work that the side chain of aSer589 residue is not pointing toward the pore lumen, permitting the Cd2+ to permeate through the ion pore and to coordinate with a native cysteine, gCys546, located in the second transmembrane domain of the gENaC subunit. In a second part, we were interested in the sulfhydryl-reagent intracellular inhibition of ENaC-mediated Na+ current. Kellenberger et al. have shown that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl reagents underlying the involvement of intracellular cysteines in the internal regulation of ENaC. We set up a new approach comprising a Substituted Cysteine Analysis Method (SCAM) using intracellular MTSEA-biotin perfusion coupled to functional and biochemical assays. We were thus able to correlate the cysteine-modification of ENaC by methanethiosulfonate (MTS) and its effect on sodium current. This allowed us to determine the amino acids that are accessible to intracellular MTS and the one important for the inhibition of the channel. RESUME : Le canal épithélial sodique ENaC est responsable de la réabsorption du sodium dans les cellules principales du tubule collecteur rénal. Ce canal est essentiellement régulé par voie hormonale via l'aldostérone et la vasopressine mais également par des sérines protéases, le Na+ lui-même et certains cations divalents. La cristallisation du canal sodique sensible au pH acide, ASIC, un autre membre de la famille ENaC/Deg, a été publiée mais les acides aminés constituant le pore interne d'ENaC restent indéterminés. Il a été montré que la mutation aS589C du filtre de sélectivité de la sous-unité aENaC permet le passage de cations divalents et l'inhibition du canal par le Cd2+ extracellulaire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que la chaîne latérale de la aSer589 n'est pas orientée vers l'intérieur du pore, permettant au Cd2+ de traverser le canal et d'interagir avec une cysteine native du second domaine transrnembranaire de la sous-unité γENaC, γCys546. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au mécanisme d'inhibition d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl internes. Kellenberger et al. ont montré l'implication de cystéines intracellulaires dans la régulation interne d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl. Nous avons mis en place une nouvelle approche couplant la méthode d'analyse par substitution de cystéines (SCAM) avec des perfusions intracellulaires de MTSEAbiotine. Ainsi, nous pouvons meure en corrélation les modifications des cystéines d'ENaC par les réactifs methanethiosulfonates (MTS) avec leur effet sur le courant sodique, et donc mettre en évidence les acides aminés accessibles aux MTS intracellulaires et ceux qui sont importants dans la fonction du canal.


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PURPOSE: Local delivery of therapeutic molecules encapsulated within liposomes is a promising method to treat ocular inflammation. The purpose of the present study was to define the biodistribution of rhodamine-conjugated liposomes loaded with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), an immunosuppressive neuropeptide, following their intravitreal (IVT) injection in normal rats. METHODS: Healthy seven- to eight-week-old Lewis male rats were injected into the vitreous with empty rhodamine-conjugated liposomes (Rh-Lip) or with VIP-loaded Rh-Lip (VIP-Rh-Lip; 50 mM of lipids with an encapsulation efficiency of 3.0+/-0.4 mmol VIP/mol lipids). Twenty-four h after IVT injection, the eyes, the cervical, mesenteric, and inguinal lymph nodes (LN), and spleen were collected. The phenotype and distribution of cells internalizing Rh-Lip and VIP-Rh-Lip were studied. Determination of VIP expression in ocular tissues and lymphoid organs and interactions with T cells in cervical LN was performed on whole mounted tissues and frozen tissue sections by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: In the eye, 24 h following IVT injection, fluorescent liposomes (Rh-Lip and VIP-Rh-Lip) were detected mainly in the posterior segment of the eye (vitreous, inner layer of the retina) and to a lesser extent at the level of the iris root and ciliary body. Liposomes were internalized by activated retinal Müller glial cells, ocular tissue resident macrophages, and rare infiltrating activated macrophages. In addition, fluorescent liposomes were found in the episclera and conjunctiva where free VIP expression was also detected. In lymphoid organs, Rh-Lip and VIP-Rh-Lip were distributed almost exclusively in the cervical lymph nodes (LN) with only a few Rh-Lip-positive cells detected in the spleen and mesenteric LN and none in the inguinal LN. In the cervical LN, Rh-Lip were internalized by resident ED3-positive macrophages adjacent to CD4 and CD8-positive T lymphocytes. Some of these T lymphocytes in close contact with macrophages containing VIP-Rh-Lip expressed VIP. CONCLUSIONS: Liposomes are specifically internalized by retinal Müller glial cells and resident macrophages in the eye. A limited passage of fluorescent liposomes from the vitreous to the spleen via the conventional outflow pathway and the venous circulation was detected. The majority of fluorescent liposomes deposited in the conjunctiva following IVT injection reached the subcapsular sinus of the cervical LN via conjuntival lymphatics. In the cervical LN, Rh-Lip were internalized by resident subcapsular sinus macrophages adjacent to T lymphocytes. Detection of VIP in both macrophages and T cells in cervical LN suggests that IVT injection of VIP-Rh-Lip may increase ocular immune privilege by modulating the loco-regional immune environment. In conclusion, our observations suggest that IVT injection of VIP-loaded liposomes is a promising therapeutic strategy to dampen ocular inflammation by modulating macrophage and T cell activation mainly in the loco-regional immune system.


