200 resultados para developmental cycle


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Schizophrenia, which results from an interaction between gene and environmental factors, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by reality distortion. The clinical symptoms, which are generally diagnosed in late adolescence or early adulthood, partly derive from altered brain connectivity especially in prefrontal cortex. Disruption of neuronal networks implies oligodendrocyte and myelin abnormalities in schizophrenia pathophysiology. The mechanisms of these impairments are still unclear. Converging evidences indicate a role of redox dysregulation, generated by an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defense mechanisms, in the development of schizophrenia pathophysiology. In particular, genetic and biochemical data indicate impaired synthesis of glutathione, the main cellular antioxidant and redox regulator. As oligodendrocyte maturation is dependent on redox state, we evaluated whether abnormal redox control could contribute to oligodendrocyte and myelin impairments in schizophrenia. We found that glutathione in prefrontal cortex of early psychosis patients and control subjects positively correlated with white matter integrity. We then further explored the interplay between glutathione and myelin using a translational approach. Our data showed that in mice with genetically impaired glutathione synthesis, oligodendrocyte late maturation as well as myelination was delayed in the anterior cingulate cortex. Specifically, oligodendrocyte number and myelin levels were lowered at peripubertal age, coincident in time with the peak of myelin- related gene expression during normal brain development. These data suggest that early adolescence is a vulnerable developmental period during which an adequate redox control is required for oligodendrocyte maturation and active myelination process. Consistently, oxidative stress mediated by psychosocial stress also delayed myelination in peripubertal mice. At cellular levels, impaired glutathione synthesis altered oligodendrocyte development at several levels. Using oligodendrocyte progenitor cells cultures, our data showed that glutathione deficiency was associated with (i) cell cycle arrest and a reduction in oligodendrocyte proliferation, and (ii) an impairment in oligodendrocyte maturation. Abnormal oligodendrocyte proliferation was mediated by upregulation of Fyn kinase activity. Consistently, under oxidative stress conditions, we observed abnormal regulation of Fyn kinase in fibroblasts of patients deficient in glutathione synthesis. Together, our data support that a redox dysregulation due to glutathione deficit could underlie myelination impairment in schizophrenia, possibly mediated by dysregulated Fyn pathway. Better characterization of Fyn mechanisms would pave the way towards new drug targets. -- La schizophrénie est une maladie psychiatrique qui se définit par une distorsion de la perception de la réalité. Les symptômes cliniques sont généralement diagnostiqués durant l'adolescence ou au début de l'âge adulte et proviennent de troubles de la connectivité, principalement au niveau du cortex préfrontal. Les dysfonctionnements des réseaux neuronaux impliquent des anomalies au niveau des oligodendrocytes et de la myéline dans la pathophysiologie de la schizophrénie. Les mécanismes responsables des ces altérations restent encore mal compris. Dans le développement de la schizophrénie, des évidences mettent en avant un rôle de la dérégulation rédox, traduit par un déséquilibre entre facteurs pro-oxydants et défenses antioxydantes. Des données génétiques et biochimiques indiquent notamment un défaut de la synthèse du glutathion, le principal antioxydant et rédox régulateur des cellules. Etant donné que la maturation des oligodendrocytes est dépendante de l'état rédox, nous avons regardé si une dérégulation rédox contribue aux anomalies de la myéline dans le cadre de la schizophrénie. Dans le cortex préfrontal des sujets contrôles et des patients en phase précoce de psychose, nous avons montré que le glutathion était positivement associé à l'intégrité de matière blanche. Afin d'explorer plus en détail la relation entre le glutathion et la myéline, nous avons mené une étude translationnelle. Nos résultats ont montré que des souris ayant un déficit de la synthèse du glutathion présentaient un retard dans les processus de maturation des oligodendrocytes et de la myélinisation dans le cortex cingulaire antérieure. Plus précisément, le nombre d'oligodendrocytes et le taux de myéline étaient uniquement diminués durant la période péripubertaire. Cette même période correspond au pic de l'expression des gènes en lien avec la myéline. Ces données soulignent le fait que l'adolescence est une période du développement particulièrement sensible durant laquelle un contrôle adéquat de l'état rédox est nécessaire aux processus de maturation des oligodendrocytes et de myélinisation. Ceci est en accord avec la diminution de myéline observée suite à un stress oxydatif généré par un stress psychosocial. Au niveau cellulaire, un déficit du glutathion affecte le développement des oligodendrocytes à différents stades. En effet, dans des cultures de progéniteurs d'oligodendrocytes, nos résultats montrent qu'une réduction du taux de glutathion était associée à (i) un arrêt du cycle cellulaire ainsi qu'une diminution de la prolifération des oligodendrocytes, et à (ii) des dysfonctionnements de la maturation des oligodendrocytes. Par ailleurs, au niveau moléculaire, les perturbations de la prolifération étaient générées par une augmentation de l'activité de la kinase Fyn. Ceci est en accord avec la dérégulation de Fyn observée dans les fibroblastes de patients ayant une déficience en synthèse du glutathion en condition de stress oxydatif. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent qu'une dérégulation rédox induite par un déficit en glutathion peut contribuer aux anomalies des oligodendrocytes et de la myéline via le dysfonctionnement des voies de signalisation Fyn. Une recherche plus avancée de l'implication de Fyn dans la maladie pourrait ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques.


