235 resultados para non-LTR retrotransposon


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Parler d'une énigme non résolue, lorsqu'il est question de Jésus de Nazareth, paraît proche de la plaisanterie. Tout n'a-t-il pas été dit en 2000 ans de christianisme ? Le sujet n'est-il pas entièrement épuisé ? Or aujourd'hui, de nouvelles poussées viennent ébranler ce que l'on croyait acquis. Nous serions-nous laissés enfermer dans des réponses commodes, mais inexactes ? Daniel Marguerat avance cette question sur trois moments cruciaux de la vie du Galiléen : le baptême de Jésus par Jean le Baptiseur, le geste violent contre le Temple, et son exécution le 7 avril de l'an 30.


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An online algorithm for determining respiratory mechanics in patients using non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in pressure support mode was developed and embedded in a ventilator system. Based on multiple linear regression (MLR) of respiratory data, the algorithm was tested on a patient bench model under conditions with and without leak and simulating a variety of mechanics. Bland-Altman analysis indicates reliable measures of compliance across the clinical range of interest (± 11-18% limits of agreement). Resistance measures showed large quantitative errors (30-50%), however, it was still possible to qualitatively distinguish between normal and obstructive resistances. This outcome provides clinically significant information for ventilator titration and patient management.


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BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral compounds have been predominantly studied in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B, but only ~10% of infections worldwide are caused by this subtype. The analysis of the impact of different HIV subtypes on treatment outcome is important. METHODS: The effect of HIV-1 subtype B and non-B on the time to virological failure while taking combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was analyzed. Other studies that have addressed this question were limited by the strong correlation between subtype and ethnicity. Our analysis was restricted to white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who started cART between 1996 and 2009. Cox regression models were performed; adjusted for age, sex, transmission category, first cART, baseline CD4 cell counts, and HIV RNA levels; and stratified for previous mono/dual nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor treatment. RESULTS: Included in our study were 4729 patients infected with subtype B and 539 with non-B subtypes. The most prevalent non-B subtypes were CRF02_AG (23.8%), A (23.4%), C (12.8%), and CRF01_AE (12.6%). The incidence of virological failure was higher in patients with subtype B (4.3 failures/100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.0-4.5]) compared with non-B (1.8 failures/100 person-years; 95% CI, 1.4-2.4). Cox regression models confirmed that patients infected with non-B subtypes had a lower risk of virological failure than those infected with subtype B (univariable hazard ratio [HR], 0.39 [95% CI, .30-.52; P < .001]; multivariable HR, 0.68 [95% CI, .51-.91; P = .009]). In particular, subtypes A and CRF02_AG revealed improved outcomes (multivariable HR, 0.54 [95% CI, .29-.98] and 0.39 [95% CI, .19-.79], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Improved virological outcomes among patients infected with non-B subtypes invalidate concerns that these individuals are at a disadvantage because drugs have been designed primarily for subtype B infections.


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Pancreatic β-cells play a central role in glucose homeostasis by tightly regulating insulin release according to the organism's demand. Impairment of β-cell function due to hostile environment, such as hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia, or due to autoimmune destruction of β-cells, results in diabetes onset. Both environmental factors and genetic predisposition are known to be involved in the development of the disease, but the exact mechanisms leading to β-cell dysfunction and death remain to be characterized. Non-coding RNA molecules, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), have been suggested to be necessary for proper β-cell development and function. The present review aims at summarizing the most recent findings about the role of non-coding RNAs in the control of β-cell functions and their involvement in diabetes. We will also provide a perspective view of the future research directions in the field of non-coding RNAs. In particular, we will discuss the implications for diabetes research of the discovery of a new communication mechanism based on cell-to-cell miRNA transfer. Moreover, we will highlight the emerging interconnections between miRNAs and epigenetics and the possible role of long non-coding RNAs in the control of β-cell activities.