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Functional specialization is tightly linked to the ability of eukaryotic cells to acquire a particular shape. Cell morphogenesis, in turn, relies on the capacity to establish and maintain cell "polarity", which is achieved by orienting the trafficking of signaling molecules and organelles towards specific cellular locations and/or membrane domains. The "oriented" transport is based upon cytoskeletal polymers, microtubules and actin filaments, which serve as tracks for molecular motors. These latter generate motion that is translated either into pulling forces or directed transport. Fission yeast, a rod-like unicellular eukaryote, shapes itself by restricting growth at cell tips through the concerted activity of microtubules and actin cables. Microtubules, which assemble into 2-6 bundles and run parallel to the long axis of the cell, serve to orient growth to the tips. Growth is supported by the actin cytoskeleton, which provides tracks, the cables, for motor-based transport of secretory vesicles. The molecular motors, which bind cargos and deliver them to the tips along cables, are also known as type V myosins (hereafter indicated as myosin V). How the bundles of parallel actin filaments, i.e. the cables, extend from the tips through the cell and whether they serve any other purpose, besides providing tracks, is poorly understood. It is also unclear how the crosstalk between the two cytoskeletal systems is achieved. These are the basic questions I addressed during my PhD. The first part of the thesis work (Chapter two) suggests that the sole function of actin cables in polarized growth is to serve as tracks for motors. The data indicate that cells may have evolved two cytoskeletal systems to provide robustness to the polarization process but in principle a unique cytoskeleton might have been able to direct and support polarized growth. How actin cables are organized within the cell to optimize cargo transport is addressed later on (Chapter three). The major finding, based on the actin cable defect of cells lacking myosin Vs, is that actin filaments self-organize through the activity of the transport motors. In fact, by delivering cargos to cell tips and exerting physical pulling forces on actin filaments, Myosin Vs contribute not only to polarize cargo transport but also actin tracks. Among the cargos transported by Myosin V, which may be relevant to its function in organizing cables, there is likely the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Actin cables, which run parallel to cortical ER, may serve as tracks for Myosin V. Myosin V-driven displacement, in turn, may account for the dynamic expansion and organization of ER during polarized growth as suggested in Chapter four. The last part of the work (Chapter five) highlights the existence of a crosstalk between actin and microtubules. In absence of myosin V, indeed, microtubules contribute to actin cable organization, likely playing a scaffolding/tethering function. Whether or not the kinesin 1, Klp3, plays any role in such process has to be demonstrated. In conclusion the work proposes a novel role for myosin Vs in actin organization, besides its transport function, and provides molecular tools to further dissect the role of this type of myosin in fission yeast. - La spécialisation fonctionnelle est étroitement connectée à la capacité des cellules eucaryotes d'acquérir une forme particulière. La morphogenèse cellulaire à son tour, est basée sur la capacité d'établir et de maintenir la polarité cellulaire, polarité réalisée en orientant le trafic des molécules signales et des organelles vers des zones cellulaires spécifiques. Ce transport directionnel dépend des polymères du cytosquelette, microtubules et microfilaments, qui servent comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Ces derniers engendrent du mouvement, traduit soit en force de traction soit en transport directionnel. La levure fissipare, un eucaryote unicellulaire en forme de bâtonnet, acquière sa forme en limitant sa croissance aux extrémités par l'action concertée des microtubules et de l'actine. Les microtubules, qui s'assemblent de façon antiparallèle et parcourent la cellule parallèlement à l'axe longitudinal, servent à orienter la croissance aux extrémités. Cette croissance est permise par le cytosquelette d'actine, fournissant des voies, les câbles, pour le transport actif des vésicules de sécrétion. Les moteurs moléculaires, responsables de ce transport actif sont aussi appelés myosines de type V (par la suite appelés myosines V). La manière dont ces câbles s'étendent depuis l'extrémité jusqu'à l'intérieur de la cellule est peu connue. De plus, on ignore également si ces câbles présentent une fonction autre que le transport. L'interaction entre les deux cytosquelettes est également obscure. Ce sont ces questions de base auxquelles j'ai tenté de répondre lors de ma thèse. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre II) suggère que les câbles d'actine, pendant la croissance polarisée, fonctionnent uniquement comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Les données indiqueraient que les cellules ont fait évoluer deux systèmes de cytosquelette pour assurer plus de robustesse au processus de polarisation, bien que, comme nous le verrons, un système unique est suffisant. Au chapitre III, nous verrons comment les câbles d'actine sont organisés à l'intérieur de la cellule afin d'optimiser le transport des cargo. La découverte majeure, réalisée en observant des cellules dont la myosine V fait défaut, est que ces filaments d'actine s'auto organisent grâce au passage des moteurs moléculaires le long de ces voies. En réalité, en délivrant les cargos aux extrémités de la cellule et en exerçant des forces de traction sur les câbles, les myosines V contribuent non seulement à polariser le transport mais également à polariser les voies elles mêmes. Nous verrons également au chapitre IV, que parmi les cargos importants pour l'organisation des câbles, il y aurait le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En effet, les câbles d'actine, qui s'étalent parallèlement au RE cortical, pourraient servir comme voie pour la myosine V. Cette dernière en retour pourrait être responsable de l'expansion dynamique et de l'organisation du RE pendant la croissance polarisée.


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Résumé La plupart des cellules issues du sang ont une durée de vie limitée. Dans les cellules somatiques humaines, y incluant les lymphocytes T, la taille des télomères diminue progressivement à chaque division cellulaire, pouvant aboutir à des instabilités chromosomiques. L'expression ectopique du gène de la transcriptase réverse de la télomérase (hTERT) dans les cellules restaure l'activité de la télomérase, et permet un rallongement de leur vie réplicative. Malgré l'absence de signes caractéristiques de transformation, nous ne savons pas encore si les cellules somatiques qui surexpriment hTERT sont physiologiquement indiscernables des cellules normales. Certaines études récentes proposent que la télomérase joue plusieurs rôles additionnels dans d'autres phénomènes biologiques tels que la réparation de l'ADN, la survie et la croissance des cellules. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé des clones issus de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques surexprimant la télomérase afin d'étudier les mécanismes moléculaires qui règlent leur prolifération et leur sénescence. Nous avons montré que les «jeunes » cellules T exprimant ou non hTERT révèlent des taux de croissance identiques suite à des réponses de stimulation induites par des mitogènes. De plus, aucun changement global dans leur expression des gènes n'a pu être mis en évidence. Curieusement, nous avons observé des réponses réduites dans la prolifération des cellules transduites avec la télomérase qui présentaient une élongation des télomères et une durée de vie prolongée. Ces cellules, malgré le maintien d'un niveau élevé de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la progression du cycle cellulaire, ont également montré une expression accrue de plusieurs gènes trouvés en commun avec nos lymphocytes T vieillissants n'exprimant pas de télomérase. En particulier, les cellules ayant une durée de vie prolongée grâce à l'expression de la télomérase accumulaient également certains inhibiteurs du cycle cellulaire tels que p16Ink4a et p21Cip1, associés à l'arrêt de la croissance cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats indiquent la présence fonctionnelle de mécanismes alternatifs pouvant contrôler la croissance réplicative de ces cellules; ils sont donc encourageants dans l'optique d'une utilisation à moindre risque de lymphocytes T «immortalisés » à des fins thérapeutiques pour traiter les tumeurs malignes ou les infections. Summary Most mature blood cells have a finite life span. In human somatic cells, including T lymphocytes, telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division eventually leading to chromosomal instability. Ectopic expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene in cells restores telomerase activity and results in the extension of their replicative life span. Despite lack of transformation characteristics, it is yet unknown whether somatic cells that over-express telomerase are biologically and physiologically indistinguishable from normal cells. Recent data suggest that telomerase might mediate additional functions in DNA repair, cell survival and cell growth. Using CD8+ T lymphocyte clones over-expressing telomerase we investigated the molecular mechanisms that regulate T cell proliferation and senescence. Here we show that early-passage T cell clones transduced or not with hTERT displayed identical growth rates upon mitogenic stimulation and no marked global changes in gene expression. Surprisingly, reduced proliferative responses were observed in hTERT-transduced cells with elongated telomeres and extended life span. These cells, despite maintaining high expression level of genes involved in cell cycle division and progression, also showed increased expression of several genes associated with normal aging T lymphocytes. In particular, late passage T cells over-expressing telomerase accumulated the cyclin-dependent inhibitors p16INK4a and p21CIP1 that have largely been associated with in vitro growth arrest. Whether tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells that ectopically express telomerase could now be used for adoptive transfer therapy in cancer patients remains unclear at this point. Nevertheless, our results regarding the safe and effective use of hTERT-transduced lymphocytes are encouraging, since they indicate that alternative growth arrest mechanisms such as p 16 and p21 are still functional in these cells and regulate to some extend their growth potential.


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We performed numerical simulations of DNA chains to understand how local geometry of juxtaposed segments in knotted DNA molecules can guide type II DNA topoisomerases to perform very efficient relaxation of DNA knots. We investigated how the various parameters defining the geometry of inter-segmental juxtapositions at sites of inter-segmental passage reactions mediated by type II DNA topoisomerases can affect the topological consequences of these reactions. We confirmed the hypothesis that by recognizing specific geometry of juxtaposed DNA segments in knotted DNA molecules, type II DNA topoisomerases can maintain the steady-state knotting level below the topological equilibrium. In addition, we revealed that a preference for a particular geometry of juxtaposed segments as sites of strand-passage reaction enables type II DNA topoisomerases to select the most efficient pathway of relaxation of complex DNA knots. The analysis of the best selection criteria for efficient relaxation of complex knots revealed that local structures in random configurations of a given knot type statistically behave as analogous local structures in ideal geometric configurations of the corresponding knot type.


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Purpose: To study the pharmacokinetics and potential toxicity of sunitinib eluting beads in an animal modelMaterials: Healthy New-Zealand white rabbits were used. 8 animals received 0.2ml of DC Beads loaded with 6mg of sunitinb intra arterially in the hepatic artery (group 1) and 4 animals received 6mg of sunitinib administered orally (group 2). In group 1, animals were sacrificed 6 hours (n=4) and 24 hours (n=4) after embolization. In group 2, animals were sacrificed 6 hours (n=2) and 24 hours (n=2) after oral administration of sunitinib. Liver enzymes were measured at 0, 6 and 24 hours in both groups. Plasmatic sunitinib concentration was measured by LC MS/MS tandem mass spectroscopy at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 hours. At sacrifice, the livers were harvested and sunitinib concentration in liver tissue was assessed by LC MS/MS tandem mass spectroscopy.Results: After embolization we observed an expected elevation of AST and ALT. Serial plasmatic measurments after embolization showed a very low sunitinib concentration (<50ng/ml). Measurment of sunitinib in the embolized liver tissue showed a very high concentration at 6 hours (3870ng/ml) and 24 hours (4741.7ng/ml).Conclusions: Sunitinib eluting beads are well tolerated by rabbits when administered intra-arterially in the hepatic artery. No unexpected toxicity was observed. Very high drug concentration canbe obtained at the site of embolization with minimal systemic passage.