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Notch pathway is crucial for stem/progenitor cell maintenance, growth and differentiation in a variety of tissues. Using a transgenic cell ablation approach, we found in our previous study that cells expressing Notch1 are crucial for prostate early development and re-growth. Here, we further define the role of Notch signaling in regulating prostatic epithelial cell growth and differentiation using biochemical and genetic approaches in ex vivo or in vivo systems. Treatment of developing prostate grown in culture with inhibitors of gamma-secretase/presenilin, which is required for Notch cleavage and activation, caused a robust increase in proliferation of epithelial cells co-expressing cytokeratin 8 and 14, lack of luminal/basal layer segregation and dramatically reduced branching morphogenesis. Using conditional Notch1 gene deletion mouse models, we found that inactivation of Notch1 signaling resulted in profound prostatic alterations, including increased tufting, bridging and enhanced epithelial proliferation. Cells within these lesions co-expressed both luminal and basal cell markers, a feature of prostatic epithelial cells in predifferentiation developmental stages. Microarray analysis revealed that the gene expression in a number of genetic networks was altered following Notch1 gene deletion in prostate. Furthermore, expression of Notch1 and its effector Hey-1 gene in human prostate adenocarcinomas were found significantly down-regulated compared to normal control tissues. Taken together, these data suggest that Notch signaling is critical for normal cell proliferation and differentiation in the prostate, and deregulation of this pathway may facilitate prostatic tumorigenesis.


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Switzerland appears to be a privileged place to investigate the urban political ecology of tap water because of the specificities of its political culture and organization and the relative abundance of drinking water in the country. In this paper, we refer to a Foucauldian theorization of power that is increasingly employed in the social sciences, including in human geography and political ecology. We also implement a Foucauldian methodology. In particular, we propose an archaeo-genealogical analysis of discourse to apprehend the links between urban water and the forms of governmentality in Switzerland between 1850 and 1950. Results show that two forms of governmentality, namely biopower and neoliberal governmentality, were present in the water sector in the selected period. Nonetheless, they deviate from the models proposed by Foucault, as their periodization and the classification of the technologies of power related to them prove to be much more blurred than Foucault's work, mainly based on France, might have suggested.


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Filarial parasites cause debilitating diseases in humans and domesticated animals. Brugia malayi and Dirofilaria immitis are transmitted by mosquitoes and infect humans and dogs, respectively. Their life cycle is punctuated by a series of cuticular molts as they move between different hosts and tissues. An understanding of the genetic basis for these developmental transitions may suggest potential targets for vaccines or chemotherapeutics. Nuclear receptor (NR) proteins have been implicated in molting in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and have well characterized roles in molting during larval development of Drosophila melanogaster. For example, the D. melanogaster E75 (NR1D3) NR gene is required for molting and metamorphosis, as well as egg chamber development in adult females. We have identified Bm-nhr-11and Di-nhr-6, B. malayi and D. immitis orthologues of E75. Both genes encode canonical nuclear receptor proteins, are developmentally regulated, and are expressed in a sex-specific manner in adults.