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Suicidal behaviour among young people represents a major public health problem. This study seeks to compare the major sociological, clinical, schooling and family features of suicidal and non-suicidal subgroups of adolescents hospitalised in the Health Foundation Center for French Students of neufmoutiers en Brie (France). All these adolescents suffered from the severe mental disorders. The adolescents from the suicidal subgroup presented significantly fewer psychoses and more mood disorders than those of the non-suicidal subgroup. Half of the patients from the suicidal subgroup presented some features of personality disorders, mostly borderline personality disorders. Nevertheless, their global functioning was more frequently improved between admission and discharge than was the case for the non-suicidal group.


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BACKGROUND: Potassium-enriched diets exert renal and cardiovascular protective effects, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. METHODS: Using the dorsal skinfold chamber model for intravital microscopy, we examined endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of precapillary resistance arterioles in response to acetylcholine or the NO donor SNAP in awake mice. Experiments were performed in uni-nephrectomized one renin gene (Ren-1c) C57BL/6 mice (control group) and in mice having received a continuous administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate and a dietary supplementation of 1% sodium chloride for 8weeks (DOCA/salt group). An additional group of DOCA/salt treated animals received a dietary supplement of 0.4% KCl for 3weeks prior to the experiments (DOCA/salt + potassium group). RESULTS: DOCA/salt treatment for 8weeks resulted in hypokalemia, but blood pressure remained unchanged. In DOCA/salt mice, relaxation of resistance arterioles was blunted in response to acetylcholine, and to a lesser extent to SNAP, suggesting endothelial dysfunction. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was restored by the potassium-enriched diet. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to demonstrate a protective effect of potassium on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in the absence of confounding anti-hypertensive effects, as observed in most animal models and the clinical situation. We propose that the known cardio- and nephro-protective effects of potassium might - at least in part - be mediated by the salutary effects on endothelium-dependent arteriolar relaxation.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) La violence dans nos sociétés ne semble pas diminuer; bien au contraire, elle resurgit toujours avec des moyens et des stratagèmes de plus en plus perfectionnés, provoquant la destruction de la vie humaine et mettant en danger son épanouissement. Avec la rationalisation des activités dans de nombreux secteurs de la vie, la violence et ses moyens se sont rationalisés aussi, pour mieux servir le pouvoir et la force. Les armes sous toutes leurs formes deviennent ainsi une marchandise pour soutenir les économies des pays. Les religions provoquent-elles vraiment la violence? Si elles n'affichent pas ouvertement une telle intention, peuvent-elles induire des actes violents? Dans l'éventualité où les religions ne sont pas vraiment à l'origine de violences, on peut cependant se demander si, par elles-mêmes, elles peuvent contribuer à une diminution de la violence dans les sociétés et créer la paix. Quelques spécialistes universitaires, enseignant et chercheurs, se posent ces questions et tentent d'y apporter une réponse.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the subjective response to iron therapy in non-anaemic women with unexplained fatigue. DESIGN: Double blind randomised placebo controlled trial. SETTING: Academic primary care centre and eight general practices in western Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: 144 women aged 18 to 55, assigned to either oral ferrous sulphate (80 mg/day of elemental iron daily; n=75) or placebo (n=69) for four weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Level of fatigue, measured by a 10 point visual analogue scale. RESULTS: 136 (94%) women completed the study. Most had a low serum ferritin concentration; <or= 20 microg/l in 69 (51%) women. Mean age, haemoglobin concentration, serum ferritin concentration, level of fatigue, depression, and anxiety were similar in both groups at baseline. Both groups were also similar for compliance and dropout rates. The level of fatigue after one month decreased by -1.82/6.37 points (29%) in the iron group compared with -0.85/6.46 points (13%) in the placebo group (difference 0.95 points, 95% confidence interval 0.32 to 1.62; P=0.004). Subgroups analysis showed that only women with ferritin concentrations <or= 50 microg/l improved with oral supplementation. CONCLUSION: Non-anaemic women with unexplained fatigue may benefit from iron supplementation. The effect may be restricted to women with low or borderline serum ferritin concentrations.