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Among numerous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, perfusion MRI provides insight into the passage of blood through the brain's vascular network non-invasively. Studying disease models and transgenic mice would intrinsically help understanding the underlying brain functions, cerebrovascular disease and brain disorders. This study evaluates the feasibility of performing continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) on all cranial arteries for mapping murine cerebral blood flow at 9.4 T. We showed that with an active-detuned two-coil system, a labeling efficiency of 0.82 ± 0.03 was achieved with minimal magnetization transfer residuals in brain. The resulting cerebral blood flow of healthy mouse was 99 ± 26 mL/100g/min, in excellent agreement with other techniques. In conclusion, high magnetic fields deliver high sensitivity and allowing not only CASL but also other MR techniques, i.e. (1)H MRS and diffusion MRI etc, in studying murine brains.


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Full signal intensity (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy, combining a preceding (13)C-editing block based on an inversion BISEP (B(1)-insensitive spectral editing pulse) with a spin-echo coherence-based localization, was developed and implemented at 14.1 T. (13)C editing of the proposed scheme was achieved by turning on and off the (13)C adiabatic full passage in the (13)C-editing block to prepare inverted and noninverted (13)C-coupled (1)H coherences along the longitudinal axis prior to localization. The novel (1)H-[(13)C] NMR approach was applied in vivo under infusion of the glia-specific substrate [2-(13)C] acetate. Besides a approximately 50% improvement in sensitivity, spectral dispersion was enhanced at 14.1 T, especially for J-coupled metabolites such as glutamate and glutamine. A more distinct spectral structure at 1.9-2.2 ppm(parts per million) was observed, e.g., glutamate C3 showed a doublet pattern in both simulated (1)H spectrum and in vivo (13)C-edited (1)H NMR spectra. Besides (13)C time courses of glutamate C4 and glutamine C4, the time courses of glutamate C3 and glutamine C3 obtained by (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy were reported for the first time. Such capability should greatly improve the ability to study neuron-glial metabolism using (1)H-observed (13)C-edited NMR spectroscopy.


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The configuration space available to randomly cyclized polymers is divided into subspaces accessible to individual knot types. A phantom chain utilized in numerical simulations of polymers can explore all subspaces, whereas a real closed chain forming a figure-of-eight knot, for example, is confined to a subspace corresponding to this knot type only. One can conceptually compare the assembly of configuration spaces of various knot types to a complex foam where individual cells delimit the configuration space available to a given knot type. Neighboring cells in the foam harbor knots that can be converted into each other by just one intersegmental passage. Such a segment-segment passage occurring at the level of knotted configurations corresponds to a passage through the interface between neighboring cells in the foamy knot space. Using a DNA topoisomerase-inspired simulation approach we characterize here the effective interface area between neighboring knot spaces as well as the surface-to-volume ratio of individual knot spaces. These results provide a reference system required for better understanding mechanisms of action of various DNA topoisomerases.


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Bioterrorism literally means using microorganisms or infected samples to cause terror and panic in populations. Bioterrorism had already started 14 centuries before Christ, when the Hittites sent infected rams to their enemies. However, apart from some rare well-documented events, it is often very difficult for historians and microbiologists to differentiate natural epidemics from alleged biological attacks, because: (i) little information is available for times before the advent of modern microbiology; (ii) truth may be manipulated for political reasons, especially for a hot topic such as a biological attack; and (iii) the passage of time may also have distorted the reality of the past. Nevertheless, we have tried to provide to clinical microbiologists an overview of some likely biological warfare that occurred before the 18th century and that included the intentional spread of epidemic diseases such as tularaemia, plague, malaria, smallpox, yellow fever, and leprosy. We also summarize the main events that occurred during the modern microbiology era, from World War I to the recent 'anthrax letters' that followed the World Trade Center attack of September 2001. Again, the political polemic surrounding the use of infectious agents as a weapon may distort the truth. This is nicely exemplified by the Sverdlovsk accident, which was initially attributed by the authorities to a natural foodborne outbreak, and was officially recognized as having a military cause only 13 years later.


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The action of individual type II DNA topoisomerases has been followed in real time by observing the elastic response of single DNA molecules to sequential strand passage events. Micromanipulation methods provide a complementary approach to biochemical studies for investigating the mechanism of DNA topoisomerases.