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This study examined the validity and reliability of a sequential "Run-Bike-Run" test (RBR) in age-group triathletes. Eight Olympic distance (OD) specialists (age 30.0 ± 2.0 years, mass 75.6 ± 1.6 kg, run VO2max 63.8 ± 1.9 ml· kg(-1)· min(-1), cycle VO2peak 56.7 ± 5.1 ml· kg(-1)· min(-1)) performed four trials over 10 days. Trial 1 (TRVO2max) was an incremental treadmill running test. Trials 2 and 3 (RBR1 and RBR2) involved: 1) a 7-min run at 15 km· h(-1) (R1) plus a 1-min transition to 2) cycling to fatigue (2 W· kg(-1) body mass then 30 W each 3 min); 3) 10-min cycling at 3 W· kg(-1) (Bsubmax); another 1-min transition and 4) a second 7-min run at 15 km· h(-1) (R2). Trial 4 (TT) was a 30-min cycle - 20-min run time trial. No significant differences in absolute oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), or blood lactate concentration ([BLA]) were evidenced between RBR1 and RBR2. For all measured physiological variables, the limits of agreement were similar, and the mean differences were physiologically unimportant, between trials. Low levels of test-retest error (i.e. ICC <0.8, CV<10%) were observed for most (logged) measurements. However [BLA] post R1 (ICC 0.87, CV 25.1%), [BLA] post Bsubmax (ICC 0.99, CV 16.31) and [BLA] post R2 (ICC 0.51, CV 22.9%) were least reliable. These error ranges may help coaches detect real changes in training status over time. Moreover, RBR test variables can be used to predict discipline specific and overall TT performance. Cycle VO2peak, cycle peak power output, and the change between R1 and R2 (deltaR1R2) in [BLA] were most highly related to overall TT distance (r = 0.89, p < 0. 01; r = 0.94, p < 0.02; r = 0.86, p < 0.05, respectively). The percentage of TR VO2max at 15 km· h(-1), and deltaR1R2 HR, were also related to run TT distance (r = -0.83 and 0.86, both p < 0.05).


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Given the intimate association in host-parasite systems, parasites are expected to initiate their own reproduction when vulnerable hosts become abundant and/or when adult hosts are less resistant. In this study, we examined the variation in the intensities of a blood-sucking mite (Spinturnix myoti, Acarina) with respect to the reproductive cycle and immunocompetence of its host, the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. Reproductive, pregnant females were less immunocompetent and harboured more parasites than nonreproductive females, whilst, during lactation, immunocompetence was positively associated with female body mass. There was a dramatic increase in the T-cell response of gravid females with the advancement of gestation, which coincided with a diminution of individual parasite loads and a progressive switch of parasites from adults to juveniles. The latter not only harboured greater numbers of mites than adult female bats, but they also exhibited gravid parasites in higher proportions, indicating that juvenile hosts are more attractive for parasite reproduction than adult females.