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Quel type de recherche empirique peut, voire doit, produire un clinicien qui ne veut pas céder à une épistémologie réaliste ? Quelques "guideslines" dégagés pour conduire des recherches qui soient utiles à la psychologie et à la psychiatrie cliniques. Le regard d'un systémicien critique.


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Introduction : L'ostéoporose et/ou les fractures liées à la grossesse sont souvent sous-diagnostiquées. Nous rapportons 2 cas de fractures diagnostiquées peu après l'accouchement de 2èmes grossesses. Patientes. Cas 1. Patiente de 30 ans présentant des dorso-lombalgies à la fin de sa 2ème grossesse. Une IRM après l'accouchement montre 2 fractures vertébrales (L1 et L2). Densité minérale osseuse (DMO): T-score colonne: -3.9 DS, col fémoral -1.7 DS et hanche totale -0.6 DS. Cas 2. Patiente de 32 ans, présentant des douleurs fessières à la fin de sa 2ème grossesse. L'IRM pelvienne après l'accouchement montre une fracture de l'aile sacrée droite S1-S3 et de l'aile sacrée gauche S1.DMO: T-score colonne -1.4 DS, col fémoral 0.2 DS et hanche totale 0.0 DS. La microarchitecture est normale (TBS 1.429). Nous retenons dans le 1er cas le diagnostic d'une ostéoporose fracturaire liée à la grossesse. De l'ibandronate trimestriel iv est prescrit. Dans le 2ème cas, au vu de la DMO quasi normale, de la trabéculométrie normale et du site atypique de la fracture, nous concluons à une fracture non ostéoporotique sur augmentation du stress mécanique lié à la grossesse. Aucun traitement à visée osseuse n'est prescrit. Discussion : " L'ostéoporose " liée à la grossesse et à l'allaitement se manifeste le plus souvent par des fractures vertébrales non traumatiques pendant le 3ème trimestre de la 1ère grossesse ou durant le post-partum. Une DMO et un bilan à la recherche d'une cause secondaire sont indispensables. Cette pathologie est sous-diagnostiquée, car les douleurs dorsolombaires sont souvent mises sur le compte d'une hyperlaxité ligamentaire physiologique liée aux hormones. Les facteurs de risque sont les mêmes que pour une ostéoporose post-ménopausique. Les apports bas en calcium et en vitamine D3 ainsi qu'un capital osseux moindre à la fin de l'adolescence seraient des facteurs prédisposants. La DMO lombaire diminue de 7.6 +/-0.1%, celle du corps entier de 3.9 +/-0.1% pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement. Habituellement on assiste à une récupération de la DMO dans les mois qui suivent la fin de l'allaitement. Conclusion : Devant des douleurs rachidiennes en fin de grossesse il faut évoquer une fracture ostéoporotique liée à la grossesse. La densitométrie osseuse peut aider au diagnostic même s'il faut l'interpréter prudemment dans les mois qui suivent l'accouchement. Il n'y a pas de consensus concernant le traitement spécifique.


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Human RNA polymerase (Pol) III-transcribed genes are thought to share a simple termination signal constituted by four or more consecutive thymidine residues in the coding DNA strand, just downstream of the RNA 3'-end sequence. We found that a large set of human tRNA genes (tDNAs) do not display any T(≥4) stretch within 50 bp of 3'-flanking region. In vitro analysis of tDNAs with a distanced T(≥4) revealed the existence of non-canonical terminators resembling degenerate T(≥5) elements, which ensure significant termination but at the same time allow for the production of Pol III read-through pre-tRNAs with unusually long 3' trailers. A panel of such non-canonical signals was found to direct transcription termination of unusual Pol III-synthesized viral pre-miRNA transcripts in gammaherpesvirus 68-infected cells. Genome-wide location analysis revealed that human Pol III tends to trespass into the 3'-flanking regions of tDNAs, as expected from extensive terminator read-through. The widespread occurrence of partial termination suggests that the Pol III primary transcriptome in mammals is unexpectedly enriched in 3'-trailer sequences with the potential to contribute novel functional ncRNAs.