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Abstract In humans, the skin is the largest organ of the body, covering up to 2m2 and weighing up to 4kg in an average adult. Its function is to preserve the body from external insults and also to retain water inside. This barrier function termed epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) is localized in the functional part of the skin: the epidermis. For this, evolution has built a complex structure of cells and lipids sealing the surface, the stratum corneum. The formation of this structure is finely tuned since it is not only formed once at birth, but renewed all life long. This active process gives a high plasticity and reactivity to skin, but also leads to various pathologies. ENaC is a sodium channel extensively studied in organs like kidney and lung due to its importance in regulating sodium homeostasis and fluid volume. It is composed of three subunits α, ß and r which are forming sodium selective channel through the cell membrane. Its presence in the skin has been demonstrated, but little is known about its physiological role. Previous work has shown that αENaC knockout mice displayed an abnormal epidermis, suggesting a role in differentiation processes that might be implicated in the EPB. The principal aim of this thesis has been to study the consequences for EPB function in mice deficient for αENaC by molecular and physiological means and to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms. Here, the barrier function of αENaC knockout pups is impaired. Apparently not immediately after birth (permeability test) but 24h later, when evident water loss differences appeared compared to wildtypes. Neither the structural proteins of the epithelium nor the tights junctions showed any obvious alterations. In contrary, stratum corneum lipid disorders are most likely responsible for the barrier defect, accompanied by an impairment of skin surface acidification. To analyze in details this EPB defect, several hypotheses have been proposed: reduced sensibility to calcium which is the key activator far epidermal formation, or modification of ENaC-mediated ion fluxes/currents inside the epidermis. The cellular localization of ENaC and the action in the skin of CAPl, a positive regulator of ENaC, have been also studied in details. In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that ENaC is a key player in the EPB maintenance, because αENaC knockout pups are not able to adapt to the new environment (ex utero) as efficiently as the wildtypes, most likely due to impaired of sodium handling inside the epidermis. Résumé Chez l'homme, la peau est le plus grand organe, couvrant presque 2m2 et pesant près de 4kg chez l'adulte. Sa fonction principale est de protéger l'organisme des agressions extérieures mais également de conserver l'eau à l'intérieur du corps. Cette fonction nommée barrière épithéliale est localisée dans la partie fonctionnelle de la peau : l'épiderme. A cette fin, l'évolution s'est dotée d'une structure complexe composée de cellules et de lipides recouvrant la surface, la couche cornée. Sa formation est finement régulée, car elle n'est pas seulement produite à la naissance mais constamment renouvelée tout au long de la vie, ce qui lui confère une grande plasticité mais ce qui est également la cause de nombreuses pathologies. ENaC est un canal sodique très étudié dans le rein et le poumon pour son importance dans la régulation de l'homéostasie sodique et la régulation du volume du milieu intérieur. Il est composé de 3 sous unités, α, ß et y qui forment un pore sélectif pour le sodium dans les membranes. Ce canal est présent dans la peau mais sa fonction n'y est pas connue. Des travaux précédents ont pu montrer que les souris dont le gène codant pour αENaC a été invalidé présentent un épiderme pathologique, suggérant un rôle dans la différentiation et pourrait même être impliqué dans la barrière épithéliale. Le but de cette thèse fut l'étude de la barrière dans ces souris knockouts avec des méthodes moléculaires et physiologiques et la caractérisation des mécanismes moléculaire impliqués. Dans ce travail, il a été montré que les souris mutantes présentaient un défaut de la barrière. Ce défaut n'est pas visible immédiatement à la naissance (test de perméabilité), mais 24h plus tard, lorsque les tests de perte d'eau transépithéliale montrent une différence évidente avec les animaux contrôles. Ni les protéines de structures ni les jonctions serrées de l'épiderme ne présentaient d'imperfections majeures. A l'inverse, les lipides de la couche cornée présentaient un problème de maturation (expliquant le phénotype de la barrière), certainement consécutif au défaut d'acidification à la surface de la peau que nous avons observé. D'autres mécanismes ont été explorées afin d'investiguer cette anomalie de la barrière, comme la réduction de sensibilité au calcium qui est le