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Résumé Les mécanismes qui coordonnent la progression du cycle cellulaire lors de la méiose avec les événements du développement embryonnaire précoce, y compris la formation des axes de polarité embryonnaire, sont peu compris. Dans le zygote du vers Caenorhabditis elegans, les premiers signes de polarité Antéro-Postérieur (A-P) embryonnaire apparaissent après que la méiose soit terminée. La nature des protéines et des mécanismes moléculaires qui cassent la symétrie du zygote n'est pas connue. Nous démontrons que zyg-11 et cul-2 promeuvent la transition métaphase - anaphase et la sortie de la phase M lors de la seconde division méiotique. Nos résultats indiquent que ZYG-11 agit comme unité recrutant le substrat d'une ligase E3 comprennant CUL-2. Nos résultats montrent aussi que le délai de sortie de la phase M dépend de l'accumulation de la Cyclin B, CYB-3. Nous démontrons que dans des embryons zyg-11(RNAi) ou cul-2(RNAi), une polarité inversée est établie lors du délai de méiosis II. Enfin nous montrons que les défauts de cycle cellulaire et ceux de polarité peuvent être séparés. De plus, nous faisons apparaitre que l'établissement d'une polarité inversée pendant le délai de méiose II des embryons zyg-11(RNAi), comme l'établissement de la A-P polarité des embryons sauvage ne semblent pas requérir les microtubules. Nous montrons également les premiers résultats d'un crible deux hybrides ainsi qu'un crible génomique qui vise à identifier des gènes dont l'inactivation augmente ou supprime les défauts de mutants pour le gène zyg-11, afin d'identifier les gènes qui intéragissent avec ZYG-11 pour assumer ses deux fonctions séparables. Par conséquent, nos trouvailles suggèrent un modèle selon lequel ZYG-11 est une sous-unité qui recrute les substrats d'une ligase E3 basée sur CUL-2 qui promeut la progression du cycle cellulaire et empêche l'établissement de la polarité pendant la méiose II, et où le centrosome agit comme la clé qui polarise l'embryon à la fin de la méiose. Summary The mechanisms that couple meiotic cell cycle progression to subsequent developmental events, including specification of embryonic axes, are poorly understood. In the one cell stage embryos of Caenorhabditis elegans, the first signs of Antero-Posterior (A-P) polarity appear after meiosis completion. A centrosome ¬derived component breaks symmetry of the embryo, but the molecular nature of this polarity signal is not known. We established that zyg-11 and cul-2 promote the metaphase to anaphase transition and M phase exit at meiosis II. Our results indicate that ZYG-11 acts as a substrate recruitment subunit of a CUL-2-based E3 ligase. Moreover, we find that the delayed meiosis II exit of embryos lacking zyg-11 is caused by accumulation of the B-type cyclin, CYB-3. We demonstrate that inverted A-P polarity is established during the meiosis II delay in zyg-11(RNAi) and cul¬2(RNAi) embryos. Importantly, we demonstrate that the polarity defects following zyg-11 or cul-2 inactivation can be uncoupled from the cell cycle defects. Furthermore, we found that microtubules appear dispensable for inverted polarity during the meiosis II delay in zyg-11(RNAi) embryos, as well as for A-P polarity during the first mitotic cell cycle in wild-type embryos. We also show the initial results from a comprehensive yeast two hybrid, as well as an RNAi-based functional genomic enhancer and suppressor screen, that may lead to identification of proteins that interact with zyg-11 to ensure the two functions. Our findings suggest a model in which ZYG-11 is a substrate recruitment subunit of an CUL-2-based E3 ligase that promotes cell cycle progression and prevents polarity establishment during meiosis II, and in which the centrosome acts as a cue to polarize the embryo along the AP axis after exit from the meiotic cell cycle.


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The present study investigates developmental changes in selective inhibition of symmetric movements with a lateralized switching task from bimanual to unimanual tapping in typically developing (TD) children and with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) from 7 to 10 years old. Twelve right-handed TD children and twelve gender-matched children with DCD and probable DCD produce a motor switching task in which they have (1) to synchronize with the beat of an auditory metronome to produce bimanual symmetrical tapping and (2) to selectively inhibit their left finger's tapping while continuing their right finger's tapping and conversely. We assess (1) the development of the capacity to inhibit the stopping finger (number of supplementary taps after the stopping instruction) and (2) the development of the capacity to maintain the continuing finger (changes in the mean tempo and its variability for the continuing finger's tapping) and (3) the evolution of performance through trials. Results indicate that (1) TD children present an age-related increase in the capacity to inhibit and to maintain the left finger's tapping, (2) DCD exhibits persistent difficulties to inhibit the left finger's tapping, and (3) both groups improve their capacity to inhibit the left finger's movements through trials. In conclusion, the lateralized switching task provides a simple and fine tool to reveal differences in selective inhibition of symmetric movements in TD children and children with DCD. More theoretically, the specific improvement in selective inhibition of the left finger suggests a progressive development of inter-hemispheric communication during typical development that is absent or delayed in children with DCD.


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SUMMARY : The shrews are among the most ancient of living eutherian mammals. They represent an interesting comparative model because of their extreme divergent species. The two shrew subfamilies, Soricinae and Crocidurinae are characterized by fundamental differences concerning their metabolic rates, litter size, period of gestation and different mating pattern. In this study we established and compared the sperm characteristics in four species of different genera of shrews (Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula and Suncus murinus) in the context of the sperm competition hypothesis. The sperm competition concerns the competition between ejaculates of different males for fertilization of ova of a female within a single estrus period. As expected, a greater relative testis size (indicating the importance of polyandry) was associated with a higher number of cauda epididymal spermatozoa, higher level of circulating testosterone and a higher percentage of progressive sperm motility. In addition, we investigated if the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and relative testis size (RTS) may be correlated with the cycle length of spermatogenesis. In this purpose, we determined and compared the cycle length of spermatogenesis in six species of shrews belonging to two subfamilies: Soiricinae (Sorex araneus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus, Neomys fodiens) and Crocidurinae (Crocidura russula, Sunctes murinus). Our results indicate that sperm competition and metabolic rate may act independently or together reducing cycle length of spermatogenesis and thus increase sperm production. We finally investigated this correlation across 32 mammalian species. After testing the data for phylogenetic independence, our results showed that BMR explained only 21 % of the variation, while the RTS explained 44% of the variation of the cycle length of spermatogenesis. The level of the sperm competition, indicated by RTS, is thus to our knowledge the most important factor influencing the speed of spermatogenesis in mammals. RESUME : Les musaraignes sont parmi les plus anciens mammifères vivants. Grâce à leurs extrêmes divergences, ils sont souvent utilisés comme modèles dans des études comparatives. Les deux sous-familles Soricinae et Crocidurinae sont caractérisées par des différences fondamentales, notamment en termes d'intensité du métabolisme, des stratégies de reproduction et du comportement social. Dans la première partie de cette étude, nous avons établi et comparé certaines "caractéristiques des spermatozoïdes chez quatre espèces de musaraignes appartenant à des genres différents (Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula et Suncus murinus). Les résultats ont été interprétés dans le contexte de la théorie de la compétition spermatique, c'est-à-dire la compétition entre le sperme de deux ou plusieurs mâles pour féconder un maximum d'ovules de la même femelle. Cette compétition spermatique peut amener à certaines adaptations biologiques afin de produire plus de sperme. Comme attendu, une grande taille relative des testicules est associée à un nombre élevé de spermatozoïdes, dont la majorité présente une mobilité progressive. Un taux élévé de testostérone a également été observé. De plus, nous avons étudié l'influence du métabolisme basal ainsi que l'intensité de la compétition spermatique sur la durée du cycle de la spermatogenèse. Dans ce but, nous avons déterminé et comparé les durées de la spermatogenèse chez six espèces de musaraignes appartenant à deux sous-familles : Soricinae (Sorex araneus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus, Neomys fodiens) et Crocidurinae (Crocidura russula, Suncus murinus). Les résultats obtenus indiquent que ces deux facteurs (l'intensité du métabolisme basal et de la compétition spermatique) agissent d'une manière dépendante ou indépendante dans le même sens. La conséquence de ces actions est une diminution de la durée de la spermatogenèse entraînant une augmentation de la production de spermatozoïdes. Nous avons finalement étudié ce phénomène dans l'ensemble des mammifères. Après avoir testé l'indépendance phylogénétique, nos résultats montrent que l'intensité de la compétition spermatique indiquée par le RTS est mieux corrélée avec la régulation de la durée de la spermatogenèse qu'avec l'intensité du métabolisme.


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Neglecting health effects from indoor pollutant emissions and exposure, as currently done in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), may result in product or process optimizations at the expense of workers' or consumers' health. To close this gap, methods for considering indoor exposure to chemicals are needed to complement the methods for outdoor human exposure assessment already in use. This paper summarizes the work of an international expert group on the integration of human indoor and outdoor exposure in LCA, within the UNEP/ SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. A new methodological framework is proposed for a general procedure to include human-health effects from indoor exposure in LCA. Exposure models from occupational hygiene and household indoor air quality studies and practices are critically reviewed and recommendations are provided on the appropriateness of various model alternatives in the context of LCA. A single-compartment box model is recommended for use as a default in LCA, enabling one to screen occupational and household exposures consistent with the existing models to assess outdoor emission in a multimedia environment. An initial set of model parameter values was collected. The comparison between indoor and outdoor human exposure per unit of emission shows that for many pollutants, intake per unit of indoor emission may be several orders of magnitude higher than for outdoor emissions. It is concluded that indoor exposure should be routinely addressed within LCA.


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The prevalence of chronic conditions among adolescents is difficult to assess due to the lack of quality data focusing specifically on this age group, as well as the diversity in methodology and definitions used. However, surveys carried out by self administered questionnaires among in-school adolescent populations indicate that around 10% of adolescents suffer from such a condition. The aim of this paper is to analyse the reciprocal effects of chronic conditions and adolescent development by reviewing the effect of chronic disease on growth and puberty and on psychosocial development, and the effect of developmental issues on the course and management of chronic disease.