principal activateur de la formation de l'épiderme, ou la modification des flux d'ions entre les couches de l'épiderme. La localisation cellulaire d'ENaC, et l'action de son activateur CAPl ont également été étudiés en détails. En résumé, cette étude démontre clairement qu'ENaC est un acteur important dans la formation de la barrière épithéliale, car la peau des knockouts ne s'adapte pas aussi bien que celle des sauvages au nouvel environnement ex utero à cause de la fonction d'ENaC dans les mouvements de sodium au sein même de l'épiderme. Résumé tout public Chez l'homme, la peau est le plus grand organe, couvrant presque 2m2 et pesant près de 4kg chez l'adulte. Sa fonction principale est de protéger l'organisme des agressions extérieures mais également de conserver l'eau à l'intérieur du corps. Cette fonction nommée barrière épithéliale est localisée dans la partie fonctionnelle de la peau : l'épiderme. A cette fin, l'évolution s'est dotée d'une structure complexe composée de cellules et de lipides recouvrant la surface, la couche cornée. Sa formation est finement régulée, car elle n'est pas seulement produite à la naissance mais constamment renouvelée tout au long de la vie, ce qui lui confère une grande plasticité mais ce qui est également la cause de nombreuses maladies. ENaC est une protéine formant un canal qui permet le passage sélectif de l'ion sodium à travers la paroi des cellules. Il est très étudié dans le rein pour son importance dans la récupération du sel lors de la concentration de l'urine. Ce canal est présent dans la peau mais sa fonction n'y est pas connue. Des travaux précédents ont pu montrer que les souris où le gène codant pour αENaC a été invalidé présentent un épiderme pathologique, suggérant un rôle dans la peau et plus particulièrement la fonction de barrière de l'épiderme. Le but de cette thèse fut l'étude de la fonction de barrière dans ces souris mutantes, au niveau tissulaire et cellulaire. Dans ce travail, il a été montré que les souris mutantes présentaient une peau plus perméable que celle des animaux contrôles, grâce à une machine mesurant la perte d'eau à travers la peau. Ce défaut n'est visible que 24h après la naissance, mais nous avons pu montrer que les animaux mutants perdaient quasiment 2 fois plus d'eau que les contrôles. Au niveau moléculaire, nous avons pu montrer que ce défaut provenait d'un problème de maturation des lipides qui composent la barrière de la peau. Cette maturation est incomplète vraisemblablement à cause d'un défaut de mouvement des ions dans les couches les plus superficielles de l'épiderme, et cela à cause de l'absence du canal ENaC. En résumé, cette étude démontre clairement qu'ENaC est un acteur important dans la formation de la barrière épithéliale, car la peau des mutants ne s'adapte pas aussi bien que celle des sauvages au nouvel environnement ex utero à cause de la fonction d'ENaC dans les mouvements de sodium au sein même de l'épiderme.


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Background: Chemoembolization is used to treat liver malignancies. However recurrence occurs frequently, possibly because of neoangiogenesis triggered by ischemia caused by the embolic agent. In this context, the combination of an embolic agent with an anti-angiogenic drug seems appealing. This study characterizes the in vitro loading and release profile of sunitinib eluting beads of different sizes and their pharmacokinetic profile in a rabbit model. Methods: 70-150 μm and 100-300 μm drug eluting beads (DC Bead, Biocompatibles UK) were loaded by incubation in a sunitinib hydrochloride solution. Drug was quantified by spectrophotometry at 430 nm. Drug release was measured over one-week periods and normalized using an internal standard in 30% ethanol in NaCl 0.9%. New-Zealand white rabbits were used. Eight animals received 0.2 ml of 100-300 μm DC Bead loaded with 6 mg of sunitinib in the hepatic artery (group 1) and 4 animals received 6 mg of sunitinib p.o. (group 2). Half of the animals were sacrificed after 6 hours and half after24 hours. Liver enzymes were measured at 0, 6 and 24 hours in both groups. Plasmatic sunitinib concentration was determined by tandem mass spectroscopy (LC MS/MS) at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 hours. At sacrifice, the livers were harvested and sunitinib concentration in liver tissue was assessed by LC MS/MS. Results: High drug loading was obtained for both microsphere bead sizes. Particle shrinking was observed with adsorption of sunitinib. Almost complete release of sunitinib was detected under physiological conditions, with very similar release for 70-150 μm and 100-300 μm (t50%=1.2 h) DC Bead. Conclusions: Sunitinib eluting beads are well tolerated by rabbits when administered in the hepatic artery. No unexpected toxicity was observed. Very high drug concentration can be obtained at the site of embolization with minimal systemic passage.